Gold-1952 - Roles in Sociological Field Observations

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base of the county has shifted from agriculture 3. It was also hypothesized that labor turnover
to industry as shown by occupational trends. is a function of migratory tendencies, age, and
education. It was found as expected that those
workers with previous records of termination were
Following the location of a major steel plant most likely to terminate their employment and
in a rural Utah county, thousands of new people move on. Also as expected the younger workers
came into the area to seek industrial employment had a higher termination record than older work-
and many more people living in the county mi-
ers. In the case of education, three studies had
grated occupation-wise into industry. From
found that the more educated were more likely to
previous studies in the field of labor mobility, a
series of hypotheses were set up and tested to see if be occupationally mobile. This study found that
this situation showed trends in agreement with the terminated workers had less education on the
other such situations. average than those who continued their employ-
1. It was found in this study that the majority ment.
of industrial workers came from the local labor 4. As workers migrated into the industrial area,
market within the county. Following this, workers the trend was to seek residence on accessible roads
migrated into the county from contiguous counties to the work plant in communities close to the plant
in the state. While most of the workers were from with adequate community services. This is in
Utah, some were from out of state and, contrary to agreement with other studies. It was also evident
expectations, the majority of workers did not come that workers in the county formerly living in rural
from contiguous states. Evidently recruiting poli- areas moved into closer urban communities as
cies and other factors drew workers to Utah from they obtained employment in the steel plant.
more distant states than from adjoining states.
5. Within the rural county itself there was a
2. While it is generally true that it is the younger
marked shift in population composition from rural
men who migrate, and this study indicated that
only ten percent of immigrant workers were over to urban and a decided change in occupational
45, there was no direct inverse correlation between trends from agriculture to industry. We would
age and distance of migration. In this case instead expect now the trend of behavior in most activities
of age decreasing as distance increased, there was in the county to be more consistent with urban
a positive correlation between age and distance. than with rural life.

MontanaState University

UFORD JUNKER has suggested four pant. As a member of Junker's research team, I
theoretically possible roles for sociolo- shared in the thinking which led to conceptualiza-
gists conducting field work.' These range tion of these research roles. After the work of the
from the complete participant at one extreme to team was completed, I continued the search for
the complete observer at the other. Between these, insight regarding processes of interaction learning
but nearer the former, is the participant-as-ob- in field observation in a special study of my own.2
server; nearer the latter is the observer-as-partici- A considerable portion of this study was devoted
* Read before the nineteenth annual meeting of the
to exploration of the dimensions of Junker's role-
conceptions and their controlling effects on the
Southern Sociological Society, Atlanta, Georgia,
product of field study.
April 13, 1956.
1 Buford Junker, "Some Suggestions for the Design 2Raymond L. Gold, Toward a Social Interaction
of Field Work Learning Experiences," in Everett C. Methodology for Sociological Field Observation, un-
Hughes, et al, Cases on Field Work (hectographed by published Ph. D. dissertation, University of Chicago,
The University of Chicago, 1952), Part III-A. 1954.

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My aim in this paper is to present extensions of that he is performing inadequately in the role he
Junker's thinking growing out of systematic inter- can indicate to himself that he can do better by
views with field workers whose experience had changing tactics. Here he uses self as a source of
been cast in one or more of these patterns of re- new behaviors to protect role. The case of using
searcher-subject relationship. All of these field role to protect self from perceived threat is one of
workers had gathered data in natural or nonexperi- acute self-consciousness, a matter of diminishing
mental settings. I would like in this paper to ana-
over-sensitivity to self-demands by introspectively
lyze generic characteristics of Junker's four field
noting correspondingdemands of role. The case of
observer roles and to call attention to the demands
using self to protect role from perceived threat is
each one places on an observer, as a person and as
a sociologist plying his trade. one of acute role-consciousness,a matter of dimin-
Every field work role is at once a social inter- ishing over-sensitivity to role-demands by intro-
action device for securing information for scientific spectively indicating that they are dispropor-
purposes and a set of behaviors in which an ob- tionately larger than those of self. Both cases
server's self is involved.3While playing a field work represent situations in which role-demands and
role and attempting to take the role of an inform- self-demands are out of balance with each other as
ant, the field observer often attempts to master a result of perceived threat, and are then restored
hitherto strange or only generally understood uni- to balance by appropriate introspection.
verses of discourse relating to many attitudes and Yet, no matter how congenial the two sets of
behaviors. He continually introspects, raising end- demands seem to be, a person who plays a role in
less questions about the informant and the de- greatly varied situations (and this is especially
veloping field relationship, with a view to playing
true of a sociologist field observer) sometimes ex-
the field work role as successfully as possible. A
periences threats which markedly impair his effec-
sociological assumption here is that the more suc-
tiveness as an interactor in the situation. When
cessful the field worker is in playing his role, the
more successful he must be in taking the inform- attempting to assess informational products of
ant's role. Success in both role-taking and role- field work, it is instructive to examine the field
playing requires success in blending the demands worker's role-taking and role-playing in situations
of self-expression and self-integrity with the de- of perceived, but unresolved, threat. Because he
mands of the role. defines success in the role partly in terms of doing
It is axiomatic that a person who finds a role everything he can to remain in even threatening
natural and congenial, and who acts convincingly situations to secure desired information, he may
in it, has in fact found how to balance role-demands find that persevering is sometimes more heroic
with those of self. If need be he can subordinate than fruitful.
self-demands in the interest of the role and role- The situation may be one in which he finds the
demands in the interest of self whenever he per- informant an almost intolerable bigot. The field
ceives that either self or role is in any way threat-
worker decides to stick it out by attempting to
ened. If, while playing the role, someone with
subordinate self-demands to those of role. He suc-
whom he is interacting attacks anything in which
ceeds to the extent of refraining from "telling off"
he has self-involvement, he can point out to him-
self that the best way to protect self at the moment the informant, but fails in that he is too self-con-
is to subordinate (or defer) self-expression to allow scious to play his role effectively. He may think of
successful performance in the role. In other words, countless things he would like to say and do to
he uses role to protect self. Also, when he perceives the informant, all of which are dysfunctional to
role-demands, since his role requires taking the
3 To simplify this presentation, I am assuming that
the field worker is an experienced observer who has in- role of the other as an informant, not as a bigot.
corporated the role into his self-conceptions. Through At the extreme of nearly overwhelming self-con-
this incorporation, he is self-involved in the role and sciousness, the field worker may still protect his
feels that self is at stake in it. However, being ex- role by getting out of the situation while the get-
perienced in the role, he can balance role-demands and
self-demands in virtually all field situations, that is, all ting is good. Once out and in the company of un-
except those to be discussed shortly. derstanding colleagues, he will finally be able to

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achieve self-expression (i.e., finally air his views of situations in which he can play, or learn to play,
the informant) without damaging the field role.4 requisite day-to-day roles successfully. He may,
Should the situation be such that the field worker for example, work in a factory to learn about
finds the informant practically inscrutable (i.e., inner-workings of informal groups. After gaining
a "bad" informant), he may decide to persevere acceptance at least as a novice, he may be per-
despite inability to meet role-taking and role- mitted to share not only in work activities and
playing demands. In this situation he becomes attitudes but also in the intimate life of the work-
acutely role-conscious, since he is hypersensitive ers outside the factory.
to role-demands,hyposensitive to self. This partial Role-pretense is a basic theme in these activities.
breakdown of his self-process thwarts his drawing It matters little whether the complete participant
on past experiences and current observations to in a factory situation has an upper-lower class
raise meaningful questions and perceive meaning- background and perhaps some factory experience,
ful answers. At the extreme, a role-conscious field or whether he has an upper-middle class back-
worker may play his role so mechanically and un- ground quite divorced from factory work and the
convincingly that the informant, too, develops norms of such workers. What really matters is
role-and-self problems. that he knows that he is pretending to be a col-
The following discussion utilizes these concep- league. I mean to suggest by this that the crucial
tions of role and self to aid in analyzing field work value as far as researchyield is concerned lies more
roles as "master roles" for developing lesser role- in the self-orientation of the complete participant
relationships with informants.5 While a field than in his surface role-behaviors as he initiates
worker cannot be all things to all men, he routinely his study. The complete participant realizes that
tries to fit himself into as many roles as he can, he, and he alone, knows that he is in reality other
so long as playing them helps him to develop rela- than the person he pretends to be. He must pretend
tionships with informants in his master role (i.e., that his real self is represented by the role, or roles,
participant-as-observer,etc.). he plays in and out of the factory situation in rela-
tionships with people who, to him, are but inform-
ants, and this implies an interactive construction
The true identity and purpose of the complete that has deep ramifications. He must bind the
participant in field research are not known to mask of pretense to himself or stand the risk of
those whom he observes. He interacts with them exposure and research failure.
as naturally as possible in whatever areas of their In effect, the complete participant operates con-
living interest him and are accessible to him as tinually under an additional set of situational de-
4 An inexperienced field worker might "explode" on mands. Situational role-and-self demands ordi-
the spot, feeling that role and self are not congenial in narily tend to correspond closely. For this reason,
this or any other situation. But an experienced field even when a person is in the act of learning to play
worker would leave such a situation as gracefully as a role, he is likely to believe that pretending to
possible to protect the role, feeling that role and self have achieved this correspondence (i.e., fourflush-
are not congenial in this situation only. ing) will be unnecessary when he can actually "be
5Lesser role-relationships include all achieved and himself" in the role. But the complete observer
ascribed roles which the field worker plays in the act
simply cannot "be himself"; to do so would almost
of developing a field relationship with an informant.
For example, he may become the "nice man that old
invariably preclude successful pretense. At the very
ladies can't resist" as part of his over-all role-reportoire least, attempting to "be himself"-that is, to
in a community study. Whether he deliberately sets out achieve self-realization in pretended roles-would
to achieve such relationships with old ladies or dis- arouse suspicion of the kind that would lead others
covers that old ladies ascribe him "irresistible" char- to remain aloof in interacting with him. He must
acteristics, he is still a participant-as-observer who in- be sensitive to demands of self, of the observer
teracts with local old ladies as a "nice man." Were he role, and of the momentarily pretended role. Be-
not there to study the community, he might choose not
ing sensitive to the set of demands accompanying
to engage in this role-relationship, especially if being
irresistible to old ladies is not helpful in whatever master role-pretense is a matter of being sensitive to a
role(s) brought him to town. (Cf. any experienced large variety of overt and covert mannerisms and
community researcher.) other social cues representing the observer's pre-

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tended self. Instead of being himself in the pre- "go native," incorporate the role into his self-
tended role, all he can be is a "not self," in the conceptions and achieve self-expression in the role,
sense of perceiving that his actions are meaningful but find he has so violated his observer role that it
in a contrived role. is almost impossible to report his findings. Conse-
The following illustration of the pretense of a quently, the field worker needs cooling-off periods
complete participant comes from an interview during and after complete participation, at which
with a field worker who drove a cab for many times he can "be himself" and look back on his
months to study big-city cab drivers. Here a field field behavior dispassionately and sociologically.
worker reveals how a pretended role fosters a While the complete participant role offers pos-
heightened sense of self-awareness, an introspec- sibilities of learning about aspects of behavior that
tive attitude, because of the sheer necessity of might otherwise escape a field observer, it places
indicating continually to himself that certain ex- him in pretended roles which call for delicate bal-
periences are merely part of playing a pretended ances between demands of role and self. A com-
role. These indications serve as self-assurance that plete participant must continually remind himself
customers are not really treating him as they seem that, above all, he is there as an observer: this is
to do, since he is actually someone else, namely, his primary role. If he succumbs to demands of
a field worker. the pretended role (or roles), or to demands of
self-expression and self-integrity, he can no longer
Well, I've noticed that the cab driver who is a cab function as an observer. When he can defer self-
driveracts differentlythan the part-timecab drivers, expression no longer, he steps out of the pretended
who don't think of themselves as real cab drivers. role to find opportunities for congenial interaction
Whensomebodythrowsa slam at men who drive only with those who
are, in fact, colleagues.
part of the year, suchas, "Well,you'rejust a goddamn
cab driver!,"they do one of two things.They may make
it knownto the guy that they arenot a cab driver;they
are somethingelse. But as a rule, that doesn't work Although basically similar to the complete ob-
out, becausethe customercomes back with, "Well, if server role, the participant-as-observer role differs
you'renot a cab driverwhat the hell are you driving significantly in that both field worker and inform-
this cab for?"So, as a rule,they mostlyjust rationalize ant are aware that theirs is a field relationship.
it to themselvesby thinking,"Well,this is not my role This mutual awareness tends to minimize problems
or the real me. He just doesn't understand.Just con-
of role-pretending; yet, the role carries with it
siderthe sourceand dropit." But a cab driverwho is
a cab driver, if you make a crack at him, such as, numerous opportunities for compartmentalizing
"You'rejust a goddamn cab driver!"he's going to mistakes and dilemmas which typically bedevil
take you out of the back seat and whip you. the complete participant.
Probably the most frequent use of this role is in
Other complete participant roles may pose more community studies, where an observer develops
or less of a challenge to the field worker than those relationships with informants through time, and
mentioned above. Playing the role of potential where he is apt to spend more time and energy
convert to study a religious sect almost inevitably participating than observing. At times he observes
leads the field worker to feel not only that he has formally, as in scheduled interview situations; and
"taken" the people who belong to the sect, but at other times he observes informally-when at-
that he has done it in ways which are difficult to tending parties, for example. During early stages
justify. In short, he may suffer severe qualms about of his stay in the community, informants may be
his mandate to get information in a role where he somewhat uneasy about him in both formal and
pretends to be a colleague in moral, as well as in informal situations, but their uneasiness is likely
other social, respects. to disappear when they learn to trust him and
All complete participant roles have in common he them.
two potential problems; continuation in a pre- But just when the research atmosphere seems
tended role ultimately leads the observer to reckon ripe for gathering information, problems of role
with one or the other. One, he may become so self- and self are apt to arise. Should field worker and
conscious about revealing his true self that he is informant begin to interact in much the same way
handicapped when attempting to perform con- as ordinary friends, they tend to jeopardize their
vincingly in the pretended role. Or two, he may field roles in at least two important ways. First,

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the informant may become too identified with the ticipant-as-observer leaves the field to re-clarify
field worker to continue functioning as merely an his self-conceptions and his role-relationships.
informant. In this event the informant becomes
too much of an observer. Second, the field worker
may over-identify with the informant and start to The observer-as-participant role is used in stud-
lose his research perspective by "going native." ies involving one-visit interviews. It calls for
Should this occur the field worker may still con- relatively more formal observation than either in-
tinue going through the motions of observing, but formal observation or participation of any kind.
he is only pretending. It also entails less risk of "going native" than
Although the field worker in the participant-as- either the complete participant role or the par-
observer role strives to bring his relationship with ticipant-as-observer role. However, because the
the informant to the point of friendship, to the observer-as-participant's contact with an inform-
point of intimate form, it behooves him to retain ant is so brief, and perhaps superficial, he is more
sufficient elements of "the stranger" to avoid actu- likely than the other two to misunderstand the
informant, and to be misunderstood by him.
ally reaching intimate form. Simmel's distinction
These misunderstandings contribute to a prob-
between intimate content and intimate form con-
tains an implicit warning that the latter is inimical lem of self-expression that is almost unique to this
role. To a field worker (as to other human beings),
to field observation.6 When content of interaction
is intimate, secrets may be shared without either self-expression becomes a problem at any time he
perceives he is threatened. Since he meets more
of the interactors feeling compelled to maintain
the relationship for more than a short time. This varieties of people for shorter periods of time than
is the interaction of sociological strangers. On the either the complete participant or the participant-
other hand, when form of interaction is intimate, as-observer, the observer-as-participant inclines
more to feel threatened. Brief relationships with
continuation of the relationship (which is no longer
numerous informants expose an observer-as-par-
merely a field relationship) may become more im-
portant to one or both of the interactors than con- ticipant to many inadequately understood uni-
verses of discourse that he cannot take time to
tinuation of the roles through which they initiated
master. These frustratingly brief encounters with
the relationship.
informants also contribute to mistaken percep-
In general, the demands of pretense in this role,
tions which set up communication barriers the
as in that of the complete participant, are continu-
ing and great; for here the field worker is often field worker may not even be aware of until too
late. Continuing relationships with apparently
defined by informants as more of a colleague than
he feels capable of being. He tries to pretend that threatening informants offer an opportunity to re-
define them as more congenial partners in inter-
he is as much of a colleague as they seem to think
action, but such is not the fortune of a field worker
he is, while searching to discover how to make the
in this role. Consequently, using his prerogative
pretense appear natural and convincing. When-
to break off relationships with threatening inform-
ever pretense becomes too challenging, the par- ants, an observer-as-participant, more easily than
6"In other words, intimacy is not based on the the other two, can leave the field almost at will
content of the relationship.... Inversely, certain ex- to regain the kind of role-and-self balance that he,
ternal situations or moods may move us to make very being who he is, must regain.
personal statements and confessions, usually reserved
for our closest friends only, to relatively strange COMPLETE OBSERVER
people. But in such cases we nevertheless feel that this The complete observer role entirely removes a
'intimate' content does not yet make the relation an field worker from social interaction with inform-
intimate one. For in its basic significance, the whole ants. Here a field worker attempts to observe peo-
relation to these people is based only on its general, un- ple in ways which make it unnecessary for them to
individual ingredients. That 'intimate' content, al-
take him into account, for they do not know he
though we have perhaps never revealed it before and
thus limit it entirely to this particular relationship,
is observing them or that, in some sense, they are
does nevertheless not become the basis of its form, and serving as his informants. Of the four field work
thus leaves it outside the sphere of intimacy." K. H. roles, this alone is almost never the dominant one.
Wolff (ed.), The Sociology of Georg Simmel (Glencoe, It is sometimes used as one of the subordinate roles
Illinois: The Free Press, 1950), p. 127. employed to implement the dominant ones.

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It is generally true that with increasingly more more understandable to the beginner when we
observation than participation, the chances of have analyzed it for him sociologically. When he
"going native" become smaller, although the pos- can begin utilizing theory of role and self to reflect
sibility of ethnocentrism becomes greater. With on his own assets and shortcomings in the field,
respect to achieving rapport in a field relationship, he will be well on the way to dealing meaningfully
ethnocentrism may be considered a logical oppo- with problems of controlling his interactions with
site of "going native." Ethnocentrism occurs when- informants.
ever a field worker cannot or will not interact Beyond this level of control, sophistication in
meaningfully with an informant. He then seem- field observation requires manipulating informants
ingly or actually rejects the informant's views to help them play their role effectively. Once a
without ever getting to the point of understanding field worker learns that a field relationship in
them. At the other extreme, a field worker who process of being structured creates role-and-self
"goes native" passes the point of field rapport by problems for informants that are remarkably simi-
literally accepting his informant's views as his lar to those he has experienced, he is in a position
own. Both are cases of pretending to be an ob- to offer informants whatever kinds of "reassur-
server, but for obviously opposite reasons. Be- ances" they need to fit into their role. Certainly a
cause a complete observer remains entirely outside field worker has mastered his role only to the ex-
the observed interaction, he faces the greatest tent that he can help informants to master theirs.
danger of misunderstanding the observed. For the Learning this fact (and doing something about it!)
same reason, his role carries the least chance of will eliminate nearly all excuses about "bad" or
''going native." "inept" informants, since, willy-nilly, an inform-
The complete observer role is illustrated by sys- ant is likely to play his role only as fruitfully or as
tematic eavesdropping, or by reconnaissance of fruitlessly as a field worker plays his.7
any kind of social setting as preparation for more Experienced field workers recognize limitations
intensive study in another field role. While watch- in their ability to develop relationships in various
ing the rest of the world roll by, a complete ob- roles and situations. They have also discovered
server may feel comfortably detached, for he takes that they can maximize their take of information
no self-risks, participates not one whit. Yet, there by selecting a field role which permits them to
are many times when he wishes he could ask repre- adjust their own role-repertories to research ob-
sentatives of the observed world to qualify what jectives. Objectively, a selected role is simply an
they have said, or to answer other questions his expedient device for securing a given level of in-
observations of them have brought to mind. For formation. For instance, a complete participant
some purposes, however, these very questions are obviously develops relationships and frames of
important starting points for subsequent observa- reference which yield a somewhat different per-
tions and interactions in appropriate roles. It is spective of the subject matter than that which any
not surprising that reconnaissanceis almost always of the other field work roles would yield. These
a prelude to using the participant-as-observer role subjective and objective factors come together in
in community study. The field worker, feeling the fact that degree of success in securing the level
comfortably detached, can first "case" the town of information which a field role makes available
before committing himself to casing by the town. to a field worker is largely a matter of his skill in
playing and taking roles.
CONCLUSIONS Each of the four field work roles has been shown
to offer advantages and disadvantages with respect
Those of us who teach field work courses or su-
pervise graduate students and others doing field 7In a recent article on interviewing, Theodore
observations have long been concerned with the Caplow also recognizes the key role played by the
kinds of interactional problems and processes dis- field worker in structuring the field relationship. He
concludes, "The quality and quantity of the informa-
cussed above. We find such common "mistakes"
tion secured probably depend far more upon the
as that of the beginner who over-identifies with competence of the interviewer than upon the respond-
an informant simply because the person treats ent." "The Dynamics of Information Interviewing,"
him compassionately after others have refused to American Journal of Sociology, LXII (September
grant him an interview. This limited, although 1956), 169. Cf. also the studies by Junker and Gold,
very real, case of "going native" becomes much op. cit.

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to both demands of role and self and level of in- of human activity. Learning to take and play
formation. No attempt has been made in this re- roles, although dramatized in the field, is essen-
port to show how a sociological conception of field tially the same kind of social learning people en-
work roles can do more than provide lines of gage in throughout life.
thought and action for dealing with problems and In any case, the foregoing discussion has sug-
processes of field interaction. Obviously, however, gested that a field worker selects and plays a role
a theory of role and self growing out of study of so that he, being who he is, can best study those
field interaction is in no sense limited to that area aspects of society in which he is interested.


CornellUniversity Universityof North Carolina
Cornel University

S OCIAL researchershave long recognized and testing of reliable and valid health self-ratings,
the importance of physical health as a de- thus becomes an essential step in the progress of
LJ terminant of an individual's attitudes and the social scientist's investigation of the role of
behavior.' Disease, physical disability, and mental health in human behavior.
disorder often set restrictive limits upon the indi- The medical profession has also evidenced in-
vidual's choice of activity and color his general terest in recent years in the utility of question-
outlook on life. Attempts to determine the extent naires as aids to medical diagnosis. For example,
of this influence, however, raise important meth- various screening techniques have been developed
odological problems concerning the measurement to serve as aids in psychiatric diagnosis.2A method
of the health status of an individual. There are has been suggested whereby diseases may be
matched with their respective sets of symptoms in
relatively limited opportunities when the social
the diagnosis of a wide range of diseases.3Hence, a
researcherhas recourse to actual medical examina-
preliminary appraisal of an individual's health
tion of his subjects; much more often he must
based on questionnaire responses could be used as
rely upon the subject's own reports of his medical an aid to medical diagnosis. A questionnaire which
symptoms or his general health. The development may serve this purpose has been developed at the
* This paper is a part of a larger research project Cornell University Medical College.4
conducted by the Department of Sociology and 2 See, for example, H. J. Harris, "The Cornell
Anthropology, Cornell University. The investigation Selectee Index: An Aid in Psychiatric Diagnosis,"
was supported by grants from the Lilly Endowment, Annals of the New York Academy of Science, 46 (1946),
Inc., and the National Institute of Mental Health, pp. 593-605; J. Zubin et al., "Retrospective Evaluation
United States Public Health Service (Grant M-1196). of Psychological Tests as Prognostic Instruments in
The authors are pleased to acknowledge the assistance Mental Disorders," Journal of Personality (1953), pp.
of Dr. Wayne E. Thompson who collaborated in setting 342-355.
up the design for the analysis and the procedures for 3Robert S. Ledley, Logical Aid to Systematic
conducting the statistical tabulations. Medical Diagnosis, unpublished paper presented at the
I See, Gordon F. Streib, "Morale of the Retired," Annual Meeting, Operations Research Society of
Social Problems, Vol. 3 (1956), pp. 270-276; Bernard America, May 10-11, 1956.
Kutner et al., Five Hundred Over Sixty (New York: 4Keeve Brodman, Albert J. Erdmann, Jr., Irving
Russell Sage Foundation, 1956), p. 128 ff. For an Lorge, Harold G. Wolff, and Todd H. Broadbent,
example of the importance of health as a variable in "The Cornell Medical Index-Health Questionnaire As
family adjustment see Earl L. Koos, Families in a Diagnostic Instrument," Journal of the American
Trouble (New York: King's Crown Press, 1946), esp. Medical Association, 5 (April, May, June 1951), pp.
p. 63. 152-157.

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