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Mathematics 22: Lecture 11


Dan Sloughter

Furman University

January 25, 2008

Dan Sloughter (Furman University) Mathematics 22: Lecture 11 January 25, 2008 1 / 11
Order of approximations

I One may show that the error in Eulers method is bounded by the
step-size h times a constant. We call Eulers method a first-order

Dan Sloughter (Furman University) Mathematics 22: Lecture 11 January 25, 2008 2 / 11
Order of approximations

I One may show that the error in Eulers method is bounded by the
step-size h times a constant. We call Eulers method a first-order
I The modified Euler method is a second-order method: the error is
bounded by a constant times h2 .

Dan Sloughter (Furman University) Mathematics 22: Lecture 11 January 25, 2008 2 / 11
Runge-Kutta method
I Consider the initial-value problem
= f (t, u), u(t0 ) = u0 .

Dan Sloughter (Furman University) Mathematics 22: Lecture 11 January 25, 2008 3 / 11
Runge-Kutta method
I Consider the initial-value problem
= f (t, u), u(t0 ) = u0 .
I Divide [t0 , t0 + T ] into N equal intervals of length h = N.

Dan Sloughter (Furman University) Mathematics 22: Lecture 11 January 25, 2008 3 / 11
Runge-Kutta method
I Consider the initial-value problem
= f (t, u), u(t0 ) = u0 .
I Divide [t0 , t0 + T ] into N equal intervals of length h = N.
I Let ti = t0 + ih, i = 0, 1, 2, . . . , N.

Dan Sloughter (Furman University) Mathematics 22: Lecture 11 January 25, 2008 3 / 11
Runge-Kutta method
I Consider the initial-value problem
= f (t, u), u(t0 ) = u0 .
I Divide [t0 , t0 + T ] into N equal intervals of length h = N.
I Let ti = t0 + ih, i = 0, 1, 2, . . . , N.
I Having computed u0 , u1 , . . . , ui , let

k1 = f (ti , ui )
h h
k2 = f ti + , ui + k1
2 2
h h
k3 = f ti + , ui + k2
2 2
k4 = f (ti + h, ui + hk3 ).

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Runge-Kutta (contd)

I Let
ui+1 = ui + (k1 + 2k2 + 2k3 + k4 ) .

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Runge-Kutta (contd)

I Let
ui+1 = ui + (k1 + 2k2 + 2k3 + k4 ) .
I Runge-Kutta is a fourth-order method.

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I Consider the initial-value problem

= u cos(t), u(0) = 1.
on the interval [0, 6].

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I Consider the initial-value problem

= u cos(t), u(0) = 1.
on the interval [0, 6].
I Let h = 0.1 as before.

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I Consider the initial-value problem

= u cos(t), u(0) = 1.
on the interval [0, 6].
I Let h = 0.1 as before.
I For the first step, we have

k1 = (1.0) cos(0) = 1.0

k2 = (1.0 + (0.05)(1.0)) cos(0.05) = 1.0486878
k3 = (1.0 + (0.05)(1.0486878)) cos(0.05) = 1.0511191
k4 = (1.0 + (0.1)(1.0511191)) cos(0.1) = 1.0995910.

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Example (contd)

I And so
u1 = 1.0 + (1.0 + (2)(1.0486878) + (2)(1.0511191) + 1.0995910)
= 1.1049867.

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Example (contd)

I And so
u1 = 1.0 + (1.0 + (2)(1.0486878) + (2)(1.0511191) + 1.0995910)
= 1.1049867.

I Note: the exact value is u(0.1) = e sin(0.1) = 1.1049868.

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Example (contd)

I And so
u1 = 1.0 + (1.0 + (2)(1.0486878) + (2)(1.0511191) + 1.0995910)
= 1.1049867.

I Note: the exact value is u(0.1) = e sin(0.1) = 1.1049868.

I Recall: with Eulers method we had u1 = 1.1 and with the modified
Euler method we had u1 = 1.1047252.

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Using Octave

I Runge-Kutta in Octave:
octave:1> function w = f(t,u)
> w = u*cos(t);
> endfunction
octave:2> t = [0:0.1:6];
octave:3> u(1) = 1.0;
octave:4> for i = 1:60
> k1 = f(t(i),u(i));
> k2 = f(t(i)+0.05,u(i)+0.05*k1);
> k3 = f(t(i)+0.05,u(i)+0.05*k2);
> k4 = f(t(i)+0.1,u(i)+0.1*k3);
> u(i+1) = u(i) + (0.1/6)*(k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4);
> endfor

Dan Sloughter (Furman University) Mathematics 22: Lecture 11 January 25, 2008 7 / 11
Using Octave

I Runge-Kutta in Octave:
octave:1> function w = f(t,u)
> w = u*cos(t);
> endfunction
octave:2> t = [0:0.1:6];
octave:3> u(1) = 1.0;
octave:4> for i = 1:60
> k1 = f(t(i),u(i));
> k2 = f(t(i)+0.05,u(i)+0.05*k1);
> k3 = f(t(i)+0.05,u(i)+0.05*k2);
> k4 = f(t(i)+0.1,u(i)+0.1*k3);
> u(i+1) = u(i) + (0.1/6)*(k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4);
> endfor
I Note: u(6) u60 = 0.75623, which is exact to 5 decimal places.

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Using Octave (contd)
I Comparison of exact (green) and approximate (red) solutions:

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Octave: lsode

I The following commands use the built-in Octave function lsode to

solve our equation:
octave:1> function w = f(u, t)
> w = u*cos(t);
> endfunction
octave:2> t = [0:0.1:6];
octave:3> u = lsode("f",1.0,t);

Dan Sloughter (Furman University) Mathematics 22: Lecture 11 January 25, 2008 9 / 11
Octave: lsode

I The following commands use the built-in Octave function lsode to

solve our equation:
octave:1> function w = f(u, t)
> w = u*cos(t);
> endfunction
octave:2> t = [0:0.1:6];
octave:3> u = lsode("f",1.0,t);
I Note: u and t are reversed in the definition of f from our notation.

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lsode (contd)

I The method used by Octave is an adaptive step-size method.

Dan Sloughter (Furman University) Mathematics 22: Lecture 11 January 25, 2008 10 / 11
lsode (contd)

I The method used by Octave is an adaptive step-size method.

I That is, the actual step-size (value of h) used varies as the integration
proceeds based on the behavior of the function.

Dan Sloughter (Furman University) Mathematics 22: Lecture 11 January 25, 2008 10 / 11
lsode (contd)

I The method used by Octave is an adaptive step-size method.

I That is, the actual step-size (value of h) used varies as the integration
proceeds based on the behavior of the function.
I In particular, the values in the t vector do not determine the step size,
but are there only for evaluation and plotting purposes.

Dan Sloughter (Furman University) Mathematics 22: Lecture 11 January 25, 2008 10 / 11
lsode (contd)

I The method used by Octave is an adaptive step-size method.

I That is, the actual step-size (value of h) used varies as the integration
proceeds based on the behavior of the function.
I In particular, the values in the t vector do not determine the step size,
but are there only for evaluation and plotting purposes.
I In particular, if one only wanted to know u(6), t could be specified by
t = [0:6:6], in which case u(2) is the approximation to u(6).

Dan Sloughter (Furman University) Mathematics 22: Lecture 11 January 25, 2008 10 / 11
lsode (contd)

I The method used by Octave is an adaptive step-size method.

I That is, the actual step-size (value of h) used varies as the integration
proceeds based on the behavior of the function.
I In particular, the values in the t vector do not determine the step size,
but are there only for evaluation and plotting purposes.
I In particular, if one only wanted to know u(6), t could be specified by
t = [0:6:6], in which case u(2) is the approximation to u(6).
I Or, we could just use u = lsode("f",1.0,[0 6]); to perform the

Dan Sloughter (Furman University) Mathematics 22: Lecture 11 January 25, 2008 10 / 11
Runge-Kutta in Maxima

I To approximate a solution in Maxima using Runge-Kutta:

Dan Sloughter (Furman University) Mathematics 22: Lecture 11 January 25, 2008 11 / 11
Runge-Kutta in Maxima

I To approximate a solution in Maxima using Runge-Kutta:

I load("dynamics")

Dan Sloughter (Furman University) Mathematics 22: Lecture 11 January 25, 2008 11 / 11
Runge-Kutta in Maxima

I To approximate a solution in Maxima using Runge-Kutta:

I load("dynamics")
I u:rk(u*cos(t),u,1.0,[t,0,6,0.1])$

Dan Sloughter (Furman University) Mathematics 22: Lecture 11 January 25, 2008 11 / 11
Runge-Kutta in Maxima

I To approximate a solution in Maxima using Runge-Kutta:

I load("dynamics")
I u:rk(u*cos(t),u,1.0,[t,0,6,0.1])$
I The resulting ordered pairs are in the variable u.

Dan Sloughter (Furman University) Mathematics 22: Lecture 11 January 25, 2008 11 / 11
Runge-Kutta in Maxima

I To approximate a solution in Maxima using Runge-Kutta:

I load("dynamics")
I u:rk(u*cos(t),u,1.0,[t,0,6,0.1])$
I The resulting ordered pairs are in the variable u.
I To plot the result: wxplot2d([discrete,u])
I Note: In the lab use, plot2d([discrete,u])

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