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Episode 1

Guiding Principles in the Assessment of


My Target

While I observe three different classes, I will be able to identify

applications of the principles of assessment.

My Map

I will observe at least three different classes. Pay close attention to what
the Resource Teacher does in relation to assessment.

Step 1. I will review the principles of assessment of learning on pp.

114-122 of Principles of Teaching, 2007 by Corpuz, B. and G.
Salandanan and Assessment of Learning 2, 2007 Santos, Rosita, pp.7-
Step 2. I will observe three different classes and interview my
Resource Teachers for principle #8.
Step 3. I will identify evidence of applications of the principles of
Step 4. Guided by question/questions, I will reflect on my experience.
Write down my reflection.

My Tools
As I observe a class, I will use the Observation Sheet for a more focused

Observation Sheet
Name of School:
Grade/Year Level:
Subject Area:

Principles of Learning Assessment Teaching Behavior of the

Teacher/Learning Behavior of the
Learner as Proof of the Application of
the Principle of Learning
1. Assessment is an integral part of
the teaching-learning process.
2. Assessment tool/activity should
match with performance
3. The results of assessment must
be fed back to the learners.
4. Teachers must consider learners
learning styles and multiple
intelligences and so must come up
with a variety of ways of
assessing of learning.
5. Give some positive feedback along
with not so good ones.
6. Emphasize on self- assessment.
7. Assessment of learning should
never be used as punishment or as
disciplinary measure.
8. Emphasize on real world
application that favors realistic
performances over out-of-context
9. Results of learning assessment
must be communicated regularly
to parents.

My Analysis

What are the possible consequences on the teaching-learning process if each

of the principles is not observed?

Principle of Learning Assessment Possible Consequence if Principle is

NOT Observed
1. Assessment is an integral part of
the teaching learning process.
2. Assessment tool/activity should
match with performance objective.
3. The results of assessment must be .
fed back to the learners.
4. Teachers must consider learners .
learning styles and multiple
intelligences and so must come up
with a variety of ways of
assessment learning
5. Give some positive feedback along
with not so good ones.
6. Emphasize on self-assessment.
7. Assessment of learning should
never be used as punishment or as
disciplinary measure.
8. Emphasize on real world .
application that favors realistic
performances over out-of-context
9. Results of learning assessment
must be communicated regularly to

My Reflections

As a student, do I remember any incident when any of these principles

was/were violated by my teachers? How did it affect my classmates and me?

My Portfolio

Present the principles of assessment of learning in a very creative way.

Episode 2
Using Appropriate Assessment Tools

My Target

In this Episode, I must be able to identify assessment strategies/activities

used by at least three Resource Teachers.

My Map

I will go through the following steps:

Step 1. I will renew appropriateness of assessment tools in Assessment

Learning 2, 2007 by Santos, Rosita, pp.11-12, Assessment of Learning 1,
2007 by Santos, Rosita, pp.24-32 and other references.

Step 2. I will observe three different classes, interview three Resource

Teachers and request for documents from them when necessary.

Step 3. I will identify proofs of the use of these assessment tools.

Step 4. Guided by a question/s, I will reflect on my experience then write

down my reflection.

Which method was used? Please score.

Assessment Method Tally Frequency

1. Written response
a. Multiple choice
b. True-False
c. Matching
d. Short answer
e. Completion test
2. Product Rating Scales
(for book reports,
projects, other
creative endeavors)
3. Performance test
(using a microscope,
solving Math word
4. Oral questioning
5. Observation and self-

My Analysis

1. If I were to re-teach the same lesson would I assess learning in the

same way as my Resource Teacher did? Explain.

2. Which of the assessment methods are categorized as traditional

assessment? Which ones are classified as authentic assessment?

3. How does traditional assessment differ from authentic assessment?

My Reflection

1. Is there such a thing as best assessment method or an assessment

method that is appropriate for all types of learning?
My Portfolio

Complete the Table on Assessment Methods

Write the most appropriate use of each assessment method. To complete

the Table do not hesitate to do further research.

Assessment Method Appropriate use (when to use)

1. Write response instruments Objective test must be appropriate for
a. Multiple choice assessing various levels of hierarchy of
b. Tue-False educational objective. And it must be
c. Matching constructed in such a way as to test
d. Short answer
Higher Order Thinking Skills or HOTS
e. Completion test
of the students.
f. Essay When properly planned, it can test the
students grasp of higher level
cognitive skills particularly in the areas
of application, analysis, synthesis, and
2. Product Rating Scales (for book The teacher must possess prototype
reports, projects, other creative products over his/her years of
endeavors) experience.
3. Performance test (using a Consists of a list of behaviors that
microscope, solving Math word make up a certain type of performance.
problem) It is used to determine whether or not
an individual behaves in a certain way
when asked to complete particular
a. Performance checklist Individuals are asked to study the list
and then to place a mark opposite the
characteristics, which they possess or
the activities which they have engaged
in for a particular length of time.
4. Oral questioning It is appropriate when the objectives
are to assess the students schemata
and to determine the students ability
to communicate ideas in coherent
verbal sentences.
5. Observation and self-reports Useful supplementary assessment
methods when used in conjunction with
oral outstanding and performance test.

Episode 3
On Content Validity of Tests
My Target

In Episode 3, I must be able to examine the content validity of test, quiz

given by at least three Resource Teachers, see the connection between
Table of Specifications and test validity and construct test with content

My Map

1. I will review Development of Assessment Tools in Assessment of

Learning 1, 2007 by Santos Rosita, pp. 36-53 and Assessment of
Learning 2, pp. 14-22 and refer to other references on Assessment of

2. Interview my Resource Teachers on steps they take to ensure content

validity of their tests.

3. Secure copies of a written quiz/test and a lesson plan from my

Resource Teacher upon which the quiz/test is based and a copy of a
Table of Specifications.

4. Answer given questions for analysis.

5. Reflect on my observations.

My Tools

A. Interview

1. What do you do / what does your school to ensure the content

validity of your periodic tests?
The content of exams must be appropriate correct, meaningful, and useful in
the specific conclusions that the teacher reaches regarding to the teaching-
learning situation. Content-validity refers to the content and format of the

My Analysis

1. What has a Table of Specifications (TOS) to do with the content

validity of test?

2. If validity as a characteristic of test means that a test must measure

what it is supposed to measure, is a multiple choice type of test valid
to determine learning of manipulative skill like focusing a microscope?

3. Do we have other types of validity of a test other than content

validity? Research for an answer.

My Reflections

Write down what you learned on what to do to ensure validity of test. Did
you ever experience taking a test which was very difficult because the items
were not all covered in class? How did it affect you? How will you prevent
your future pupils / students from experiencing the same?
My Portfolio

1. Research on at least two forms of TOS. Paste them here. Between the
two, which do you prefer?

2. Copy one lesson objective from my Resource Teacher (or use same
lesson objective that I used in the My Tools portion, letter B
Documentary Analysis of this Episode). I will develop an appropriate
and valid quiz/test to measure attainment of that lesson objective.

Lesson Objective:


3. Following the new version of Blooms Taxonomy of Objectives,

formulate a lesson objective for each level and a corresponding valid
test item. (Dont worry if in writing the same sample question, you go
beyond the triangle.

Sample Question:


Sample Question:


Sample Question:


Sample Question:


Sample Question:


Sample Question: .

Episode 4
On Scoring Rubrics
My Target

In this Episode, I must be able to examine different types of scoring

rubrics used by my Resource Teachers and relate them to assessment of
student learning.

My Map

1. Review Scoring Rubrics in Assessment of Learning 2, 2007, by

Santos, R. pp. 37-44.

2. Interview at least two Resource Teachers on their use of scoring

rubrics in assessing learning.

3. Request my Resource Teachers for a copy (for to photocopy) of the

scoring rubrics that the school uses for group projects, student
papers, cooperative learning activities.

4. If there are no scoring rubrics available, I will research on samples of

scoring rubrics for student papers, cooperative activities, group
projects, performances, and the like.

5. I will analyze information gathered from my interview and research.

6. I will reflect on all information gathered.

My Tools

1. Where do you use the scoring rubrics? (student outputs or products

and student activities)

2. What difficulties the teachers met in the use of scoring rubrics?

3. Do you make use of holistic and analytic rubrics? How do they differ?

4. Which is easier to use analytic or holistic?

5. Where you involved in the making of the scoring rubrics? How do you
make one? Which is easier to construct analytic or holistic?


I will research on the following:

Types of rubrics

What to use rubrics

How to construct the two types of rubrics

Advantages and disadvantages of scoring rubrics

An analytic rubric resembles a grid with the criteria for a student product
listed in the leftmost column and with levels of performance listed across
the top row often using numbers and/or descriptive tags. The cells within
the center of the rubric may be left blank or may contain descriptions of
what the specified criteria look like for each level of performance. When
scoring with an analytic rubric each of the criteria is scored individually.

Analytic rubrics provide feedback along several dimensions. The converse is

a holistic rubric.

Use when:

you want to see relative strengths and weaknesses.

you want detailed feedback.

you want to assess complicated skills or performance.

you want students to self-assess their understanding or performance

A holistic rubric consists of a single scale with all criteria to be included in

the evaluation being considered together (e.g., clarity, organization, and
mechanics). With a holistic rubric the rater assigns a single score (usually on
a 1 to 4 or 1 to 6 point scale) based on an overall judgment of the student
work. The rater matches an entire piece of student work to a single
description on the scale.

Holistic rubrics provide a single score based on an overall impression of a

students performance on a task. The converse is an analytic rubric.

Use when:

you want a quick snapshot of achievement.

a single dimension is adequate to define quality.

Holistic Rubric Advantages

Quick scoring and they provide an overview of student achievement.

Easily obtain a single dimension if that is adequate for your purpose.

Holistic Rubric Disadvantages

Not very useful to help plan instruction because they lack a detailed
analysis of a students strengths or weaknesses of a product.

Do not provide very detailed information.

Analytical Rubric Advantages

Provides meaningful and specific feedback along multiple dimensions.

Scoring tends to be more consistent across students and grades.

Easier for the teacher to share with students and parents about
certain strengths and weaknesses.

Helps students to better understand the nature of quality work.

Analytical Rubric Disadvantages

It is more difficult to construct analytical rubrics for all tasks.

Tends to be quite time consuming.

Lower consistency among different raters.

My Analysis

1. What benefits have scoring rubrics brought to the teaching-learning


2. How are scoring rubrics related to portfolio assessment?

3. To get the most from scoring rubrics, what should be observed in

making the use of scoring rubrics?

The levels of performance should include in making scoring rubrics. It will

vary depending on task and the teachers needs. A rubric can have as few as
two levels of performance, as many as the teacher decides.

My Reflections

Reflect on this: Scoring Rubrics: Boon or Bane?

Its a boon, because it helps the teacher to have supporting details and
guidance in evaluating her students work. Through this, the teacher will not
anymore look up in guessing the ratings of her student. It validates her

My Portfolio

Come up with one scoring rubric for a student product (e.g. paragraph or
theme written) and another for a student activity such as a cooperative
learning activity)

Scoring Rubric for Paragraph Writing

Scoring Rubric for Cooperative Learning Activity

Criteria Excellent Satisfactory Needs

Speed of Response Tells what is Tells what is asked Fails to tell what is
asked in the in the problem asked in the
problem right after some clues problem despite
away without any are given. many clues are
clue given. given.
Accuracy of Spells out Spells out what to Fails to spell out
Procedure accurately and do to solve the what to do to solve
sequential, what problem but one or the problem.
to do solve the two steps are
problem. vague.
Correctness of Arrives at correct Arrives at correct Fails to arrive at
Answer to Problem answer at first answer after some correct answer
attempt. attempts. after many

Episode 5
On Portfolios

My Target

In this Episode, I am able to see and examine various types of learners

portfolios that my Resource Teachers used for assessing learners
My Map

Step 1: Review Portfolio Assessment Methods. I will refer to Assessment of

Learning 2, 2007 by Santos, R. pp. 63-75 and other references.

Step 2: Talk with at least 2 Resource Teachers and ask permission to go

over available learners portfolios.

Step 3: Classify the portfolio.

Step 4: Examine the elements and content of each portfolio.

Step 5: Analyze my observations.

Step 6: Reflect on my experience.

My Tools

Classify the portfolios examined. Use the checklist below:

Type of Portfolio Tally (How many did you Frequency

Documentation portfolio None 0
Process portfolio IIII 5
Showcase portfolio IIII-II 7

Observation Checklist
Select 3 best portfolios from what you examined. Which element/s is/are
present in each? Please check.

Elements of a Portfolio Put your check (/)

1. Cover letter- About the Author and What My
Portfolio Shows About My Progress as a Learner
2. Table of Contents with numbered pages
3. Entries- Both core (required items) and optional items
(chosen by students)
4. Dates on all entries to facilitate proof of growth over
5. Draft by aural/ oral and written products and revised
versions, i.e. (first drafts and corrected/ revised
6. Reflections

My Analysis

1. Did I see samples of the 3 different types of portfolio?

2. What did I observe to be the most commonly used portfolio?

3. As I examined 3 selected portfolios, did I see all the elements of a


4. Is it necessary for a teacher to use varied types of portfolio? Why?

5. If one element or two elements of a portfolio are missing, will this

have any impact on the assessment process? Explain your answer.

My Reflections
1. Have portfolios made the learning assessment process inconvenient?
Is the effort exerted on portfolio assessment commensurate to the
improvement of learning that results from the use of portfolio?

My Portfolio

Capture what you learned on types, functions, and elements of a portfolio by

means of 3 separate graphic organizers.
Episode 6
Scoring, Grading and Communicating

My Target

In this Episode, I will have hands-on experience in scoring test items and
computing grade and I will observe classroom proceedings during the card-
getting day.

My Map

I will take the following steps:

1. Review Grading and Reporting in Assessment of Learning 2, 2007 by
Santos, R., pp. 90-100.

2. Offer my help to my Resource Teacher in the checking of test papers

especially in the scoring of answers to essay tests. (Visit a school
during exam week to make arrangements.)

3. Check test papers and score essay tests.

4. Attend a Homeroom Meeting in a school during Card-Getting Day and

observe how my Resource Teacher communicates assessment results
and grades.

5. Analyze my experience.

6. Write my reflections.

My Tools

Activity 1

I will score test given by my Resource Teacher.

Activity Sheet

Please feel free to add items to Column 1 of the Table, should you find it

Type of Test Scored Any difficulty/ies met?

1. Multiple Choice
2. Completion Test
3. Essay

Activity 2
I will compute the grades of students with the guidance of my Resource
Teacher. Put sample computation here.

My Analysis

Scoring and Grading

1. Which tests are easier to score? More difficult to score? Why?

2. Based on your actual computation of grades, from what were the

grades of the learners derived?

My Reflections

1. Grades are often a source of misunderstanding. How should I do

scoring (especially essay), grading and reporting so that scores and
grades are given fairly to promote learning?
My Portfolio

Research on Best Practices of schools on effective scoring, grading and


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