10 Tenth Lesson

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Subas Bk Devotion
Class/Grade: 2 E Time length: 15 mins

Lesson: 10
The Gospel

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
Connecting the Bible verse in the gospel

Biblical Framework
For truly I tell you, many prophets and
righteous people longed to see what you see but
did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did
not hear it. Matthew 13: 17

I want to connect this Bible verse in the Gospel

so student would know that how the prophets
were waiting to see the Messiah come, for they
knew he was going to save Gods people from
the sin.

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

1. Did you ever have to wait for a special The student will believe Jesus Christ.
day? The student will know that the prophets longed
2. What were the prophets excited about to see how God was going to deliver His people.
and longing to see? The students will realize that how blessed they
3. Why did Jesus tell the disciple about the are to know Jesus.
prophets? What did he want them to

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

Beginning the Lesson
2 mins 1. Greetings to the students
2. Opening prayer
3. Telling students what we are going to learn today

Developing the Lesson

10 1. Asking students that what is the gospel?
2. Telling them what is the gospel. The gospel is the life, death, and resurrection of
Jesus for our salvation.

3. Reading the Bible verse: For truly I tell you, many prophets and righteous people
longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not
hear it. Matthew 13: 17

4. Asking a question to the students that, did you ever have to wait for a special day?
Subas Bk Devotion
Class/Grade: 2 E Time length: 15 mins

5. Reminding the students that how you could not wait for your special day and how
it feels when your special day comes.

6. The prophets waited to see Jesus but never saw it. Thats why we should be
grateful and pay close attention to everything Jesus taught. Jesus told his disciples
that they were blessed because they got to walk and talk with the one whom the
prophets had longed to see.

7. Telling to the student that you are blessed person because you already know the
gospel of Jesus thats you must be happy to walk in Gods way.

3 mins Closing the Lesson

1. Asking students that what we have learned this morning today
2. Reminding about the special day is came already that we can see Jesus.
3. Closing prayer

Formative Assessment Differentiation

Asking questions to the students


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