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2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences

SBoxScope: A Meta S-box Strength Evaluation Framework for Heterogeneous

Confusion Boxes

Abrar Ahmad, Muddassar Farooq, Amin

Next Generation Intellegent Networks Research Center (nexGIN RC)
Institute of Space Technology
Islamabad, 44000, Pakistan
Email: {abrar.ahmad,muddassar.farooq,amin}

Abstract non-linear formal models. As a result, every S-box is unique

having its own set of parameters: (1) size of S-box (number
In cipher algorithms both block or streaming the
most important non-linear component is a confusion box of elements); (2) the number of rows and columns of an S-
(commonly termed as s Substitution box or an S-box). The box; (3) the size of substitution block (nibble, byte or 32 bits
designers of cipher algorithms create an S-box on the basis word). An important challenge for a cryptanalyst is: how to
of a unique formal model; as a result, its parameters conduct a comparative study to draw scientic conclusions
including its size are different. Consequently, it becomes a about the cryptographic strength of heterogeneous S-boxes?
daunting task for a cryptanalyst to conduct a comparative To the best of our knowledge, no framework exists that em-
study to analyze, in a scientic yet unbiased manner, the powers a designer or cryptanalyst to determine with a certain
cryptographic strength of these heterogeneous S-boxes. The degree of condence e.g. the S-box of AES is cryptographi-
major contribution of this paper is SBoxScope a meta S-Box cally stronger compared with that of MARS.
strength evaluation framework that enables designers and
analysts to evaluate cryptographic strength of heterogeneous The major contribution of this paper is a meta S-box
S-boxes. The framework consists of two layers: (1) White strength evaluation framework - SBoxScope that allows
Box Layer analyzes the contents of an S-box and calculates S-box designers to compare the cryptographic strength of
8 relevant parameters (5 core and 3 auxiliary) and then heterogeneous S-boxes. SBoxScope consists of two layers:
normalizes them to draw conclusions about the strength of White Box Layer (WBL) and Black Box Layer (BBL). The
an S-box; (2) Black Box Layer assumes that no knowledge WBL assumes that the design, implementation, and contents
is available about the contents of an S-box; rather, it gives of an S-box are known and it conducts a pattern based anal-
a predened input bit stream to each S-box and then applies ysis on the contents by running 8 independent tests. Conse-
NIST tests to measure 10 parameters. Finally, the two layers quently, 5 core and 3 auxiliary parameters are computed by
are augmented that empowers an analyst to make a decision the WBL. These parameters are then normalized to remove
about the strength of an S-box after analyzing 18 different the bias introduced due to the size of an S-box. Finally, it
parameters. In this paper, we have evaluated 9 S-boxes of ranks the S-boxes on each parameter and accumulates the
ve well known cipher algorithms: AES, MARS, Skipjack,
rank score of each S-box. An S-box with the lowest rank score
Serpent and Twosh.
is declared as the best cryptographically strong S-box among
all heterogeneous S-boxes.
The BBL assumes that a cipher algorithm consists of only
Cryptography, Cipher Algorithms, Cryptographic Strength one component the S-box and its deisgn, implementation
and contents need not to be known. BBL creates a number
of input bit streams by taking inspiration from NIST test
1. Introduction suite for cipher algorithms. It provides these streams to each
S-box and its output is treated as the cipher text. In the
The majority of cipher algorithms, proposed in the lit- next step 10 NIST tests are conducted and the p-values of
erature, uses a non-linear component a Substitution box relevant 10 parameters are measured. The BBL provides the
(S-box) that introduces confusion in a cipher. The moti- analysts a microlevel probe into the substitution pattern of
vation of using a cryptographically strong S-box is to make an S-box. The analysts could easily compare the p-values
it difcult for a cryptanalyst to break a cipher by modeling it of input bit stream with that of the output cipher stream.
with the help of well known linear functions. The designers BBL provides a valuable insight into an S-box: if an S-box
of cipher algorithms create an S-box with the help of highly is the only component of a cipher algorithm then how much

1530-1605/16 $31.00 2016 IEEE 5544

DOI 10.1109/HICSS.2016.685
TABLE 1: Design Parameters of Shortlisted S-boxes gives denitions of quantitative parameters used in WBL
SBox Algorithm # of elements Dimension Bits Substituted and BBL. The section also builds an intuitive understanding
SA AES 256 16 x 16 8 of each parameter by highlighting what aspect of strength
SM MARS 512 512 x 1 32 it measures. After presenting the quantitative framework of
SK Skipjack 256 16 x 16 8
S0 Serpent 16 1 x 16 4
SBoxScope, the detailed discussion and comprehensive anal-
S4 Serpent 16 1 x 16 4 ysis of the results obtained from the SBoxScope are presented
S7 Serpent 16 1 x 16 4 in Section 4. Finally, we conclude the paper with an outlook
ST 1 Twosh 16 1 x 16 4
ST 2 Twosh 16 1 x 16 4 to our future work in Section 5.
ST 3 Twosh 16 1 x 16 4

2. Related Work
confusion it can add, without the need of complementing it
with a Substitution Permutation Network (SPN), to make it To the best of our knowledge, no framework is presented
infeasible for a cryptanalyst to draw conclusions about the in the literature that allows analysts to compare cryptographic
correlation between ciphertext and plaintext. Finally, BBL strength of heterogeneous S-boxes. Having said that, it is
ranks each S-box on the basis of p-value of each parameter important to emphasize that the core parameters that build
and then accumulates the rank score. Similar to WBL, an S- the foundation of quantitative framework of WBL and BBL
box with the lowest rank score is considered to be the best are already present in the literature. The novel contribution
cryptographically strong S-box. is to adapt and normalize them for an unbiased comparison
Once the S-boxes are ranked by WBL and BBL, SBoxS- of different heterogeneous S-boxes. For example, WBL uses
cope classies only those S-boxes as cryptographically strong ve core parameters Nonlinearity (NL) [6], Bit Indepen-
that are ranked high (closest to their ideal values) both by dence Criteria (BIC) [4], Strict Avalanched Criteria (SAC)
WBL and BBL; if an S-box does not achieve a relatively high [4], Differential Probability (DP) and Linear Probability (LP)
rank in any of the testing layers, it is dropped from the list of [7][8] to measure the cryptographic strength of S-boxes.
cryptographically strong S-boxes. The NL is dened by Meier and Staffelbach in [6]. Similarly
In order to do the comparative study, we surveyed more BIC and SAC were introduced by Webster and Tavares in [4].
than 30 well known cipher algorithms and shortlisted only Generally speaking, these parameters are correlated: an S-box
5 among them for the study. The ve algorithms are: AES with high nonlinearity will also have high BIC and nearly
[11], MARS [12], Skipjack [15], Serpent [13] and Twosh desirable SAC (approximately 0.5).
[14]. The 4 shortlisted algorithms (except Skipjack) reached The WBL of SBoxScope consists of 3 auxiliary parame-
the nal of NIST competition held for standardizing AES. ters Fixed Points (FP), Balancedness (BN) and Correlation
(We have excluded RC6 because it does not have an S-box). Immunity (CI) that are referred to if the ranks computed
Skipjack is shortlisted because it has been widely used by on the basis of core parameters, of two or more S-boxes are
NSA and the structure of its S-box (16 * 16 elements) is very close to each other. FP, BN and CI are proposed in [10],
quite similar to that of AES. (NSA declassied Skipjack on [9] and [6] respectively. The desirable value for BN and FP is
29th May 1998) [17]. AES, MARS and Skipjack have only zero; while for CI it is 1.
1 S-box each. Twosh and Serpent have similar kind of 8 The BBL of SBoxScope is adapted from NIST test suite
S-boxes. In case of Twosh, we have chosen two S-boxes [1] that is the standard benchmark for evaluating cipher algo-
from q0 permutation and one S-box from q1 permutation rithms. The test suite consists of generating 8 different types
steps. Similarly, we have chosen S0, S4 and S7 S-boxes for of input bit streams and then running 15 tests on the cipher
Serpent. As a result, we have shortlisted 9 S-boxes of the streams and computing associated 41 parameters for each
above-mentioned ve algorithms for our comparative study. type of cipher stream. NIST recommends computing p-values
Table 1 tabulates different design parameters of these S-boxes of each parameter to conclude whether the cipher algorithm
that demonstrates diversity and heterogeneity of shortlisted has passed the corresponding test or not. After carefully
S-boxes. The results of SBoxScope show that the S-boxes analyzing the NIST test suite, we have shortlisted only two
of AES and MARS have consistently outperformed other S- bit stream generation methods that are relevant to the con-
boxes on the majority of WBL and BBL strength parameters text of S-box evaluation: Cipher Text Plain Text Correlation
and clearly classied as the two best cryptographically secure (CTPT) and Random Plain Text (RPT). The other 6 NIST
S-boxes among the selected 9 candidates. The Skipjack S-box stream generation methods are relevant for evaluating entire
is placed at number 3 after AES and MARS S-boxes. cipher algorithms and it is beyond the scope of this paper.
Organization of the Paper: The rest of the paper is Similarly, instead of running 15 tests, BBL only conducts
organized as follows. In Section 2, a brief summary of the 10 tests: Frequency Test, Block Frequency Test, Run Test,
work that is relevant and related to SBoxScope is presented. Long Run Test, Rank Test, Discrete Fourier Transform Test,
Section 3 discusses the architecture of SBoxScope and also Linear Complexity Test, Approximate Entropy Test, Random

Figure 1: The Architecture of SBoxScope

Excursion Test and Random Excursion Varian Test (Refer layer is then utilized to rank S-boxes for each parameter. If the
to [1] for details). The remaining 5 tests Non-Overlapping rank of two or more S-boxes, determined by core parameters,
Test, Overlapping Test, Universal Statistical Test, Serial Test is close to each other then WBL considers their rank on the
and Cumulative Sum Test are relevant for evaluating an basis of auxiliary parameters.
entire cipher algorithm and hence are excluded from BBL The Black Box Layer (BBL) builds a .dll of each S-
of SBoxScope. The idea of adapting and applying NIST test box by treating an S-box as the cipher algorithm. BBL then
suite for Black Box testing of S-boxes is novel and helps in applies adapted NIST test suite on each S-box and stores p-
answering a fundamental question: If a given S-box is not values of associated parameters in a database. Since, NIST
complemented by an SPN network, then how much confu- recommends an = 0.01; therefore, if p value 0.01, it
sion it can add to the substituted cipher stream? The answer means the sequence after substitution would be considered to
provides useful insight into the substitution pattern of a given be random with a condence level of 99% [1]. The ranking
S-box and its associated strength. layer again ranks each S-box on the basis of p-values for
each test and then determines the overall rank of an S-box
3. The Architecture of SBoxScope on the basis of all 10 tests. (All symbols used in this paper are
tabulated in Table 2 for a ready reference.)
The architecture of SBoxScope is presented in Figure Quantitative Measurement Framework for White Box
1. The SBoxScope consists of four major components: (1) and Black Box Layers:
Adaptation Layer; (2) White Box Layer; (3) Black Box Layer WBL analyzes the implementation of an S-box by treat-
and (4) Ranking Layer. The adaptation layer converts the ing it as a substitution table of a certain size and analyzing the
contents of S-boxes into a byte stream and also takes its values in the S-box. We now describe each core and auxiliary
Walsh transform. Walsh Transform is basically representation parameter, computed by WBL layer, and intuitively build its
of Boolean functions with values +1 and -1 that is used to relevance to the cryptographic strength of a given S-box.
compute Non-linearity [6]. Both S-box and its Walsh trans-
form are given as input to the WBL. Moreover, it also adapts
the core and auxiliary parameters to enable WBL to compute 3.1. White Box Layer (WBL) Parameters
these for any type of S-box. As mentioned before, WBL com-
putes 5 core and 3 auxiliary parameters for each S-box. The Nonlinearity. The Nonlinearity Nf of a boolean function
values of parameters are stored in a database. The ranking is dened as the distance between the function and Afne

TABLE 2: Symbols used in this paper value for each type of S-box and WBL normalizes its value by
Sr Symbol Description using the above-mentioned normalization formula. Similarly,
1 N Normalized Nonlinearity the range of BIC is 0 < N 1.
2 ic Normalized Bit Independence Criteria SAC is represented by that ensures if one bit is
3 Normalized Strict Avalanche Criteria changed at the input, approximately half the bits are changed
4 D Normalized Differential Probability
5 L Normalized Linear Probability at the output. Its ideal value is 0.5 and it is independent of the
6 Normalized Fixed Points size of S-box which does not require normalization.
7 N Normalized Balancedness
8 Normalized Correlation Immunity
Dierential Probability(DP) ensures that an input
9 PF p-value of Frequency Test differential xi shall uniquely map to an output differential
10 PB p-value of Block Frequency Test yi [16]. Consequently, if any number of bits are changed
11 PR p-value of Run Test
12 PL p-value of Long Run Test
at the input, a constant or uniform number of bits are al-
13 PK p-value of Rank Test ways changed at the output and this is termed as Uniform
14 PD p-value of Discrete Fourier Transform Test differential criterion. In order to compute DP, one has to
15 PC p-value of Linear Complexity Test
16 PA p-value of Approximate Entropy Test take a fraction of the uniform number of bits changed to the
17 PE p-value of Random Excursion Test total number of elements in the S-box. For AES S-box, DP
18 PV p-value of Random Excursion Variant Test is 248 = 0.0156. Similarly, for the S-box of Twosh it is
19 SA AES S-Box 2
20 SK Skipjack S-Box 24 = 0.125. Since DP is dependent on the size of S-box;
21 ST 1 t0 S-Box from Permutation q0 therefore, WBL normalizes it using the following formula:
22 ST 2 t1 S-Box from Permutation q0
23 ST 3 t3 S-Box from Permutation q1 (obtained DA)
24 S0 Serpent S0 S-Box D = , (3)
25 S4 Serpent S4 S-Box
26 S7 Serpent S7 S-Box where n is number of bits substituted by an S-box and Differ-
27 SM MARS S-Box ential Approximation (DA) is dened by [7][8]:
28 n Number of bits substituted by S-box
DA = #{x X/S(x) S(x x) = y}, (4)
functions that are composition of linear functions and their DA denes the number of times an S-box fullls uniform
translations [6]. Mathematically, it is dened by: differential criterion. Ideally D should be 0.5. After doing
the normalization, it is possible to compute and compare DP
1 of any type of S-box.
Nf = 2n1 max{|, li|, 0 i 2n 1}, (1)
2 Linear Probability is the maximum value of the im-
where is the sequences of functions and l0 , ..., l2n 1 are balance of an event. The parity of the input bits selected by
rows of Hadamard Matrix used in calculating nonlinearity. the mask x is equal to the parity of the output bits selected
Generally speaking, a higher value of nonlinearity is de- by the mask y [16]. LP is dened in [7][8] as:
sirable because it shows that it is not possible to estimate the  
 #{x/x x = S(x) y } 1 
substitution pattern of an S-box with the help of Afne func- L = max    (5)
x ,y =0 2n 2
tions. The other challenge is: the simple value of Nf cannot
be used to quantitatively compare different heterogeneous S- It ensures that by knowing the cipher stream, mask x and
boxes because in each case the ideal value of nonlinearity is mask y , an analyst should not be able to predict the plain
different and depends on its size. For example the ideal value text. The ideal value of LP is 0.
of 256 elements of AES S-box is 120; while for 512 element Fixed Point(FP) of an S-box is dened by:
of MARS S-box, it is 240. In order to remove the bias of size,
f (x) = x, (6)
WBL normalizes the nonlinearity in the following manner:
log2 (obtained Nf ) This means that the number of times the output (after substi-
N = (2) tution) is the same as input.
log2 (ideal Nf )
WBL normalizes Fixed Points (FP) as:
The upper bound for nonlinearity (or ideal nonlinearity) is
(obtained # of F P )
computed by using the formula given in [6]. The range of = (7)
normalized nonlinearity is 0 < N 1 that is independent of 2n
the size of an S-box. Its ideal value is zero.
BIC denes that all avalanche variables should be pair- Balancedness(BN) A boolean function f : {0, 1}n
wise independent for a given set of avalanche vectors that {0, 1} is said to be balanced if its truth table has 2n1 zeros
are generated by complementing a single plain text bit[16]. (or ones) [9]: 
It ensures that an S-box with one changed bit could still not f (w) = 2ni (8)
be modeled by Afne functions. BIC also has an ideal upper w{0,1}n

In order to compute BN, WBL converts all entries of an S-
box into binary and writes them into a table. If the number of
zeros and ones in each of the 8 bit columns is the same, the
corresponding S-box is considered as balanced and BN = 0;
otherwise, BN is equal to the number of unbalanced columns.
The BN is normalized using the following equation: Figure 3: Input Stream Generation Using Random Plain
Text (RPT)
(obtained BN )
N = , (9)
where n is the number of bits substituted by an S-box.
Correlation Immunity(CI) ensures that the ele-
ments of an S-box should be independent of each other;
as a result, the substituted cipher stream does not contain
correlated sequences. WBL normalizes the CI by using the
following equation:
Figure 4: The Windows Image used for Generating Plain
log2 (obtained CI) Text Stream
= , (10)
Ideal value of is 1. of ones and zeros in the substituted cipher stream are approx-
imately the same as would be expected in a random cipher.
3.2. Black Box Layer (BBL) Parameters The p-value of the associated parameter is PF .
Block Frequency Test (BF). ensures the that the S-
box is able to maintain the notion of randomness equal
As mentioned before, we have used only 2 bit stream
number of ones and zeros even in small substituted blocks
generation methods that are relevant to evaluate the strength
of a given length M. Its p-value is denoted by PB .
of S-boxes:(1) Cipher Text Plain Text (CTPT) correlation
Runs Test (Rn) The purpose of this test is to determine
(recommended by NIST) in which pseudo-random number
whether the S-box is able to maintain the required oscillation
generator (PRNG) is applied at input (see Fig 2); (2) Random
speed between variable length k continuous ones and zeros.
Plain Text (RPT), running a stress test on S-Boxes by gener-
The test identies whether the transitions between such zeros
ating input stream from a highly correlated windows image
or ones is too slow or too fast. Its p-value is denoted by PR .
(see Fig 4). In CTPT, the input generated stream is given to
Longest Run of Ones in a Block Test (LR). The
the S-box to get the substituted cipher stream. Afterwards,
purpose of this test is to determine whether the S-box is able
both streams are exclusively xored and NIST tests are run
to limit the longest run of ones within M block bits in such a
on the nal stream. The basic motivation of CTPT is to factor
fashion as expected in a random bit stream. Consequently, if
out the correlative artifacts in the plain bit stream; and instead
the longest run of ones is irregular, the same would hold for
focus on the randomness in the substituted cipher bit stream.
zeros. Its value is denoted by PL .
Once a test is nished, the p-value of the associated parameter
Binary Matrix Rank Test (RK). The purpose of
is computed. If the p value 0.01, S-box passes the test;
this test is to ensure that S-box should not introduce a linear
else fails. Now the purpose of each test is briey summarize
dependence among xed length disjoint sub matrices of the
as described by the authors in [1] to make the paper self
entire cipher bit stream. Its p-value is denoted by PK .
contained. An interested reader may nd detailed discussion
Discrete Fourier Transform Test (DFT). The
in [1].
purpose of this test is to identify whether the S-box has in-
Frequency Test (F). The purpose of this test is to
troduced periodic features in the cipher bit stream that would
determine whether an S-box is able to ensure that the number
indicate a deviation from assumed randomness. The intention
is to detect whether the number of peaks, in the Discrete
Fourier Transform of cipher bit stream, exceeding the 95%
threshold differs signicantly by 5%. Its p-value is denoted
by PD .
Linear Complexity Test (LC). The purpose of this
test is to determine randomness, introduced by the S-box, in
the cipher stream by computing the length of Linear Feed-
Figure 2: Input Stream Generation Using Cipher Text back Shift Register. Longer LFSR characterizes a random
Plain Text Correlation (CTPT)
sequence. Its p-value is denoted by PC .

Approximate Entropy Test (AE). The purpose of 4) If some S-boxes cannot be differentiated on the basis
this test is to determine whether an S-box has introduced of core parameters, could they be differentiated on
overlapping m-bits patterns in the substituted cipher stream. the basis of Auxiliary parameters?
A large frequency of consecutive m and m+1 length blocks is
Similarly, for BBL results, we will address the following
deviation from randomness. Its p-value is denoted by PA .
pertinent issues:
Random Excursion Test (RE). The purpose of this
test is to determine if the number of visits to a particular state 1) What is the role of input stream generation method
within a cycle consisting of a sequence of steps of unit on p-values of shortlisted BBL tests?
length taken at random in such a fashion that one returns to 2) What is the role of an S-box on p-values of short-
origin deviates from what one would expect for a random listed BBL tests?
sequence. In this test, (0,1) is transformed to (-1, +1) and then 3) Whether the hypothesis holds that a strong S-box,
the number of visits to -4, -3, -2, -1, and +1, +2, +3 and +4 declared by WBL, is expected to pass all BBL tests?
are calculated; as a result, we get 8 p-values corresponding 4) How signicant it is that a strong S-box, declared by
to each state. To simplify analysis, BBL selects the minimum WBL, fails a BBL test?
among them. It is denoted by PE . 5) Is it possible to generalize with a reasonable degree
Random Excursion Variant Test (REV). The of accuracy that a strong S-box, declared by WBL,
purpose of this test is to determine the number of times a will pass BBL tests with higher p-values?
particular state is visited in cumulative sum random walk 6) Whether SBoxScope is able to differentiate strong S-
and then conclude whether it deviates from the random walk. boxes from weak ones by comprehensively looking
This test consists of a series of 18 tests and produces 18 p- at WBL and BBL decisions?
values. BBL again picks up the minimum one among them to
simplify the analysis. The p-value is denoted by PV . 4.1. Results and Discussions of White Box Layer
If an S-box has passed the BBL test, then we classify it (WBL) Tests
into one of 5 classes (see Table 4) depending on the p-value.
The 5 core and 3 auxiliary parameters, computed by
4. Discussion and Results WBL, are enumerated in Table 3. Now let us try to answer
the questions related to WBL in the previous Section.
We now present the results obtained, with the help of (1) What is the relationship of normalized Nonlinearity
SBoxScope, from the comprehensive experiments. The ex- with the strength of an S-box?
periments were conducted on a Virtual Machine (VM), ob- It is obvious from the nonlinearity results in Table 3
tained from an HP Server running VMware. The specica- that AES S-box has the highest normalized nonlinearity (N )
tions of the VM are: (1) QuadCore 2 GHz processor; (2) 8 GB followed by MARS and Skipjack S-boxes. This shows that
RAM; and (3) 40 GB Hard Disk. SBoxScope is implemented these S-boxes have been able to achieve approximately their
in C# as a multi-threaded application. The powerful VM respective ideal nonlinearity values. From the results, we can
allows to create and execute 8 threads in parallel; as a result, easily make a hypothesis: One of these 3 S-boxes is expected,
the WBL parameters are computed in less than 2 minutes with a high probability, to be declared as the strongest crypto-
and stored in an oracle database. Moreover, BBL parameters graphic S-box. In comparison, Serpent and Twosh S-boxes
for one input stream CTPT or RPT and one S-box are have very small nonlinearity values and therefore may not be
computed in less than 10 hours; as a consequence, all nine S- able to do well in the SBoxScope investigations.
boxes for one input stream are evaluated in less than 4 days. (2) Whether the generally perceived fact holds (for the
We have shortlisted 9 S-boxes of 5 well known algo- selected S-boxes) that a highly non-linear S-Box will also
rithms: AES, MARS, Skipjack, Serpent and Twosh. WBL have a large BIC and nearly ideal SAC value?
computes 5 core parameters and 3 auxiliary parameters; while If we look at the normalized BIC (ic ) and SAC () values
BBL computes 10 p-values for 10 shortlisted tests. In our in Table 3, it is easy to assert that the hypothesis holds: highly
discussion on WBL results, we will particularly try to answer nonlinear S-boxes (that of AES, MARS and Skipjack) also
the following questions: have nearly ideal BIC and SAC values.
1) What is the relationship of normalized Nonlinearity (3) What conclusions about the strength of an S-box can
with the strength of an S-box? be drawn from DP and LP?
2) Whether the generally perceived fact holds (for the It is interesting to note that all S-boxes have nearly ideal
selected S-boxes) that a highly nonlinear S-Box will DP (D ) value 0.5 except the MARS S-box that has 0.445.
also have a large BIC and nearly ideal SAC value? Nevertheless it shows that if any number of bits change at the
3) What conclusions about the strength of an S-box can input, almost all S-boxes are able to make sure that the output
be drawn from DP and LP? changes by a xed number of bits at least in half the elements

TABLE 3: White Box Layer (WBL) Tests: Core and Auxiliary Parameters
Core Parameters Auxiliary Parameters
Sr SBox N # ic # # D # L # A # N # # B Final = A+B
1 SA 0.985 1 0.985 1 0.562 1 0.500 1 0.062 1 5 0 1 0 1 1.143 2 4 9
2 SM 0.977 2 0.980 2 0.574 2 0.445 2 0.097 2 10 0 1 1 3 1.158 3 7 17
3 SK 0.962 3 0.974 3 0.594 3 0.500 1 0.113 3 13 0 1 0.25 2 1.124 1 5 18
4 S0 0.774 4 0.774 4 1.000 5 0.500 1 0.250 4 18 0 1 0 1 1.762 6 8 26
5 S4 0.774 4 0.774 4 1.000 5 0.500 1 0.250 4 18 0.0625 2 0 1 1.762 6 8 26
6 S7 0.774 4 0.774 4 0.750 4 0.500 1 0.250 4 17 0 1 0 1 1.723 5 7 24
7 ST 1 0.386 5 0.774 4 1.000 5 0.500 1 0.375 5 20 0.0625 2 0 1 1.585 4 6 26
8 ST 2 0.774 5 0.774 4 0.750 4 0.500 1 0.250 4 18 0.0625 2 0 1 1.723 5 8 26
9 ST 3 0.774 5 0.774 4 0.750 4 0.500 1 0.375 5 18 0 1 0 1 1.585 4 6 24

of S-box. To conclude, DP is an important and necessary shown in Table 3.

criterion but it does not provide sufcient information to The major conclusion of WBL analysis is: AES, MARS
determine the strength of an S-box. and Skipjack S-boxes are cryptographically strong and it is
In case of normalized LP L , it is clear from Table 3 difcult for a cryptanalyst to launch linear or differential
that AES and MARS S-boxes have achieved values closer attacks on them. In comparison, Twosh and Serpent S-boxes
to the ideal value of 0, whereas for Serpent and Twosh S- are not robust against linear cryptanalysis due to small N ,
boxes, this is signicantly lower; therefore, they are unable to large L and large ; hence, they must be complemented
maintain a desirable uniform parity bits pattern in the cipher through a SPN network in a cipher algorithm.
stream. As a result, an analyst can detect parity patterns in the
cipher stream. Serpent S-boxes have the worst L values. To 4.2. Results and Discussions of Black Box Layer
conclude, L may provide sufcient information to determine (BBL) Tests
the strength of an S-box. If we look at the cumulative rank
score, computed by WBL on the basis of core parameters, BBL creates two input bit streams: CTPT and RPT. BBL
S-box of AES has outperformed the others followed by that runs 10 tests mentioned in Section 3.2 and then computes p-
of MARS and Skipjack . However, one cannot make a sta- values. Subsequently, it classies the S-box on the basis of p-
tistically signicant difference between MARS and Skipjack values with the help of classes mentioned in Table 4. Now, we
S-boxes and the same holds for Serpent and Twosh S-boxes, try to answer the questions related to BBL testing mentioned
on the basis of core parameters. in the previous section.
(4) If some S-boxes cannot be differentiated on the basis (1) What is the role of input generation stream method on
of core parameters, could they be differentiated on the basis p-values of shortlisted BBL tests?
of Auxiliary parameters? It is important to again emphasize that SBoxScope as-
Now SBoxScope brings into the picture Auxiliary param- sumes that the S-box is the only component of a cipher
eters, computed by WBL, to differentiate the closely ranked algorithm; therefore, it analyzes its strength by running WBL
S-boxes. It is obvious from Table 3 that S4 of Serpent and and BBL tests. If we look at Table 5 and Table 6, and compare
ST 1 , ST 2 of Twosh have xed points which is not a de- the p-values of S-boxes with that of the original input stream,
sirable characteristic. Similarly, all S-boxes have normalized then we can easily conclude that in case of CTPT (logical
BN (N ) equal to the ideal value of 0 except MARS and stream generation mechanisms as prescribed by NIST), all S-
Skipjack. In case of MARS all columns do not have equal boxes have passed all 10 tests of BBL except S0 S-box of
number of zeros and ones (though the imbalance is very Serpent that has failed Approximate Entropy test (PA ). This
small); while in case of Skipjack a quarter of the columns are may be compared with the original p-values of the Windows
not balanced. Finally, normalized CI () of Skipjack S-box Image in Table 6 and they represent a signicant challenge
is the highest that is closely followed by AES and MARS. for all S-boxes. As expected, all S-boxes have failed Ranks
The values for other S-boxes are signicantly inferior. The test (PK ) and Linear Complexity Test PC because highly
aforementioned discussion clearly suggests that and N
are important requirements but not sufcient to determine TABLE 4: BBL Classication of S-box on p-values
the strength of S-boxes; however, may be an additional Sr Class Class Denition BBL Result
parameter that distinguishes the strength of an S-box. 1 =1 0.5 p-value Extremely Strongly Passed
The auxiliary parameters hence, may help to further dis- 2 =2 0.4 p-value < 0.5 Strongly Passed
3 =3 0.3 p-value < 0.4 Moderately Passed
tinguish two closely ranked S-boxes on the basis of , this 4 =4 0.2 p-value < 0.3 Satisfactorily Passed
distinction however may not be conclusive for other auxiliary 5 =5 0.01 p-value < 0.2 Barely Passed
parameters (, N ). The nal rank of all nine S-boxes is 6 =F p-value < 0.01 Failed

TABLE 5: Black Box Layer (BBL) Tests: p-values of 10 NIST Tests for CTPT (PRNG Input Stream)
p-values without applying any S-Box
PRNG 0.203 0.177 0.005 0.008 0.028 0.273 0.186 0.003 0.307 0.358
p-values of BBL Tests for CTPT
SA 0.41 2 0.38 3 0.27 4 0.34 3 0.03 5 0.56 1 0.40 2 0.23 4 0.35 3 0.38 3 30
SM 0.41 2 0.39 3 0.26 4 0.31 3 0.02 5 0.56 1 0.45 2 0.24 4 0.37 3 0.37 3 30
SK 0.43 2 0.43 2 0.19 5 0.31 3 0.03 5 0.56 1 0.40 2 0.23 4 0.32 3 0.30 3 30
S0 0.15 5 0.44 2 0.39 3 0.25 4 0.02 5 0.26 4 0.49 2 0.001 F 0.08 5 0.46 2 32+F
S4 0.14 5 0.31 3 0.08 5 0.20 4 0.03 5 0.55 1 0.41 2 0.09 5 0.24 4 0.41 2 36
S7 0.14 5 0.31 3 0.13 5 0.27 4 0.02 5 0.32 3 0.39 3 0.06 5 0.16 5 0.41 2 40
ST 1 0.13 5 0.25 4 0.02 5 0.17 5 0.02 5 0.43 2 0.42 2 0.01 5 0.18 5 0.30 3 41
ST 2 0.18 5 0.20 4 0.01 5 0.21 4 0.02 5 0.43 2 0.28 4 0.01 5 0.18 5 0.45 2 41
ST 3 0.14 5 0.31 3 0.01 5 0.23 4 0.02 5 0.54 1 0.37 3 0.01 5 0.18 5 0.47 2 38

TABLE 6: Black Box Layer (BBL) Tests: p-values of 10 NIST Tests for RPT (Windows Image Input Stream)
p-values of Windows Image without applying any S-Box
Image 0.000 0.000 0.061 0.001 0.000 0.133 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.556
p-values of BBL Tests for Windows Image
SA 0.30 3 0.32 3 0.12 5 0.12 5 0.00 F 0.54 1 0.00 F 0.03 5 0.26 4 0.20 4 30+2F
SM 0.35 3 0.41 2 0.15 5 0.28 4 0.00 F 0.61 1 0.00 F 0.15 5 0.32 3 0.29 4 27+2F
SK 0.33 3 0.32 3 0.20 4 0.03 5 0.00 F 0.53 1 0.00 F 0.04 5 0.01 5 0.22 4 30 +2F
S0 0.23 4 0.47 2 0.06 5 0.08 5 0.00 F 0.4 2 0.00 F 0.002 F 0.00 F 0.04 5 23+5F
S4 0.10 5 0.17 5 0.01 5 0.009 F 0.00 F 0.42 2 0.00 F 0.004 F 0.11 5 0.53 1 23+4F
S7 0.03 5 0.12 5 0.14 5 0.01 5 0.00 F 0.37 3 0.00 F 0.004 F 0.002 F 0.23 4 27+4F
ST 1 0.02 5 0.04 5 0.15 5 0.009 F 0.00 F 0.36 3 0.00 F 0.003 F 0.17 5 0.12 5 28+4F
ST 2 0.11 5 0.20 4 0.03 5 0.001 F 0.00 F 0.34 3 0.00 F 0.004 F 0.00 F 0.17 5 22+5F
ST 3 0.07 5 0.22 4 0.04 5 0.08 5 0.00 F 0.30 3 0.00 F 0.001 F 0.04 5 0.27 4 31+3F

correlated data exists in the picture. Moreover, Serpent and input data.
Twosh have even failed 3 to 4 more tests. To conclude, it (5) Is it possible to generalize with a reasonable degree
is important to generate pseudo-random input stream; other- of accuracy that a strong S-box, declared by WBL, will pass
wise, BBL analysis would not be very useful. BBL tests with higher p-values?
(2) What is the role of an S-box on p-values of shortlisted Yes and the discussion is already done in answering ques-
BBL tests? tion number 2.
Generally speaking it is evident from Table 5 that p-values
(6) Whether SboxScope will be able to differentiate strong
are dependent on the S-box. A cryptographically strong S-box
S-boxes from weak ones by looking at WBL and BBL deci-
has passed all tests with high p-values.
(3) Whether the hypothesis holds that a strong S-box,
declared by WBL, is expected to pass all BBL tests? If we look at the ranking of S-boxes (determined by
The results in Table 5 and Table 6 prove the hypothesis WBL) in Table 3 and compare them with the ranking of S-
that cryptographically strong S-boxes, determined by WBL, boxes (determined by BBL) in Tables 5 and 6, it is easier to
have passed BBL tests with relatively high p-values. In fact, assert that SBoxScope has been able to differentiate strong
the nal rank score in Table 5 proves that AES, MARS and S-boxes of AES, MARS and Skipjack from weak S-boxes
Skipjack S-boxes are not only the top ranking S-boxes in of Serpent and Twosh. It is again emphasized that Serpent
WBL but also in BBL. Similarly, Serpent and Twosh S- and Twosh themselves are strong ciphers because they com-
boxes are poorly ranked by both WBL and BBL of SBoxS- plement their weak S-boxes with a strong SPN. The obvious
cope. reason for using small S-boxes appear to be memory and
(4) How signicant it is that a strong S-box, declared by processing efciency.
WBL, fails a BBL test? To conclude, the overall rank (1 being the highest and 9
If the p-values of input data stream are in the passing being the lowest) of 9 S-boxes, determined by SBoxScope
range and then an S-box fails a test, it is a signicant weak- by adding scores of WBL and BBL tests is: (1) AES S-box;
ness. On the other hand, if the p-values of input data stream (2) MARS S-box; (3) Skipjack; (4) S4 of Serpent; (5) S7 of
are small (or in the failing range), then a test failure is un- Serpent; (6) ST 2 and ST 3 of Twosh; (7) ST 3 of Twosh; and
desirable but may not be avoidable due to correlation in the (8) S0 of Serpent.

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[12] C.Burwick, DC.oppersmith, E.D.Avignon, R.Gennaro, S.Halevi,
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strong SPN. Probably, the reason of choosing small S-boxes N.Zunic, MARS - a candidate cipher for AES, IBM Corporation, June
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Abrar Ahmad is supported through a research fellowship

(Ref no: IST/R&D/30026) awarded by IST R&D Fund. The
information, data, comments and views detailed herein may
not necessarily reect the endorsements of IST R&D Fund.


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