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Carrington High School


International Russia FBLA

Travel/Recruitment Project
Ashley Neumiller
Table of Contents
About Russia................................................................3
Economic Facts..........................................................6-7
Business Customs.......................................................11
Travel Information.......................................................12


How Russia can Benefit from FBLA...............................13
Russian Social Media Presence................................13-14


Russian FBLA Activity .................................................15
Recruitment Ideas.......................................................15

Appendix A: Itinerary..............................................16-17
Appendix B: Budget.....................................................18
Appendix C: Budget Graph...........................................18
Appendix D: Flight Schedule....................................19-20
Appendix E: Presentation Outline............................21-22
Appendix F: Map of Moscow.........................................22
Appendix G: Brochure Inside........................................23
Appendix H: Brochure Outside.....................................24

V. References.................................................................25



The official language of Russia is Russian, but there are several other

languages used across the country. The ruble is its main currency. One US

dollar is equal to about 64 Russian rubles. Moscow is the capital. Moscow

contains the official government buildings and the Presidents residence or

Kremlin. Other major cities include St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, and

Novosibirsk. Over 143.5 million people live in Russia and it is home to over

100 different ethnic groups. On Saturdays, Subbotnik occurs, which is when

residents of Russian cities volunteer to sweep the streets. While it was more

popular during the days of the revolution, many people continue to

participate ((Russian Facts for Kids, n.d.).


Russia is the largest country in the world. It is in Eurasia and occupies

one-tenth of all the land on Earth. It spans 11 time zones across two

continents. The nation is divided by the Ural Mountains and is mainly made

up of Siberia. The United States and Japan are located east of Russia. Poland,

Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania are located to the west. Azerbaijan, Georgia,

and Kazakhstan are located south of Russia. Russia has nearly 100,000

rivers. Russias Volga River travels over 2,293 miles and is the longest river

in Europe. Russia is also home to Lake Baikal, the largest freshwater lake in

the world, which stores 20% of the Earths freshwater. Russia is home to over

40 national parks and 100 wildlife reserves. Russia has some of the most

diverse lands in the world (Russia, n.d.).


Russias history is believed to have begun in the Fourth Century AD

with the formation of the Easter Slavs. The Slaves were defeated in 558 by

the Avars. Later, at the beginning of the Eighth Century, the resettlement of

Slavonic tribes began. During the Kievan Rus period, Russia were influenced

by the neighboring Mongolian nation. The Mongols brought in a wide variety

of new factors of dress style, foods, and entertainment to Russia.

The Romanov Dynasty began in 1613. The rise of Moscow and the

Russian empire originated with Peter the Great. Peter urged for

modernization of Russia s government, trade, military reform, and economy.

He banned Muscotive dress, introduced military conscription, established

technical schools, and changed the Russian calendar. Many of Peters

reforms, though, failed to take root in Russia. It wasnt until Catherine the

Great (Peter the Greats granddaughter) took the throne were Peters ideas

were implemented. Catherine the Great increased central control over

Russias provinces. During their rein, Russia took a firm position in European

power. Russian architecture, literature, and culture passed through a

transition period. Russia was greatly influenced by its European neighbors.

During the early 1900s, Russia was forced to drop out of World War 1.

The Russian Revolution had begun. The nation had just begun their own civil

war. The tsar had been overthrown during a coup led by the Bolshevik party

and Vladimir Lenin. After the civil war ended in 1922, the Union of Soviet

Socialist Republics had been born. Lenin implemented the New Economic

Policy, which helped the country recover from the destruction of the previous

years of war. It brought about a period of prosperity, letting the Soviet

government consolidate its political position and rebuild the infrastructure of

the country.

When Lenin died in 1924, Joseph Stalin took the lead as dictator. He

forbade the practice of religion and art and literature were placed under

much tighter control. The radical energy of the Russian Avant-Garde was

replaced by the solemn grandeur of Soviet realism.

When World War II began, Russia was unprepared for the conflict

ahead. Despite an overwhelming disadvantage in numbers and inferior

weaponry, the Russian army succeeded in holding out against the enormous

German army.

Once World War II ended, the Cold War began. More and more

resources were being used towards military projects, and the government

had little to no concern of improving the quality of life after World War II.

Following this period, Russia experienced a great amount of reformation.

When Mikhail Gorbachev took office in 1985, the countrys development

vector had changed even more dramatically than in the times of Peter the

Great. In 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed, and Russia converted from

communism to capitalism.

The Russian Federation emerged as on the largest republic of the

Soviet Union. Russian government still maintains concepts from imperialism,

communism and capitalism. The nation is currently still engaged in military

endeavors in the Eastern Europe and the Middle East. It remains as a major

contender on the world scale, and its relations with the United States are

strained at times (A Brief History of Russia, 2016).



The Russian economy is currently in a crisis. Their anticipated recovery

has been delayed, mainly due to international sanctions and low oil prices. In

2015 alone, oil and gas accounted for

around 44% of government revenues.

Because of this there has been an

estimated 10% drop in gross domestic

income and prices for daily necessities,

such as groceries, have risen to new highs. Russians have been forced to cut

back on purchasing non-essential goods and are now spending more than

50% of their income on food. The overall poverty rate rose to 16% in 2015.

There has been slight improvement, however. Because of the Central

Banks flexible exchange rate policy, the exchange rate alignments have

allowed improvements to be made to support the economic transition.

Russias long-term growth path will depend on the strength of its structural

reforms. These economic reforms are designed to bolster investor confidence

and enhance Russias long-term growth prospects. Administrative barriers to

doing business, high transportation and logistics costs, and the perception of

an uneven playing field all discourage investment, though. Many hope that

Russia is on its road to recovery and that 2017 will bring bigger and better

things. (Hutt, 2016)


After the break-up of the Soviet Union in December 1991, the Russian

Federation emerged as the largest nation. Following a constitutional crisis in

1993, Russia adopted a new constitution. Today, the Russian Federations

political system is described as a federal presidential republic. The current

president of Russia is Vladimir Putin. The head of state is elected by a

majority 50% vote and serves for six years with a maximum of two

consecutive terms. The President determines the basic domestic and foreign

policy, is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, can veto legislative

bills, resolves issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation, awards state

decorations and grants pardons.

The Prime Minister is the first-in-line to the presidency in the case the

Presidents death or resignation. He is appointed by the President with

approval of the Duma. Historically the Prime Mister is a subservient to that of

the President.

The state Duma is the lower house in the Russian Federal Assembly. It

is the more powerful house, so all bills, must first be considered by Duma. It

consists of 450 members. The members are elected for 5 year terms.

The main political party in effect today is called United Russia. It is the

party of Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev. It is the largest party in Russia

and encompasses over 2 million members. The second official political party

is the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia. It is led by Vladimir Zhirinovsky

(Darlington, 2016).



Russian culture has a long and rich cultural history, steeped in

literature, ballet, painting, and classical music. Russian culture places a high

value on their homeland and on family. It believes in collectivism and

community, generosity and compassion, and most importantly, historical

traditions and customs. Russians are very hardworking people. They believe

that Russian diligence manifests as an honest and responsible job

performance (Bradford, 2015).


There are nearly 5,000 registered religious association in Russia. The

most popular religion of Russia is Christian Orthodox Church. About 10 to 15

percent of Russians practice Islam, making it the second largest religion in

Russia. Tengrism, a form of paganism, is the third most popular (Bradford,


Art and Literature

Ballet is the most notable and popular form of art to come out of

Russia. The Bolshoi Ballet of Moscow and the Mriinsky Ballet of Saint

Petersburg are some of the most famous classical ballet companies in the

world. Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky a 19th-centruy Russian composer, is world

renowned for Swan Lake and the 1812 Overture. Many of the most well-

known Russian poets and writers include Leo Tolstoy, Fedor Mikhailovich

Dostoevsky, Ivan Bunin, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, Alexandor Pushkin, and

Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov. In Russia, the Cyrillic alphabet is used. Folk tales

and epics are popular reads for children with characters such as Ilya

Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, and Dobrynya. Matryoshka (nesting dolls) are

one of the most popular souvenirs for foreigners visiting Russia. They consist

of a wooded figure that can be pulled apart to reveal another smaller

version. The painting of each doll usually symbolizes a Russian peasant girl

in traditional costume (Bradford, 2015).

Traditions & Superstitions

Some Russians are also superstitious. Many try to avoid taking care of

extremely important matters on Mondays because they are known as the

toughest days of the week. Also, ones Monday is believed to set the pace for

the rest of the week. When a black cat crosses the street, one must turn to

the left and spit three times. The saying Knock on wood is also very

common. Russia is a country steeped in culture and tradition with many well-

known customs dating back thousands of years, so be sure to enjoy it when

visiting Russia (Bradford, 2015).


The dining in Russia, especially in populated cities like Moscow, is very

diverse. However, the traditional dishes can be found in any household or

local restaurant. Most traditional Russian food is based on being able to eat it

through the harsh and cold winters, which is why potatoes, bread, animal

byproducts and pickled foods are very popular. Borscht is one of the most

well-known Russian dishes. Borscht is a beet soup typically served with sour

cream. It will usually contain a variety of vegetables, such as carrots,

potatoes, and cabbage. Pirozkhis is also a must-try dish when visiting Russia.

These are small baked buns that can be filled with potatoes, meat, and

cabbage or cheese. Pickled herring is a common winter food in Russia. It is

served cold, as a side dish, usually for cooked potatoes. Caviar is also

commonly served in this nation. Russians also enjoy having hot tea with

deserts after dinner or even mid-day. When someone invites you to dine in

their home, if there is a woman residing in the household, it is suggested

that you bring flowers and a small gift, such as wine, chocolate, or another

desert item to show gratitude and respect (Bradford, 2015).


Russias education system has always valued high-quality education

for all citizens. Russias literacy rate is 98% and exceeds most Western

European countries. General education lasts for 9 years. Higher education

includes receiving the Bakalavrs (Bachelors) Degree, which usually takes an

additional 4 years. Then, people strive to get their Magists (Masters)

Degree, which can take about 2 years. The equivalent of a PH.D. is called

Kandidat Nauk. Degree study tuition can range from $2,000 to $8,000 per

year, with other costs (room & board, books, etc.) ranging from $1,500 to

$5,000 per year, depending on location and spending habits. Most Russian

schools are teaching English to students from a young age. Mathematics is

extremely important and most students are required to have great arithmetic

skills (Education System in Russia, n.d.).


Always dress formally for meetings. Both men and women should wear

business suits and women should make sure their skirts arent too short.

Shoes should be polished and suitable for the occasion.

Arrange business meetings well in advance. Always arrive on time but

dont be surprised if you are kept waiting. Patience is a key aspect in all

business meetings and negotiations in Russia. Your Russian counterparts will

expect you to give a detailed outline of your company and what you can do

for them better than other companies can. Meetings can also be followed by


Business cards and all documentation must be printed in Russian and

English. Your business card should have English on one side and Russian on

the other.

NB Never shake hands by a doorway, Russians believe it is bad luck and an

argument may ensue (Guide to Russia, n.d.).


When looking to travel to Russia, make sure to check the weather

often. If you are traveling in the Spring, be certain that you are bringing a

rain coat with you and have an umbrella handy right when you arrive. In the

Fall and Winter, be sure to pack your warm winter boots, a fur coat and lots

of mittens. It tends be to quite cold in Russia during this time. Always bring

comfortable shoes for exploring the cities and palaces. The best time for

traveling to Russia is late Spring to Summer that way the weather conditions

will not be much of a problem. Make sure to book your flight in advance to

ensure the lowest price possible. Always have your passport on you! You will

need a transit visa to be let into the country, and it will be checked before

you can enter other cities. Taxi fares can be negotiated. When visiting

restaurants, tipping will range from 10 15%. Dont forget that Russia does

not use dollars, they use rubles, so make sure that you convert enough of

your money. Credit cards are used in some locations, but not all, so always

have rubles with you just in case (Travel Tips).


How Russia can Benefit from FBLA

Business in a part of every single country on this planet. FBLA can

prepare Russian students with the leadership development and business

knowledge that are essential in creating focused international business

leaders. In fact, Moscow is home to the most millionaires in the world. The

Future Business Leaders of America can provide the Russian leaders of

tomorrow with the travel opportunities, scholarships, networking

opportunities, and the ability to create relationships with business leaders.

Through the competitive events, workshops, and conferences, Russian

students can learn how to be successful in their future careers. With the

expansion of FBLA to Russia, students from all over the world can connect

and network with students. This international exposure not only benefits the

Russian students, but American members as well. This expansion will provide

American students with opportunities to learn more about the Russian

culture and its business practices. Hopefully, this creates an opportunity for

more future business transactions between Russia and America.

Social Media Presence

Just like in America, Russias population has also experienced an

extremely large amount of influence from social media. Russians dont just

use sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. They also have their own

versions. Some of these include Odnoklassniki, Yandex, and In

2014, 45% of Russias citizens were already active members on various

social media websites. This shows how much potential social media has for

promoting FBLA in the Russian nation. FBLA already has a wide variety of

successful social media accounts that are constantly updated with the latest

information regarding conferences, member achievements, scholarship. If

FBLA were to join the Russian social media websites, a Russian

representative to control these sites. This person would need to be have

advanced knowledge of the Russian culture and language. This person would

have to ensure that the Russian members understand current events. With

the use of social media, FBLA could rapidly increase their national presence.

Russian Recruitment

New Project Propositions

A new project that could be implemented in Russia to benefit both the

Russian students and American members is to bring the Russians to

America! An example would be to provide Russian students with the

opportunity to come to America and compete at the National Leadership

Conference. This allows both national and international members to learn

from the Russian population. The Russians will get a feel for the organization

and learn how much fun it would be. Then an expansion across the Russian

nation can take place.

Recruitment Ideas

Create Russian Chapters

Increase Social Media Presence
Invite them to the National Conference
Membership Discounts
Visit Russia
Celebrity endorsement
Guest speakers
More scholarship opportunities
Community Service projects
Internships in business and business related fields


Carrington, ND- Moscow, Russia

Saturday, March 11, 2017 Thursday, March 16th, 2017

Saturday, March 11th

04:30 am Depart for Jamestown Airport

05:30 am Arrive and Jamestown Airport

06:25am Flight Leaves Jamestown Airport (full flight list and

layover schedule on pg. 19)

Sunday, March 12th

03:50 pm* Arrive at Domodedovo International Airport in

Moscow, Russia

05:00pm Arrive/Check in at Park Inn by Radisson

06:30pm Have dinner at the Radissons restaurant

08:00pm Return to room/unpack/bed

Monday, March 13th

09:00am Wake up, eat breakfast at hotel, prepare for

presentation at the high schools

12:00pm Go to school and complete presentation on FBLA

03:30pm Depart from school

04:00pm Explore the city

07:00pm Moskovskoye Nebo Restaurant

08:30pm Walk around

10:00pm Return to hotel/Go to bed

Tuesday, March 14th

All Day Spend time enjoying the city. Learn about Russia. Sight

see. Enjoy!!

10:00 pm Return to hotel/pack/go to bed

Wednesday, March 15th

07:30am* Depart hotel for Domodedovo International Airport in

Moscow, Russia

09:05am Flight leaves for Jamestown Airport (For full flight list and

delay schedule, see pg. 20)

Thursday, March 16th

12:43pm Arrive back in Jamestown

*Moscow Time


Round-trip flight: $2,166

Taxes & Fees: $100.00

Hotel: $277.17

Dining: $250.00

Transportation: $100.00

Additional Expenses: $200.00

Total: $2,993.17




I. Introduction of Presenters
II. Definition of FBLA
a. Future Business Leaders of America
b. Dont have to be considering an occupation in Business to join, or

be in a business class. This organization is strictly to benefit

members and give opportunities to those who strive to succeed

in their lives.
c. You will gain useful skills and qualities that will benefit your life in

a variety of ways. These include confidence, financial literacy,

and integrity.
III. Opportunities of FBLA
a. Leadership- FBLA-PBL gives member the chance to showcase

their leadership on the local, state, and national level

b. Networking- Creating connections to business professionals,

workshop presenters, and other student members will help you

establish a huge network base.

c. Travel- From coast to coast, the annual National FBLA

conferences span from Anaheim, California to Baltimore,

Maryland and everywhere in between

IV. Benefits to Members
a. Looks Good on College Applications
b. Scholarships- There are several scholarships offered through the

national level
c. Competitive Events- AS a member FBLA, you can showcase your

academic excellence in any of the 65 individual competitive

d. Confidence
e. Professional Development & Presentation Skills- FBLA-PBL helps

define these skills through programs like the Business

Achievement Awards
f. Civic Consciousness- Members of FBLA learn the importance of

volunteering and serving their communities

V. Personal Successes of Presenters
VI. Ask Audience of Whos Interested/Take Questions





A brief history of Russia. (2016 July 7). Retrieved from

Bradford, A. (2015, February 9). Russian culture: facts, customs & traditions.

Retrieved from

Darlington, R. (2016, November 10). A short guide to the Russian political

system. Retrieved from

Education system in Russia. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Guide to Russia- etiquette, customs, culture & business. (n.d.). Retrieved



Hutt, R. (2016, December 2010). 6 things to know about Russias economy.

Retrieved from


Russia. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Russian facts for kids. (n.d.) Retrieved from

Travel tips. (n.d.). Retrieved from



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