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Ian Buchanan / Anti-Oedipus

Materialist Psychiatry / Schizoanalysis
Proceso Esquizofrnico
Homo Natura / Homo Historia
Proceso de Produccin
Desiring Production/ Desiring Machines
Falta y Produccin
Deseo como Produccin de Fantasias
Lo que produce el deseo: Production of Production (49)

Captulo 3 : Desiring - Machines

*El deseo no es la produccion de unas fantasas de lo que nos ha sido negado por la sociedad, si
no que refiere a la produccion de la produccion

the schizophrenic, in the full flight of delirium, reveals to us the true nature of desire as a synthetic
process. The schizophrenic process, then, is Deleuze and Guattari's model of how desire works
[] Before being a mental state of the schiz- ophrenic who has made himself into an artificial
person through autism, schizophrenia is the process of the production of desire and desiring-
machines. (Por tanto, distinguimos as entre el proceso esquizofrnico y el estado
esquizofrnico) - 40

[] we can learn a great deal from schizophrenic delirium because it lays bare the material
processes of the unconscious. - 40

What the schizophrenic lives, both as an individual and as a member of the human species, is not
at all any one specific aspect of nature, but nature as a process of production [] he longs to be
part of

[] Each of these machines, each of these pos- sible states of being, is a zone of intensity that
Lenz passes through. Lenz is Homo Natura because he feels he is at one with the production
of nature, but he is Homo Historia inasmuch as he registers that production of nature as
though it were somebody other than himself who was witnessing it. His ego is evacuated
from its position in the centre of his sense of subject-hood. - 42

Deleuze and Guattari do not say schizophrenia is everywhere; rather what they say is that
desiring- production is everywhere, but it is only visible to us in its raw state in schizophrenic
delirium. - 43

At length, then, we can say this is why the schizo going for a stroll is a better model than the
neurotic on the couch - it reveals the schizophrenic process and in doing so tells us something
essential about the way the unconscious works. - 45

Produccin Deseante

Desiring-production is that aspect of the operation of the unconscious that cannot be assimilated
by what they refer to as social production and reproduction, or more simply as the socius - 44
Desiring-production is that aspect of desire which if it were to pass into social production and
reproduction would sow the seeds of disorder and revolution as it does every time a little piece of it
manages to elude the coding society imposes on it so as to contain it. - 44
Cuerpo sin rganos

[] desiring-production is that aspect of desire that the body without organs as the agent of anti-
production is unable to contain, unable to force onto its smooth surface and thereby repress it (the
Body without Organs is in fact defined by Deleuze and Guattari as the site of primary repression -

Las Posibilidades de la Mquina Deseante

Given a certain effect, what machine is capable of producing it? And given a machine, what can it
be used for? - 45

La Insistencia del Deseo

Doubtless the analyses of transgression are true on one level, but the symbolic overcoding it
relies on tells us nothing about the simpler pleasure 'insisting' beneath these conscious thrills
in the unconscious and the preconscious - the feel of the sand, the sun,, the water. This
'insistence' of desire is ultimately what Deleuze and Guattari are trying to account for with the
concept of the desiring-machine. - 47

We maintain that the social field is immediately invested by desire, that it is the historically
determined product of desire, and that libido has no need of any mediation or sublimation, any
psychic operation, any transformation, in order to invade and invest the productive forces and the
relations of production. - 47 (Cita de D&G)

Contra el Psicoanlisis y la Ortodoxia Marxista

First, against the orthodoxy of psychoanalysis, it means desire invests the social field directly and
without need of the mediation of fantasy (power doesn't excite us because it reminds us of our
father, but because it resonates with the productivity of the unconscious itself). Second, against the
orthodoxy of Marxism, it means that desire has no need of the deceptions of ideology in order to
invest the social. - 48

Deseo en Plus

By making desire lack we effectively subordinate it to another process, namely need, and
make that its support, because if we only desire what we lack then we would still have to explain
how it came to be that we were lacking that thing. Obviously, in doing so, we sacrifice the process
of desire qua desire and turn it into a second-order concept. By contrast, Deleuze and Guattari
argue that desire isn't 'bolstered by needs, but rather the contrary; needs are derived from
desire: they are counterproducts within the real that desire produces. - 48

Contra la Fantasia o Produccin Social y Produccin Deseante

There is no such thing as the social production of reality on the one hand, and a desiring-
production that is mere fantasy on the other. The only connections that could be established
between these two productions would be the secondary ones of introjection and projection, as
though all social practices had their precise counterpart in introjected or internal mental practices,
or as though mental practices were projected upon social systems, without either of the two sets of
practices ever having any real or concrete effect upon the other. - 49
Diferencia entre Produccin Deseante y Mquinas Deseantes

*produccin deseante refiere al inconsciente

It is true, as I'll discuss more fully below, desiring-production cannot operate without
simultaneously producing new desiring-machines and destroying old desiring-machines, but that
doesn't mean they are desiring-production and desiring-machines indistinguishable from each
other - 49

Qu s la produccin deseante?: Putting it in psychoanalytic terms, it is the production of the

Real in itself, or better yet it is the Real conceived as process rather than unreachable limit - it is
not so much unrepresentable (Lacan's thesis) as non-representational (AO, 59/61). Putting it in
schizoanalytic terms, the Real 'is the end product, the result of the passive syntheses of desire as
the autoproduction of the unconscious

Sntesis Pasiva: The productive unconscious, then, in all its guises as desire and desiring-
production, terms Deleuze and Guattari use interchangeably, is 'the set of passive syntheses that
engineer partial objects,flows,and bodies, and that function as units of production' (i.e., the
desiring-machines and their objects) (AO, 28/34).

Las Tres Sntesis

[] the synthesis of connection is the 'free labour' or 'primitive accumulation' phase that sets
everything in motion; the synthesis of disjunction corresponds to the intermediate phase of
investment in industry (input-output combinations); and the synthesis of conjunction is the third
phase in which money capital is set free all over again (Refiere a Mquina-Deseante)

Pequeo Vocabulario: La sntesis conectiva (Tiene una connotacin de explotacin) refiere a la

produccin de produccin, which sets everything in motion by coupling continuous flows of libido
with partial objects that interrupt the flow and draw sustenance from it. 'Desire causes the current
to flow, itself flows in turn, and breaks the flow (57) [] the desiring-machines try to make us
into organisms - the synthesis of connection snaps our organs together in a new arrangement of its
own making and its own design [] (59)

1. Connective Synthesis - mobilizes the Libido as withdrawal energy

(En el sentido Lacaniano) Procurement phase: desire follows the same path as primitive
accumulation, it first of all disjoints the body into its component organs (i.e., it breaks up the feudal
arrangements tying labour to the land or the guild) and then sheers these parts from their own
powers (i.e., it alienates their labour) [] Having taken control of the organs it then reorganizes
them to suit its needs - 58
2. Disjunctive Synthesis - mobilizes the Numen as detachment energy

La sntesis de la disyuncin: The synthesis of disjunction operates on the platform created by

primitive accumulation, which Deleuze and Guattari refer to as the body without organs. Its basic
model is that of the binary distinc- tion - rich and poor, brave and cowardly, straight and gay, and so
on. Its energy, which Deleuze and Guattari define as divine, comes from its connection to the body
without organs, which might use- fully be regarded as its dialectical complement. (59)As Marx
argued, capital soaks up the productive power of its workers and represents it back to them
as its own power. 'On entering the labour process' the so- called free workers (i.e., the syntheses
of connection) (Refiere al Cuerpo sin Organos) (60)

Cuerpo sin Organos: The body without organs, then, is simply not capital, but the acceptance of
it as a model of right in Hegel's sense. Social differentiation, which presupposes the existence of
capital, is indeed a perfect example of the synthesis of disjunction at work [] it expresses a law of
distribution or inscription rather than a combination or production (63)

3. Synthesis of Conjuction: mobilizes Voluptas as residual energy

(Es una dimensin de consumo) that the subject is produced as a mere residuum alongside the
desiring-machines, or that he con- fuses himself with this third productive machine and with the
residual reconciliation that it brings about: a conjunctive synthe- sis of consummation in the form of
a wonderstruck 'So that's what it was!' (64) -> Mquina Clibe

La Sagrada Familia

Los Cinco Paralogismos:

1. Extrapolacin:
2. Double Bind (Doble Atadura):
3. Aplicaccin:
4. Deseo Ficticio:
5. Produccin Deseante:

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