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Subas Bk Social Studies

Class/Grade: 2 Time : 30 mins

Lesson: 1
Introduction of Nepal (Prat 1)

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
Students would able to know the basic
information about Nepal.

Biblical Framework

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither

slave nor free, there is no male and female, for
you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28

God does not care about the cultures, custom,

language, and power. We all have a same equal
value in God through Jesus Christ. We should
learn from each other by respecting and
supporting each other.

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

1. Why do we learn about others country? Student will get some information about Nepal
2. What are the most important element (For example, location of Nepal, capital city of
about Nepal we should know? Nepal, presidents name of Nepal, the
3. How do you respect other culture? papulation, the currency, official language,
landscape, divisions, districts, and religions.
Student will respect others culture)

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

5 mins Beginning the Lesson

Appreciation words for the cooperating
Introduction between teacher and students
Teacher: Name, Family, Country, and College
Students: Name and Country
3 mins Opening activaty:
I will teach a word (Namaste) to greet parents, relatives and friends as a Nepali
culture. I will teach the meaning of Namaste and tell all the students to stand up
and I will teach them how to do Namaste in action.

Video from the Youtube about Nepali education for children

5 mins
Talking about the main theme of the video
Subas Bk Social Studies
Class/Grade: 2 Time : 30 mins

12 Developing the Lesson

mins I will start developing lesson with asking a question to the students, that does
anybody know where is Nepal located?
I will give a piece of handout sheet to everyone which has 2 pages with pictures
according to my PowerPoint. I will just teach one page for the first day. Students
will still bring this handout sheet in the next class because I will teach page
number 2 in the second class.

(location of Nepal, capital city of Nepal, presidents name of Nepal, the

papulation, the currency, official language, landscape, divisions and districts,

I will use the PowerPoint to show the picture about Nepal while I am talking about

Question and answers: I will pick some students and ask a question about the lesson. If
they would not able to answer. I will answer the question. If the students have any
question I will let them to ask question about Nepal.
3 mins

Closing the Lesson

I will call two students to come up in front of the class and act greeting each other
by Nepali word Namaste.
2 min
Reminding for the next class. Students should bring a handout that teacher has
given to them. Telling the students that come to class prepared for the small test.

I will pick a students to pray for closing class.

Formative Assessment Differentiation

Student will have a test in the next class. (Fill in Using a video
the blank with the correct number for each Giving a piece of handout sheet to everyone.
statement) Showing the original Nepalese Rupee

Youtube video:
Subas Bk Social Studies
Class/Grade: 2 Time : 30 mins

Handout Sheet

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