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Descriptive Essay (1)

It Collapsed. I Stood Frozen Witnessing The Red Dusky

It collapsed. I stood frozen witnessing the red dusky sky been enlightened by
thousand of orange beams given by the rising, clam sun. The whistle of the
breeze was the only sound my ears could hear. The emotions of sadness
embraced itself in the atmosphere. I still stared at the broken building. For an
Instant the moving world stopped, every color in the scenery died and faded,
the beauty of the rural surroundings vanished, and it was just a black and
white picture. The universe didnt seem to be concerned about the crumbled
building; it acted as it is another ordinary day. I knew my whole life and
future just changed. My life had become grey.

For the first time I lost my much protected body control, tears were
unrestrained. Hope became a myth while destiny conformed its instability
and that it was in reality a snake and ladder game. My mind was paralyzed. I
wanted to walk towards powerless construction yet my legs were heavy and
numb forcing me to be a mere spectator of the tragic incident. My mind
drifted to my friends whose corpses would be lying under those heavy
cemented blocks.

I remembered Sura. Sura Dean was a girl with a typical height born with
pale skin, rosy lips, brown long curly hair and small black eyes. She always
greeted me with her most welcoming smile and her confident aura. She was
the personal assistant of our Boss Mr. Daniel. She was the only person or
friend I or anyone could rely our troubles on. I badly wanted her shoulder to
be next to me and her warm hand to wipe my tears and say Its just a
nightmare from her soothing voice. I couldnt face the reality that Mr.
Daniel, Luke, Davis, Maria and Becky were no longer breathing. I longed for
their forgotten voices. The guilt took overpowered me and I whispered to
myself Why was only I left? I didnt know that being an only survivor, who
is meant to be lucky, could be so depressing. My sobbing grew louder and
louder. I turned my head to look around to see if anyone is present and I my
darkness grew more when I sensed no one. I travelled back into some
memories and recalled the first day we came to this rural mountain area
named as Debra Hills. It was due to an upcoming project. We all were highly
mesmerized by the unique nature of here. As every good has an equal bad,
the only problem we had was the climate. Debra is known for its rapidly
changing weather. I was back in the present in a place that restricted all
living happiness. I told to myself we shouldnt have come, its all because of
this... of this and broke into a large sob.

Nothing felt worse, lonelier and guiltier than this. I learned that life is
unpredictable because it can change its route in any moment. I wished that I
had also be a victim since I cannot handle these heavy emotions in my heart.
However I was grateful for my heart beating every split of a second. I wanted
someone to embrace and console me.

I looked again at the broken office. The wooden framed door smashed and
crumbled. The roof blown away. And a room where its walls have collapsed
gave a small opening to enter the wrecked workplace. The water drops
falling from the top stones. The wet wall splattered with mud. The window
glasses shattered in large and small pieces which and reflected me. I could
see my own self with no sprit of freedom, happiness. My large eyes colored
in red, the surroundings getting darker and gloomier. My Hair blown by heavy
gusts of wind. I looked up in the sky there were large grey clouds forming
through the morning sky. I ignored the natural warning. I fell on to the wet,
muddy ground since my legs became weaker. The beams of light were
fading. The sun hides behind a long chain of clouds. Every hope disappeared.
Yet I only gazed and the death scene of my friends. Memories came and
went. Smiles of them, Word of them and Actions of them would only be a

A light drizzling fell from the sky. I lay still collapsed in the earth, wishing that
if I knew that disaster would strike them and save them. The light drizzling
turned to be a monstrous rain followed by lightning and thunder. I start to
stand up after many failed trails. Yet my legs didnt help me in any way it
only became a burden. I started to drag my legs. I was fully drenched by the
heavy rain. I wanted to stay away from rain because I knew it what caused
the deaths of this innocent human beings. For the first time the beautiful,
smoothing rain turned to a monster in yesterdays night.

I dragged by legs to the small gap in the crumbled workplace and lay sit. My
sobs grew quiet. I lay still no if I go further, I would witness the horrific
deaths of my colleagues. I was scared. It rained like cats and dogs. I began to
feel unsafe. I began to feel my heart throbbing against my chest. My eyes let
out tears that were meant for no one. I began to look at up. I could see the
ceiling up breaking up. A noise of cracking grew louder in the lifeless area. I
looked up and smiled. And said my last words No one can change destiny.
It felt like the time stopped for a moment. And found a blur figure of
deceased under the ceiling showing me their hand to hold on. I recognized it
was Sura Dean. Further I could see Daniel and Luke walking down the heavy
rain and a few following them. First I refused to give my hand to Sura but
after a moment I change my decision and keep my hand on hers. Then
suddenly everything disappeared. Its me back in the small gap with the
nearly cracked ceiling that is meant to fall down in any time. I smiled at my
own self not knowing why. The only sound I hear was something falling.

At last I opened my eyes and saw a Tireless blue shaded with pink in the sky.
It was beautiful but more than it was unique. There was no land.

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