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Addis Ababa Science and Technology University



This inter report owes a great deal to the kind support, indispensable cooperation, and
continuous encouragements and inspiration of the following people. I want to say deep
gratitude to Addis Ababa Science and Technology University to this four month
internship program and every person who was contribute for me to help in making
various required for our internship program. I owe a great debt of gratitude to my advisor
and all staffs of EME engineering department at AASTU . I want to say full of thanks to
my supervisor Melaku Desta advise me in order to aware the report and project.

I am also thankful for Mr. Mekkonen for letting me to stay for four month in the
company. Next I want to acknowledge Mr Abera Gurmu and all staffs for their advice and
explanation for the questions Ive raised. I sincerely express my profound gratitude to
everybody in this factory who has contributed one way or other in making to grasp solid
knowledge during my internship program.

Finally I would like to thanks all shops installation technicians who gave me a useful of
information on all devices and their operations. Above all thank you Lord!!!

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University


This report describes the work undertaken by the AASTU under graduate student interns
during their time in Mekonen Hirpho Flour Company. The students who participated in
the internship is Geleta Girma. He starts working the factory on March 14th, 2016 and
departed on June 2016. During the time with factory I observed many of the functions of the
organization of the factory and participated each section of working place. Many of the
structures observed and worked on include Installation, Maintenance, Checkup, test time and
While he developed a strong understanding of how to design, construct, test and maintained
the factory, as well as the challenges that are often encountered as well as the benefits. This
report cover the background of my internship hosting company, main services and customers,
as well as its overall organization and work flow of each section. Recommendations were
also made to the factory.

Such report has significant role, especially in the aspect of Electro Mechanical
engineering, in order to minimize the loss of cost, resource, human power and time. So, I
highly recommend participating more on doing researches in such industries. At last, I
invite you all to enjoy my report THANK YOU!!!

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University


ACKNOWLEDGMENT.......................................................................................... I
Executive summary.......................................................................................... II
CHAPTER ONE.............................................................................................. - 1 -
1. INTRODUCTION...................................................................................... - 1 -
1.1. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND.............................................................- 1 -
1.2. Vision, Product, Location and Customer of the factory....................- 1 -
1.3. The History of Flour: from the Mortar to the Industrial Mill..............- 2 -
Chapter two................................................................................................. - 4 -
Overall Internship Experience......................................................................- 4 -
2.1 Develop skills applicable to their careers...........................................- 4 -
2.2 Develop skills to practical work situations.........................................- 5 -
2.3 Improving interpersonal communication skills....................................- 5 -
2.4 Improving team playing skills.............................................................- 6 -
2.5 Improving leadership skills.................................................................- 6 -
2.6 Develop work ethics........................................................................... - 6 -
2.7 Improving entrepreneurship skills.......................................................- 7 -
CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................... - 8 -
MAIN COMPONENTS OF THE SYSTEM...........................................................- 8 -
3.2 Instalation of Machines and Their Function.........................................- 9 -
3.2.1 Magnetic separator:......................................................................- 9 -
3.2.2De-Stoner:................................................................................... - 10 -
3.2.3 Separator:.................................................................................. - 12 -
3.2.4Washing and Tempering:.............................................................- 13 -
3.2.5Centrifugal Fans:..........................................................................- 15 -
3.2.6Milling Machine:...........................................................................- 16 -
3.2.6 Sifting Machine...........................................................................- 19 -
3.2.7 Final product:.............................................................................. - 20 -
3.3 Wastage disposal.............................................................................. - 20 -
3.4 Checkup step.................................................................................... - 21 -
3.5 Machine Test..................................................................................... - 22 -
CHAPTER FOUR.......................................................................................... - 24 -

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

CONCLUSION, RECOMMENDATION AND REFERENCE..................................- 24 -

4.1Conclusion......................................................................................... - 24 -
4.2 RECOMMENDATION...........................................................................- 25 -
References................................................................................................. - 25 -

List of figures

Figure 1: 1 WHEAT MILLING PROCESS..........................................................- 8 -

Figure 2: de stoners................................................................................... - 11 -
Figure 3: washing and tempering machine................................................- 13 -
Figure 4: centrifugal pump.........................................................................- 16 -
Figure 5: milling machine...........................................................................- 18 -
Figure 6: SIFTING MACHINE........................................................................- 19 -
Figure 7: Liquid wastage pipe....................................................................- 21 -
Figure 8: Dust wastage collector................................................................- 21 -

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

Figure 9: partial view of the factory...........................................................- 23 -

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University




Mekonen Hirpho (MHB) flour company construction start on july2013. The construction
came to end on September 2015. The company waits around 5 months for shipping the
machine from china shuwang Machinery Company. The first of installation is start by
construct the foundation.

After five months of transportation the Machinery reach to the factory with two
containers one the biggest one and the other is the smallest one. The dropping process is
accomplished by pneumatic system. The installation process is start by standing
mechanical part. After mechanical part it the electrical part installation is finished.

The last step of installation is checkup and test. At this step all process of installation is
revised. At test time the efficiency of all machine is checked and the total (Overall)




To be a competent factory in Ethiopia by producing 40 ton flour per day.


The main product of the company is flour. Finno is also another product which is used
for the meal of cows.

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University


MHB is located in Oromia region Assela town. The company built in 10,000 m 2 area.
When the company starts work with full capacity the number of workers grows to 150,
most of them are labor workers.


The customer of the product is mainly the food complex to produce pasta, macaroni,
biscuit and bread.



Even before the wheel was invented, a revolutionary technology had been discovered: the
production of flour. The realization that indigestible seeds could be ground into
nourishing dust steered the history and fate of man in a new direction. Without the
invention of the grinding stone there would be no bread or buns, no pasta or pizza, no
cakes or couscous. Probably there would be fewer people on our planet. Certainly there
would be no civilization as we know it. And the wheel, originally an aid to agriculture,
would presumably never have been invented.

Flour has become the daily food of millions. But we would be wrong to take it for
granted. The cereal powder that feeds a large proportion of the worlds population is the
result of thousands of years of development. The history of flour is one of brilliant
innovation and growing prosperity, but also of famine and hardship. Cereals, flour and
bread are inseparably bound up with human civilization: wherever enough could be
harvested, ground and baked, the economy flourished and culture emerged.

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

It is probable that wild grasses were part of our ancestors diet at an early stage, but the
real nutritional revolution did not take place until the last Ice Age had passed its peak.
13,000 years ago the hunters and gatherers of the Neptunian culture of the Mesolithic
period roamed a fertile region that extended from the Middle East into Mesopotamia.
They left behind primitive sickles with flint blades: on these tools it is possible to detect
marks that were probably caused by cutting grasses. It may have been this culture that
started burying some of the grains in the ground again during a temporary deterioration of
the climate.

The advent of agriculture changed the lives of the people. The Nomads started to settle,
built villages and kept cattle. But even in the advanced civilizations the grains were still
ground by hand between simple grindstones. The Romans were no longer satisfied with
this: in order to supply the growing urban population with flour they ground the corn on
cone mills massive, heavy structures turned by slaves or animals. And around 25 BC
the architect and engineer Vitruvius described a water mill in which a paddle-wheel
turned the millstones by way of a gearwheel.

This invention of the ancient world was used again by the millers of the Middle Ages, but
in the twelfth century a new construction reached the European continent: the wind mill
that probably originated in the Orient. It is not known whether the Crusaders brought the
invention home with them from the Arabian world. All we can say for certain is that
windmills were already turning in far-off England around the year 1150. Initially viewed
with distrust, the new technology experienced its heyday in the Netherlands, where it
contributed to growing prosperity towards the end of the middle Ages. Until far into
modern times the windmill was a characteristic feature of the European landscape.

That did not change until the start of the industrial age. In 1786 Londons first steam mill
was erected on the bank of the Thames. Barges delivered the grain directly into the
basement of the unimposing building. Inside the mill, two 50-horsepower steam engines

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

together moved 20 pairs of millstones. The Albion Mill was so productive that it
provoked the resentment of its competitors. After five years it went up in flames,
accompanied by the derisive howling of the London mob. What initially met with little
approval in England fell on fertile ground in America. There the inventor Oliver Evans
constructed a steam engine that operated at higher pressure and was soon driving large
automatic mills.



The general objective of this internship understands the practical world management
organization behavior of the work section and also familiarity the atmosphere of the work
station. I develop practical skill and improve my confidence.
The internship program is believed to help students get introduced to the methods
problem solving, team work and presentation skills. With this regard, students are
attached with industries for that they could get many opportunities to improve their
abilities and skills. I'm one of the interns who have been working in a well-scoped and
devised industry; I obtained many remarkable benefits from the program, some of which
are discussed below.


During my internship stay, I have been performing many practical activities such as
disassembling, assembling, trussing a wiring diagram even I'm so familiar with different
air craft components, not only this but also I have gotten concrete knowledge in
electronics and machine maintenance when I am in avionics integrated factory. In

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

addition to this I have gotten practical knowledge is personal and material safety. There
was safety brief every single day.


When I began the internship program, I almost know nothing about installation of
factories. As a result, I began grasping any knowledge I could obtain at our work place.
Generally, I can certainly say that the internship has helped as a lot. As it made as know
many valuable concepts which I did not know before.

For instance, it is because of the internship that I got the major technical skills about
electrical instrumentation principle and other related issues. I also gained theoretical
skills about how the power coming from DC generator and distributed to customers
which is each shops using a rectifier principles, where the selection of its type depends on
the number of customers and the loads they use.


The ability to communicate is the primary factor that distinguishes human beings from
other creatures. And it is the ability to communicate well that distinguishes one individual
from the other. The fact is that apart from the basic necessities, everyone needs to be
equipped with habits for good communication skills as this is what will make him/her a
happy and successful social being. A healthy work environment can also be maintained
by better interpersonal work relations. Today, effective communication skill has become a
predominant factor even when recruiting employees. With this respect, the internship

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

program paved as the way to interact with peoples and communicate with them. It helped
as overcome the barriers to effective communication such as shyness and fear of
criticism. Then after, I became able to share our thoughts and feelings freely, convey
messages to others without the use of commanding or dictating terms, explain a concept
clearly that all my co-workers could understand it at their level, and maintain a
communication wheel of conclusions.


I had improved my ability to perform things with in-group, I also got how to solve
problem by sharing ideas and discuss on problem in group. How to negotiate wrong
ideas, give alternative solution to a given problem and create a smooth interaction with
team members. Sometimes I play with company workers


Leadership refers to the personal skills of a leader in inspiring a group of people to

achieve a common goal. Effective leadership is based upon ideas, but wont happen
unless those ideas can be communicated to others in a way that engages them all. From
the internship, I learnt to be not only a confident leader but also decisive. In other words,
I learnt to be a risk taker and decide accordingly. A great leader is one who hopes for the
best but prepares for the worst. I also learnt that we should be able to delegate effectively
when I get too busy.

The best method to delegation is by giving employees ownership of any work they are
assigned to finish. From the things I saw during the internship program, another benefit I
gained in terms of improving my leadership skill is that I made up my mind to possess

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

the combination of personality and leadership skills that make others follow the right


After I started the internship program, I built a strong work ethics. I was able to take
constructive criticisms, adapt and acknowledge difference of opinions, display
professionalism and inter personal understanding in most internal/external/ contacts and
follow directions of my supervisor. I also developed other work ethics values such as
reliability, commitment, punctuality, responsibility, enthusiasm and assertiveness.
Moreover, the internship greatly helped as have an optimistic attitude about the work
environment and work ethics as well. For instance, as the employees of the company
often do, I used to move to the time keepers room at 8:00 in the morning and at 7:00 in
the afternoon to put our signature on the attendance sheet prepared by the company as it
was mandatory to sign in order to certify our presence at the work place. Of course, this
was my first time where I formally declared our presence with my signature. Another
work ethics that I learnt in my stay is the cooperative habit that an employee should have
at the work place. Regarding this value, I used to cooperate with my colleagues and share
constructive ideas about how I could make the atmosphere of the working area better


Since I already recognized that my internship was more about building professional skills
than gaining content knowledge, I took my time to learn about the company, not just the
tasks at hand. I also used to communicate and actively engage with management and
leadership without sounding academic or overly formal. In addition to this, I was so
ambitious to know new and innovative ideas while executing the tasks at hand as
cautiously as possible. The stay I had at this company also inspired as to think in what

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

way and how hard I should work that I could succeed and be able to run huge businesses
like the one I have been working at. Generally speaking, the internship programs helped
as understands some business concepts, and improve the creativity and critical thinking
skills I already had.



In this chapter I try to describe all steps of installation of the factory. This chapter
contained the main body of my report. The proses of plantation first start on construction
of the foundation. And assembly of the stand is the next step, and it followed by the
installation of machines. This step takes more time and work carefully. This followed by
installation of electrical parts. Modify equipment and welding, repair and similar works
are done after this step. Finally checkup and test the machine is accomplished for more
than two weeks.

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University


3.1Machine Foundation

Machine foundation is the foundation that provided beneath the super structure of
vibration and rotating machine. It is more subjected to dynamic forces caused by the
machine. These dynamic forces are transferred to the foundation supporting machine.
Though the moving parts of the machine are generally balanced, there is always some
unbalance in practical field which causes an eccentricity of rotating parts. This produces
an oscillating force. The machine foundation must satisfy the criteria for dynamic loading
in addition to static loading.

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

Machine foundation design, which is also known as machinery foundation design

accomplished to protect the adjacent foundations of the structure from the vibration of the
rotating or vibrating machine.

There are generally four types of machine foundation used for factories. In this factory
the block type foundation is used. This type of foundation consists of pedestal resting on
a footing. The foundation has a large mass and a small natural frequency. The ground is
excavated 1.5m deep for the machine. During the construction they used reinforcements
bars of 16mm diameter. Eight foundations are being constructed for the milling machines.
After the foundations are built a thick plates are attached to the foundation for which the
milling machine is going to be fixed on, each have six bolts.



In the recent past the problem of removing the deleterious iron particles from a process stream
had a few alternatives. Magnetic separation was typically limited and moderately effective.
Magnetic separators that used permanent magnets could generate fields of low intensity only.
These worked well in removing ferrous tramp but not fine paramagnetic particles. These focus on
the separation of very fine particles that are paramagnetic.

The wheat first passes thru magnet that removes iron and metallic particles. In this step
there are big magnets that attached to the main separating system. Every day before the
machine starts work the magnetic separator have to be checked. If the metals pass this
step it damages miller extremely.
The current is passed through the coil, which creates a magnetic field, which magnetizes
the expanded steel matrix ring. The matrix material being paramagnetic behaves like a
magnet in the magnetic field and thereby attracts the fines. The ring is rinsed when it is in
the magnetic field and all the non-magnetic particles are carried with the rinse water.

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

Magnetic Separators have application in a wide array of diverse industries including

Aggregates, Ceramic, Chemical, Coal, Food, Glass, Light Industries, Metalworking,
Minerals Processing, Packaging, Pharmaceutical, Plastics & Rubber and Recycling.

Permanent and Electromagnetic Magnetic Separators are available in a variety of designs.

Whether your product is gravity fed through pipes and chutes, loosely transported on
conveyors and/or pumped through pipelines, has the magnetic separation solution.
Materials such as nails, rust, scale, bolts, welding rods and other contaminants are no
match Magnetic Separators. Permanent Magnetic Separators work with no electric
power. Magnetic Separators using ceramic or Rare Earth material for increased strength
and extended magnet life.


Using gravity, the machine separates the heavy material from the light to remove stones
that may be the same size as wheat kernels De stoner is a machine that removes stones
and clods from soil ridges and moves them to the furrow so that the ridges are free from
stones. This also helps when harvesting in wet conditions as the harvester can drive on a
row of stones which helps improve traction.

They remove stone using a series of webs (between two and five webs). The stones stay
on the web and the clay falls through it. The stones travel through the machine and the
bigger stones fall into a boulder box and the smaller stones fall onto a cross conveyor and
in turn fall into a trench. On the next pass the tractor tramps these stones down. DE stoner
is usually fitted with steerable wheels which make them more maneuverable on
headlands. Some are fitted with hydraulic leveling.

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University


The de stoners have their own working principle generally. The product, flows through
the superior part of the machine and with the effect of the vibration and a particular
distribution system, spread on superior frame divided in three parts with different sizes
and perforations.
During the deviation on the superior frame, on the effect of the combination airflow and
frame vibration, the product becomes intense uniformly on all length of the frame.
Stones and high specific weight product fraction are concentrated on the inferior part of
the product layer; however, the suspended light fractions are evacuated beginning from
the second part of the frame.
The de stoner treatment is done on the inferior frame, the effect of the vibration and the
aspiration regularize the flow of the product until the stone were evacuated on the
backside. The heavy cereal fraction, cleaned from the stones, is oriented on the opposite

The given values at the table are only for wheat. These values can change if processing
other than wheat. Seed De stoner Machine is primarily used for all types of food grains

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

and pulses, masala articles, ground nuts and others. Moreover, it helps in processing and
mud stoning these items as well. Known for offering silent and smooth operations, it also
helps in recovering seeds or grains without any wastage during de stoning.


High speed vibrating screens remove bits of wood and straw and almost anything bigger
or smaller than wheat. High speed oscillating separator is a type speed of sifting
equipment to force the sieve box to vibrate both vertically and horizontally using the
centrifugal inertial force produced by inertial rotating at high speed. It is mainly designed
for removing the small impurities and some large impurities from stocks. Making circular
or elliptic motion in a vertical plane, the oscillating separator forces the stock to make
intensive jump of small amplitude on the sieve cover, which increases the chances of
stock to contact sieve cover and granular stocks to go through the sieve meshes. In
addition, it is helpful to prevent sieve meshes from being clogged, thus to achieve
satisfactory screening effect.

Fig. 2

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University


Wheat is conditioned for milling. Moisture is added in certain amounts to toughen the
bran and mellow the inner endosperm. This helps the parts of the kernel to be separated
easily and cleanly. Tempered wheat is stored in bins from 8-24 hours, depending on the
type of wheat -soft, medium or hard


The process of adding water to wheat before milling aids in producing

consistent quality finished flours. There has been much research and practice on the
tempering, or conditioning, of wheat since well before World War II. There are as many
opinions on the practice as there are systems. Essentially, tempering is carried out by
adding water to wheat, entering most easily through the wheat germ.

There are several reasons why millers temper wheat. One is to toughen the bran ski0n so
that it holds together rather than creating bran powder, which would otherwise lead to

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

higher mineral content or darker flours. Another reason to temper wheat is to ease
separation of the darker bran from the light colored endosperm. This also produces a
higher extraction of flour of a given quality.

Tempering is done to mellow the endosperm with the effect of reducing power
consumption of roller mills, to enable clear and accurate sifting of mill stocks and flour,
to ensure the desired moisture content of finished products and to aim for consistency.

Typical wheat cleaning involves conditioning from receipt of wheat from the elevator
into the dirty or raw wheat bins through the I break roller mill. There are three points at
which water may be added. Virtually all mills use one point, many use two, and some use
all three points. Point B is the most widely used. With up-to-date damping apparatus of
varying degrees of sophistication it is possible to add up to 8% moisture at one time.

Point A is popular where particularly hard, dry wheat are initially wetted. A typical
addition of moisture might be 2%. The idea is to give wheat kernels a longer lying time in
which the endosperm can absorb moisture and become more mellow, or easier to mill.
This technique is used in cold winter climates because water penetration is slower as the
water or wheat becomes colder.

The third point of water addition has a different aim. Between 20 to 30 minutes before the
I break, up to 0.75% of moisture is added to wheat using an atomizer water mist or spray.
There are two benefits to this tempering method. The first is to hold bran together in the
milling process to increase extraction. The other is to try to correct an earlier conditioning
fault or mistake. However, water will not have time to penetrate the endosperm so it
cannot affect final flour moisture content, although it clearly increases bran moisture.


In the company there are three fans which are used to clean the dust in the grain and to
move the flour in the pump. It also used to transfer flour inside the tubes. The first one is

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

assembled with the De stoner. While the De stoner separate the stone from the wheat
there is high vibration, so there is dusts the tubes and absorbed by the pump and released
to the air.
Fans are generally classified in two types centrifugal type and axial flow type. In this
factory there are only centrifugal fans. The centrifugal fans are classified into three types
by different air pressure as follows.

Low pressure centrifugal pump: the air pressure produced is loss than or
equal to 100 mm water column. This pump is used to remove dusts in
wheat after it is washed. Since there is a little dust in this step it needs a
low pressure centrifugal pump.
Medium pressure centrifugal pump: the air pressure produced is 100 mm
and 300 water column. The dust in the separator is absorbed by this type
of pump. In this step there is high dust density than at the low pressure
High pressure centrifugal pump: the air pressure produced is between 300
and 1500 mm water column. After the flour is produced it moved by using
high pressure centrifugal pump in the tubes.

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University



Grinding of cereal seeds is due to the mechanical action of several forces: compression,
Shearing, crushing, cutting, friction and collision, to which seeds are subjected, depend.
On the design if the mill used for grinding (roller mill, hammer mill, stones mill or ball
mill). By applying these forces, when the mechanical resistance of the particles is
exceeded, their Division happens in a number of smaller particles of different sizes,
geometric shapes, masses and volumes. An industrial wheat mill has several
technological phases, starting with coarse grinding of seeds to fine grinding of the
resulted milling products. The first technological phase of: grinding process, in wheat
mills, coarse grinding phase, which also consists of several technological passages.

A technological passage consists of a grinding machine (roller mill), a machine for

sifting. In a technological passage, intermediate fractions are obtained, which, by a new
grinding, lead to the obtaining of high-quality flour at milling passages (fine grinding).

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

Wheat processing requires a long and gradual transformation into flour. This process
takes place after a gradual crushing schedule, from fine to finer, from machine to
machine, of Wheat seed, respectively of the crushed particles resulting from it. Each
grinding operation is immediately followed by a sorting operation by sifting (fig.1)
because during grinding, a Wide variety of grinded seed particles is obtained.

Grinding (Milling)

Milling process is a gradual reduction of the wheat kernels to produce particles of

endosperm which are then graded & separated from the bran by sieves & purifiers

Each size returns to corresponding rollers & the same process is repeated until the
desired flour is obtained

The rolls are paired & rotate inward against each other, moving at different speeds

Just one pass through the corrugated "first break" rolls begins the separation of bran,
endosperm and germ

The rollers are mild steel; they are hard and tough to resist abrasion and twist. They are
hollow pipes with thickness of 6mm, the hollow nature of the roller helps to reduce the
Nominal load of the motor and to reduce the weight of the machine, as well as to reduce
the cost of procuring a solid pipe

Working principle
the parallel working rolls are automatically opened and closed by pneumatic system, which is
actuated by an electronic control unit. The clean grain enters the roller mill through a glass spout
and the grinding process starts. Capacitive level indicators adjust the amount of grain, which
enters the roller mill from its inlet, which controls the feeding rolls. The grain, which flows
regularly through the rolls, undergoes processing. The adjusting system, which provides a very

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

precise approach of the rolls to each other, can be easily integrated to the automation system.
The air, which is sucked by means of a pneumatic system via specially created air channels,
provides regular flow of grain between the rolls. The efficiency of the roller mill is increased due
to such feature. The grinded product is discharged into a hopper, which is placed underneath the
roller mill and then conveyed by means of a pneumatic system.

The materials required in the roller moll are as bellows:

o The Main Frame

o The Rollers

o The Gears

o The Table

o The Electric Motor Mounting Frame

o The Smooth Rods

o The Drive Shaft

o The Pulley Drive

o The Motor

o The Belt

o The Ball Bearing

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University



Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

Sift series of double-section plan sifter is adopts built in motor mounted under the sieve
box and self-balancing drive design without vertical shaft. When the eccentric block
starts restoring under the drive of the motor through the v belt the sieve box will make
planer gyroscopic motion. Strokes are from the top and move down layer by layer under
the action of gravity. The stocks on the sieve cover under the action of inertial force and
fractional force. The superfine granular stocks settle down on the sieve cover while the
coarsest granular stocks in the middle layer assure the fine stocks in good contact with
the sieve cover and force them sieving. As required by stock classified, it is allowed to
equip with sieve cover with sieve cover of different mesh sezes.

The broken particles of wheat are introduced into huge, rotating, box-like sifters where
they are shaken through a series of bolting cloths or screens to segregate the larger from
the smaller particles Up to 6 different sizes of particles may come from a single sifter,
including some flour with each sifting. Larger particles are shaken off from the top, or
"scalped," leaving the finer flour to sift to the bottom


Reduction Rolls: Reduction of particle size of semolina into fine flour by passing it
through a pair of smooth rolls. suitable sieving and the branny impurities can be

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

removed by air purifiers and other devices. The cleaned semolinas are reduced to fine
flour by grinding between smooth steel rolls, called reduction rolls. The flour produced in
the reduction rolls is then sieved out. There are usually four or five more reduction rolls
and some scratch rolls to scrape the last particles of...


The process is repeated over and over again, sifters to purifiers to reducing rolls, until
the maximum amount of flour is separated, consisting of close to 75 percent of the wheat.


In flour factory there are two main part of wastage disposal. There are liquid and ash
disposal. I describe both of them as the following.

Liquid wastage: the water used to wash wheat used released out of the factory. This
wastage can be used as compost for agricultural purpose. If it is not managed properly it

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

caused pollution in the village so it has to manage properly.


Dust wastage: the dust wastage can be found from two places the first one is before the
wheat is washed when the separator clear the wheat there is dust and the pump absorb
the dust and release to the environment. This wastage mainly

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University



1. Electrical system checkup

The machine is properly grounded.

The insulation meets the requirement or not.

The local voltage and frequency satisfy the specification on the rating plate of the
motor or not.

Do functional test to the electrical control devices (emergency stop switch).

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

2. Internal check

Open the discharge door and remove the sundries inside.

Check the condition of fasteners, safety protection and equipment lubrication.

Open the access door turn the head sheave manually to check for any loose
bucket bolt, any abnormal noise and any foreign material inside. Take immediate
care in the case of abnormality.

Before starting up the motor, be sure to dismount the hold back if any. Inch the
motor and check if the rotating direction is correct

Do not mount the hold back until the rotating direction is surely verified;
otherwise, the motor or the hold back night be damaged.


After the installation of all part of the factory is indeed there is a test time for all system.
In this step all part of the system have to checked.

No load check and commissioning

Adjust the tension bolt to tense up the bucket belt. Run without load for two
hours and adjust the tension bolt to eliminate such problem as bucket off-tracking
and rubbing edge until the bucket belt runs smoothly.

After two hours the temperature rise of bearing should not be more than 40c and
the lubrication condition and sealing performance are satisfactory.

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

Neither oil impregnation nor impulsive sound happens to the speed reducer. The
coupling works safety and reliably.

Make sure the running condition of motor and reducing gearbox is compliance
with the requirement of their users manual.

Make sure no load power of the machine will ever exceed 30 percent of the rated.

After four hours without load shut down the machine and check the set screws of
bearing fasteners, bucket, coupling screw of rubber belt and lubricating points are
in normal are in normal conditions.


Addis Ababa Science and Technology University




In these four months of internship I grasp a lot of knowledge. Especially on installation

of machinery for industries I get more practical understanding. When I complete four
month I have gotten many things which I will not get from entire student life. Generally
an Internship program has a significance value for university student in their entire life.
Because it is helpful for students by offering a wide range of opportunities to gain
experience, develop skills, make connections, strengthen their technical skills, learn about
a field and assess their interest and abilities and the most important build confidence for
future path.
After stay of four months internship I have got many important things like:-

How to be active in practical section

How I can develop our Knowledge
How to make decisions
How to take responsibilities
How to be initiative and creative
How to be self-starter and self-independent

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

How I can make relationship with workers

How I can be honest, loyal, ethical etc. in work place.
How I can successive in our future work.
How to manage tasks and also workers.
How to change theoretical knowledge to practical activities


Generally MHB has negative effect such as: managerial problem, some tasks in the
factory are done manually, lack of raw material and most of these accessories are
imported since they are not available in our country, the employee of the factory are not
initiated for work due to under payment problem, the factory has no alternative power
source i.e. generator, if there is no power the overall movement of the factory stopped.
The overall problems listed above has a negative effect on the quality and quantity of the
production ,so the demand cannot be fully satisfied due to these problems .Therefore, the
factory is not working at its maximum production capacity. So to solve this kind of
problem I recommend the following points.

There In most factories motors need more power than other devises need power. If
motors able to use low power in the factory; it may save a lot of many. Using
automatic switch for factories is the best way for company owner. The switches
that current factories use are more available for damages of motor.


Ahmed Farouk AbdelGawad and Talal Saleh Mandourah (2014) Proposed Simple Electro-
Mechanical Automotive Speed Control System. American Journal of Aerospace Engineering .vol
2, pp. 1-10.

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

Richard C.Dorf and Robert H.Bishop (2008), Modern Control Systems, PEARSON PRENTICE

Thomas L.Floid (2006) Digital Fundamentals, PEARSON PRENTICE HALL, UNITED


Thomas L.Floid (2012) Electronics Devices, PEARSON PRENTICE HALL, UNITED



IMPEDANCE METHOD, Sensors, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China.


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