Article 10

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Professional Literature Summary

Article #10

Bib. Information Nidus, G. & Sadder, M. (2016). More than a checklist. Educational Leadership,
(APA Formatting): 62-66. Retrieved from

Author(s) Affiliation: Gabrielle Nidus is both a literacy specialist and language arts coordinator at
Lowell School in Washington, D.C. Maya Sadder, on the other hand, is a
principal in the Chicago Public Schools.

Type of Resource: This article is a trade article featured in Educational Leadership.


Summary of essential o teaching students to analyze their work versus teaching students
information: how to analyze their work
o writing process creates perfect opportunity to teach
o often students mark aimlessly on a checklist
o art of noticing should be taught
o noticing and observing
o setting goals
o monitoring and evaluating
o allows students to take the leader/ownership in the work, evaluating,
and making improvements
o turn focus to one area to limit things to notice so not to overwhelm
o students should set goals based on their observations and use
conferences to check-in as the teacher
o students must write a lot for this to be beneficial

Potential relevance to This article is relevant to my research topic because it is helps to tie in the
your research topic importance of self-assessment with writing. Since my focus is how it can be
and study: beneficial to writing across disciplines, the idea of teaching the "art of noticing"
is a strategy I may be able to pull into my classroom as I teach my students the
process of self-assessment.

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