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Relationship between Self Determination and English as Second Language Achievement

A Review of the Literature

Rohaiza Binti Ahmad


SGDY 5033 (Group B)

Professor Dr. Rosna binti Awang Hashim

Lecturer of SGDY 5033

5th June 2016

Self Determination and ESL
A topic of studying in second language focused on self-determination and second language

achievement. This paper reviews recent research on the role of self-determination in second

language achievement from two views that have exist in the second language self-determination

literature: self-determination as a cause, and self-determination as a consequence. The literature

to be reviewed here mostly come from journal articles published between 2011 and 2015.

Although the conflicting views observed, it is show that self-determination hinder achievement

of second language, though there are still many questions unresolved. Implications for future

research on self-determination and ESL are discussed. With the growing evidence accumulating

in the academia, self-determination and ESL is, no doubt, a fertile area of research.

Relationship Self-determination and English as Second Language Achievement:

Self Determination and ESL
A Review of the Literature

For many decades, questions about the role of affective variables in second language

learning, including self-determination, self-concept, self-regulation and intrinsic motivation,

have become evident virtually for every aspect of language learning and instruction. Research in

second language achievement (see Noraini and Kong, 2011; Lemos and Verissimo, 2013) has

shown that affective variables are critical factors that contribute to learners differential success

in second language achievement. From the three affective variables mention above, self-

determination has been arguing to have one of the strongest correlations with achievement

(Noraini and Kong, 2011; Lemos and Verissimo,2013; Aydogan and Akbarov, 2015; Long, Ming

and Chen, 2013). This is further supported by testimonies from ESL learners who often

perceived self-determination and ESL achievement are important (Long, Ming and Chen, 2013;

Zhou, 2015). Empirical research had suggested that self-determination can have a big impact to

second language achievement (Al Othman and Shuqair, 2013; Noraini and Kong, 2011; Lemos

and Verissimo, ).

Earlier research has produced somewhat inconsistent findings which are confusing and

difficult to synthesize (Aksenova, 2015). However, recent advances in theory and measurement

in second language self-determination research have offered some interesting insights into this

complex phenomenon. This paper will review the literature related to second language self-


I will briefly discuss the general approaches in the self-determination studies, and then

focus more on the two views that have appeared in the current literature of self-determination

Self Determination and ESL
and ESL research. In particular, Deci, Ryan and their colleagues have written extensively on self-

determination theory (Deci, 1980; Deci and Moller, 2005; Deci and Ryan, 1985,1991; Reeve,

Deci and Ryan, 2004; Reeve, Ryan, Deci and Jang, 2008; Ryan and Deci, 2000,2009), and also a

recent hypothesis proposed by Noraini and Kong (2011) will be reviewed. The paper will then

discuss implications for future research.

Collecting the studies

Computer searches of the data bases on Research Gate, Research in Teacher Education were

done for the year 2011 and 2015. The following descriptors were used: self-determination,

second language, achievement, gender differences and affective variables. The initial list of the

references has been included in this paper. The writer also found additional studies by soliciting

studies directly from prominent author in self-determination and ESL research, tracking citations

from the study to study and hard searching recent studies in the following journals:

Mediterranian Journal of Social Science, International Journal of English Language, Literature

and Translation Studies (IJELR), Journal of Education for Teaching, English Language Teaching,

ELSEVIER, Applied Linguistics, School Psychology International, PROCEDIA, International

Journal of Higher Education, Journal of Student Engagement, and International Journal of

Psychological Studies. However, the review presented here is by no means comprehensive since

the criteria set for the selection of studies have excluded some primary sources (e.g., dissertation)

and a majority of secondary sources (e.g., books, research reports and articles).

Defining terms and approaches

Self Determination and ESL
Charms (1968), Rotter (1966), White (1959), and Harter (1978) had review that

motivation derives in part from the belief that individuals can exert control over their

environment (Schunk, Meece & Pintrich, 2013, p. 250). Self-Determination Theory have

written extensively by Deci, Ryan, and their colleagues. (Deci,1980; deci & Moller, 2005; Deci

& Ryan,1985,1991; Reeve, Deci & Ryan, 2004; Reeve, Ryan, Deci & Jang, 2008; Ryan & Deci,

2000,2009). This theory had differentiated swlf-determination from will. Will is the capacity of

the human organism to choose how to satisfy its needs (Deci,1980, p. 26). Self-determination

is process of utilizing ones will (Deci, 1980, p. 26). In other words self-determination requires

that people accept their strengths and limitations, be cognizant of forces acting on them, make

choices, and determine ways to satisfy needs (Schunk, Meece & Pintrich, 2013, p. 251).

However, will and self-determination are related each other. In this case, learners who want to be

self-determining should decide how to act on their environment. Learners would not be content

if all of their needs were automatically satisfied without them having choices and deciding how

to attain those choices (Schunk, Meece & Pintrich, 2013, p. 251).

Self-determination theory have three psychological needs that are autonomy, competence

and relatedness. Deci and Ryan suggest that when people experience these three things, they

become self-determined and able to be intrinsically motivated to pursue the things that interest

them. Autonomy can be referring to being self-initiating and self-regulating of ones own actions.

Learners should be more having self-initiating and self-regulating toward second language to get

an achievement in ESL. Learners of SL should need to feel in control their own behavior. Deci

and Ryan had suggested that the need for autonomy refers to the need to feel a sense of control,

agency, or autonomy in interactions in the environment, or a perceived internal locus of causality

Self Determination and ESL
from an attribution point of view( (Schunk, Meece & Pintrich, 2013, p. 251). Competence refers

to understanding of SL learners how to attain various external and internal outcomes and being

efficacious in performing the necessary actions. SL learners should seek to control the outcome

and experience mastery. SL learners should need to gain mastery of tasks and learn different

skills. Individuals need to feel competent and act capably in their interactions with others, with

tasks and activities, and within larger context ((Schunk, Meece & Pintrich, 2013, p. 251). While

relatedness refers to need to belong to a group, and is sometimes called a need for

belongingness( (Schunk, Meece & Pintrich, 2013, p. 251). In this context, SL learners should to

be belong to a group for achievement in english.

In the other hand, self-determination should develop in SL learner itself to get an

achievement in English subject as second language. Thus self-determination can probably the

cause and consequences for ESL achievement.

This paper will review finding mostly from the situation specific approach which have

accumulated rather satisfactory result self-determination and ESL achievement research. These

finding will be deeply discussed as a self-determination as a cause and self-determination as a

consequence. The term second language will be use similarly through this paper.

Review of related literature

Research has shown that affective variables, including self-determination, self-concept,

self- regulation and intrinsic motivation, have a significant impact on ESL achievement.

Research has explored the relation of self-determination and intrinsic motivation (Ryan, 1993).

ESL with high self-determination will result high ESL achievement. A variety of pedagogical
Self Determination and ESL
used by a teacher a very important factors influencing self-determination on achievement in

second language (Ahmadian & Pashangzadeh, 2013). Teaching material that teacher used in the

class also develop self-determination of second language learners (Ahmadian & Pashangzadeh,

2013). To develop self-determination towards SL learners teacher should used a variety of

teaching material to attract and develop their self-determination towards second language.

Learners tend to increase their intrinsic motivation to learn English as second language.

According to Ahmadian & Pashangzadeh (2013, p.161), narrative, as one of the most popular

types of literary texts, display some characteristics which maintain perfect harmony with learner-

oriented approaches. Ahmadian and Pashangzadeh(2013, p.161) also suggested that reading

short stories provides EFL students with more empowerment which may lead to more pleasure

and enjoyment. Student will more encourage cooperative activities with their peers when

teacher used short stories and it will enhance opportunities for student to develop a good

relationship with their peers. From this research, its proven that self-determination will related to

ESL achievement.

Long, Ming and Chen (2013) in his study found that teacher play an important role in

communicative learning which can stimulate student to learn effectively. The result of their study

shown that most student have clear about study motivation. Long, Ming and Chen (2013, p.141)

had stated students can realize the importance of learning English. From the study student have

self-determination toward ESL achievement because they want to get a good grade in

examination. They also will get praise by teacher and their parents. Beside that student also

wants to avoid parent or teacher punishment if they do not achieve a good result in English. And

they also think ESL very important to them to go abroad and to find a good job in future. Long,
Self Determination and ESL
Ming and Chen (2013, p.141) stated that teachers should take any possible measures to arouse

students curiosity and develop their interest in English Learning. Long, Ming and Chen (2013)

concluded teacher and students play important role to develop self-determination towards ESL


Courtney, Marinis and Graham (2015) suggested that individual differences play

important role at the very earliest stages of language learning. Learners have positive views

toward second language. affective factors are likely to be mediated by learners first language

abilities and prior learning experience, and not only related to course content and the

predominance of female teaching staff in language classrooms (Courtney, Marinis and Graham,

2015, p.15). In this study show boys poorer SL achievement compared to girls.

McCoy, Wolf & Godfrey, 2014) suggested that caregivers value toward education play an

important role for student in intrinsic motivation versus extrinsic motivation. Caregiver also play

an important for student achievement in learning. Study revealed that caregivers average

reported values of education were relatively high (M=0.77); however standard deviation of these

scores (0.28) indicated variability in individual caregivers responses. Froom this study, shown as

caregiver play a role for student achievement in their learning especially second language. Its

regulate self-determination on student to come to school and learning. Present study show school

attendance of student is about 90% and it will result in academic achievement.

Pavalache-Ilie & Tirdia (2014) suggested that school performance is significant with

parental involvement and of intrinsic motivation. Parental involvement in school will influence

Self Determination and ESL
academic success of students and also they have motivation to learn. From the study, its shown

that the student have self-determination to learn and it will result in ESL achievement.

Zhang & Xiao (2014) suggested that language learning motivation and learning strategies

are related to student EFL proficiency levels. motivation as a construct is always connected with

learners intrinsic motivation for learning a particular language (Zhang & Xiao, 2014, p. 29).

Intrinsic motivation become an important factor for student achievement. Zhang and Xiao, 2014

also suggested that motivation and learning strategies will effect EFL proficiency. High

proficiency group had high intrinsic motivation. The finding of this study shown that intrinsic

motivation and anxiety were correlated with EFL proficiency. Intrinsic motivation was related to

EFL proficiency are reasonable because learners who very high interest to learn the language are

very boost to know many aspects about the language and it will result a high proficiency levels.

Means that learners who have high self-determination will result high ESL achievement.

However, when the finding show that anxiety was correlated to EFL proficiency, its become

complicated. Previous study shows that scholar and teacher think higher level of anxiety will

result a poor performance. But in this study the result show that high proficiency group have

high level of anxiety. This is occurred because the high level of anxiety about language learning

and achievement is also an indication of student interest and aspiration to perform well on this

high stake-examination (Zhang & Xiao, 2014, p.33).

Theodotou (2014) had examine that rewards can increase intrinsic motivation of student

to learn. When teachers give a reward to a student, it will increase their self-determination to

learn. As a result it will increase ESL achievement. researchers agree that intrinsic motivation

Self Determination and ESL
promotes students willingness to learn ( Theodotou, 2014, p. 18). But reward also can give

negative impact on students academic performance. Deci et al. (2001) suggest that educators

should be extremely cautious when using rewards in the classrooms. Theodotou (2014)

suggested rewards can create student willingness to learn especially for early years education.

Al Othman & Shuqair (2013) had suggested that motivation will influence the level of

dynamic and personal engagement in second language. It will create a positive attitude toward

second language. They also suggest teacher should more creative to use a variety of strategies of

learning to increase intrinsic motivation of learner to learn second language. Learner who very

interested in these activities will increase their self-determination toward ESL. learning itself

becomes its motivator and can lead to a strong desire for continuous learning (Al Othman &

Shuqair,2013, p. 128).

Lemos & Verissimo (2013) examine that intrinsic motivation and extrinsic

motivation are related and not opposing. IM are related to a good achievement while EM have

negative relationship with students achievement by the end of elementary school. Finding shows

that IM and EM are independent means that student motivation depend to IM and EM. Im and

EM also have different relationship toward school performance. IM more enhance performance

compared to EM.

Self-determination as a cause

Aksenova, Shepetovsky, Mironova, Stepura and Pichugova(2015, p.246) had suggested

on their research that extramural and extracurricular activity positively activity positively

influences different active teaching methods and raises motivation to continue learning by
Self Determination and ESL
boosting self-esteem and showing practical value of limited knowledge already by student.

Learners will be self-determination teaching activities are different and it will motivate them to

continue learning and it will result a high achievement in ESL. Aksenova, Shepetovsky,

Mironova, Stepura and Pichugova(2015) also conclude that are three aspects of personal

development which influencing the level of motivation and selecting information resources.

Aksenova, Shepetovsky, Mironova, Stepura and Pichugova(2015) stated the first is peculiar

chracteristis which related to the process of study itself like foreign language skills, natural

abilities cognitive, critical thinking, content, educational competences and learning Strategies.

The second one is a set of such characteristic which connected with social and student

psychological aspects like communication, temperament, ability work in team or independently,

accept critic, self-analysis, level and type motivation toward ESL. The last one is set of students

personal characteristics like needs and interest will affect the educational process. Aksenova,

Shepetovsky, Mironova, Stepura and Pichugova(2015) also recommended to improve level of

motivation in education process, teacher used an authentic material, learning should related to

learners future profession, different activities, learning based on IT and involved student in

scientific activity will increase their motivation and develop more independent. Literature had

shown that it will develop self-determination toward ESL achievement.

Valerio (2012) examine that to increase student motivation in classroom its a teacher

role. Teacher should know how to create a supportive learning environment to produce a

successful learner in the classroom. Teacher should enhance student choice and goal setting to

make them ha a learning experience which can increase their intrinsic motivations. Teacher

should more passion and have enthusiasm for learning because it will develop student self-
Self Determination and ESL
determination toward ESL. motivation plays a crucial role in a teachers pedagogy

(Valerio,2012, p.34).

Though Zhou (2015) suggested that self-determination adequate the relationship between

personality traits and academic performance. Zhou (2015, p. 389) stated the precise interactions

between personality traits and student motivation that can be predict academic achievement,

indicating that the academic achievements of students with lower levels of self-determination are

more dependent on personality traits than those of their highly motivated and self-determined


Though Aydogan and Akbarov(2015) suggested that University student have high self-

determination towards ESL achievement compared to high school or primary school. In their

finding show that University student realize that ESL very important for future career while

secondary or primary schoole does not realize the important of ESL. Thats why self-

determination of student in higher level increase compared lower level. From their research no

gender differences in intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. From age factors its show positive

correlated with intrinsic motivation and negatively correlated with extrinsic motivation. They

found that intrinsic and extrinsic motivations very important to ESL achievement.

Self Determination and ESL
Summary. _ The finding discussed in this section have argue that self-determination is the

cause of ESL achievement. Studies using the information processing system have shed more

light on this multifaceted phenomenon. Its also show that self-determination have connected to

ESL achievement. Consistent results are observed in language such as French (Courtney,

Graham, Tonkyn and Marinis, 2015). Intrinsic motivation, however, is seen as a more general

construct independent of language learning context.

Self-determination as a consequence

Though second language literature acknowledge that self-determination can hinder ESL

achievement, Noraini & Leng (2011) have recently argue that self-determination might be the

consequence of ESL achievement. In their The Relationship between Self-concept, Intrinsic

Motivation, Self-determination and Academic Achievement among Chinese Primary School

Students , Noraini & Leng (2011) proposed that weak significant and negative relationship

between self-determination and their academic achievement (p. 94). Noraini & Leng (2011)

examined that weak significant and negative relationship between self-determination towards

their academic achievement. This finding contrast with a few studies which has positive

relationship (Ahmadian & Pashangzadeh, 2013; Aksenova, Shepetovsky, Mironova, Stepura &

Pichugova, 2015; Aydogan & Akbarov, 2015; McCoy, wolf & Godfrey, 2014; Pavalache-Ilie &

Tirdia, 2015;Valerio, 2012; Lemos & Verissimo, 2013). Negative relationship between self-

determination and second language achievement because of several factors such as single family

where as their parents are divorce and they do not meet basic psychology that are autonomy,

competence and relatedness, parenting style where children are force to attend a tuition class.

Self Determination and ESL
When student are force to do something that they do not tend to it will decrease their self-

determination toward academic and their achievement also decrease.

Empirical evidence in support of this hypothesis has shown that gender differences also

consequence of self-determination toward ESL achievement (Zare-ee, Zuraidah & Knowle,

2015). Zare-ee and his colleagues (2015) suggested that multiple intelligence is vary not the

individual level but for gender. In their study show that male rate their intelligence higher than

female. Means that their self-determination toward ESL are higher compared to female. From

their study they got a negative result while previous study normally show female MI is slightly

higher compared to male. While on their present study male is slightly higher compared to

female. Zare-ee and his colleagues (2015, p.258) stated this finding also raises doubts about the

justifications that men rate themselves higher and are rated higher on the more masculine

intelligence domain such bodily/kinesthetic. But negative result also valuable and also make a

positive contribution to development of theory. Zare-ee and his colleagues (2015) also argue that

gender differences in their self-estimate. Zare-ee and his colleagues (2015, p.260) suggested that

we may take a more critical view of the theory of multiple intelligence. The theory takes a

necessary and useful step in zooming in one set of abilities related to language. Very few

research in second language self-determination examine this effect. Normally its come out with

positive result in gender differences toward ESL achievement. But in this study has come out

with negative result towards ESL achievement.

Summary. Based on their rigorous studies, Noraini and her colleagues have argue that self-

determination have negative relationship towards ESL achievement because of several factors

Self Determination and ESL
that affect student achievement. Zare-ee and his colleagues also argue that gender differences

also related to self-determination and ESL achievement. Where by in his study they found male

student high self-determination toward ESL compare female, while in previous study its show

female has high self-determination compared to male. From this two studies claim seems to

confound with the hypotheses that propagated by Noraini and her colleagues and Zare-e and his

colleagues who suggest that self-determination cause ESL achievement.


The paper begins with acknowledging the question about the role of affective variables in

second language learning, including self-determination, self-concept, self-regulation and intrinsic

motivation, have become evident virtually for every aspect of language learning and instruction.

Though self-determination has long been studied and well understood in other subject areas,

Self-determination is process of utilizing ones will (Deci, 1980, p. 26). Up to date, a

considerable amount of research has been conducted in the role of self-determination and ESL

achievement. However, the question remains unresolved: Does self-determination cause the ESL

achievement, or does the self-determination cause problem in ESL achievement? I have

attempted to present two different views propagated by researchers in second language self-

determination studies. The first view is about increase in self-determination will increase in ESL

achievement among student. However, this view had remained unchallenged until recently.

In their The Relationship between Self-concept, Intrinsic Motivation, Self-determination

and Academic Achievement among Chinese Primary School Students , Noraini & Leng (2011)

proposed that weak significant and negative relationship between self-determination and their

Self Determination and ESL
academic achievement (p. 94). Noraini & Leng (2011) examined that weak significant and

negative relationship between self-determination towards their academic achievement. While

Zare-e and his colleagues (2015) suggested that multiple intelligence is vary not the individual

level but for gender. In their study show that male rate their intelligence higher than female.

Means that their self-determination toward ESL are higher compared to female. From their study

they got a negative result while previous study normally show female MI is slightly higher

compared to male.

Finding supporting both views are accumulating rapidly. Notwithstanding the views

express above, the literature in the self-determination and ESL achievement has suggested that

self-determination have a debilitating impact on ESL achievement. With the growing evidence in

the academia, self-determination ESL achievement is no doubt, a fertile area of inquiry.

Implication for future research

All of the studies reviewed above were done within Gulf State, Balkan, England, USA

and China language learning setting. Very few, to the writers knowledge, deal with the South

East Asian second language learners, in particular those in the ASEAN region especially

Malaysia. Thus, study across culture is greatly needed because what are considered self-

determination in one culture might not be in another culture. Research, therefore, should be

replicated with this group of people to confirm or refute current theories.

Since research has consistently shown that lower self-determination will result lower

academic achievement (Noraini & Leng, 2011), and gender differences also effect self-

Self Determination and ESL
determination ( Zare-ee, Zuraidah & Knowles, 2015), future research should also take into

account how these two variables effect each others.

In addition, more studies are needed to examine the etymology of self-determination and

ESL achievement. Studies comparing self-determination on first and second language should be

replicated with larger and more diverse samples. Is self-determination more pronounced in the

ESL, and thus adversely affects ESL achievement? Research in the self-determination and ESL

achievement should be carried out to confirm or dispute that self-determination is the

consequence of ESL achievement. It is interesting to see the revival of language aptitude

differences in ESL research because for along time many ESL researchers have generally

downplayed the role of ESL aptitude in ESL learning. Since self-determination and ESL

achievement is still in its infancy, future research have much to explore.

Self Determination and ESL


Ahmadian, M., & Pashangzadeh, A. (2013). A study of the effect of using narratives on Iranian

EFL learners reading comprehension ability. International Journal of Applied

Linguistics & English Literature, Vol. 2 No 3, pp. 153-162.

Aksenova, N.V., Shepetovsky, D.V., Mironova, V.E., Stepura, S.N., & Pichugova, I.L. (2015).

Developing students motivation to learn foreign language in tertiary classroom and

beyond. Meditteranian Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 6 No 5, pp 240-247.

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Aydogan, H., & Akbarov, A. (2015). Sociodemographic variables versus intrinsic and extrinsic

motivation for English learning. International Journal of English Language, Literature

and Translation Studies, Vol.2 No 3, pp 409-418.

Courtesy, L., Graham, S., Tunkyn, A., & Marinis, T. (2015). Individual differences in early

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Self Determination and ESL
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achievement. School Psychology International, Vol. 35 No 3, pp. 294-308.

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self-determination and academic achievement among Chinese primary school students.

International Journal of Psychological Studies, Vol.3 No 1, pp 90-98.

Pavalache-Ilie, M., & Tirdia, A. F. (2014). Parental involvement and intrinsic motivation with

primary school students. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 187, pp 607-612.

Theodotou, E. (2014). Early years education: are young students intrinsically or extrinsically

motivated towards school activities? A discussion about the effect towards on young

childrens learning. Research in Teacher Education, Vol. 4 No 1, pp 17-21.

Zaree-ee, A., Mohd Don, Z., Knowles, G., & Tohidian, I. (2015). Gender differences in self-

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Zhou, M. (2015). Moderating effect of self-determination in the relationship between big five

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Self Determination and ESL


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