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Agnes Bellisa as Maam Riska
Andrew Angga as Narrator
Andrey Samuel as Raka
Bernike Sari as Lily
Hana Sharon as Clara
Herbert as Rizal
Ira Miranda as Rere
LoistVilly as Wulan
Martha Octavia as Tasya
Nathania as Shinta
Silvia as Jessica
Victor Wijaya as Aldi
Narrator : On Sunday, Raka and Rizal come to their school to practice futsal.Apparently,
no one in there.
Rizal: Hey, there is no teacher here. What will we do?
Raka: So, are you going home?
Rizal : (Sigh), No, Im not! Ive paid the expensive cost, much to the school, no go
home, just like that? No! I wont
Raka: (Laughs) Hahaha, just say, if you want to play, huh? (hitting Rizals shoulder).
Dont lie
Rizal : (Laughs) Hahaha, how can you know that?
Raka: Of course I know. Lets play!
Rizal : (Laughs) Yeah, thats right! (thumbs up) I like your idea! (laughs) Hahaha
Raka: Of course. Raka is clever and handsome too
Rizal : (Hit Rakas shoulder) But your intelligence just works sometimes. Well, your
stupidity is permanent (laughs)
Raka: (Hit Rizals shoulder) Damn you!
Rizal : (Stroking his shoulder) So, now what? Where we are going? Im bored
Raka: (Hit Rizals shoulder) You are so stupid, huh? Of course we play!
Rizal : (Angry) What will we play? (Stroking his shoulder) Since you hit me so many
times, it hurts, you know?
Raka: (Laughs) Sorry, bro. So, what will we do?
Rizal : (Mocking) Oh my God! Your stupidity is recurrent
Raka: (Scratching the head) Hmmm (pointing to somewhere) How if we go there
instead? I want to look around
Rizal : You are animashaun! Like you never go there
Raka: Ahh! Chatty! Lets go!
Rizal : Okey!

Narrator : They both run to the place. Apparently, there was Clara, Aldi, Rere, and
Maam Riska. Then they went to them.
Rizal : (Shouting) Hello, guys! What are you doing here?
Aldi : (Turning to wards Rizal and Raka) Uh, you two? What are you doing here?
Rere: Aldi, Aldi. Rizal asked you. Uh, you even asks him again (shaking her head)
Aldi : (Laughs)
Raka: (Pulling Rizals arm) Woi, zal. Lets greet Maam Riska! Good afternoon, maam
Riska : (Shaking her head) You guys, why you dont greet your teacher? Not polite!
Rizal : (Laughs) Sorry maam. Because we dont see you! (laughs)
Riska : (Tweaks Rizals ear) Do you think you are tall, huh? There isnt one inch, you
Raka: Hes arrogant, maam (laughs)
Clara : (Confused) If Rizal is only one inch, why he is taller than me, maam? Its
should be right as a fish
Rere : It just a metaphor, Clara
Clara : Oh
Rere : Why are you here?
Raka: We want to practice futsal. But, the teacher wasnt at there. Maybe he is lost
Clara : (Surprised) If he is lost, why there arent news? It should appear on TV
Riska: (Smacked Clara) Hush! Dont talk carelessly!
Clara : (Stroking her head) Not like that, maam. But I wonder. The missing people
certainly in the news, yeah or newspaper or maybe radio
Rere : (Yells) Clara, you are so stupid, huh?
Aldi: Her stupidity cant be helped anymore. Rakawas just joking, Clara
Clara : (Surprised) If joking, why the teacher really disappear? Or perhaps Raka
could magic?
Rere : (Annoyed) OMG, Clara. Its impossible
Raka: Yes, I have! I will magic you! Let you become clever!
Clara : (Amazed) Huh? Really? I want, I want to have a brain like Albert Einsten!
Raka: Not only his brain, I would magic you become the real Albert Einsten!
Rizal : (Stroking his chest) Huu, be patient, be patient Rizal!
Clara : (Staring Rizal) Why you stroking your chest? And why do you say: be
Rizal : Yes, patience
Clara : Why?
Rizal : (Annoyed) So, I will not punch you, Clara!
Clara : (Confused) Why do you want to punch me? Am I wrong? (All laugh except
Rizal and Clara)
Rizal : (Annoyed) Re, seriously, why do you keep be friend with her?
Rere: (Laughs) I already get used to it. She is really stupid, I know. But Ive accustomed.
(Laughs) So, if you want to talk to her, your faith must be strong
Rizal : (Desperation sigh) But the problem is, she is overdosed Re!
Clara : (Shocked) Huh? Who is overdosed?
Rizal : (Yelling) I dont ask you, Clara! My faith isnt strong
Aldi : Only certain people who can talk to her
Clara : (Annoyed) Who said? Rerejust like normal person
Aldi : Yeah, thats what I mean certain people
Clara : (Annoyed) No! Everyone can talk
Rere: (Clutching Claras mouth) Youd better be quiet Clara or you will not be safe to
home because they are gonna eat you
Clara : (Silent)
Raka: Eventually, the child is quiet. Now, I want to ask, what are you doing here?
Aldi: Maam Riska ordered us to control the school. Fear of there is something
Raka: (Pointing Clara) This kid? Why is she here?
Rere: (Lifting the index finger) I invite her. Why? If she is here, it must be exciting
Raka: (Mocking) Exciting? She makes me annoyed
Rere: (Laughs)
Riska: How about you join us to control over the school?
Rizal : (Happy) Ah, great idea!
Raka: Well, its better than just breath at here

Narrator : In the class, Wulan, Shinta, and Jessica find something in their friends desk
Wulan: Hey, look! Ive found this wallet in Tasyas desk drawer
Shinta: Really? How come?
Wulan: I dont know. I think she is left her wallet yesterday
Jessica : How much money in it?
Shinta: OMG! Its two hundred and fifty thousand!
Jessica : What? Oh gosh, its really much money
Shinta: Must I tell the teacher about this wallet?
Wulan: Silly! Of course no! We can be accused as a thief
Shinta: Oh, shes right
Jessica : How if this money we divided by three? Agree?
Wulan: Great idea! I agree with you
Shinta: Sshhh.. Someone is coming
Jessica : Lets hide. Hurry up!

Narrator : Suddenly, Tasya and Lily rushed to the class to look for something
Aldi : Tasya, Lily! Why are you here? What happened?
Tasya : (Just keep quiet. Still looking for something)
Lily : Tasyas wallet is lost, Al
Rere : (Shocked) How come? How much money in it?
Lily : (Thinking) I dont know. How much, sha?
Tasya : Two hundred and fifty thousand
Riska: How come? You sloopy, huh? How can you take so much money?
Tasya : (Agitated) The plan, I want to buy a novel with Lily today. Apperantly, on
Saturday, I left my wallet in my desk drawer, maam
Clara : Not yet found?
Tasya : (Angry) Of course. If I have found it, why am I still here?
Clara : (Silence)
Tasya : (Begged) Maam. Please help me, maam. Help me to find my wallet, maam
Riska: Well, okay. Aldi, Rere?
Aldi&Rere : Yes, maam?
Riska: Tomorrow, please check all bags. Okey?
Clara : But, maam, if tomorrow, it is too late!
Tasya: (Angry) Why?
Clara : Certainly, the money has run out. Right Lily?
Lily : Right maam. How can so much money be left. Surely, its already taken by
Aldi : Okey. Now lets go to the classroom
Clara : Is the money in the class?
Rizal : No, its on the toilet
Clara : How come?
Rizal : Oh, Clara! Dont start!
Narrator : They were headed to the classroom. There is already exist Wulan, Jessica,
and Shinta. They were hiding something.
Riska: (Shouting) Wulan! Jessica! Shinta! Why are you here? And whose wallet?
Wulan : (Nervous) This is my wallet, maam
Tasya: (Pointing wallet) Its my wallet, maam
Wulan : (Angry) You are lying! Its my wallet!
Lily : Its Tettas wallet! Give it back!
Jessica : What are you doing?
Shinta : Yeah. It has Wulans wallet
Jessica : (Stricking her tounge) Huu
Tasya: (Want to cry) Maam, this is mine maam. I swear
Riska: (Confused) Wulan, give it back!
Wulan : (Annoyed) This is not Tettas wallet, maam! This is my wallet!
Jessica : Tasyalied, maam!
Shinta : Yes, maam, Tasya lie!
Clara : Hurry here, her wallet!
Shinta : Hey! Clara deliberately want to help Tasya. So, this money can divided by
two, right? With you?
Tasya: (Annoyed) Right maam! Thats my wallet!
Riska: Wulan, Jessica, Shinta, return Tasyas wallet, now! I can expel you from school!
Jessica : (Scared) Pardon me, maam! This I return! But dont expel me, maam
Shinta : Yes, maam! Dont report us maam, please!
Riska: You too, Wulan! Dont you a new student?
Rizal : (Annoyed) Shes expelled from her old school maam
Riska: Ohh! This time you have a really big problem!
Wulan : Maam! Pardon me, maam! Dont expel me from school!
Riska: This all depands on the decisions of your friends. Including Tasya.
Wulan : Forgive me, Tasya. Okey?
Tasya: (Silent)
Lily : Yes, forgive her!
Tasya: Okey, I forgive you. But dont repeat it again!
Wulan, Jessica &Shinta : (Together) Yeah, Tasya! We promised not to do it again!
Clara : Maam, so the issue is completed, right?
Rere: Of course Clara! And, please, dont start it again, okey?

(Everyone laughs)

Narrator : The thief eventually found. Since the incident, Wulan, Jessica, and Shintabe
good girls. And they are no more hositility. Clara became familiar with Wulan
that was hostile.


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