Aklan State University School of Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Science in Nursing Banga, Aklan

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Aklan State University

School of Arts and Sciences

Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Banga, Aklan

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Subject
Nursing Research 1
Research Title Topic: The Effect of Discrimination in the Self-worth of an LGBT

Submitted by:
Bontia, Lourenz S.

Submitted to:
Mrs. Carol Joy Palma-Remaneses, RN, MHSS

December 6, 2016

1. Helping Behavior as a Subtle Measure of Discrimination Against Lesbians and Gay
Men: German Data and a Comparison Across Countries1
To unobtrusively assess attitudes toward lesbians and gay men, the wrong-number
technique was used in a field experiment in Germany. The results are compared to studies
using the same paradigm in Switzerland, Great Britain, and the United States. This approach
gives a realistic picture of intercultural differences in social behavior against lesbians and gay
men. Across studies, the results indicated that homosexuals are less likely to receive help than
are heterosexuals. The variation of this effect between countries closely corresponded to the
ranking of attitudes toward homosexuality assessed in survey studies. Contrary to survey
studies, however, women showed only marginally less negative attitudes toward gay persons
than men, when actual helping behavior was used as an attitude index.
2. Tomboys and baklas: Experiences of lesbian and gay Filipino Americans2
In the Philippines, the terms tomboy and bakla describe lesbian women and gay men, and
are often used synonymously to label transgender people. Although there is some literature that
describes the experiences of gay men in the Philippines, there is a dearth of psychological
research that examines experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) Filipino
Americans in the U.S. The current exploratory study utilized focus groups (N = 24) with lesbian
and gay Filipino Americans on both the East and West coasts of the United States. Five
domains emerged: (1) Religious influence on sexual and gender identity, (2) Family influence on
gender and sexual identity, (3) Experiences with race, (4) Process of negotiating multiple
identities, and (5) Variant experiences between Filipino subgroups. Findings indicate that
religion, culture, and family expectations influenced ones ability to accept ones sexuality and
that lesbian and gay Filipino Americans experience several psychological stressors as a result
of balancing their multiple identities. Participants described the types of racism they experience
in the LGBT community, as well as the heterosexism they face in their families and in their
ethnic communities. Implications for Asian American psychology and clinical practice are
3. Purple-Collar Labor: Transgender Workers and Queer Value at Global Call Centers in
the Philippines3
This article examines new patterns of workplace inequality that emerge as transgender people
are incorporated into the global labor market. Drawing on in-depth interviews with 41
transgender call center employees in the Philippines, I develop the concept purple-collar labor
to describe how transgender workersspecifically trans womenare clustered, dispersed, and
segregated in the workplace and how their patterned locations in social organizational
structures serve a particular value-producing function. These patterned inclusions, I argue,
come with explicit and implicit interactional expectations about how trans should be put to work
in the expansion and accumulation of global capital. In this way, the study examines the
production and extraction of queer value and the folding of trans womens gendered
performances into commercial exchange. Data show how the affective labor of transgender

1 Gabriel, U., & Banse, R. (2006). Helping Behavior as a Subtle Measure of Discrimination Against Lesbians and Gay Men: German Data and a
Comparison Across Countries. Retrieved December 4, 2016, from Wiley Online Library: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.0021-

2 Nadal, K. L., & Corpus, M. J. (2013, September). Tomboys and baklas: Experiences of lesbian and gay Filipino Americans. Retrieved
December 4, 2016, from APA PsycNet: http://psycnet.apa.org/journals/aap/4/3/166/

3 David, E. (2015). Transgender Workers and Queer Value at Global Call Centers in the Philippines. Retrieved December 4, 2016, from Sage
Journals: http://gas.sagepub.com/content/29/2/169.short

employees is used to help foster productivity, ease workplace tensions, and boost employee
morale. This study of transgender employment experiences opens new lines of inquiry for
understanding gender inequalities at work, and it builds on scholarship that combines political
economy approaches with transgender studies.
4. From Deviant to Bakla, Strong to Stronger: Mainstreaming Sexual and Gender
Minorities into Disaster Risk Reduction in the Philippines4
Disaster risk reduction (DRR), and indeed development at large, has traditionally been reluctant
to acknowledge and accept the issue of gendered and sexual diversity in its mainstream policy
design and practice. Recent forays into mainstreaming gender and sexual minorities into DRR
have, however, highlighted the crucial role that these minorities play in bigger development
aspirations of participation and empowerment. This debate article explores the notion of
queering development in DRR, and by drawing upon a recent DRR project in a rural area of the
Philippines that is at high risk of natural hazards, we suggest a new framework for
conceptualizing and doing DRR.
5. Capably Queer: Exploring the Intersections of Queerness and Poverty in the Urban
Despite growing attention to identity and intersectionality in the field of development,
there is still a dearth of empirical scholarship exploring the ways that being sexually non-
normativeor queershapes the experience of living in poverty in the Global South. In this
paper, I use the missing dimensions of poverty framework developed by the Oxford Poverty
and Human Development Initiative to explore the ways that queerness and poverty inflect each
other in the urban Philippines. I examine the pivotal role that queer people play in household
and neighborhood economies, and argue that being queer profoundly affects the ways that low-
income Filipinos experience poverty. I suggest that a better understanding of the capabilities
that low-income queer individuals are allowed or encouraged to exerciseand the roles that are
denied to themcan be used to beneficially integrate those populations into development
6. Tita Aida and Emerging Communities of Gay Men: 6Two Case Studies from Metro
Manila, the Philippines
This article describes and analyzes the development of two gay men's organizations in
Metro Manila, the Philippines. The members, who are predominantly salaried professionals,
represent an emerging subculture among "men who have sex with men," self-identifying as gay.
The HIV/AIDS epidemic, while eliciting different responses from the two organizations, is
described as pivotal in challenging the groups' ethos about sexual identity, behavioral change,
and community organizing. The potentials, as well as limitations, for further development of
these groups are discussed.

4 Manalastas, E. J. (2014). From Deviant to Bakla, Strong to Stronger: Mainstreaming Sexual and Gender Minorities into Disaster Risk
Reduction in the Philippines. Retrieved December 4, 2016, from Taylor & Francis Online:

5 Thoreson, R. (2011). Capably Queer: Exploring the Intersections of Queerness and Poverty in the Urban Philippines. Retrieved December 4,
2016, from Taylor & Francis Online: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/19452829.2011.610783

6 Tan, M. (2008). Tita Aida and Emerging Communities of Gay Men: Two Case Studies from Metro Manila, the Philippines. Retrieved December
4, 2016, from Taylor & Francis Online: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1300/J041v03n03_03

7. Concealable Stigma and Occupational Segregation Toward a Theory of Gay and
Lesbian Occupations7
Numerous scholars have noted the disproportionately high number of gay and lesbian
workers in certain occupations, but systematic explanations for this type of occupational
segregation remain elusive. Drawing on the literatures on concealable stigma and stigma
management, we develop a theoretical framework predicting that gay men and lesbians will
concentrate in occupations that provide a high degree of task independence or require a high
level of social perceptiveness, or both. Using several distinct measures of sexual orientation,
and controlling for potential confounds, such as education, urban location, and regional and
demographic differences, we find support for these predictions across two nationally
representative surveys in the United States for the period 20082010. Gay men are more likely
to be in female-majority occupations than are heterosexual men, and lesbians are more
represented in male-majority occupations than are heterosexual women, but even after
accounting for this tendency, common to both gay men and lesbians is a propensity to
concentrate in occupations that provide task independence or require social perceptiveness, or
both. This study offers a theory of occupational segregation on the basis of minority sexual
orientation and holds implications for the literatures on stigma, occupations, and labor markets.
8. Filipino masculinity and psychological distress: A preliminary comparison between
gay and heterosexual men8
This article reports on a study that compared Filipino gay (N = 43) and heterosexual (N =
767) men on measures of male role attitudes and behavior, depression, and anxiety. The
authors used the Filipino Adherence and Conflict with Expectations of Masculinity Questionnaire
to assess 7 male role dimensions, as well as the Mehrabian Trait Anxiety and Depression
Scales and the Social Avoidance and Distress Scale. Analyses indicated that Filipino gay men
conformed less to, and experienced greater conflict with, norms for family orientedness and for
respectful deference to spouse, women, and elders. Gay mens anxiety was associated with
less conformity to the male role prescription to be strong. Heterosexual mens depression was
associated with less conformity to the role prescription to be family oriented. The discussion
explores the divergent attitudes of gay and heterosexual men regarding family life, as well as
implications for clinical practice and public policy.
9. Transgendered Women of the Philippines9
A convenience sample of 147 transgendered females (i.e., male-to-female (MtF)
transgenders, or transwomen, transgendered members of a community often called bakla in the
Philippines) was studied. Participants (mean 23.6 years) completed a questionnaire covering,
inter alia, demographics, transition histories, sexual preferences, sexual and gender identities,
experience of social attitudes towards transgenderism, as well as beliefs about the origins of
their own transgenderism.

7 Knight, C. (2015). Concealable Stigma and Occupational Segregation Toward a Theory of Gay and Lesbian Occupations. Retrieved December
4, 2016, from Sage Journals: http://asq.sagepub.com/content/early/2015/03/10/0001839215576401.abstract

8 Rubio, R. (2009). Filipino masculinity and psychological distress: A preliminary comparison between gay and heterosexual men. Retrieved
December 4, 2016, from SpringerLink: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1525/srsp.2009.6.3.61

9 Winter, S. (2010). Transgendered Women of the Philippines. Retrieved December 4, 2016, from Taylor & Francis Online:

Despite a level of education that was high in relation to the national average, the level of
unemployment in our sample was comparatively high. Participants' family backgrounds revealed
a significantly higher frequency of older sisters than younger ones.
Participants differed in the ways in which they self-identified, but overwhelmingly reported early
feelings of gender incongruity (i.e., in early or middle childhood) and initial transition in
adolescence. Though most were at the time of the study using hormones, surgery was relatively
uncommon, and sex reassignment surgery rare. While none of the participants aspired to a
male identity, many anticipated that they would nevertheless be presenting as male later in their
lives. An overwhelming majority reported a sexual attraction to men, the vast majority of these
exclusively so.

Participants commonly reported that Filipino society was unfavourably disposed towards the
transgendered. Many reported rejection by their parents, though this was more common (a) by
fathers, and (b) when they had earlier begun to transition.
Participants most commonly cited inborn biology or God's Will as a factor underlying their own
transgenderism. Very few cited social influences.
10. The UN Human Rights Committee and LGBT Rights: What is it Doing? What Could it
be Doing?10
The United Nations Human Rights Committee has been praised as one of the most
influential human rights bodies in the world; however, its track record for the protection of the
rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) persons has not yet been
comprehensively or systematically examined. Individuals in many parts of the world face severe
human rights violations because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. In many countries,
men caught engaging in homosexual conduct can be imprisoned or even sentenced to death,
and LGBT people are still subjected to widespread violence and legally sanctioned
discrimination on a daily basis. This article critically analyses the work of the Human Rights
Committee over a ten-year period to determine what it has done to protect the rights of sexual
minorities, and whether there is more it could do to enhance this protection of the LGBT rights.
An examination of the Committees concluding observations, General Comments and Views in
individual communications, reveals that while progress is being made by this body of experts,
there is still room for a greater emphasis on the distinct challenges facing LGBT communities for
the complete fulfilment of the norms of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

10 Gerber, P. (2014). The UN Human Rights Committee and LGBT Rights: What is it Doing? What Could it be Doing? Retrieved December 4,
2016, from Oxford Journals: http://hrlr.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2014/07/21/hrlr.ngu019.short

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