Soalan Set 3

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SULIT 1 3472/2

Answer all questions.

Jawabsemuasoalan .

1 Diagram showsthe relation between set A and set B.

Rajah menunjukkanhubunganantara set A and set B.

4 25

- 5
5 16

- 4


(a) State the objects of 16,

Nyatakanobjekbagi 16,

(b) Using the function notation, write a relation between set A and set B.
Gunakantatatandafungsi, tulissuatuhubunganantara set A and set B

[2 marks]
[2 markah]

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SULIT 2 3472/2

2. The information is about the function h and the composite function h2.
Maklumat di bawahadalahberkaitandenganfungsi h danfungsigubahan h2.

h:x ax + b,
where a and b are constants, and a>0
dengan a dan b ialahpemalar, dan a > 0

h2: x 4x 18

Find the values of a andb.

Carinilai a dannilai b.
[3 marks]
[3 markah]


3. Given the functions g:x 4x + 3 and h : x x2 2x + 5,find

Diberifungsig : x 4x + 3 dan h : x x2 2x + 5, cari
(a) g-1(7)
(b) hg(x)
[4 marks]

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SULIT 3 3472/2

4. The quadratic equation x2 + px + 16 = 4x has two equal roots. Find the possible values
of p.
Persamaankuadratikx2 + px + 16 = 4xmempunyaiduapunca yang sama. Cari
nilai-nilai p yang mungkin.
[3 marks]
[3 markah]


5. It is given that -3 and m-2 are the roots of the quadratic equation x2 (n+1)x + 15 = 0,
wherem and n are constants. Find the values of m and n.
Diberibahawa -3 dan m-2 ialahpunca-puncabagipersamaankuadratik
x2 (n+1)x + 15 = 0, dengan m dan n ialahpemalar. Carinilai mdannilai n.
[3 marks]
[3 markah]

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SULIT 4 3472/2

6. It is given that quadratic equation x(x 4) = 5.

Diberibahawapersamaankuadratik x(x 4) = 5.
(a) Express the equation in the form ax2 + bx + c = 0
Ungkapkanpersamaanitudalambentuk ax2 + bx + c = 0
(b) Hence, solve the quadratic equation above.
Seterusnya, selesaikanpersamaankuadratik di atas.
[3 marks]
[3 markah]

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SULIT 5 3472/2

Diagram shows the graph of the quadratic function f x x h 3 , where h is a

Rajah menunjukkangraffungsikuadratik f x x h 3 , dengankeadaan h


O x

-4 (6, -4)

Find / Cari
(a) the value of h,
nilai h,
(b) the equation of the axis of symmetry,
(c) the coordinates of the maximum point.

[3 marks]

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SULIT 6 3472/2

8. Find the range of values of x for which 2x 5x + 3.

Carijulatnilai x untuk 2x 5x + 3.
[3 marks]
[3 markah]

9. Solve the equation:

8( 22x-4 ) = 1
[3 marks]
[3 markah]

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SULIT 7 3472/2

10. Solve the equation:


1 + log3 x = log3 (x + 6)
[3 marks]
[3 markah]


11. Aisyah has RM 320 in her saving. He saves RM 3 per day starting November 1 for 15
days, then add as much RM 1 for every next day. Calculate the amount of money in
savings at the end of November.
Aisyahmempunyai RM 320 dalamtabungwangnya.Diamenyimpan RM 3
setiapbermula 1 November selama 15 hari, kemudianmenambahsebanyakRm 1
untuksetipahariberikutnya. Hitungkanjumlahwangdalamtabunganpadaakhirbulan

[ 3 Marks]
[ 3Markah]

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SULIT 8 3472/2

12. The third term geometric progression is 16. The sum of the third term and the fourth
term is 8. Find
Sebutanketigasuatujanjanggeometriialah 16.Hasiltambahsebutanketigadansebutan
yang keempatialah 8.Cari

(a) The first term and the common ration of the progression.
(b) The sum to infinity of the progression
[ 4 Marks]
[ 4Markah]

13. A straight line passes through A (-1,-9) and B (7,15).
Suatugarislurusmelalui A (-1,-9) dan B (7,15).
(a) Given C(h, 6) lies on the straight line AB. Find the value of h.
DiberiC(h,6) terletak di atasgarislurus AB. Carinilai h.
(b) A point D divides the line segment AB in the ratio 3:1. Find the coordinates of
point D.
Titik D membahagikantemberenggaris AB dalamnisbah 3:1.Carikoordinattitik D.

[4 marks]

14. Given the points (0,-3), (k,3) and (4,5) are collinear. Find the value of k.

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SULIT 9 3472/2

Diberititik-titik (0,-3), (k,3) dan (4,5) adalahsegaris. Carinilai k.

[2 marks]

15. Given that sin = p, where p is constant and 90o x 180 o.Find the terms of p:
Diberi sin = p, dengankeadaan pialahpemalardan 90o x 180 o. Caridalam
sebutan p :

(a) Cosec
(b) Sin 2
[ 3 Marks]
[ 3Markah]

16. The variables x and y are related by the equation y2 = 2x2 6x. A straight line graph is

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SULIT 10 3472/2

obtained by plotting x against x, as shown in the diagram. Find the value of p and
of q.
Pembolehubah x dan y dihubungiolehpersamaan y2 = 2x26x.
Suatugrafgarislurusdiperolehidenganmemplotkan x melawan x,
sepertiditunjukkandalam Rajah.

(7, q)

O (p, 0) x

Find the value of p and of q.

Carinilai p dannilai q.

[3 marks]
[3 markah]

3472/1 2016 SULIT
SULIT 11 3472/2

2 5
17. It is given that vectors 3 and 1 . Find, in the form xi y j .
2 5
a b
Di Diberibahawavektor-vektor 3 dan 1 . Caridalamsebutan
xi y j
(a)the vector a 2b ,
vektor a 2b ,
(b) the unit vector in the direction of a 2b .
vektor unit dalamarah a 2b .

[3 marks]
[3 markah]

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SULIT 12 3472/2

18 Diagram shows two vectors, and .

Rajah menunjukkanduavektor, dan .
Q(-8, 8)

P(4, 3)

O x
(a) x

Express QP in the form y .

Ungkapkan QP dalambentuk y .
Find the unit vector in the direction of QP .

Carivektor unit dalamarah QP .

[3 marks]
[3 markah]

3472/1 2016 SULIT
SULIT 13 3472/2

Given that
( x 2 x )dx px
2 3
x2 c
19. , where p and c are constants, find

( x 2 x)dx px x
2 3 2
, dengankeadaan p dan c ialahpemalar, cari
(a) the value of p,
nilai p,

(b) the value of c such that

( x 2 2 x)dx 6
when x = 2.

nilai c dengankeadaan
( x 2 x)dx 6
apabila x = 2.

[4 marks]
[4 markah]

20. The gradient of the tangent to the curve y = x2(3+ px) at x = 1 is 3. Find the value
of p.
Kecerunan tangent kepadalengkung y = x2(3+ px) pada x = 1 ialah 3 .carinilai
[3 marks]

3472/1 2016 SULIT
SULIT 14 3472/2

21. Given y = 3x2 2x + 3, find

Diberi y = 3x2 2x + 3, cari

(a) the value of when x = 2.

Nilaibagi apabila x = 2.
(b) the approximate change in y, in terms of m, when x changes from 2 to 2 + m,
where m is a small value.
Perubahanhampir y, dalamsebutan m, apabila x berubahdaripada 2 kepada 2 +
m, dengankeadaan m ialahsatunilaikecil.
[4 marks]

3472/1 2016 SULIT
SULIT 15 3472/2

22. Diagram shows a sector BOC of a circle with centreO. It is given that AD = 8 cm and
BA = AO = OD = DC = 5 cm.
Rajah menunjukkansuatusektor BOC bagisebuahbulatanberpusat O. Diberibahawa
AD = 8 cmdanBA = AO = OD = DC = 5 cm.

1.85 rad
(a) the length, in cm, of the arc BC,
panjang, dalam cm, lengkok BC,
(b) the area, in cm2, of the shaded region.
luas, dalam cm2, kawasanberlorek.
[4 marks]
[4 markah]

3472/1 2016 SULIT
SULIT 16 3472/2

23. A box contains 20 chocolates. 5 of the chocolates are black chocolates flavour and the
other 15 white chocolates. Two chocolates are taken at random from the box.
Sebuahkotakmengandungi 20 bijicoklat.5
daripadanyaadalahperisacoklathitammanakala 15
Find the probability that
(a) Both chocolates are black chocolates,
(b) The chocalates taken are of different flavour
Coklat yang diambilmempunyaiperisa yang berlainan.
[4 Marks]
[4 Markah]


24. A Badminton team that consists of 6 students in to be chosen from a group of 8 male
students and 5 female students. Calculate the number of the different teams that can
be form if each team must consist of:
Satupasukan badminton yang nebgandungi 6 orang
pelajardipilihdaripadasatukumpulan 8 pelajarlelakidan 5
pelajarperempuan.Hitungkanbilanganpasukan yang
(a) Exactly 4 male students,
Tepat4 pelajarlelaki,
(b) Not more than 2 female students,
Tidaklebihdaripada 2 pelajarperempuan.
[ 4 Marks]
[4 Markah]

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SULIT 17 3472/2

25. X is continuos random variable which is normally distributed with a main of 48 and a
variance of 144. Find
X ialahpembolehubahrawakselanjarbertaburansecara normal dengan min 48
danvarian 114. Cari
(a) The value of the Z-score when X is 63.2
Nilaiskor Z apabila X ialah 63.2

(b) The value of k when P (Z< k) = 0.3483

Nilai k apabila P (Z< k) = 0.3483
[ 4 Marks]
[4 Markah]



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SULIT 18 3472/2

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