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Review of Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) Websites

A review was conducted to identify Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs) that use
websites to disseminate information about their work and solicit inputs from in-country
stakeholders. In total, 52 websites for CCMs, Regional Coordinating Mechanisms (RCMs),
and Regional Organizations (ROs), were identified. These websites serve various functions
including providing a platform for public engagement calling for proposal submissions,
CCM membership nomination and Principle Recipient (PR) selection. Many CCMs1 also
share work plans and budgets.
An analysis of the contents of all 50 websites was completed. Results and recommendations
are included here.

Much of the work of Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs), Regional Coordinating
Mechanisms (RCMs), Sub-CCMs and Regional Organizations (ROs) 2 rests upon their ability
to engage the participation of stakeholders.

Typically, responsibilities of CCMs include identifying needs for the three diseases,
deliberating the most effective programmatic approaches, and coordinating these within
existing national efforts to ensure complementarity and sustainable planning. CCMs also are
tasked with selecting the most suitable Principle Recipients through transparent and open
processes, and ensuring oversight of PR and program performance. In all these efforts,
CCMs are to apply principles of transparency and be accountable to the nation and the
people they serve. At some level, all CCM roles and responsibilities require communications.
To appraise how CCMs have used the internet to support their work, a comprehensive search
for CCM/RCM/Sub-CCM/RO websites was undertaken.

Google searches were conducted using all combinations of: Country Coordinating
Mechanism / CCM / MCP / ICN & Global Fund / El Fondo Mundial / Le Fonds Mondial; and
the name of each of the 120 countries which have CCMs. Similar searches were also
conducted to look for websites for Sub-CCMs, RCMs, ROs and non-CCM applicants.

Forty-two CCMs, 3 RCM, and 7 ROs had their own websites. Additional sites were found
with information on CCMs, but hosted by other organizations.


Identified websites
Table 1 lists all identified CCM websites. Of these websites, approximately half had been
updated within the last three months. At the time of the search, four of the websites were
unavailable or the domain had expired. These four websites were, nevertheless, still
included in the attached list as an indication of an attempt to establish a website.
Country URL Language Website host
Albania http://www.ccm- Albanian, English Independent|1|1|1|1|1|1|0|1
Armenia Armenian, English Govt - National
parent=20 Center for AIDS
Bhutan English Govt - MoH
Bolivia Spanish Independent
China Chinese, English Independent
El Salvador Spanish Independent
Guatemala Spanish Independent
India English independent
Indonesia http://groupreferensi- Indonesian unclear
Iraq English Govt- MoH
National TB
Kenya Independent
Kyrgyzstan Russian Govt AIDS
Lesotho English Independent
Macedonia Macedonian Govt TB
Madagascar French Independent
Mali French Independent
Mauritius English Independent
Moldova Romanian Independent
Mongolia Mongolian, English Independent

Morocco French Independent

Myanmar English/Burmese Independent
Nepal English Independent
Nicaragua Spanish Independent
Niger French Independent
Nigeria English Independent
Pakistan English Independent
Papua New English Independent
Peru Spanish Independent
Philippines English Independent
Romania English Independent
Russia Russian Govt- Federal
Sri Lanka Sinhalese, English Independent
Suriname Dutch, English Independent
Sudan English Independent
Tanzania English Independent
Thailand Thai Independent
Togo French Independent
Tunisia French Independent
Yemen Arabic, English Govt -
Cote dIvoire

RCM Websites
Three RCM websites identified (Table 2) were hosted by participating Regional
Organizations (ROs). These websites largely reflected the work undertaken by ROs, with
small sections dedicated to their Global Fund grant.
RCM Multicountry Americas (ANDEAN)
RCM Multicountry Americas (CARICOM
+ PANCAP) &view=viewcategory&catid=16

RCM Multicountry Americas (OECS)

RO Websites
Seven websites for ROs were found (Table 3). Similar to the RCM sites, these websites were
mostly dedicated to the work of the ROs, with Global Fund-related information distributed
RO Multicountry Africa (SADC)
RO Multicountry Americas (COPRECOS)
RO Multicountry Americas (REDCA+)
RO Multicountry Asia (APN+)
RO Multicountry Asia (Naz Foundation Intl)
RO Multicountry Middle East & North Africa (MENAHRA)
RO Multicountry Americas (REDTRASEX)

Additional websites with CCM-relevant information

Lastly, the search also identified websites (Table 4) which were not hosted by CCMs, but
nevertheless contained information on CCMs. In some instances, these websites supported
CCMs roles in oversight and coordination (such as advertising open calls for proposal
submissions, sharing CCM member selection criteria and nominations, meeting minutes,
and detailed grant implementation information). These websites were created and managed
by organizations represented by individual CCM members, PRs and/or SRs, or other
news/information dissemination organizations.
Organizations of individual CCM Members
Country Organization Role on CCM URL
Afghanistan Ministry of Public Health Chair
Belize National AIDS Chair
Burkina Faso National AIDS Member (& PR)
Cambodia HIV/AIDS Coordinating Vice Chair
Malaysia Malaysian AIDS Council Member (& PR)
Mexico Ministry of Health Member
Myanmar Unicef Member
Romania Romanian Angel Appeal Member (& PR)
Organizations of Principal / Sub- Recipients
Brazil Fundo Global TB (coalition of 2 PRs)
Cambodia MEDICAM
Kazakhstan National AIDS Centre
News organizations
Sierra Leone Awareness Times News website

Website Content
CCM websites were analysed for content. Examples of websites by contents featured are listed below (Table 5).
Website Feature CCM website examples
General overview of Global Fund architecture Brief description of the Global Fund including purpose and structure of CCM, LFA, PRs (Madagascar)
Graphical representation of CCM relationships (eg. coordinating/ collaborative/ contractual, with constituencies/
actors/Global Fund) (India, Mongolia, Sri Lanka)
CCM Structure & Bylaws
Website Feature CCM website examples
CCM terms of reference (ToRs), bylaws or constitution CCM ToRs (China, El Salvador, Guatemala, India)
Government resolutions on the formation of the CCM (Kyrgyzstan)
Conflict of Interest (CoI) policy, including forms for declaring CoI and templates for CoI documentation
Communication policy (El Salvador)
Membership voting procedures Membership voting regulations (Morocco)
Open calls for candidate nomination (China, Tunisia)
Online voting platform (Guatemala, Morocco)
Schedule of CCM member electoral process (Guatemala)
Election results (Morocco)
Report by independent committee analysing voter eligibility, with a final list of candidates allowed to vote
Membership list Including details such as: sector; gender; CCM role; health/disease component represented; organization and title
held; key affected population represented; whether they are also PRs or SRs
Albania site has membership details from Round 10 Proposal Form, which includes all of the above
Visual graphic or list format which emphasizes multi-sectoral representation (China, El Salvador, Lesotho, Yemen)
Working group TORs, work plans and budgets (China, Moldova)
CCM committees / working groups o eg. CCM Election Committee, Oversight Committee (Philippines)
Nominations and election results for working group membership
o eg. Sector and Disease working groups (China)
Working group member lists with name, organization, email (China)
CCM Work Plan & Minutes
Website Feature CCM website examples
CCM Work Plan & Budget Work plan (El Salvador); Budget (Iraq)
Archive of CCM meeting minutes Archive of CCM meeting minutes (Bhutan, Sudan)
o Including agenda, decisions and relevant reading material (Moldova)
Minutes from working group meetings (China, Kyrgyzstan)

CCM Secretariat
Website Feature CCM website examples
Advertisements Open call for selection of an organization to take on Secretariat role (Mali, Macedonia)
Vacancies for individual Secretariat positions (Azerbaijan, India)
CCM Secretariat bylaws Secretariat Operations Manual (Mauritius)
Proposal Development
Website Feature CCM website examples
Public calls for proposal submissions/ expressions of Calls for proposal submissions with an email address or other means for submissions (Armenia, Macedonia,
interest Madagascar, Thailand)
Schedule and plan for consultative proposal development process (Pakistan, Thailand)
Procurement of services, and documents related to, National disease policies, guidelines or legislation (Albania, Guatemala, Russia, Tanzania)
proposal development Tender and TOR for independent consultants for Needs Assessments, with review and results of tenders (China)
Calls for PR nominations; selection criteria; process Selection criteria (Madagascar)
results Calls for expressions of interest (Macedonia, Pakistan, Thailand, Tunisia)
Selection process (Pakistan)
Vacancy announcement for independent review panel to evaluate Principal Recipient applications (Kenya)
Copies of proposals submitted to the Global Fund (China, India, Lesotho)
Resources (Global Fund and other) Round 10 Proposal Form template; Global Fund Harm Reduction/MARPs Information Note (Armenia)
Second Wave National Strategy Application- Expression of Interest form (Bhutan)
Links to Global Fund OPNs and Aidspan Guide to Funding Applications (Kyrgyzstan)
Link to Stop TB Planning Matrix and Frameworks: Tool for Global Fund Round 8 TB proposal preparation
SRP outcomes Global Fund letter informing of unsuccessful Round 10 application (Bhutan)
Grant Implementation / Oversight
Website Feature CCM website examples
Description of Grants (past and on-going); Brief descriptions of grants
o Title/PR/start and end dates/budget (Niger, Suriname)
o Goals/Objectives/ Activities;/Project sites (Madagascar, Philippines, Tanzania)
Detailed summary of proposals or Proposal Form attached (Bhutan, Nepal)
Link to Global Fund Grant Portfolio site for the country (India)
List of Principal Recipients and Sub-Recipients List of SRs with summary objectives, summary activities, targets and budgets (Lesotho)
Grant Agreements with PRs (Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan)
Oversight Plan Oversight plan (China, Mauritius, Sudan)
Monitoring / M&E plan (El Salvador, Guatemala, Pakistan)
CCM oversight team visit report (Nepal, Sri Lanka)
Oversight reports; Reports and Newsletters on updated Grant and bid oversight dashboards (Peru)
progress (produced by CCM)
Annual reports (Lesotho)
PR activity reports (Madagascar)

PU/DRs (Bhutan, Lesotho, Pakistan)
Progress reports / newsletters released by the CCM (Macedonia, Moldova, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Russia,
Presentation on key performance achievements for past grants (Philippines)
End project evaluation by external consultants (Pakistan)
Grant performance reports & score cards (from Global Grant Performance Report (Albania, India, Philippines)
Fund) Grant score cards (Pakistan)
FPM Report on progress management letter (Guatemala)
Closeout reports (Pakistan)
Materials to inform/train constituencies & implementers Report from a Constituency briefing (Nepal)
Website Feature CCM website examples
Dedicated space on the home page to announce CCM meeting dates (Kyrgyzstan, Sudan)
important recent developments and upcoming events CCM meeting dates with agendas (Bhutan, Macedonia)
New release of meeting minutes and other CCM-related news (eg. new member of working group, tender results
for independent assessments) (China, Lesotho, Nepal, Nigeria, Tanzania)
CCM grant updates and other national news related to the 3 diseases (El Salvador, Moldova)
Other Resources
Website Feature CCM website examples
Links to relevant articles or documents Epidemiological/health promotion literature
o National disease statistics (Armenia, Kyrgyzstan)
Technical guidelines (eg. Project Risk Management Guidelines, Guidelines for MOUs between PR and SRs)
Aidspan Guides (El Salvador)
Global Fund Implementer Series (Lesotho)
Global Fund Guidelines and Guidance papers (India, Mongolia)
Contact Information & Community Feedback
Website Feature CCM website examples
Contact information / Key Contacts Email addresses for key contacts such as the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary (Albania, Mali)
Email address, physical address and phone number for CCM Secretariat (China, India, Niger, Thailand, Yemen)
Forum or feedback mechanism that would allow CCM Online contact us form (Guatemala, Morocco, Nigeria)
members and non-members to discuss issues relevant to Private member log-in areas (Bhutan, El Salvador, Mali, Mongolia, Nepal, Philippines, Romania, Suriname,
the CCM and to Global Fund grants currently being Tanzania, Tunisia)
Discussion board (Indonesia, Tanzania)
Polls (eg. Does GFATM support in Nepal contribute to control HIV?) (Nepal)

Websites varied considerably; some provided limited information of questionable use,
whereas others supported constituency engagement in key areas, from proposal
development, to PR selection and oversight of grants. In line with principles of
transparency and accountability, CCM work plans, budgets as well as contact information
for individual members were also shared. On occasion, websites were used to stimulate
community feedback and dialogue, by soliciting comments and providing contact email
addresses for that purpose. Some websites went further and had open discussion boards
and held polls, proposing questions for the public to answer online. While the impact of a
CCM website has not been ascertained through this review, their potential to add value to
country-based work is obvious.
While there will always be constituencies and stakeholders without regular internet access,
all CCMs are encouraged to establish websites as a matter of standard practice. Funding for
this purpose is available through the direct funding channel from the Global Fund
Secretariat to CCMs.
Website Features for CCMs to consider including:
Basic information
The names of CCM members and alternates with their contact details, the constituencies they represent,
and terms of reference and dates of tenure. Mention of whether or not such members are PRs and/or
SRs for grants would also be useful.
CCM Secretariat information-- to include the names of Secretariat staff, their terms of reference and
contact details.
Details of grants and their corresponding PRs and SRs. Information could include contract details,
copies of grant agreements, progress reports, conditions precedent, grant management letters.

Governance information
Criteria for CCM membership, as well as the selection processes used to identify and select candidates.
For non-governmental CCM members, including those representing PLWD, the involvement of their
constituencies to select their own representatives should be described in full*.
Criteria for PR selection, as well as processes used to identify and select candidates, indicating means to
mitigate against conflict of interest, and the results*.
CCM bylaws covering terms of reference and membership details for individual working groups such
as Executive Committees, Technical Working Groups, Oversight Committees etc. Voting processes*,
conflict of interest policies* and conditions for renewal of membership*.

Information to assist constituency involvement, information sharing, transparency and accountability

CCM work plans and budgets, including advance notice of meetings with agendas and meeting minutes
within a reasonable period (e.g. 30 days) following each meeting,
Oversight plans and reports from site visits*.
Timely information on proposal development-- open advertisements to solicit expressions of interest in
proposal development, description of the review processes and the results*.
Communication strategy indicating how CCMs communicate with their stakeholders.
News and events, such as constituency meeting dates, epidemic updates, information on most at risk
populations, lessons learned from program experience, adjustments to grants.
Polls to solicit community opinion on important issues for the CCMs deliberations.
An address for feedback to the CCM.
A discussion board for general comments/suggestions.

* These features provide evidence in support of Global Fund CCM eligibility requirements.

Please forward comments/suggestions as well as updates on website information to the CCM

team along (
Acknowledgements: Danica Kwong, conducted the research during an internship for the CCM

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