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Solar power towers also known as Concentrated Solar
Power (CSP) Towers generate electric power from sunlight
by focusing concentrated solar radiation on tower
mounted heat exchanger. This system uses hundreds to
thousands of heat tracking mirrors known as heliostats to
reflect the incident sunlight onto the receiver. These
plants are best suited for utility scale applications in the
30-400MW range. The limited supply of fossil
hydrocarbon resources and the negative impact of carbon
dioxide emissions on the global environment dictate the
increasing usage of renewable energy sources. CSP is the
most likely candidate for providing the majority of
renewable energy because it is amongst the most cost
effective renewable electricity technologies and its supply
is not restricted if the energy generated is transported
from the worlds solar belts to the population centers. In
power tower systems, heliostats reflect and concentrate
sunlight onto a central tower-mounted receiver where the
energy is transferred to a HTF. This conversion is then
passed either to the storage or to power conversion
systems, which convert the thermal energy into
Sucharya Parida
4th yr, Mechanical engg

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