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My Guru

Sri Gurubyo Nama:

My Guru
The Master of Sri Vidya

(A Brief life Sketch of

Brahmasri C.V.Swamy Sastriji)
(PujaSri Anandananda Natha:)

Written by
Shri Arutsakthi Nagarajan

My Guru
Sri Gurubyo Nama:

My Guru
The Master of Sri Vidya

There is a radiant energy in every life. It is

universal. It is not related to or restricted by place
or time. This energy powers action, Realization
of this energy in a life which makes one a real
guru. Pujya Sri Ananthananda Nathar (Sri C.V.
Swamy Sastrigal) of Guhanandamandali, a well-
known Srividya mandali was one such guru who
possessed that quality. My attempt in the article
is to relate briefly the life he lead which did not
deviate, even a bit, into forbidden path; when I
say his life did not deviate into forbidden paths,
let me discuss also what led one become a real
guru. The following is taken from Saint Vyasas
Sootha Samhithai, Chapter on Mukti (Salvation)

A real Guru (Sadhguru) is one-

- Who has realized that the world seen by

us all is the creation of Maya (illusion), like the
My Guru
many different ornaments made by a goldsmith
out of one real, gold;

- Who has identified his own self with the

all pervading divine radiant energy which is the
only real thing and so permanent;

- Who has become one with that divine en-

ergy by hearing vedas and vedanthis; and

- Who has realized karmas (religious rites

and sacrifices) as prescribed by religion (Dharma)
will not lead one to merge with the divine en-
ergy; and - known that all karmas are immersed
in the supreme knowledge of the power of divine
energy, but manifests itself in the different tem-
porary creations, visible to the naked eyes, which
are like shells under water which glitter like sil-

Only he who has reached this understand-

ing of the real divine power is capable of being a
guru who can lead one to final realization of God.

There are several such great gurus, even in

My Guru
the present age of economic struggle, in our land.
Most of them are, like the gem of purest ray
serene, unknown. But my Guru was different.
He traveled all over the length and breadth of
our great country, Himalayas to Kanyakumari.
He was well versed in Srividya, mantras,Tantras
and Sanky shastras.

His mastery of Sankrit language and

prosody was superb, in fact equal to that of
Kalidasa. His compositions were numerous, very
captivating and without any grammatical aber-
rations which, at times, unnoticed, creep in the
works of even great scholars.

Now let me go into his life in brief


About 300 years ago, a Tamil Brahmin

couple, in Kerala, 45 and 40 years, went on a
pilgrimage to all sacred spots in Kerala, praying
for a child. They did not have a child till then.
Finally, they reached Mangala about 12 miles
from Olavakkod. Bharatapuza (means River

My Guru
Bharati) flows along Mangala and on its bank
stands Pudukkottappan. They settled at this
temple to spend their time in worship and per-
forming daily religious rites.

The Chief Executive of this temple, observ-

ing their religious practices, discipline and learn-
ing, allowed them to stay as long as they wanted.

Rice cooked in cows urine was their princi-

pal food. In six months time, by the grace of
Pudukkottappan the lady became pregnant and
gave birth to a male issue. They named him
Venkatesan. It is this Venkatesan from whom the
family tree of my guru grew up.

In the generations that followed, Shri

Venkatesan (grand son of Sri Venkatesan) was
born. I am unable to get the name of Shri
Venkatesan - (Juniors Father) and so it has not
been given. Venkatesan Junior was known as
Ayyakutti. So I will also refer to him as Sri
Ayyakutti hereafter. Sri Ayyakutti lost his mother
at a young age. His father married a second time,

My Guru
and he also died when Ayyakutti was very young.
Ayyakuttis stepmother ill-treated him. Unable to
bear her treatment and behavior he ran away from
home and joined the service of the local zamindar.
The family of the zaminder were known as
Thousand mile Rulers. Sri Ayyakutti stayed in
the palace. He was devoted to Sun God

Sri Ayyakutti knew by heart Mayura

Satakam composed by Mayura Kavi. He per-
formed Suryanamaskaram on a rock at the temple
of Bhagavati. The dent created by this by Sri
Ayyakkutti on the rock, by this daily ritual, can
be seen even today.

Sri Ayyakutti married the daughter of Shri

Appu Jyotishar of Kundanur named Shrimati
Thailamba. To Thailamba and Ayyukutti were
born three children, namely Shrimati
Subbalakshmi Ammal, known as Ammani and a
son named Shri Krishna Shastri and thirdly a son
named Shri Venkateswara Swami later known as
Shri Swami Sastriji. This article deals with the
life of Shri Swami Sastriji, my Guru.

My Guru

When Sri Swamy was born, his parents and

relatives were very happy. His bright eye appeared
to foretell his fame in later years; He lost his fa-
ther at the very early age of four. Sri. Krishna
Jyotishar, his maternal uncle and his mother
looked after his upbringing. Shri Krishna Jyotishar
did not have children. So he performed Shri
Swamis Upanayanam (giving of the sared

Shri Swami learned astrology from

Jyotisham Ramayyar and Kavyas from Shri
Venkatesa Sastrigal Dandakam, Aparadha
Kshamapana Sthoram, Mantramatruka
Pushpamala. He was repeating any one of them
always, and even in his sleep.

Later, He was taken care of by his sister and

brother-in-law. They had a son named
Venkataraman. He was very wise, could sing well
and Sri Swami loved hid very much. He died sud-
denly one day. From then on Sri Swami was grief
stricken and lost his power to listen and lost his

My Guru
hearing. His limbs became very weak even to walk
and work, and day by day he was loosing his vi-
sion also. But Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam, Sri Devi
Mahathmiyam, etc. were never forgotten. They
still ran in his mind always. Some days passed off
like that. One night he had a strange dream. An
old man appeared and said Day after tomorrow
at 12 noon, you will die.

On hearing of the strange dream his uncle

and mother were perturbed. His mother sat by
his side and repeated Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam
continuously even without taking water also day
and night. Exactly at 12 noon on the day
announsed by the old man of the dream, he went
into a coma but his mother putting all faith in
the Holy mother Sri Lalitha, went on with her
recitation. At 3 O clock he woke up without any
sign of illness and sat up, and began speaking.
He was normal thereafter Sri Lalitha Devi had a
role for him to play in this world.

My Guru


Shri Swami who was devoted to philosophi-

cal thinking, was married to Shrimati
Mahalakshmi Ammal in 1929. His wife cooper-
ated with him in his rituals and practices in all
manner. They were, naturally, devoted to Sri Lalita
Devi and always calm.

In 1930, due to necessity to search for eco-

nomic resources to carry on his house holders
duties, he shifted to Madras, and took his abode
at 313 Mint Street, Sowcarpet. It was from Ma-
dras that he became famous and the gem gave
out its luster.


Shri Swami relised that to attain divine

knowledge, only Sri vidya upasana was the route.
He began his search for a guru him in Sri Vidya
he was able to discover Sri Chidanandanatha,
known as Shri Sir.

My Guru
Sri Chidanandanatha was mitiated at
Prayaga by Sri Guhananda Natha Avaduta of
Badrikasramam on the year 1911 Thai Amavasai.
His popularity became wide in the country by
his teachings and advaita related Srividya research.
He has compiled a Saparya Paddathi for devi
upasakas which is extracted from Kalpasutra and
other Kalpas. And also he written a lot of books
about Srividya and Vedanta. He was established
one Sabha named Sri Brahmavidya Vimarsini
Sabha, known as Guhananda Mandali. Many
sishyas were blessed and initiated by him.

On full moon day on the third month

Mithuna (June-July 1936) Shri Lalitha Trisati
Yagya was arranged at Kamakoti Matam,
Kanchipuram. This was arranged to be directed
by Shri Sir, Several scholars and Shri Vidya
upasakas from different parts of India gathered
in Kanchipuram. Shri Sir, instructed his disciple-
Shri Swami to conduct the Kalasapratishta. Shri
Swami was very pleased with opportunity, but
Shri Sir had not said anything about giving him
initiation in Shri Vidya upasana. This apparent
indifference of Shri Sir was present in Shri

My Guru
Swamis mind always.

Shri Swami began his pujas. On this day,

Shri Sir gave Shri Swami Shakta Diksha. This
is initiation on Shakti Upasana. It removed the
thrist for gurus initiation which was in Shri
Swami. Shri Swami was given the Dikshanama
as Sri Ananthananda Natha. Hereafter I will re-
fer to Shri Swami as Guruji.


Sri Guruji did not confine his religious cer-

emonies only to Madras. His activities and trav-
els spread over Kanyakumari to Himachala. In
his travels he initiated so many individuals in
Srividya Upasana. He visited Kamakya Temple
on 1.4.1958 where he got Yoni Kunda Darshan
and did puja with Sapthasati parayana.

Sri Gurujis principles in life were:-

-There must be a goal for everything one


My Guru
-One should always speak the truth
-He Saw the universe as Sivasakthi Mayam
-He researched and understood that the lord
of the universe, as described by Vedas and
Upanishads, is the same as retold in Tantra

In 1942 due to the evacuation of Madras

and other coastal cities, my Guruji shifted to
Kanchipuram at Rajaveethi. For two years
Kanchipuram kept my Guruji and raised its stat-
ure by his presence.

In the middle of his Sadhana he stayed at

Vidayal Karuppur, one of the ancient villages situ-
ated on the bank of the river Kaveri
(Kudamurutti) Thanjavur District. In the year of
1974, he showered his blessings on me by doing
Saktha Diksha at this village. From that time I
have maintained the Gurujis sayings and
upadesams by doing sadana, puja, and homa etc.

My Guru

1. Kanchi Jagadguru Shankaracharya, Shri

Chandrasekharendra Saraswati Swamigal pre-
sented my Guru with a medal in recognition of
his learning and devotion to Shakti worship.

2. Jagadguru Shri Shankaracharya of Puri

gave him the title of Shri Vidya Marthanda.

3. Dwaraka Sharada Peethadhipati Shri

Abhinava Sachidananda Theertha Swami gave
him the title of Shri Vidya Vachaspati.

Sri Gurujis Sadabishekam was celebrated at

Kanchipuram by his sishyas and bhaktas gath-
ered in large numbers on 11.6.1980. The Kanchi
Kamakoti Peetam garlanded him on that day.

My Guru

On 6th September 1980. i.e. Shravana

month. Thirteenth day after full moon, year
Rowdri according to kali varsha my guru reached
the sacred feet of Sri Lalitha Mahatirupurasundari
the Holy mother, whom he served all his life and
propagated her worship. My guru Sri
Ananthananda Natha relinquished his mortal
body and became one with the Paramjyothi. I
would like to point out to my readers that this
the same thithi on which Sri Ramana Maharishi
also attained samadhi.

Thus ended the worldly life of

* A great Guru,
* An illustrious scholar,
* A great poet,
* A well-known yanthra -
* SriMahaganapathi Saparya Paddhati
* a gem of Guhanandamandali.
* a Dheergadharisi

My Guru
* a great writer of Thathwas
* A numaralagist in Katapayathi Sankya
sastra, and
* An ardent Srividya Upasaka,
who left behind him many mourning admirers
and disciples.


Thus we got a very good Guru by the grace

of Maheswari and by his grace we praying the
welfare to the mankind in everywhere.
To propagate the Srividya Tatwas, to adopt
his sayings and to publish his articles, We have
founded a Sabha named The Rithanbhara Jnana
Sabha on the 91st Birthday of Guruji, in the year
1989 Sri Gurujis life history, in the detailed man-
ner named Sri Guru Prakasam was written by me
in Tamil language and published by the said
Rithanbhara Jnana Sabha in his auspicious 98th
Jayanthi Day.


Kamakshi charanambojam Bhavayantham Sadha Hrudhi I

Ananathanandanatham tham Sadhgurum chinthaye sadha II
My Guru

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