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Eigo Enshu Ted Talk: February 23, 2017

Name: Sae Yazawa

Topic: Human Life in 100 Years

Scoring out of 5= 5: Excellent 4:Very Good 3:Good 2:OK 1:Needs Improvement


Opener (first 30 seconds): Grabs audiences attention with a story, question, etc. (topic is not clear) 4 /5
Doraemon is a cute and appropriate way to open, but some listeners wont
know Doraemon

Body (middle 60 seconds): Information is clear, focused, and interesting 5 /5

Great explanation and examplesyour writing is interesting and focused

Closer (last 30 seconds): wrap up and state your main idea clearly and inspirationally 4 /5
**give us something to think about or some action to take
what are we supposed to do differently after hearing you speak? Very good
conclusion though

Vocabulary Usage: Simple, natural, easy to understand. If difficult words are used, the speaker explains them 4 /5
Gender/racial discriminationwith complex terms explain or give examples
Grammar: Grammar is correct, simple & clear 5 /5
Mostly effective and natural grammaraided by your proper pausing

Voice Inflection: clear emotion, strong intonation, charisma 4 /5

You used pauses very effectively. Your intonation sometimes sounded hesitating
Gestures/Eye Contact/Posture: connecting to audience 5 /5
Great gestures and eye contactvery present

ELI5: Speakers speech is easy to understand, speaking slowly, small pauses between phrases 4 /5
Your topic would be tough for a 5 year old, so visual aids would be helpful
Memorized: Speaker doesn't use notes, speaks with confidence and memorization is complete 8 /10
A few forgotten lines, but your attention mostly stayed on your audience

Time: 3:00 Total speaking score: 43 /50

Total writing score: 50 /50

When describing a culturally-specific character (Doraemon) who not all of the
audience may know, I suggest showing a picture so that the audience can
contextualize your description.
Your explanation of 19th century predictions coming true was very good and helpful for
your argument, but it would have been easier to understand with a couple of pictures
on the screen. Your speech is quite a conceptual topic, so a slide show would really
help everyone understand your ideas more clearly. Overall, I really liked your speech,
and you spoke clearly and confidently. You improved your confidence a lot since S1
Eigo Enshu. Keep practicing Sae you have excellent English skills, and I hope you use
them effectively in the future!

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