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David nicholson babcock






CANDIDATE COMMENTS: All went well no problems






Provide in the space below an appropriate drawing, sketch, diagram,
procedures, records or photographs containing all relevant information.

List materials required List tools required List equipment required

below. below. below.
15 mm plate hammer Return clamp
Strong backs grinder Kempy Wire feeder
chips wire brush Rectifier
Run offs chipping hammer flash curtains
6mm flat bar grinding discs flappy, welding visor
grinding disc
Argon Gas Paint pen
tile vice clamp
steel ruler
engineers chalk
set square
measuring tape

Location/site: Job No9 Date: 2/10/16

Provide an objective and method statement below

containing all relevant information.

What was the objective of the job or task undertaken?

Show that I have a good understanding of Butts gearing up to do my BS01 in the future

List the method(s) used to complete the job or task, including safety procedures & practices.
Note: Photocopies of drawings, procedures, records or other documentation must be attached.
Once after our daily morning meeting with our supervisors we
were all giving our instruction and got asked if we had any
questions .I didnt have any question so I could proceed into
my normal working day.

Before I Started work on the Flux core down hand Butt, I went
to the toilet and used some barrier cream on my hands this
will protect me against contaminants in the workshop. Just
before I enter the workshop there is a holder where my fire
card goes this is used to find who is in building in the event of
a fire if you leave the building you must take the card with

Before entering the workshop, I read through all risk

assessments relevant to myself and the hazards I may come
across. I read through Fluxcore welding, grinding, manual

I filled in a powsa this made me check many possible hazards

that may occur. I checked there was adequate lighting to
starts the job, I checked all tools that I would be using were in
date and free from tears and defects, I inspected all areas
where I would be working were tidy and free from debris, and
also inspected walkways and any tripping hazards or falling
objects finally I told my co-workers where I would be working
and for how long. After my powsa was satisfactory, I got my
supervisor to sign it.

I collected all my welding PPE and put it all on then got all my
tools that I would be using for the job, and then I visually
inspected to make sure they were fit for purpose and checked
pat test dates. I made sure the extraction system was on then
I went into my bay and checked my personal extraction hood
to see if it was sucking up the air adequately. I went over to
my machine turned it on and set my Wire speed to 5.7 and
22.2 so it was set to do my root.

I put blackout screens up to protect the eyes of other co-

workers in the same area. I placed the extraction very close to
where I would be working to take away any fumes from the

The first thing I do is get the key for the laundry room and go
to the laundry room and take the plate I need to start the job.
I make sure I put the key back in the same place I found it. I fit
a half guard to my grinder and place a grinding disc and
tighten it so it cannot be moved then I put on my safety
goggles and grinding gloves witch are blue in colour along
with my full face respirator .Once I have all my PPE on I skim
over my plate taking off any rust or paint on it and give it a
nice shiny making sure I dont dig too far into the plate.

This was a exercise that was completed on my own and not as

part of a team but I had any problems I would have contacted
one of my supervisors or one of my colleagues If I was to
accur any problems .When Im working as an apprentice
working on my own tasks are very good because everyone has
there own style and technique and Its important to get
comfortable and remember what you are doing and the
reasons behind everything you do

I got my two plates and made sure they had a 30degree angle.
Bevelling allows for better penetration of the root pass and
subsequent passes. I made sure there was a gap of 5 mm so I
would be able to get my root in (made sure there was no step
in the plate). Too hold the plates in position I used run offs and
tacked them to both ends of the plates. Then welded both my
Strong backs in place trying to keep my clean as possible and
spatter free. I used a paint pen to highlight the centre of the
tile then carefully peeled back the white paper and fed it
through the strong backs and made sure the gap of my butt
was completely covered and made sure it was stuck down
properly. Once I happy I placed my backing strip between the
tile and the strong back I hammed in chips to make sure
everything was tight and secure and nothing would fall out .

Once I was sure 100% happy with my settings. I swept the

floor and made sure my seat was stable and wouldnt fall over
when I was welding I had a look for anything that was
flammable and removed any items I also done a practise run to
make sure I had enough room as I went from left to right.

When I was doing my root I was going very slow holding the
torch at an angle of around 70 degrees. I was making sure I
was fully penetrating both plates catching both the edges of
the plates. I done a stop / Start in the middle I grinded back
around 7cm making sure I didnt grind as far as the tile and
enough so when I welded back over it would penetrate
through .

The main function of a hot pass is to provide feed to the

shrinking root pass weld metal lest it shrink-cracks. The root
pass has to penetrate and fill the root gap and initiate the
joint. Once it gets a proper metal feed by way of a hot pass, it
will do its job well. That is why hot pass is conducted
immediately after the root cleaning operation is over and the
root pass is still hot, hence maintaining the same welding set
up as used for root pass (and welders) is highly recommended.

The hot pass generally uses a higher than normal and a faster
travel speed. The wire speed is 5.8 and the volts are 22.5

In order to make satisfactory bead welds on a plate surface,

the flare motion, tip angle, and position of the welding flame
above the molten puddle should be carefully maintained. The
welding torch should be adjusted to give the proper type of
flame for the particular metal being welded.

Narrow bead welds are made by raising and lowering the

welding flare with a slight circular motion while progressing
forward. The tip should form an angle of approximately 45
degrees with the plate surface. The flame will be pointed in
the welding direction.

I Generally want to be flush when Im grinding after every pass to

eliminate stress risers at the weld boundary. If there are any grooves
or undercut remaining, they will act as points for failure to begin, as
will the groove at either edge from excessive reinforcement laying the
weld on too thick. Excessive weld can make the joint weaker. So I keep
all my runs the same and my grinding just what I need to take out and
keep the prep bevelled and avoid the square edge.

When Im up to the flush, I make two tramlines with my cutting disc

and make tow tram lines. 1 at the top of the first run and the second at
bottom of the bottom run. This clearly shows my guidelines for my
cap. I grind the metal with a flappy disc to make it straight and smooth
.So my cap will look the best it possible can .My Wire Speed and volts
are turned down for the cap. My runs are overlapping 50% of each
other they are smooth and straight.

When I am finished I take the run offs with a cutting disc and then I
take my strong backs off. I fill in any scares cause by taking off the
strong backs, and then I get my chisel and take off any spatter and
grind both ends of the butt. I show my Supervisor before I go to the
Burner and burn it. Before I burn it I fill in a powsa because It is a new
task. I turn on the gas and set the angle to 30 degrees and preheat my
butt then clamp my butt to the table and cut off both plates and cut
the remaining into 5 sections and use a flappy disc and make sure its
clean and defect free. Then I show my supervisor
Once I have finished I cleaned my Butt up with a hammer and chisel
then I showed my supervisor ,Then I cleaned my up up the a brush and
shovel and also turned off my machine and turned off my extraction.

Before I can think about clocking out or going home make sure my bay
has been fully swept and everything off the floor help others tidy the
workshop turn off my machine and ventilation lock all the doors . Place
my powsa in the clear plastic wallet hanging up out the office, collect
my fire card then go to toilet and wash my hands with heavy-duty soap
then go to the locker room take off all ppe and wait intil 515 and clock
Continuation objective and method statement

What personal protective equipment was used?

See risk assessment

What specific safety procedures or regulations were used to carry out the job or task?
See risk assessment

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