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The relationship of the Participative Leadership Style Towards Job Satisfaction and Its

Influence to the affective and Continuous commitment of secondary-school Principles in

Humuntal Banjarnahor
Commitment to the organization and job satisfaction are the indicators of the principals success
in leading a school as an organization. Determination to be an educator (affective commitment)
acceptance the schools norms and rules (normative commitment) and the willing was to work
hard (continuous commitment) are the forms of principles loyality to school. Succes or failure of
education and learning at school is highly influenced by the ability of the principal to manage
each component of the school. Facts show that the commitment of principals on the one hand
still tends to be low and their leaderships have not demonstrated the achievement of objectives
to improve the quality of education. On the other hand, the process of recruitment of teachers
who were given additional duties as head of a school has not been well regulated. This study
aims to investigate the relationship of participative leadership style (X1) towards job satisfaction
(X2) and its effect to the affective (X3) and continuous (X4) commitment of secondary-school
principals in Medan. Data analysis techniques used in this study are regression analysis and path
analysis. About 164 principles were randomly selected as the sample by using among 348
secondary-school principals in Medan. Instrument of data collection consisted of items
instrument X1, X2 15-point, 16 point X3, and X4 16 item instrument that met the criteria, ie
rij>0.30. The reliability coefficient of those instruments were : Description analysis yielded the
avarege and standard deviation : 1 = 2,81; S1 = 0.91; 2 = 2.94; S2 = 0.89; 3 = 2.90; S3 = 0.80; 4
= 2.87; S4 = 0.76. The result of koit mogorove-smirnove normality test showed that the four
variables were normality distributed relationship between variables and a row of data is
independent. Hypothesis test results the participatory leadership and job satisfaction partially
significant direct effect on affective commitment and continuous. Simultaneously job satisfaction
is not functioning positively mediating on participative leadership influence on the affective and
continuous commitment to junior high school principal city of Medan. Total direct influence
participatory leadership of the affective and continuous commitment to junior high school
principal city of Medan, respectively is 11.69 % 11.15%. implications of the results of research,
leadership style worthy of being part of a policy when recruiting teachers who were given
additional duties as principal, but not so with job satisfaction junior high school principal city of

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