The Criminal

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Sunday, February 26, 2017

2300 Hours

The Criminal
Prompt: Hitchhiker

Amanda was driving to her hometown. It has been months of hectic work, and she was finally
happy to go home and relax. As she drove down the familiar route, her mind went on a journey
of its own down the memory lane. All her childhood years, all the events that made her the
woman she was today, flashed before her eyes.

As she reveled in the memories, the flashing lights and wailing sirens pulled her from dreamland
back into reality.

What the hell she spoke to herself. I wasnt speeding

She was ready to give the officer a piece of her mind, when she realized that the car wasnt after
her. It was probably transported a convict to the prison, just a few miles down the road. She
remembered how that prison was a curse on her hometown. Prisoners escaped all the time and
their closest target would be her town. She glared at the prison as she drove past it.

She turned on the radio to take her mind off things. Music always made her feel better. Just as
she crossed a signpost that said she was five miles from her destination, she saw a guy sticking
out his thumb. He was muscular, and dressed in formals. He looked like he was probably in his
early thirties. Amanda stopped the car, and rolled down the window.

Hello there! Im Joseph. My car broke down, and I need a ride. Would you be so kind to give
me a lift?

Sure Joseph, hop in. Im Amanda, by the way.

Amanda liked picking up hitchhikers. She was always happy to have them in her car.

So Joseph, where are you headed?

Vacation. I have a cabin around here. Just a mile before River Heights. Were vacationing there
for the weekend

Whos we? Amanda was curious.

Me, my wife, and our kids. We wanted to go somewhere peaceful, and where be--

--better than River Heights? She finished his line for him. I was born and raised here.
Welcome to our town, Joseph

Oh. Youre a native. My mother was from River Heights, so the place is always special to me
Sunday, February 26, 2017
2300 Hours

They continued exchanging stories, as the car approached a small path that broke off the

Thats the way to the cabin Joseph said, sounding excited.

As they drove down the dark path, an unsettling feeling came over Amanda. But she kept
driving, as the path suddenly ended in the middle of a forest.

Umm... Joseph? Wheres the cabin you-- A sharp blow to her face stopped the sentence in half.

Joseph got out of the car, pulled Amanda out, and shoved her on the ground. She tried getting up,
only to get hit again.

You know Amanda he said, ripping off her shirt. Picking hitchhikers around a prison is a
foolish thing to do. They might turn out to be a killer. Lucky for you, Im merely a rapi--

He froze, as he felt a cold intrusion in his chest. He looked down to see blood dripping down the
slit between his ribs. Amanda shoved him off and stood over him, with her favourite knife
covered in his blood.

Speaking of foolish things, you should never get in a strangers car, especially a stranger who
grew up around a prison, she said with a maniacal smile in her face. Like you said, they might
turn out to be a killer

Joseph gasped, as the cold knife proceeded to taste more of his blood. It was going to be a long

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