Russerction Season 7 Episode 14

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Russerction Season 7 Episode 14Behind

Enemy Lines

(Outskirts of Washington DC)(Forrest)(Day)

The camera was in Josh Coes view point and as it did it shown that he had was seeing through
a blind fold and he cold only hear a women voice and as he could...he made out that it was the
same women that had took him captive and as he heard her...she was speaking into a walkie
talkie and she said.
Women Solider 1: yeah...well be at the wall in 15 minuets with the prisoner...

as she was talking Josh could also hear several walkers off in the distance and he could hear
gun shots being fired and as he could he kept trying to hear the women and as he did the
women said.
Women solider 1: Copy that...over and out...all right get him on his feet and lets get
moving...were burning day light people.

as she said that Josh was lifted to his feet and as he was...he was led to a vehicle and he was
pushed into it and the door was shut behind him and soldiers got in right next to him on both
sides and as they did Josh could hear all the doors being closed and as he heard them close
the vehicle started up and as it did it started moving forward.

As the vehicle was moving Josh could catch some glimpse through a small gap through the
bottom of his blind fold and as he was looking through it he was looking out the window...the
camera shown that he was in a military hummer and as it shown that Josh looked out the
window and as he did he noticed that they were slowing down and as they did Josh saw military
guards standing in front of what looked like a giant wall that stretched on for miles...something
he hasnt seen since he and the others fought the senators Josh saw this he saw that
the guards were armed heavily and as they were they walked up to the vehicle.

As they did they spoke to the women who took Josh captive and they nodded heads and the
vehicle drove through the wall and a gate closed behind them as the car entered the
they drove it seemed liked hours but they finally got to a stop and as they did the women who
took Josh captive said.

Women Solider 1: all right take him to meet the president...hell want to have a word with him...

as she was talking the soldiers sitting next to Josh were getting out of the vehicle and as they
were Josh took this time to head butt one of the soldiers and as he did he kept pushing the
solider until the solider was out of the vehicle and on the the solider was Josh got
out of the car and as he did he said.
Josh Coe: this would be so helpful if I didnt have my hands tied behind my back.
as he said that he began to run and as he did he felt a jolt of lighting rush right through him and
as he did he dropped to the ground and as he did he said.

Josh Coe: son of a bitch.

as he said the the passed out and as he did the camera finally shown where they were and as it
did it shown a maxim security type prison and the solider that captured him in the first placed
tazed him and as she did a group of soldiers were making there way over to help her and as
they did she said.

Women Solider 1: its all right...Ive got me get him inside.

as she said that the group of soldiers started lifting Josh up and as they did the camera fanned
up and as it did it shown a city not that far away and there were helicopters flying over it and you
could hear cars honking at each other form the traffic and you could barely hear a group of
people talking...and it looked like a populated city...

The Camera jumped to inside the prison and as it did the camera was zoomed in on Joshs eyes
and as it was Josh woke up with a start and as he did he stood up quickly and as he did he
looked around himself to check out his his cell there was a single toilet with a
mirror and sink right next to it and there was a single bed on the opposite wall and a flat screen
TV hanging on the wall as well...and the entire room was white.

As Josh was looking around the room he noticed that they changed his clothes to white prison
uniforms and as he saw this he looked forward and walked forward and as he did he saw that
what was keeping him in the cell was a solid glass door. As he got up to it he looked out it and
he could tell that he was not the only prisoner in that cell he could hear other
prisoners talking and some screaming.
As he looked out his cell he walked up to his wall and as he did he spoke to it and said.

Josh Coe: hey...hey is anyone in there.

as he said that the camera jumped to the cell next to Josh and as it did the prisoner said.

Prisoner 1: yeah...I can hear ya...what you want...

as he said that Josh said.

Josh Coe: my name is Josh Coe...I was separated from my group can you tell me where I am.

as he said that the prisoner laughed for a long time and as he did Josh just listened until he
stopped laughing and as he did the prisoner said.

Prisoner 1: son...your in a maximum security prison that docent have a name...

as he said that Josh said.

Josh Coe: what?

as he said that the prisoner said.

Prisoner 1: must of done something to piss off the government to have end up
hear...this place makes regular prison look like a pipe dream.

as he said that Josh leaned up against his cell wall and slid down to the floor and as he did he
said.Josh Coe: this cant be happening...this cant be happening.

as he said that the prisoner heard him and as he did he said.Prisoner 1: well it is
sweetheart...and you better get used to it...because guys like you and me that end up
hear...dont get out of hear.

as he said that Josh kicked the wall and as he did the prisoner hesitated to ask a question and
waited several seconds to do it anyways and as he did he said.

Prisoner 1: what did you do to end up in hear anyways...if you dont mind me asking.

as he said that Josh said.

Josh Coe: I was with my group called the Michigan Group Survivors...and this chick...fought me
for a bit and knocked me out...she didnt tell me who she was or why she wanted me...but here I

as he said that the prisoner thought for several seconds and as he did he said.

Prisoner 1: Michigan Group Survivors...

as he said that Josh said.

Josh Coe: yeah...thats what my group calls ourselves...whats left of us anyways.

as he said that the prisoner said.

Prisoner 1: you mean like that group on that hit TV show about how there trying to survive in a
zombie apyclopyse ridden America.

as he said that Josh said.Josh Coe: TV show?...what do you mean TV show.

as he said that the prisoner said.

Prisoner 1: yeah...if you are who you say you are then your famous pal...turn on the
12. there always doing marathons of the show on there.

as he said that Josh grabbed the TV remote and as he did he turned on the TV and turned it to
channel he did the tv shown an older episode where James was still alive and the whole
group was together. As Josh was watching the screen the camera jumped to a security camera
point of view and it was in Joshs cell and watching Josh watch the tv and it stayed on Josh for
several it did the camera jumped back to Josh and as it did he said.
Josh Coe: so my part of my life has been a lie.

as he said that he started flipping through the TV channels and as he did he was flipping
through mostly news channels and they were saying things that were happening all over the
world and as he was watching the TV the door to his cell buzzed and as it did it slid open and as
it did a group of 5 soldiers walked in all heavily armed and as they stood in the cell one of the
soldiers spoke up and said.

Solider 2: the president will see you now.

Josh was lead down a hallway in the prison that was filled with military police all armed to the
teeth with Josh was walking down the hallway he was looking around the area and
checking out the guards and looking at the weapons and gear they all had. As he was being led
down the hallway he was brought to a single door at the end of the hallway and it was closed
and as he stood in front of it one of the military police guarding the door pulled out a card key
and put it up to a scanner on the door and the card key was accepted and the door was
unlocked and opened.

As it was opened Josh was led in and as he was the camera focused on the back of a leather
chair and as it was a mans voice which was the presidents voice said.
President Truman Oliver: you may leave us.
as he said that one of the guards spoke up and as he did he said.

Military Police guard 1: are you sure sir...hes one of the most dangerous people weve ever
taken outside of the wall...are you sure you want to be left alone with him...

as he was about to finish his sentence the president said.

President Truman Oliver: hes handcuffed and his feet are chackled aren't they...

as the president said that the guard said.

Military Police guard 1: yes sir.

as he said that the president said.President Truman Oliver: then I should have nothing to fear of
an unarmed man handcuffed and chackled...with over a dozen armed guards right outside my
door armed to the teeth with real guns with bullets in them with one word of my command if he
steps out of line he knows hell be dead...

as he said that the military guard said...

Military Guard 1: yes should have nothing to fear.

as he said that the president said.

President Truman Oliver: then do as I commanded earlier...leave us.

as he said that the guards left the room one by one and as they did the last guard that left
closed the door behind him and as he did President Oliver faced Josh and as he did the camera
shown that he was a man in his late 50s and had grey to white hair and he was wearing an all
black suit with a white shirt and black the president faced Josh he said.

President Truman Oliver: please...have a seat...Mr. Coe.

as he said that Josh walked to the seat in front of the presidents desk and as he did he sat in
the Josh did he looked right at the president and the president looked right back at
Josh and there was a long pause between the 2 as they stared at each other...then the president
opened up a file folder that was on his desk and as he did he started to talk.

President Truman Oliver: Josh Coe...youve got quite a file...I see you served in the war of Iraq
before the fall of America...

as Josh saw him looking at his file he didnt answer him and as he didnt President Truman
continued talking.

President Truman Oliver: I see even after the war of Iraq that you were and still are a remarkable
solider...even after the world even managed to protect President Allestar before he
met his unfortunate end...what do you have to say for yourself...Mr. Coe.

as he said that Josh didnt answer right away and as he didnt President Truman leaned back in
his seat and said.

President Truman Oliver: thats ok...its a traumatic experience your experiencing right now...I
understand that its taking you a while to adjust to things...a group of people similar to your own
group was brought here shortly before you were decided to be brought here...

as he said that...that caught Joshs attention and as it did President Truman saw this and as he
did Josh said.
Josh Coe: and where are these people now...

as he said that President Truman said.

President Truman Oliver: ahhh...he finally for there where abouts I cant tell
you where they exactly live and are but I can tell you that some of them went off to live out in the
real world...and some of them are right here...where you are now...

as he said that the look Josh gave him was of surprise and as it was President Truman said.
President Truman Oliver: heard me correctly...there is a rest of the world outside your
wall you were stuck behind...Mr. have much to learn...but first I want answers.
as he said that Josh said.
Josh Coe: answers?...answers about what...

as he said that President Truman said.President Truman Oliver: well Ive got several questions
first of did your group out of all the groups weve surveillance survive this long in an end
of the world situation...second...several years back...when James died where did he go and
where did he get Ryan Fantin and Madeline Barone...because weve done research on them
and there records dont show up on any of our files...they just showed up out of know where
when James came back to life...and finally how did James get his powers...I know they said it in
the show but I want to hear it out of your did he get

as he said that Josh took several minuets to speak up and once he did he said.

Josh Coe: your not going to get shit from me...I use to protect and serve the us government that
was until they betrayed my country and locked us behind a wall and watched what survivors
there were fight for there lives against hordes of undead for entirtment...either way...your not
getting shit from me...

as he said that President Oliver smirked and as he did he spoke up and said.

President Truman Oliver: Guards.

as he said that 4 guards entered the room and as they did one of them spoke up and said.

military police guard 2: yes sir...

as he said that President Truman said.

President Truman Oliver: take Mr. Coe back to his cell...

as he said that 2 guards walked up to Josh and forced him to his feet and as they did they
dragged him to the door and as they were about to leave one of the guards spoke up and said.

Military Police Guard 3: anything else you want us to do sir?

as he said that President Truman said.

President Oliver Truman: yes...make sure he tunes in to the newest episode of The Michigan
Group Survivors tonight...I hear its going to be a good one...someone major is going to die.

as he said that Josh tried fighting back and as he did he was dragged away and out of the room
and as he was Josh shouted.

Josh Coe: you bastard.

(Night)(Joshs Cell)

the tv in Joshs cell was turned on to the Michigan group survivors channel and as it was Josh
was doing his best to ignore it and as he was all of a sodden the door to his cell opened and as
it did 3 military police guards entered his cell leaving the door open and as they did Josh said.
Josh Coe: what in the hell are you 3 pussies doing here.

as he said that the prisoner next to Joshs cell said.

Prisoner: orinteion night...when its a prisoners first night a few guards get together and beat the
shit out of the new prisoner.

as he said that Josh smirked and got up getting ready to fight and said.

Josh Coe: we'll you sons of bitches are in for a fight.

as he said that the first guard was about to fight Josh when Josh through his first punch and
knocked the guard out...with one punch...the camera jumped to the outside of Joshs cell and
you could hear punches and kicks being thrown out and several seconds passed and Josh
walked out of his cell with out a mark on his body.

as he walked out of his cell the camera shown he had a card key in his hand and he walked to
the cell next to him...he finally got a look at his cell mate and it was a man in his early 40s with a
scar over his right eye but he could still see out of the prisoner saw him Josh opened his
cell door.

as he did Josh saw the prisoner stare at him and as he did he said.
Josh Coe: come on...were getting the hell out of here...well what are you waiting for.

as he said that the camera jumped to the outside of the prison and it shown Josh following the
man he just let out of his cell and they were entering the city....

(Screen goes black)

(End Scene)

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