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Sim Gems 18th Birthday

(Before the program)

-Everyone, please prepare and make yourselves comfortable as we will be starting the program in a few minutes
from now. Thank you

I. Grand Entrance

-The Philippine debut celebrates a woman entering into her 18 th year. It is when a young Princess formally turned
into a Queen.

-Tonight calls for a grand celebration! For the very first time, the reason why were all gathered here tonight. Let
us all stand and help me welcome, our beautiful, astonishing and lovely debutante, Ms. Sim Gem!

(Debutante walks with background music _____________________)

-Escorted with one of the most special persons in her life Mr. John Paul Amarilye.

-That was a spectacular grand entrance from our debutante! Around of applause again everyone!

II. Doxology

-Please remain standing and let us feel the presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

-Please be seated.

III. Welcome Address

-At this juncture, an inspirational message will be given to us by our debutantes mother and Special Earrings
will be given to the debutante to remind her to listen to the Words of God and to the people who care for her. Please
welcome, Mrs. Vilma Ligao! Around of applause !

-Thank you maam for that very astounding message. I know everybody knows especially your children how
amazing you are!

V. The 18 Roses

-Once again, a sumptuous evening to everyone! It is my delight that you remain and let us rejoice for that.

-Brace yourselves as we will be starting one of the highlights of this program, The 18 Roses!

-The 18th birthday marks the end of teenage and the beginning of adulthood. It is a very special day in every girls
life because it cherishes the old moments filled with love, care and shelter. As the debutante receives her 18 Roses,
let it be a reminder that like a flower that blooms and exudes its sweet scents to attract bees and butterflies, the
debutante will be swarmed by 18 young gentlemen with their 18 roses. Let us invite them to the grand ballroom
Let us start with (Name and brief info.) (After the dance)

-Thank you young gentlemen and to our beautiful debutante. So, I know that shes a little bit tired dancing with the
18 roses. At this moment, I would to call back all The 18 roses to form a circle at the center (Q & A Music stops.)

-Thank you for your cooperation guys!

*The 18 Gifts

-The next part of the program would be the 18 gifts. Its now for the young ladiesturn. Gifts symbolize ever
flowing love, caring and admiration. These will be her inspiration and armor in her journey towards fulfilling her
dreams. So I would like to request the 18 gifts to prepare. Once your name is called, kindly come at the center and
your message. (Before the message, eat snowbear.)

-Thank you everyone for your surprising gifts and messages.

IV. Dinner

-Before anything else, we would like to thank everyone for gracing this momentous occasion and we would like to
extend our gratitude also to the key persons who took a great part in making this joyous affair possible. It is with
great pleasure that I introduce to you the family of our lovely debutante _________________,
__________________, _________________, ________________, _____________________, _____________

-A big round of applause for them everyone!

-We are nearing one of the most awaited parts of the evening. The dinner, but before we partake of the sumptuous
event that Alsons Catering has provided. I just want to remind everyone that our buffet tables are located one the
right side, at the door entrance and we have one at the function hall near the pool, so you can stand in line there
right now, and enjoy your meal!.

-For the information of everyone, while you will be enjoying your dinner, we also want to show you a slideshow
presentation from our lovely debutante created by __________________________________________________.

(Random interviews Please be wise and energetic!) Common questions, How are you related to Ms. Sim Gem?

-Good evening once again. While youre enjoying your dinner, an intermission no. will be given to us by Sim
Gems friend, Ms. Lean Kate Caila, Around of applause please!

-Good evening once again, there may be some of you who dont know much about our debutante. So, heres a
little bit information about her.

(Intermission numbers if any)

*The 18 Treasures

-As the debutante celebrates the beginning of womanhood, she will need tools that either help her in the future,
encourage her in the present, or give her something fond to look back on. These Treasures represent the
relationship between the giver and the debutante, because they indicate how well they know each other. Let us start
with (Eat polvoron before the message)

-Thank you everyone.

*The 18 Bags
-Tonight would be another milestone of Ms. Sim Gemss life. It brings a long way of anticipation and dreams
along with motivation and inspiration to reach for her goals in life. This is the age that you become more
responsible with your life. Let the 18 bags remind you that life is like a bag, full of things and surprises to carry but
never be overwhelmed by this, You, Yourself, Your family and friends are the greatest surprises! Lets start with
(Eat Yema Before thye message.)

-Thank you everyone.

*The 18 Candles

-The 18 candles would be a reminder that in the time of difficulties, there are people around her to help and guide
her. Likewise, never forget to ask for the light from up above for the divine guidance. I would like to request the 18
candles to stand in line at the center and once youve done with your message and light up, kindly go to the side
and form a circle. Lets start with

-Since all candles have been lighted up. Its time to blow. So, Ms. Sim Gem, please do the honor.

-Thank you for your cooperation guys.

_Before we proceed to the next part of the program, I would like to call on the 18 Gifts to please form a circle at
the center. Its now your turn to play games... (Q&A, music stops)

VI. Debutantes Special Message

-We all started our evening with the presentation of our beautiful debutante. This evening will be our debutantes
turn to say her special message. Without any further ado, Ms. Sim Gem, Around of applause please.

-Thank you.

VII. Cake and Candle Blowing

-Cakes give us an idea of the nourishment a birthday celebrant gets. Its a nourishment in all forms. Today would
be a very special day for our debutantes family, because one of the most important persons in their lives is also
celebrating her ______ birthday. Let me call on, Lola _________________. Everyone, let us all sing a happy
birthday song and let Lola _________________ and our debutante blow the candle.

-A toast is a ritual in which a drink is taken as an expression of honor or goodwill. It is generally described as
Good luck So tonight, I request everyone to raise their glasses and Thank God for a successful evening and wish
our debutant a Good Luck as she will be facing a whole new world. Cheers everyone!

- Thank you everyone!

VIII. Closing

-Weve seen great things transpire this evening. Weve been the art of presentation through its magnificent. For life
to be lived o the fullest, we share ourselves for others and with that, our program has officially concluded. We
would like to thank you all for making it to this wonderful celebration of Ms. Sim Gems 18 th birthday. For those
who are going home, May God Bless you.. For those staying, the night is still young and the floor is now open for
dancing. -This has been your host, Michael B. Amora, signing off. Thank you and have a blessed night!

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