BS 5400

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BSI BS¥SYOO PTS SECKS.1 83 MM LG24GL4 OO1L570 T ; RS] BS 5400 : Section 9.1 : 1983 e } unc o2t2t.ot:e2ho7858 © British Standards Institution. No part of this publication may be photocopied or otharwise reproduced without tho prior potmission in writing of BSI. British Standard Steel, concrete and composite bridges Part 9. Bridge bearings Section 9.1 Code of practice for design of bridge bearings Ponts en acier, ponts en béton, ponts mixtes Partie 9. Paliers de pont Section 9.1 Conception des paliers de pont. Code de bonne pratique Stahl., Beton- und Verbundbriicken Teil 9. Briickenaufleger Abschnitt 9.1. Richtlinien fiir die Konstruktion von Briickenauflegern British Standards Institution — Copyright by the British Standards Institution ne Tue Feb 08 16:52:17 BSI BS#5HO0 PTT SECHI-L 83 MM Lbe4Ge9 OOLLS7) b BS 400 : Section 9.1 : 1983 Contents Pag Foreword Cooperating organizations Back cover Recommendations 1.Scope 2. Roferences 3.1 Dofiritions 3.2 Symbols 4. Function of bearings 5, Dosign considerations 5.1 General 5.2 Limit state requirements 5.2.1 Sorviceabilty mit stat 5.2.2 Ultimate limit state 8.3 Design lite 8.4 Provision forrasotting and replacement 5.5 Provision forhancling 8.6 Access 5.7 Durability 6.8 Movement restraint 5.9 Uplitt 6.10 Outer bosring plates or spreader plates 5.11 Use of differentiyoas of bearings 8.12 Positioning of bearings 15.19 Effects of variations within tolerances 6.14 Loads and losd affects 5.14.1 General 5.14.2 Loading resutting from resistance to movernont 8.14.21 General Limitation on friction coefficient velues Gootticient of fiction for roller bearings Cootficiant of triction for siding boarings 5.14.25 Coottic 8.14.26 Shear et bearings 5.14.3 Restraints against translation 6.18 Movements 5.18.1 General 5.18.2 Effecis on other parts of the structure 5.15.3 Movement indicators 8.18 Materials 5.17 Bearing schedule 3 friction for guides nce of elastomerle 6, Particular recommendations for roller and rocker boarings 6.1 General 6.1.1 Function 6.1.2 Curved surtacos 6.1.3 Surfaces in contact 6.1.4 Length of rollers 6.1.8 Guidance of rollers 6.1.6 Provention of sliding 6.2 Allowable loads on steel and cast iron roller and rocker bearings 6.2.1 Design limit state 6.2.2 Cylinder on curved surface 6.2.3 Cylinder on flat surface 6.2.4 Sphere in spherica! seating 6.2.6 Sphere on fist surtace 6.3 Flet-sided rollers 6.4 Non-cylincrical rollers 6.5 Multiple rollers COarrromranDaDeeAee EON NN Poge 7. Particular recommendetions for knuckle and teaf bearings a 7.4 General a 7.1.4 Function 8 7.1.2 Curved surfaces 8 7.1.3 Mating surfaces 8 7.1.4 Seperation of parts 8 72 Pins a 7.3 Allowable bearing pressures for knuckle end leaf bearings a 7.3.4 Design Him sta a 7.3.2 Boating prossures 8 8. Particular racommondations for plano allding bearings 8 8.1 Function a 8.2 Sliding surfeces a 8.3 Arrangement of sliding surfaces 8 84 Provention of rotation a 9. Particular recommendations for sliding ‘olements with PTFE 9 9.1 Surfaces mating with PTEE 9 ‘9.2 Location of PTFE 9 9.2.1 General a 9.2.2 Contined PTFE 2 9.2.8 Bonded PTFE 9 8.3 Allowable sliding bearing prossures for ure PTFE a 8.8.1 Design limit state 9 8.3.2 Maximum sling contact prossures 8 9.3.3 Contact area 9 ‘8.4 Thickness of stainless steo sliding surfaces ‘10 9.5 Fixing of stainless steelshest 10 9.5.1 General 40 9.5.2 Attachment by welding 10 9.5.3 Attachment by fasteners 10 10. Particular recommendations for slastomorio bearinge 10 10.1 General 10 10.1.1 Function 10 10.1.2 Basis of design 10 10.1.3 Design recommendations 10 10.1.4 Design imit state 10 10.2 Shear strain 10 10.3 Shape factor 10 10.3.1 Generel 10 10.3.2 Plain pad bea " 10.3.3 Strip bearings 1 10.3.6 Laminated bearings " 10.4 Moduli of elastomer 1 10.5 Design pressure on piain padand strip bearings 11 10.6 Maximum design strain in tamingted bearings 11 10.7 Reinforcing plate thickness 12 10.8 Stability 12 10.8.1 Plain pad and strip bearings: 12 10.8.2 Laminated boarings 12 10.9 Verticat deftection 12 10.9.1 General 12 10.9.2 Plain pedbeatings 12 10.9.3 Strip bearings 12 10.9.4 Laminated bearings i 10.40 Rotational timitation 12 10,10.1 Plain pad and laminated bearings 12 10.10.2Strip boarings 12 10.11 Fixing of bearings 12 e ee ‘11, Particular recommendations for pot bearings 13 1A Function 13 11.2 Design 13 11.3 Rotation 13 11.4 Seal 13 12, Particular recommendations for guides 13 12.4 Function 13 122 Sliding surfaces for guides 13 12.2.1 PTFE facing 13 General 13 Lubrication 3 12.2.1'3, artachment 13 12.2.2” Unfaced surfaces 13 12.9 Allowable bearing pressurascn guides 13 12.3.1 PTFE 13 1232 Bronze 13 Appendix 2 ‘A.Typleal bridge’ boaring schedule “ Foreword {BS 5400 is a document combining codes of practice to cover the design and construction of stoal-conerete and ‘composite bridges and specifications for loads, materials, ‘and workmanship. teomprises the folowing Perts end Sections: Generel statement ‘Specification for loads Code of practice for dosign of stoel bridges Code of practice for design of composite bridges ‘Specification for materials and workmanship, steel ‘Specification for materials and workmenship, ‘concrote, reinforeement and prestroseing, e tendons ‘Copyright by the British Standards Institution, BSI BS*5400 PTS SECK4+1 63 MM LL24GE5 OO1LS72 3 me Codie of prectice for design of concrete bridges BS 5400: Section 9.1: 1983, Pege Tables 4. Beering function 5 2. Coefficient of friction for roter bearings 8 3. Coefficient of friction for stainless steel siding ‘on pure PTFE continuously lubricated 6 4, Dimensions of confined PTFE 8 5. Thickness of bonded PTFE 9 6. Allowable sliding bearing pressures for purePTFE 9 7. Thicknoss of sta 10 8. Typic it 9. Typlee! bridge bearing achedule 8 10. Symbolleraprecantation of bearing functions 18. Figuros 1, Types of bearing 2 2. Load distribution 6 3. Elastomerie laminated bearing " Part 8 Isand forcement and Recommendations for mater ‘workmanship, concrate, rel prastressing tendons Bridge beerings Section 9.1 Cade of prectice for design of bridge bearings ‘Section 9.2 Speoifcation for materiate, ‘manufacture and installation of bridge bearings Part 10 Code of practice for fatigue ‘This Section of Part, togathor with Section 9.2, ‘supersede appondic of 8S 5400 : Part 2: 1978, which is tobe withcrawn by an amendment. Pars ‘This code of practice represents a standard of good practice and takes the form of recommendations. Compliance with tt doos not confer immunity from rolovant legal obligations. BSI BS¥5400 PTY SEC BS 6400: Section 9,1 : 1983 British Standard Part 9. Bridge bearings 1, Scope ‘hie Soction of Part 9 of BS 6400 gives recommendations of bridge bearings. l should be readin conjunetion with the other Perts of 8S 6400 that covar leading, design, materials and workmanship of steel, concrete and composite bridges. The recomendations given in this Section of Part 9 are appropriate only when the materiale ‘andworkmenship comply with Section 9.2 This Section of Part 8oes not cover concrote hingos and ‘special bearings for moving bridges, 0.9. swing and it bridges. 2. References ‘The tities of the publications reterradto in this Section of Part @ aro listed on the inside back cover. 3. Definitions and symbols the following definitions, together with those given for design loads and design load effects in Part 1, apply. 3.1.1 elastomer. A compound contalaing natural or ‘hloroprena rubber with properties similar to those of rubber, 3.1.2 roller bearing, A bearing consisting ossentiallyof {or the design and performance of the most common types 3.1. Definitions, For the purposes ofthis Section of Part 9, ‘one or more steel rollers between parallel upper and lower #90 83 MME 362469 OOLL573 5 ma Steel, concrete and composite bridges Section 9.1 Code of practice for design of bridge bearings Sauna 3.1.3 rocker bearing. A bosring consisting essentially ot ‘a ourved surface in contact with 2 flat or curved surface and constrained to prevent relative horlzontel movement. ‘The curved surfaces may be oylindrieal or spherical (See figures 1(c} and 1(0).) Rocker bearings parmit rotation by rolling of one part on anether 3.1.4 knuckle bearing. A bearing consisting essentially (of two or more members with mating curved: ‘The curved surfaées may be oylindrcal or spherical (Soe figuras 1(e), 1g) and 1(h}.) Knuckle bearings parmit rotation by sliding of one parton another, 3.1.6 leat bearing. A bearing consisting essentially of a pin passing through a number of interleaved plates fixed alternately to the upper end lower auter bearing plates (See figure 110.) 3.1.6 sliding bearing. A bearing consisting essentially of two surfaces siding one on the other. [See figure 1()) 3.1.7 elastomeric beating, A bearing comprising a blook of eiastomer that may be ralnforcad internally with staal plates, 3.1.8 laminated b ring. An elastomeric bearing ing, An unreinforced olasternorie 3.1.10 strip boaring. A plain pad b length is atleast ton times the wieth 3.1.11 pot bearing. A bearing consisting essen: ‘motel piston supported by a disc of unreintorced ring for which the eo plates. Seo figures 1a) and 1(b).) thatis confined within a metal cylinder. (See figure 11) Farsidea toler rei ‘olen ae our (2)Singo rate boring a ales Figure 1. Types of bearing | Copyright by the British Standards Institution ‘Tuo Fob 08 46:52:41 2000 {)Muitpte roller basting Oo BSI BS*SYOO PTI SECKI-L 8: Outer ering latee Covina recker F (e)Linear rocker bearing Cam) TE agsctnn ISN Cty oases phate rocter [Pin ostr bearing Ouer {etknueklepin bearing Outer ‘bearing Ph plas. say (Knuckle leaf basting Figure 1 (concluded) he British Standards Institution 252:43 2000 Ue24Gb4 OOLLS74 7 ae BS 5400: Section 8.1 : 1983 outer basting plats (@)Cylindricat knuckle bearing (9 Spherical kauekde bearing vrer aeeing plates Sling surlece Outer bearing platee (Plana ssing beating Staal rolnfereing plates )lastomericlaminatedbeoring Cae Sts SP sual Ne Melis a BS E400 : Section 9,1 71983 3.2 Symbols. The symbots usadin this Section of Part ar9 es follows, A overall plan area of elestomerioboaring Az affective plan oroaof elastomer beering ‘Ay —_teduced effective plan area of elastomerle bearing ‘overall width of baring (the shorter cimeneton of a roctanguier boaring) be offctivewlath of elastomeric bearing E modulus of elasticity bulk modulus of lastemer stomer G shear madulus of the H horizontal force & — afactor 1 everalliength of bearing {the longer dimension of a rectangular bearing) te affective length of elastomeric boaring Jy force-free perimeter of elastomeric beating Q* design loads Radius of eylindor or sphere or convex surface Ry radlusof concave surface ‘S—shape factor 7 ‘shape factor of thickost elastomer layer design load effects T minimum shade air temperatura 1 thickness ofa plain pador strip baacing tz thickness of adjacent elastomer layers "affective thicknoss of elastomer in compression 4 thickness of an individual elastomer layer in 8 laminated bearing ty totalthicknese of elastomer in shear V_vortical design food effact 2% angular rotation across with » of bearing | angular rotation across length fof beering ‘yea partlalsafety factor ‘m._partal load factor ‘te partial material factor 4° total vertical deflection 8 vertical deflection of individual elastomer layer & maximum horizontal relative displacement of parts of bearing in the direction of dimension 6 of the bearing 4 —_meximum horizontal relative displacement of parts of beering in the direction of dimension of the beatin maximum dlgplacemont of parts of bi vectorial addition of & and & sultant horizontal relstive ing obtained by f< nominal strain in elastomer stab due to compressive loads ‘4 shear strain in elastomer slab due to transletional movement «total nominal strain in elastomer slab 4 nominal strain in elastomer due to angular rotation % —_ nominal ultimate tensile strength of material __stressinst NOTE, iis ossonts that tho units used forthese symbol inthe ‘ormuiae are compatisie with each other. a Copyright by the British Standards Institution ‘Tue Feb 08 46:52:47 2000 BSI BS#5400 PTT SECKI.L 43 MM 1624465 OOLES75 9 4, Function of bearings ‘The function of bearings Isto provide a connection to ‘control tha interaction of foadings and movements, betwaon parts ofa structure, usually between superstructure and substructure. us types of bearing for rent functions is glven in table 1. To achieve the ‘required degree of freadom it may be necessary to ‘combine the characteristics of different typas of bearing, ‘the resultant bearing as a whole providing the required ‘movements and load resistance, e.g. aplane sliding bearing to allow transiation with a pot bearing to provide for rotation. The basic feetures ofthe various types of bearings are illustrated in figure 1 5.1 General, The load and movement capacitiog of the bearings for any particular etructure should bo compatible with the assumptions made inthe overall design of that structure. Except whore otherwise stated in this Section of Part 9, the design of structural staet elements forming parts of bearings should satisfy the recommendations of Part 3, Where yield sress isreferred to, its 0 be taken 2s the nominal yield sirass. Where matarials ather than those dealt with in Section 8.2 are used, the recommencetions of the appropriate British Standard should be adopted, 6.2 Limit state requitemonte NOTE, Compliance with limit staos. Barings decignad in ‘aceordance with this Section of Pet maybe conetdered to Salty the recommendations of8.2.1 and 5.2.2. 8.2.1 Sorvicoabilty mle stato, Tho dosign should be ‘such that bearings will nt suffer damage that would affect their correet functioning, or incur excessive intenance costs during thei intanded Ife. 6.2.2 Ultimate timit state. The strangth and stability of bearings should be adequate to withstand the ultimate design loads and movoments of tho structure, 5.3 Design life. Bearings and thoir installations should bo {designed io be compatible with the design life ofthe bridge {(s00 Part 1} taking into account the consoquences of maintenance and/or replacement. 5.4 Provision for resetting and replacemont, Where practicable, and whenevarthe expectad design life of the bearings significant iess than that of the structure, provision should be made for the romovel and replacement of the whole or parts ofthe besrings, Facilities for correcting the effects of any differential settlement and tt should be provided unless the structure hhas been designed to accornmodate such effects, 5.5 Provision for handling, Where necessary, suitable handling attachments should ba provided on bearings. 5.6 Access. Adequate space shouldbe provided around, bearings to fectttate their inspection and maintenance. Consideration should be given in the design of the structure to the meens of access to the bearings. BSI BS¥S40O PTT SEC#I.4 83 MM VL24GbS OO1LS7L O me BS 6400: Section 9.1 : 1983 e Table 1. Bearing function “Typeot bearing Transaionpewitted [Rotation penities Losding rxited Lona rns | tengtudha’ | Tei [P| Vein | tonal Roller ‘Single cylindrical v x x le] y x s Multia cylindrical | Y x x x {x|y x 8 Non-cylinarical v x x ix} y x 8 Rocker Linear x x v x |x]v vy 8 Point x x v v v v v v Knuckle Pin x x v x |x]v y s Leaf x x v x x v v v cylindrical x s v x x |v v s ‘Spherical x x vo vo v v v v e Flanasliding v v x HE vee 8 § , Unreinforced v v v v v v v v Laminated v v vo v v v v v Pet x v v v y Guide ‘Longitudinal ¥ x yv Sree x y ‘Transvorse x v 3 v [x] x v x icy °F sukabla X notautenie 5 special consideration required NOTE 1, Rottoneboutwenevers xt NOTE 2 Rotation ebout onghucinal as, silty. Geerings shouldbo dteiledto exclude _n each case the restraints should allow freedom of crevices and tho lke, which allow moisture and. trapped. The mater tobe movement inthe desirad dlrection(s). Tha forces generated fs used in thalr manufacture andthe by the restraints should be considered inthe design of the protective and maintenance measures adopted against —_boaringe andtheir connections and inthe design of the ‘corrosion and det joration dustoervironmental effects structure, Where reliance Isplaced on friction to resist should be such as to ensure that bearings continue to these forces, the lower bound value of friction coefficients function correctly throughout their design ite. The recommendations in this Section of Part 9 are intended to moot the durability requirements of most structures in the UK. Where exceptional environmental ‘conditions are encountered, additional precautions may be necessary. ‘obtained from available test data appropriate to the surface condition in sorvice should bo assumed. Where bearing replacement may be required during the life ofa structure, the provision ofa restraint e.g. dowels) through the bearings may cause difficulties, and alternative location ofthe restraints should be considered. 6.8 Movement rastaint, Where restraints era required to restriet the tranetational movement ofa structure, ther 6,9 Uplift, uplift can occur, bearings and thelr fixings: totally, partially or in a selected direction, thay may bo should be designed to limit separation of the parts toa providod as part of or soperate from the bearings and value agroodvith tha Enginoar and to resist tne ‘Normally take the form of dowels, keys or side restraints. consoquent foress. & Copyright by the British Standards Institution ‘Tue Feb 08 16:52:48 2000 BS 5400 : Section 9.1 : 1983 5,10 Outor beating plates or spreader platos, Tho outer plates of bearings should be so proportioned that concentrated loads aro sufficiently ditributed to ensure that the permissible proseures on the adjacent bridge structure are not exseeded. The offective area for distributing a load may be taken as the contact area of the bearing member communicating the load to the pate plus the area within the uninterrupted dispersal lines drawn at ‘@ meximum of 60° to the line of application ofthe boering reaction from the bearing contact arsa(see figure 2) ‘Where the adjacent structure is lable to deform significantly undor load, the interaction of the structure ‘end the bering should be considered in the design of both. Unnamed aearin our sing Syandeoee r a BSI BS*54O0 PTI SECT... 83 MH Ub24bG4 0011577 2 ‘and are applicable when determining the lond ‘offects caused by friction; they ere not applicable when galeulting stablizing frees againetexteralyapolied Cootfieient of fristion fr raller bearings. For design purposes, the coeffclont of frlction for roller bearings should be as glven in table 2, Table 2. Coetficiont of friction for roller boarings [cotton | effetion ‘Typecfrollerbearing {8} Rollor bearings with one or two rollers in staol complying with BS 4360, or cast Iron complying with 8S 2789 witha hardness of 110 HB 10 240H8, {b) Roller boarings as e)but with more than two rollers Ze | OC ~L] ution rent types of bearing, When bearings: ‘characteristics are usad on the same ine of ‘support, the resulting Interactive effects should be jed both in the design of the boarings and tho structure. 5.12 Positioning of boarings. The position of bearings, ‘should be such that they are abe to assumed in the design of the structure. Any secondary effects «resulting from either eccentric loading or movement not truly along a major axis ofthe bearing shouldbe taken into ‘ezountin tha design of the bearing and surrounding structural elements. Bearings should be so located es 0 {void the accumulation of dirt and debris likely to Interfere ‘with thalr performance and the structure so detalled that, ‘water is prevented from reaching the bearings. 6.13 Effects of variation within tolerances. The effects of variation in dimensions within the permitted tolerences of the bearing should be considered inthe design of, earings, thelr connections and associated structure, 5.14 Loads and load offecte: 8.14.1. General. Bearings should be desi the loads and load effects specified in Part 2 end, whore applicable, the effects of ereop, shrinkage and prestress, based on tho recommendations given in Parts 4 and. Due allowance should bo made for any eccentricities and ‘specified dimensional tolerances in the application or dletribution of loading. The design loads Q* on the boaringe should be the nominal loads multiplied by the ‘appropriate values of 91. all as spacifiedin Port 2. Design toad offecte S* t the sorvicoability limit state and ultimate limit state should be obtained by multipiying the effects ofthe design load Q* by 713. Values of 712 should ba taken as 1.0 for the serviceabilify limit state and 1.4 for the ultimete limit stata unless otherwise stated. 8.14.2 Loading resulting fram rasistence to movement 14.2.1 General. Tho bearings, their connections and associated structures should be designed to transmit {orees arising from resistance to movernont due to frltion ‘of mechanical besrings or shear resistance of elastomeric bearings. 5,14,2.2 Limitation on frietion coefficient values. The friction coefficients in8.14.2.3, 5.14,2.4 Figure 2. Load di 5.11 Use oft oO (c) Single roller bearings with hardened steel contact eurfacoe with a hardness not less than 500 HB 0.02 (2) Multiple otter bearings as (¢} 0.08 (6) Single roller bearings and bearing lates in spacial high tansile corrosion resistant steel hardened throughout with finely ground finish with a hardness not less than 350 HB rings a8 0} NOTE. Values of harcneas given in the above table ‘ecordarea with 8S 240 Costticiont of friction for sliding bearings. Recommended design coatfiolentsof friction for bearings with staintess stee! sliding on pure PTFE continuously lubricated are given i table 3, OTE. PTFE with ubrleert contsinod in lubrication cavities ‘complying with Soction 9.2 can bs considared az continuously {ubroated forthe purposes of table. ‘Table 3. Coefficient of friction for stainloss steel aliding on pure PTFE continuously lubricated Bearag | Cootticient stress” [of ot N/mm 5 lo.08 10 0.08 20 lo.oa 30and over 0.03 NOTE. Lincer interpolation maybe ised for intermediate values. The load used for calculating the be that with whieh the coefficient of fr | should be takon as twice the values given in table 3. For PTFE sliding on any surface other than. stainless steel, the coofficiontof friction should be based on tect data The values given in table 3 may be used for alr temperatures down to 24°C, 6 ‘Copyright by the British Standards Institution ‘Tue Feb 08 16:52:49 2000 BSI BS*S4OO PTS SECK4.1 63 Coofiisient of retion for guides. For giles with filled PTFE sliding on stainless steal, the coefficient of {fiction should be taken 2s four times the values given in ‘bia 3 for pure continuously lubricated PTFE on stzinless: steal. Fer guides with bronze sliding on steel or cast iron, the. ‘eatticiont of tration should be taken as 0.25, 6.14,2.6 Shear resistance of elastomeric bearings. For ‘lestomerie bearings where horizontal movement is ‘accommodated by shear in the alastomer, tho nominal horizontal oreo A due to expansion or contraction i gi bythe exprossion H=AGE/ta where _ isthe actual plan area ofthe Individual elastomer slabs; G isthe shear modulus ofthe elastomer 4, isthe maximum resultant horizontal relative displacement of partsof the besring; fq isthe total thickness of elastomarin shear. ‘Typical values of G are given in 10.4, An allowance of +#20% should be made in the calculated value of W to give ‘the most advarse effect. For movaments due to live [oad affects on rellway bridges, ‘the value of G should be doublod. Due allowance should 'b9 made in the value of G for temperature varation. 6.14.3 Rostraints against translatian. Where restraints, 3d on bearings to resist translator they should be dasigned to resist either the design load offects or 6% of the permanent vertical design load an the bearing, whichever isthe greater. {frestraint against trenslation le tobe provided by several bearings, consideration should be given totha effects of any clearance between working parts of tha beatings and their guides during their service life and the effects of the stiffness of the structure on the distribution of the resulting losds between the bearings. 5.18 Movomonte 5.16.1 General. Beatings should heve euificient capacity to accommodate the worst combination ofall the nominal ‘movements calculated in accordance with the other Paris 9f BS 5400 multiplied bye factor comprising iz and y15. This factor will vary according to the cause of movement ‘andthe limit atate, For movement rasulting from tempsrature offocte, shrinkage and oroop of concrete, and deformations, rotations and differential settlements of the supports, ‘the factor should be taken as 1.0 forthe serviceability limit stata and 13 for the ultimate limit state, when applicable. For movement resulting from permanent and transient loading, and ‘rection pracadures (including prestressing and shrinkage of welds), “ys, should be obtained from Part 2 ond-y1 is as given in.14.4, Copyright by the British Standards Institution Tue Feb 08 16:52:50 2000 WM 3L24LL9 0011573 4 me BS 5400: Section 9.1: 1983 Movements should be considered atthe serviceability limit state for olastomeric bearings and atthe uldimata limit stato forall othér types of bearing. NOTE. Bdge movements ae ether raver! temperatura, ransiont loads, 2.9. du to permanent load, atlemant of supports, 8.18.2 Elfects on other parts of the structure. The design of other eloments of the structure, including ‘expansion joints, parapets and services, should take into ‘consideration the effect of any change in geometrical configuration ofthe bearings, 8.18.3 Movement indicators. MovemantIndicetors may be provided to holp with routine inspection, 5.16 Materials. The design strength to be used for a given ‘material andlimit state is ebtained by dividing the ‘characteristic strength by the appropriate partial eafety factor +m for the material being used. Unless otherwise stated 71 shouldbe taken as 1.0 for the serviceability limit state, For the ultimate limit state it shouldbe as steted in the relevant clauses. 5.17 Bearing schedule. It is destrable to list the required bearing characteristics in @ consistent and comprehensive ‘manner. A typical schodute for this purpose Is set out in appendix. og. duet eyor levers, 6. Particular recommendations forroller and rocker b 6.1.1 Function. Rollgr bearings provide fr ‘renelation in the direction of ralling only. Single rolls and rockers ermitrotation about the line of contect, but multipia Follers require encther element to provide for rotation. 6.1.2 Curved surfaces. Any individual curved contact suriace should have only one rectus. 8.1.3 Surfaces in contact, Surfaces in contact should have the same nominal strength and hardness 6.1.4 Length of offers. The length ofa roller should not be less than its diame 8.1.5 Guidance of rolfers. Mechanical guidance shouts ba provided to ensure that the axis of rolling is mainteined in the desires oriontation. Whore gearing le used, the pitch circle diameter 6f tho gear teeth should be the ‘that ofthe rollers, 6.1.6 Prevention of sliding. Provision should be madeto prevent contact surfaces of rocker bearings sliding one on the other. 6.2 Allowable loads on stool and east iron rollor and rocker boarings 8.2.1 Design iimit stato. Contact surfaces of roller and rocker bearings should be designed to meet the provisions of this Section of Part 9 at the serviceability mit state only. An allowance of m= 1.0has been made in 6.2.2 106.28, NOTE. The silty of curved surfaces and plates o withstand ‘deformation under load fs dependent upon the hers ‘material of whioh thoy are made, Thore\s nota co relationship between hardness and yeldstresto Isbetwean hardness andultimate stangth. oO Copyright by the British Q BST BSXSY00 PTS SECH~4-83 MME Lb24GL9 OOLIS79. & BS 5400: Section 9.1: 1983 6.2.2 Cylinder on curved surtace. The design load effect par unit length on a cylinder of radius A running Ina concave seating of radius A, should not exceed 1800 (_AiR € \a-A, where ‘4 Is the nov material; E "isthe modulus of elasticity of the materi 8.2.8 Cylinder on flat surface. The design load effect par unit angth on @oylinder of radius in contact with a flat surface should net exceed 1B RoE where ov and £are as defined in 6.2.2. 8.2.4 Sphere in spharieal seating. Tha vertical design load atfoct on a spherical surface of radius Rin concave ting of radius Ay should not exceed 170002 (#8) - ultimate tensile strength of tho BARA, where oy and € are as defined in 6. 6.2.5 Sphore on flat surface. The vertical design load effect on a spherical surface of radius Rin contact with @ fet surface should not exceed 170RP08/E* where oy and é are as defined in 6.2.2. 6.8 Flot-sided rollers. If movement requirements permit, flat-sided rollers may be used. Such rotlors should be syinmetrical about the vertical plane passing through the ‘centro, The minimum wieth should not be less than one. third ofthe diameter or such thatthe bearing contect does ‘not fll outside the middle third of the rolling surface whan the rollers atthe extremes of movements determined ia accordance with §.18. Flat-sided rollers can be mounted at closer centres than the circular rollers of the same load cepacity, resulting in more compact bearings. 6.4 Non-oylindricat rollers. A single roller type of bearing ‘with differing radi for the upper and lower eurved surfaces of the olier can be designad using the appropriate ‘oxprossion given in 6,2,2 and 6.2.3, Inall such dasigns, Jceroful consideration should be given to the overall stability ofthe bearing. In particular, where the movement ‘of the structure causes the line joining the upper and ower boaring contact points to depart fromthe vertical, check should be made to ensure thatthe resulting porlzantal force is resisted, Where the design of the bearing is such that horizontel movement ieaccompanied bya small vertical movement, the vertical movement should always be upward for horizontal movement eithor side of the cantral position to ensure stability of the structure, rings having more than two he limiting values of design tcad effect shouldbe taken as two-thirds of the value given by the expression in6.2.3. 7. Particular: leaf bearings 7.1 Genaral 7.1.1 Function. Knuckle and rotatlon. Leaf bearings oan be d 7.1.2 Curved surfaces. Any individual contect surface should have only ene redius, 7.1.8 Mating surfaces. Mating surfaces should be turned sndfitted, ‘7.1.4 Separation of parts. Horizontal forces applied to curved sliding surfaces tendo separate the contact surlaces of the bearing, Therefore, a check should be ‘made to ensure that this tendency is adequately resisted by the coincidont vertical losds, The caleutations forthe stabilizing horizontal force and the rastorina vertical force shouldbe basad on the requiramante for overtu specified in 4.6 of BS 8400: Part: 7.2 Pins. Pins should be of s all parts connected thereby b ‘endof a pin is tobe threaded, the threaded length of the in should be turned to. smaller diameter and provided, where necessary, with a pilot nut to protect the thread, 7.8 Allowable bearing pressures for knuckle and leaf bearings 7.8.1. Design limit state. Contact surfaces of knuckle anc jaf bearings should be designed to meat the provision of this Section of Part 9 atthe serviceability limit state only, 7.3.2. Bearing prossures. With motel-to-metal contact, ye bearing pressure on the projected contact area length of seating x diameter of pin} due to the design load effects should not exeoed: {0} one-half of the nominal yield stress of the weaker ‘material or 120 N/mm, whichever is the lesser, for alt ades of (8) 30 N/mm?, for phosphor-bronz (0)26 N/mrn?, for leaded bronze. ‘These limiting values allow fore value of ym = 1.0 commendations for knuckle and 8. Particular recommendations for plane sliding bearings 8.1. Funotion. Plane aiding be translation only; rotation can be permit with 8.4, 8.2 Sliding surfaces. This Section of Part 9 only provides dosign criteria for pure PTFE sliding on stainiass stee 8.3 Arrangument of sliding surfaces. Whenever possible, sliding beatings should have the larger of the 8 normally provide for din accordance 8.4 Provention of rotation, Fat sliding surfaces should not be used to accommodate rotation other than about an axis perpandicular tothe plane of sliding. Other provision should be made for tation about an axis in the plane of sliding. ‘Tue Feb 08 46:52:54 2000 S*S4OO PTS SECK.4 83 9. Particular recommendations for sliding elements with PTFE 9.1 Surfaces mating with PTFE, Surfeces mating with PTFE should normally be stainless steel or hard anodized ‘aluminium alloy; inal cases they shouldbe harder than ‘the PTFE and be corrosion resistant, ‘The mating surface should normally form the upper ‘component and overisp the PTFE atthe extremes of movement, determined in accordance with 8.16, 9.2 Location of PTFE 9.2.1 Genoral. FTFE shouldbe located either by ‘confinement or by bonding. In either case i is essential thatit is backed by a metal plate. The rigidity ofthis pl should be such thatthe plate retains its unloaded shape and resists shear forces under all leeding conditions, ‘The PTFE should be bondad or mechanically restrained in situations where the sliding surfaces can separate, Ub24bb4 0010580 2 8S 5400: Section 9.1: 1983, Table 4. Dimonstons of confined PTFE ‘Maximum dimension of PTFE | Minimwm Maximum {diameter or diagonal) thickness | projection mm mm [mm <600 45 20 >600, < 1200 80 25 31200, < 1800 60 30 Table 5. Thickness of bondi Maximum aimancion of PTFE (dlameterordiagenelh > 800, < 1200 (max 9.2.2 Confined PTFE. Confined PTFE should be recessed - into the metal backing plate. Tha shouldars ofthe recess should be sharp and square to rastrlet the flow of PTFE. The thicknass of tha PTFE and ita protrusion from the rocess should be related tots maximum plan dimension in ‘accordance with table. 9.2.3 Bonded PTFE. The thicknoss of bonded PTFE sheot should be relatod to ite maximum plan dimansian in accordance with table 8. 9.3 Alloweble sliding bearing pressures for pure PTFE 9.8.4 Design limit state. Flat and curvad PTFE sliding ‘surfaces should be designed 0 meat the provisions of this Table 6. Allowable sliding bearing pressures for pure PTFE ‘Section of Pert 9 at the serviceability state only, An allowance forym = 1.0 has been made in. 9.3.2 Maximum sliding contact pressures. For pure PTFE in bearings the average pressure and the extremo fibre pressure should not exceed the values given in tables, 9.3.3 Contact area. For calculation of pressures, the contact surface may be taken as the gross area of the PTFE \without deduction for the area ocaupiad by lubrication ‘covities. Inthe case of curved surfaces, the gross area ‘should be taken as the projected aroa ofthe contact surface, Design oad ottacts ‘Maximum average | Maximum extreme contact pressure | fibre pressure Bonded [Contined | Gondod | Contined pre. [pre [pre | Pree Nvmmt |NZmme | nv/mme | nzmme Permanent design load fects | 20 30 25 375 All design load etfects 30 48 a75__ [65 9 Copyright by the British Standards Institution ‘Tue Feb 08 16:52:52 2000 i BS 6400: Section 9.1 :1983 BSI BSx54o0 PTA 9.4 Thickness of stainless steel sliding surfaces. ‘The thickness of stainless stoal sheet should be the difference between the PTFE and stainless steel dimension in the direction of movement in accordance with tablo 7, to Table 7. Thickness of stainless stool shoot Dimencionalditeren botwoon PTFE and stalnlane stl ‘Minimum thickness of tales ‘steel 15 20 30 8.5 Fixing of st 1 Goneral. Stainless steel shast should be atteched twits backing plate by continuous welding along the adgas ~)orby fasteners supplementad by either peripheral sealing ‘of {ull area bonding. It is oscantial that the mathod adopted ‘onsures that the stainless steel sheet remetns fat throughout its service Ife and interface corrasion cannot ‘ccur. The method of attachment should be capable of ‘osisting the frictional force set up in the boating, inthe sorvicoabiltylimitetat 9.5.2 Attachmont by welding: The backing plete should ‘oxtend beyond the edges of the stainiess stee! sheet to ‘accommodate the weld and the two shouldbe attached by ‘continuous filet weld along the edges. The weld should ‘ot be proud ofthe stainless steet sheet. {8.3 Attachment by fasteners. Corrosion resistant {fastenings compatibis with tho stainlase stool ehould be Used for securing the edges of the stainiess steel sheet. ‘They should be provided at all corners and along the ‘outside edge outside the erea of contact with the PTFE sliding surface with a maximum spacing oft 160 ram, for sheet 1.6 mm thick; 200 mm, for shest 2.0 mm thickt {600 mm, for sheet 3.0mm thick. o (1}the maximum strain of the elastomer dus to ‘Copyright by the British Standards Institution ‘Tue Feb 08 16:52:55 2000 SEC&5-1 83 MM LL24Lb5 0011563 4 mm {2} the thickness of plain pad or strip bearings shoutd ot be fess than 9 mm, to cater for Irregularities in the seating surtacs (3) the cover of elastomer tothe stee!interioaving plates in jaminated bearings should be a minimum of 4.6 mm to al edges that would otherwise be exposed ‘and @ minimum of2 mmto the contact surfaces; these values may need tobe increased if there is a possiblity of serious biologlos! or chemical attack; {©} they can resist the appliod loads without exeaeding! pad or strip bearings boarings: (3}the tensile strosses in tho roinforcing plates given in 10.7; (4) the stability criteria given in 10. {c) thelr design movemontssatisty the following conditions; [1) the vertical deflection ealoulated in accordance with 10.9 does not exceed the value specified by the Engineer; {2) the rotetion of theboaring does not allow ‘Separation at the contact surfacos batwaen the bearing and the structure; this may be doomed tobe ‘Satisfied if the recommendations of 10.10 are met; (8) the force exacted on tho structure by the bearing ‘resisting translational movement calculated in ‘accordance with does not exceedihe value specified by the Engineer; {) either they do not slio under the applied forces when ‘checked In accordance with 10.11 or they are ‘mechanically fied tothe structure above and below, 10.1.4 Design limit stata, Eiastomaric be be designed to meet the provi at the serviceability limit state only. 10.2 Shoar train. The choar sir ‘due to translational movement should not exceed 0. aiven by the expression eqn dvtq whe ris the maximum resultant horizontal relative isplacomont of parts of the bearing obtained by vectorial addition of 6y and di; 8p isthe maximum horizontal reletive displacement of parts of the bearing in the direction of dimension 6 of the beating due to all design load effects (soe figure 3k 41 is the maximum horizontal relative displecementof parts of the bearing in the direction of cimension fof the besring due to all design load effects (soo figure 3); tg_ i the total thicknoss of the elastomer in shear. 10.3 Shape factor 10.3.1 General, The shape factor Sis a means of taking account of the shape of the elastomer in strength and deflection calculations. itis the ratioof the effective plen area of an elastomeric slab to its force-free surface eres and is caleulated as given in 1 4g of the elastomer lastomar te inthe expressions given in 10.9.2 t0 10. forthe fact that come sip wil tks place on feces restrained by ‘fietion only. 10 10.3.2 Plata pad bearings. For plain pad bearings, SH AlIpte where A. isthe overall plan area of thet Jp_ ls the force-trae perimeter of the bearing, Including that of any holes ifthese are not later effectively plugae te Is the effective thickness of elastomer in compression, which is taken as 1.8 {isthe actual thickness of elastomer NOTE. Fora rectangular bearing without holes, +8) where 1 isthe overellfongth af the boarng: 4 isthe overall wicthof he Bearing, 10.3.3 Strip bearings. For stip bearings, 1S b/2te where band ts definod in 10.3.2, 10.3.4 Laminated bosrings (sae igure 3).For laminated bearings, the shape factor § for each individu elastomer layer is givan by the expression oot whore Ae Is thé effective plan eros ofthe bearing, Le, the plan ‘area common to elastomer and steal plate, excluding the area of any holes if those aro not later effectively plugged; by isasdefinedin 10.3.2; {eis tho effective thickness of an individual elastomer, ‘amination in compression; itis taken as the aotual thicknees,t,for inner layers, and 1.441 for outer layers; 4_Ipthe thickness of an incividual alastomer layer. NOTE. Fora rectangular bosring without holes, ibe and (le be) whore fe Tatha afectvatonath of ho boaring length ofelnoring plata) ‘te [etna etectve width th boning width of reinforcing pats). Figure 3. Elastomeric laminetod bearing 10.4 Moduli of elastomer. Tho shear modulus G should normally be obtained experimentally, Table 8 gives typical valuas of G end also ah appropriate value for the bulk modulus E>. Copyright by the British Standards Institution ‘Tue Feb 08 16:52:58 2000 BSI BS*SHOO PTI SECT 63 MM LL24Gb4 OOLLSS2 & ml BS 6400: Section 9.1 : 1983 Rominatardnoss [Sheer edulis, |Bulkmodsls IRHD N/mm? tema 50 08 60 08 2000 70. 12 NOTE. Veluas of hardness in the above table ‘with 8S 903: Part A28. The variation of the shear modulus with low temperatures should be established by testing. Fortemparatures below °C, the values of G may, in the absonce of test deta, be taken ae equal to the values in table 8 multiplied by 2 cos where Tis the minimum shede air temperature (in °C), NOTE. Tis nogative for tomperaturos below °C; the ineroasad. value of @ applies only whan variations in loed and displacement {ako place at iow temperature, 10.6 Design pressure on plain pad and strip bearing The moan dosign pressure (i.e. V/A) on a plain pad or strip aring should not exceed GS or 6G, whichever Is the lesser, where. V Is the vertical design load effect; A isthe overall plan area of the bearing; G isthe shear modulus of the elastomer; ‘5 isthe shape factor of the elastomer slab. 10.6 Maximum design strain in taminated bearings. Ateny point inthe bearing the sum of the nominal strains due to all load effects, «,, a8 givon by the expression = Alee + eq ten) should not exceed 5.0 (see note) Inazcordonce where k ie afactor oqual to 1.6, for live load effects; 1.0. or all other effects (including wind and temperature); . ‘ _fethe nominal strain due to compressive ioeds, where is given by the expression #2 1.8V/GA,S ¢q ——_Istha shear strain due to translational ‘movements as defined in 10. ( isthe nominal strain due to angular rotetion, where eas give by the expression (beta + etau)/20h Bt defined in 10.8; Ay lathe reduced eifective plan area due tothe foeding effects, where A, is given by the expression AyAe (1- 3 2) As isasdefined in 10.3.4; 4% anda are es defined in 10.2; ‘be isthe effective wigth ofthe besrng (see + figure 3) ke _istho effective length o the besring figure 3); S isthe shepe factor: " o Copyright by the British Standards In: Tue F BSI BS*5400 PTI BS 6400: Section 9.1 : 1983 > isthe angle of rotation across the width, b, of the bearing (in radians), 1 athe angle of rotation if any) across tho length, ofthe boaring (in radians}; 1 isthe thioknoss ofthe incividual layar of elastomer being checked: Zt Is the total thickness of elastomer in the whieh has bean found trom fague tomero bearing te best fie limiting sain caleuleted by the method gven he Rehould not bo taken to reflect the imate strain of tha 10.7 Reinforcing plato thicknoss. To resist induced tensile stresses under oad, the minimum thickness of the tect plates in a laminated bearing should be 1.8Mty +f Asoe where Vand, are as defined in 10.6; {ands are the thicknesses of elastomer on elther side ofthe plate; is the stress in the steal, which shouldbe but notiess than 2 mm taken as not greater than the yield stress, nor sreater than 120.N/mint, for plates with holos: 280 N/mrnt, for plates without holes, 10.8 Stability NOTE. Elastomorle bearings wll bo stabo tthe ocommendetions (10.8.1 and'10.8.2 aro eatil 10.8.1 Plain pad and strip basrings. For plaln pad and strip bearings, the thickness should nat exeoed one: {quarter ofthe least lateral dimension. 10.8.2 Laminated bearings. For laminated bearings, the pressure, V/A, should satisfy the expression V/A < 2beG8'/3 Xi The above erlterion will be Mt (bean +leel/3 where be, ap, le andar are as defined in 10.6. 10.10.2 Strip bearings. For strip besrings, the totel vertical deflection, 4, shauld eatisty the expression 4 > beat /3 sndat are as definedin 10.6. 10.11 Fixing ot bearings. If thero is incutficiont frition to provont rolative movemont batween the bearing andthe ‘structure under tho most adverse loading conditions, positive means of location should be provided, Friction ‘may be considered adequat under all loading conditions, numerically, #< OAV + 2A, ‘and under permanont loads, Wis, >1+ © ‘erbinpadandsv ones WA, >2 {or laminated bearings ‘winoro all tha terms and thelr units ore es follows: HF Isthe design force exerted by the bearing to resist ‘translational movemant (InN: V_ Is the vertical design load effact (in N} Ay lsthe reduced effective plan area os defined in 10.6 fin mm); 6 isthe overall width of the beering (in mm)(see figure 3); e 1 Istho overall length of the bearing {in mm! {soe figures), NOTE. Postive means of eeation may limitthodapth avallabl for shoar. This shouldbe considered in the dosign of BSI BS*SHDD PTA SECK4.% 83 MM bb24b64 OOLDS34 Te 11. Particular recommendations for pot bearings 14.1 Funetion. Pot bearings provide for rotational movements, 11.2 Design. Tho etross in the elastomer in pot bearings «duo to the design foad effects Is limited by the affectiveness of tho seal preventing itfrom extruding ‘batwean the piston and the pot wall, butit should not xerted on the confining cylinder walls resulting from vertical loading on the alastomerio, pad con be considered tobe that produced by the pad acting ae a fluid, Because details of pot bearings vary ‘considerably and stress analysis is complex, their design should be verified by eating. 11.3 Rotation. The rotatian of pot bearings about a horizontal axis should be limited so that the vertieal strain intdueed at the perimeter ofthe elastomeric pad, at the serviceability limit state, does not exceed 0.15. NOTE. The thicknass and herdnets ofthe laetomer have direct iallonghip with the rsietanco of pot baerings to rotation, 26 does the friction between the pson end he pot. The et Increased by inerensed force acting onthe baaring, Suiclent test fooults should bo availabe for agiven elastomer tress, harness {and thekn to enablo tha resatanoe ofthe boating to rotation to beccatouisted otherwise prototypo teste ehouldbe mace. 11.4 Seal. A sealing device should be provided to prevent the alastomer extruding betwaon the piston and the pot ‘wal. This seal should bs effective under serviceability limit state loadings. 12. Particular recommendations for guides 12.1 Function. Guides are usedto constrain the ‘movement of structures in aparticulr diretion, They mey 'o included in an independont guide boaring or form a part ‘of a bearing periorming other functions, Copyright by the British Standards Institution ‘Tue Feb 08 16:53:00 2000 BS 5400: Section 9.1: 12.2 Sliding eurfaces for guides 12.2.1 PTFE facing General Guldes used for ietaral rostraint may bbe facad with unfilled or fllod PTFE provided the frictional resistance to mevement at the guides is either ificantly smaller than that of the main baaring or the resulting frictional effects are token into account, ‘Commonly used materials for facing quides are: {c) unfilled PTFE; (0) PTFE flied with up to 25% by mass of glass fibres; (6) lead filled PTFE in a bronze matrix: (d) PTFE reinforced with a metal mesh. Lubrication. For this applicstion, lu PTFE should not be considered to reduce fr Attachment. Itis essential that all PTFE should be securely attached to the guides; reliance should not bo placed on bonding sions for pure PTFE, 12.2.2 Unfaced surfaces. For surfaces not intended tobe In permanent contact, metal-to-metel contact may be permitted, The metal should be corrosion resistant. 12.3 Allowable bearing prossures on guides 12.3.1 PTFE. Undar all servicoabilty design load effects, the average pressure on glass filled PTFE in guides should ‘not exceed 45 N/mm, and on PTFE in a metel matrix 80 1N/mme, Permissible values for other PTFE materials should bs established by tests. Inthe abeonce of test date, ‘the values for unfilled PTFE should be used. For calculation of pressures, tha contactaurface maybe {taken as the gross area of the PTFE without deduction for ‘the area occupied by any lubrication cavities. 12.3.2 Bronze. Atthe serviceability limitstate, the ‘contact bearing stress for bronze should not exceed 30N/ mm 13, BS 5400: Section 9.1 : 1983 Appendix A Typical bridge bearing schedulo ‘A.1 General, The purpose of a bridge bearing schadule {620 table 9) Isto lst the information normally required for the design of the bearings for a particular bridge. A ‘drawing should accompany the schedule showing the layout of he bearings with Identification marks, ineluding atypical cross section of the bridge andpertioulars of any special locating requirements, Bearing functions should bbe indicated on the drawing by tha symbols given in table 10. When a particular type of boaring is envisagodit should be described in accordance with table 1. When ‘several types may satisfy the requirements set out in the ‘Schedule the items should be left open o: possible alternative types listed. Every tem in tha typical shedule should be considered, but ‘somo may not bo applicable to. particular bearing. Only ‘olavant information should be given and when en item in the schedule is not apolicable this should be stated, Adultional information should be adsed when special conditions exist, ‘An appropriately comploted schedule should be suitabto for inclusion in the tonder documents. A similar schedule prepared by the bearing manufacturer would help the Engineer to select suitable bearings from a catalogue, |A.2 Information for table 9. The following information ‘ives guidance for completing each itemin the typical bridge bearing schedule. (8) Bosring identification mark. Bostings with sifecont funetions or load-carrying requirements should be distinguished by a unique reference mark. {b| Number of, The quantity required of each particular ‘mark of bearing should be stated. {6} Seating materials. The materials on which esch outer ‘bearing plate bears should be statad act may affect the, design and finish of these plates. (4) Allowable average contact pressure an seating The allowable average pressure over the effective oreo of contact {see 8.10) of seatings due tothe maximums design ad effect shoul be given. |< \el Design load effects. The worst individual values of the design load affects should be given in the sch ‘most adverse combination of these values is: sufficient for a satisfactory design of bearing. Only in ‘spacial cases would greater economy be achieved by considering the actual coexistent values of load effacts, in which ease these should bo given in cota (W 7anslation. Maximum translation movements of the bridge superstructure at a bearing should be determined and factored in accordance with 8.18. Allowance should 1 bemade for eny movement ofthe supporting structures. Transverse and longitudinal movements are normally ina ‘rection perpendicular and parallel to the longitudinal Copyright by the British Standards Institution ‘Tue Feb 08 16:53:01 2000 BST BS*S400 PTT SEC#I.1 83 MM LE24b64 OOSSS | mm ‘axis ofthe bridge span respectively. Where thers is any Hikelthood of ambiguity (e.. in the case of skew spans) irections of movement should be clearly indicated on the ‘accompanying drawing. (g} Rotation, The meximum ierover rotational movements at tho servi the bearing is required to accommadate should ba given in radians. In the casa of elastomeric bearings, the maximum the ratio dasign rotation (in radians) ‘oexistent design vertical load fin TOO KN) should also be given, {hi Maximum bearing dlmensons, The maximum size of bearing that canbe accommodated should be stated, as this will give optimum flexibility in the d bearing. of the »ble movernent of bearing under transient load, ium movernent that ean be tolerated at the baaring under transient loads, in directions in which tha bboaring is meant to provide reetreint, shouldbe given. ) Allowable resistance to transition. Inthe design of the structure, resistance to translation movements may be of significance and in that case the maximum acceptable horizontal force ganerated by the bearing should be given for the serviceability imit stete. For elastomeric bearings, the velues to be given are those for slowly applied movements at normal temperatures. (Any necessery extra allowance for low temperatures and rapidly applied ‘movements should be made by the designar of the structure.) {ky Alfoweble resistance to rotation, Inthe design of tha ‘structure, resistance to rotation may be of significance and In that eage the maximum acceptable moment of resistance generated by the bearing when subjected tothe cctical design load effects should be given for the ity iit state, Elestomeric bearings should be ‘treated as in item (0 Type of fixing. Various means of fixing the bearings to ‘tho suporstructure and substructure are available, appropriate todifforonct ypes of bearing. Particular ‘requirements, such as friction, bolts, dowels, keys or other dovices, should be stated. Ifa proportion of the ransiational force isto be oarried by ‘tietion, that proportion andthe necessary surface condition should ba stated (0m) Special requirements. Detalisof any special conditions, e.g. extreme exposure, high ozone coneentration, limited aocess, non-horizontal seating, ‘bearings not square to beams, temporary restraints, ‘should bo given. The highest and lowest tomporaturas and details of any spocia biological conditions to which tho ‘boaring may be exposed in service should be stated If they are different from those normally experienced in the UK. 14 Sopyright by t Tue Feb 08 46: —_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—— »BSZ_BS*5400 PTI SECK.1°83 MM IGE4LL9 OOLLS3G 3 Mw ee bh OODLESE 3S Ma “Talile 9, Typioak Brldgs Bedrinig schedule: ee ino rete ‘BS 6400: Section 9.1::1983 Bosriog Mreatcnare > met 7 ~ [eo ra : “ 2 [otemate 7 : Lee ge Serceobiey 7 : * Fines 7 Design toot | Srvcsty ae 3 : sft ni 2p wo fo Pinta k a Resse a . Lonbifadinl = = Pot 8 times 2 oe [vera BE tine of fa 2x. feenbiin : Franaaon | Socios] ering reir ae (a ee a - a ae Reine [Trav 7 = farsi TLE Urinere Presb Tanne : 5 [iene onlcina »” [Remeae Frasers r FE toiled : fouation . | Serenity sre Tansaan [lie] ie eee = : Feb renin 7 | Loneiadinat Pixma rine LrongttOOe = [ontsont 7 nim; [Urpareurtecs «| aneee Senos os ened 7 (ea oyey ates =<" fanaa nuit evils ‘ete : Frelable moremont of bering", [area Under retin fede (om) ees - 7 = [Resets one rsietance to tinton [train |e arses ints) or ecana YT Aiwable reitane to rotation iensore = ir verve itt 2 Fo rye of fixing raved Uenerfoce 7 2 Flew ee ne State any other requirements os separate eet. Soroka ure moter, opny mei, a conctt, neat conceal tba, oe : ; 18 British Standards Institution 2 2000, + BSI BS*5400 PTT SECKI.1 83 MM YGE4GL9 OOLLEA? S ime BS B400: Seétion 9.1: 1983 . . Eee Table 10, Symbolic representation of bearing functions 6 Symbol Funeton ‘Symbol Funetion All tanslation fed i. All translation fixed ° Rotation all fourid: Z Rotation sbout one axis only Horizontal moveniont constrained Horizontal movements constrained in one direction only perpendicular to rotational axis = —O- | Roraton al curd Horizontal movement i sl Horizontal movérnent constrained directions | to rotational axis Rotator’ all round Rotation about ono axls‘only . av Movement constrained In one Horizantal movement in all direction only A rections 7 No vertical Toad Rotation about dno axis only [ t | Y [NOTE, All borings can support a vertical foedunlesoiherwie ingicatid. Symbols eéoeesen plan view on bearing. KD 16 Copyright by the British Standards Institution Tue Feb 08 16:53:04 2000 BSI BS*SYOO PTS SECx Bb24bb4 OOL158S. 7 Publications referred to. Bs240 85903 BS2760 Method fr Brine! hardness test, Pert { Testing of wate Methods of esting vulcanized rubber Part 26 Detormination of hardness non eastings with spheroidal or dur graphite Specification fr weldabe structural sacle ‘Steel, concrete nd compost briagee Part { General starement Part 2Snactficatlon for ads Part Coda of prectoa for design of ste bridges Part Code of prectcafordosign of concrete bridges, Pare 6 Code of practoofordssign of compoaitobridgos, 9 Bridgeboarings Section 82 Specification for mates, manufacture and intallationof bridge baarings . BSI BS*S400 PTT ‘This British Stendord, having been proper unde te drction of ‘tha Givi Enpinoaring and Guiding Structures Stencarés Committ wor published under the authority of the Goad of BSI and comes Into effet on 31 Jerwary 1988. ©britch Standaccs Institution, 1983 ISBN 0 880 150150 ‘The flloning BSI ceferences ral ‘Gommittanrterance C30/90 0 to te work on this stan: tor comment B0/10784 OC itd Standard Institution. Incorporated by Royal Charter, BS1 i ‘a indapandent nations body Yor the preperation of Brits Standards. ts the UK membor of the Inerations! Organization for Stndarczetion and UK sponse of th arith National {Commit of she International Eletotehien! Commision, Inaction to the preparation and pramugaion of sandarde, S| ‘offers specialist series incding the proseon of information {trough tha St Library and Standarcine Dtabese Teche! Help {0 Exporters: end othr servicer, Advice san de obtained trom the Enquity Section, 8S, Milton Keynes M4 GLE, tephone (6908 221168, lee 82577, “copytght. Users of Gritsh Standards are amined that eopyrlsht ‘sibsss na 851 Bublieations, Naar of the puiation my be ‘opreduced in any form without the por parmiston In writing of BSI. This doesnot preclude the frase, Inte couse OF SECK5.3°83 MM UL24GL9 OOLL569 4 BS 5400: Section 9.1 : 1983 6 linplementing the standard, of necessary detail such es symbols snd size, type or grade corgnations. 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