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Erika Frank

James Madison University (Anticipated May 2017)
Bachelor of Science in Communication; Public Relations Concentration
GPA: 3.0
Relevant Coursework:
PR Techniques: Written; Used learned techniques for generating different forms of PR and created a mock
media kit for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
Public Relations Management:Created mock social media campaign for the International Olympic
Anglo American University (June-August 2015)
Studied sociology in Prague for 7 weeks
Immersed myself in Czech culture to study current trends and stereoytpes

OgilvyU Student Immersion Program (January 2017)
Created a campaign for a potential client
Participated in Q&A with junior staff and managing director

Ogilvy CommonHealth Worldwide (June-August 2016)

Corporate Communications/Public Relations Intern
Developed and revised press releases covering a wide variety of company events
Led group of 25 interns in community service project
Developed and maintained company content calendar while ensuring optimum social media presence
Provided essential feedback to key decision makers

BCM One (May-August 2014) &(December 2014-Jan. 2015)
Marketing Intern
Assisted in the creation of the initial launch video for company wide re-branding and re-alignment.
Coordinated and planned all major leadership conferences and client events
Established and managed social media accounts on all major platforms

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