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Melissa Rosanio

SERP 475
19 April 2016
Classroom Organization and Routines
Each day begins with students entering the classroom and opening their computer
screens to Google Classroom. Within Google Classroom they are able to access blogs that
contain work for the semester. Before beginning assignments Willow asks the students to
lower their lids and starts announcing the daily reminders for her students. After
completing the daily reminders she invites students to reopen their computer screens and
begin the bell work. After bell work students usually jump into their previously discussed
assignments. If they are working on completing a project/essay Willow will put an outline
on the projection screen for them to reference.
Many students come to class and are not prepared for the day. Willow kindly
keeps extra supplies in her desk and simply asks those students who need a pencil,
notebook, or sheet of paper ask her directly rather than skirting around the question.
Students who miss class frequently are held to a different standard than those who have
attended. If a student consistently ditches her class then asks for an extension on an
assignment that was assigned during one of those days Ms. Schroeder is less likely to
give them a chance to turn it in.
Every inch of the classroom is full of materials that students have used/are
currently using/ might use in the future. There is not very much room for students to
forget their materials because there is a set system in place for students who have made a
habit out of losing things. Each class period has their own metal bin that stores science
folders, lab notebooks, and/or English journals. Students are allowed access to their
materials at any time during the class.
Students move around the classroom at any given moment. There are times that
Willow prefers for them to be stationary and those times are usually during bell work,
throughout the duration of the daily reminders speech, and whenever she is presenting.
She does not allow students to get up and talk when she is presenting something on the
board or a note from administration. I have not had the pleasure of seeing any science
labs take place but I have heard that students move from station to station.
As long as Willow or another teacher is not presenting in front of the classroom
the students are allowed to ask permission to use the restroom. Materials are readily
available and are accessible at any time. If Willow notices that the same students are
requesting to use the restroom on a daily basis or spend too much time outside of the
class then she will take action to minimize their usage.
The seating arrangements were originally put in place by Willow. Once she
worked more with students she was able to adjust when necessary. Certain students
became a distraction so they were moved to tables with other students who could act as
neutralizers to the distractions.
Classroom 915 at Sunnyside High School is arranged to fit students in a science
class. The desks are arranged in pods consisting of two tables, which can fit four students.
There are about eight or nine pods in the center of the classroom with two individual
desks in the back corner for the teaching assistant and a student if need be. I believe it is
very appropriate for a science classroom because there is a lot of partnered work in the
earth science course. I would change it during Willows English class. I think the desks
could be arranged into a U shape because it facilitates discussion without allowing any
students to be turned away from the teacher.
As previously stated there is a routine that students are expected to follow. Each
child is expected to sit in their seats, take out their computers, and direct itself to the class
blog. Once students are on the blog Willow diverts their attention to the daily schedule
board and lists off the reminders.
Finally, students are expected to respect their classroom and their own property.
They must clean up after themselves; this includes their desks, the floor around them, and
the supply closets. Despite the bell schedule, Willow releases students once they have
cleaned up after themselves. Students must also be quiet and seated before being
released. Making sure that students are seated and having taken responsibility is an
effective procedure. It reinforces the idea that they are expected to act as adults and to be
respectful of their communities.

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