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1.0 INTRODUCTION.................................................3
2.0 PERSONAL BACKGROUND.................................4
2.1 PERSONAL DETAILS....................................4
2.2 EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND....................4
2.3 PROFESSIONS..............................................5
3.0 CONTRIBUTION.................................................6
3.2 CLINICAL EXPERIENCES.............................7
3.4 PUBLISHING.................................................8
3.5 AWARDS.......................................................9
4.0 PERSONAL VIEW.............................................10
5.0 CONCLUSION...................................................11
6.0 REFERENCE.....................................................12

In the slide show a hadith that inspire Professor Dr. Malik Badri to starts
his journey as a Islamic Psychologist. He believed that psychologys theories
are not only come from the western side, Islam should be have their own
perspective, Islam are perfect who will provide all kind of knowledge for
muslims to dig out which is As-sunnah and al-Quran.
Thus, he is the one who started the journey of Islamic psychology
through his studies, journals and books. He start to studies all about
psychology, about islam and about muslim itself. Some peoples called him as
The Father of Islamic Psychology.
Through this assessment, we will provide you his information about
personal background, his education levels, his professions, contributions and
awards received by many organization worldwide.

His name is Malik Babikir Badri, mostly in his publications he used the
nick-name of Malik Badri. Known as Professor Dr. Malik Badri. He was born on
16th February 1932, thus this year he is already 83 years old.
Prof. Dr. Malik Badri is a Sudanese who already gained Malaysia
permanent residency on 1997 as he worked as a professor in psychology
department of International Islamic University Malaysia started 1992. He has
the abilities to spoke and write in three different language which is Arabic,
English and Ivrit (Hebrew).


He gained his diploma, bachelor degree and master in Education at
American University of Beirut by the year 1956 to 1958 and furthering his
Ph.D in University of Leicester, England in 1961.
Professor Dr. Malik Badri has been certified of Clinical Psychology by
Academic Department of Psychiatry, Middlesex Hospital, Medical School of
London University by the year 1967.
Moreover, in 1977 he registered as British Psychological Society
(F.B.Ps.S) in the division of Clinical Psychology. While, in 1989, Prof. Dr. Malik
Badri is chartered as Psychologist (Clinical psychologist) of the British
Psychological Society with Practicing Certificate that allows him to practice
psychotherapy in Britain.
Besides that, started 1985, he joined Clinical Fellow Behavior Therapy
and Research Society in Temple University, USA.


Professor Doctor Malik Badri started his profession as Assistant

Professor in American University of Beirut, Lebanon from the year 1962 to
1964. The next year, 1965 he visiting professor and head of department of
Psychology in University of Jordan. Since 1967 to 1971, he is appointed
reader in Psychology Department of Psychology and Education also being a
director of counselling and guidance unit in Omdurman Islamic University at
Move to the next year, he start promoted as a Full Professor of
Psychology in Department of Psychology and also appointed as a Director of
the Psychological Clinic in University of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia since 1971 to
1973 and 1974 to 1977. In the between of that, which is in the year 1973 to
1974, he is appointed as UNESCO Expert in Psychology, Academy of
Pedagogy in Bahar Dar, Ethiopia.
Done as a director of Psychological Clinic in University of Riyadh, he
turn to be Dean of the Faculty of Education of the University of Khartoum,
Sudan and also Head of Department of Applied Psychology in the same
university by the year 1977 until 1980. In the year 1981 to 1982 and 1984 to
1985, he back into Saudi Arabia as a Professor of Psychology in the
Department of Psychology and senior clinical psychologist in the Medical
Clinic of Imam Mohamad bin Saud University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Between those years, which is 1983 until 1984, he appointed as a Dean of
Faculty Education and Vice Chancellor of University of Juba in Southern
Moreover, started from 1985 until 1992 he is re-appointed as a
professor of Psychology department in University of Khartoum back in Sudan.
In addition, during those years which is from 1986 until 1989 he has been

asked to establish the Faculties of Islamic Studies and Education in the
International African University Khartoum and he serves as Dean for both
faculties. In here, he held two position which is dean and a professor.
June 1992 where he start his career in Malaysia as a professor of
psychology on Department of Psychology of the International Islamic
University Malaysia until July 1994. Continuously, he has been appointed as a
professor of Islamic Psychology in the International Institute of Islamic
Thought and Civilization.
The last but not least, he has been selected by the Higher Education
Commission of Pakistan as professor in the International Islamic University,
Islamabad for the academic year 2006 until 2007 and lastly, he had been re-
appointed as dean and professor in the Department of Psychology in the
International Islamic University Malaysia.

Professor Doctor Malik Badri has contribute very well in our social
organizations worldwide, referring to his profession we could see he shared
his knowledge through being a professor or a dean in Sudan, Saudi Arabia
even in Malaysia. He also gives his contribution into worldwide organization
such as World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
For his contribution, there are three division of contribution which are;
founding of university institutions, clinical experience in psychiatric clinical
and hospital and international organizations.


In the founding university institutions, Professor Doctor Malik Badri

is a founder of the Faculties of Education and Islamic Studies in the African

International University, Khartoum, Sudan. He also a founder of the
counselling and guidance unit of Omdurman Islamic University and hired as
the first director of that university from 1968 till 1970. He also the founder of
the Psychological Clinic of the University of Riyadh and the first director of
Senior Clinical Psychologist for five years which is 1971 until 1973 and 1975
until 1977. In the year, 1977 to 1981, he found the Department of Applied
Psychology in the Faculty of Education of the University of Khartoum and was
its first head. He founding President of the Sudanese Psychological Society
where lately, Sudanese psychologist honored he with the title of Honorary
President of the Society and the last one Prof Malik Badri is a developer of
the curriculum for the M.A. Degree in early childhood education in the Ahfad
University, Omdurman in Sudan by the year 1990.


Through the contribution of clinical experiences in psychiatric

clinic and hospital, Prof. Malik Badri is a clinical fellow in the Department of
Psychiatry of the Middlesex Hospital, Medical School of Londons University
from the year 1966 to 1967. He also be a founder of the counselling and
guidance unit of Omdurman Islamic University. From 1969 until 1971, he is a
Senior Clinical Psychologist in the Clinic for Nervous Disorders Khartoum,
Sudan. In the next year, he is the founder of Psychological clinic of the
University of Riyadh and being a Senior Clinical Psychologist for five years.
He had been appointed as a Senior Clinical Psychologist in Al-Riyadh Central
Hospital, Saudi Arabia from 1972 to 1975. Moreover, in the year 1980 until
1985 he is a Senior Clinical Psychologist in the Medical Services Clinic of the
University of Imam Mohammad Bin Saud, Riyadh. Since that he practicing
psychotherapy in private clinics.


The last part of his contribution is experiences with international
organization which is World Health Organisation (WHO) and United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). His first
contribution with UNESCO started from the year 1973 until 1974 as an Expert
in Psychology, Institute of Pedagogy, Bahar Dar on Ethiopia. He being a WHO
member of Panels and Co-author of two studies on mental Health problems
in developing countries such as UK and America. Those report is The
promotion and development of traditional medicine for the year 1978 and
Organization of Mental Health services in developing countries in 1975.
The last one is he has been elected as WHO expert in the Committee on
Traditional Medical Practices for the year 1980 until 1984.


Meanwhile, he also published some books as his efforts to contribute

and gives out his knowledge sharing with others which are, The dilemma
of muslim psychologist been published by M.W.H, London in the year
1978. This book simply explains the pitfalls of following the secular
psychology for muslims knowledge. This book has been translated into
Arabic, Malay and Turkish. It is published based on a paper entitled Muslim
Pschologist in The Lizards Hole read in 1975 at the 4 th Annual Convention of
the Association of Muslim Social Scientist (AMSS) of the United States and
The second one is Contemplation: an Islamic Psychospiritual
study that has been published by IIIT in London and printed by Cambridge
University Press in the year 2001. Through this book, Prof Malik Badri suggest
that when Muslims contemplate the creation, the self and the laws of the
Almighty therein, they excel above other comtemplators because have
higher incentives and expectations from God. In this book he prove how
human sciences can support faith and spiritual values and how when a mind

is guided by the Quran and the Sunnah it will graced by the light of faith and
the light of revelation as well as by the guiding light of reason.
The last one is The AIDS Crisis: an Islamic Sociocultural
perspective that published by ISTAC in 1997. Currently, this book used as
a reference in community medicine and public heath in medical faculties in a
number of Middle Eastern and Asian Universities such as Yemen, Sudan and
Pakistan. It third edition was published in South Africa by Islamic Medical
Association and Kuala Lumpur by Medeena Books under the title The AIDS
crisis: a natural product of modernitys sexual revolution in the year 2000.
This book was bestowed with the Award of the best contribution to Islamic
medicine for the year 2000 by the Islamic Medical Association of South
Africa. This book underline the fact that even education text book promoting
anal sex. Thus, through this book Prof Malik Badri describe all the bad things
about anal sex that positively set as a myth and aversion to simply it as a
result of cultural outlook that are already growing through community.

Prof. Dr. Malik Badri has been awarded the highest academic award in
Sudan known as Zudair Price for Academic Excellence on 1 st April 2003. The
medal, scrolls and financial reward were presented by President of Sudan,
President Omar Albashir. He received honorary Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) from
Ahfad University, Omdurman, Sudan. He has been elected as a Fellow of the
British Psychological Society. He also elected as President of the International
Association of Muslim Psychologist in August 1977, Honorary president of the
Sudanese Psychological Society, Honorary President of the International
Association of Muslim Psychologist in February 2009, has been awarded the
Bachelor of Arts (B.A) from the American University of Beirut with Distinction
and in 1980 till 1984 being elected as a member of the WHO committee on
Traditional Medical Practices.

This is our personal view about Professor Doctor Malik Badri. Firstly, we
sees he is the one who bringing the new perspective view of psychology in
Islam started in the year of 1978 through his journal of Muslim Social
Scientist in USA titled Muslim Psychologist in the Lizards hole. He opened
eyes of others muslim psychologists about the theories proposed by secular
psychologist and motivate Islamic psychologist to seeing psychology through
Islamic scope that proved that psychology are not only scientific study but
also able to relate with spiritual study and religion views.
He has high determination that may create awareness among Islamic
psychologist to started their studies with relativity in Islamic perspective.
Thus, through his awareness, we believe that numerous Islamic psychologist
nowadays able to see the relation between psychology, spiritual and Islamic
based on Al-Quran and As-sunnah. That gives them an ability to make some
contribution for society such as what has been done by Dr. Alizi Alias who
already apply Iman Restoration Therapy (IRT) among adulthood clients which
gives high impact towards his clients.
The last our point of view is it proved that he had contribute a lot of
goodness towards society. Which shows he is really concern about society
development through how he being a founder of some universities, faculties
and publishing. On the other ways, personally it shows that he have high
determination to make a change into psychology fields through all his efforts.
As he really gives out all his knowledge in many shaped that he knows will
give a big impact in the future.

As a conclusion, we bring out his theory proposed in the Islamic
Psychology where he assume that there are two types of Islamization which
are, (1) to enhancing the Islamic way of life for muslims and (2) how to make
psychology as a study that is appropriate and beneficial for muslims (To use
Islam to help muslims).
This could be achieved through three related ways proposed by him
which are, firstly muslims should have the knowledge about past muslims
scientists artworks, theories, proposal through detailed examine, from that
Islamic psychologist would able to sees the history of the human soul. He
said that instead introduce western thinkers such as Plato and Aristotle, we
should introduce students and societies about muslim scientist. After that, he
proposed Islamic psychologist should gradually build their own psychology
and departs from the needs and worldview we as Muslims through initiating
new theories and methods with new outcomes of research and therapy.
Finally, he believed that Islam is not just a psychological western science but
also been perfected with the justification from al-Quran and Hadith.

essages/2132 (Khairul Anwar, 2004)
3. (International Institute of
Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC), IIUM)
4. (Arabpsynet,
professor.html (IIC University of Technology, 2015)
badri/ (dr.Amalia, 2013)
8. (American
Psychological Association, 2010)
islam/ (Dr.Amalia, 2013)


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