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This list is a revision of the Guppy Farm list used last week mentioned in a pre

vious post.
R - Advanced Gunnery
B - Minefields
Y - Hyperspace Assault
Total: 300
Flagship: 114
072 - Assault Frigate Mark 2 B
030 - Mon Mothma
006 - Advanced Projectors
006 - X17 Turbolasers
Ship 2: 89
072 - Assault Frigate Mark 2 B
005 - Paragon
006 - Advanced Projectors
006 - X17 Turbolasers
Squadrons: 97
020 - B-Wings (Keyan)
014 - B-Wings [x2]
016 - A-Wings (Tycho)
011 - A-Wings [x3]
I dropped the Expanded Hanger Bay and both Flight Controllers and switched the
Enhanced Armament for X17 Turbolasers hoping to drop the enemies shields on a s
pecific area and rush the B-Wings in when they get close, also upgraded one A-Wi
ng to Tycho and grabbed Paragon. Over all I liked having the B-Wings as that ex
tra critical and damage they do is huge plus they are a bit more sustainable in
if fighter engagment.
Today played a Rebel List running:
R - Advanced Gunnery
B - Intel Sweep
Y - Hyperspace Assault
Total: 297
Flagship: 114
072 - Assault Frigate Mark 2 B
025 - Garm Bel Iblis
010 - Enhanced Armament
007 - Electronic Countermeasures
Ship 2: 103
081 - Assault Frigate Mark 2 A
005 - Paragon
010 - Enhanced Armament
007 - Electronic Countermeasures
Ship 3: 47
039 - CR90 B
008 - Overload Pulse
Squadrons: 33
011 - A-Wing [x3]
My opponent, will call him L., chose to go first and chose Minefield since nethe
r of us had ever used it figured it would be somthing diffrent. The spacing of
the mines and terrain forced him to deploy and move in an un favorable mannor.
Turn 1 - Both moving speed 2 we both issued movement commands, myself taking to
kens. I also balled all my squarons at medium range from my carriers behind terr
ain in striking distance of his CR90.
Turn 2 - L. launched his 3 A-Wings into my squarons tying them all up and doing
a few points of damage focusing the B-Wings. His CR90 was moving perpendicular
across the field where our 4 Guppys were meeting in hopes of shutting down my de
fenses and scored a Critical on Paragon which was out of view of an of his other
ships thanks to terrain and the CR90. When it came to my turn I stored Enginee
ring on both of my ships plinking a few shots into the CR90 and his Flagship but
largly was my B-Wings and A-Wings eatting 2 of his A-Wings and leaving the 3rd
with 1hp taking few points in return.
Turn 3 - L. had managed to box himself in with his CR90 firing into my Flagship
scoring 5 hits but no crits. His Paragon got a broad side on my Paragon which dr
opping its front shields to 0 then fired into the fighters doing a few points of
damage. Lanner's Flagship proceeded to facehuged my Flagship and we sat there t
ill turn 5 grinding on eachother firing wildly into the rest of each others flee
t. I activated my Flagship using a fighter to clear out his last A-Wing freeing
up a B-Wing in range for a bombing run on a 0 shield side of his CR90. True to
fashion I declared the results of my bombing run BLANK and ACCURACY. I proceede
d to fire into the CR90 with my Flagship and roll 2 BLANK, 1 CRITICAL, and 1 ACC
Turn 4 - Now having no ware to go L. CR90 rammed my Flagship and shot it failing
again to roll a critcal. I activated my Paragon and used Squadrons command laun
ching Keyan into the CR90 obliterating it launching 2 others into the side of hi
s paragon doing a handful of points to its shields. My Paragon got its front sh
ots off but was just out side of a double arc of fire on his but rammed him none
the less. L. Paragon activated but made a error firing into my Flagship believ
eing he had double arc but forgetting to check before rolling thus only firing 1
volley into my Flagship and one into my Squadrons finishing off 1 A-Wing. My F
lagship fired into his Paragon doing 1 CRITICAL, and 1 HIT through his defenses
but the critical resulted in a structual damage. The rest of my squadrons posit
ioned around his Paragon and its projected flight path also managing to drop a f
ew more shields.
Turn 5 - L. activated his flagship poking my Paragon bringingdown the few shield
s I regenerated, but did headbut my Flagship into submission. I activated my Pa
ragon using Squadrons again this time the combinded firepower of it, the B-Wings
and Tycho brought L.'s Paragon down.
Going into turn 6 I had my Paragon abrest broad sided to his flagship at long ra
nge. Paragon with 0 front 3 side (close) 2 side (far) and 0 rear shields and 1 D
amage and having no Brace token. His flag ship having 0 front, 2 side (close), 0
side (far), and 2 rear shields, no brace token left to speak of and having 3 da
Turn 6 L. fired into my Paragon doing 5 damage which was soaked by the shields t
hen moving out of range of my ships fire. My Paragon used the squadrons command
1 last time launching 1 B-Wing into his 0 shield side doing 2 damage, Keyan int
o his rear doing 2 damage to his rear shields, and and A-Wing which rolled a bla
The end score was L. 125pts destroyed to my 183pts destroyed. There was human e
rror and mistakes all game but it was fun and was alot of back and forth on who
was in the lead. The fact we had 4 AFM2's in a 13" circle parkling lot with a n
ougat CR90 and fighter bomber swarm filling was enteraining and aloud my B-Wings
to do work and carry the game for me.

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