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National college of Information Technology (NACIT).

Blantyre Centre.
Title: Online Student Record Management System for PACT
Secondary Schools.
From: Sunganani Kwilasi (00161389).
To: The project supervisor Mrs. C. Funsani.
Due Date: 26th February 2016.

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A student record management system has been developed for PACT secondary schools. The
system allows an administrator and the guardian of a student to login into the system. When the
guardian logins into the system what they see is the school report of their ward, while when the
administrator logins into the system he or she enters the grades of the student, updates the
administrator and guardians data, searches the grades of a particular student and sees all the
grades of that student that have been entered into the systems database. For the guardian to
login into the system, they first register (if they do not have an account) through the registration
form that has been developed, if they already have an account they provide their username and
password they created earlier when registering. After authentication has been done the
guardian is either allowed access into the system or they are denied access. When the guardian
has logged into the system they supply the students identification number, select the class the
student is in and the school term. If all the details that were supplied by the guardian were
correct the guardian is allowed to see the results of their ward.

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Table of Contents
Class diagram............................................................................................................... 4
Sequence diagrams....................................................................................................... 6
The process of registering............................................................................................ 6
The process of login, searching student grades and doing administrative duties...................7
The process of sending a complaint..............................................................................8
References................................................................................................................... 9

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Class diagram

Class Explanation
Guardian This class shows the details of the guardian
that are needed to be stored in the database
when the guardian is registering with the
Student The class diagram shows the details that the
guardian has to give to the school when they
want their child to be registered with one of
the schools.
Grade of student This class shows the subjects that are offered
at the school, class (form), school year and
student id and these attributes are of the
integer and string data types respectively.
Enquires This class is included here because when the
guardian wants to send an enquiry they will
have to provide all the details that have been
listed in diagram including the message to be
Administrator The attributes listed in the administrator class
are the ones that are needed when the
existing administrator wants to register a new

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A guardian can have one or more students enrolled at pact secondary schools but one or many
students can have one guardian.
A guardian can make zero or many enquires at a time but none or many enquires can be made
by a guardian.
One or more students can take six or more subjects in particular term and six or many subjects
can be taken by many students.
An administrator can view one or many enquires that a guardian has logged in, the
administrator can also register one or many students at a time and the administrator can enter
the grades of zero or many students at a time.

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Sequence diagrams.
The process of registering.

Fig 1.1
The sequence diagram above shows the process of how the guardian registers with the system.
The guardian has to enter their details the first name, last name, user name, contact details
password and confirm their password. After he or she has entered all the required details java
script will validate the details entered by the guardian if the details that were entered by the
guardian are valid and correct the system will store them in the database. If the details entered
by the guardian have been checked by the script and they are in valid an error message will pop
and deny the details that were entered by the guardian.

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The process of login, searching student grades and doing administrative

Fig 1.2
Figure 1.2 shows the process of how the guardian or the administrator logins into the system.
First they enter their login details i.e. the username and password. The system authenticates
the details that are entered by the guardian or the administrator, if the details that are entered
indicate that the one who has entered the details is a guardian then he or she is directed to the
guardians page where they enter the student identification number of the student they want to
see the results for. While if the entered details indicate that it is an administrator who has logged
in, then they are directed to the administrators page where they do the administrative works of

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the system such as updating, viewing and entering of new records. If the details that are entered
do not match those of an administrator or a guardian the person is denied access into the

The process of sending a complaint.

Fig 1.3
The diagram above show the process how the guardian makes an enquiry. First the guardian
has to enter his or her first name, last name, contact details and the message to be sent. After
that java script validates all the details entered by the guardian, if the details and message that
the guardian entered are valid the message is sent to system. If the message and details the
guardian has entered were in correct the message is not sent to the system.

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WILLIAM LORENSEN: Object Oriented Modelling and Design (2004), Fourth Edition.
CRAIG LARMAN: Applying UML and Patterns An introduction to OOAD and the UP (2002)
Second Edition.
IAN SOMMERVILLE: Software Engineering (2005), Seventh Edition.

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