BIRT Performance Scorecard Root Cause Analysis and Data Visualization

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BIRT Performance Scorecard Root Cause

Analysis and Data Visualization

The Path to Higher Performance
BIRT Performance Scorecard Root Cause Analysis and Data Visualization

Best-in-Class Performance Management powered by

Best-in-Class Business Intelligence
BIRT Performance Scorecard offers end users root cause analysis and reporting capabilities that ignites business
users like never before through rich interactive reports, intuitive web spreadsheet reports and dynamic web
dashboards, that can be customized to meet any requirement
BIRT integration gives Performance Scorecard users the ability to drill directly from any measure in their scorecard
to the operational detail stored in other systems that explains that measures status. From there, users can make
an informed decision to take action to address the problem at its root cause. BIRT can be used to access your
Performance Scorecard data to create rich interactive custom reports.
With Integrated e.Spreadsheet, Actuate delivers a seamless method to move beyond traditional summary reports
to create multi-range, three-dimensional workbooks with pivot tables, automatically replicated formulas, dynamic
matrix tables, embedded VB macros, data filters and live charts. e.Spreadsheet fully utilizes the flexibility of the
spreadsheet interface, often improving the skills of the consumer as they use the document.

Raising the Performance Bar

BIRT and e.Spreadsheet provide the insight needed to more closely align the metrics within your Performance
Management system, to the operational and business indicators such as revenue, resource allocations and customer
activity data that are contained and managed in other systems. Performance data can be integrated any source
such as ERP, CRM, SFA, Supply Chain and Distribution systems to provide a comprehensive picture of performance,
and users can drill directly from Performancesoft to reports that contain line item detail.

Tailored reporting capabilities will help you maximize your return on investment in BIRT Performance Scorecard
by allowing anyone in the organization to create compelling reports exactly as he/she would like to see them.
These reports can be created based on information from your BIRT Performance Scorecard applications, including
all user data, calculated data, colors and commentary or other systems.

BIRT Performance Scorecard Root Cause Analysis and Data Visualization

Better Understand the How and Why Behind Measure Performance Results
Drill directly from BIRT Performance Scorecard to transactional or operational data sources for root cause analysis
Combine BIRT Performance Scorecard data with data from other systems to build new reports that paint a
comprehensive picture of performance
BIRT facilitates drill through directly into operational systems. Therefore, clients are assured that root cause analysis
is done on the most current information with all necessary detail intact.

Leverage Existing Expertise and Enjoy High User Adoption

Use e.Spreadsgeet, the format most people prefer, to make BIRT Performance Scorecard information available in
centrally managed and secure spreadsheets
Give business users tools to create their own reports without relying on IT. Report designs can be easily shared
and modified.
Be more responsive to requests for additional information, especially when the requestor has requirements for
viewing data that fall outside the scope of the reports that are included with Performance Scorecard.

Built on leading open source technology (BIRT)

Clients can leverage the work of the BIRT community
Clients are not tied to proprietary standards

On Your Way to Creating a World Class BI Environment

Using BIRT and e.Spreadsheet within the context of your BIRT Performance Scorecard investment lets you
experience the Actuate platform, a flexible reporting environment for the entire enterprise Your saved reports can
be incorporated later into a broader reporting infrastructure.
Replace ad hoc reports and rogue spreadsheets with a secure, scalable centralized RIA reporting platform.
Interactive web report tools ensure reports can be developed, designed and personalized by everyone involved
in the reporting process, from IT professionals and report developers to business analysts and end-users
Rich spreadsheet reports are automatically generated from enterprise data sources complete with formulas and
formatting from any pre-defined spreadsheet template

BIRT Performance Scorecard Root Cause Analysis and Data Visualization

Root Cause Analysis and Data Visualization Options

BIRT Reports
Interactive web reports for business users or developers
that are easy to design and deliver, powered by BIRT open
BIRT Report Designer
Actuates Business Intelligence Reporting Tools (BIRT)
provide a highly graphical development environment that
allows nonexpert report developers to build dynamic,
interactive enterprise reports and create composite report
design templates.

BIRT Report Designer Professional

The BIRT designers are easy to use visual report
development tools that meet a comprehensive range of
reporting requirements, from sharing reports with other
users to embedding reports in Rich Internet Applications.
BIRT Reports Interactive Viewer
The BIRT Interactive Viewer is a Java component for
deploying BIRT reports that provides end users with the
ability to change reports for their personal understanding
and analysis.

BIRT Spreadsheet
Automatically generated Excel spreadsheets, complete
with formulas, formatting and cell locking, that tap into any
data source
BIRT Spreadsheet Designer
BIRT Spreadsheet Designer is an easy-to-use report
development environment for creating flexible and
customizable Excel spreadsheet reports. Reports created
with the e.Spreadsheet Designer are deployed and
delivered through the Actuate iServer.

BIRT Performance Scorecard Root Cause Analysis and Data Visualization

Root Cause Analysis and Data Visualization Options


BIRT Report Studio Professional for Views

BIRT Report Studio is a Web-based report authoring tool for
workgroup deployments. It is ideal for mid-sized Business
Intelligence projects who seek the benefits of collaborative
reporting in a single server environment.

Information Object Designer

The Information Object Designer tool provides the powerful
development environment that enables database developers
to create controlled views of enterprise data for end user

Data Mart Export Option

The BIRT Performance Scorecard Data Mart Export option
is an efficient and effective way to make your performance
management information available for reporting and can
be used to export all BIRT Performance Scorecard user data,
calculated data, colors and commentary for use by Actuate
report development software.

BIRT Performance Scorecard Root Cause Analysis and Data Visualization

Typical Use Cases

Use Case 1: Drill Through to Identify the Root Cause of a Measures Performance
A manager launches BIRT Performance Scorecard and drills-down to the lowest level of measures available
in the View; in this case the red measure is in the Marketing and Sales area of the Investment Management
division. He wants to see more information on why spending in this area is over budget. He clicks to an
Expense detail link (Figure A). Upon doing so, he seamlessly pulls up a spreadsheet with the line item
expense detail he needs to adequately assess the divisions spending. The calculations that turn certain
measures red or green are taken from Views. The Actuals data is taken from the General Ledger (Figure B). This
spreadsheet is centrally stored and available for others to see and work with depending on their privileges.

Figure B

Figure A

Use Case: Highly Fidelity Report Formatting

An executive wants a compelling report that shows performance targets in a key area of the business exactly as
he would like to see them. In this instance, all of the data in the report is taken from BIRT Performance Scorecard,
but it is formatted to meet the specific needs of the user (Figure C).

Figure C

BIRT Performance Scorecard Root Cause Analysis and Data Visualization

BIRT Performance Scorecard

Complete Visibility into Organizational Performance
Providing All Users With Advanced Performance Management
The BIRT Performance Scorecard helps high-performing organizations drive strategy at all levels, to guide their
operations, improve decision making, and ensure better operational performance and execution.

With the BIRT Performance Scorecard, Organizations can:

Automate any Performance Management Framework
Marry multiple performance paradigms to gain a holistic view of organizational performance
Adhere to mandated performance requirements
Focus employees
Improve efficiency
Assign ownership to key metrics, increasing accountability and enhancing focus
Improve stakeholder confidence with enhanced transparency and corporate governance

Enhanced Reporting for the Actuate Performancesoft Suite

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Actuate - the people behind BIRT

Actuate founded and continues to co-lead the Eclipse BIRT open source project. BIRT is the premier development environment for Rich
Information Applications that present data in compelling and interactive ways via the web on any device. Actuate and its people are
dedicated to making BIRT the best environment for our customers to develop Web 2.0 applications that drive revenue through higher
customer satisfaction/loyalty and improve operational performance. The people of Actuate continually participate in and provide
resources for the vibrant open source community that has emerged around BIRT. Anybody can participate in the BIRT movement by
Actuate offers value-add BIRT products and services that speed the development process and bring additional functionality,
interactivity and enterprise scalability to BIRT-based Rich Information Applications. Actuate has over 4,400 customers globally in
a diverse range of business areas including financial services and the public sector. Founded in 1993, Actuate is headquartered in
San Mateo, California, with offices worldwide. Actuate is listed on NASDAQ under the symbol ACTU. For more information, visit the
companys web site at

Copyright 2007 Actuate Corporation. All rights reserved. Actuate and the
Actuate logo are registered trademarks of Actuate Corporation and/or its
affiliates in the U.S. and certain other countries. All other brands, names or
trademarks mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners.

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