Sample Script (Wooden Bowl)

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Tourist Spot: Mayon Volcano

SCENE 1-2-3 (In the Classroom)

Teacher: Class, next week well be having an educational trip in Mayon Volano.

Xerhine: Really!?

Rafamela: Wow!! We will see the famous volcano up close.

Karen: I am excited! I will take many pictures...

(continued chatting and buzzing of students)

Teacher: Students quiet! But before we go to the trip, does anyone here know the
location of Mayon Vocano?

Xerhine: Sir I think its in Albay.

Teacher: Correct!! It is found in Albay and geographically shared by eight cities of

Legazpi, Daraga, Camalig, Guinobatan, Ligao, Tabaco, Malilipot and Santo Domingo.
Also Mayon Volcano is an active volcano.

Rafamela: What?! Active!? Will it be dangerous for us sir??

Xerhine: Dont worry, the latest eruption of Mayon Volcano happened 2 years ago,
August 12-18, 2014 to be exact and volcanologist said that it will take many years
for a volcano to erupt again.

Karen: Sir, is it true that the Mayon Volcano is a perfect cone?

Teacher: It is called perfect cone but not that perfect, we can say that it is almost
symmetric conical shape.

Karen: I am really excited.

Teacher: (Giving the brochure) Okay for now I will be handing the brochures.

Jenilyn: Sir, how about the transportation and meals?

Teacher: Dont worry about the transportation, it is free. Ohh I forgot to say that
aside from our trip, well also be having a camping on the campsite near the Mayon
Volcano. So before leaving don,t forget to check all your things needed.

Jeraldyn; How about our food sir?

Teacher: For meal, we will eat in Boklan Restaurant near the campsite. Also give
this to your parents and make sure that they will know and sign it if you want to go
to the trip.

ALL: Oaky sir.

Teacher: Thats all. Make sure to bring that paper and all your things needed. Thats
all dismissed.

SCENE 4-5 (In Albay)

Teacher: Okay, class were here now, Jenilyn were is the map to the camping

Jenilyn: Here sir...

Teacher: Hmmm, I dont understand it all.

Jenilyn: Sorry sir thats the only map I have.

Teacher: Its okay. Its my fault. I know lets just ask for direction. Be sure to use
polite words.

(The class will form 2 groups, 1st group meet a street vendor)

Jeraldyn: Hey, theres a vendor there lets ask him.

Jenilyn: God afternoon Mr.Vendor, can we ask for direction.

Vendor: Sure, where are you going ladies?

Jenilyn: Were going to the camp near Mayon Volcano.

Vendor: I know it. Can I see that map? Hhhmm, from here go there, there, there,
turn right, then left and go straight. Do you get it?

Jeraldyn: Yes. Thanks for the help.

Vendor: Your welcaome. Be careful on your way.

Rafamela: Lets go back now.

(2 groups meet)

Teacher: Do you get the direction??

Rafamela: Yes we know it.

(On the way)

Xerhine: Lets go right..

Karen: No..I think its left.

Xerhine: Right!!

Teacher: Wait..Let me see that.....I think were lost again.

Jeraldyn: What?? Again??

Teacher: Wait..I think I know this person....Mr??

Tourist: Yes..what is it? Wait I know you...Renniel...!

Teacher: RJ!! I knew its you. Long time no see.

Tourist: Me too, where are you going??

Teacher: In Mayon Base Camp.

Tourist: What a coincidence, I am also going there.

Teacher: Oh were Lucky!! Lets go together.

(In the Campsite)

Teacher: Were finally here..By the way, class this is my classmate ago..RJ.

ALL: Hi Mr. RJ.

RJ: Hi Ladies.

Xerhine: Wow!!! Mayon Volcano sure is beautiful up close.

Rafamela: Sir can we take some pictures.

Teacher: sure you can.

(the students will take picture of the Mayon Volcano)

(After 6 hours of exploring)

Tourist: Ladies do you know the legend of this volcano?

Jenilyn: No, we dont know it.

Karen: can you tell us what is it?

Tourist: It is a said that there was once a lovers named Darang Magayon and
Panganoron.Becaause of jealousy they were killed by Pagtunga. Father of Darang
Magayon buried them in the mountains and as the day passed they saw the grave
was rising turning into a landform and they call it Mayon, short for Magayon.

Jeraldyn: What a sad story

Teacher: It is just a legend..

Tourist: Who knows...... its going to be dark soon. Its time for me to leave.

Jeraldyn: Mr. Eugene thanks for the help.

Tourist: Sure

Teacher: Okay, lets have some rest now.

SCENE 6 (In the restaurant)

Teacher: Class, what foods are you going to order?

Rafamela: Adobong manok..

Xerhine: Me too...

Karen: Relyenong Bangus.

Jenilyn: Chicken BBQ

Jeraldyn: Me too..Chicken BBQ..

Teacher: Waiter!!! Waiter!!!

Waiter: Sir what is your order??

Teacher: This....This....and this.

Waiter: Sorry sir, but this food is not available now. But you can try our newest
Lechon Kawali.

Teacher: okay Ill try that.

Waiter: Thank you sir, wait for a moment.

SCENE 7 (Going Back) (In the Vehicle)

Rafamela: Sir, Our trip was one.

Xerhine: The view of Mayon Volcano was amazing.

Rafamela: I got some beautiful pictures of the Volcano.

Jenilyn: We also learn many things about the natives of Albay and the Mayon

Teacher: Good for all of you, because next meeting we will be having a quiz about
the Mayon Volcano..

ALL: Ohhhhhhh!!!!

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