Usability Study

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Wood County District Public Library: Website Usability

Participant information: 5 participants, ranging from ages 12-62.

Catalog-related questions:
1. Can you find Pride and Prejudice (specifically the version with Kiera Knightley) on
DVD blu-ray?
2. You want the book version of Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone, but you only
want a copy from the Wood County Public Library. Can you narrow your search
criteria to just this library?
3. What if you wanted to browse the catalog in ADA-mode?
Website-related questions:
4. Can you find out where to sign up for tech classes using the website?
5. Can you find out when story-time is?
6. What if you have a question you want to ask a librarian while you are using the
website? What resources are there to reach out for assistance?
7. How do you sign up for a library card at this library?

Usability Study Results: WCDPL


Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5 Question 6 Question 7


Areas of strength:
Majority of participants were able to find specific items using the catalog
All participants succeeded in finding basic information about library services (classes
offered, event scheduling, etc.
Issues Raised:
Difficulty narrowing search terms in catalog
Vocabulary used in navigation is confusing

Future goals:
Make event schedule clearer
Add a chat with a librarian function
Adjust some language in navigation
Use website as a tool for outreach

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