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Nr. 21-22 2009

E S---
Academy), FLORIN CONSTANTINIU (Romanian Academy), CRISTIA N PREDA (University
of Bucharest), LAURENTIU VLAD (University of Buc harest) , VLADIMIR OSIAC (University
of Craiova), C TLIN BORDEIA NU (Petre A ndrei U niversity of Iai)

R D---
Preside nt of th e Acad em y of the Rep ublic of M oldavia
Sen ior Fell o w, F orei gn P olicy Resea rch I nstitute , C o- Cha ir ma n , FP RI s Ce nter o n
Terr oris m, Cou nter -Te rro rism an d Homela nd Sec urity , P hiladelp hia, U SA
Profess or , U niversit y de Jer usalem , Israel
Preside nt , Ce nter fo r Mo nitori ng t he Impact of Peace (CMIP )
Profess or , U niversit y of T rieste , Ital y
Profess or , U niversit y Francisco d e Vit oria, Ma drid , Spain
Profess or , U niversit y of Malta
Wadha m Colle ge , Oxf ord , Great B ritain
Profess or , U niversit y of Novi Sad , Ser bia
Preside nt , Ar gos Ce nter fo r O pen Dialogue, Novi Sa d, Se rbia
Preside nt , Liber tateaPublis hin g Hous e, Novi Sad , Serbia
Senior Ec onomist, Vie nna In stitute fo r I nte rnatio nal E cono mic Stu dies (W IIW )
Profess or , Depa rtme nt of Political Science , U niver sity of Mia mi, USA

R D---
Editor in chief: AUREL P IURC
Deputy editor in chief: IO N DEA CO NESCU

T E ooofff ttthhheee E
Revista de Stiinte Polit ice. Revue des Sciences Polit iq ues was evaluated and authorized by the
National Council of Scient ific Research in Superior Education (CNCSIS) i n the B+ category
periodical publications i ndexed in internati onal databases (May 2009) Revista de Stiinte Politice.
Revue des Sciences Politiques is indexed by Proquest, Index Copernicus, Georgetown University
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University of Craiova, 13 A. I. Cuza Street, Craiova, 200585, Dolj, Romania, Tel/Fax: +40251418515.

2009- Editura Universitaria

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ISSN: 1584-224X
University of Craiova Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities Political Science Department



Aurel PIURC, Romanian education system and national minorities in the

interwar period
Marusia CRSTEA, Romanian Kings official visits to London 16
Antonio MOMOC, Radical and moderate political groups in the Sociology
School of Bucharest 21
Mihaela Camelia BUZATU, Anul 1938 i nfiinarea Frontului Renaterii
Naionale context european i context naional
Cosmin Lucian GHERGHE, Planul Marshall i consecinele sale pentru Europa 32
Ionu ERBAN, Florian OLTEANU, The birth of EU. Historiographical and
political aspects regarding the period 1945-1970
Mihai GHIULESCU, De la internaionalismul socialist la naional-comunism.
Despre metamorfozele ideii naionale n Romnia comunist


Mircea CRISTE, Il y a 20 ans (Un panorama constitutionnaliste de la

rvolution roumaine)
Anca Parmena OLIMID, Supradimensionarea i disproporionalitatea legislativ.
Uninominalul, reform electoral sau miz politic? 66
Ctlina Maria GEORGESCU, Political control, public organizations recruitment
and selection policies and the New Public Management 73
Gheorghe PRVU, Ramona GRUESCU, Roxana NANU, Structural Modifications in the
Romanian Economy under the Coercions Imposed by the Growth of the 81

E S???

Michael RADU, How to Kill Civilians in the Name of Human Rights:

Lessons from Sri Lanka
Ion DEACONESCU, Mihai Ovidiu CERCEL, Statul independent Kosovo cui
Cezar AVRAM, Roxana RADU, Drepturile socio-economice ale cetenilor
Ctlina Maria GEORGESCU, EU competences in the field of public
administration of Member States and Candidate Countries
Mihai Alexandru COSTESCU, Olga COSTESCU, Management of public
institutions changes in the European Union integration

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
University of Craiova Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities Political Science Department

Mackubin Thomas OWENS, The Bush Doctrine: The Foreign Policy of

Republican Empire
Anca Parmena OLIMID, Learning from the Obama Campaign: reply to W.
Frederick Zimmerman (A historical and political lesson plan)
June Teufel DREYER, Chinas Power and Will: The PRCs Military Strength
and Grand Strategy
Shelley RIGGER, Taiwans Presidential and Legislative Elections 155
Petru Sorin DRGUIN, The National State and Global Politics 166
Irina Olivia POPESCU, Uniformizarea legislaiei la nivel european. Studiu
comparativ privind eroarea ca viciu de consimmnt n reglementrile 173
Statelor Membre
Radu RIZA, Doctrina suveranitii juridice ntre sincronie i diacronie 179
Alexandru ERBAN, Silviu Gabriel BARBU, Legislaie i jurispruden
european. Analiz comparativ privind perchetiia ca msur procesual 183
penal consacrat n Constituie i practica Curii Europene a Drepturilor
Omului i a Curii Europene de Justiie
Irina Olivia POPESCU, Libera circulaie n Uniunea European. Viziunea
reformatoare a Anteproiectului de Cod European al Contractelor n materia 189
nulitii actului juridic

Snejana POPOVA, Discours mdiatiques sur limmigration (Etude compare de
la presse bulgare et franaise) 194

Xenia NEGREA, Techniques of rendering speech credible in todays Romanian

press. Case Study
Davian VLAD, The Main Music Radio Formats in Romania Today 219

Vasile Boari un vizionar european (Aurel Piurc) 226
Economia barbar i actuala criz mondial (Mihai Ovidiu Cercel) 228

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009

Romanian education system and national

minorities in the interwar period


Abstract: The article is structured into two parts: in the first part the
author makes some theoretical conceptual specification on minorities,
ethnical minority, minority of language, race and religion and
national minority. In the second part the author highlights and
analyzes some of the issues of the relation between the Romanian
education system during the interwar period and national minorities
from Transylvania.
Keywords: national minorities, inter-ethnic relations, education system,
confessional education, Romanianization, Hungarianization.

inorities issues, no matter their including the present type of human
nature or historical period, have development.
constituted a theme with a large Most of the dictionaries, studies,
audience and public debate, with multiple papers define the minority as the smallest
implications for the political life and social number or part from a collectivity1. In
practice. One can discuss on the presence relation to the majority, the minority group
of ethnic, linguistic, religious minority groups is in a position of numeric inferiority and
even from the antiquity, perpetuating till from this its social, political, cultural, of
the present moment. Since the establishment statute and social role. The determining,
of the national state, during the modern discriminating element is of a quantitative,
period, national minorities have been numeric nature, and in no instance of
appeared, fact which would amplify and qualitative nature or value.
tense the communities social life, both In the sociologic sense, the majority is
internally and internationally. Today one a segment of the population which exceeds
can speak of a great diversity of minorities, all the other segments2.
cultural, sexual, racial groups, immigrants The notions of ethnic minority,
or the Roma. language, race and identity minority,
In one form or another, ethnic and and national minority were used having
national minorities have been present during the same meaning and value for a very long
the whole history, representing important time, their meaning not being completely
components of any social community, cleared up even today. Understanding the
issue of national minorities in the

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Aurel Piurc

contemporary period requires some well as the states and political officials of
theoretical, conceptual specifications. Ethnic the time.
minority is a notion characterising the pre- The concept of national minority
national period, its members being united was used for the first time by C. A.
through a commune descendant given by Macartney in the interwar period. He tried
the same language, way of living, tra- to apply this concept to the new state-
ditions, behaviour, religious belief, culture. nation realities which were constituted in
This concept highlights the cultural com- Europe after the First World War. National
ponents which render the group the feeling minorities were circumscribed both to the
of belonging and that of being different state and to majority nations.
from the majority, which determines them During the post-war period of the
to make social, political, cultural claims that 1970s Francesco Copatari would try to
would make them equal to the majority, or define national minorities, viewed by him
to benefit from a special treatment based as a numerically inferior group to the rest
on the recognition of the autonomy, and, of a states population, in a non-dominant
in extreme cases, on separation. position, whose state-obedient members
The concept of language, racial and share, from an ethnic, religious or linguistic
religious minority was used during the point of view, characteristics which
writing of the Peace Treaties of Paris, during differentiate it from the rest of the population
1919-1920, and was also adopted by the and who manifest, in an implicit manner, a
League of Nations. An attempt to define feeling of solidarity which allows it to keep
the concept was made by Helmes Rosting, its culture, tradition, religion or language5.
who defined it as those groups of persons More clearly, complete definitions and
who differ through race, religion or which apply to the new contemporary
language from the majority of a countrys realities of national minorities are found in
inhabitants3. The respective definition does the documents of the Council of Europe.
not accomplish a new and consistent National minorities are conceived as: groups
approach of the concept of minority, the of persons from a state who own the states
latter being imposed rather form political citizenship, have and use the language of
necessities, necessary in order to draw up the majority in a certain manner, have their
the peace treaties. Moreover, even from 1922, own cultural, linguistic, religious identity,
Jacques Duparc, referring to the definition which they conserve, take part to the political
of the concept of minority, appreciated that life of the respective state through their
it is an abstract notion which does not own organizations and bodies, but also
imply the existence of determinant features, through the organizations and bodies of
but a juridical relation, whose meanings the state they belong to, trying to promote,
varied within a certain poque and within through dialogue, political way, and, in
a certain geographical area4. extreme situations, through other means,
Rastings definition, although it does their own interests, aspirations, which, in
not have in view elements belonging to most of the situations, coincide to those of
national minorities as imposed by the the majority; are integrated and loyal to the
national state, has the merit of including state they belong to; share the same rights and
the notions of language, race and religion, freedoms with the majority population.
ancient elements of distinction and exem- A radically changed, special situation
plification of ethnic groups and whom all of the relation between majority and national
local communities took into account, as minorities exists in the European Union. It
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Romanian education system and national minorities in the interwar period

mostly blurred the tensions and conflicts among which Romania and the issue of
between majority and minorities through national minority existing before the war
the newly created framework and gave a or appeared following the drawing of the
highly different meaning to the relations new European political map. From huma-
between them, determined by a series of nitarian, democratic principles, in order to
measures: the abolition of national borders, solve the new European political reality, to
free movement of persons, the possibility prevent the possible conflicts, abuses of
to work and establish the place of residence the majority against the minority, to
in any part of the EU, to participate in the obviate the arguments among the states
social-political life of the residing community, which had national minorities and the
to be represented, single currency, common latters mother-states, the political and
Community institutions. The European Union diplomatic world of the great European
turned motherlands of EU states into the powers tried to offer protection to national
motherland of the states. Many of the minorities through international treaties,
causes which generated and fuelled conflicts, putting them under the League of Nations
tensions between the majorities and guarantee. The independence of the states
minorities have vanished or do not find succeeding the Austrian-Hungarian Empire,
their place within the new reality and among which was Romania, was conditioned,
social-political organization. Through the along with the signing of the Peace Treaty,
creation of the European citizenship the by the signing of a Treaty of the Minorities
differences between majority and minority through which they bound themselves to
tend to wipe out and the possible harshness ensure minorities equal treatment to that of the
between them tends to disappear. Under majority. Such a measure lead to different
no circumstance are they perceived anymore, reactions among the succeeding states which
or understood according to their ancient were forced to sign it, Romania having the
meanings. On the contrary, in some EU most visible reaction of opposition to it.
Member States, minority groups tend to get Prime-Minister Ionel Brtianu claimed that,
a different meaning, that is of immigrant as regards Romania, the minorities issue
groups which are constituted of Community was solved as the latter had equal rights to
non-citizens, distinct both from the majority the majority. Being pre-occupied with
and from national minorities, and have as rendering full independence and sovereignty
purpose to acquire the status of Community to Romania, of stating equal principles and
citizen and all that the latter implies and applicable to all Member States of the
devolves upon somebody. League of Nations, the Romanian prime-
For the first time, ethnic minorities of minister highlighted: Romania would not
language, race and religion have become a admit a special treatment that does not
social and political issue, transferring also apply to all other sovereign states no
in the field of international relations, since matter their size and position, as in such
the signing of the Peace Treaties of Paris matters there are no great and small states,
(1919-1920). The Peace Conference should states that would subject to the first we
have found the answer and solutions for understand to have here within the kingdom,
the new political reality which appeared as much freedom and independence as in
following the First World War through the any other great sovereign authority6.
disappearance of two empires and the Ionel Brtianu was against the
establishment of new national states or the encroachment of other states, including the
perfection of national unity by others, League of Nations, in solving the national

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Aurel Piurc

minorities issues as such interference is to documents referring to race, language and

the prejudice of the minority itself, because religion minorities.
it can cause problems in their relations to The minorities issue is linked to inter-
the majority of citizens of the respective ethnical relations which are one of the
state when internal laws equally justify all most delicate and sensitive spheres of the
citizens, both minorities and majority, they social life, especially in the situation
recognize the state which they belong to as characterising Romania following the Great
their natural protector, their unique support7 Union.
with such conviction and for these serious The relation between national minorities
motives we cannot admit a treaty that would of Romania during the interwar period and
impose control from abroad and which the education system, understood both as a
would invite some Romanian citizens to general process and as language of un-
go against their state and which would put folding, held an especially important place
us in an inferior international situation, in a in the social life. The education system, the
situation incompatible to the dignity we principles, values and language in which it
claim for our state8 the Romanian prime- unfolded can have a contradictory action
minister argued referring to the signing of in relation to minorities. On the one hand,
the Treaty of the Minorities. education in the maternal language constituted
The great powers of the time, Great a component, an essential means in preser-
Britain, France, the United States reacted ving its national identity, in individualising
harshly to such a position and, by coming them. In return, the absolutization of edu-
to threats and blackmail, would determine cation in the minorities maternal language
Ionel Brtianu to leave the Peace Conference can give birth to a discrimination process,
proclaiming the resistance policy. Such of social inequality with the majority, can
a situation was viewed and interpreted lead to their isolation and marginalization,
differently by the Romanian political class, to the impossibility of their participating to
the opposition accusing him of lack of the social life, to the promotion of their
political and diplomatic tact, of putting in own aspirations and ideals, to showing
danger the relations with the great powers, their own human fund to advantage. Such
with his own allies and supporters of the a policy can lead to the appearance of
Great Union. In such a situation, Ionel tensions and animosities between majority
Brtianu quit. Encouraged by the attitude and minorities, to the annulment of dialogue
of some successor states of the empire and communication, to social and ethnic
such as Poland, which on July 26th, 1919 conflicts.
signed with no reserves the Treaty of the In the field of education, a multitude
Minorities, the Leagues Supreme Council, of problems stood before the united
which managed the minorities issue, without Romania. Romanian authorities wished to
taking into account any proposition and make out of education an element of unity,
promoting its own politics, decided to sign of liaison of the newly established state, of
the Treaty on September 10th, 1919, putting dialogue and communication with all its
Romania and other successor states before citizens, of putting the latter in state of
the completed fact. The new government equality in all the domains of social life.
led by Alexandru Vaida Voievod made a To such a policy one opposed that of the
simple formality by signing the Treaty on German minoritys leaders, but especially
December 9th, 1919, thus assuming the the Hungarians. Putting education under
the control of Romanian authorities and
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Romanian education system and national minorities in the interwar period

imposing the Romanian language meant The process of the unification of the
reducing their influence over a great mass education system unfolded with difficulty
of minorities, including the Hungarianized due to many causes:
Romanians before 1918, limiting or even - prior to 1923, there was no fundamental
removing some privileges at the level of act, a Constitution according to which
the local administration, subjecting to the new one accomplished a unitary, legitimate
legislation and regulations, removing some policy in the education system and
common law of the Hungarian aristocracy, which allowed the adoption of the new
limiting and controlling the irredentist politics laws and regulations. The Constitution of
promoted by Hungary with the support of 1866, in use, was completely obsolete,
Hungarian Transylvanian leaders. had no stipulations which would respond
The entire politics in the domain of to the new changes appeared in Romanias
national minorities promoted by Romania life after 1918;
during the interwar period, including in the - the powerful opposition to changes and
field of education, was based on the res- innovations sustained by the German
pect of the adopted programs during the minority leaders and especially Hungarian
unity meetings with Romania, of the Treaty who did not recognize the union and
of the Minorities signed in December wished to turn education into an element
1919. All national minorities were ensured of opposition, of counterpoint towards
primary, secondary, private, confessional the Romanian authorities;
or public education in their maternal - the political instability until 1924 had
language, thus having the possibility to ended since the beginning of the liberal
conserve their identity, cultural, linguistic, governance.
religious traditions. In order to put national As a consequence, until the adoption
minorities in a state of equality with the of the Constitution of 1923 and of the
majority and to ensure the dialogue and education laws of 1924, there was a period
communication with all their citizens, to of transition, of cohabitation of the edu-
remove any possibility of isolation, mar- cation systems form the Ancient Kingdom
ginalization one ensured the study of the with the ones from the united provinces.
Romanian language at all education cycles The unification of the education
and forms, still an aspect which gave birth system on the entire territory of Romania
to disputes and controversies in the rela- was a necessary process, a condition for
tions to the German and Hungarian minorities. strengthening and consolidating national
Following the accomplishment of the unity, a proof of imposing Romanian
Great Union, along with the other problems authority, the beginning of the creation of
of the social life, education raised a mul- modern education, destined to progress, a
titude of problems within the united provinces: right which originated in its independence
1. A first problem constituted in the and sovereignty.
creation of a unitary, laic, scientific, de- 2. A second problem was the diminish
mocratic education system, under the con- in the percentage of confessional education
trol and coordination of the state. Such a and the growth of the public, laic education,
measure was absolutely necessary as, being under the states control and coor-
following 1919, in the United Romania dination.
existed four systems of education from Mostly, education in Transylvania was
Austria, Hungary, Russia and the Ancient laic, as the Hungarian state used it in the
kingdom. de-nationalization politics carried against

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Aurel Piurc

national minorities, of Hungarianization, Romanian language in the study of some

of forming national consciousness. disciplines such as the Constitution, the
Besides public education, in Transylvania countrys history and geography, the study
there was also a powerful confessional of the Romanian language, its knowledge
(catholic, reformed, Unitarian) education, by the didactic personnel and taking all the
with a large autonomy, including in con- examinations of certification and promotion
ferring diplomas. As a reaction to the fact in the Romanian language, not financing
that public education passed under the state confessional schools etc.
control of the Romanian state authority, The measures taken by the authorities
German minorities, but mostly the Hungarian from Bucharest reached their purpose, the
ones, in their opposition and resistance number of confessional schools decreased,
towards the union act, in order to exit the confessional education entered under the
control and get rid of the new requests, control and coordination of the authorities,
would pass to the establishment of nu- it increased its scientific, laic content in the
merous confessional schools. detriment of the religious confessional one.
During the period 1919-1920 the 3. A third problem was represented by
number of confessional schools increased the imposition of the Romanian language
from 438 to 895. The numeric growth of in the entire education system, no matter its
confessional schools was determined by form, level, proportion of minorities, province.
other motives such as: the elusion of the This objective gave birth to a strong
use of the Romanian language which was controversy, opposition, protests among
not mandatory in confessional education; the leaders of the German and Hungarian
attracting pupils from other minorities, minority and the Romanian state. For the
including of the Hungarianized Romanians; two minorities from Transylvania, the
the association of education and religious Germans and the Hungarians, the purposes
freedom could be a motive of the clerics in and objectives followed through the oppo-
their protests both internally and inter- sition towards the imposition of the Romanian
nationally, religious freedom being a very language were different: the German minority
sensitive element and with high audience wished to keep its cultural, religious,
to the public opinion; the use of confessional national identity. In return, the leaders of
schools as centres of propaganda and anti- the Hungarian minority conferred it strong
Romanian agitation, in the accomplishment political connotations, turning it into a
of Hungarys irredentist policies. Because permanent motif of internal protest, but
of these, the Hungarian minority, mostly, mostly international. This is why the Hungarian
lead its children towards confessional edu- leaders spoke of the Romanian cultural
cation, turning roundabout the public one, offensive of de-nationalization, the peril
the Romanian state reacted towards the of minorities disappearance, Romania-
increase in the number of confessional nization etc.
schools through a series of measures: the The Romanian state, through the minis-
inclusion of confessional schools under the ters of education of the time, P.P. Negulescu
control of the education legislation adopted (1920-1921), but mostly C. Angelescu (1922-
after 1924; the interdiction of subscribing 1928, 1933-1937), considered that the
to these institutions of pupils of a different imposition, knowledge and use of the
religion and confession than that of the Romanian language in this important field
ethnic group that created and supported of the social life had as purpose the
them; the obligation of the use of the following: the consolidation of the Romanian
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Romanian education system and national minorities in the interwar period

national identity; the increase in the cohesion and agreement regarding the union with
of the Romanian people and of the act of Romania in 1918. Minorities assimilation
union; the unification and functioning of has become state politics during the
education at the level of the entire country; governments of Tisza Klnean, Banffy
ensuring equality and possibilities of Dezso and Tisza Istvan. School and its
affirmation of all its citizens, no matter the institutions were politicized, especially
nationality, means of dialogue, communication during Minister Albert Apponyi, having as
and participation in the social life of all purpose the creation of the Hungarian
Romanian citizens; the diminish in the unitary nation, of Hungarian conscience
possibilities of using propaganda materials and identity which were based on the idea
having irredentist purposes coming from of Hungarian citizenship according to
Hungary and having access to the great mass which all individuals, no matter their
of Hungarians; ceasing the process of ethnicity, compulsorily belong as citizens
Hungarianization of Romanians from the to the unitary Hungarian nation.
areas in which they were minorities and Following the union, under the cir-
bringing them back to the Romanian nation. cumstances in which public education entered
There were multiple and diverse under the control and administration of
protests, such as: the refusal to subscribe Romanian authorities, the opposition of
their children to public education; protests the Hungarian leaders used confessional
addressed to local, county, central authorities, education as a means of political struggle,
including the Parliament and the League of of propagating the revisionist and
Nations; postponing within the Parliament irredentist politics of Hungary, and anti-
the adoption of the education laws, by the Romanian politics.
minorities representatives, and also their Under the protection of religious
application, demanding for longer terms freedom, confessional schools turned into
for the learning of the Romanian language propaganda centres and anti-Romanian subversive
or for its use in education and admi- actions, of stocking and spreading ire-
nistration. dentist materials coming from Hungary, of
4. The fourth issue, in close connection avoiding the control by and contacts with
to the imposition of the Romanian language Romanian authorities and their policies, of
was the de-politicization of education. civic and political insubordination.
During the whole period of dualism, Through the education laws created
the Hungarian kingdom had as main starting with 1924, the law of public,
objective towards minorities their de- private, confessional education, of the
nationalization, their Hungarianization. In school-leaving examination, the Bucharest
this sense, it used politics and imple- authorities have been preoccupied with eli-
mented it in all domains of the social life, minating politics from the education system,
including in that of education. No matter with maintaining it outside its perimeter of
its nature, either public, private or con- action, as it had been established through
fessional, education was used as a means the Peace Treaty of Paris and the Treaty of
in the policy of de-nationalization especially the Minorities.
of the Romanians from Transylvania, as The problem of the education system
they formed the majority, also being its from Great Romania and national mino-
first and oldest inhabitants, but also of the rities, especially the Hungarian one from
Szecklers, Swabians, Saxons of Transylvania. Ardeal during the interwar period has
That is how we could explain their support given birth to acute disputes, protests,

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Aurel Piurc

tensions and crises, mostly determined by the - the lack of efficient communication
political opposition of the Transylvanian between central and local authorities de-
Hungarian leaders who did not recognized termined by the lack of qualified
the union, by the revisionist irredentist personnel, of administrative experience
politics fuelled and supported by Hungary, and science, by the opposition of the
but also by some subjective and objective leaders of the Hungarian minority and
causes which were linked to the Romanian even Romanian;
politics itself towards minorities, such as: - psychological, moral factors which acted
- the lack of experience as regards mi- not only with the minorities, especially
norities politics of the governance from the Hungarian one, but also with the
Bucharest which had not encountered Romanian nation. Temporally, psychically,
such an issue within the Ancient morally, but especially politically, the
Kingdom; Transylvanian Hungarian minority did
- the tensed situation between Romania not wish, nor was it able to accept the
and Hungary during 1919 and 1920 which new social-political situation. From a
generated and fuelled the opposition of dominant, all-ruling nation, following the
Transylvanian Hungarian leaders towards union, it woke up as a minority, turned
Romanian authorities; into equal to those whom it had ex-
- the contradiction between the policy of ploited and despised. Through their leaders,
centralisation promoted by the liberal the Transylvanian Hungarians considered
governance, adept of a centralised, strong themselves to be the successors of the
and unitary state and the policy of local, Hungarian state, thus wishing to preserve
regional autonomy wished and promoted its old political, social and economic
by minorities, especially the German status, they considered themselves to be
and Hungarian ones, whose interests and a governing party, at least equal to the
privileges were directly affected by the Romanian state. Placed before the new
centralised policy; political reality, they refused to accept it,
- the lack of unity of the Romanian po- it became opposed with or without
litical class towards the policy that motives, being manoeuvred by Hungary
would be applied as regards the united in its revisionist policies.
provinces. For instance, the leaders of To this was added the presence and
the National Peasant Party, especially action of strong international laic, political,
the Transylvanian group, were adepts of ecclesiastic centres of Hungarian ethnicity
the policy of local autonomy, which was that encouraged and financed the opposition
also promoted by the minorities. Such a and secessionist tendencies of the Hun-
policy had its reasons in their state of garians within the area, including from
opposition to the liberals, in their desire Ardeal.
to keep Transylvania and its provinces One must also have in view the psychic
within their political-electoral pool. and moral pressures that the Romanian
Local autonomy, many times understood central and local authorities were subjected
as a culture, would bring both Transyl- to from the part of an important segment
vanian political leaders and those of of the public opinion, of the Transylvanian
national minorities the maintenance of Romanians who demanded satisfaction as
old privileges, economic and political they had been underestimated, offended,
interests; de-nationalized for ages, politics which in
many areas continued to be performed
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Romanian education system and national minorities in the interwar period

towards them. Thus they demanded a firm, realist, balanced, lacking excessive nation-
more authoritarian behaviour towards the nalism, chauvinism, or with revanchist
politics of insubordination and that of not- objectives.
recognizing the union promoted by the
Hungarian leaders and Hungarys revisionist Notes
politics. Dicionar politic, Editura politic, Bucureti,
Furthermore, one must not neglect the 1975, p. 362.
pressure exerted by the League of Nations Anthony Giddens, Sociologie, Bucureti,
which had assumed the role as warrant of Editura Bic All, 1997, p. 197.
Helmes Rasting, Protection of the minorities of
representing minorities rights. During the
the League of Nations in The American Journal
interwar period Romanian authorities had of International Law, vol. 17, 1923, p. 641.
to accept negotiations, suggestions from 4
Apud Adrian Ivan, Stat, majoritate, minoritate
the part of the commissioners of the naional n Romnia (1918-1939), Editura
League on the problems of minorities, Eikon, Cluj-Napoca, p. 86.
including compromises in the drawing up Apud A. Ivan, op. cit., p. 95.
of certain laws regarding minorities. Sabin Cantacuzino, Din viaa familiei Brtianu,
In spite of all the burdens and the Editura Albatros, Bucureti, 1993, p. 212.
opposition with which they came against, Ibidem, p. 213.
in spite of the existing imperfections, po- Ibidem, p. 215.
litics in the field of education and
instruction, in general, and the one related
to minorities, in particular, had many and
significant accomplishments: education in
the entire Great Romania was unified and
made uniform; a modern, laic, scientific,
de-politicized education was created, laid
under the control and guidance of the state;
numerous schools were created, and also
cultural establishments and institutions which
have contributed to reducing analphabetism,
to restoring the possibility that de-natio-
nalized Romanians could re-gain their
national language; through the introduction
of the compulsoriness of the Romanian
language one created equal possibilities for
representation and participation to the
social-political life of the country to all
citizens no matter the ethnicity, race or
nation. Moreover, one also created the
means of dialogue, communication between
minorities and Romanian authorities, mi-
norities and the Romanian people. In spite
of all the shortcomings, the un-fulfilments,
loopholes, Romanias policy in the field of
national minorities during the interwar
period was considered as one of the most

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009

Romanian Kings official visits to London

Marusia CRSTEA

Abstract: Within the interwar period, the Romanian diplomacy has

always followed the consolidation of the relationships with the great
European powers. In this context, a series of Romanian diplomats
Nicolae Titulescu, Take Ionescu, Grigore Gafencu, Victor Antonescu
have tried to intensify the diplomatic, economic and military
relations with Great Britain. Moreover, during 1924, 1936, 1938, the
Romanian sovereigns Ferdinand and Charles II have paid official
visits that contributed to a better knowledge of the two parties as
regards the bilateral and also international relations. One must
reveal that the press of the time has highlighted in highly-praised
terms the relations between the two monarchies noticing the
importance of the discussions between the delegations of the two
Keywords: monarchy, international relations, economic interests,
official visit, diplomatic instruments.

fter the First World War, Romanian in London (December 1921 July 1927
diplomacy considered three directions: and August 1928 October 1932) brought
strengthening ties with the Great his contribution to strengthening bilateral
Powers that had been allied during the English-Romanian relation3. From the very
war, maintaining good relations with beginning, Nicolae Titulescu and Take
neighbours, and developing relations with Ionescus support, who spotted, among the
all countries, both neuter and hostile1. first, the importance Great Britain played
When World War I finished, Great in international relations evolution, thinking
Britain, advocate of an isolationist policy, that London is a first rank outpost4.
ceased to maintain any engagement of Titulescus activity in Great Britains
political or military support for Romania. capital was unanimously appreciated in
Thats why the Romanian diplomats efforts British diplomatic circles. His first attempts
Take Ionescu, Nicolae Titulescu, Grigore in his diplomatic activity there show he
Gafencu, Victor Antonescu and others was prove to set as a basic for the future
were directed towards amplifying diplomatic, cooperation, the feeling of complete trust.
economic and military relations with Great Consequently he stated that the only thing
Britain2. Nicolae Titulescu, accredited minister I can do to please the English people is to

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Romanian Kings official visits to London

tell the truth, reserving himself, at the assume new obligations. Nicolae Titulescu
same time, the right of asking to be told was to promptly criticize this attitude: this
only the truth about Romania5. way, Britain exposed all the borders of
Nicolae Titulescu was preoccupied with Eastern and Central Europe by saying it
two great problems: the former was about did not guarantee them7. In the year to
settling the economic and financial relation come, though political relations between
within a normal frame, by solving Great Britain and Romania were not very
litigations coming from previous times, close, the two countries established many
such as: war debts, compensations for contacts and ties, at several levels, due to
destroying the oil fields, concluding a new their participation in debating and
trade treaty that might better respond to the attempting to solving the problems of
changes in international economic life and international life in the year of the world
better protect bilateral interests; the latter economic crash, facing similar problems8.
was observing the Peace treaties which Towards the end of the fourth decade
established the Romanian Great Union in international relations were influenced by:
1918. the aggressive policy of fascist countries,
An important role in developing bi- which encouraged revisionism, aimed at
lateral relations was played by the visit of the territorial integrity, political independence
the Romanian king to London in 1924. and national sovereignty of certain states; a
Prepared by Nicolae Titulescu, King deepening of contradictions between the
Ferdinands presence, accompanied by the Great Powers which exerted a strong
foreign affairs minister I. Gh. Duca, brought pressure on the international life as a whole;
about many contacts which were a total a policy of concession and compromise of
success, a point of view unanimously the occidental powers with the aggressors9.
shared by the British press6. On this King Carol II, together with Nicolae
occasion, the British officials re-affirmed Titulescu, Army General Paul Angelescu,
their support for Romanias territorial the army minister, and Alexandru Lapedatu,
integrity and dealt with the commercial the minister of arts and worship, visited
and financial relations of the two countries London at the beginning of 1936, on the
that were topical at the time. Unfor- occasion of the funerals of King George
tunately, the British government did not V. It was then that Nicolae Titulescu was
keep up the same attitude of unconditional received in audience by King Edward of
support for Romania. An obvious example Great Britain and had meetings with
is the Locarno Treaty in 1925, which Baldwin and Austen Chamberlain, while
referred exclusively to the borders King Carol received in audience Vansittart,
between France and Belgium on the one Foreign Office vice-secretary, Lord Tyrerr,
hand, and Germany, on the other hand. ex-ambassador of Great Britain in Paris,
The treaty did not stipulate any British and invited to dine their excellencies Eden,
guarantees for the eastern borders. Thus, the Foreign Affairs minister, Neville
Neville Chamberlain was declaring in the Chamberlain, the Exchequer, Baldwin, the
House of Commons: Any new commitment Prime Minister, and Austin Chamberlain,
contracted by His Majestys Government ex Foreign Affairs minister. One of the
must be specific and limit itself to problems they tackled was the return of
maintaining the existing territorial statute the Habsburgs on Austrias throne.
on the western border of Germany. His Nicolae Titulescu explained to the King of
Majestys Government is not willing to Great Britain the reasons why the Little

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Marusia Crstea

Entente was against the Habsburgs return, delegations. So, the newspaper Gazeta
succeeding to convince the British leaders Polska underlined in November 13th 1938
to suggest it to Prince Starhemberg, who that Romania, which in September and
was then in London10. October [1938] was more of a witness to
The relations between Great Britain events happening on its western border,
and Romania were very close between comes out of its reserve consciously imposed.
1936-1937. Victor Antonescu, Nicolae The position of passive observer consequently
Titulescus successor, met Sir Anthony preserved lately by Bucharest, was the
Eden, Secretary of State on the Foreign result of the conviction that Bucharest
Office in Geneva on September 26th, 1936, cannot exert a real influence on changes in
in order to assure him he would continue Central Europe, even if they concerned
Nicolae Titulescus policy but not so directly the Romanian interests. That
brilliantly or passionately, although, he happened because the only diplomatic
continued, his countrys foreign policy instrument which could be practically
would be based on the friendship with used, the Little Entente, had been useless
France and Great Britain11. for a long time, and its futility became
In the following months, Victor obvious the moment we knew England
Antonescu approached the problem of and France had no intention of engaging in
relations with Great Britain, insisting that the Czeck matter Only now Romania
they continue to be excellent12. chooses the diplomatic action which we
In 1937 the Romanian officials re- defined as an assembly of elements for the
affirmed Bucharests wish to create a new future action13, and, in this context, king
framework for the relations with Great Carols visit to London would favour political
Britain. This was confirmed by Victor talks whose aim, from a Romanian view-
Antonescu in his talks with Eden at point, would certainly be the examining
Geneva and London in January and April whether and how much Britain wished to
1937. In his turn, Carol II thrice repeated actively imply itself in the Balkans in the
his wish of amplifying British-Romanian near future.
relations. If London did not show any
In 1938, between the 15th and 18th of enthusiasm in this direction, the tendencies
November, Carol II paid a visit to Great of getting closer to Germany, especially
Britain, accompanied by Ernest Urdreanu, economically, would automatically grow14.
I.V. Strcea, marshall C. Flondor, General During the talks between Carol II and
G. Mihail, N. Petrescu, C. Cesianu, I. Radu Chamberlain, the latter said that Romanias
and M. Mihilescu. geo-political position seemed inevitably
King Carol II, together with Prince closer to Germany from an economic
Mihai and his suite, left the country on point of view, but that it did not mean that
November 13th 1938. On November 15th, the British Government was not interested
Carol II was welcomed by King George in any commercial possibilities that could
VI and his brother the Duke of Gloucester, be effected, and assured him that the
by Neville Chamberlain, Lord Halifax and rumour, spread in German circles, about
others. his agreeing in Munich that Hitler could
The media of the time largely rendered treat Central and South-Eastern Europe as
both the preparation and the visit of Carol a space reserved for the German mo-
II to Great Britain, pointing out the nopoly, was not true.
importance of the talks between the two
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Romanian Kings official visits to London

The English press also underlined the lines; he remarked that the British
fact that, following the visit, Romania government had already shown that it was
will receive financial aid from England, interested in an economic co-operation with
which will enable her to oppose to the Romania, by the act that it had purchased
growing German expansion. It will be a 200,000 t of Romanian wheat. King Carols
new English attempt aiming at maintaining talks with Prime Minister Chamberlain, no
its influence in South-Eastern Europe15. doubt contributed to a better knowledge of
Other newspapers and magazines of the the two sides position in the tackled pro-
time emphasized the main discussion themes blems, showing that, due to its Munich policy,
between Great Britain and Romania. The the British Government evaded widening
Polish newspaper Coniec Warszawski, the British Romanian collaboration.
on November 15th 1938, considered that But, the two governments avoided
the visit of King Carol II to London will making any commitment, which meant, in
contribute a great deal to clarifying the fact, that Romania could not count on the
state of the Danube basin. support of Great Britain or France. Even
After Czechoslovakias division, after though the visits were practically a failure,
weakening the French influence and the media in the country presented them as
disappearance of the Little Entente, after successes. They were broadcast live on the
Hungarys enlargement and strengthening radio, and the press could not find the right
of the German, Italian and Polish influence, words to praise Carol II, a great political
the state of the Danube basin has not yet man of Europe, respected both by the
crystallized. Until now, we do not know visited peoples and by their leaders. All the
what political factors, will prevail and papers in Bucharest commented in
what the Danube states orientation will eulogistic terms Carols visit. For instance,
be. Added to all these, is the problem of ndreptarea17 newspaper marked the
sub-Carpathian Russia, which interests not importance of the meetings in London and
only Hungary, Poland and Czechoslovakia stated that they will create a cordial
but also Romania. Most certainly these British-Romanian Convention, that Great
problems will constitute the object of the Britains interest in Romania increased, so
British-Romanian talks. In fact, the English that an English character could say that
invested great capitals in Romania and it is the border of English Indies lie on the
impossible that they are not interested in Carpathians, while Universul emphasized
the Romanian problems16. the enthusiasm of the British people
Concluding the talks, King Carol II opinion and showed that the visit is
reviewed the main economic proposals more meaningful than thought, Romanias
made by the Romanian government to the role being of utmost importance in the
British government: the nautical base on given situation18. The fact that the king
Lake Tasaul; developing the commercial received the Order of the Garter, the
navy on the Danube; lumber and silos. highest British decoration, was appreciated
Chamberlain promised that the British by the press in Romania as the clearest
government would examine the Romanian proof of the fact that the sovereign was
suggestions as presented by the king and considered one of the most prominent
declared that he would be very content if, personalities of the time. Carol II was to
following the examination, they would appreciate that a peace which was to
come to the conclusion that it was possible culminate with the Munich shame, could
to undertake some action on the proposed

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Marusia Crstea

throw us, willy-nilly, under the German Gheorghe Buzatu, coordinator, Titulescu i
influence19. strategia pcii, Iai, Editura Junimea, 1981, p. 379.
The evolution of international life Constantin Vlad, Diplomaia secolului XX,
between 1936 and 1939 determined a change Bucharest, Titulescu European Foundation,
2006, pp. 96-97.
in the ratio of forces on the continent. In 8
See, in detail, Gheorghe Pacalu, Relaii
this context, Romanian diplomacy remained politice romno-engleze (1929-1933), Bucharest,
connected to the old paradigms the Editura Didactic i Pedagogic, 1995.
League of Nations, alliance with France, 9
Marusia Crstea, op. cit., p. 94.
close relations with Great Britain, regional Nicolae Titulescu, Documente diplomatice,
treaties, etc., corroborated to efforts of Bucharest, Editura tiinific, 1967, p. 718-719.
adapting to new realities. Ion Ptroiu, Valeriu Florin Dobrinescu,
Romnia, Anglia i Europa anilor 30, Craiova,
Note Editura Scrisul Romnesc, 1996, p. 45.
Academia Romn, Istoria Romnilor, vol. Ibidem, p. 46.
VIII, Romnia ntregit (1918-1940), coordi- Foreign Relations Ministry Archive,
nator Ioan Scurtu, Bucharest, Editura Bucharest, fund 71 Anglia, vol. 16, f. 312.
Enciclopedic, 2003, pp. 445-447. Ibidem, f. 314.
See, in detail, Marusia Crstea, Din istoria Ibidem, f. 318.
relaiilor anglo-romne (1936-1939), Bucharest, Ibidem, f. 316.
Editura Mica Valahie, 2004. Ibidem.
Ion M. Oprea, Nicolae Titulescu, Bucharest, Idem, London fund, vol. 76, un-paged.
Editura tiinific, 1966, pp. 130-167. Apud Ioan Scurtu, Istoria romnilor n timpul
Marusia Crstea, op. cit., p. 70. celor patru regi (1866-1947), vol. III, Carol al II-lea,
Adevrul, 5 July 1922. Bucharest, Editura Enciclopedic, 2001, p. 254.

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009

Radical and moderate political groups in

the Sociology School of Bucharest

Antonio MOMOC

Abstract: The Sociology School of Bucharest has not been yet studied
from the perspective of the political views of its members. This article
represents only a part of a larger research that exhaustively
investigates the political orientations of the disciples, as well as the
mentor of the Sociology School. We have identified the groups formed
inside the School in the 30s and their relationship to the political
Keywords: sociology, political view, elite, society, propaganda,
legionarism, communism.

fter the 1918 Union, the socio- useful to the politicians with decision

A political actors of the new Romanian

state proposed various modernization
projects. These political projects com-
peted after 1929 to become solutions during
power, to the King and his ministers.
However, the School of Bucharest did
not develop as a unitary block. In the back-
ground of the parliamentarian democracy
the Great Depression. The Sociology crisis, centrifugal tendencies occurred in-
School of Bucharest first through its side the School. In the 30s, the systemic
founder Dimitrie Gusti, and then in the parties were replaced with the extreme
30s, through the already intellectually right movement, which was attractive due
grown-up disciples presented both to the to its promise of radical system changes.
civil and political society with its own Some of Gustis collaborators remained
modernization project, entitled Science of loyal to his project according to which
the Nation1. specialists should serve the nation throughout
Dimitrie Gustis sociological, political and the state. Other monographers separated from
ethical view involved more than the mono- the School and approached the projects of
graphic research of the Ro-manian villages. the other social or political actors. Some of
His ideal was achieving a Sociology of the them embraced certain political ideals in
nation, based on researching all the their public life, in the press or by adhering to
Romanian villages and cities, in order to political movements.
provide an exhaustive vision upon the According to our modest knowledge,
social realities in Romania. The outcome The Sociology School of Bucharest has not
of the huge research was going to become been yet studied from the perspective of the

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Antonio Momoc

political views of its members. This article been invited by Gusti, and the professor
represents only a part of a larger research had no other criterion except for them to
that exhaustively in-vestigates the political accept the program of the institution. In the
orientations of the disciples, as well as the 20s the Sociology School manifested itself
mentor of the Sociology School2. We have outside the influences of political power,
identified the groups formed inside the as part of the civil society.
School in the 30s and their relationship to When King Carol II came back in
the political power. power, he became the RSI President of
Our research method reconstructs the Honour. In the 30s the School starts an
cultural-political biography of Gusti and of undeclared competition with the other
his main collaborators. The representative actors on the Romanian political scene.
biography3 follows the history of an indi- Politically unaffiliated, Gusti accepted in 1932
vidual. The resear-chers interest does not the proposal to join the Government led by
orient towards what is unique, but towards the National Peasant Party. Invited in the
tracing the formative contexts and the ex- Council of Ministers as a technocrat, professor
periences shared with others, which followed Gusti led the Ministry of Instruction, Cults
similar cultural and political paths. Com- and Arts in the National Peasant Govern-
plementary, the method focuses on differences, ments presided by Alexandru Vaida-
explaining the choice between different Voievod and Iuliu Maniu.
intellectual and political-cultural options. In Once Gusti ended his Ministry mandate,
order to reconstruct the cultural and poli- the King named him Active President,
tical paths, we have identified the members General Manager of the Cultural Royal
attitudes reflected in their scientific work Foundation Principele Carol. Through
and in their articles from print media. We the cultural action that took place in the
have insisted on personal documents that villages after 1934, the Royal teams of the
became public: journals, correspondence, Foundation constituted themselves as
memoirs and more recently in oral history message carriers and builders of the
interviews4. national specificity as the latter was
In the 20s the School materialized in defined by the national doctrine, con-
the Sociology Seminar and in the public centrated in Gustis political view.
debates from the Romanian Social Insti- During the second part of the 30s,
tute (RSI), where Gusti treated problems RSI and the Foundation served Carols
of society from the Science of the Nation monarchy. Through the propaganda8
perspective. The politicians included his coordinated by Gusti while he was leading the
themes in their speeches, adding their own Principele Carol Foundation, the King
political and electoral solutions5. was trying to win the competition with the
At RSI Gusti was interested in Legionary Movement by attractting the
forming a lobby group that would unite young elites and the rural society. Some of
intellectuals based on their professional skills Gustis disciples employed in the mo-
and gain legitimacy of the social inter- narchist state institutions: Henri H. Stahl
vention above the party organizations. After was the Research Manager in the Foun-
1921, RSI organized 2 conferences regarding dation, Octavian Neamu was the main
the project of the New Constitution6. Gusti organizer of the royal teams on field and,
gathered at RSI experts keen on Romanias together with Anton Golopenia, they
institutional development7. Any politician dedicated themselves to the village cultural
was able to become an RSI member had he work.
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Radical and moderate political groups in the Sociology School of Bucharest

According to the Social Service Law Ionic and Ion Samarineanu against the
introduced on October 18th, 19389, the Monographic School were shy. But in its
Romanian royal dictatorship made the second year of issuing, the magazine took
cultural action work man-datory. Although the shape of some Notebooks (Caete) with
not a member of the Council of Ministers, strict legionary inclination, containing
Gusti had the position of a Minister editorials signed by Capitan Corneliu
responsible exclusively in front of the Zelea Codreanu.
King. The royal dictatorship offered Gusti Similarly to the other groups that
the opportunity to apply his village moder- emerged from the Sociology School, the
nization national program, as if he was a legionary group was not very united. One
state minister. As President of the Social of the most fervent protestors against the
Service, the professor was res-ponding Monographic School, D. C. Amzr, abandoned
politically exclusively to the King, while the Legionary Movement in 1938 and
the other ministers in the Council were became a diplomat.
obliged to provide their support and The founders of the Sociology
assistance. School attitude regarding to the political
Other monographers like Mircea views of his students was conciliatory. He
Vulcnescu, Xenia Costa-Foru or Traian did not remove neither the legionary
Herseni refused to be culturally active at students (D.C. Amzr, E. Bernea), nor the
the Royal Foundation Principele Carol communist ones (Miron Constantinescu)
in the 30s. As a student, Mircea Vulcnescu from the School. All those adhering to
was enrolled in the Romanian Christian Gustis modernization project were able to
Students Association (nationalist- orthodox), part of the School. Gustis support for
but also attended the summer courses Herseni even after the latter joins the
organized by the International University Legionary Movement is the clearest proof
Federation for the Society of Nations. that becoming a legionary did not auto-
Between 1926-1929 he participated with a matically led to being excluded from the
certain consistency at the monographic monographers circle.
research, but at the beginning of the 30s he Herseni moved from communism to
abandoned the village campaigns, as research fascism because the attraction of the poli-
started to be replaced by propaganda. tical extremes derived from the common
Although a sympathizer of Nae Ionescu, values of the radical political promises. In
Vulcnescu does not join the radical right the interwar period many communist
movement, but chooses public admi- militants migrated to fascism, just as some
nistration, preferring to be a clerk of the of the fascists adhered to communism. The
liberal bourgeois state10. wandering of the militants can be
Under the pressure of the legionary understood only by referring to the world
nationalism, Gustis School suffered both communism and fascism had
internal conflicts and dissidences. The proposed to replace11.
dissident group from Rnduiala, Arhiv de Herseni collaborated in 1932 with
gnd i fapt romneasc review denied left-wing reviews such as Societatea
Monography, separated from Gusti and de mine and Stnga, Linia general a
entered the Legionary Movement. In the vremii. After writing for Stnga, he refuses
first 4 numbers of Rnduiala review, the to be a militant for the Foundation, but
attacks of the group formed by Dumitru
joins the Legionary Movement in
Cristian Amzr, Ernest Bernea, Ion I.

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Antonio Momoc

1937. The mobilizing speech Herseni Gusti, Dimitrie (1924), Doctrinele partidelor
politice: 19 prelegeri publice organizate de ISR,
uses in the brochures Micarea Legio- in Arhiva pentru tiina i Reforma Social,
nar i Muncitorimea12 and Micarea year V, Romanian Social Institute, Cultura
Legionar i rnimea13 is identical Naional Press, Bucharest.
to the one of the cultural activists from Gusti, Dimitrie (1923), Noua Constituie a
Romniei: 23 prelegeri publice organizate de ISR,
the Principele Carol Foundation. What cu o anex cuprinznd Noile Constituii Europene,
differs is the Hero they were worshi- Cultura Naional Press, Bucharest
ping: Gustis students served the Monarchy Manoilescu, Mihail (1993), Memorii (vol. I),
of Carol the Second, while for Herseni Enciclopedic Publishing House, Bucureti, pp. 49-50.
Rosts, Zoltn Strategii de comunicare la coala
and the legionaries, Corneliu Zelea Sociologic a lui Dimitrie Gusti. Direcii de cer-
Codreanu was the Savior. cetare in The Romanian Communications Sciences
Review Jurnalism & Comunicare, year II, no. 2,
Notes spring 2003, pp. 3-7.
See Dimitrie Gusti, (1934), Sociologia militans. Hamangiu, Constantin (1939), Codul general al
Introducere n sociologia politic, vol. I, ISR Romniei, (Coduri, Legi. Decrete-legi i Regu-
Publishing House, Bucharest and Dimitrie Gusti, lamente), vol. XXVI, 1938 Part II, Monitorul
(1937), tiina naiunii, Imprimeria Central Oficial Publishing House, Bucharest, pp. 2001-
Publishing House, Bucharest, no. 2-3, year II, 2007.
February-March 1937, Romanian Social Institute. Mircea Vulcnescu was a referent at the Office for
Momoc, Antonio (2008), O istorie politic a Research in the Ministry of Finance between 1929-
colii de Sociologie de la Bucureti, PhD thesis, 1933. In 1933 he was also a Government Auditor for
the Romanian Agriculture Bank. From June 1935
coordinated by Proffesor Zoltn Rosts,
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Sociology until September 1937 he was the Managing Director
3 of the Customs. Then he was named Manager of the
See Jerry Muller, (1987), The other God that
failed: Hans Freyer, and the deradicalization of National Debt in the Ministry of Finances.
Chioveanu, Mihai (2005), Feele fascismului.
German conservatism, Princeton University
Press, Princeton, New Jersey. Politic, ideologie i scrisul istoric n secolul XX,
4 University of Bucharest Press, p. 69.
See Rosts, Zoltn (2001), O istorie oral a 12
colii Sociologice de la Bucureti, Paideia Herseni, Traian (1937), Micarea Legionar i
Publishing House, Bucharest. Muncitorimea, Bucovina Publishing House, Bucharest.
Idem (1937), Micarea Legionar i rnimea,
Bucovina Publishing House, Bucharest.

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009

Anul 1938 i nfiinarea Frontului Renaterii Naionale

context european i context naional

Mihaela Camelia BUZATU

Abstract: In 1938, the map of Europe was devided in four kinds of

political regimes: communist, fascist, parliamentary and authoritarian. In
Romania, which was included in the last category, the year 1938
represented the political triumph of the king Charles II, who changed
the constitution, dissolved the political parties and established the
National Rennaisance Front. These changes were a part of the
European political transformations which will determin the beginning
of the second world war.
Keywords: party, constitution, king, government, foreign policy.

eceniul al IV-lea al secolului XX1 a

categorii de state: state cu regim parla-
fost pentru Europa unul al schim- mentar sau democraie liberal (Frana,
brilor majore, un deceniu con- Regatul Unit, Irlanda, rile de Jos, Belgia
vulsiv, al sfritului crizei economice, al Luxemburg, Elveia, Norvegia, Suedia,
naterii i dezvoltrii regimurilor autoritare Finlanda, Cehoslovacia i Islanda), state cu
sau extremiste. De la comunism la fas- regim fascist (Italia i Germania), state cu
cism sau nazism arta un istoric romn regim comunist (U.R.S.S.) i state cu regim
aproape toate rile Europei trec, mai autoritar tradiionalist (Spania, Portugalia,
devreme sau mai trziu, prin febra tota- Turcia, Grecia, Bulgaria, Iugoslavia, Romnia,
litarismului (provocat de dezgustul demo- Ungaria, Austria, Polonia, Lituania, Letonia
raiei i de mitologia unei lumi noi i a i Estonia)3. rile din aceast ultim
unui om nou).2 Manifestarea acestor categorie, exceptnd Portugalia i Spania,
ideologii extremiste de stnga sau de se gseau geografic ntre rile cu regim
dreapta care n rile de origine au fost fascist i rile cu regim comunist, iar cea
acceptate drept politici de stat, dublate de mai mare parte a lor vor intra dup cel de-
politica de conciliere a puterilor europene al doilea rzboi mondial fie n componena
democratice, vor deteriora vizibil relaiile Uniunii Sovietice, fie n orbita politic a
internaionale la nivel european i vor U.R.S.S.-ului. Anul 1938, la nivel euro-
duce, n final, la izbucnirea celui de-al pean, a continuat evoluia politic ce avea
doilea rzboi mondial. s se sfreasc cu izbucnirea celui de-al
ntr-o hart a Europei, corespunznd doilea rzboi mondial, n timp ce n
nceputului de an 1938, Serge Berstein i Romnia, acelai an a reprezentat perioada
Pierre Milza mpreau continentul n patru triumfului n politica intern pentru regele

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Mihaela Camelia Buzatu

Carol al II-lea, acum fiind instaurat re- s aib astfel un pretext, n 1938, de-a o i
gimul personal al suveranului, adoptndu- desfiina formal, ca ineficient. O aseme-
se o nou constituie care s-l legitimeze, nea interpretare mi se pare a pctui prin
lundu-se o serie de msuri ce au dus la o ceea ce se numete teleological phallacy:
priveti anii 1930-1938 din perspectiva lui
implicare tot mai activ a monarhiei n
1938 i interpretezi prin urmare toate eve-
viaa politic, implicare ce o regsim n nimentele precedete drept tot attea etape
scoaterea partidelor politice n afara legii i care trebuiau s duc la evenimentul anului
n crearea climatului ce a dus la apariia 1938, declanarea dictaturii regale. n ce
Frontului Renaterii Naionale. m privete a dori s vd anii 1930-1938
Unul dintre evenimentele politice im- mai curnd ca un complex joc n trei ntre
portante ale anului 1938 i primul n or- rege, Garda de Fier i partidele democra-
dine cronologic, este cel petrecut la 10/11 tice tradiionale. Acest adevrat triunghi al
februarie, atunci cnd guvernul Goga- morii replic grotesc la triunghiul
Cuza i depune demisia, n locul su fiind morii din primul rzboi mondial n-a fost
dect un clasic triumvirat, n care doi
constituit guvernul condus de Patriarhul
dintre participani se aliaz pentru ca s-l
Miron Cristea4; Henri Prost considera c elimine pe-al treilea i lupt apoi pe via
din acel moment suveranul devenise pro- i pe moarte , ntre ei, pentru adjudecarea
priul su prim-ministru5. Lovitura de stat6 puterii absolute.9
dat de rege, prin care acesta alctuia un
Consiliu de Minitri obedient i la con- Perioada cuprins ntre venirea pe tron
ducerea cruia l numea pe patriarh, a fost a lui Carol al II-lea n 1930 i anul
interpretat diferit de istoricii romni. O schimbrilor politice 1938 este vzut,
prim orientare ar fi aceea, potrivit creia, astfel, ca o perioad avnd trei actori po-
regele Carol al II-lea trecuse la instituirea litici: regele, Garda de Fier i partidele tra-
regimului personal dup o lung perioad diionale. Pentru a putea prelua puterea
de tatonri, perioad n care a fcut tot ntr-o form autoritar, Carol al II-lea
ceea ce a depins de el pentru a discredita trebuia s-i nlture ceilali doi adversari
att partidele politice ct i instituia Parla- Garda i partidele. Contientiznd faptul
mentului, istoricii susinnd ideea unui c noul context politic creat prin insta-
plan privind instaurarea unei dictaturi nc urarea regimului autoritar nu-i este deloc
de la urcarea pe tronul Romniei, februarie favorabil i anticipnd urmtoarea micare
'38 reprezentnd doar momentul prielnic a regelui, Corneliu Zelea Codreanu a
pentru punerea n aplicare a planului7. anunat, la 21 februarie 1938, dizolvarea
Al.Gh. Savu merge mai departe, afirmnd Grzii10. Aceast autodizolvare reprezenta
c regele i propusese nc nainte de ur- ns un gest formal, instituional, cci
carea pe tron impunerea unei astfel de spiritul gardist i sprijinul Germaniei
forme de guvernare8. O teorie interesant, pentru ideile gardiste au continuat s existe
care vine s o contrazic pe cea expus i dup aceast dat11. Ameninarea pe care
anterior, este aceea lansat de Sorin o constituiau ideile Grzii de Fier chiar i
Alexandrescu: dup 21 februarie, o regsim n deca-
pitarea micrii de dreapta extrem pe
Carol a fost nvinuit mai trziu de urzirea, care Carol al II-lea i Armand Clinescu o
n aceti ani, a unui plan diavolesc: el ar fi structureaz n cteva etape, etape influ-
dorit, nc din 1930, s nfiineze o dic-
enate i de evoluiile politice externe:
tatur personal, dar nendrznind s treac
imediat la fapte, a fcut tot ce a putut ca s arestarea lui Corneliu Zelea Codreanu12,
destabilizeze democraia parlamentar i fabricarea unui proces i uciderea cpita-
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Anul 1938 i nfiinarea Frontului Renaterii Naionale context naional i context european

nului mpreun cu ali 13 legionari, pre- privind scoaterea partidelor politice n

textul fiind fuga de sub escort, n timp ce afara legii, este dat i decretul lege nr.
erau transportai din nchisoarea de la 1421, prin care era nfiinat Consiliul de
Rmnicul Srat la cea de la Jilava, n Coroan18. Acest organism al statului
noaptea de 29/30 noiembrie 193813. Anul funcionase i n trecut, elementul de no-
1938 ne apare astfel ca un an al victoriei utate fiind legat de caracterul permanent
lui Carol al II-lea asupra Grzii de Fier; pe care consiliul l cptase; nici acesta,
este ns o victorie de scurt durat, ns, nu venea s ngrdeasc puterea pe
deoarece, cu sprijinul Germaniei i sub care regele Carol al II-lea i-o arogase cu
conducerea lui Horia Sima, Garda se va puin timp n urm, deoarece rolul Consi-
revigora i va deveni foarte puternic n liului era unul consultativ, hotrrile lui
anii urmtori lui '38, cci n pnzele ei nefiind obligatorii pentru rege19.
btea vntul succeselor Reichului14. Concomitent cu punerea n umbr sau
Cel de-al doilea adversar al lui Carol cu eliminarea adversarilor, Carol al II-lea a
al II-lea partidele politice tradiionale ncercat s creeze cadrul instituional ne-
este mult mai uor de nvins; de aceast cesar schimbrilor iniiate n februarie
dat opozantul principal al regelui nu putea 1938, pasul cel mai important fiind pro-
fi identificat n postura unei singure per- mulgarea noii Constituii, care venea s
soane, ba mai mult, era vorba de un numr schimbe pe cea adoptat n timpul domniei
impresionant de partide15, a cror coeziune tatlui su, regele Ferdinand i datnd din
era aproape nul. Rezultatul alegerilor din anul 1923. Fr a insista asupra preve-
decembrie 1937, potrivit cruia nici un derilor noii legi fundamentale, vom men-
partid nu reuise s ating pragul de 40% iona faptul c regele a folosit i acest pri-
(prima majoritar) necesar formrii guvernului lej pentru a sublinia popularitatea de care
i instalarea guvernului Goga-Cuza, au se bucura regimul inaugurat la 10/11 fe-
reprezentat semnalul de alarm ce a dus la bruarie; pentru aceasta, el a supus textul
trezirea partidelor; democraii se trezesc constituiei, redactat de Istrate Micescu,
i strng, n fine, rndurile.16 Era, ns, unui plebiscit care a avut loc pe data de 24
destul de trziu, cel care va juca de acum februarie i, prin intermediul cruia, popu-
nainte rolul principal pe scena politic a laia i-a putut exprima liber opinia
rii fiind Carol. Fr un sprijin extern, asupra constituiei. Rezultatul plebiscitului
precum cel al Grzii de Fier i avnd un 4.297.581 voturi pentru i 5.843 contra20
pronunat caracter eterogen, opus omoge- nu poate fi considerat unul obiectiv, dac
nitii Grzii, partidele sunt scoase n afara se ine cont de timpul extrem de scurt, de
legii la 30 martie17; cu toate acestea ele vor doar 4 zile, care a trecut de la data publi-
continua s-i desfoare activitatea, vor fi crii textului constituiei i pn la data la
ns nlocuite, n mai puin de un an, care s-a desfaurat plebiscitul. Fr ndo-
printr-o organizaie politic de tip monolit ial, alegtorii nu cunoteau coninutul ex-
Frontul Renaterii Naionale. Dac n plicit al textului elaborat de oficialiti; cu
cazul Grzii de Fier, Carol al II-lea nu toate acestea, Carol va sublinia n nenu-
oferise o alternativ politic la uciderea lui mrate rnduri larga adeziune manifes-
Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, lipsa acestei tat de populaia Romniei fa de noul
alternative determinnd mai trziu rena- sistem, adeziune concretizat prin rezul-
terea Grzii, alternativa la desfiinarea tatul favorabil nregistrat cu ocazia ple-
partidelor politice a fost nsui Frontul Re- biscitului21. Nu este mai puin adevrat fap-
naterii Naionale. n aceeai zi cu decretul tul c o parte a populaiei vedea n regele

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Mihaela Camelia Buzatu

Carol al II-lea singurul om care ar fi putut mndu-i nici un fel de angajament fa de

s conduc ara spre mai bine n perioada Romnia26. Singura soluie viabil pentru
respectiv, iar actele acestuia, fr a fi ara noastr rmnea o apropiere de
chestionate, considerate drept cele mai Germania, fapt ce l-a determinat pe rege s
bune soluii22. aib la 24 noiembrie, la Berchtesgaden, o
Ct privete politica extern, Carol a ntrevedere cu Hitler27. Cunoscnd rezul-
ncearcat iniial urmrirea liniei tradiio- tatul ntlnirilor avute de Carol cu ofi-
nale, aceea a apropierii de Anglia i Frana cialitile din Londra i Paris, Fhrerul a
i meninerea alianelor regionale Mica avut un ton ultimativ, cerndu-i regelui
nelegere i nelegerea Balcanic. Anul romn s se hotrasc dac va merge
1938 nu va fi, ns, unul lipsit de eveni- alturi de Reich, sau dac se va poziiona
mente majore pe plan european, fapt ce-l mpotriva acestuia. Pe lng cererile ce in
va determina pe rege s adopte poziia de politica extern, conductorul german
cerut de circumstane, iar nu aceea pe va ncerca din acel moment i o intervenie
care att el ct i marea parte a populaiei o n treburile interne ale rii i anume,
considerau corect. Interesant de observat aducerea Grzii de Fier la conducerea
cum vedea regele, la 1 septembrie 1938, Romniei28. Aa cum s-a afirmat n isto-
situaia Romniei i ce soluii propunea: riografia romneasc, cererile insistente ale
E adevrat c ne gsim ntr-o situaie
lui Hitler ca Garda de Fier s fie adus la
politic extrem de grav i care ne poate putere l-au determinat pe Carol al II-lea s
antrena la o modificare a politicii noastre recurg la msuri rapide pentru decapi-
externe, ce am inut-o cu dinii de civa tarea micrii legionare29; prin eliminarea
ani. Legturile ct mai strnse cu Frana i, lui Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, regele r-
ndeosebi, cu Anglia, fidelitate absolut mnea singura persoan de contact a Fhrerul.
aliailor notri (adesea foarte greu) i s nu Dei nu a fost ncntat de aciunile ntre-
ne lsm angajai niciodat ntr-un com- prinse de regele romn, Hitler, dup o pri-
plex care s ne duc, n mod automatic, n m reacie negativ, va accepta noua con-
conflict cu Germania, iar fa de U.R.S.S.
junctur creat n Romnia, interesele eco-
nici o legtur prea strns, care s fac pe
germani s cread c facem un act ostil
nomice ale germanilor fiind mult prea
lor.23 mari pentru a lsa incidentul petrecut la 30
noiembrie 1938 s afecteze relaiile co-
Perspectivele Romniei se nrutesc, merciale romno-germane30.
ns, odat cu semnarea acordului de la Ieind pentru moment nvingtor i n
Mnchen24; era evident c marile puteri btlia contra Reichului, Carol i va
occidentale nu erau dispuse s apere in- ndrepta atenia asupra problemelor care
teresele rilor mici25. Ultima ncercare de apruser n politica intern; o creionare a
obinere a unor garanii, menite s ofere un acestor probleme face i Al. Gh. Savu:
oarecare echilibru Romniei n politica ex-
tern, se va materializa n noiembrie 1938, Nemulumirile s-au concentrat, firesc, m-
potriva regelui Carol al II-lea. Cci, n timp
atunci cnd vor avea loc vizitele oficiale
ce sub regimul parlamentar actele regelui
ale lui Carol al II-lea la Londra (15-18 no- i gsiser o acoperire n guvern, iar ac-
iembrie) i Paris (19-21 noiembrie). Pre- tele guvernului n parlament i n partidul
zentate n termeni destul de ngduitori de aflat la putere, sub dictatur, datorit con-
presa vremii, aciunile diplomatice nu au centrrii puterilor statului n minile mo-
avut rezultatul scontat, nici unul dintre narhului, lichidrii parlamentului i dizol-
reprezentanii Angliei sau Franei neasu- vrii partidelor politice, Coroana rmsese,

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Anul 1938 i nfiinarea Frontului Renaterii Naionale context naional i context european

practic, descoperit. Faptul c noua consti- planul propus de Armand Clinescu, acesta
tuie nscrisese responsabilitatea minitrilor nu poate fi considerat dect o utopie, visul
pentru politica ordonat de rege nu putea su, acela de a pune alturi bogai i sraci,
s constituie n nici un caz o disculpare a intelectuali i rani, copii i vrstnici fiind
lui n faa opiniei publice.31
unul irealizabil. Oameni care nu i mani-
Se auzeau tot mai des voci care l festaser adeziunea fa de noul regim i
ndemnau pe rege la luarea unei decizii n care erau ameninai de contextul extern,
ceea ce privete renceperea activitii par- nu puteau deveni peste noapte adepii unor
tidelor politice; aceast repunere n drep- idealuri care nu le aparineau. Cu toate
turi a vechilor politicieni, Carol nu numai acestea, Carol II a trecut la punerea n
c nu i-o dorea, dar o considera de ne- aplicare a ceea ce se dorea a fi o micare
acceptat n condiiile n care pasul im- de renatere naional, nfiinnd, cum
portant n eliminarea partidelor fusese spuneam mai sus, la 16 decembrie 1938,
deja fcut la 30 martie. Pentru a finaliza Frontul Renaterii Naionale34.
conflictul dintre el i partide n avantajul Legea de nfiinare, cuprinznd 8 arti-
su i pentru a ncerca o apropiere de cet- cole, redactate ntr-un stil concis, chiar la-
eni, regele a creat, la 16 decembrie 1938, conic, era semnat de Carol al II-lea, de
Frontul Renaterii Naionale32, prin decretul- prim-ministrul Miron Cristea i de minitrii
lege de nfiinare acesta devenind unic Justiiei i Internelor, Victor Iamandi i
organizaie politic n Stat. Constituind Armand Clinescu. nc de la nceput, se
acest organism, regele ncerca s dein un sublinia unicitatea FRN-ului (art. I), orice
control ct mai amnunit asupra treburilor alt activitate politic, exceptnd Frontul,
interne, dar i asupra populaiei Romniei, urmnd a fi socotit clandestin (art.
populaie ce era sprijinit s se nscrie n VII); n privina scopului nfiinrii FRN,
partidul nou format, al crui conductor n lege se amintea mobilizarea contiinei
era nsui Carol al II-lea. naionale n vederea ntreprinderii unei
Dei Frontul Renaterii Naionale a aciuni solidare i unitare romneti (art.
fost vzut adeseori drept partidul lui Carol II). Cine putea face parte din Frontul Re-
al II-lea, ideea nfiinrii unui astfel de naterii Naionale? De drept, consilierii re-
organism politic o gsim menionat i de gali, la cerere, cetenii romni de peste 21
Armand Clinescu, fapt demonstrat de un de ani, exceptnd militarii activi i
memoriu naintat de acesta regelui, la 20 membrii ordinului judectoresc (art. IV
octombrie 193833; n memoriu, era subli- i V). Din punct de vedere politic, demo-
niat necesitatea alctuirii unei formaiuni craia romneasc urma s fie circumscris
politice subordonat suveranului. Prin consti- de nou-nfiinatul organ politic, deoarece
tuirea acestei noi organizaii se urmrea acesta, se arta n articolul VI, are, singur,
nlturarea definitiv a vechilor partide poli- dreptul de a fixa i depune candidaturile
tice, care, dei fuseser desfiinate, i con- pentru alegerile parlamentare, administrative
tinuau activitatea sub diferite forme. i profesionale. O explicaie a caracterului
Aceasta nu se dorea a fi o structur politic concis al legii din 16 decembrie 1938, o
n sensul partidelor tradiionale, ci, mai cu gsim n articolul VIII un regulament
seam, o micare popular care s atrag special, fcnd parte integrant din prezenta
intelectualitatea, tinerii, dar i celelalte lege, va determina condiiunile de organi-
categorii sociale; ea trebuia s uneasc nu zare i funcionare a Frontului Renaterii
politicieni, ci oameni simpli, crora s le Naionale35.
ofere un ideal comun. Dac analizm obiectiv

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Mihaela Camelia Buzatu

Printr-un document de mai puin de o laboratorii si apropiai, Armand Clinescu,

pagin, Carol al II-lea oferea o singur Gheorghe Ttrescu i Ernest Urdreanu, dup
alternativ vieii politice romneti, dup cum aflm din nsemnrile fcute de Armand
ce, n urm cu mai bine de ase luni, pu- Clinescu n jurnalul su, la 9 februarie 1938
(Armand Clinescu, nsemnri politice, 1916-
sese capt unei activiti politice dominat
1939, ediie ngrijit i prefaat de dr. Al. Gh.
de mai multe partide. 1938 se artase, att Savu, Bucureti, Editura Humanitas, 1990, p.
pe plan intern, ct i pe plan extern, ca un 377).
an zbuciumat, cu evenimente n perma- 7
Printre susintori se numr: Ioan Scurtu (n
nent schimbare, iar finalul su l gsea pe Contribuii privind viaa politic din Romnia.
rege n fruntea statului, conducnd att Evoluia formei de guvernmnt n istoria
direct, din tronul Hohenzollernilor din modern i contemporan, Bucureti, Editura
Romnia, ct i indirect, prin intermediul tiinific i Enciclopedic, 1988, passim) sau
nou-nfiinatului Front al Renaterii Naionale. Neagu Cosma (n Culisele palatului regal. Un
Pentru moment, Carol al II-lea nvinsese. aventurier pe tron Carol al II-lea (1930-1940),
Bucureti, Editura Globus, 1990, passim).
Un an mai trziu, Europa intra n cel de-al 8
Al.Gh. Savu, Dictatura regal (1938-1940),
doilea rzboi mondial, statele de pe con- Bucureti, Editura Politic, 1970, p. 154.
tinent se divizau n tabere politice i mi- 9
Sorin Alexandrescu, Paradoxul romn,
litare, sfritul marii conflagraii trasnd Bucureti, Editura Univers, 1998, p. 99.
harta european pentru urmtoarea jum- Petre urlea, Nicolae Iorga ntre dictatura
tate de secol. regal i dictatura legionar, Bucureti,
Editura Enciclopedic, 2001, p. 28.
Note La 13 martie 1938, Armand Clinescu (n
Pentru o istorie a Europei n secolul XX, vezi op.cit., p. 384) nota n jurnalul su: ... strinii
Serge Berstein, Pierre Milza, Istoria Europei, centrali vor ncuraja tot pe garditi i la mo-
vol. V. Secolul XX (din 1919 pn n zilele mentul decisiv vor conta tot pe ei, chiar cnd
noastre), trad. de Monica Timu, ediie ngrijit, oficialitatea romn ar crede potrivit s schim-
note i comentarii de Doina Bercan-Sterpu, Iai, be politica extern.
Institutul European, 1998. Pretextul arestrii a fost scrisoarea cu un
Lucian Boia, Romnia, ar de frontier a coninut ofensator pe care Corneliu Zelea
Europei, Bucureti, Editura Humanitas, 2002, Codreanu i-a trimis-o lui Nicolae Iorga chiar n
p. 90. ziua nchiderii de ctre autoriti a restauran-
Serge Berstein, Pierre Milza, op.cit., p.112. telor legionare (26 martie 1938), scrisoare n
Printre primele msuri luate de guvernul care l nvinuia pe istoric de necinste su-
Miron Cristea se numr cele care vor ajuta la fleteasc (Petre urlea, op. cit., p. 29.)
instituionalizarea noului regim i anume: in- Ioan Scurtu, Gheorghe Buzatu, op.cit., p.
troducerea strii de asediu i a cenzurii, 352.
demiterea prefecilor i numirea n locul aces- Florin Constantiniu, O istorie sincer a
tora a unor ofieri de rang superior (Ioan poporului romn, Bucureti, Univers Enciclopedic,
Scurtu, Gheorghe Buzatu, Istoria romnilor n 1997, p. 359.
secolul XX, (1918-1948), Bucureti, Editura La 27 februarie 1938, cu prilejul promulgrii
Paideia, 1999, p. 344). noii Constituii, Patriarhul Miron Cristea, ntr-
Henri Prost, Destinul Romniei (1918-1954), un amplu rechizitoriu adresat partidelor po-
trad. de Valer Moga i Valeria Piora, ediie litice, vorbea despre hidra cu 29 de capete
ngrijit, not asupra ediiei, note i indice de electorale, aluzie la cele 29 de grupri politice
Valer Moga, Bucureti, Editura Compania, existente n Romnia la acea dat. (Ioan Scurtu,
2006, p. 169. Gheorghe Buzatu, op. cit., p. 345.)
Etapele loviturii de stat fuseser plnuite n Sorin Alexandrescu, op. cit., p. 112.
detaliu de ctre regele Carol al II-lea i co-

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Anul 1938 i nfiinarea Frontului Renaterii Naionale context naional i context european

17 31
Istoria Romnilor, vol. VIII, Romnia ntregit Al. Gh. Savu, Sistemul partidelor politice din
(1918-1940), coordonator Ioan Scurtu, secretar Romnia, Bucureti, Editura tiinific i
Petre Otu, Bucureti, Editura Enciclopedic, Enciclopedic, 1976, p. 153.
2003, p. 395. Arhivele Naionale Istorice Centrale, fond
Al.Gh. Savu, op.cit., p. 172. Frontul Renaterii Naionale, dosar 1/1939, f. 8;
Ibidem. referitor la FRN, amintim dou lucrri mai noi:
Ioan Scurtu, Gheorghe Buzatu, op. cit., p. Radu Florian Bruja, Carol al II-lea i Partidul
345. Unic: Frontul Renaterii Naionale, Iai, Editura
Al.Gh. Savu, op. cit., p. 163-164. Junimea, 2006; Petre urlea, Partidul unui
Henri Prost, op. cit., p. 171. Rege: Frontul Renaterii Naionale, Bucureti,
Carol al II-lea, ntre datorie i pasiune. Editura Enciclopedic, 2006.
nsemnri zilnice, vol. I (1904-1939), ediia a Al.Gh. Savu, op. cit., p. 156-158.
II-a revzut i completat de Marcel-Dumitru Arhivele Naionale Istorice Centrale, fond
Ciuc i Narcis Dorin Ion, Bucureti, Editura Frontul Renaterii Naionale, dosar 1/1939, f. 8.
Curtea Veche, 2003, p. 229. Ibidem.
Fa de acordul de la Mnchen (29 sep-
tembrie 1938), prin care Reichul anexa re-
giunea sudet, aparinnd Cehoslovaciei, Frana
i Anglia au adoptat o poziie pasiv, con-
ductorii politici de la Paris i Londra con-
sidernd c printr-o astfel de atitudine vor
ajunge la un consens cu Hitler i vor putea evita
declanarea unui rzboi; desfurarea ulterioar
a evenimentelor a dovedit c tactica adoptat
de ei nu a avut efectele ateptate (cf. cu Florin
Constantiniu, op. cit., p. 360).
Sorin Alexandrescu, op. cit., p. 121.
Ioan Scurtu, Gheorghe Buzatu, op. cit., p.
Ibidem, p. 352.
Al.Gh. Savu, op. cit., p. 222-224.
Ibidem, p. 226.
n perioada premergtoare celui de-al doilea
rzboi mondial, ct i n timpul desfurrii
acestuia economia Romniei va fi n mare parte
orientat spre Germania, acordul care va
consfini acest lucru fiind semnat la 23 martie
1939; se ncerca, prin acest acord, cstigarea
bunvoinei germanilor n politica expansio-
nist pe care o practicau la momentul respectiv.
Preul pltit de ara nostr va fi mult prea mare,
dac se au n vedere prevederile respectivului acord,
prin care economia romneasc se transforma
ntr-o economie menit s ndeplineasc ce-
rinele Germaniei, ptrunderea capitalului ger-
man pe piaa romnesc ducnd i la o cretere
a controlului pe care Fhrerul l va exercita n
Romnia (a se vedea Rebecca Haynes, Politica
Romniei fa de Germania ntre 1936 i 1940,
trad. de Cristina Aboboaie, Iai, Editura Polirom,

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009

Planul Marshall i consecinele sale pentru Europa

Cosmin Lucian GHERGHE

Abstract: The Marshall Plan officially styled the European Recovery

Program (ERP) had a major contribution to the rebuilding of Europe,
the Americans being engaged in a policy of blocking the spread of
communism in the entire world. For the first time, the European countries
had to act with a single economic unity, to collaborate with each other.
The Marshall Plan generated the issue of the Schuman Plan, which, in
turn, generated the European Coal and Steel Community, then the
EURATOM and the common market, tracing the direction for what was
to become the European Union.
Keywords: foreign policy, security, recovery, economic assistance,
program, doctrine.

up ncheierea celui de al doilea nomic, ceea ce va rmne sub numele de
rzboi mondial s-a trecut la mpr- Doctrina Truman. Trstura principal a
irea sferei de influen asupra con- acesteia a reprezentat-o desprinderea de un
tinentului European de ctre cele dou anume globalism, n favoarea prioritii
superputeri SUA i URSS. Sovieticii au acordate Europei Occidentale i a redresrii
obinut teritoriile eliberate de armata roie sale, ca o condiie a securitii americane.
i au impus n aceste ri ideologia lor. Un rol important n organizarea
SUA, apreciind problema german de Europei de dup rzboi, n perioada 1947
importan covritoare, i va orienta e- 1949, a avut-o i secretarul de stat
lurile pe direcia sprijinirii europenilor american George Marshall Catlett (1880-
pentru lichidarea diviziunii, crerii i con- 1959)1. El a iniiat un ajutor masiv pentru
solidrii Europei unite, a unei aliane Grecia i Turcia pentru a putea rezista
atlantice care s mpiedice expansiunea presiunilor comuniste, i a propus, la ini-
sovietic. iativa preedintelui democrat Truman un
Concomitent cu victoria electoral a program ambiios, Planul Marshall, un
opoziiei republicane n Congresul american, vast program de sprijin economic (peste
preedintele Harry Truman (1884-1972), 10 miliarde de dolari), care va contribui la
ntr-un discurs inut n faa Congresului reconstrucia Europei, cu condiia ca
Statelor Unite, la 12 martie 1947, ofi- aceste state prin reprezentanii lor s-i
cializeaz politica extern a Statelor Unite prezinte nevoile i s se neleag asupra
de a proteja naiunile ameninate de comu- celor mai potrivite mijloace.
nism prin asisten militar i suport eco-
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Planul Marshall i consecinele sale pentru Europa

Ca Secretar de Stat, la 5 iulie 1947, torul pe care-l consider ca o salvare, numai

Marshall este invitat la distribuirea pre- Romnia care se zbate n lipsuri i n mi-
miilor Universitii Harward. n discursul zerie, nu are nevoie de el!6
inut cu aceast ocazie i expune faimosul Dup desfurarea Conferinei de la
Program of European Recovery care va fi Paris din iunie 1947 minitrii de externe
punctul de plecare spre aa numitul Plan francez (Georges Bidault) i britanic
Marshall de construcie a Europei2. (Ernest Bevin) semneaz un comunicat
Prin programul lansat, generalul Marshall prin care invit 22 de state europene s
a declarat rzboi foamei, srciei, dis- trimit reprezentanii lor la Paris pentru a
perrii i haosului din Europa, pentru c discuta punerea n aplicare a planului
reconstrucia structurii economice va generalului Marshall, cu privire la refa-
cere evident mult mai mult timp i eforturi cerea economic a Europei. S-a luat hot-
mai mari dect am prevzut noi3. rrea s fie invitat i ministrul de externe al
Acest program numit oficial European Rusiei, Molotov, pentru a i se prezenta
Recovery Program (ERP) avea drept oferta de ajutor economic a SUA pentru
scop de a contribui la renaterea unei ntreaga Europ.
economii active n lume pentru a avea La sfritul Conferinei de la Paris
condiiile politice i scoiale n care s dintre Frana, Anglia i Rusia aliaii au
poat s existe instituiile libere, reali- refuzat participarea la program, iar Molotov
zarea unui acord de ctre tote rile Europei a declarat c statele i pierd autonomia
asupra nevoilor actuale i asupra a ceea ce lor economic i independena naional n
aceste ri vor face ele nsele pentru a profitul unor mari puteri7.
eficientiza toate msurile pe care acest Stalin a vzut n planul Marshall nu
guvern ar putea s le ia. Nu ar fi nici bine numai hotrrea Occidentului de a se pro-
nici util ca guvernul SUA s stabileasc el teja mpotriva comunismului, dar i o n-
nsui un program destinat punerii pe cercare de a desprinde Moscova, prin avan-
picioare a economiei europene. Aceasta taje economice, rile satelite de URSS.
este problema europenilor4, rolul SUA Stalin a interzis astfel participarea acestor
rezumndu-se la acordarea unui ajutor state la Planul Marshall, i a luat msuri de
prietenesc, la stabilirea unui program euro- consolidare a controlului sovietic asupra rilor
pean i aplicarea acestuia n msura n satelite i asupra partidelor comuniste8.
care va fi posibil s o fac5 European Dup ce URSS a respins oferta ame-
Recovery Program destinat aliailor euro- rican, sperana administraiei Truman a
peni dup cel de-al doilea rzboi mondial a fost s utilizeze planul Marshall ca mijloc
fost primul plan de reconstrucie conceput de a nlesni un proces de integrare ntre
de americani. Planul Marshall reprezint rile Europei Occidentale.
extensia n domeniul economic a Doctrinei Pentru a se stabili nevoile economice
Truman. comune, la 12 iulie 1947 s-a desfurat la
Rusia i statele satelite ei, printre care Paris Conferina de Cooperare Economic
i Romnia, considera aceast ofert de European. Dintre statele Europei invitate
ajutor ca o tendin de subjugare politic. la Paris de ctre Frana i Anglia pentru
Ziarele regimului la noi, consemna n Jur- discutarea Planului Marshall au rspuns
nalul su avocatul C.I. Nvrlie, consider favorabil urmtoarele ri: Belgia, Olanda,
acest ajutor ca o adevrat catrastrof pentru Luxemburg, Irlanda, Austria, Italia, Islanda,
Romnia. Statele mari ca Anglia, Frana, Turcia, Portugalia, Danemarca, Grecia,
Italia etc., pot primi cu recunotin aju- Suedia, Norvegia, Elveia, zona de vest a

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Cosmin Lucian Gherghe

Germaniei i teritoriul Triest. Ulterior au relaiilor comerciale ntre rile partici-

mai fost admise RFG (1955) i Spania pante i reducerea barierelor comerciale.
(1959)9. Au refuzat s ia parte statele ocu- Planul Marshall era administrat de
pate sau aflate sub influena URSS: Ungaria, dou instituii: ECA (Economic Cooperation
Polonia, Iugoslavia, Bulgaria, Albania, Administration), de partea american i
Cehoslovacia, Romnia i Finlanda. OECE (Organizaia European de Coope-
Guvernul romn, ntr-o not semnat rare Economic), de partea european.
de ministrul de externe Gheorghe Ttrescu, OECE a contribuit la repartizarea aju-
prin care se refuza colaborarea preciza c: torului american, fiind nfiinat ca orga-
organizarea propus de guvernele brita- nizaie permanent de coordonare a poli-
nice i franceze va duce fatal la rezultate ticilor economice naionale12. OECE a pus
care vor nsemna pe de o parte o tirbire a la punct un sistem multilateral de pli,
independenei pe care rile Europei vor, i liberalizarea schimburilor, n special prin
trebuie s o pstreze cu privire la politica stabilirea aa numitelor coduri de libera-
lor economic, iar pe de alt parte o imix- lizare i prin suprimarea restriciilor cantitative.
tiune n afacerile interne ale acestor ri 10. Programul de Reconstrucie a Europei
n timpul desfurrii lucrrilor Con- s-a ncheiat cu un an nainte de data
ferinei s-au stabilit prioritile care tre- preconizat datorit rzboiului din Coreea.
buiau rezolvate: obinerea i meninerea Transferul total de fonduri ctre
stabilitii financiare interne i dezvoltarea Europa s-a ridicat la suma de 13,3 miliarde
cooperrii economice ntre statele asociate. de dolari contribuind la redresarea eco-
n septembrie 1947 Comitetul European nomic a Europei.
de Cooperare Economic public un raport Ajutorul american acordat prin Planul
privind nevoile i costurile Programului Eu- Marshall a avut drept rezultat stoparea
ropean de Reconstrucie (ERP) pe o perioad extinderii comunismului n occident dar i
de 4 ani. La 2 aprilie 1948 Congresul Sta- realizarea coeziunii Europei de Vest.
telor Unite voteaz actul de Cooperare Eu- OECE prima form de organizare euro-
ropean care autorizeaz Planul Marshall, pean, a asigurat n mod eficient sprijinul
preedintele Truman promulgndu-l a doua zi. financiar statelor europene n efortul lor de
Prima ntrunire oficial a Comitetului redresare. Convenia din 14 decembrie
European de Cooperare Economic pentru 1960 a nlocuit OECE cu Organizaia de
determinarea nevoilor fiecrei ri, anterior Cooperare i Dezvoltare Economic n
trecerii prin Congres a legii de alocare a care au intrat i Statele Unite, Australia,
fondurilor a avut loc la 15 aprilie 1948 iar Canada, Japonia, Noua Zeeland, crendu-
la 16 aprilie s-a constituit Organizaia se astfel comunitatea statelor industria-
European de Cooperare Economic, care lizate13.
coordona ajutorul american oferit prin Planul Marshall vast program de
Planul Marshall. Aceasta a inclus acele asisten economic a avut o contribuie
state care au participat la sesiunile Comi- important la refacerea Europei, americanii
tetului Pentru Cooperare Economic Euro- angajndu-se pe linia unei politici de blo-
pean din iulie 194711. S-a stabilit, de ase- care a rspndirii comunismului n ntreaga
menea, Programul European de Reconstrucie lume. Pentru prima oar rile europene
a Europei, care prevedea dezvoltarea trebuiau s acioneze cu o singur unitate
industriei, agriculturii, meninerea stabili- economic, s colaboreze ntre ele.
tii monetare i bugetare, amplificarea Planul Marshall a generat redactarea
planului Schuman, care la rndul lui a
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Planul Marshall i consecinele sale pentru Europa

generat Comunitatea European a Crbunelui Florin Constantiniu, O istorie sincer a
i Oelului apoi EURATOMUL i Piaa poporului romn, Editura Univers Enciclopedic,
Comun trasnd direcia pentru ceea ce Bucureti, 1997, p. 472.
avea s devin Uniunea European. Derek Urwin, op. cit., p. 360.
Constantin I. Nvrlie, op. cit., p. 72.
Cezar Avram, Gheorghe Prvu, Roxana
Note Radu, Ramona Gruescu, Romnia i exigenele
Derek Urwin, Dicionar de istorie i politic integrrii europene, vol. I, Editura Alma,
european, 1945-1995, Institutul European, Iai, Craiova, 2007, p. 60.
p. 322. 12
Guillaume Courty, Guillaume Devin,
Gilles Ferrol, Dicionarul Uniunii Europene, Construcia European, Editura C.N.I. Coresi
Editura Polirom, Bucureti, 2001, p. 132. S.A., Bucureti, p. 16; Pun Nicolae , Planul
Cezar Avram, Construcia european, evoluie, Marshall veritabil instituie a construciei
instituii, programe, Editura Universitaria, 2003, europene, n Studii Istorice, Omagiu profesorului
p. 50. Camil Mureanu, Cluj-Napoca, 1998, p. 507-
Ibidem. 513.
Ibidem. 13
Charles Zorgbibe, Construcia European.
Constantin I. Nvrlie , Jurnal. ntre abandon Trecut, prezent, viitor, Editura TREI, Bucureti,
i crucificare. Romnia 1946-1949, vol. II, 1998, p. 21; Pascal Fontaine, Construcia
Editura de Sud, Craiova, 2000, p. 67. European de la 1945 pn n zilele noastre,
Derek Urwin, op. cit., p. 131. Institutul European, Iai, 1998, p. 5.

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009

The birth of the E.U. Historiographical and

political aspects regarding the period 1945-1970


Abstract: The article discusses the main moments which have led to the
creation of the European Union. There are also presented the main
stages of the establishment of several European institutions, such as: the
European Economic Community, the European Community of Atomic
Energy, the European Coal and Steel Community etc., between 1945 and
1970, their development and evolution. The conclusion refers to the fact
that Europe has begun to turn into an important economic force capable
of beginning an intense process of political partnership.
Keywords: European Union, political and historioghraphical aspects,
political and economical experience, international relations, political

t the end of the Second World War, Great powers as Italy, Germany, were
new major changes influenced the in a social and economical chaos after their
international relations. Europe had defeat in the war, Great Britain and France,
lost its political supremacy over the world though victorious, had serious problems
which will be for the next fifty years caused by the war damages and by the
exercised by U.S.A., which claimed the disintegration of their colonial empires2.
highest position in the economy of the The American strategy was settled
world and the major role in the politics of using very important means as: credits,
reconstruction in the post-war era. The capital exportation and investments. In 5
reconstruction was oriented mainly over June 1947, General George C. Marshall,
the Western Europe, because in the East, the U.S. secretary, launched in a speech
the Soviet Union started the implement- presented at Harvard University a program
tation of its political system using the of measures, which proposed the growth
military force, as its leader Joseph of the industrial and agricultural production,
Vissarionovitch Stalin (1870-1953) declared the exportation and financial stability. The
in 1943 to Milovan Djilas, the lieutenant program, known as Marshall Plan, was
of the Yugoslavian communist leader, accepted by 16 states from the occidental
Josip Broz Tito: the political system of a influence area. In the Eastern camp, at
state will be implemented wherever its the recommendation of the Soviet Union,
army goes in1. all the states refused the program. Austria,
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
The birth of E.U. Historiographical and political aspects

Greece and Turkey had a major economic In the frame of the geopolitical and
aid because they were buffer states and geo-strategic evolution is also included the
pylons against the Soviet assimilation process of creation of the European identity.
politics3. The United Europe is a long-term project.
The main consequence of the Marshall The main problem is the equivalence
Plan was the quick economical recons- between national and European conscience.
truction in Western Germany, under the The European Union is a political, cultural,
surveillance of the allied forces. The main social and economical entity which also has
aspects were the process of democra- a strategic influence in the globalization
tization and elimination of the extremists movement, in fact a long list of events
belonging of former Nazi party. States as which were the consequence of the fight
Great Britain and France had major problems between great powers for the world
after losing their colonies. Italy had difficulties domination7.
with the social movements and great The idea of a United Europe had a first
differences between the industrialized North mention in the Pan-European movement,
and agricultural South. Spain will be initiated by Coudenhove-Kalergi, a Czech
dominated until 1975 by the dictatorial aristocrat, in 1923. Six years later, Aristide
leadership of the General Francisco Franco4. Briand, one of the artisans of the Nations
The communist international movement League, proposed a federalization based
had an important influence in states like on the French-German cooperation.
France and Italy, terrorist movements based The British Prime Minister Winston
on fight for ethnical emancipation inten- Churchill proposed in 1946 at the Zurich
sified their fight for separation in Spain discussions the idea of the united Europe,
(Bask organization ETA) and in Great having the help of the French President
Britain (Irish organization IRA, with a Charles de Gaulle8.
political wing, Sinn Fein)5. The accomplishment of the common
The new technologies, the informa- policy of security and defense imposes the
tional evolution, the era of mass-media existence of resources, forces and capacities9.
contributed to the creation of a middle The birth of the European Union is a
class, a strong social group formed by result of centuries of wars, treaties, poli-
lawyers, medics, technicians, managers, tical and economic experience. The study
businessmen, administration employees. of this process imposes cooperation between
This was the frame of a new concept, the historians, specialists in economy, law,
state of social prosperity, which produced geopolitics.
an increase of peoples revenues, a The coordinator of the collection
reducing of work days in a week, the Construction of Europe, the great
development of tourism, the growth of the historian Jacques le Goff noted:
number of automobiles, goods, the mass Europe builds. It is a great hope, which
access at the travels in airplanes, ships, the will become reality if only we consider the
reformation of social insurance system, the history: A Europe without history would
modern evolution of the education6. be an orphan and a miserable. Because
Other problems as illegal immigration, the present day comes from the yesterday
work unregistered, drug traffic, terrorism, and the tomorrow is the result of the past.
pollution and protection of the environment, A past which must not paralyze the present,
womans condition, human rights are typical but help to be different in fidelity and new
for the second half of the XX-th century. in progress. Between the Atlantic, Asia and

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Ionu erban, Florian Olteanu

Africa, our Europe exists really for a long and European Ministry of Defense. It was
time, designed by geography and shaped placed under the control of the European
by history, early from the times when Parliamentary Assembly.
Greeks gave the name it bears. The future Jean Monnet (18881979 a very important
people must rely on these heritance, which, counselor of the allied governments, during
from the Ancient times, even from Pre- the Second World War), and Robert
historic times, reached Europe step by Schuman (18861963 French Foreign
step, making it extraordinarily creative in Affairs Minister) initiated a plan able to
its unity and its diversity, including a put together the production of coal and
world complex frame10. steel in France and Western Germany16. It
One of the first steps of the consti- was the base of the Schuman decla-
tution of the common policy of security ration, published on 9 May 195017.
and defense is the Treaty of Brussels (17 During the discussions with the German
March 1948), which established the basis Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, on 4 April
of the Western European Union (U.E.O.)11. 1951 Jean Monnet defined the warranty of
The introduction of the treaty has as main the union agreements based on the
objective the mutual warranty of the se- principle of equality:
curity of the states, which signed the I am authorized to propose that the
treaty. The fifth article imposed for the relations between Germany and France,
Member States the task of the military within the Community, will be governed
help and political assistance in case of a on the principle of equality, in the Council
military attack against an European state12. and in the Assembly and in all the
The U.E.O. Treaty offered large attri- European institutions, present or future18.
butions in matters of European defense Konrad Adenauer made his response:
strategy, but in the conditions of the Cold You know how I am attached to the
War appeared other organizations which equality rights for my country in the future
made a very restraint area of action of this and to my conviction of the domination
treaty13. actions in which it was entrained in the
On 11 August 1950, at the 5th Con- past. I am glad to give my full accord to
sultative Assembly of the European Council14 your proposal, because I do not see the
(created in May 1949), the former British Community without total equality19.
Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill, the As a direct consequence, on 18 April
hero of the World War II and of the Allied 1951 the Treaty of Paris was signed among
Conferences and post-war arrangements France, Federal Germany, Italy, and the three
(Teheran, Yalta, Moscow), proposed the Benelux countries (Belgium, Luxembourg,
creation of the European United Army15. and the Netherlands). It established the
The E U A should be under democratic European Coal and Steel Community
control, and also would have an alliance (E.C.S.C.), a first step in the creation of the
with Canada and USA. European Union. The treaty could act
On 24 October 1950, the President of starting on 23 July 1952 until 23 July 2002.
the European Council, Hene Peven launched The treaty which established the
the Plan of the Defense of the European E.C.S.C. has a major importance as Petre
Community (C. E. A.), which was presented Prisecaru considered: the objective of the
to the National French Assembly. The C. C.E.C.O. (E.C.S.C.) common reglementation
E. A., in accordance with the constitution of the coal and steel is less important than
treaty, should have had a common budget the international principles established,
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
The birth of E.U. Historiographical and political aspects

which conducted to the start of the being known as European Economic

Western European integration based on a Community (E.E.C.). The second made
political vision oriented to the future and the frame in controlling the atomic energy,
to the pragmatic action20. named the Treaty of European Atomic Energy
This treaty imposed a new theory, that Community (EURATOM). The treaties had
of the intensification of the economic re- judicial power starting on 1-st January
lations which creates a solidarity conducting 1958. Later, the Treaty establishing the
soon to a political cooperation21. European Economic Community became the
Until August 1954, the C.E.A. treaty Treaty establishing the European Community25.
was ratified by five Member States (Italy, The British opposition in signing the
Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands). treaties from 1957 will be diminished by
But, after a preliminary vote, without pre- offering to the British government the status
senting the contents of the treaty, the National of the supervisor on the common market
French Assembly rejected the project. It in the field of coal and steel.
was the end of the C.E.A. project22. In July 1969, the West-German
The annalists considered the failure of Chancellor Willy Brandt proposed to the
C.E.A. project as a consequence of an members of C.E.E. an active implication
insufficient consideration for the internal in the creation of the common strategy in
problems of the European states during the foreign policy of defense.
Cold War when Europe was divided The birth date of the concept of co-
between the capitalist West and the operation in the external policy (known as
socialist East23. political cooperation) is December 1969,
During 1-3 June 1955, at the Con- at the summit of C.E.E. in Hague, when
ference of Messina a committee was the Member States decided to make a
appointed, led by Paul Henri Spaak, which report over the cooperation possibilities in
had as main responsibility the preparation the field of foreign affairs.
of a preliminary report about the ways of A committee formed by high rank
the creation of the common market. officials under the presidency of Etienne
The Suez Crisis from 1956, the last Davignon (a high rank official of Foreign
colonial aggression put France and Britain, Affairs Ministry from Belgium), created a
the most powerful European states after report which recommended the creation of
the war, in a desperate situation. Europe the harmonization system of the points of
represented nothing when forces as U.S.A. view, the coordination of the positions and,
or U.S.S.R. made their intervention. when it is possible, accepting of common
The historians consider that the Suez positions26. The Davignon report was adopted
Crisis imposed the next step on the Euro- on 28 October 1970 in Luxembourg and
pean construction, the birth of a European became the frame of the political coope-
Community. In the conditions of the ration in the C.E.E. states between 1970-
failure of the plan of a European army, the 1989. The report of the Belgian Prime
architects of the Union realized that the Ministry Leo Tindemans pointed out the
only way was an economic one24. absence of the common defense and se-
On March 25th, 1957, at Rome two curity policies. The Tindemans report
treaties were signed by Belgium, the insisted over the general conclusion: the
Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Federal Union remained uncompleted without a
Germany and Italy. The first one repre- common defense policy. The security pro-
sented the birth certificate of the E.U.,

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Ionu erban, Florian Olteanu

blems included only the economical and Peter Calvocoressi, Politica mondial dup 1945,
political aspects, and not the military field27. Ediia a VII-a, Bucureti, Editura Allfa, 2000, p.
Starting with 1962, a preoccupation of 6
John Barber, op.cit., p. 428.
the members of E.E.C. proposed to create 7
Ion Ganea, Europa n cutarea unei identiti
an integration of the European Communities reale n domeniile securitii i aprrii. Raportul
which succeeded in 1967 (an institutional dintre comunitar i naional n aceste domenii, in
integration of the E.E.C., E.C.C.S. and Studii i articole de istorie, LXX, Editura
EURATOM)28. Publistar, Bucureti, 2005, p.72.
The next step was made at the Hague Ion Ploiu, Organizaii politice i militare
internaionale, Editura Universitaria, Craiova, 2004,
Conference in 1969 where a report to develop p.50.
a Unitary Monetary Unity (U.E.M.)29 was 9
Sime Pirotici, O ans istoric: Uniunea
demanded. European, in Studii i articole de istorie, LXX,
The period between 1945 and 1970 Editura Publistar, Bucureti, 2005, p. 135.
represents the time of creation of the Jacques le Goff, preface at the work of Josep
communitarian structures. At that time, the Fontana, Europa n faa oglinzii, Editura Polirom,
Iai, 2003.
Western states knew to leave out the 11
Ibidem, p. 73.
problems caused by the war, especially the 12
fear of a new grow-up of Germany. The 13
Gheorghe Magheru, Uniunea European- o
historical reconciliation between Germany idee istoric, in Magazin Istoric, anul XXVIII,
and France was the first step. After the nr.6 (327), 1994, p. 36-38.
failure of the project of a united European Vasile eclman, Ci eficiente de extindere a
relaiilor comerciale interne i internaionale ale
army, in 1954, caused by the veto of the
Romniei n economia de pia-doctoral thesis,
French Parliament, only the economic way A.S.E, Bucureti, 2006, p.101-103.
was embraced, this will contribute to the 15
Ion Ganea, loc.cit., p. 74.
political cooperation. Charles Zorghibe, Histoire de la construction
The creation in 1957 of the C.E.E., europeene, Paris, Presses Universitaires de
defined the way which would be followed France, 1996, p.38.
in the second half of the XX-th century. Sime Pirotici, loc.cit., p. 136.
Jean Monnet, Memoires, Paris, Editure Fayard,
The historians must consider beside the 1976, p.413-415.
facts of the Cold War, the struggle between 19
communism and capitalism, between U.S.A. 20
Petre Prisecaru, Teoria integrrii economice
and U.S.S.R., between East and West europene, Bucureti, Editura Sylvi, 2001, p.29.
that Europe started to be an economic force Walter Cairns, Introducere n legislaia Uniunii
able to initiate a strong political partnership Europene, Bucureti, Editura Universal Dalsi,
2001, p.16.
until 1970. 22
Ion Ploiu, op.cit., p. 52.
Ion Ganea, loc.cit., p.74.
Note 24
Paula Daniela Gnga, Cuplul Frana-Germania
Duncan Townson, Dictionary of Modern ntr-o europ n schimbare, n Despre Europa,
History, Penguin Books, London, 1994, p. 342. Editura Lumen, Iai, 2006, p. 15.
2 25
John Barber, Istoria Europei Moderne, Editura Augustin Fuerea, Manualul Uniunii Europene,
Lider, Bucureti, 1993, p. 480. Ediia a III-a, Bucureti, Editura Univers Juridic,
Ibidem, p.483. 2006, 35.
4 26
Serge Berstein, Pierre Milza, Istoria secolului Ion Ganea, loc.cit., p. 75.
XX.Lumea ntre rboi i pace(1945-1973), vol.II, Archive of the European Integration (A.E.I.)
Bucureti, 1998, p.145.
Sime Pirotici, loc.cit., p. 138.

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009

De la internaionalismul socialist la
Despre metamorfozele ideii naionale n Romnia comunist


Abstract: Twenty years after the fall of the communist regime we still feel
working its ideological mechanisms. The main reason is our incapacity to
understand what happened in society during the four decades of
communist rule. We thought that it is enough to know the facts and to
blame the perpetrators (although we never actually did that). But this is
only the first step. Furthermore, we must take an analytic approach. That
is why, in this article I aim to analyze the way in which communism
mixed with nationalism in Romania. I have a look at the principles of
socialist internationalism, at the practice of the so-called national-
comunism in several socialist/communist countries and, finally, I focus
on the Romanian pattern, showing its ideas and its functioning. My
conclusion is that the national-communism is not a specific type of
nationalism, but a simple rhetoric, ignoring any sense and mixing
demagogically coloured elements from both ideologies.
Keywords: socialism, communism, nationalism, internationalism, history.

a dou decenii de la cderea comu- inevitabil la crearea unei alte istorii sociale,
nismului, nostalgia ia tot mai mult care o dubleaz pe cea consacrat prin
locul tristei amintiri. i cnd spun istoriografie. De aici, pentru o vreme, o
nostalgie nu m gndesc la retorica, mai confuzie n ceea ce privete raportarea la
mult sau mai puin sincer, de tipul ce perioada avut n vedere. Ajungi, atunci
bine era, c aveam cas i servici (sic!)!, cnd nu ai trit respectivele vremuri i/sau
ci la ajustarea memoriei dup zicala cele nu te-ai scufundat n scrierile istorice, s
rele s se spele, cele bune s se-adune!. nu mai tii ce a fost ru i ce a fost bine i,
ntr-o astfel de situare, trecutul, orict de de aceea, s perpetuezi incontient rema-
negru, devine simplu decor pentru expe- nene comuniste.
rienele personale de care i aduci aminte Condamnarea comunismului este o ope-
dac nu cu plcere ori cu regret, mcar cu raiune mult mai dificil dect s-a crezut.
duioie. ntr-o via de om, istoria per- Demascarea crimelor i rostirea de sentine
sonal o bate pe cea social. Numai c o aproape nici o aluzie la Raportul Comi-
sum de istorii personale similare duce siei prezideniale, care necesit o discuie

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Mihai Ghiulescu

aparte sunt necesare, dar insuficiente. Nu al politicii n istoria sa [], imagologia,

ajunge s stabilim faptele, s descoperim rdcinile sociale i psihologice [], impactul
fptaii i s-i dm deoparte pentru a scpa asupra societii romneti contempo-
de comunism. E absolut necesar s-i dise- rane2. Cea de a doua carte, Iluziile lite-
cm ideologia, instrumentele, mobilurile i raturii romne, a criticului i istoricului literar
alibiurile, pe de o parte pentru a putea iden- Eugen Negrici3, efervescena mitogene-
tifica i elimina depunerile nc nume- tic4 romneasc manifestat aa cum s-a
roase, iar pe de alt parte pentru c, odat manifestat ea n literatur (inclusiv cea din
cunoscute metodele i instrumentele mani- perioada comunist). n sfrit, dup dou
pulatorii ale regimului totalitar, va fi mult analize meritorii, vine rndul unei sinteze
mai uor s le contracarm pe cele arhi- asemenea. Este vorba de manualul pentru
folosite n actualul regim democratic. Cunoa- liceu O istorie a comunismului din Romnia,
terea comunismului are deci, simultan, o aprut sub egida Institutului de Investigare
funcie curativ i una profilactic. a Crimelor Comunismului n Romnia5.
n agitaii ani 90, comunismul a fost Realizat impecabil, manualul relev difi-
condamnat nverunat, patetic i cu iz sen- cultatea, dac nu chiar imposibilitatea,
zaionalist fapt de neles pentru acea elaborrii unei sinteze istorice inteligibile a
vreme, benefic, fr ndoial, dar, vedem comunismului romnesc. Oricine este ct
astzi, nu prea eficient. ndrznesc s spun de ct familiarizat cu literatura dedicat
c nici o ar din lumea civilizat (cu ex- epocii, i d cu uurin seama c autorii
cepia spaiului ex-sovietic incorectitu- au reuit s rein ntr-un mod admirabil
dine politic asumat!) nu a pstrat att de esenialul, s dea maximum de informaie
puternic urmele unui regim totalitar la dou n minimum de cuvinte. Rmne ntre-
decenii dup abandonarea acestuia. Discursul barea: ce poate nelege elevul mediu de
de tip Memorialul durerii a dominat spa- liceu, nscut dup 1990. Sincer, mai nimic!
iul public, descurajnd i punnd n umbr Pentru el, totul seamn a ficiune, a Orwell,
demersurile analitice (destul de solide n aa c nu prea mai are sens s folosim
Occident, puine i firave, la noi). Lucrurile clieul trimiterii la Orwell pentru a deslui
nu pot i nu trebuie s mai rmn aa. mecanismul psihologic prin care regimul co-
Mare parte a rndurilor de mai jos au munist a manipulat contiinele oamenilor
fost scrise cu civa ani n urm, fiind prin propagand6.
abandonate n ateptarea unor revizuiri i i totui, mecanismul psihologic
adugiri mereu amnate. Actuala revenire trebuie desluit Nu-i vorba numai de
asupra lor se datoreaz unor apariii edi- comunism, ci de orice regim, partid, curent
toriale recente. n primul rnd, volumul ori om politic Adevrata garanie a de-
Politic i istorie. Cazul comunitilor romni mocraiei nu st n consacrarea ei formal,
1944-1977, al regretatului istoric Vlad adic n ceea ce azi numim stat de drept,
Georgescu1. Scris n 1978 i publicat n ci n asumarea ei de ctre individ, adic n
Germania n 1983, lucrarea reprezint o voina i n capacitatea acestuia de a o
analiz rece (chiar incredibil de rece, dac apra, rezistnd tentativelor de manipulare.
ne gndim la momentul realizrii), aplicat Cu aceste gnduri am revenit asupra
i ultra-documentat (autorul chiar averti- textului care ncearc s disece raporturile
zeaz c a sacrificat fluena lecturii n destul de nclcite dintre naionalism i
favoarea caracterului documentar), urmrind comunism, cele dou mari isme prin care
s explice histo-politografia comunismului indivizii au fost manipulai pe parcursul
romn, locul istoriei n politic, precum i ultimelor dou secole.
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
De la internaionalismul socialist la naional -comunism

Dup o perioad interbelic n care oricare ali lideri estici, unicul principiu de
curentele naionaliste au dominat spaiul legitimare consta n ataamentul fa de
public i dup dou dictaturi care au fcut URSS i asumarea obligaiei de a ndeplini
din naionalism o adevrat politic de stat, de ndeplini directivele Kremlinului10. Au
venirea la putere a Partidului Comunist adoptat deci, fr discuii, ideologia inter-
Romn a nsemnat o desprire sau, pentru naionalismului proletar aa cum era pre-
a folosi una din metaforele matrimoniale zentat de Marx, Engels, Lenin i mai ales
ale istoricului Stephen Fischer-Galai, un Stalin, adic susinerea primatului solida-
divor de tradiie7. ritii de clas n raport cu cea naional.
Micarea comunist promitea o altfel Internaionalismul nu este considerat contrar
de democraie dect cea oferit de socie- intereselor naionale, pretinznd c se m-
tatea capitalist, o democraie care s slu- bin cu patriotismul socialist n lupta
jeasc interesele clasei muncitoare. Odat pentru libertate a diferitelor ri, posibil ns
ajuns la putere ns, ea a desfiinat orice numai pe calea dezvoltrii socialiste11.
democraie. A respins totodat naionalismul El nu este, teoretic, o negare, ci o depire
i a adoptat internaionalismul, susinnd a naionalismului cruia i se recunoate ro-
principiul egalitii naiunilor. n scurt timp, lul diferit n funcie de condiiile istorice
inteniile s-au transformat, n practic, n (chiar rolul pozitiv n cazul naiunilor asu-
contrariul lor, iar apoi au fost cu totul prite), dar care este considerat ostil sco-
abandonate prin mbriarea unui naio- purilor finale ale clasei muncitoare12.
nalism foarte asemntor cu cel micrilor Naiunea era definit ca o comunitate
fasciste anterioare. Astfel, dei n planul uman stabil, constituit istoric pe baza
ideologiilor originare extrema dreapt i comunitii de limb, de teritoriu, de via
extrema stng erau radical diferite, n economic i de factur psihic materia-
planul practicii social-politice au dat na- lizat n cultura naional. ntrunirea cu-
tere unor regimuri totalitare similare8. mulat a tuturor acestor elemente era con-
siderat obligatorie, dar rolul esenial era
Etapa internaionalismului socialist rezervat intereselor economice. Momentul
Odat cu proclamarea Republicii Po- istoric al naterii naiunii poate fi aflat n
pulare Romne, n 1947, au fost create perioada capitalismului ascendent, chiar
practic toate condiiile pentru instaurarea dac unele din componentele sale au pre-
statului totalitar. Un prim pas l-a constituit cedat acest moment. Ca orice fenomen istoric,
nregimentarea militar a rii n blocul ea este presupus a avea un sfrit, plasat
sovietic, prin tratatul romno-sovietic de perioada urmtoare victoriei comunismului
prietenie, colaborare i ajutor reciproc. Au n lumea ntreag i instaurrii unui sistem
urmat consolidarea partidului unic de mas al economiei comuniste mondiale care ar
i impunerea modelului totalitar sovietic fi creat condiiile pentru contopirea tuturor
prin adoptarea Constituiei din aprilie 1948. naiunilor ntr-una singur13.
Comunitii au acionat foarte rapid pentru Stalin n persoan a trasat linia de con-
transformarea Romniei urmnd modelul duit a comunitilor n problema naional.
sovietic i folosind practicile staliniste9. n viziunea sa, aceasta se manifest diferit
Noii conductori ai Romniei i-au n funcie de interesele de clas pe care le
asumat rolul de susintori ai planurilor servete: n timpuri diferite pesc n are-
Moscovei de transformare a estului euro- na luptei clase diferite i fiecare clas ne-
pean ntr-un adevrat imperiu comunist. lege n felul ei problema naional14.
Pentru ei, poate mai mult dect pentru Referindu-se la cazul particular al popoa-

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Mihai Ghiulescu

relor din Rusia, el a ncercat s ilustreze catalogat drept imperialist, rzboinic i

diferena dintre problema naional a reacionar. Pentru a ctiga, sau mcar
proletarilor i cea a nobilimii ori a burghe- pentru a face fa, nu trebuia i nu putea s
ziei. Dac acestea din urm doresc, n lupte de una singur, ci s contrapun sta-
viziunea sa, izolarea naional, proletarii telor occidentale o coaliie cuprinznd sta-
au n vedere, dimpotriv, desfiinarea tele estice. Pentru mobilizarea lor a apelat
barierelor ridicate ntre naiuni. De aceea, la chestiunea naional a proletarilor.
trebuie acordat mare atenie condiiilor Aceasta nu mai nsemna acum doar soli-
comune tuturor proletarilor, comunitii lor daritatea proletarilor de naionaliti di-
de interese, iar deosebirile naionale tre- ferite din interiorul aceluiai stat ori din
buie luate n considerare numai n msura state diferite, ci, pur i simplu, solidaritatea
n care nu contravin intereselor comune statelor n care proletariatul devenise clas
ale proletarilor15. Ideea sa este simpl: conductoare. Diferenele dintre ele trebuia
solidaritatea dintre clasele corespondente terse prin eliminarea particularitilor na-
din cadrul diferitelor naiuni are prioritate ionale i nlocuirea lor cu modelul so-
n raport cu cea dintre clasele sociale di- vietic. Cel care a lansat apelul a fost A.A.
ferite din interiorul aceleiai naiuni. Jdanov, ideologul oficial al stalinismului.
Pentru Stalin, problema naional este o Cile naionale spre socialism trebuiau
nebuloas care poate fi clarificat numai definitiv prsite spunea acesta, chemnd
reducnd-o la o sum de probleme sociale toate forele progresiste s fac front
(revendicri de clas)16. Din tot textul comun cu Uniunea Sovietic, bastionul
su se pot desprinde cteva idei precise: visului de egalitate i fericire al omenirii.
egalitatea de drepturi ceteneti pentru Strategiile sale de intensificare a luptei de
toate naionalitile din Rusia, libertatea clas internaionale i consecinele ei n
folosirii limbii materne, dreptul de auto- Europa rsritean au fost definitivate n
administrare (ns numai n condiiile unei 1947 i materializate n Cominform (Biroul
contiine proletare dezvoltate) i negarea, de Informaii al Partidelor Comuniste i
de pe poziii materialist-dialectice, a exis- Muncitoreti), un organism care, ca suc-
tenei spiritului naional, din punct de cesor al Cominternului, i propunea s
vedere logic o nerozie17. Evident, aceste concentreze diversele tendine din cadrul
precepte staliniste erau valabile i pentru comunismului mondial19.
noile state-satelit. Stalin era singurul n- Jdanov a impus tuturor partidelor co-
dreptit s (re)interpreteze ideologia pentru muniste care au participat la Cominform
legitimarea diverselor aciuni sau compor- (cele din estul european, minus Albania i
tamente conjuncturale18. Germania de Est, plus Frana i Italia)
Teoria socialist cu privire la problema adoptarea unei declaraii prin care se re-
naional a constituit fundamentul noii cunotea URSS calitatea de depozitar al
politici externe a URSS. n condiiile im- dezideratelor umaniste ale luptei anti-
plicrii americane n reconstrucia Europei fasciste. Stilul su era imperativ i mani-
i ale sprijinului acordat de ctre englezi heist: nu vedea nici o cale de mijloc ntre
forelor anticomuniste greceti, sovieticilor socialismul sovietic i capitalismul occi-
le-a devenit tot mai evident c vremea dental, fapt ce a dus la accelerarea pro-
concordiei dintre aliai era definitiv apus cesului de aservire a statelor socialiste din
i c se deschidea o epoc nou, de lupt est, la depirea formelor democratice ps-
ntre estul socialist i pretins democratic, trate n primii ani de dup rzboi. Modelul
pacifist i progresist i vestul capitalist, care li s-a impus consta n distrugerea so-
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
De la internaionalismul socialist la naional -comunism

cial, economic, politic, cultural a ordinii reprezentat mari impedimente pentru noua
anterioare, eliminarea tuturor dumanilor putere. n foarte scurt timp, toate reperele
reali sau poteniali i implantarea unor istoriei romneti au fost inversate. Solida-
structuri noi, calchiate dup cele sovietice20. A ritatea internaional, att de invocat n
fost inventat chiar i o teorie care s des- istoriografia trecut i viitoare, a fost pentru
crie natura noilor regimuri: ele nu erau moment nlocuit cu lupta de clas, n-
chiar dictaturi ale proletariatului, ci expe- vestit cu rolul de motor al istoriei.
rimente ale unei noi formule politice, demo- Internaionalismul se dovedete, de fapt, un
craia popular. Aparent o form goal, antinaionalism. Nu doar c toate marile
aceast sintagm este foarte important. Ea evenimente istorice sunt reinterpretate ca
a oferit acoperirea ideologic pentru modul simple acte de clas, dar romnii sunt pla-
diferit n care se construia socialismul n ai n rolul negativ de agresori imperialiti
fiecare ar i, n special, pentru implicarea ai revoluiei socialiste: unirea din 1859 era
rnimii, categoria dominant. Revoluia rezultatul nelegerii dintre boierime i
nu era specific nici uneia din ele i urma burghezie n dauna maselor populare, uni-
peste tot prescripiile Moscovei dar trebuia rea cu Basarabia i Transilvania, acte de
s in cont de condiiile de la faa locului. agresiune mpotriva revoluiilor din Rusia
Democraia popular era definit ca o i Ungaria. Din 1947 pn n 1956, Istoria
form de organizare politic a societii Romniei va purta numele de Istoria R.P.R23.
care, n funcie de condiiile istorice, putea Cuvntul naiune i derivatele sale au
lua fie forma dictaturii proletariatului, fie nceput s fie evitate n vorbirea oficial;
pe cea a dictaturii proletariatului i a r- relevant mi se pare observaia istoricului
nimii. Revoluiile democrat-populare erau Vlad Georgescu c pn i campionatele
privite iniial ca micri pentru indepen- naionale de fotbal au fost rebotezate cam-
den naional i reform politic i so- pionate republicane24.
cial i, abia odat acestea realizate, ele se Misiunea rescrierii istoriei a revenit
transformau n revoluii socialiste. Demo- unor noi istorici, n cea mai mare parte,
craii populare erau nu numai rile din improvizai (este de notat numele lui
Europa de Est, ci i statele socialiste din Mihail Roller, adevrat guru al istorio-
Asia21. grafiei de la sfritul deceniului al V-lea i
n aceast prim faz, internaiona- nceputul celui urmtor). Vechii istorici
list, n Romnia, s-a urmrit distrugerea ai perioadei interbelice, acuzai de naio-
oricrei legturi cu trecutul burghezo- nalism i de pro-occidentalism, au fost
naionalist, n toate domeniile: economie, principalele inte ale epurrilor25, alturi de
cultur i, mai ales, politic. Eradicarea vechii politicieni, scriitori etc. Capul clasic
trecutului a nceput n 1948, imediat dup de acuzare era fascismul, un clieu al
instaurarea republicii, i se poate considera jargonului socialist al vremii, cuprinznd
c n 1952 el era deja, de facto, ncheiat22. ntreaga opoziie romneasc fa de noua
Schimbarea a avut un caracter cu att mai ornduire. n fascism erau incluse toate
brutal cu ct peisajul ideologic romnesc valorile negative: naionalismul, antisovie-
nu cunoscuse o direcie marxist-revolu- tismul, anticomunismul etc. i, n plus, era
ionar prea puternic. Puinele tradiii de considerat instrumentul ideal al atacurilor
stnga (poporanismul, rnismul) nu au din exterior, din partea fascismului i
anunat revoluia, social-democraii au rmas imperialismului internaional26.
marginali pe scena politic, iar comunitii n acest punct devine vizibil limitarea
au fost interzii. Totui, acestea nu par s fi internaionalismului socialist la statele

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Mihai Ghiulescu

lagrului estic. Orice legtur cu occidentul lui Vasile Luca s-a bazat pe dorina de
capitalist era exclus. Pn i proletarul putere nelimitat sau pe naionalismul
occidental prea deczut din rolul su lui Gheorghiu-Dej sau dac ea avut loc din
istoric. Nu era suficient ca romnii s iniiativa acestuia sau ca urmare a instruc-
ntrein relaii strnse cu popoarele vecine iunilor Moscovei. Exist, n principal,
i n special cu cel sovietic, trebuia s dou opinii. Prima consider aciunea ar fi
existe o strns legtur secular i chiar o fost cauzat de conflictul dintre grupul
ndatorare fa de acestea. Ideea insulei de din ar i grupul de la Moscova. n acest
latinitate dispare pentru o vreme lsndu-i caz, ar fi putut fi vorba de naionalism
pe romni s se piard n marea slav27. dar nu neles ca ovinism, ci doar ca o
Misiunea frontului istoric a fost s de- convingere c liderii din ar, i nu cei din
monstreze rolul creator i stimulator pe strintate, ar fi fost motenitorii de drept
care marea cultur a marelui vecin a avut- ai firavei tradiii revoluionare romneti
o asupra romnilor, de la scii la comu- i, prin urmare, tot ei ar fi trebuit s i
niti, de la epoca pietrei, la aceea a socia- asume rolul de executani ai ordinelor lui
lismului: lor se presupunea c le-am fi Stalin30. E uor de observat c naionalis-
datorat desvrirea etnogenezei, protecia mul nu prea e de fapt naionalism, ci un
n Evul Mediu, modernizarea, indepen- simplu conflict de interese. Aceast opinie
dena i, bineneles, modelul cluzitor nu explic ns de ce au fost eliminai doar
pentru viitor28. Nu e deloc greu s obser- cei doi lideri moscovii, iar cei de rangul al
vm o contradicie flagrant: istoricii anti- doilea (Valter Roman, Leonte Rutu etc.)
naionaliti romni au promovat involuntar au fost meninui n continuare. O a doua
nu doar sovietismul, ci un adevrat opinie, care exclude cu hotrre att con-
naionalism rus, care, teoretic, era condam- flictul dintre grupuri ct i ovinismul/
nat de preceptele staliniste. antisemitismul dejist, nu explic motivele
O alt limit a internaionalismului eliminrii altfel dect prin interesele per-
comunist romnesc poate fi considerat sonale. Ea pune ns n centru micarea
i lupta sngeroas care s-a dat n interiorul antisionist, de fapt antisemit, lansat de
i pentru controlul PMR. La vremea apa- Stalin. Astfel, acesta, fr s se manifeste
riiei pe scena politic a Romniei post- deschis mpotriva celorlali, l-ar fi preferat
belice, n conducerea PCR au existat trei pe Gheorghiu-Dej tocmai pentru c nu era
grupuri: cei care rmseser n ar i acti- evreu. n plus, anunarea sionismului ca pe-
vaser n ilegalitate (tefan Fori, Lucreiu ricol pentru comunism i campania anti-
Ptrcanu etc.), grupul din ar al celor semit pornit la Moscova i n alte ri ale
care fuseser ntemniai nc din anii 30 blocului ar fi fost un bun prilej pentru
(n frunte cu Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej i din romnizarea, adic instalarea n funcii a
care a fcut parte i Nicolae Ceauescu) i propriilor oameni, i, n special, excluderea
grupul de la Moscova (Ana Pauker, Vasile Anei Pauker faptul c Ana Pauker era
Luca etc.)29. Gheorghiu-Dej i grupul su evreic a fost un accident fericit pentru
s-au impus n cele din urm, eliminndu-le Dej, scria istoricul Dennis Deletant i a
pe celelalte dou. Trecnd peste acuzaiile lui Vasile Luca (de origine maghiar)31.
formale care li se aduceau victimelor epu- Nu ar fi fost deci vorba de antisemitism ci
rrilor, lupta pentru putere pare s se fi de folosirea n favoarea sa a antisemitis-
concentrat asupra compoziiei etnice a con- mului stalinian. Nici unul din cele dou
ducerii partidului. Bineneles, este greu de moduri de a explica lupta de la vrful
apreciat dac eliminarea Anei Pauker i a partidului nu este satisfctoare. Ambele
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
De la internaionalismul socialist la naional -comunism

las n umbr cazurile particulare ale braele ideii naionale, scria Katherine
multor exclui i ale multor rmai. Chiar Verdery32. A luat natere astfel ceea ce se va
n lipsa datelor precise, este de notat c numi comunismul naional sau naional-
atitudinea comunitilor fa de cei de alt comunismul.
etnie i n special fa de evrei este departe Romnia nu a fost un caz singular. Se
de progresismul afirmaiilor cu privire la poate spune chiar c, pretutindeni, comu-
problema naional. Mai important dect nismul a manifestat o tendin de trecere,
ideile i sentimentele fa de strini ale mai lent sau mai rapid, mai zgomotoas
diverilor conductori romni este faptul sau mai discret, de la internaionalism la
c, la cumpna deceniilor al V-lea i al VI- naionalism. Fenomenul nu este, aadar, n
lea, internaionalismul i antisemitismul au esen, tipic romnesc, ci caracteristic evo-
avut o surs comun. luiei regimurilor comuniste n general33
Se poate aprecia c internaionalismul chiar dac s-a apreciat (de ctre filosoful
a cunoscut o pant ascendent pn la Alain Finkielkraut) c, prin formele paro-
moartea lui Stalin pentru ca apoi s des- xistice atinse de naional-comunism n vremea
creasc n intensitate. Urmele sale au r- lui Nicolae Ceauescu, statul romn ar fi
mas adnci vreme de un deceniu, iar la fost un ideal-tipic al acestui regim34.
nivel declarativ s-au meninut pn la Paradoxal, deschiztoarea de drumuri
sfritul regimului comunist. Internaio- a fost i n acest sens tot Rusia, care, prin
nalismul, privit retrospectiv, nu pare s fi Stalin, a desfurat, chiar din perioada lo-
susinut att cooperarea ntre statele comu- zincilor internaionaliste, o politic naiona-
niste ct cooperarea fiecruia dintre ele cu list foarte agresiv. Denumirea de URSS
URSS. A fost deci mai degrab un amestec a fost masca perfect pentru naionalismul
de anti-naionalism principial (chiar anti- rus, pentru oprimarea celorlalte popoare
naional) i sovietism (incluznd aici i crora, doar aparent, li se asigurase dreptul
naionalismul rus). de autoguvernare. China a dat i ea o tent
naional comunismului su. Romnia,
Naional-comunismul Albania, Coreea de Nord au urmat aceeai
linie. Ungaria i Bulgaria s-au alturat i
Falimentul internaionalismului i ele iar RDG, care mult vreme a evitat
naionalismele compensatoare orice manifestare de spirit naional, a recurs,
Comunismul romnesc, ca de altfel la sfrit, cnd a devenit evident lipsa
toate comunismele implantate de URSS oricrui argument pentru existena sa, la
dup cel de Al Doilea Rzboi Mondial, s-a aceeai retoric naionalist35.
gsit nc de la nceputurile sale ntr-o Exist un grup de ri crora li s-a apli-
criz de legitimitate. Internaionalismul, cat, cu precdere, eticheta de naional-
manifestat n special ca ataament fa de comunism: Albania, Coreea de Nord,
Moscova, i asumarea rolului de repre- Cuba, Romnia i Vietnam. Acestea s-au
zentant al clasei muncitoare nu au reuit opus oricrei tentative de reformare i,
s i aduc suportul popular de care ar fi totodat, au urmrit obinerea unei ct mai
avut absolut nevoie. Cu timpul, el a puternice stabiliti populare. Nu este ntm-
operat o schimbare de direcie ncercnd s pltor c, n paralel cu ncurajarea compor-
compenseze, n faa majoritii naionale, tamentelor naionaliste, au manifestat o
lipsa democraiei prin adoptarea fi a apeten pentru comunismul dogmatic,
naionalismului majoritar. Chiar slbi- reticent fa de orice form de nnoire.
ciunea regimului l-a forat s cad n Situaia lor a fost de dou ori paradoxal:

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Mihai Ghiulescu

liderii comuniti au desfurat o retoric erodeze treptat; n plus, odat cu retragerea

anticominternist i antisovietic dei ajun- trupelor strine s-a creat un vid de legi-
seser la putere numai ca urmare a pre- timitate ce nu putea fi umplut altfel dect
siunii sovietice (i se poate aprecia c fr prin apelul la valorile naionale39.
existena ei nu ar fi rezistat atta vreme); n ceea ce privete conjunctura, se poate
un alt paradox este c prin proclamarea in- spune c, n epoca stalinist, naionalismul
dependenei fa de Moscova s-a des- nu a existat n stare latent, rbufnind uneori
vrit puterea dictatorilor naionali care a la semnalele Kremlinului. Trecerea, n
dus la respingerea democratizrilor propuse grade diferite i cu viteze diferite, a nceput
de la centru: ruptura de modelul sovietic dup moartea lui Stalin (1953) i odat cu
a permis meninerea n via a stalinis- curentul de democratizare/liberalizare
mului pn trziu36. Pe acestea se poate susinut n special de Hrusciov. Conjunc-
ntemeia afirmaia c, n peisajul global al tura favorabil despririi nete de Uniunea
comunismului, naional-comunismele ocup Sovietic a reprezentat-o ns conflictul
un rol intermediar, ntre experiene de inspi- ideologic dintre sovietici i chinezi de la
raie liberal (de la care pstreaz mani- nceputul anilor 60.
festrile de independen i suveranitate
naional) i comunismele utopice (crora Naional-comunismul romnesc
le mprtesc radicalismul ideologic)37. n acest cadru general, Romnia a mers
E greu de spus care au fost motivele mai departe dect ceilali. Explicaia st
pentru care unele state au decis s se n- probabil n tradiia discursului naionalist
drepte spre un astfel de regim. rile eti- pe care antinaionalismul nceputurilor co-
chetate ca naional-comuniste erau diferite muniste l-a acoperit, dar nu a reuit s l
din punct de vedere cultural, proveneau anihileze. A contat poate i sentimentul parti-
din arii geografice diferite, aveau interese cularitii romneti n blocul comunist, acea
economice diferite i, nu n ultimul rnd, obsesie a insulei de latinitate din marea
se confruntau cu pericole politico-militare slav.
diferite. Din aceast evident eterogenitate Manualul O istorie, de care am vor-
nu se poate deduce dect c naional- bit la nceput, sintetizeaz perfect trsturile
comunismul a fost un sistem sau foarte naional-comunismului romnesc. De aceea,
suplu sau foarte ambiguu, fcnd astfel citez in extenso:
fa unor situaii din cele mai diverse38. Degenerarea naionalist a ideologiei de
Fenomenul, general, s-ar explica, n viziunea la Bucureti, care s-a produ n ultimele
istoricului Lucian Boia, prin caracterul dou decenii de comunism romnesc, a
izolaionist al utopiilor i prin incapaci- gsit un teren fertil de acceptare popular.
tatea comunismului de a oferi, aa cum Naiona-lismul romnesc din secolul al
promitea, raiul pe pmnt. Discursul naio- XIX-lea i cel interbelic a fost orientat mai
nalist apare ca o form, cea mai frecvent degrab ctre istorie, limb i cultur
i nu arareori eficient, de diversiune n (utilizate ca argumente n construcia
faa dificultilor acumulate, o compensare statului naional), dect ctre ideea de
democraie i drepturi politice ale cet-
a lipsurilor i frustrrilor din viaa de zi cu
enilor ca n modelul naionalist francez,
zi a oamenilor. Apare din nou n discuie spre exemplu exploatarea specificului
chestiunea legitimitii. n rile unde regi- naional a dus la subordonarea integral a
mul fusese impus prin ocupaie sovietic istoriei i culturii fa de politica oficial,
(cum a fost i cazul Romniei, pn n 1958), aceasta fiind nvestit cu misiunea de a
era firesc ca internaionalismul impus s se crea miturile cu funcie ideologic legiti-
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
De la internaionalismul socialist la naional -comunism

matoare, iar ulterior de a servi cultului evreii fiind rapid nlocuii cu etnici romni.
delirant al lui Ceauescu []. n acest S-a apropiat, de asemenea, de Tito, sus-
context, comunismul n-a tiut s fac innd neamestecul sovieticilor n afacerile
diferena ntre cabotinism i patriotismul interne i l-a aprobat pe Mao n aprarea
hotrt a motenirii staliniste. A boicotat
ncercnd o schi cronologic a na- demersul lui Hrusciov pentru formarea
terii i evoluiei naional-comunismului ro- unor corpuri integratoare supranaionale
mnesc trebuie s precizm c momentul (n cadrul CAER), considernd c singurul
schimbrii majore este plasat, de regul, n mod de a-i apra hegemonia era inde-
1964, dar se accept faptul c el a fost pendena (chiar autarhia) economic. Ideea
pregtit nc din deceniul trecut. nainte de industrializri rapide, cu accentul pe
implantarea naionalismului, mai mult sau industria grea, preluat direct de la Lenin
mai puin oficial, ca politic de stat, a fost i Stalin, l-a transformat iat un nou
nevoie de o desovietizare, de o afirmare a paradox! pe Dej ntr-un comunist
autonomiei fa de Moscova, fr ca aceasta naional. n acest sens, sunt juste dou
s implice i o destalinizare puternic. S-a observaii ale lui Dennis Deletant: 1) Dej a
argumentat c decizia plenarei din august fcut distincia dintre modelul sovietic i
1953 a fost prima formulare a liniei na- Uniunea Sovietic, care, n noua sa
ionale i a marcat cariera viitoare a lui politic, abandonase respectivul model
Gheorghiu-Dej. n cuvntarea sa de la 23 (altfel spus, romnul devenise mai sovietic
august 1953 acesta a pus un semn de ega- dect sovieticii) i 2) campania de stabilire
litate ntre obiectivele istorice ale Partidului a noului curs al Romniei a fost, con-
Muncitoresc Romn (este interesant c acesta comitent, activ i reactiv42. Fa de con-
s-a prezentat ntotdeauna ca romn, i nu flictul sino-sovietic el s-a pstrat pe o
din Romnia, aa cum recomandase poziie de neutralitate dar a preluat din
Stalin), al naiunii romne i construcia acesta ideea egalitii tuturor statelor so-
socialist a unui stat romn modern41. cialiste pe care a opus-o Kremlinului. La
Manifestarea, chiar dac slab, a indepen- nceputul anilor 60, presa romneasc a
denei romneti ar fi survenit, aadar, la nceput s publice o serie de articole anti-
foarte puin timp de la dispariia lui Stalin, sovietice. Astfel, ca reacie fa de Moscova,
ntr-o vreme n care destalinizarea viitoare Dej a trecut la folosirea armei naionalis-
nu era nc clar. Alte momente impor- mului, comunitii romni, altdat cei mai
tante ar fi fost Congresul al II-lea din 1955 fideli, au trecut rapid la promovarea valo-
i plenara din 1958. Pentru Dej, campa- rilor naionale. Pentru o vreme im-punerea
niile de destalinizare lansate de Hrusciov liniei naionale a avut efectul scontat:
nu prevesteau nimic bine. Asemenea altor obinerea unei mai largi baze populare
veterani politici, el considera c noua po- pentru conducerea dejist43.
litic nu putea dect s submineze sistemul, n Legitimarea rupturii de URSS i a
general, i regimul din Romnia, n special. trecerii la comunismul naional a fost
A profitat de ea numai n msura n care Declaraia cu privire la poziia Partidului
era util scopurilor sale de autonomizare i Muncitoresc Romn n problemele micrii
cucerire a puterii absolute, practicnd o comuniste i muncitoreti internaionale,
destalinizare strict controlat i limitat la din 1964, cunoscut i sub numele de De-
atacurile mpotriva fotilor rivali. A asigu- claraia de independen a PMR, declara-
rat o romnizare a ealoanelor superioare ie prin care comunitii romni i mani-
din partid i administraie, maghiarii i festau autonomia i cereau chiar sprijin

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Mihai Ghiulescu

occidental mpotriva Moscovei. Ea a fost confirmat declaraia de independen din

conceput ca rspuns la Planul Valev care 1964, n 1968, cu prilejul invadrii Ceho-
urmrea crearea unei regiuni economice slovaciei de ctre trupele Pactului de la
format din RSS Moldoveneasc, Romnia Varovia. S-a convins atunci c c apelul
i o parte din Bulgaria, evident controlat la sentimentul naional, retoric i prin
de Uniune44. diverse simboluri, poate fi un mecanism
n continuare, n perioada 1964-1971, eficient pentru controlul social i pentru
Romnia a cunoscut o perioad de li- dictatura personal46. Rbufnirea violent
bertate limitat i strict supravegheat, a naionalismului s-a produs n 1971, cnd
fiind greu de apreciat dac a fost sau nu Ceauescu a lansat aa-numitele teze din
vorba despre o real destalinizare. A fost iulie ce anunau o (mini)revoluie cul-
vremea recuperrii trecutului, a reabili- tural. Liberalizarea i deschiderea au fost
trii i reintegrrii n cultura romneasc a definitiv stopate iar noua linie naional-
valorilor naionale, deriva naionalist de comunist s-a radicalizat continuu, mai
peste civa ani fiind, n acele momente, ales n anii 80, cnd a i fost confirmat
probabil, imposibil de prevzut. Au aprut prin tezele de la Mangalia (1983), pn n
primele sinteze de istorie naional de 1989. Camuflate sub sintagma de umanism
dup rzboi, au fost recuperate nume mari socialist, cele 17 teze din iulie repre-
ale culturii romne, a aprut un suflu nou zentau, de fapt, o ntoarcere la realismul
n literatura contemporan. n aprecierea socialist al anilor 50, altoit, de aceast
noilor schimbri este totui nevoie de o dat, cu o not naionalist. Se fcea che-
anumit rezerv: liberalizarea cultural a mare la creterea continu a rolului con-
fost subordonat scopurilor i intereselor ductor a partidului n toate domeniile
puterii comuniste. Partidul Muncitoresc activitii politico-educative, sublinierea
(redevenit, din 1965, Comunist) Romn a marilor realizri ale poporului romn
ncercat s i aroge un rol mult mai mare constructor al socialismului, mbunt-
dect a avut n istoria romnilor, ca vrf irea formelor de nvmnt politico-
de lance al forelor democratice i pro- ideologic al membrilor i cadrelor de partid,
gresiste crora le-ar fi revenit rolul pentru un control mai riguros pentru evitarea
toate realizrile naionale i sociale. Pentru publicrii lucrrilor care nu sunt la nivelul
aceasta, a reinut din trecut numai per- activitii politico-ideologice a partidului
sonalitile i numai operele care con- sau, i mai grav, conin idei i concepii
veneau. Recuperarea s-a fcut cu preul duntoare intereselor construciei socialiste.
pierderii sensurilor reale; a fost o preluare Accentul trebuia pus pe promovarea pro-
critic, implicnd reformulri, reinterpre- duciilor naionale cu un caracter militant
tri, scoateri din context ori eliminri. i revoluionar47.
Toat aciunea de reconstruire a ntregii n urmtorii aproape 20 de ani,
culturi romne a avut dou obiective prin- Romnia s-a aflat ntr-o stare de izolare iar
cipale: legitimarea comunismului i propa- spaiul public intern s-a aflat sub controlul
ganda. Privind retrospectiv, considerm ca strict al autoritilor. Cultura romn a fost
naional-comunismul exaltat care a ur- marcat de preceptele ceauiste iar operele,
mat era previzibil45. de orice gen, care s-au dovedit contrare aces-
Nicolae Ceauescu, venit la putere n tora au atras asupra autorilor lor msuri
1965 i rmas unic conductor dup 1967, represive. S-a spus, nu fr ndreptire, c
s-a pstrat n primii ani ai domniei n naionalismul regimurilor comuniste nu a
limitele trasate de predecesorul su. El a fost unul original n exprimare, ci s-a
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
De la internaionalismul socialist la naional -comunism

dovedit apropiat de cel practicat de statele crui sens etnic este subliniat nc din
fasciste ale perioadele interbelice. Axele Capitolul Introductiv, unde se precizeaz
sale majore, comune, n mare, tuturor ca- c minoritile naionale se bucur de
zurilor, au fost: cultul personalitii lide- deplin egalitate n drepturi cu poporul
rului suprem, exaltarea manifestrilor popu- romn, i amintit mai apoi cnd se stipu-
lare naionaliste, rescrierea istoriei, crearea leaz c statul asigura dezvoltarea culturii
unei imagini a patriei n pericol perma- poporului romn i a culturii minoritilor
nent, afirmarea independenei n cadrul naionale, socialist n coninut, naional
blocului comunist48. nainte de a privi asu- n form (articolul 17, alineatul j.). Cum
pra fiecreia dintre acestea, este necesar o poporul romn i poporul muncitor
prezentare a modului n care constituiile nu par s fie unul i acelai lucru, folosirea
perioadei comuniste au formulat rapor- alternativ a celor dou sintagme se vor-
turile dintre popor/naiune i stat i expli- bete, de exemplu, despre independena i
carea conceptelor-cheie n problema suveranitatea celui dinti, despre cuceririle
naional, aa cum erau ele gndite n i dumanii celui din urm (articolul 17,
ideologia naional-comunist. alineat a) nu poate crea dect confuzie.
nclinm s credem c la redactarea textului,
Stat popular, stat naional, stat-naiune cele dou popoare au fost considerate
Primul act fundamental al regimului sinonime, scpndu-se din vedere deose-
comunist, Constituia din 1948 a repre- birea creat involuntar.
zentat o ruptur cu tradiia: dac toate consti- Cea de a treia Constituie (1965) acor-
tuiile anterioare avuseser n vedere ca- d, rndul ei, ntreaga putere poporului
litatea de stat naional a Romniei (im- care reunete clasa muncitoare, rni-
plicit n 1866, explicit n 1923 i 1938), mea, intelectualitatea, celelalte categorii
ea a nlocuit-o cu cea de stat popular, un de oameni ai muncii, fr deosebire de
stat n care ntreaga putere eman de la naionalitate. Tot acum, reapare naiunea,
popor i aparine poporului(articolul 3). sub forma naiunii socialiste. Ea este
Poporul nlocuiete pretutindeni naiunea considerat sinonim cu poporul, fiind deci,
(adjectivul naional mai apare pe alocuri: teoretic, o naiune civic i nu una etnic.
economia naional, independena naional Practic, n cele dou decenii i jumtate ct
a RPR, Marea Adunare Naional) i a rmas n vigoare, litera constituiei se va
este lipsit de orice conotaie etnic. Faptul dovedi n contradicie cu realitatea.
c se vorbete despre naionaliti con- nflorirea naional-comunismului a trans-
locuitoare sau populaii de alt naiona- format sintagma naiune socialist ntr-o
litate dect cea romn pare o simpl form goal, folosit ca alibi i ca mijloc
constatare a unei stri de fapt, nencer- legtur cu dogmele comuniste49.
cndu-se instrumentarea ei politic.
Constituia din 1952 se situeaz n Naiunea socialist i
acelai plan dar aduce un plus de ambi- patriotismul socialist
guitate. Statul nu mai este pur i simplu n prezentarea concepiilor despre na-
popular ci aparine oamenilor muncii iune, naionalism, internaionalism, vom
de la orae i sate (articolul 1). Bizar este apela la dou lucrri politologice ale epocii:
c ntlnim dou tipuri de popor: pe de o un manual universitar de Socialism tiinific50 i
parte, poporul muncitor, format din oa- un Dicionar politic51. Primul lucru obser-
menii muncii i care este subiectul politic vabil este existena a dou tipuri de naiune:
al statului; pe de alta, poporul romn, al naiunea burghez i naiunea socialist.

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Mihai Ghiulescu

Pentru ilustrarea celei dinti, sunt trecute lismului ca sistem global (S.S., p. 358), por-
n revist definiiile unor autori strini, nind, e adevrat, de la naiunea burghez,
precum Ernest Renan, R. Redsolb, Rupert dar reprezentnd un proces negator pre-
Emerson, Mario Albertini, dar i romni, cum i un salt calitativ. Caracteristicile ei,
D. Gusti, P. Andrei, C. Rdulescu-Motru, pe lng cele comune cu naiunea bur-
L. Blaga, Mircea Djuvara (S.S., pp. 176- ghez (limba, teritoriul) sunt: economia
178), ajungndu-se la concluzia existenei bazat pe proprietatea obteasc, dispariia
a dou tipuri de definiii: spiritualiste i antagonismelor de clas i deci relaiile de
biologiste. Ambele sunt considerate false, colaborare ntre clasele i grupurile sociale,
cu precizarea c n primele pot fi gsite deinerea puterii de ctre clasa muncitoare
mult mai multe elemente viabile (S.S., p. n alian cu intelectualitatea i rnimea
179); li se reproeaz anistorismul, faptul i, n sfrit, o cultur care st la baza
c naiunea apare ca o entitate atempo- contiinei naionale socialiste (S.S., pp.
ral, existnd dintotdeauna (S.S., p. 179). 358-359; D.P., pp. 387-389).
Privind ns din unghiul unei concepii Dei n plin exacerbare naionalist,
generale materialist-dialectice despre societate naionalismul este respins ca ideologie i
(S.S., p. 180), ar trebui s ne par evident politic a burgheziei n problema naio-
c orice form de comunitate are un ca- nal (D.P., p. 384), dar nu a oricrei bur-
racter istoric (S.S., p. 180), c naiunea, ghezii, indiferent de timp i loc. El este
forma de comunitate corespunztoare so- este una dintre cele mai importante arme
cietii capitaliste, a aprut n perioada tre- ale burgheziei pentru a-i satisface inte-
cerii de la feudalism la capitalism (D.P., p. resele economice i a-i consolida poziia
387) i c este definibil ca ntrunire, graie politic. Se poate face distincia dintre
invincibilului rol integrator al modului naionalismul burgheziei dominante, folosit
de producie capitalist (S.S., P. 182), ntr- pentru a dezbina popoarele, a le asupri i
o unitate organic a mai multor elemente: exploata (D.P., p. 384) i cel al bur-
etnia (ansamblul trsturilor comune ale unei gheziei dominate, determinat de politica
populaii, rezultate n urma convieuirii (S.S., de dominaie i asuprire naional(D.P.,
p. 189)), teritoriul, limba literar unic, eco- p. 384). Dac primul este reacionar i o-
nomia capitalist, relaii de clas antago- vin, cel din urm e n ansamblu are un
nice, o putere de stat capitalist i o cultur caracter democratic, progresist. Totui nici
de tip capitalist pe baza creia comuni- el nu este complet ferit de derapaje ovine.
tatea i modeleaz contiina de sine a Adevrata rezolvare a problemei naionale
unitii sale (S.S., p. 181). Contiina naional ar sta deci n lichidarea societii care
are ea nsi caracter istoric i poart am- genereaz asemenea raporturi. Singur
prenta intereselor de clas, nefiind, de fapt, societatea socialist este presupus a putea
dect o parte a contiinei de clas. elimina conflictele etnice pentru c ea pla-
Pe lng aceast naiune burghez seaz n locul naionalismului patriotismul
mai exist i naiunea socialist, un nou socialist, o etap nou, calitativ superioar
tip de naiune, incomparabil mai puternic n evoluia contiinei patriotice (S.S.,
i mai omogen dup spusele lui Ceauescu p.366) i desemnnd mai degrab un ata-
nsui (apud S.S., p. 357), pentru c este o ament valorile socialismului dect fa de
comunitate de via economic i uni- cele naionale.
tar din punct de vedere social politic. Ea Paradoxal, se vorbete n continuare
apare n urma unui proces istoric care nu despre internaionalismul proletar i, te-
va fi altul dect procesul dezvoltrii socia- oretic, este privit, n mare, la fel ca n urm
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De la internaionalismul socialist la naional -comunism

cu dou decenii. Aa cum spunea Alain tive ale rezolvrii (S.S., p. 361). Romnia
Finkielkraut, el a ncetat s mai fie un el este prezentat ca un stat model n acest sens,
real al comunismului romnesc, dar a dat fiind preocuparea Partidului pentru
continuat s fie invocat ca alibi52. Temeiul naionalitile conlocuitoare, pentru asigu-
su continu s fie vzut n solidaritatea de rarea egalitii n drepturi i a condiiilor
clas dincolo de frontierele naionale dar, de afirmare nestingherit a fiecrei na-
ni se spune acum, avnd i el un caracter ionaliti (D.P., p. 386). Sunt aduse ca
istoric, coninutulformele i metodele argument articole de constituie, procente
sale sufer schimbri n funcie de de reprezentare a minoritilor etc.
condiiile concret-istorice(S.S., p. 367).
Astfel, sfera sa apare ca lrgit i, prin Problema naional
urmare, diluat. Nu se mai refer doar la n ciuda declaraiilor oficiale privind
colaborarea dintre statele blocului comunist, respectarea drepturilor minoritilor naionale,
ci cuprinde i micrile de eliberare naional- efectele politicii reale au lsat impresia unui
colonial i alte fore antiimperialiste proces de omogenizare etnic n sensul sc-
(S.S., p. 368). Internaionalismul proletar derii procentului de minoritari prin emi-
nu mai are ca int final contopirea graie sau asimilare. nc din anii 50, a
tuturor naiunilor n una singur. Dispariia fost desfurat celebra i misterioasa aface-
naiunii este de neconceput pentru c socia- re a vnzrii evreilor, nceput de Gheorghiu-
lismul nu poate face abstracie de carac- Dej, continuat i extins de Ceauescu. n
terul naional al formei de comunitate, aceeai perioad, maghiarii din Transilvania au
pentru c naiunea este o component a beneficiat de o regiune autonom dar, chiar
acestei societi [socialiste]. Ca argument i aa, situaia lor a lsat de dorit.
concret, se spune c ar fi absurd s conce- n anii 60, potrivit unor observatori,
pem dispariia naiunii numai ntr-o parte a situaia maghiarilor pare s se fi mbun-
lumii i meninerea ei n zonele capitaliste tit n ceea ce privete folosirea limbii ma-
i n lumea a treia, ambele ntrziate din terne, meninndu-se ns restricii referi-
punct de vedere istoric. n sfrit, la Con- toare la schimburile culturale. Dup des-
gresul a X-lea al PCR i la Conferina na- fiinarea Regiunii Autonome Maghiare, n
ional (1972) s-a stabilit c procesul 1960, n ciuda protestelor guvernului ma-
edificrii socialiste multilateral dezvoltate ghiar, problema maghiar a revenit n
este implicit procesul dezvoltrii naiunii discuie cu ocazia reformei administrativ-
nsei (S.S., p. 360). Vorbind despre dis- teritoriale. Ceauescu a promis c va ine
pariia naiunii n vest, avndu-se n vedere cont de structura etnic a populaiei i va
pe atunci nc tnra integrare european, veghea la respectarea prevederilor consti-
se spune c integrarea supranaional ar fi tuionale cu privire la folosirea limbii ma-
imposibil din cauza rezistenei burgheze terne n coli, administraie etc. n loca-
care i-ar vedea ameninate interesele eco- litile n care triau naionaliti conlo-
nomice i politice (S.S., p. 196). cuitoare. S-a inut de cuvnt numai parial.
O alt problem o reprezint relaiile Propunerea de creare a unui jude puternic,
naionale n socialism, nelegnd prin ele cuprinznd zonele cu cea mai mare densi-
raporturile dintre naiunile sau grupurile tate de populaie maghiar, a fost ignorat.
naionale existente n interiorul aceleiai n schimb, n noua organizare, maghiarii
societi (S.S., p. 188). Generatoare de erau lsai majoritari n mai multe judee
tensiuni n capitalism, problema naional dect n perioada anterioar dar lipsii de
i gsete n socialism condiiile obiec- posibilitatea de a crea un bloc, cu even-

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Mihai Ghiulescu

tuale pretenii de autonomie; ca o com- o mbuntire a situaiei etnicilor maghiari

pensaie, unele zone au fost alese pentru de pe teritoriul romnesc. n Transilvania,
investiii speciale n vederea industriali- a nceput s creasc numrul protestelor cu
zrii rapide. Pe msur ce guvernul de la privire la reprezentarea n Marea Adunare
Bucureti i-a dezvoltat autonomia, Ungaria Naional, nvmntul n limba matern
a gsit un sprijin la Moscova n ches- (se operase o fuziune a colilor n limba
tiunea Transilvaniei. n 1968, teama c maghiar cu cele romneti, adic o redu-
tulburrile minoritilor vor fi un prilej cere gradat a celor dinti) etc. Diversele
pentru o eventual intervenie sovietic n nemulumiri i-au fcut pe maghiari s pri-
Romnia l-a determinat pe Ceauescu s veasc cu suspiciune politica de egalizare
fac o serie de concesii economice zonelor prin modernizare. Investiiile sporite n zo-
locuite de maghiari. Teama s-a dovedit ne- nele cu populaie majoritar maghiar erau
justificat. Participarea Ungariei la aciunea privite ca un mijloc ascuns de a reduce
de la Praga a strnit nemulumiri n rndul numrul acesteia n vederea asimilrii.
maghiarilor iar reticena comun fa de Asimilarea era ncurajat pe trei ci: mi-
URSS a dus la o mbuntire a relaiilor grarea romnilor n Transilvania i emigra-
interetnice materializat n creterea canti- rea din provincie a germanilor i maghia-
tativ a presei de limb maghiar i ger- rilor, reducerea numrului colilor cu pre-
man i n crearea, n 1969, a Consiliului dare n alte limbi prin stabilirea unui nu-
Oamenilor Muncii de Naionalitate Maghiar mr minim de elevi i promovarea folosirii
i respectiv German53. limbii romne ca limb a majoritii. n plus,
n ceea ce privete minoritatea ger- migrarea forei de munc dinspre rural
man, lucrurile s-au precipitat dup 1970, spre urban, n condiiile n care majoritatea
cnd guvernul polonez a hotrt s permit romnilor locuiau la ar iar oraele deveni-
emigraia n Germania de Vest, fapt care a ser mai puin cosmopolite dup plecarea
strnit o cerere de sporire a numrului de germanilor i a evreilor, avea s aib ca
emigrani germani din Romnia. Puterea rezultat tot romnizarea55.
de la Bucureti a rspuns printr-o cam- n anii 80, cnd Ceauescu a ajuns s
panie de pres n scopul linitirii spiritelor. joace pn la capt cartea naionalist, mino-
S-a inut sub tcere nelegerea dintre ara ritile i apreau ca nite elemente primej-
noastr i RFG, n urma creia guvernul dioase, reprezentante ale unor valori strine.
de la Bonn vira sub form de credite sume Maghiarii, de altfel, cei mai numeroi, erau
cuprinse ntre 4000 i 10000 DM pentru principala sa obsesie. Dictatorul romn este
fiecare imigrant sosit din Romnia. Se esti- ncadrabil, alturi de ali lideri conserva-
meaz c numrul total al acestora, ntre tori est-europeni, n categoria comunitilor
1967 i 1989, s-a ridicat la circa 200000 de xenofobi, pentru care orice ncercare de
persoane54. reform echivala cu o trdare a intereselor
Acordul de la Helsinki (1975) a fcut naionale56.
posibil examinarea internaional a situaiei
minoritilor din Romnia. Dei guvernul Rescrierea istoriei
semnase o serie de documente internaio- Se poate observa c discursul politic ro-
nale n aceast materie, respectarea lor se mnesc a cunoscut, n timpul celor aproape
dovedea arbitrar. Dac Germania de Vest 50 de ani de comunism, mai multe etape.
a neles s nu se foloseasc de Acord Prima dintre ele a corespuns ultimilor ani
pentru a nu periclita emigrarea, Ungaria a dinainte de instaurarea oficial a noului re-
hotrt s profite de ocazie pentru a obine gim (1945-1948) i a fost marcat de
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
De la internaionalismul socialist la naional -comunism

confuzie, simind desprirea de trecut dar torii ale literaturii noastre n context uni-
nevznd-o realizat. Au urmat internaio- versal este protocronismul61. Astfel, Neagoe
nalitii i antinaionalitii ani 1948-1960 Basarab era privit ca un contemporan su-
cnd trecutul a fost curat de orice urm perior lui Machiavelli dar i ca un anti-
de naional, n general, i de romnesc, cipator al barocului literar, Cantemir ar fi
n particular. ntre 1960 i 1971 s-a simit o fost un romantic avant la lettre, Heliade
vag liberalizare, s-au reluat unele contacte Rdulescu, un psihanalist, Negruzzi, un pre-
cu Occidentul, s-a nceput recuperarea va- decesor superior al lui Flaubert, Alecsandri
lorilor naionale, dar s-a i anunat ultima un presimbolist iar Eminescu, nici mai
faz, absolutist, dintre 1971 i 198957. mult nici mai puin dect un strmo al
n tot acest timp, regimul s-a transformat existenialismului. Protocronismului nu i
(sau a lsat impresia c se transform), era suficient s reinterpreteze istoria, avea
elul istoriei s-a schimbat i, odat cu el, nevoie i de o legitimare a sa ca teorie i,
i istoriografia58. pentru aceasta, i-a autoproclamat filiaia
Naionalismul a devenit, n epoca cu operele marilor istorici i literai din
Ceauescu, principalul argument istoric i trecut: direcia principal urmat de cer-
politic. Romnii trebuia s apar unii nu cetrile ultimelor dou decenii a fost domi-
doar n prezent, n jurul Partidului i al Con- nat de acelai spirit ce-i nsufleise pe Iorga
ductorului, ci i n trecut, n ntreaga lor i Clinescu: a dovedi valoarea n absolut,
istorie. Folosit ca instrument de dominare, scria Dan Zamfirescu62. Bineneles, mala-
naionalismul a mbinat tradiia cu scopu- dia nu s-a putut limita la literatur, ci a
rile urmrite de puterea comunist. Cam- cuprins rapid ntreaga istorie. Totul ncepea
pania de recuperare a fost, de fapt, una de cu Australanthropus Olteniensis unul
manipulare. Teoretic, reelaborarea n sens din primele exemplare decisive n procesul
naionalist a istoriei ar fi trebuit s implice antropogenezei pe calea lui homo sapiens
o atenuare a mecanismelor luptei de clas. (Mihnea Gheorghiu) , descoperit, chipurile,
Practic, cele dou au reuit s coexiste59. la Bungiuleti, n Olt, aproape de
Naionalizarea istoriei s-a manifestat Scorniceti63, care trebuia s arate c aici
ntr-un mod bizar, dar nu chiar original : ncepe antropogeneza n Europa64 i con-
protocronismul. Acesta mai apruse ntr- tinua, n antichitate, cu Burebista, condu-
o form foarte virulent n Rusia stalinist, ctorul unei armate unificate de 200000 de
cnd se ajunsese la concluzia c toate ma- oameni (cifr nemaiatins de nimeni pn
rile realizri din cultura i tiina universal n epoca modern). Att de puternic pare
erau, n fapt, nite creaii ruseti. Proto- s fi fost mpratul dac, nct Cezar, teri-
cronismul romnesc s-a nscris n aceast fiat, ar fi ordonat asasinarea lui de ctre un
linie, dar nu ca imitaie, ci ca urmare a unei commando special, numit inei-v bine!
logici similare, unele rdcini n autoh- CIA (adic Centuria Infesta Addita).
tonismul secolului al XIX-lea60. Conceptul Era, prin urmare, normal ca un astfel de
a fost lansat n 1974, printr-o carte a isto- personaj s se bucure de toat atenia CC
ricului literar i esteticianului Edgar Papu, al PCR, care a hotrt ca, n 1980, cu
Din clasicii notri: contribuii la ideea pro- ocazia Congresului internaional de tiine
tocronismului romnesc, n care se susinea istorice de la Bucureti, s se serbeze fix
ntietatea cronologic a attor iniiative 2050 de ani de la nscunarea sa65. Mircea
literare romneti fa de unele realizri cel Btrn a devenit cel mare pentru c,
similare din alte pri i se concluziona fr al su Rovine, Europa se pare c ar fi
c una din dominantele trsturi defini- fost islamizat. Mihai Viteazul a fost un

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Mihai Ghiulescu

vajnic lupttor pentru unitatea naional 1989 a patra putere politic a lumii, dup
(dei conform preceptelor marxist-leni- Israel (statul i etnia universal rspndit)
niste adoptate oficial, naterea naiunii era SUA i URSS70. Consecine ale acestei imagini
legat de trecerea la capitalism). Horea, erau exaltarea patriotic a populaiei i
Cloca i Crian au anticipat, chiar dac posibilitatea liderului suprem de a se
numai cu 5 ani, Revoluia Francez. Secolul nscrie n galeria glorioaselor figuri istorice.
al XIX-lea era recuperat prin revoluiile i Prin prezentarea istoriei ca suit de lupte
personalitile sale progresiste, democrate defensive cu toat lumea apare imaginea
premarxiste. n sfrit, perioada interbe- patriei n primejdie permanent71. Efectele
lic i regimul antonescian au fost parial pot fi observate n aceleai dou planuri: al
reabilitate, scondu-se n eviden refor- populaiei i al liderului. Pentru prima, patria
mele sociale, succesele politicii externe, n primejdie nseamn o exacerbare naio-
rezistena antifascist, cu un accent supra- nalist, inevitabil nsoit de o ostilitate
dimensionat pe activitatea PCR i, bineneles, fa de tot ce este strin i, eventual, de o
cu precizrile de rigoare privitoare la ex- distragere a ateniei de la realitile ime-
ploatarea muncitorimii i starea proast a diate. Conductorul gsete astfel ocazia
rnimii. Prosovietismul anilor 50, dei de a poza n Salvator i de a cere strn-
parte a revoluiei, era condamnat66. Punctul gerea rndurilor n jurul su.
terminus: Romnia ceauist. Acesta a fost discursul dominant, chiar
Pe scurt, neamul, ara, istoria lor i unic, dac inem cont c el putea fi ocolit
pierd dimensiunile reale, explodeaz n dar nu combtut explicit. Discursurile alter-
univers, se gigantizeaz, totul devine epo- native, neoficiale, erau inacceptabile. Ros-
cal, istoric, uria, fr seamn67. turile campaniei erau legitimarea, obine-
Toat aceast re-istorie ar fi fost lip- rea susinerii populare, obturarea disfunc-
sit de sens dac nu ar fi fost pus n le- iilor regimului etc. n ce msur au fost
gtur cu prezentul. Regula de baz a ori- acestea realizate? S-a afirmat c metodele
crei mitologii istorice este c prezentul se lui Ceauescu au fost eficiente pentru c
proiecteaz n trecut68. Redesenarea trecu- numai astfel s-ar justifica obediena popo-
tului implica o percepie denaturat a pre- rului, numrul relativ mic de acte de
zentului i o imaginare a viitorului con- opoziie fi. Pe de alt parte, deznod-
form idealurilor puterii. Dou au fost, n mntul demonstreaz falimentul ntregii
principal, imaginile pe care recuperarea sale politici. Adevrul este undeva la mijloc.
cantitativ i calitativ a istoriei trebuia s Cu siguran c n anumite momente, mai
le creeze. Prima este cea a destinului ales la nceput, cnd virulena nu atinsese
mare al unei ri mici, crearea iluziei unei cotele din final, judecat n raport cu domi-
mari puteri n ciuda dimensiunilor i a naia sovietic, discursul naionalist era
potenialului redus. Istoria s-a vrut o do- preferabil iar tovarul s-a bucurat de
vad c i o ar ca Romnia poate juca un oarecare simpatie. Cu siguran, i mai
rol important n politica internaional, trziu au existat oameni care au rezonat la
situndu-se pe poziie de egalitate cu retorica patriotard. Totui, aceasta nu a
marile puteri. Cu ct statutul internaional reuit s pun n umbr evidena, degra-
a devenit mai labil, cu att Ceauescu a darea continu a vieii de zi cu zi i s
simit nevoia de compensare prin discurs asigure politicii ceauiste sprijinul dorit.
(istoric) a realitii69. O afirmaie elecvent
n acest sens aparine aceluiai Dan Privit ca pies n ansamblul naio-
Zamfirescu: Romnia a fost ntre 1964 i nalismelor romneti, naional-comunismul
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
De la internaionalismul socialist la naional -comunism

este, aparent, total diferit de toate celelalte. Andreescu, O istorie a comunismului din
De fapt, el nu a fcut dec s preia mai Romnia. Manual pentru liceu, Ed. Polirom,
vechi teme naionaliste i s le combine Iai, 2008.
ntr-o manier care, fatalmente, nu putea fi Ibidem, p. 102.
Stephen Fischer-Galai, Romnia n secolul al
original. Originalitatea const n folosirea
XX-lea, trad. Manuela Macarie, cuvnt nainte
naionalismului, n scopurile pe care el a de Kurt Treptow, Institutul European, Iai,
fost chemat s le realizeze. Fiind, fr n- 1998, p. 53., p. 133.
doial, la nceput, (i) o reacie la inter- 8
Andrei Roth, Naionalism sau democratism,
naionalismul anti-naional, materializat n Ed. Pro Europa, Trgu Mure, 1999, p. 35.
dominaia sovietic adic, pn la urm, Dennis Deletant, Romnia sub regimul
un naionalism clasic emancipator i comunist, trad. Delia Rzdolescu, Fundaia
liberalizator cu timpul, el a devenit Academia Civic, Bucureti, 1997, pp. 64-68.
reacionar, izolaionist, form n care a Vladimir Tismneanu, Reinventarea politicului.
cunoscut manifestrile de cea mai mare Europa rsritean de la Stalin la Havel, Ed.
Polirom, Iai, 1999, p. 49.
amploare din istoria romneasc. Dema- 11
B.N. Ponomarev (sub redacia), Dicionar
gogia naionalist existent dintotdeauna s- politic, Ed. Politic, Bucureti, 1958, p. 304.
a vzut acum eliberat de orice constrn- 12
Ibidem, pp. 406-407.
geri teoretice. Naionalismul comunist a 13
Ibidem, p. 408.
fost pur propagand. Masc pentru o I.V. Stalin, Cum nelege social-democraia
politic falimentar, instrument de legiti- problema naional?, Ed. PMR, Bucureti,
mare i mobilizare, ntre el i ideologia pe 1948, p. 5.
care a slujit-o a existat o prpastie. De Ibidem, p. 12.
aceea, sintagmele naional-comunism ori Ibidem, p. 17.
naionalism comunist nu desemneaz un Ibidem, p. 30.
Vladimir Tismneanu, op. cit., p. 50.
tip aparte de naionalism, ci doar indic 19
Ibidem, p. 45.
circumstanele n care el funcionat. Dei 20
Ibidem, p. 46.
practicat la nivel de stat, a fost ntotdeauna 21
B.N. Ponomarev (sub redacia), op. cit., pp.
n contradicie cu linia oficial. A fost pro- 189-190.
movat i negat n egal msur. Cderea Stephen Fischer-Galai, op. cit., p. 133.
regimului comunist este dovada clar c Lucian Boia, Dou secole de mitologie
naionalismul a euat n ndeplinirea mi- naional, Ed. Humanitas, Bucureti, 1999, pp.
siunii pentru care a fost reanimat. A reuit 116-118.
n schimb s produc efecte, probabil, Vlad Georgescu, op. cit., p. 43.
nesperate: s dea dependen i s lase Stephen Fischer-Galai, op. cit., p. 137.
Ibidem, pp. 134-135.
motenitori. 27
Lucian Boia, op. cit., p. 119.
Vezi Vlad Georgescu, op. cit., pp. 26-28.
Note 29
Dennis Deletant, op. cit., pp. 97-98.
Vlad Georgescu, Politic i istorie. Cazul 30
Stephen Fischer-Galai, op. cit., p. 144.
comunitilor romni 1944-1977, ediie ngrijit 31
Dennis Deletant, op. cit., pp. 98-99.
i postfa de Radu Popa, Ed. Humanitas, 32
Apud Andrei Roth, op. cit., p. 94.
Bucureti, 2008. 33
Lucian Boia, op. cit., p. 120.
Ibidem, pp. 6-7. 34
Andrei Roth, op. cit., p. 36.
Eugen Negrici, Iluziile literaturii romne, Ed. 35
Lucian Boia, op. cit., p. 120-121.
Cartea romneasc, Bucureti, 2008. 36
Andrei Roth, op. cit., pp. 94-95.
Ibidem, p. 7, passim. 37
Jean-Franois Soulet, Istoria comparat a
Mihai Stamatescu, Raluca Grosescu, Dorin statelor comuniste din 1945 pn n zilele
Dobrincu, Andrei Muraru, Liviu Plea, Sorin

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Mihai Ghiulescu

noastre, trad. Silvia Albeteanu, Ana Zbarcea, de Dan Berindei, prefa de J.F. Brown, Ed.
Ed. Polirom, Iai, 1998, p. 156. Polirom, Iai, 2003, pp. 112. Vezi i Eugen
Ibidem, p. 157. Negrici, op. cit., pp. 268-270.
39 62
Lucian Boia, op. cit., p. 121. Ibidem, p. 112.
40 63
Mihai Stamatescu et allii, op. cit., p. 107. Vlad Georgescu, op. cit., pp. 91-92.
41 64
Stephen Fischer-Galai, op. cit., p. 157. Anneli Ute Gabanyi, op. cit., pp. 116-117.
42 65
Dennis Deletant, op. cit., p. 119. Vlad Georgescu, op. cit., pp. 91-93.
43 66
Vladimir Tismneanu, op. cit., pp. 90-92. Al Zub, Orizont; Mituri; Lucian Boia,
Dennis Deletant, op. cit., p. 121. op. cit., pp. 125-134.
45 67
Lucian Boia, op. cit., pp. 121-125. Vlad Georgescu, op. cit., p. 111.s
46 68
Dennis Deletant, op. cit., p. 137. Lucian Boia, Destinul mare al unei ri
Apud ibidem, p. 143. mici, n: Lucian Boia (sub direcia), op. cit., p.
Jean-Franois Soulet, op. cit., p. 160. 215.
49 69
Constituiile din 1948, 1952, 1965, n http: Ibidem, pp. 209-211.
//; Apud ibidem, p. 207.
Alexandra Ionescu, op. cit. Eugen Negrici, Mitul patriei primejduite,
Socialism tiinific. Manual universitar, Ed. n: Lucian Boia (sub direcia), op. cit., p. 220;
Didactic i Pedagogic, Bucureti, 1973 - n Jean-Franois Soulet, op. cit., pp. 164-165.
continuare, n text (S.S, p.).
Dicionar politic, Academia tefan
Gheorghiu, Ed. Politic, Bucureti, 1975 - n
continuare, n text (D.P., p. ).
Andrei Roth, op. cit., p. 36.
Dennis Deletant, op. cit., pp. 127-130.
Ibidem, pp. 131-132.
Ibidem, pp. 152-156.
Vladimir Tismneanu, op. cit., pp. 200-201.
Al. Zub, Orizont nchis. Istoriografia romn
sub dictatur, Institutul European, Iai, 2000,
pp. 171-172.
Idem, Mituri istoriografice n Romnia
ultimei jumti de secol, n Lucian Boia (sub
direcia), Miturile comunismului romnesc, Ed.
Nemira, Bucureti, 1998, p. 90. Chiar dac
alegnd borne temporale diferite, tot patru
perioade stabilei Vlad Georgescu: sovietizarea
din 1944-1960, nceputul reinterpretrii din
1960-1965, relaxarea ideologic din 1965-1971
i noile mituri sau kitschul istoric de dup
1971 (Vlad Georgescu, op. cit., p. 149). Eugen
Negrici ns delimiteaz cinci faze: faza
fundamentalist (1947-1953), falsa destalini-
zare (1953-1957), noua glaciaiune (1957-1964),
mica liberalizare (1964-1971) i perioada
comunismului naional-ceauist (1971-1989)
(Eugen Negrici, op. cit., pp. 243-271).
Lucian Boia, op. cit., p. 126.
Ibidem, p. 130.
Apud Anneli Ute Gabanyi, Cultul lui
Ceauescu, trad. Iulian Vamanu, cuvnt nainte

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009

Il y a 20 ans
(Un panorama constitutionnaliste de la
rvolution roumaine)


Abstract: This study is a panorama of the events that took place

twenty years ago which transformed in radical fashion the Romanian
society, a society that presented itself in the poque as one of the most
Stalinist states and that had no other way for exiting but the
revolution. Following the events which unfolded in December 1989,
Romania knew a succession of documents of constitutional value,
presented in this study, which remain fresh material for researchers.
Keywords: revolution, communist rule, constitution, political regime.

e 21 dcembre 1989 la Roumanie ni par l'intermdiaire des ses lus (qu'il ne
avait encore une Constitution, celle contrle gure), de modifier la loi fon-
octroye par Ceausescu en 1965. Il damentale ou de la protger contre les
s'agissait d'une Constitution marxiste, qui abus des gouvernants, notamment en ce
proclamait le Parti Communiste comme qui concerne les droits fondamentaux.
force politique dirigeante de toute la so- La rvolution reprsente ainsi le
cit et la Grande Assemble Nationale moyen par lequel on sort du domaine du
comme organe suprme du pouvoir. droit pour se situer dans le domaine du
Le lendemain, Ceausescu emporta cette fait, de la force qui, en dtruisant l'ancien
Constitution dans sa fuite. Conue pour ordre constitutionnel, le remplace par un
dfendre un rgime et un dictateur, elle n'a nouveau1. Dans le droulement d'une rvo-
pas russi survivre son auteur. lution on distingue trois tapes: une premire
o l'ordre existant et le fait rvolutionnaire
1. Le bouleversement de l'ordre sont en bascule2, une deuxime tape o la
constitutionnel par la rvolution. rvolution l'emporte sur l'ancien ordre
L'clatement d'une rvolution se produit, constitutionnel et la troisime qui correspond
comme condition gnrale, lorsque la l'instauration du nouvel ordre.
Constitution ne reflte plus les besoins et Quant la socit roumaine, celle-ci
les aspirations des citoyens. Il est gale- se trouvait, la fin de la dernire dcennie,
ment requis qu'on ait soustrait au peuple le sous l'emprise d'un rgime totalitaire qui
contrle sur la Constitution, c'est--dire rendait impossible toute volution dans le
qu'il n'a plus la possibilit, ni directement, sens d'une dmocratisation du systme. La

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Mircea Criste

rvision de la Constitution tait le mono- mirement, par ce communiqu furent

pole du lgislatif (la Grande Assemble dmanteles les anciennes structures de
Nationale), qui adoptait les amendements pouvoir et mises en place d'autres contrles
une majorit de deux tiers des dputs, par le C.F.S.N.7. Mme si l'organe qui
tous lus du parti unique. Une telle situation dtenait le pouvoir suprme, la Grande
faisait facile toute violation des droits fon- Assemble Nationale, n'tait pas expressment
damentaux3, d'autant que la Constitution mentionn, on ne peut conclure qu' sa
de 1965 disposait, d'une manire catgo- suppression, puisque l'intention du nouveau
rique, que seule la Grande Assemble pouvoir tait de dissoudre toutes les
Nationale dcide sur la constitutionnalit structures du rgime renvers. De plus, au
des lois (article 43/14). moment o, dans le procs des poux
Il tait devenu vident pour tous qu'une Ceausescu, le dictateur invoqua la comp-
dmocratisation de la socit n'tait plus tence de la G.A.N. pour le juger, on lui
possible en respectant la lgalit socialiste, rpliqua que celle-ci n'existait plus.
mais qu'une action de force tait ncessaire. En second lieu, le communiqu con-
A cette fin plusieurs scnarios avaient t tenait une bauche des nouvelles rgles
dj mis au point avant dcembre 1989, constitutionnelles. Quelques-unes concernaient
mais tous avaient t djous par la police l'organisation politique de la nouvelle so-
scrte. Pourtant, les mcontentements accu- cit : l'abandon du rle dirigeant d'un seul
muls provoqurent un terrible mouvement parti et l'tablissement d'un systme dmo-
populaire spontan qui clata le 16 dcembre cratique pluraliste de gouvernement; l'orga-
1989 Timisoara, se propageant en moins nisation d'lections libres; la sparation des
d'une semaine dans tout le pays et provo- pouvoirs lgislatif, excutif et judiciaire et
quant la chute du rgime de Ceausescu4. A l'lection de tous les dirigeants politiques
la tte de ce mouvement s'taient placs pour un ou au plus deux mandats. D'autres
des leaders ad-hoc, issus de la masse de rgles visaient les droits fondamentaux:
manifestants, auxquels se rallirent certains l'limination des dogmes idologiques, le
dissidents et mme des opposants de l'int- respect des droits et des liberts des mino-
rieur du Parti communiste. Ils formrent rits nationales et l'assurance de leur entire
un organe de direction du mouvement, le galit en droits avec les Roumains, ainsi
Front de Salut National, qui, dans un que le respect des droits et des liberts de
premier temps, agit comme un Gouver- l'homme, y compris le droit de voyager
nement de fait5, runissant des personna- librement. Ce premier communiqu du
lits dmocrates apparemment sans couleur F.S.N. disposait galement qu'un comit
politique, et qui prfra prendre ses dci- de rdaction de la nouvelle Constitution
sions sous forme de communiqus, qui con- commencerait fonctionner immdiatement
tenaient non seulement des actes politiques et contenait aussi une liste provisoire des
et des appels la population, mais aussi membres du Conseil8.
des dispositions juridiques valeur consti- Un deuxime communiqu9 fut publi
tutionnelle. pour annoncer la victoire des forces rvo-
Le plus important de ces communiqus lutionnaires, mme si une certaine crainte
fut sans doute le premier6 qui, en re- lie la fragilit de celle-ci tait percep-
connaissant que la rvolution ouvrait une tible. Ce communiqu disposait que la
nouvelle page dans la vie politique et co- culpabilit du dictateur et de ses laquais
nomique de la Roumanie, faisait valoir la serait tablie devant des tribunaux, qui
volont de changement du F.S.N. Pre- dcideraient avec toute svrit des peines
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
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infliger pour l'action de destruction du plus d'une continuit de l'institution monar-

pays. L'arme fut dclare seule dtentrice chique, la quarantaine d'annes du rgime
des armes, les units subordonnes au communiste l'avait transform radicalement,
Ministre de l'Intrieur tant intgres au d'une manire qui rendait impossible un
Ministre de la Dfense. En ce qui concernait retour pure et simple lancienne Consti-
les organes des nouvelles structures dmo- tution11. Cela explique pourquoi les partisans
cratiques, le communiqu disposait que de l'application de plein droit de la Consti-
celles-ci devaient entamer sans dlai l'acti- tution de 1923 sont rests minoritaires.
vit de reconstruction du pays, en se D'autre part, la Constitution de 1965
subordonnant au Conseil du F.S.N. et en n'a pas t expressment abroge, seules
adoptant avec celui-ci les mesures politi- quelques dispositions (notamment celles
ques, sociales, administratives et conomiques concernant les structures de pouvoir) tant
ncessaires dans les premires tapes de la remplaces par des lois spciales. Les autres
reconstruction. sont demeures, avec valeur constitutionnelle
Enfin, le troisime et dernier communiqu et non comme des lois ordinaires12. Elles
annonait que les poux Ceausescu avaient ont form un bloc de constitutionnalit
t jugs, condamns et excuts par un ct d'autres dcrets-lois adopts jusqu'au
tribunal militaire extraordinaire pour des vote de la nouvelle Constitution. Au sein
crimes commis l'encontre du peuple de ce bloc on remarque notamment le
roumain. La disparition du couple dicta- dcret-loi n 2 publi le 27 dcembre 1989,
torial signifiait la victoire entire des nouvelles sur l'organisation et le fonctionnement du
forces, situation se traduisant, sur le plan Conseil de Front de Salut National et des
du droit constitutionnel, par la fin de la conseils territoriaux du F.S.N. Selon
priode o les dcisions taient prises par l'expression couramment utilise dans la
communiqus. Pour le professeur Draganu doctrine, il est une mini Constitution rvo-
les jours de 22-26 dcembre 1989 forment lutionnaire, qui contient des dispositions
ce qu'on pourrait trs bien appeler l'tape concernant les nouveaux organes du
du pouvoir rvolutionnaire diffus ou l'tape pouvoir, leur organisation et leurs rapports.
du gouvernement par communiqus10. En raffirmant que toutes les struc-
tures de pouvoir de l'ancien rgime dicta-
2. La confirmation du nouveau pouvoir torial sont et restent dissoutes, ce dcret-loi
organise le Conseil du F.S.N. comme un
Le problme des consquences d'une quasi-Parlement. Il se voit reconnatre la
rvolution populaire s'tait dj pos dans comptence d'adopter des dcrets-lois et
le cas roumain, avec le prcdent cr la des dcrets, d'adopter le budget, de nommer
fin de la deuxime guerre mondiale, et de rvoquer le Premier ministre, le
quand, aprs une priode de dictature prsident de la Cour Suprme de Justice et
inaugure par le coup d'Etat du roi Charles le procureur gnral, de nommer le Gouverne-
II en 1938, on est revenu la Constitution ment, d'adopter le systme lectoral, de ra-
de 1923. tifier les traits internationaux, de dclarer
l'tat de guerre. Compos de 145 membres,
2.1. Le gouvernement d'assemble ce Conseil fonctionnait en sessions et en
Ce ne fut plus le cas en 1990, puisque commissions de spcialit et pour la
les conditions n'taient plus les mmes. Si, priode d'entre sessions ses attributions
en 1944, la socit roumaine n'avait pas taient exerces par un bureau excutif. Le
chang par rapport au 1938, bnficiant en Bureau excutif, ayant en tte le prsident

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Mircea Criste

du Conseil du F.S.N., tait compos d'un l'autorit publique. Le Front ne constituait

premier vice-prsident, de deux vice-prsidents, pas une formation politique qui aurait
d'un secrtaire et de six membres. Le possd une stratgie et un programme
prsident du Conseil tait lu par ses pairs clairement dfinis, n'tant pas enregistr
et il avait accompli le rle d'un Prsident comme une organisation politique, selon
de Rpublique, mme si ses pouvoirs les dispositions du dcret-loi n 8/1989.
taient bien limits13. Pour protester contre la dcision du
Du fait que le prsident, le bureau F.S.N. de se prsenter aux lections, le Parti
excutif et le Gouvernement taient nomms National Paysan (chrtien et dmocrate), le
et rvoqus par le Conseil du F.S.N., on a Parti Social-dmocrate et le Parti Libral
tir la conclusion que dans cette deuxime organisrent le 24 janvier 1990 une grande
priode le rgime politique de notre pays manifestation populaire, proccups du
a rempli, au moins sur plan normatif, les fait que tout l'appareil de l'Etat puisse se
caractristiques de ce qu'on appelle le gouverne- transformer d'un jour l'autre en un parti
ment ou le rgime d'assemble14. politique, fin d'obtenir le plus de voix16.
Une fois proclam, le principe du plu- Les dirigeants du Front furent contraints
ralisme politique a t mis en oeuvre par le de ngocier avec les reprsentants des
dcret-loi n 8 du 31 dcembre 1989 sur autres partis une nouvelle organisation du
l'enregistrement et le fonctionnement des pouvoir, ngociations qui s'taient concrtises
partis politiques et des organisations publi- dans une entente conclue le premier fvrier
ques en Roumanie15. Les partis ont t ainsi 1990. A la suite de cet accord, fut adopt
organiss dans le respect de la souverainet, le dcret-loi n 81 du 9 fvrier 199017 sur
de l'indpendance et de l'intgrit territo- le Conseil Provisoire d'Union Nationale.
riale, de la dmocratie, en vue de la garantie Le premier article de ce dcret-loi con-
des liberts et des droits des citoyens. sacrait la substitution au Conseil du F.S.N.
Un moment important pour le d- d'une nouvelle autorit, le Conseil Provi-
veloppement constitutionnel ultrieur est soire d'Union Nationale (C.P.U.N.), compos
intervenu le 24 janvier 1990, la suite de pour moiti des membres de l'ancien
l'annonce par le Front de Salut National de Conseil, l'autre moiti tant constitue par
son intention de prsenter des candidats les reprsentants des partis, des formations
propres aux prochaines lections. Cette politiques et des organisations des mino-
dclaration a provoqu une vive raction rits nationales coopts. Mme s'il fut
de la part de la plupart partis politiques, envisag d'en limiter le bnfice aux partis
notamment les partis traditionnels, qui ont qui avaient particip l'entente du premier
reproch au F.S.N. de tenter de mono- fvrier, il est rest possible de coopter
poliser le pouvoir. Jusqu' cette date, le d'autres partis et formations politique ou
Front s'tait prsent comme une structure organisations des minorits nationales,
de pouvoir provisoire, ayant pour mission avec l'accord du nouveau Conseil et en
de grer les affaires courantes de l'Etat et respectant le principe de la parit.
de rendre possible le passage vers une Dans le communiqu qui a suivi la
socit dmocratique en organisant des premire runion du C.P.U.N., celui-ci se
lections libres dans le plus court dlai. Le prsenta comme un organe lgislatif et du
Conseil du F.S.N. jouait le rle d'un pouvoir de l'Etat pour une priode transi-
Parlement, son prsident remplissait les toire, jusqu'aux premires lections libres.
fonctions d'un chef de l'Etat et les conseils Le nouveau Conseil tait compos de 241
locaux du F.S.N. taient des organes de membres: 106 reprsentants de l'ex-C.F.S.N.,
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
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105 reprsentants des partis et des forma- Snat s'tablirent, en sance commune, en
tions politiques, 27 reprsentants des mino- Assemble Constituante prside successive-
rits nationales et 3 reprsentants de l'Association ment par les prsidents des deux chambres.
des anciens dtenus politiques. Les partis Ce premier Parlement cr aprs les
constitus aprs taient accepts aux dbats vnements de dcembre 1989 remplissait
du C.P.U.N. avec le statut d'observateurs. donc tant les attributions d'une assemble
A cette premire organisation du C.P.U.N. lgislative, que celles d'une Constituante.
on apporta trs vite des modifications par Une fois la Constitution adopte, devaient
le dcret-loi n 82 du 13 fvrier 199018, qui tre organises des lections dans un dlai
a port le nombre des membres 253 et maximum d'un an.
qui a organis le nouveau Bureau excutif Selon le dcret-loi n 92, le Prsident
et les commissions spcialises du C.P.U.N. dsignait le Premier ministre, dans la
personne du reprsentant du parti ou de la
2.2. La Rpublique de 1990 formation politique qui avait obtenu le
A partir de son entre en fonction, le plus des mandats au Parlement ou en cas
Conseil Provisoire d'Union Nationale eut d'absence de majorit dans la personne
comme but le passage vers une socit d'un dput ou snateur, aprs consultation
dmocratique stable. Pour cette raison, le des partis reprsents au Parlement. Le
plus important acte adopt par le Conseil Prsident ne pouvait rester membre d'un
fut le dcret-loi n 92 du 14 mars 199019 pour parti ou d'une formation politique et il
l'lection du Parlement et du Prsident de n'tait pas responsable devant le lgislatif.
la Roumanie. En revanche, la responsabilit pour l'activit
Il convient de remarquer d'abord que de l'excutif revenait obligatoirement au
ce dcret-loi a rorganis les institutions Premier ministre, qui contresignait les actes
politiques, en prvoyant expressment la du Prsident.
sparation des pouvoirs lgislatif, excutif Toutefois, les relations Prsident
et judiciaire. La place du C.P.U.N. fut prise Parlement taient bien dlimites, avec trs
par un Parlement form de deux chambres peu de possibilits de contrle rciproque.
(l'Assemble de dputs et le Snat), Le Prsident ne pouvait tre dmis qu'au
l'excutif tait constitu d'un Gouverne- cas o il aurait commis des actes qui le
ment avec, sa tte, un Premier ministre et rendent indigne de cette fonction et selon
tait prvue de nouveau l'institution du une procdure assez complexe. Dans un
Prsident de la Rpublique, qui n'avait bien premier temps il devait tre suspendu de
sr rien de commun avec celle institue pour ses fonctions sur proposition d'un tiers des
la premire fois en Roumanie en 1974. dputs et snateurs, en sance commune
Le Parlement bicamral cr par le des deux chambres et ensuite la destitution
dcret-loi n 92/1990 reprenait une tradition tait soumise un rfrendum. De son
commence en 1866 et interrompue en ct, le Prsident n'avait pas la comptence
1940. Les lections se droulrent au scrutin de dissoudre le Parlement, sauf le cas o la
de liste, les parlementaires tant lus au Constitution n'aurait pas t adopte dans
suffrage universel, gal, direct, secret et un dlai de 9 mois20. Mme dans cette situation,
libre exprim par les citoyens. Les orga- il devait avoir au pralable l'accord du
nisations des minorits nationales qui Premier ministre et des prsidents de
n'avaient pas accd au Parlement, ont eu l'Assemble des dputs et du Snat. En
aussi droit un mandat de dput. De tout cas, la Constituante tait de plein droit
plein droit, l'Assemble des dputs et le dissoute en cas de non-adoption de la

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Mircea Criste

nouvelle Constitution dans un dlai de 18 ces derniers avec voix consultative23. Sans
mois. numrer les principes sur lesquels la
A cette analyse, purement thorique, il commission devait travailler, le Rglement
faut ajouter une autre fonde sur les faits, de la Constituante prvoyait en revanche,
puisqu'en ralit ce faible Prsident de dans son article 9, les tapes franchir pour
Rpublique cr par le dcret-loi n 92 arriver la forme finale de la nouvelle loi
devint par le jeu du hasard et jusqu' fondamentale. Dans la premire, la commission
l'adoption de la nouvelle Constitution - un de rdaction du projet tait charge de
prsident plus actif et plus puissant que dfinir les principes et la structure par
celui dont parle le dcret-loi. La source de chapitres de celui-ci24, qui devait dans une
cette volution constitutionnelle fut les deuxime tape tre soumis la discussion
lections du 20 mai 1990, qui avaient donn et au vote de l'Assemble. Ensuite, sur le
une crasante majorit au Front de Salut fondement des observations et des amen-
National, en tant que formation politique. dements prsents, la commission devait
Il avait obtenu 67 % des voix pour les prparer le projet final de Constitution qui
deux chambres du Parlement et 85 % des ferait l'objet de l'adoption par la Constituante
voix pour son candidat aux lections et, finalement, de la confirmation popu-
prsidentielles, M. Ion Iliescu. Mme si, se laire par un rfrendum.
conformant aux dispositions du dcret-loi Le 21 novembre 1991, l'Assemble
n 92/1990, le Prsident sortant avait Constituante a adopt le texte final de la
dmissionn du parti, c'tait incontesta- nouvelle Constitution, texte approuv par
blement grce lui que le F.S.N. s'tait la suite par le rfrendum organis le 8
appropri les lections. Pour cette raison il dcembre 1991.
a gard une forte influence tant sur la
grande majorit des dputs et des snateurs, Notes
que au moins pour une premire priode La rvolution contredit toute explication
sur le Gouvernement issu du nouveau juridique puisque le refus du droit existant non
Parlement21. seulement n'entranera aucune sanction mais
En outre, au-del des dispositions du encore sera l'origine de la cration d'un droit
dcret-loi n 92, les Rglements de nouveau (Pierre Pactet, Institutions politiques.
l'Assemble des dputs et du Snat Droit constitutionnel, Paris, Masson, 11me
dition, 1992, p. 74).
avaient institu un droit de veto suspensif 2
en faveur du Prsident de la Rpublique, 3
En dpit des dispositions de l'article 36 de la
en anticipant la solution de la future Constitution de 1965 qui proclamaient que le
Constitution. Le Prsident jouissait en cela droit de proprit personnelle est protg par la
non seulement du droit de promulgation loi, rien n'empcha le lgislatif en 1974 de
des lois, mais aussi du droit de restituer la voter les lois 58 et 59 qui posaient des srieuses
loi en vue d'un nouveau dbat dans les limitations ce droit, interdisant les tran-
deux chambres lgislatives22. sactions foncires inter vivos.
La mission principale du Parlement La rpression fait chouer ses propres buts :
lu le 20 mai 1990 tait sans doute celle de les gouvernements totalitaires sont en pril
d'tre renverss par violence dans la mesure o
donner la Roumanie une nouvelle Consti-
ils recourent la rpression comme moyen
tution qui fonde l'Etat de droit. A cette fin, pour rsoudre le conflit. Ceci explique la
fut constitue une commission charge de Roumanie de Ceausescu (Ralf Dahrendorf,
la rdaction du projet, commission forme Reflectii asupra Revolutiei n Europa,
de 12 dputs, 11 snateurs et 5 experts, Bucarest, Humanitas, 1993, p. 18).
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5 19
Cf. Tudor Draganu, Drept constitutional i Publi au Monitorul Oficial n 35 du 18 mars
instituii politice, tome 2, Cluj-Napoca, 1992, p. 1990, pp. 1-11.
216. Le professeur Tudor Draganu observait que
Le communiqu pour le pays du Conseil du l'quilibre cr dans le rgime parlementaire
Front du Salut National, Monitorul Oficial, entre le pouvoir excutif et le lgislatif par le
1989, n 1, p. 1-2. fait qu'au droit du Parlement de provoquer la
A partir de ce moment toutes les structures dmission du Gouvernement s'oppose le droit
du pouvoir du clan Ceausescu sont dissoutes. du chef de l'Etat de dissoudre le Parlement
Le Gouvernement est dmis, le Conseil d'Etat semblait rompu dans le systme du dcret-loi
et ses institutions cessent leur activit. Tout n 92/1990 dans la mesure o celui-ci ne
pouvoir dans l'Etat est assum par le Conseil du permettait au Prsident de dissoudre la
Front du Salut national... Sur tout le territoire Constituante que dans un seul cas : dans le cas
s'institueront des conseils du Front du Salut o elle n'avait pas adopt la Constitution dans
National comme organes du pouvoir local. un dlai de 9 mois (op. cit., p. 230). Il convient
Le comit avait t lu aprs six mois par la d'observer que le Prsident n'avait en ralit
Constituante et une liste dfinitive du Conseil aucun pouvoir l'encontre des deux chambres,
ne sera jamais publie dans le Moniteur en tant que lgislatif.
Officiel. Dans ces conditions, ce n'est pas une surprise
Monitorul Oficial du 25 dcembre 1989, pp. que tant les deux chambres du Parlement,
1-2. qu'aussi le Gouvernement form aprs les
Tudor Draganu, op. cit., p. 217. lections, ont t prts se conformer dans toutes
Selon M. Tudor Draganu si au moment o la les questions essentielles au mot d'ordre du
rvolution populaire triomphe, la Constitution Prsident de la Rpublique, un succs de celui et
antrieure au coup de force semble dpasse par du Gouvernement tant en mme temps un
le prisme des aspirations changes d'une nation, succs du Front et un chec, un chec du Front.
l'laboration d'une nouvelle Constitution s'impose Dans la structure d'Etat cre par le dcret-loi n
(op. cit., p. 224). 92/1990, la position du Prsident a t pour cette
Ibidem, p. 222. raison jusqu' une date rcente celle d'un gnral
Le prsident du Conseil n'avait aucune qui commande deux armes, qui lui sont
comptence pour nommer et rvoquer le habituellement profond dvoues et en bonne
Premier ministre et les membres du part mme obissantes, l'une tant le
Gouvernement. Gouvernement et l'autre le Parlement (Tudor
Tudor Draganu, op. cit., p. 219. Draganu, op. cit., p. 231).
15 22
Publi au Monitorul Oficial n 9 du 31 Le professeur Tudor Draganu a critiqu
dcembre 1989. juste titre cette modification apporte au dcret-
Une telle identification du parti de loi n 92/1990 par les Rglements cits (op.
gouvernement avec l'Etat est justement ce qui cit., pp. 231-232).
caractrise les rgimes totalitaires. Seul dans Une premire commission fut constitue le
ces rgimes le parti unique se confond avec 28 dcembre, compose de MM. Mihai
l'Etat...Sa transformation [du F.S.N.] en parti Constantinescu, Ion Deleanu, Antonie
politique n'aurait t autre chose qu'une Iorgovan, Ioan Muraru, Miha T. Oroveanu et
nouvelle forme de totalitarisme, la seule Florin Vasilescu, mais elle n'a fonctionn que
diffrence que cette fois ce n'tait pas le parti jusqu'au 12 janvier 1990 (cf. Mihai T.
unique qui tentait de se confondre avec l'Etat, Oroveanu, Istoria dreptului romnesc si
mais l'Etat qui voulait devenir parti (Tudor evolutia institutiilor constitutionale, Bucarest,
Draganu, op. cit., p. 224-225). Cerma, 1992, p. 304, note 606).
17 24
Publi au Monitorul Oficial n 27 du 10 La commission avait employ l'expression de
fvrier 1990. thses.
Publi au Monitorul Oficial n 28 du 14
fvrier 1990, p. 1.

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009

Supradimensionarea i disproporionalitatea
legislativ. Uninominalul, reform electoral sau
miz politic?

Anca Parmena OLIMID

Abstract: In the present article the author analysis the 2008

parliamentary elections when Romania first used a variant of a
majoritarian system. The article also discusses the avantages and
disavantages brought by the new electoral system. The author argues
that the uninominal vote and the electoral proportionality generated a
current of criticism regarding the new law.
Keywords: tranzition, parliamentary elections, electoral reforme,
disproportionality, magnitude, index.

Tranziia de la un sistem la altul a reglat n definitiv piaa politic devenind

prin consecinele sale o reform politic4.

legerile legislative din 30 noiembrie A reuit noul sistem electoral s reformeze
2008, cel de-al aselea test al de- scrutinul legislativ? A reuit noua meca-
mocraiei parlamentare din Romnia nic electoral s stabilizeze sistemul po-
dup 1989 s-au defurat n baza unui nou litic postdecembrist? Pentru a gsi rspuns
cadru legal. Noul sistem electoral a fost la aceaste ntrebri i pentru a formula
consacrat de Legea nr. 35/2008 din 13 argumente pentru un rspuns sau altul, este
martie 2008 pentru alegerea Camerei De- necesar, mai nainte de toate, s examinm
putailor i a Senatului i pentru modifi- caracteristicile noii formule electorale n
carea i completarea Legii nr. 67/2004 contextul politic al anului 2008. Problema
pentru alegerea autoritilor administraiei iniial aici rezid n confuzia ideologic i
publice locale, a Legii administraiei pu- indecizia politic n care factorii structural-
blice locale nr. 215/2001 i a Legii nr. organizatori se mbin ntr-o perspectiv
393/2004 privind Statutul aleilor locali, de multe ori regional necesitnd impli-
promulgat prin Decretul nr. 364 din 12 carea unor competene tipice democraiilor
martie 20081. Legea a fost modificat prin incipiente.
O.U.G. nr. 66 din 28 mai 20082, stabilind Punctul de plecare n analiza noastr l
regulile de desfurare a jocului politic i constituie art. 5, alin. 1. din legea nr. 35/2008.
condiionnd totodat rezultatul partidei3. Conform noilor reglementri deputaii i
Legea electoral din 2008 proiectat senatorii se aleg n colegii uninominale
anterior n termenii unei reforme electorale constituite potrivit prevederilor art. 11,
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Supradimensionarea i disproporionalitatea legislativ. Uninominalul, reform electoral
sau miz politic?
prin scrutin uninominal, potrivit princi- Acum ns ne vom limita doar la cte-
piului reprezentrii proporionale. Noua va observaii. In noiembrie 2008, numrul
lege regrupeaz unitile electorale prin total al cetenilor cu drept de vot a fost de
mprirea circumscipiilor electorale pluri- 18.328.646 cu aproximativ 1 milion de de
nominale n colegii uninominale, n funcie electori mai mult dect la primele alegeri
de numrul de mandate, rezultat al apli- legislative din 20 mai 1990. n acest sens,
crii normei de reprezentare. Prin noua me- participarea electoratului la alegerile legisla-
canic electoral au fost astfel obinute 137 tive i prezideniale a cunoscut o evoluie
de colegii uninominale pentru Senat i 315 descendent delimitat de cele dou ex-
de colegii uninominale pentru Camera treme: alegerile legislative din 1990 i ale-
Deputailor. gerile europarlamentare din 7 iunie 2009.

Tabel nr. 1. Corpul electoral i participarea la alegerile parlamentare (1990-2008)

Tipul Data
scrutinului scrutinului
AG1 20.05.1990 17.200.722 14.825.017 86,18
AG2 27.09.1992 16.380.663 12.496.430 76,28
AG3 03.11.1996 17.218.654 13.088.388 76,01
AG4 26.11.2000 17.699.727 11.559.458 65,31
AG5 28.10.2004 18.449.676 10.794.653 58,51
AG6 30.11.2008 18.253.616 7.238.871 39,20
Not: Am notat n tabel: AG alegeri generale; AIPL numrul alegtorilor
nscrii pe listele permanente; APU numrul alegtorilor prezeni la urne. Prima
coloan indic tipul scrutinului, iar indicele 1,2, 3, , 6 indic numrul
scrutinului. Cea de-a doua coloan a tabelului indic data scrutinului, cea de-a
treia coloan indic numrul alegtorilor nscrii pe listele permanente, iar cea de-
a patra coloan indic numrul alegtorilor prezeni la urne. n ultima coloan este
evideniat procentual participarea la vot (%).

n aceast ordine de idei, trebuie -datelor i de de determinare a candi-

precizat c numrul respectiv de mandate dailor ctigtori legea impune dou etape
include i numrul de mandate, dou man- distincte: ntr-o prim etap sunt atribuite
date de senator i patru de deputat cores- mandate candidailor ce au ntrunit pragul
punztoare circumscripiei nr. 43, nou creat electoral, aadar au obinut majoritatea
pentru cetenii romni rezideni din afara absolut n cirscumscripia n care au
granielor rii. candidat. n cea de-a doua etap, atri-
Cadrul legal reinea n fapt aceleai buirea mandatelor se va realiza n baza
reguli consacrate deja de scrutinele ante- unei liste ce cuprinde ceilali candidai n
rioare: la nivel de circumscipie electoral odinea descresctoare a voturilor primite.
aplicarea metodei coeficientului electoral n concluzie, noua lege electoral nu mo-
simplu, iar la nivel naional a metodei dific regula de atribuire a mandatelor legi-
dHondt. slative ce rmne unul specific reprezen-
n privina procedurii de atribuire a man- trii proporionale, ci doar procedura de vot.

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Anca Parmena Olimid

Tabel nr. 2. Rezultatul alegerilor legislative din 30 noiembrie 2008

Partide politice
Camera Deputailor Senat
Aliana PSD-PC 33,09% 34,16%
PDL 32,36% 33,57%
PNL 18,57% 18,74%
UDMR 6,17% 6,39%
PRM 3,15% 3,57%
PNG-CD 2,27% 2,53%
Total 100% 100%
Not: Prima coloan a tabelului indic partidul, iar cea de-a doua coloan
menioneaz procentul obinut de respectivul partid n alegerile legislative
din 30 noiembrie 2008 pentru fiecare camer a Parlamentului.

Tabel nr. 3. Rezultatul alegerilor legislative din 30 noiembrie 2008

(numr mandate)
Numr mandate
Partide politice
Camera Deputailor Senat
PDL 115 51
Aliana PSD-PC 114 49
PNL 65 28
UDMR 22 9
PRM 0 0
PNG-CD 0 0
Total 216 137
Not: Prima coloan a tabelului indic partidul, iar cea de-a doua
coloan menioneaz numrul de mandate obinute de respectivul
partid n alegerile legislative din noiembrie 2008.

Oprindu-ne asupra celei de-a doua reprezentativitatea general i creterea nu-

precizri, trebuie s admitem c exist opi- mrului de mandate atribuite n mod direct
nii care susin c n cazul romnesc non- au condiionat structura ofertei post-electorale5.

Tabel nr. 4. Numrul de mandate alocate n alegerile legislative (1992-2008)

Anul scrutinului Numr Numr mandate

mandate Senat Camera Deputailor
1992 143 341
1996 143 343
2000 140 345
2004 137 314
2008 137 315
Not: Prima coloan a tabelul indic anul scrutinului legislativ, cea de-a
doua coloan menioneaz numrul de mandate pentru Senat, iar cea de-a
treia coloan, numrul de mandate pentru Camera Deputailor

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Supradimensionarea i disproporionalitatea legislativ. Uninominalul, reform electoral
sau miz politic?

Criza unui sistem alegerile legislative din noiembrie 2008 se

Cadrul de analiz al prezentului studiu ncradreaz n aceeai tendin consa-crat
privete i existena unui dezacord ntre de alegerile din 2004.
pragul electoral i magnitudinea medie a Aa cum am observant pe parcursul
circumscripiilor6. Raportul ntre cele dou analizei noastre, numeroase variabile ale
variabile poate fi aproximat de urmtoarea unui sistem electoral influeneaz n mod
ecuaie: direct gradul de disproporionalitate i n
mod indirect numrul de partide din sistem.
P = 75% / (M+1) Cum poate fi apreciat aceast dispropor-
Am notat: P pragul electoral; M ionalitate? n acest sens, una dintre solu-
magnitudinea medie a circumscripiei. iile propuse ar putea fi rezultatul diferenei
ntre distribuia voturilor i distribuia lo-
Potrivit ecuaiei, magnitudinea medie curilor pentru fiecare partid7. Cu toate acestea,
constituie un obstacol serios pentru numeroase discuii pot aprea n cazul
intrarea partidelor mici n Parlament. n nsumrii tuturor deviaiilor voturi-locuri
alegerile din 2004, avem un nivel al ale tuturor partidelor8. n baza unor astfel
magnitudinii de 3,26 pentru Senat i de 7,9 de premise, formula lui Michael Gallagher
pentru Camera Deputailor, iar n 2008, s-a ar putea ajuta la nelegerea dezechilibrului
nregistrat un nivel al magnitudinii de 3,19 produs ntre valorile pragului explicit i
pentru Senat i 7,33 pentru Camera pragului implicit. Indicele de disproporio-
Deputailor. Avem astfel n alegerile nalitate propus de Gallagher se calculeaz
legislative din 2004 un prag implicit de astfel:
17% pentru Senat (de trei ori mai mare
dect pragul electoral explicit fixat pentru GL = (Vi - li)2
partidele politice de 5% i respectiv de 8% Am notat: GL indicele de
pentru Camera Deputailor, iar n alegerile disproporionalitate; Vi procentul de voturi
din 2008 un prag implicit de 17,89% obinute de partidul i; li ponderea
pentru Senat i de 9% pentru Camera mandatelor obinute de partidul i9.
Deputailor. Dup cum rezult din cele
expuse mai sus, parametrii electorali din

Tabel nr. 5. Dispropoionalitatea legislativ (1990-2004)10

Anul scrutinului GL
1990 7.86
1992 5.88
1996 7.03
2000 9.38
2004 4.98
Media 7.03
Not: Tabelul prezint valorile indicelui de disproporionalitate pentru
scrutinele legislative din perioada 1990-2004; pentru realizarea calculelor din
tabel conform formulei lui Gallagher, am avut n vedere rezultatele alegerilor
legislative pentru Senat pentru fiecare scrutin legislativ.

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Anca Parmena Olimid

afirmaie vom mai aduga urmtoarea pre-

Semnificaia alegerilor. cizare: nainte de reforma electoral din
Argumente pro i contra 2008, voturile acordate partidelor neparla-
n baza unor astfel de observaii vom mentare (ce nu reueau s depeasc pragul
analiza rezultatele alegerilor din noiembrie electoral) erau redistribuite conform sis-
2008 comparativ cu rezultatele alegerilor temului celor mai mari resturi partidelor
din 1992 i 2004, n sensul argumentrii care depeau pragul electoral. Aadar, la
non-reprezentativitii sistemului proporional alegerile legislative din 2000, mai mult de
romnesc (iniial proporionalist, dar deve- 1/5 din opiunile corpului electoral au fost
nit ntre timp majoritarist11), dar mai ales redistribuite partidelor parlamentare, adic
al efectelor pragului electoral de 5%. Este mai mult de 2,3 milioane de voturi pentru
evident c putem aprecia c reforma sis- Camera Deputailor i 2,2 milioane pentru
temului electoral din 2008 a soluionat pro- Senat. Cnd vorbim de comparaie, n ter-
blema reprezentativitii. n competiia elec- menii rezulatelor alegerilor, este evident c
toral aa cum menionat anaterior pentru n alegerile legislative din 2004, nu-mrul
cele 137 mandate de senatori i 334 de de- voturilor irosite va ajunge la 11-12%, pentru
putai s-au nscris 2960 de candidai n cele ca la alegerile din 2008, procentul nre-
453 de colegii uninominale. Dintre acetia gistrat s fie de numai 7-10 % (aceasta
31 au fost candidai independeni, Aliana nseamn c procentul difer n funcie de
PSD-PC, PNL, PD-L, PRM i PNG sus- fiecare camer a Parlamentului).
innd candidai n toate colegiile. La aceast
Tabel nr. 6. Voturi pierdute n alegerile legislative din 1992-2008
Anul scrutinului VVEPP VVE VP V P(%)
1992 9360739 10964818 1604079 14.63
1996 10239125 12287671 2048546 16.67
2000 8723251 10891910 2168659 19.92
2004 9081077 10231476 11503399 11.24
2008 6396804 6888055 491251 7.11

Camera Deputailor
Anul scrutinului VVEPP VVE VP VP(%)
1992 8765014 10880252 2115238 19.45
1996 10049643 12238746 2189103 17.89
2000 8464543 10839424 2374881 21.91
2004 8866775 10188106 1321332 12.96
2008 6212380 6886794 674414 9.75
Not: Am notat n tabel: VVEPP voturile valabil exprimate pentru
partidele care au depit pragul electoral; VVE voturile valabil exprimate; VP
voturile pierdute; VP voturile pierdute procentual. Prima coloan a tabelului indic
numrul voturilor valabil exprimate pentru cele ase scrutine electorale pentru
partidele care au reuit s intre n Parlament; cea de-a doua colan indic numrul
voturilor valabil exprimate pentru cele ase competiii electorale, iar cea de-a patra i
a cincea coloan indic numrul voturilor pierdute (n cifr absolut i procentual) la
alegerile legislative din 1992-200812.
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Supradimensionarea i disproporionalitatea legislativ. Uninominalul, reform electoral
sau miz politic?
Conform datele indicate n tabele de mai votului uninominal, procentul mandatelor
sus, partidele ctigtoare n alegeri reu- redistribuite s-a diminuat considerabil. Re-
eau s primeasc prin redistribuirea man- zultatele arat c dei PSD a ctigat ale-
datelor prime de 9-10% din voturi. Cu toate gerile parlamentare n procente, nregis-
acestea, procentul generos nu s-a dovedit a trnd 33,09% fa de 32,36% pentru PD-L
fi decisiv pentru alctuirea noului guvern, la Camera Deputailor i 34,16% fa de
ns a consolidat poziia partidului aflat pe 33,575 la Senat, PD-L a reuit s obin cu
primul loc. n 2008, o dat cu introducerea trei mandate mai mult.

Tabel nr. 8. Primele electorale obinute de ctigtorii alegerilor legislative

Anul scrutinului Partidul ctigtor Senat
1990 FSN -0.07 +10,29
1992 FDSN +6.60 +5,97
1996 CDR +5,40 +6.37
2000 PDSR +8.31 +9.33
2004 PSD +4.48 +3.13
2008 PSD +3.13 +1.64
Not: Tabelul indic primele acordate partidului ctigtor n alegeri.
Calculul s-a realizat ca diferen ntre procentul de locuri i procentul de voturi
obinute. Prima coloan a tabelului indic anul scrutinului legislativ (1990, 1992,
1996, 2000, 2004, 2008). Cea de-a doua coloan indic numele partidului
ctigtor n alegerile legislative, iar coloana a treia i a patra indic primele
electorale acordate ctigtorilor difereniat pentru fiecare camer a Parla-

n opinia Laviniei Stan i Dianei Vancea libru, ci chiar din faptul c aceste legi
deficienele noii mecanici electorale sunt sunt profund nrdcinate n cultur i
mult mai numeroase dect avantajele sale. n instituii, cele dou fiind legate15. n
Rezultatele au evideniat c a existat o di- ncheierea acestui studiu s notm c
feren considerabil ntre ctigtori dac dincolo de asemenea opinii, alegerile din
avem n vedere numrul de voturi obinut 2008 au adus un nou mecanism electoral
de fiecare candidat13. Din aceast perspec- rezultat al unui consens politic, garantat
tiv noua lege electoral a defavorizat can- constituional.
didaturile independente, nici un candidat
independent nu a reuit s intre n Parla- Note
ment. Mai mult, procedura de redistribuire Monitorul Oficial nr. 196 din 13 martie 2008.
a voturilor a dezavantajat partidele mici, Monitorul Oficial nr. 409 din 30 mai 2008.
Fiecare ediie a alegerilor legislative a beneficiat de
favoriznd candidaturile partidelor mari i modificarea legislaiei electorale. Primele alegeri
pe cele cu susinere n teritoriu14. legislative din anul 1990 au fost reglementate de
Pierre Brchon insista n 2004 pe Decretul-lege nr. 92 din 14 martie 1990. Procedura
criteriul polarizrii unui sistem politic electoral prevedea distribuia mandatelor la dou
niveluri judeean i naional. Urmtoarele alegeri din
amintind de importana culturii politice 1992-2000 s-au desfurat n baza Legii nr. 68/1992
a rii i cea a instituiilor sale. El ad- pentru alegerea Camerei Deputailor i a Senatului1.
mitea c stabilitatea sistemului de par- n anul 2000, guvernul Isrescu a modificat legile
tide nu este prin urmare ceva de la sine electorale prin urmtoarele ordonane de urgen:
neles. Ea nu rezult din legi de echi- O.U.G. nr. 63 din 26 mai 2000, O.U.G. nr. 129 din

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Anca Parmena Olimid

30 iunie 2000, O.U.G. nr. 140 din 14 septembrie fapt este acelai cu scorul nregistrat de candidatul
2000, O.U.G. nr. 154 din 10 octombrie 2000, O.U.G. nvins n turul doi al alegerilor.
nr. 165 din 13 octombrie 2000. Ordonanele au Calcule asemntoare au fost realizate de Cristian
modificat unele aspecte legate de sistemul electoral Preda, Sorina Soare, op. cit., p. 99 pentru perioada
care a rmas unul proporional pe liste cu un singur 1990-2004. Vezi pentru detalii cu privire la modul de
tur de scrutin conform metodei dHondt de repar- calcul al indicelui de disproporionalitate pentru
tizare a mandatelor. Alegerile din 2004 s-au desf- fiecare scrutin legislativ n perioada 1990-2000 n
urat n conformitate cu prevederile baza Legii nr. Cristian Preda, Romnia postcomunist i Romnia
373 din 24 septembrie 2004 pentru alegerea Camerei interbelic, Meridiane, Bucureti, 2002, pp. 59-60.
Deputailor i a Senatului. Relum aici expresia consacrat de raportul
Alexandru Radu, Reform sau experiment electoral Asociaiei Pro Democraia, Istoria unui dezacord:
n Sfera Politicii, nr. 131-132, anul XVII, 2009, pp. Uninominalul, Bucureti, 2008, pp. 17-19. Materialul
14-21; Pierre Brchon, Partide politice, Cluj- poate fi accesat pe site-ul oficial la adresa
Napoca, Eikon, 2004, pp. 66-67.
Cristian Preda, Sorina Soare, Regimul, partidele i al.pdf. Vezi i Cristian Preda, Sorina Soare, op. cit.,
isstemul politic din Romnia, Bucureti, Editura pp. 97-98.
Nemira, 2008, p. 98. Calcule cu privire la numrul voturilor pierdute n
Avem n vedere definiia consacrat de Arendt alegerile legislative dup 1989 au fost fcute cu
Lijphart, Modele ale democraiei, Forme de ocazia raportului Asociaiei Pro Democraia, Istoria
guvernare i funcionare n treizeci i ase de ri, unui dezacord: Uninominalul, pp. 17-19. Vezi i
Iai, POLIROM, 2000, p. 147. Magnitudinea unei Cristian Preda, Sorina Soare, op. cit., pp. 97-98.
circumscripii electorale denot numrul de candidai Raportul Asociaiei Pro Democraia consacr
ce urmeaz a fi alei n respectiva circumscriie. n expresia voturi pierdute, n timp de Cristian Preda
aceeai interpretare, nu ar trebui confundat magni- i Sorina Soare utilizeaz sintagma voturi irosite.
tudinea medie a unei circumscipii cu delimitrile Lavinia Stan, Diane Vancea, Alegerile
geografice ale respectivei zone geografice sau cu parlamentare din 2008: Vin vechi n sticle noi n
numrul de alegtori (Ibidem). Sfera Politicii, nr. 131-132, anul XVII, 2009, pp. 3-
Ibidem, p. 153. 13.
8 14
Ibidem. Ibidem.
Aceeai formul este folosit i pentru calculul 15
Pierre Brchon, op. cit., p. 66.
indicelui de disproporionalitate prezidenial care n

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009

Political control, public organizations recruitment

and selection policies and
the New Public Management

Ctlina Maria GEORGESCU

Abstract: The desire for a more responsive public management as

regards the needs of local communities and citizens has given the urge
for the beginning of the decentralization process in the Romanian
public sector. One of the ways to meet this desire could be a more
responsive policy of employees recruitment in public organizations.
The paper aims at offering an objective perspective on several issues.
Firstly it aims at presenting several considerations on the character of
recruitment and selection policies in Romanian public organizations.
Secondly, it aims at discussing the different types of administrative
reforms that have established the management of post-communist
public organizations and the perspectives offered by applying the New
Public Management model. Thirdly, the paper addresses the major
laws that regulate the recruitment and selection processes in
Romanian public organizations.
Keywords: New Public Management, public recruitment, candidate
selection, public organization, political control.

Introduction public employees within the public institutions

and authorities.

he idea that one might increase the The paper considers rendering a new
efficiency of public organizations work perspective on the following issues:
management has raised a series of understanding the key principles of the New
questions, the effort of providing each of Public Management model, discriminating
them with a solution directly implying public between the merit-based career system and
managers and human resources practitioners. the spoils system of recruitment and selection
These questions have ranged from inquiring within the Romanian public administration,
into the best method to draw, keep and develop presenting the major laws that govern the
high-quality human resources within the recruitment and selection procedure in the
public organization to the role of public public service.
managers as regards the efficient use of It would be thus highly interesting to
discuss the manner in which political

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Ctlina Maria Georgescu

discretion (a term coined by Jan-Hinrik of a legal framework which would enhance

Meyer-Sahling1 in 2006) operates in the public the creation of a body of professional and
sector, through the system of rewards paid neutral civil servants and also increased
for political affiliation (public recruitment/ the performance and efficiency of the
designation based on political allegiance) and Romanian public administration4.
peculiar secondary aspects such as bribery, The model of the New Public
corruption, incompetence. Public sector Management (NPM) public management
analysts, scholars and practitioners have practices originating from the private
been discussing whether politics could be sector was coined in the work of the British
separated from the administration, subject and Australian theorists Christopher Hood
which has offered a complex theme of study and Michael Jackson, Administrative Argument
even prior to WWII2 (Goodnow, 1967, 2003; (1991) and again in 1991 by Christopher
Rabin, Bartley Hildreth and Miller, 1997; Hood when carrying out a study on the
Kramer, 1981; Berkley, 1981; Mosher, 1982; evolution of the public management styles
Rabin and Bowman, 1984; Abney and Lauth, of OECD countries back in the 1980s.
1986; Rosenbloom and Goldman, 1993; Christopher Hood traced a pattern within
Maguire, 1996; Pollitt, Birchall and Putman, the various styles of public management
1998; OECD, 1998; Nunberg, Barbone and and styled a singular concept that would
Derlien, 1999; Thuy, Hansen and Price, provide an explanation to public organizations
2001; Lynn, 2004; Henry, 2005; Berman, establishment5, although he mentioned the
Bowman, West and Van Wart, 2005; Hacek, fact that those public administrations he
2006; Bourdeaux, 2007; Androniceanu, analyzed had found unique manners to
2008), and cried for the institutionalization perform the reform process. Also, in 1990, by
of the merit-based system in public employees referring to the same pattern Christopher
recruitment and selection policies and Pollitt styled it managerialism; in 1992
increasing efficiency3. This paper is thus Lan and Rosenbloom spoke of the market-
also designed to discuss the manner in oriented public administration while Michael
which the activities of public managers in Barzelay named it the post-bureaucratic
the field of recruitment and selection of paradigm, which was further re-named as
public employees are influenced by the entrepreneurial governance by Osborn
challenges and opportunities of the political and Gaebler6.
environment. It is expected that, by engaging into
applying the NMP model of public service
The New Public Management and reform, some particular institutional
Romanian public organizations arrangements to be present at the level of
The beginning of the decentralization the public administration:
process in the early 1990s gave the impetus
(1) the public managers autonomy
for the increase in the responsiveness and
to coordinate, act and solve problems;
accountability of the local authorities who
(2) applying the explicit performance
became more aware of the needs and
criteria and measures; (3) shifting the
interests of the local communities. The
balance in favour of control and
reform process within the public sector
outputs; (4) ensuring an increase in the
was accelerated in 1999 with the adoption
competition by resorting to contracts
of Law 188/1999 of December 8th, 1999
on a definite duration and public
regarding the Statute of public employees,
tendering procedures; (5) borrowing
which answered the need for the adoption
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Political control, public organizations recruitement and selection policies and
the New Public Management

from the private sector management which has molded a specific type of
style; and (6) making appeal to organization culture, hence a distinct human
discipline and control in the use of resource public management.
financial resources7.
Political control and public personnel
Re-inventing Romanian public orga-
recruitment and selection policies
nizations requires a series of changes, first
The next section discusses the criteria,
and foremost in the sense of downsizing
both formal and informal, that bind public
the public sector and operating a de-
managers in the public employees
concentration of the governmental services,
recruitment and selection processes. At
second, in the sense of stimulating the growth
present, budgetary constraints on public
of public management accountability and
organizations have impacted on human
responsiveness, third, in the sense of in-
resources policies and on public organization
creasing the use of market-oriented
structure, in the sense of reducing both the
mechanisms, fourth, in the sense of in-
staff number and organization structure.
creasing the decision-making power at
Moreover, public recruitment and selection
operational level, fifth, in the sense of
are operated within a legal framework
highlighting the importance of performance,
which stipulates the rights and obligations,
human resources, information technology
as well as the guarantees as regards the
and communication management, moreover,
activities in this process, thus the discussion
in the sense of ameliorating the relations
also addresses the major laws that regulate
and services offered to citizens8. However,
the recruitment and selection processes in
in our opinion, one should be especially
Romanian public organizations.
pre-occupied with limiting the political
Romanian public employees are recruited,
influence on the public management.
selected, appointed and trained according
The NPM model was translated at the
to the following documents: Constitution
local level into legislation among which
of Romania; Law 188/1999 regarding the
some of the most innovating measures were:
status of public employees; Government
the appointment of the chiefs of public
Decision 452/2000 regarding the organization
institutions and public services under the
and development of the post attestation
subordination of local councils on a
examination of employees occupying public
competition-basis and accompanied by a
management positions within public insti-
management contract, and the creation of
tutions and authorities; Government Ordinance
the city/county manager position at city,
81/2001 regarding the organization of the
commune and county level, the appointment
National Administration Institute; Government
being made on the proposal of the mayor/
Decision 1085/2001 regarding the orga-
president of the county council9.
nization of the probation period, the
However, when discussing the different
evaluation conditions and the specific rules
types of administrative reforms that have
applicable to debutant public employees;
established the management of Romanian
Government Decision regarding the orga-
post-communist public organizations and
nization and development of competitions
the perspectives offered by applying the
and examinations for public offices.
New Public Management model, one must
From casting lots (as was the case with
constantly have in view the fact that the
ancient Greece) to heredity (as in Great
Romanian public sector has to be analyzed
Britain) and further to direct appointment
in the limelight of its communist heritage,
by the hierarchical (often-times political)

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Ctlina Maria Georgescu

superior, the recruitment process was not public employees selection: on the one hand,
always performed on a rational choice- there are the so-called non-democratic
basis, by choosing the most capable can- methods of candidate selection, in which a
didates who could fulfil the demands of peculiar candidate is favoured due to
the job and public office10. heredity, nepotism, chance or hazard, and,
The public recruitment process has on the other hand, the so-styled democratic
witnessed some changes thus requiring methods characterised by professional,
taking into account the following issues: intellectual and/or political selection14.
In our opinion, the public recruitment
1) the conditions and changes appeared
procedure should pass through the following
on the labour market, 2) the systems
stages: the evaluation of the need to fill the
capacity to train and develop human
vacant position; drawing up the position
resources, 3) the attraction of the area
description and person specification; ad-
and local facilities, 4) the legislative
vertising the appointment; the inquiry into
framework, 5) the unions role, 6) the
the locations rich in potential applicants;
public organization image, 7) the orga-
attracting the applicants for the vacant
nization culture, 8) the managerial
appointments; spotting the fittest and most
policies and practices, 9) the existing
qualified applicants for the respective
economic, political, social values, and
positions15. In some democracies, the tendency
finally 10) the degree of financial and
is to render the recruitment process a more
managerial autonomy of public
active approach, with governments involved
in the process of advertising for a career in
At present, most of the central and the public administration and sending
local public organizations are challenged by recruiters to university campuses16.
the shrinking number of public employees Moreover, we consider fit that the pro-
and the decrease in the public organization cedure of the public employees competitive
structure which are partly due to budgetary merit-based selection for both management
constraints12. Moreover, the public sector and execution position comprises the
functions within a legal framework whose following phases: a first selection in order
legal regulations and restrictions stipulate to reduce applications and possibly determine
on the rights and duties, protection and the most qualified applicants; filling in the
guarantees that ensure the functioning of standard application form to participate in
all public organizations13. However, the the examination; the employment interview;
reverse of the coin is that all major reforms the employment testing; references verification;
within the public management of human medical exam; final interview; hiring decision
resources have to be done according to and notification of results17. According to
centrally-approved instructions. Law no. 188/1999, the selection process is
According to the provisions of Law firstly conditioned by the existence of a
No. 188/1999, the beginning of the process vacant position, while Article 49 paragraph
of public recruitment is conditioned on 1 clearly stipulates another binding condition,
whether newly-created jobs or positions the organization of the contest, a written or
appear on the chart of the public orga- oral examination, in order to fill a vacant
nization or through the possibility of vacancy public appointment.
by pension, death, transfer or dismissal. Government Decision 1087/2001 regulates
The specialized literature discriminates the organization and development of the
between two categories of methods of contest and exams for filling the vacant
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Political control, public organizations recruitement and selection policies and
the New Public Management

public position. The idea is that by not resources practitioners. As regards the
respecting the provisions of the legal act, recruitment and selection procedures, their
one attracts the nullity of the appointment work distinguished between political
act. The principles which stand at the basis patronage-based methods and the non-
of filling public positions through compe- political or merit-based methods20. Moreover,
titive examination are: open competition, it is interesting to notice how Van Ripers
merit-based selection, transparency, equal assumption made in 1958 and used in
treatment, confidentiality of applicants personal Loverd and Pavlaks chapter, that one can
data18. Government Decision No. 452/2000 trace both selection procedures within the
regulates the organisation and development public administration, has kept its validity
of the exam of appointment attestation of civil till the present moment. The author argued
servants in management public functions in favour of the existence of either a non-
within public organizations. political or political civil service or a
Following the passing through the formula which combines the two21.
recruitment and selection procedures, the Or, in other words, quoting Fred
successful candidate is taken on the staff Kramer from his Dynamics of public
and appointed to the position through an bureaucracy: an introduction to public
appointment disposition issued by the management (1981), the merit-based system
competent authority which awards him/her comes in oposition to the spoils system in
the quality of civil servant. There is the which political criteria fundament
situation, however, of the elected public employment decisions22.
employees, for whom the appointment dis- The debate over the separation of politics
position validates the election and for whom from the administration has resulted in a
the beginning of their mandate is marked number of different views and models.
by taking an oath19. This is the case for the Thus, there are some voices who argue in
president of the state, MPs, county, city favour of the so-called political appointments
and commune counsellors, and mayors. (politicized bureaucracy) as regards some
There is a different situation for ministers, areas of the civil service for fear that a
general and depute directors, county prefects political sabotage occurs from the part of
and their deputies, vice-mayors, secretaries, the dissatisfied public employees of the
and other civil servants who are appointed previous mandate23. Moreover, the same
to their positions by the competent authorities. voices argue that, in practice, one could
hardly separate politics from the admi-
Merit-based career system versus nistration, due to the political agenda the
spoils system in the public sector governing party had established prior to its
In 1995 Richard A. Loverd and Thomas launch in the electoral battle and which has
J. Pavlak (in Jack Rabin, Thomas Vocino, to be executed through the public admi-
W. Bartley Hildreth and Gerald J. Miller, nistration. Thus, public employees are bound
Handbook of Public Personnel to show loyalty to their hierarchically political
Administration (1995) alinquired into the superiors and political organizations they
history of the American public represent and to the policy implemen-
administration. Their effort resulted in some tation; however, by being part in the
possible solutions to the problem of political process the civil servant must not
providing an increase in the efficiency of neglect his loyalty towards the citizen and
public organizations management, such as the the basic objectives of public management.
use of total quality management by human The public employee must thus play a

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Ctlina Maria Georgescu

circumscribed role in the democratic pro- distribution of financial resources and

cess, one that is subservient to the political offices at local level31.
office bearer and public opinion24. The The Romanian case stands as an
rationale might be further emphasised by example for these assumptions as part of
the fact that, although civil servants may the management of the public admi-
be appointed according to political patronage, nistration is politically-appointed, being
in the absence of a detailed examination either elected officials or politically hand-
over their competency and efficiency, one picked according to the legal provisions.
cannot necessarily validate the assumption Though they are not civil servants, they
that this politically appointment-based thus become public managers who, at least
procedure establishes the increase in the in theory, should have been acquainted to
level of incompetence and corruption at the basic requirements and capabilities of
governmental level25. their public management position and also
On the other hand, one may also argue in the field of public management32.
that the merit-based career system, within During the past two decades, the
the civil service recruitment, selection and Romanian public administration has wit-
promotion procedures, works for the in- nessed an escalation of the spoils system
crease in competence and efficiency of the within the public organizations with public
public organizations. Moreover, some authors management positions created and used in
suggest that the three basic principles of order to reward party loyalty, with complete
the merit system open competition, neglecting of performance criteria, which
appointment capabilities and political permitted an increase in the lack of
neutrality should be endorsed through qualified personnel in the public service.
the establishment of written, standardised The phenomenon was described by
examinations, based on the job description Kaufman who found it relevant for the
and person specification26. American society, early in 1965. Persons
Some authors argue in favour of the thus selected were not always qualified for
middle-way, impersonated by the comple- the post, making it necessary to
mentarity model27 in which political supplement jobs to ensure the achievement
employees could dominate administrative of objectives33.
practice28. Moreover, as Sorauf argued in 1960,
Others incline in favour of a clear se- by using public management appointments
paration of political offices form the other as political-rewarding tools, a party is able
merit-based public positions29 corroborated to increase its political power in six
to the creation and consolidation of a distinct ways. Thus management functions
generation of professional public servants, can be a form of clientelism. Public
neutral as regards the political spectrum employers selection based on political
and endorsed by a clear definition of the criteria benefits not only the individual,
role, responsibilities and relations among who enjoys a public function courtesy of
institutions30. The grounds invoked for this its membership of a governing party, but
cry for the elimination of political patronage also the political party itself34.
is that it causes a perilous instability of the In other words, as far as the merit-
public office, especially as regards the based system is concerned, we find relevant
leadership, noticeable at every electoral the assumptions issued by McMurty in
cycle at the level of the political clientele, 1976. The author argued in favor of the
translated in the pervasive controlled existence of three principles of the merit-
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Political control, public organizations recruitement and selection policies and
the New Public Management

based system: the principle of recruitment The problem of increasing the effec-
based on competition and contest, the tiveness of public employees recruitment
principle of ensuring the security of the job has been intricate mostly because of the
against arbitrary fyring and the principle of political patronage, the would-be appli-
political neutrality within public cants finding themselves in a position of
organizations . not knowing whether, as Evan M. Berman
Moreover, in 1977 Heclo made the et all. stated in Human Resource Management
following statements in favour of the merit- in Public Service: Paradoxes, Processes,
based career system and the creation of a and Problems, recruitment is a politically-
body of politically-neutral public servants, neutral process, or it is a political hiring
thus declaring himself in favour of the system38.
selection of subordinated governmental
officials on the basis of merit system and Note
against political criteria, ignoring the Jan-Hinrik Meyer-Sahling, The institutionalization
evolution of political appartenence of the of political discretion in post-communist civil
organization leadership at the moment of service systems: the case of Hungary in Public
candidates selection and orienting this Administration, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing,
Vol. 84, No. 3, 2006, pp. 693-716.
process according to competence, abilities 2
Fred A. Kramer, Dynamics of public bureaucracy:
and knowledge criteria, and ensuring job an introduction to public management,
security through negotiations with political Cambridge, Mass: Winthrop, cop. 1981, p. 27.
representatives36. 3
Evan Berman, James S. Bowman, Jonathan P.
West, Montgomery Van Wart, Human Resource
Conclusions Management in Public Service: Paradoxes,
Thus, public offices must be filled with Processes, and Problems, SAGE, 2005 p. 16
public employees, according to the legal OECD, Centre for Cooperation with Non-
provisions, who meet the person specifi- Members, OECD Economic Surveys. 1997-
cations of the appointment. In Romania, a 1998. Romania, OECD Publishing, 1998, p. 50.
Michael Barzelay, Origins of the New Public
great share of public offices are filled with
Management. An international view from
political appointees, a characteristic disapproved public administration/political science, in Kate
by many political science theorists as it McLaughlin, Stephen P. Osborne, Ewan Ferlie
was argued that it generates many flaws in (eds.), New Public Management. Current
the system; thus some demand a discri- trends and future prospects, Routledge,
mination among the civil servants public London, 2002, p. 15.
office, the public office of the political Armenia Androniceanu, Nouti n
elected official and the political office37. managementul public, ediia a 3-a, Bucureti:
Keeping a balance between centrally- Editura Universitar, 2008, pp. 15-16.
sprung political control over the management Armenia Androniceanu, Impactul Noului
Management Public asupra administraiei
of human resources and managerial
publice din Romnia in Administraie i
flexibility within public organizations is management public, Bucharest: ASE Publishing,
especially challenging due to the extensive 2006, No. 6, pp. 13-19.
set of rules and regulations. The pace of 8
Ibidem, p. 15.
public organizational reform is also dece- 9
Ibidem, p. 16.
lerated by the same centrally-introduced Armenia Androniceanu, op.cit.,2008, pp. 231-232
rules and regulations that govern the Ibidem, p. 232.
public management of human resources. Gabriela Matei, Pena Antonevici, Afrodita
Popa, Victor Giosan, Romania in Serdar Yilmaz,

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Ctlina Maria Georgescu

Jozsef Hegedus, Michael E. Bell, Subnational Fred A. Kramer, op. cit., p. 152.
Data Requirements for Fiscal Decentralization: M.J. Mafunisa, Separation of politics from
Case Studies from Central and Eastern Europe, the South African public service: rhetoric or
World Bank Publications, 2003, p. 82. reality?, in Journal of Public Administration,
Armenia Androniceanu, op. cit., 2008, p. 232. Vol. 38, No. 2, June 2003, pp. 85-101.
14 24
Armenia Androniceanu, op. cit., 2008, p. 236. Ibidem, p. 98.
15 25
Adapted after Armenia Androniceanu, op. Loverd and Pavlak, op. cit., p. 2.
cit., 2008, pp. 232-235 and Willy McCourt, Fred A. Kramer, op. cit., p. 155 and Willy
The merit system and integrity in the public McCourt, 2007, p. 6.
service, paper presented in the Conference on See M.J. Mafunisa, op. cit., pp. 89-90.
Public Integrity and Anticorruption in the Ibidem, p. 90.
Public Service, Bucharest, 2007, p. 6. See, for instance, the dichotomy model/
David H. Rosenbloom, Public Administration: depoliticized bureaucracy model as explained
understanding management, politics and law in in M.J. Mafunisa, op. cit., pp. 87-88.
the public sector, New York, McGraw-Hill, Armenia Androniceanu, op. cit., 2006, p. 16.
1993, p. 224. Marius Profiroiu, Alina Profiroiu, Cadrul
Adapted after Willy McCourt, Public general privind evoluia funciei publice din
Appointments: from Patronage to Merit, in Human Romnia in Administraie i management public,
Resources in Development Group Working Paper Bucharest: ASE Publishing, 2006, No. 6, p. 46.
Series, Institute for Development Policy and Armenia Androniceanu, op. cit., 2008, p. 208.
Management, University of Manchester, and Kaufman, 1965, p. 31 apud Loverd and
Armenia Androniceanu, op. cit., 2008, p. 236. Pavlak, in Jack Rabin et al. op. cit., p. 6.
18 34
Armenia Androniceanu, op. cit., 2008, p. 236-237. Sorauf, 1960, apud Loverd and Pavlak, op.
Ibidem, pp. 241-242. cit., p 6.
20 35
Richard A. Loverd, Thomas J. Pavlak, McMurty apud Loverd and Pavlak in Jack
Analysing the historical development of the Rabin et al., op. cit., p. 9.
American civil service in Jack Rabin, Handbook Heclo apud Loverd and Pavlak in Jack Rabin
of public personnel administration, CRC Press, et al., op. cit., p. 9.
1995, p.2. Armenia Androniceanu, op.cit., 2008, pp. 112-113.
21 38
Van Riper, 1958, apud Loverd and Pavlak, Evan M. Berman et all., op. cit., p. 60.
op. cit., p. 2.

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009

Structural Modifications in the Romanian Economy

under the Coercions Imposed by the Growth of the

Gheorghe PRVU
Roxana NANU

Abstract: The structural convergence of the economies of the new EU

Member States is positively influenced by the growth of the average from
the services sector and negatively by a relatively high contribution of the
industry, trade and transport; the agricultural sector, by reducing the
contribution of the GDP in all these countries, sustains the process of
structural adjustment. The structural changes from the economy are
accompanied by a reduction of the employment rate from agriculture and
its growth in the services sector, this trend is also maintaining after the
accession to the EU, estimating that in the next ten years the number of
those who will focus on a third sector will be of 10% from the employed
population. The employment rate from industry registers a non-linear
evolution, it grows in the first stages and then it decreases.
Keywords: structural convergence, competitiveness, economic growth,

Romania's accession to the European In this sense, the measures adopted

Union raises numerous issues concerning concern: land reform, reform of economic
the competitiveness of agriculture: The incentives, liberalization of total prices and
reform of agriculture is the main objective: reducing subsidies, accelerated program of
production efficiency and competitiveness privatization, restructuring and liquidation.
of Romanian products. Romanian agriculture has lost the
appearance of mass production, which
* The paper disseminates the results of National
alienates us from the agriculture of other
OPTIMIZATION OF THE NATIONAL TOURISTIC EU countries. Remaining in the agricul-
POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY tural production stage craft will condemn
AND THE IMPROVEMENT OF ROMANIAS us to stagnation and importing food.
IMAGE AS A TOURISTIC DESTINATION, PCE Therefore, a part of our agriculture should
375/2007 (CNCSIS), Research Manager - Assoc. remain in the economy of scale. We
Prof. Ph. D. Gruescu Ramona cannot be ruled out neither of the two in
that the development strategy is concerned.

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Gheorghe Prvu, Ramona Gruescu, Roxana Nanu

To ensure market demand for both sectors, To study the convergence of real
agricultural sector with a mass production Romanian agriculture with the European
cannot adapt to the economy of scale in Union, we can write a SWOT matrix (strengths,
the industry. weaknesses, opportunities and risks).
Family agriculture is excessively atomized Strengths of the Romanian agriculture:
as regards property and organization, and - the second largest agricultural
this situation can be corrected through producer in Central and Eastern
policies that bring it closer to an integrated Europe, after Poland (agricultural
economic environment that produces con- area of 14.8 million hectares);
centrated offers. Moreover, agriculture cannot - climate and soil are conducive to
become performing integrated as industry, the development of an efficient
and also have auto producers. Without agriculture;
integration with upstream does not supply - potential development of organic
the downstream integration with no market farming;
and that demand stable. - use of traditional, not intensive,
A great decision in Romanian agri- methods.
culture at the beginning of this century was Weaknesses of the Romanian agriculture:
a complex restructuring of production and - the role of safety net for people
realization of links with industry and services who cannot find work in other
in the private ownership structures. areas;
In this process, the market has a role, - under resistance of farmers: large
but orientation in directions that run the number of small, family farms;
older States of the EU should be supported - large share of auto producers;
by policies that ensure economic perfor- - agricultural market is not fully
mance. Technical performance does not render functional;
economic and efficient if companies are - low level of support for farmers,
not open to the market. Competitiveness of low level of information capacity
our agriculture in the process of European and poor access to European funds;
integration must be ensured in terms of a - declining share of agricultural pro-
large opening to international trade. This duction in GDP has been accom-
does not mean that agriculture will be- panied by an increase in the share
come the victim of a lack of protection of agricultural population to
against unfair practices that penetrate our occupied civilian population.
domestic market. Romania is expecting that, under the
Reforming the agricultural sector is conditions created by the membership to
the basis of a comprehensive reform in the the European Union, to obtain or
Romanian society in the process of creating consolidate:
a market economy. Formation and functioning - economic stability;
of agricultural markets require competitive - large investments in structural funds;
principles: reform of agricultural structures, - higher revenue for farmers;
agricultural policy reform, institutional reform, - access to unique market for its products;
administrative reform. For the success of - increased demand for products
structural reforms, an active industrial policy with high added value.
must be accompanied by increasing com- Threats and risks for Romania's agriculture
petitiveness in the agricultural sector. are related to:

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Structural Modifications in Romanian Economy

- fragmented agricultural structures; As a result of these industry changes, EU

- land markets and poor farming has to pursue two objectives that are, in
land market is underdeveloped, re- fact, objectives of Romania's adaptation to
presenting only 5% of the total the industrially-scale enlarged internal
potential of this market; market and to the international competi-
- access to credit - equity investments tiveness of insuring enterprises' own markets
represent only 30% of the level cal- worldwide.
culated by the EU for Romania to The main objective of restructuring
meet European standards; and resizing Romanian industry, for effec-
- limited access to markets; tive integration in the industry with mini-
- intermediate consumption is extremely mal participation and disadvantage to the
low (-25%), according to extensive single market, is to increase the compe-
agricultural activities; titiveness of national industrial production,
- lack of human capital; a goal achievement which involves the
- productivity is half the EU average, essence of transformation and development
while production costs are higher by at three levels: at the level of companies in
about 30%; each industry (sector) in the industries that
- the large share of auto producers - the obtained performance will be con-
two times greater than the level sidered representative to the national eco-
normally considered as a maximum nomic complex, at the level of the inter-
of 30% of agricultural output. national context, and at the level of industrial
Through the enlargements made in policies.
2004 and 2007, EU wants to achieve: A multi-criterion analysis of comparative
- a better competitive position in the advantages of 22 industrial sectors, made
world; by a prestigious group of researchers, led
- a broadening of the market for their to a ranking of the sectors that performed
products (a market of Central and Eastern on the basis of ten performance criteria
Europe of 100 million consumers). relevant: production dynamics; the dynamics
The policies implemented in the agri- of investment; overall profitability; outstanding
cultural sector explain many of the payments; degree of privatization; produc-
successes and failures of restructuring in tivity; energy intensiveness.
this area. Depending on the particularities and
In return, the industry is one of the their positions after the comparative ad-
branches that will need to ensure econo- vantage in the manufacturing industry, has
mic expansion at home and internationally, resulted an interesting typological grouping
in terms of the contemporary world lives that reflects the potentially competitive
and participate in a profound scientific noticeable difference:
revolution which produces mutations in a. Sectors with comparative advantage
the core structure of industrial production globally and relative stability food
and world demand. We are assisting at the and beverages, clothes industry, foot-
decline of traditional industries with high wear and leather industry, industry
share of industrial production and the products other non-metallic materials;
emergence of new sectors, branches and industry of machinery and electrical
sub branches that have to face no risk to appliances, furniture manufacturing and
remain outside the race in top industries, other activities not classified;
generating and delivering technical progress.

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Gheorghe Prvu, Ramona Gruescu, Roxana Nanu

b. Sectors with comparative advantage of our country as lowest, because other

globally, subjected to important econo- countries (Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary)
mic and financial risks textile in- have a significantly increased export ca-
dustries and textile products, wood pacity of the sectors of manufacturing
processing industry (except the production machinery and equipment, while Romania
of furniture); continues to export products in large
c. Sectors that have recorded a high and quantities from low-technology sectors
late emphasized privatization and (garments, footwear, furniture) and reduced
restructuring, which can be sources of processing (fuel resulted from oil refining
major risks of loss of markets pulp, and steel products represent over half the
paper and cardboard industry; oil pro- usual volume of export).
cessing, coal coking and nuclear fuel From the evaluations carried out results
treatment; chemical fibres, synthetic the need of adopting a set of measures to
and artificial; metallurgical industry; ensure conditions for effective affirmation
industry of machinery and equipment; of the competitive advantages of existing
road vehicles industry; industry of and potential industries. They must take
other means of transport; into account the conclusions resulting from
d. Sectors with comparative advantages studies and projections prepared by the
overall, that are in a relative economic- Ministry of Industry and Commerce, the
financial equilibrium the processing Institute of Economics of Industry, other
of rubber and plastics, construction, institutes and research teams rated in the
metal industry and metal products country and abroad.
(excluding machinery, equipment and Romanian industry has a labor force
installations), the tobacco industry; of adequate qualification but most in-
e. Sectors with superior potential in global dustrial units are overload and the staff
comparative advantages characterized has technically spent all moral capital
by high technologies, located in a low and is much less flexible, which induces
stage of development-publishing, prin- a modest level of productivity of the
ting and reproduction of recorded media, total invoice.
industry of computer and office equipment, Romanian industry still has competitive
industry of radio, television and commu- advantages in production and export
nications, industry of medical equipment, of industrial goods with low labor
precision, optical and watch making. cost, low tech, low added value. In the
In the grouping proposed by the European Union market, the competition
authors of the study, the first two groups of with labor-intensive sectors from de-
industries that have comparative advantages, veloping countries is a public threat,
but overall present unfavorable charac- turning to embarrass the considerable
teristics of low-tech, high intensity of labor, advantages. At this threat is added the
also reduced added value. Products of these fact that the most powerful Romanian
sectors are mostly exported in European export products are registered with the
Union countries, which show the poor total groups of goods medium and highly
supply of Romanian export. The index of protected.
export specialization in Romania in relation Through the characteristics mentioned
to the European Union compared to that of in the preceding paragraph, it is
countries in transition showed the situation obvious that the Romanian exports
towards the EU countries continue to
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Structural Modifications in Romanian Economy

be similar to that of exports to develo- preneurs from European Union countries

ping countries rich in natural resources. in the Romanian economy, and foster
In this respect, it should indicate that partnership links of productive units
the most demanding industrial products between Romanian units and Western
worldwide existing on the Romanian Europe. These forms can provide a
market are, according to the United substantial transfer of technological
Nations data, simple steel, sodium know-how, management and marketing
hydroxide, sunflower oil, heavy plate to the Romanian industrial units,
and rolled steel in simple environ- creating the prerequisites for recovery
ments, furniture, cement and garments. above the existing competitive advan-
In assessing the effectiveness of ex- tages and value in putting progressive
ports, one must keep in mind that the potential advantages revealed above.
share of high added value production Priorities (coordinates) of strategic
is not always high productivity and industrial policy of Romania, in order to
efficiency, if the structure is increase competitiveness, have in mind:
dominated by the added costs of labor 1. Industry restructuring conceived in terms
(where the production of engines, of national competitive advantage, rather
knitwear and furniture, in these costs than those of comparative advantage,
represents more than 50% of added as comparative advantages relates in par-
value). ticular to equip industry with factors
Over 60% of Romanian exports to the of production, while competitive advan-
EU correspond to sectors that are labor- tage is based, mainly, on efficient use
intensive in these countries. Conse- of factors, the efficient industrial activity.
quently, the Romanian foreign trade The future configuration of industrial
has a positive coverage for the goods structures should be aligned to the
which are labor-intensive in the Euro- main trends in global technology,
pean Union and a negative one for the which has a high mobility and shows
goods on intensive R&D plans, the a new process of industrial revolution
use of skilled handwork and capital. based on knowledge associated to the
Adequate capitalization of the existing operation of comparative/competitive
competitive advantages and potential, advantage. In order to gradually shift to-
that Romanian industry presents, can wards industry-based knowledge resources,
be ensured by improving significant the restructuring policies must take
productivity factors and using tools into account the following aspects:
that can encourage progressive formation a) investments should be directed
of a tender to export products, and towards priority skills with a great
include medium and high tech, with productive and innovative potential,
high added value, in an increasingly able to create new professions and
large proportion. specializations for the future eco-
In these conditions, supplementing nomy;
industrial production, in Romanias b) the key elements of competiti-
relations with the European Union, veness are not limited to the direct
should extend as much as possible in costs of factors of production, but
the direction of industry and high-tech the quality of education and training
medium, primarily in stimulating the qualification of the labor force,
direct investment of firms and entre- efficient industrial organization,

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Gheorghe Prvu, Ramona Gruescu, Roxana Nanu

the scientific research and techno- An important adjustment in the national

logical development, availability economy according to the requirements of
of infrastructure services that help membership to the European Union sub-
the flow of industrial goods, high mits development. In the production of
quality products etc. services, developments in recent years can
c) Promotion of sustainable development be described by the following coordinates:
in industry, in terms of getting pro- - sustained growth in the share that holds
ducts and cleaner development of services in the achievement of a GDP;
clean technologies. Eco-industry already - structural, balancing through services,
knows the market growing ra- population;
pidly and will grow considerably, - differentiated increases, but in some areas,
worldwide, in the current decade, as we have noted previously, significant
and Romania will have to rally to production in different parts of them,
this trend. which is a concern for product deve-
2. Substantial increase in the volume of lopment services;
industrial production, an increase in the - filling a large number of people in
overall economy, thus ensuring limiting services activities, the area in the next
unemployment. period should be levelled by improving
3. Shaping and implementation of potential the quality of services to the population;
specialized directions of processing - increasing the hotel business, which
industries, which, in the long term, meant a better hotel occupancy and
predict industrial structures in Romania, contribution to GDP;
based on the following criteria: energy - a contribution of about 50% of pro-
(energy intensity), technology (the duction services to GDP (in some countries
technical equipment, upgrading technology), Sweden, Switzerland etc. services
organic (pollution-free) and economic are more than 70% in achieving GDP);
efficiency (size of gross added value). - developing financial services, banking
Despite the under-functional and un- and capital market.
perfected elements in todays Romanian Main factors affecting economic develop-
industry, some even maintained and en- ment of the tertiary sector are:
hanced in the 18 years of transition, this growth which is evolving (in a good or
branch of the national economy has the bad pace) in the economy in a period of
required potential that is realistically assessed, time influences the development of
cultivated and grown with care in accor- services, which is both a prerequisite and
dance with new axes of development out- an effect of the evolution of whole economies;
lined by the economic globalization process. final consumption expenditure of the
Policies and instruments used with population is influenced by real income,
discrimination and the effectiveness of the saving trend, taxes and subsidies from
developed countries engaged in global com- the budget (allowances, benefits etc.)
petition, and lessons learned from carrying consumer credit etc. Increased consumption
out reform in the Romanian economy after expenditures of other individuals and
1989 have engaged the reliable reference households leads to an increase in the
guide for defining major directions of rate of demand for services;
action in order to increase the competi- costs of investment in infrastructure de-
tiveness of Romanian industry and amplify velopment and modernization of tech-
the global markets.
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Structural Modifications in Romanian Economy

nical services industries influence growth the position and role of services in the
of services and offer a level of quality; national economy. The three dimensions are:
consumption expenditure of public and the inextricable link between services
private administration influence the evo- and the process of building and running
lution of public services, not markets, the market;
for the benefit of the community or the deepening of intra-connexion relation-
groups of households; ships and integration of services and the
rates the exchange rate of currency in rest of the economy in general, and between
relation to the main currencies influencing services and industry in particular;
changes in international volute services, enhancing opportunities for growth and
stimulating or, on the contrary, discouraging development with the purpose of exten-
exports, with multiplier effects on the ding international transactions of services,
entire economy; following their gradual liberalization, the
interest rates determine the cost of institutional approach to the GATS
borrowing, encouraging or not the re- (globally) and the European Approval (at
course to loans for both investment and European level); as a partner, Romania has
consumption; made specific commitments to liberalization.
inflation-rate changes in the general
price index affect the purchasing power References
of population, cost of products, with 1. Iancu A. (2008), The Problem of
consequences for both the demand and Economic Convergence, in Supplement for
the Magazine Economic and Applied Theory.
supply of services.
2. Lipsey, R. (2000), Inward ISD and economic
Other economic factors like the growth in developing countries, Trans-
taxation level (taxes, fees, excises etc.), national Corporations vol. 9, no. 1, 2000.
budget policy (allocation of state budget 3. Patra M. (2008), The Evolution of Romanias
expenditure for public services), the pace Economy in EU: Preliminary Results and
of growth of labor productivity and others, Immediate Perspectives (years 2007-2008),
also influence the development of services in Economic Magazine, 18 June 2008.
and therefore should be carefully analyzed 4. Prvu Gh., Crng-Foamete C. (2008),
for a rigorous foundation of strategies for Disparities in the territorial structure of the
the development of the tertiary sector. Romanian economy, International Conference
Competitiviness and Stability in the
Reconsidering the role and importance
Knowledge-Based Economy, Craiova.
of services in the development of Romanias 5. Zaman Gh. (2007), Strategic points of
strategy should be a stringent requirement the efficiency of Romanias Integration
because of the state of insufficient deve- Process in the European Union, Volume of
lopment of this sector in our country, the Conference AGER 2007.
compared to the developed countries and 6. *** National Bank of Romania, Annual
even compared to countries like ours, in Report 2007, Review of the Main Economic
the process of structural adjustment to the and Financial Evolutions in 2007.
new contract imposed by the membership 7. *** European Cohesin Forum, 27-28
to the European Union. september, 2007, Brussels.
At least three dimensions of the 8. *** The Report: Romania 2008, Oxford
Business Group, 15 January 2008.
development services, that give substantive 9. ***
appreciation to the Romanian efficient 10. ***
economic structures, while Europe and the
world witness a relentless amplification of

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009

How to Kill Civilians in the Name of Human

Rights: Lessons from Sri Lanka

Michael RADU*

Abstract: This article is an overview of the recent history of Sri

Lanka. Starting from the quarter of history of civil war, the author
argues that humanitarian feeling are no policy alternative to common
sense and that a military solution is, in some circumstances, the best
way to save civilian lives.
Keywords: conflict, human live, human rights, civilian casualties, NGOs,
military solution.

fter a conflict of more than a quarter Sri Lanka, an Indian Ocean country
of a century of terrorism and civil the size of West Virginia, has a diverse
war that killed 70,000 people, Sri population 81 percent is Sinhalese, most
Lankans finally think they have defeated of them Buddhist; some 11 percent are
the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), Tamils, who are generally Hindus, either
perhaps the worlds most murderous terrorist immigrants from India or native. Eight
organization. Why and how a small country percent of the population are Muslims. As
of 21 million succeeded in defeating such is so often the case in the former British
a group where much bigger powers have Empire, the native group most adept to
failed is a good lesson for those who study Western education and adaptable to British
terrorism and counterinsurgency. These lessons interests in this case the Tamils were
are primarily political and legal, but also disproportionately represented among the
military and diplomatic, and they include educated at the time of independence
both successes and pitfalls in a small (1948), and thus resented by the majority.
countrys road to peace and development. Free elections repeatedly brought to power
Sinhalese populists/socialists. Tamils were
* Michael Radu, Ph.D., is Senior Fellow pushed aside and the majority language
and Co-Chair of the Center on Terrorism declared the only official one. The result
and Counterterrorism (Foreign Policy was, and to some extent remains, Tamil
Research Institute in Philadelphia). This resentment and demands for autonomy, at
article is reprinted with authors permission, least in the northern (Jaffna) and Eastern
(Trincomalee) areas where they predominate.
Key to understanding why the LTTE
lasted for so long and why India was in-
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
How to Kill Civilians in the Name of Human Rights: Lessons from Sri Lanka

volved in Sri Lanka on and off at various itself to elections; to the contrary, it is a
times is the fact that some 60 million quasi-cult terror group, subservient to the
Tamils live in three southern Indian states, whims of one person, Prabhakaran. His
primarily Tamil Nadu, and many of those decisions, rather than any nationalist goal,
support the LTTE out of ethnic solidarity. send people to their death, train them for
Equally, if not more, important, there is a death, preferably from childhood, and
large (ca. 800,000) Sri Lankan Tamil diaspora, have long murdered any moderate or
mostly in Canada, the UK, Australia, the nonviolent Tamil politician in the country.
U.S., and southeast Asia. This diaspora is In that, and many other respects, the LTTE
radicalized and, like most diasporas living are similar to other cultlike revolutionary
in safety, more radical than conationals in terrorists, such as the Kurdistan Workers
the country of origin. It still provides the Party (PKK) of Abdullah Ocalan in Turkey
funds, propaganda support, and public and Abimael Guzmans Communist Party
relations vital to the LTTEs survival. of Peru, a.k.a. Shining Path. Compared to
The LTTE pretends to fight for a those, Stalin and Mao had and officially
separate Tamil state (Tamil Eelam) in the claimed fewer powers. To comprehend
northern and eastern parts of the island, LTTE, imagine Jim Jones Temple cult of
and it has actually established a de facto state Guyana in possession of a navy and air
in those areas for almost a decade, complete force, as well as (at its height) some
with administration, courts, taxation, education, 20,000 fanatical and armed zombie followers.
etc. until it lost it all following the Sri Prabhakaran imposed a blood tax on
Lankan Army (SLA) offensive since the the people under his control. Each family
beginning of 2008. What did that state had to provide a son to the LTTE a pattern
look like? condemned by Amnesty International,
Though receiving considerable popular Human Rights Watch, and the UN. LTTE
support, the LTTE regime was (is) a made every follower bear a cyanide pill
command state. It has always been a military (thus few Tigers were ever captured) and
outfit and the insurrectionary war situation established special units, such as the black
hardly encouraged anything other than Tigers, for murder and assassination. In
dictatorship, but [Vellupillai Prabhakaran]s fact, until the early 1990s, the LTTE led
personal proclivities and the veneration he the world in suicide bombings, with vic-
received as a demi-god would have ac- tims including a president and many mi-
centuated this characteristic. Command state nisters of Sri Lanka, as well as a former
meant (means) command economy. State Prime Minister of India, Rajiv Gandhi
enterprises in transport, restaurants, etc. (1991). Unsurprisingly, the UN, EU, U.S.,
augmented the returns from taxation and and India all declared the LTTE a terrorist
import duties. A critical dimension of its group. Still, in the rich West, pro-LTTE
local resources was the supply of monies groups were allowed to collect funds (and
from the SL government in Colombo, occasional recruits), always illegally and
namely, salaries and pensions paid to a under threat, usually under the pretext of
wide range of Tamilspeaking administrators, freedom of expression but, in places like
including health officials, who were em- Canada, for electoral considerations.
ployees of the central state.1 The result was that for two decades
To begin with, the LTTE , despite its the LTTE was one of the world richest
claims and effective propaganda, does not terror groups, able to create its own navy
represent the Tamils. It never submitted and air force two bad ideas turning

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Michael Radu

against itself as it happened. That wealth diated peace process only led to more
and Prabhakarans unlimited ambitions led terrorism from the LTTE, the de facto
the LTTE to establish a conventional military partition of the island, and no solution to
force, helped, officially and economically the Tamil problem. The result was its for-
by the do-gooders from Norway a wealthy mal withdrawal from the process, its
country with overseas ambitions and best declaration of LTTE as a terrorist organi-
intentions, serving as a mediator between zation, and a serious military campaign
Sri Lanka and the LTTE. It was precisely aimed at the destruction of the Tigers as
the Norwegian mediation that, for almost a an armed force.
decade, allowed the LTTE to establish its Starting last year, the SLAs better
de facto state in the north and east and trained and armed elements some 50,000
Prabhakaran to use that for creating his altogether began a steady offensive against
totalitarian state there. LTTE-controlled areas in the north and
With an economy based on tourism, northwest (the east, following Karunas de-
rubber, and tea and heavily dependent on fection, was already Tiger free). By January
foreign aid, Sri Lanka was obviously vul- 2009 Kilinochchi, Prabhakarans capital,
nerable to terrorism, especially in regard to and Mullaitivu, his last major stronghold,
tourism and to the influence and fell. From a height of over 7,000 square
sensibilities of Western donors. The latter, miles, the LTTE area of control shrank to
as usual, are themselves sensitive to the some 30 square miles all surrounded by
enormously effective, and wealthy, pro- the military, from land and sea. While there
LTTE Tamil diaspora and the international are conflicting views over Prabhakarans
human rights lobbies such as AI and fate, it is most likely he is still in that area
HRW. Each of those, over time and for its after all, he is a wanted man by the
purposes, acted to prolong the conflict, pro- Interpol and most area countries. It is in
tect the LTTE, and thus have more Sri this environment that the so-called human
Lankans killed. At no time is that deadly rights NGOs and their political supporters
coalitions impact more obvious than now, are actively, whether willingly or not,
when the LTTE is on its deathbed. supporting the survival of the LTTE.
By the end of 2007, the Sri Lankan Most sources, from AI to HRW, the
electorate was tired of a war that never ended, Red Cross, and even Colombo, agree that
of a de facto division of the country; and some 200,000 or more civilians are trapped
of the wars continuing when a major part in the shrinking LTTE-controlled area. AIs
of the LTTE, under a defecting leader Yolanda Foster admitted that We just dont
(second in command to Prabhakaran, know whats been happening in the last few
Vinayagamoorthy Muralitharan, a.k.a. Karuna) weeks in Sri Lanka2. Her HRW colleagues,
was ready to cripple the Tigers. He did based on the same information, condemned
so, and is now the official leader of eastern the Sri Lanka regime for failing to distin-
region and as a former Tiger he effec- guish between the trapped civilians and the
tively controls, legally or not, a key area. rebels. The government, she noted, has
Under President Mahinda Rajapaksa, launched indiscriminate artillery attacks
whose brother Gotabaya Rajapaksa is con- on civilians who are trapped in the war zone,
veniently the defense minister, and under shelling hospitals and other designated
the very competent military leader Lieutenant humanitarian safe zones. She also ad-
General Sarath Fonseka, the Colombo govern- mitted that, Cornered and desperate, the
ment decided that the Norwegian-me- Tamil Tigers, have responded by using
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
How to Kill Civilians in the Name of Human Rights: Lessons from Sri Lanka

civilians as human shields and forcing years for civilians formerly under Tiger
others, including children, into service as control and indoctrination and plausibly
fighters and porters on the battlefield.3 infiltrated by terrorist cadres.
If there are indeed some 200,000 or Ultimately, the issue is quite simple,
more civilians in the 30 square miles under both morally and practically. The eradica-
LTTE control (that would make that area tion of the LTTE, at least as a conventional
one of the most densely populated in the force, saves civilian lives. Misguided or, in
world, at 6,600 people per square mile), the case of pro-Tiger diaspora groups, dis-
how is the army going to separate them honest calls for a ceasefire would inevitably
from the LTTE cadres? Can any army do lead to more civilian casualties and a
that? Obviously not, which is why the so- revival of terrorism. Reason, rather than
lution advocated by the NGOs and, more pacifist or irrational thinking as manifested
logically, by the Tigers propaganda ma- by the human rights establishment, would
chine in the West and southern India, is a suggest that their efforts should be directed
cease-fire, ostensibly to allow the eva- toward aid to Sri Lanka for the reinsertion
cuation of civilians. That is why LTTE of Tamil civilians and not toward throwing
sympathizers are demonstrating in India, a line to the sinking LTTE.
England, and Canada, ostensibly in favor For more than a decade Western liberal
of a cease fire one that would allow the elites gave the LTTE a pass under the pre-
LTTE, once again, to escape final defeat, text that they represent real grievances of
come back and, of course, repeat the circle Sri Lankas Tamils. Ottawa, Washington,
again: civilian hostage taking, use, manipu- and Delhi closed their eyes to their own
lation and indoctrination included, as well Tamil citizens being forced or manipulated
as rearming. We have seen this movie into paying for the murder of civilians in
before, and many Sri Lankans, mostly Sri Lanka, despite officially declaring the
Tamils, have paid with their lives for it. Tigers a terrorist group. Military sanctions
On the other hand, the government were imposed on Colombo, aid was con-
intends to establish rehabilitation camps ditioned on tolerance of, or peace nego-
for Tamil refugees from Tiger controlled tiations with, Prabhakaran and the Tiger
areas and impose security controls as well. cancer grew. All of this pushed the government
Many of those refugees are traumatized by in Colombo into some dubious friendships
LTTE and war conditions, but some, like a (Iran and Venezuela come to mind), counter-
recent female suicide bomber disguised as productive and unnecessary if common
a refugee, are infiltrators who have to be sense in London or Ottawa would have
neutralized, which takes time and indivi- been the main policy criterion.
dual interrogations. The NGOs answer to Ultimately, Western views and policies
this common sense? The LTTEs grim vis--vis Sri Lanka prove that humanitarian
practices are being exploited by the govern- feelings and human rights are no policy
ment to justify its own atrocities. High alternative to common sense, and that even
level statements have indicated that the small countries, if desperate enough, could
ethnic Tamil population trapped in the war solve their secessionist/terrorist problems
zone can be presumed to be siding with the even despite the powerful human right
LTTE and treated as combatants, effectively NGOs pressures to commit national suicide.
sanctioning unlawful attacks.4 What are the Second, and most important and with wider
government atrocities? Temporary camps, implications, short term, obsessive preoccu-
with schools and clinics, for some two pation with civilian casualties is often a

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Michael Radu

death sentence to civilians in a civil war. Notes

The longer the war, especially when the Michael Roberts, Dilemmas At Wars End:
victor is obvious, the more civilian casualties. Thoughts on Hard Realities,
Hence a military solution is, in some cir- about/events/Cricket_Aug08.shtml, citing ODuffy
cumstances, the best way to save civilian (2006) and Rajesh Venugopal).
Ciaran Walsh, 25 years of civil war in Sri
lives. In general, pacifism disguised as
Lanka may see an end, February 16, 2009
human rights or not, always leads to more
death, especially in remote, third world, 3
Somini Sengupta and Mark Mcdonald,
small countries vulnerable to the influence Civilian Deaths Up in Sri Lankan War, New
of AI or HRW. Ending a war by force if York Times, February 21, 2009.
need be protects more civilians than Ibidem.
prolonging it under any pretexts.

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009

Statul independent Kosovo - cui prodest?


Abstract: The proclamation of independence has lead to the re-

opening of the debates regarding the situation in the Balkans. This
article tries to find the true motives of the American implication in this
issue as well as the possible consequences on the short, medium and
long term.
Keywords: independence, national sovereignty, scenario, international
community, war, geostrategy, geo-economy.

Preliminarii cu ambiii de secesiune, n condiiile n

care exist nc regimuri i micri sepa-

storia provinciei Kosovo este extrem de ratiste care i cer dreptul la autonomie:
complex i controversat, nefiind nici- Osetia de Sud, Abhazia, Corsica, Trans-
odat un model de interaciune politic nistria etc. n virtutea acelorai argumente,
ori de ajustare a tensiunilor i conflictelor vor fi i alii care percep, prin apariia noului
aprute n aceast arie geografic. Toate stat Kosovo, o posibil i viitoare aciune de
demersurile de eliminare a asperitilor te- rsturnare a suveranitii naionale din motive
ritoriale, politice, economice i socio-cul- morale sau umanitare, dat fiind faptul c
turale ce au fost prezente aici nu au favo- O.N.U, alte organizaii internaionale, S.U.A,
rizat o acomodare panic ntre srbi i precum i cteva ri occidentale au favo-
albanezi ci, dimpotriv, soldndu-se, n cele rizat, prin pasivitate politic, aciunile se-
din urm, cu pierderi umane i materiale paratiste din aceast zon.
de ambele pri, mai ales pentru Belgrad, Aa s-a ajuns la ncurajarea unei reale
care s-a vzut n situaia de nvins, prin fore opuse, perturbatoare, ntr-o geografie
schimbarea de sistem i de frontiere. extrem de sensibil, marea extindere a
Astfel, prin crearea artificial, dup fostei Iugoslavii ducnd la declinul i frag-
unii, normal dup alii, a statului indepen- mentarea acesteia, la nceput, apoi, la distru-
dent Kosovo, s-a modificat distibuia pu- gerea cvasitotal.
terii n aceast parte a Balcanilor, prin Nu minoritatea creatoare, cum ar spune
apariia unui precedent periculos n ceea ce Arnold Toynbee, ci printr-o agresivitate per-
privete relaiile internaionale i poziio- manent i susinut din exterior, albanezii
narea unor noi actori n sistemul mondial. din Kosovo au zdruncinat din temelii pax
Prin proclamarea independenei de ctre balcanica ntruct s-au produs mutaii sem-
Parlamentul din Kosovo la 12 februarie nificative n raporturile dintre state, nde-
2008, se impune un model i pentru cei osebi n Europa, prin recunoaterea inde-

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Ion Deaconescu, Mihai Ovidiu Cercel

pendenei Provinciei Kosovo. Ostilitatea mori i rnii srbi, muntenegreni, mace-

dintre srbi i albanezi, manifestat n de- doneni, igani.
cursul a ctorva secole, conflictul deschis Teheranul a sprijinit, ncepnd cu 1997,
dintre cretini i musulmani, cnd Kosovo toate aciunile teroriste ale U.C.K, n nu-
a fcut parte, la nceput, din Imperiul Srb mele proteciei comunitii musulmane din
sub dinastia Nemanjici (sec. XII), integrat zon, n vederea consolidrii aa-zisei axe
ulterior n Federaia Iugoslav, condus de Sgeata verde Sarajevo-Tirana prin expe-
Tito, s-au acutizat profund dup obinerea dierea n Kosovo de echipamente militare,
independenei statului kosovar, moment armament, aparatur de supraveghere i
bine pregtit i susinut n timp de state i comunicare. n plus, grzile revoluionare
instituii europene i americane care au iraniene au antrenat o bun parte din com-
favorizat radicalizarea terorismului islamic batanii U.C.K, iar fotii lupttori iranieni
din aceast zon. din Bosnia s-au alturat organizaiei din
U.C.K micare separatist militarizat i Germania a contribuit efectiv la in-
O ntrebare grav nc nu i-a primit flamarea periculoas a situaiei din Balcani,
un rspuns general acceptabil: cum a fost prin acordarea de asisten militar alba-
posibil ca cele mai importante ri ale nezilor kosovari. Prestigioasa publicaie
lumii, cu democraii consistente, s susin Frankfurter Algemeine Zeitung relata n
i s participe la crearea unui stat islamic 1999, c U.C.K era susinut de Berlin pentru
n chiar inima Europei? a declana o criz umanitar, care, ul-
Din ce raiuni i interese au fost ani- terior, s se constituie ntr-o justificare a
mate aceste state n demersul lor att de interveniei N.A.T.O n regiune.
periculos i duplicitar pentru relaiile inter- n conformitate cu dezvluirile din Le
naionale i echilibrul puterii n lume? monde diplomatique, serviciile secrete ger-
Pe ce baze U.C.K, organizaie tero- mane puneau la dispoziia lupttorilor
rist recunoscut, a beneficiat de o complex U.C.K. uniforme i echipament militar din
expertiz politic german, american, depozitele fostei STASI. Mai mult dect
englez etc? att, BND (serviciul secret german), Mili-
Grup separatist-terorist, U.C.K a fost tarmschirmdienst, i K.S.K. (Kommando Spezial
sprijinit muli ani de diverse instituii i Krafte) au oferit organizaiei teroriste alba-
firme specializate din strintate, cercuri neze armament i logistic, iar Reiner Kesselring,
de lobby din Congresul american, state directorul B.N.D., fiul generalului Luft-
musulmane (Iran, Albania, Yemen, Arabia waffe care bombardase Belgradul, n 1941,
Saudit, Bosnia), guverne, personaliti po- provocnd moartea a 17.000 de civili i
litice (Ayatollahul Ali Khamenei, Klaus Kinkel, militari, a organizat, prin sprijin K.S.K,
Richard Halbrooke, Madelaine Albright), activiti de antrenament ale combatanilor
organizaii extremiste (Al Quaeda). islamiti U.C.K la o baz militar german
U.C.K s-a aflat la originea unor aciuni din Turcia.
teroriste n Kosovo, nc de la nceputul n 1997, Departamentul de Stat al S.U.A.
conflictului, cnd, n perioada ianuarie 1991 considera U.C.K ca o organizaie terorist,
iulie 1998, au iniiat 797 de atacuri ar- ulterior, opiunea militar s-a schimbat,
mate i 663 n a doua jumtate a lui 1998, catalognd-o micare de eliberare, iar
mpotriva unor secii militare, ceteni srbi, conductorii acesteia din criminali de
gospodrii private, nregistrndu-se sute de rzboi au fost numii lupttori pentru li-
bertate i, apoi, lideri politici, cum este
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Statul independent Kosovo cui prodest?

cazul lui Hashim Thaci, ajuns prim mi- ministru al Kosovo, dei era acuzat de
nistru al noului stat independent. crime de rzboi.
Duplicitatea american s-a relevat i
n faptul c multe cadre militare de con- Baza Bondsteel i interesele americane
ducere, ofieri U.C.K, au fost antrenai n n Balcani
S.U.A n cadrul Planului de Pace, demers Pe bun dreptate se ntreab Adrian
care s-a soldat ulterior, cu apariia unei Iancu, n articolul Kosovo, nceputul unui
fore militare redutabile, capabil s ope- alt rzboi rece, de ce destrmarea fostei
reze eficace n zonele de conflict deschis, Iugoslavii s-a fcut n trepte: mai nti
ocupate de populaia de origine srb. Slovenia, apoi, Croaia, apoi, dup doi ani
Un factor destabilizator din Kosovo l- Bosnia-Heregovina, n fine, dup ali ani,
a constituit i atitudinea exagerat de to- Kosovo. Dac relaiile interetnice ar fi fost,
lerant a autoritilor engleze care au favo- n 1990, att de dramatic ireconciliabile,
rizat radicalizarea aciunilor etnicilor alba- nu era normal ca dezmembrarea s aib
nezi. n cartea The Coming Balkan Caliphate, loc aproape simultan?2 Nu cumva, decla-
aprut n 2007, autorul, Christopher Deliso rarea unilateral a independenei Provinciei
atrage atenia c Societatea Islamic alba- Kosovo face parte dintr-un scenariu amplu,
nez din Londra, condus de eicul koso- bine structurat, i pus n practic de unele
var Muhammed Stubla, a fcut un lobby state occidentale, susinute consistent de
activ i a procurat fonduri pentru U.C.K.. S.U.A? Or, chiar guvernul de la
nc din 1998, n capitala Angliei, la mos- Washington se afla la originea acestui plan
cheea Finsbury Park, se fceau recrutri pentru a-i asigura accesul la petrolul caspic
masive de lupttori islamici pentru rzboiul i la uriaele resurse din aceast parte a
sfnt din Kosovo, sub conducerea eicului seciei?
Omar Bakri Muhammed, membru al Al- Operaiunea Status, denumit de
Qaeda. americani ori Planul Athisaari, propus
Exist voci care susin c serviciul se- de O.N.U., evideniaz mecanismul i stra-
cret britanic M16 era la cunotin de in- tegia guvernului american de a penetra
teniile i aciunile unor lideri musulmani ntr-o zon geostrategic i geo-economic
din Anglia, ndeosebi ale lui Omar Bakri extrem de important, n care rutele bal-
care declara c noi, islamitii, nu facem canice, europene i asiatice se ntretaie, iar
distincie ntre civilizai i non-civilizai, conflictele de aici pot fi uor negociate i
inoceni i non-inoceni. Singura distincie limitate. Spiritul Rzboiului Rece i dimi-
pe care o facem este ntre musulmani i nuarea cooperrii ntre S.U.A i o Europ
necredincioi. Viaa unui necredincios n mai unit au dovedit c prezena ameri-
Islam nu are nici o valoare.1 can pe btrnul continent nu mai repre-
Este de-a dreptul incalificabil atitu- zint un deziderat ori o necesitate.
dinea tolerant a unor guverne occidentale Repetatele eecuri ale comunitii inter-
n legtur cu aciunile teroriste ale lui Agim naionale n probleme majore ce trebuiau
Ceku, cel care a condus operaiunea Storm gestionate de O.N.U. (a se vedea capul
(Furtuna), soldat cu exodul a 250.000 de Iugoslaviei, al Irakului) reclam un alt fel
civili srbi i uciderea a 15.000 de civili. de tip de reacie din partea marilor puteri, o
Dup ncheierea operaiunii Mistral din abordare nou a proteciei i impunerii
Vestul Bosniei, generalul Agim Ceku a propriilor interese n lume. Dar, care sunt
revenit n Kosovo, devenind comandantul aceste interese americane n Kosovo?
U.C.K., iar n 2006 a fost numit prim-

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Ion Deaconescu, Mihai Ovidiu Cercel

Exist voci care reclam c, dup 1990, regiune fiind identificate rezerve de 7 mi-
specialitii americani au elaborat planul liarde de tone de crbune, cantiti uriae
Kosovo, iar acordul de la Rambouillet, din de zinc i plumb. Potrivit experilor, sus-
martie 1999, de ocupare a spaiului koso- ine Vladimir Alexe, rezervele de lignit din
var de ctre forele N.A.T.O, precum i Kosovo ar fi suficiente Europei n urm-
bombardarea ulterioar a Iugoslaviei, ncepnd toarele 13 secole.
cu 21 martie 1999, sunt doar consecine n aceste condiii ne ntrebm nc o
fireti ale acestei strategii politico-militare dat, care a fost adevrata miz a S.U.A.,
de sorginte american, de penetrare ntr-o susinnd cu frenezie gruparea U.C.K. i
zon extrem de important pentru S.U.A. aciunile secesioniste ale acesteia? Interesele
Ulterior, acest proiect a fost confirmat majore americane ntr-o zon geostrate-
de construirea, n acest perimetru, a celei gic i geo-economic important ori
mai mari baze americane dup rzboiul din accesul la substanialele resurse de aici?
Vietnam, Camp Bondsteel, cu scopul de- Rezultatele acestor rzboaie afec-
clarat de a securiza oleoductul AMBO teaz structurile economice, sociale i ideo-
(Bulgaria, Macedonia, Albania), care asigur logice ale societilor individuale ca i
transportul de petrol din Marea Caspic, structurile sistemului internaional3, crede
prin Marea Neagr, Bulgaria, Macedonia Robert Gilpin.
i Albania, pn n portul albanez Vlora de Aseriunea sa este valabil i n cazul
la Marea Adriatic i de aici nspre S.U.A. Kosovo, cci prin independena unilateral
Acest nou oleoduct, cu o lungime de acordat acestei provincii s-a creat un pre-
913 km, va transporta zilnic 750.000 de cedent extrem de periculos, ct i o ano-
barili, att pentru S.U.A., ct i pentru malie n Balcani, susine Liza Karpova de
unele state occidentale europene. Cons- la publicaia moscovit Pravda: existena
trucia lui a fost finanat de cele mai mari real i concret a dou state albaneze, ca
companii petroliere din lume: Chevron i i perspectiva de a fi trei, ntr-un viitor nu
Exxon-Mobile, iar terminalul din portul prea ndeprtat, prin probabila cerere a al-
albanez Vlora va asigura tancurilor petro- banezilor din Macedonia de a-i crea pro-
liere un transport de aproximativ 300.000 priul stat, iar dac, pe criterii etnice, alba-
tone. nezii din Bosnia vor fi sprijinii n ten-
Dup ncetarea bombardamentelor asupra dinele lor separatiste, vom asista la apariia
Iugoslaviei, S.U.A au intrat n posesia a celui de-al patrulea stat albanez, situaie
500 ha de teren lng localitatea Uraevac fr precedent n Istoria Europei.
i au construit cea mai mare baz militar, Aadar, cui prodest noua realitate politic
sub conducerea a 1000 de ingineri de la din Balcani?
firma Kellog, Brown and Root Corporation,
condus pn n 2000, de Dick Cheney, Note
fost vicepreedinte al S.U.A. Vladimir Alexe, Kalifatul mafiot Kosovo, n
Una din explicaiile apariiei acestui Ziua, 15 martie 2008, anul XI, nr. 501, p. 11.
obiectiv militar major n Balcani rezid n Adrian Iancu, Kosovo, nceputul unui alt
rzboi rece, n Sptmna financiar, 3 martie
existena n zon a unor consistente resurse
2008. p. 12.
minerale de argint, aur, zinc, crbune, lo- 3
Robert Gilpin, Rzboi i schimbare n politica
calizate n perimetrul Stari Trg. Aici se mondial, Ed. Scrisul Romnesc, Craiova, 2000,
afl a treia exploatare de zinc din lume, p. 260.
Kosovo fiind un alt Kuweit al Balcanilor,
un El Dorado al timpurilor actuale, n
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009

Drepturile socio-economice ale

cetenilor europeni

Cezar AVRAM, Roxana RADU

Abstract: The most important element that stands at the basis of

European construction are people, seen as subjects of all community
actions. European citizenship gives them a series of rights which
permit the exercise of the four fundamental freedoms: the free
movement of workers, services, goods and capitals. Socio-economic
rights are essential for community social policy whose central core is
to be found in questions relating to employment, industrial health, the
social costs of industry, labour mobility and the role of social
spending in social affairs. Besides the Treaties of Paris, Rome,
Maastricht and Amsterdam, Lisabona Treaty both widened
responsibilities and consolidated the fundamental rights and liberties,
among which social and economic rights play an important role. The
Treaty gurantees the application of the European Cart of
Fundamental Rights and open the way of adhesion to the European
Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental
Freedoms. The most relevant principle is the principle of solidarity
which stands at the base of some socio-professional rights such as:
the right to consultation and information, the right to collective
bargaining and actions, strike inclusive, the right to social security
benefits etc.
Keywords: right, citizenship, freedom, solidarity, employment.

lementul fundamental care st la mai nalt a legturii dintre ceteni i statul
baza construciei europene este re- integrat n organizaia european. De altfel,
prezentat de oameni, ceteni ai Uniunii, motivul care a stat n spatele noiunii de
ca subieci ai tuturor aciunilor comunitare. cetenie european a fost acela c o uni-
Realizarea importanei oamenilor i a rolului une politic cere o asumare a responsabi-
pe care l joac cetenii n existena pre- litii pentru condiia social a cetenilor
zent i viitoare a Uniunii a dus la extin- care nu pot sprijini o Uniune dezinteresat
derea competenelor comunitare n domeniul de nevoile lor. Acest motiv a aprut ca jus-
social i la introducerea noiunii de cet- tificat atunci cnd nepopularitatea construciei
enie european, ca o extindere ntr-un plan europene a ieit la suprafa odat cu dez-

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Cezar Avram, Roxana Radu

baterile asupra ratificrii Tratatului de la nfptuite toate cele patru liberti se poate
Maastricht, ceea ce a adncit convingerea vorbi de realizarea pieei unice. Libertatea
c UE trebuie nu numai s fac mai mult de circulaie a persoanelor nu poate fi consi-
pentru publicul larg, dar i s fie vzut derat realizat pe deplin dac mrfurile,
fcnd mai mult. O mai mare transparen capitalurile i serviciile nu pot circula fr
a aciunilor comunitare, un efort mai mare restricii sau interdicii ori nu exist posibi-
de a informa publicul asupra a ceea ce ce liti de transfer al sumelor dobndite ntr-
se ntmpl, a lua decizii ct mai favo- o alt ar printr-o activitate desfurat
rabile oamenilor i a-i implica ct mai mult potrivit legislaiei comunitare. Tot astfel,
n procesul de luare a deciziilor au devenit libertatea de a furniza servicii implic, n
scopuri bune de urmat pentru a asigura o majoritatea cazurilor, circulaia persoanelor
ct mai mare publicitate, relaii mai strnse ctre ara primitoare, dar aceste persoane nu
cu organizaiile de voluntariat i punerea n urmresc accesul pe piaa muncii din
aplicare a procedurilor Acordului social aceast ar.
anexat Tratatului de la Maastricht1. n al doilea rnd, cele patru liberti nu
Conceptul de cetenie a Uniunii a pot fi realizate fr o puternic afirmare a
fost introdus prin Tratatul de la Maastricht, drepturilor fundamentale ale cetenilor
conform cruia Orice persoan avnd naio- europeni, n special a drepturilor de natur
nalitatea unui stat membru va fi cetean al social i economic care confer acestora
Uniunii. Cetenia Uniunii va fi un comple- posibilitatea de a pune n practic aceste
ment i nu va nlocui cetenia naional. liberti. Printre celelalte drepturi individuale
Cetenii Uniunii se vor bucura de toate i politice care le permit cetenilor Uniunii
drepturile conferite de acest tratat i vor fi s-i exercite cele patru liberti sau s i le
subiect al obligaiilor impuse de acesta2. apere, dac le sunt nclcate se numr:
Opt din statele membre UE au acceptat dreptul de a circula i de a locui liber pe
dubla cetenie: Portugalia, Irlanda, Marea teritoriul statelor membre; dreptul de a vota
Britanie, Olanda, Belgia, Frana, Italia i i de a fi ales n cadrul alegerilor munici-
Grecia3. pale i europene, din statul membru unde
Cetenia european nglobeaz att i are reedina, n condiii egale cu ceilali
aspecte de ordin economic, ct i politic, resortisani ai statului; dreptul de protecie
ea conferind titularului, cetean al unui diplomatic i consular n tere ri; dreptul
stat membru al Uniunii Europene, indife- de a adresa petiii.
rent de statul pe teritoriul cruia i-a stabilit Tratatul de la Amsterdam, care a intrat
domiciliul sau reedina, anumite drepturi n vigoare n 1999, a contribuit la consoli-
civile i politice. darea drepturilor fundamentale ale cetenilor
n primul rnd, drepturile de care bene- europeni. Acesta a introdus o procedur de
ficiaz titularii ceteniei europene se refer sancionare a statelor membre care violeaz
la cele patru liberti fondatoare ale UE drepturile fundamentale ale ceteanului. De
care stau la baza crerii pieei unice, insti- asemenea, aria de aplicare a principiului
tuite prin Tratatul de la Roma: libera circu- non-discriminrii, limitat pn atunci la
laie a mrfurilor, persoanelor, serviciilor naionalitate, a fost extins la sex, ras, re-
i capitalurilor. Cele patru liberti nu pot ligie, vrst i orientare sexual. n concluzie,
exista ns dect ntr-o strns interdepen- Tratatul de la Amsterdam a mbuntit
den, fiecare dintre ele vdindu-i importana politica de transparen a Uniunii i le-a
proprie n realizarea obiectivelor principale permis cetenilor un acces mai larg la do-
ale Uniunii Europene. Numai dac sunt cumentele oficiale ale instituiilor europene.
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Drepturile socio-economice ale cetenilor europeni

Angajamentul Uniunii Europene n favoarea tratatelor. Conform Declaraiei nr. 1, Carta

drepturilor cetenilor a fost subliniat n drepturilor fundamentale a UE confirm
mod solemn n anul 2000, la Nisa, prin drepturile fundamentale garantate prin Con-
proclamarea Cartei Drepturilor Fundamen- venia european pentru aprarea dreptu-
tale a Uniunii Europene. Aceast Cart a rilor omului i a libertilor fundamentale
fost elaborat de ctre o Convenie format i care rezult din tradiiile constituionale
din membri ai parlamentelor naionale i ai comune statelor membre. Aceasta nseamn
Parlamentului European, reprezentani ai c, n msura n care Carta recunoate
guvernelor statelor membre i un membru drepturi i principii fundamentale, astfel
al Comisiei Europene. cum rezult acestea din tradiiile consti-
Unul dintre aspectele importante intro- tuionale comune statelor membre, aceste
duse de Tratatul de la Lisabona de modifi- drepturi i principii trebuie s fie interpre-
care a Tratatului privind Uniunea European tate n conformitate cu tradiiile menio-
i a Tratatului de instituire a Comunitii nate4. De asemenea, n aceast declaraie
Europene, n scopul asigurrii unei protecii se precizeaz c aceeai cart nu extinde
sporite pentru cetenii europeni, este repre- domeniul de aplicare a dreptului Uniunii n
zentat de consolidarea i garantarea drepturilor afara competenelor Uniunii, nici nu
omului i libertilor fundamentale. Astfel, creeaz vreo competen sau sarcin nou
Tratatul a introdus art. 1a, conform cruia pentru Uniune i nu modific competen-
Uniunea se ntemeiaz pe valorile respec- ele i sarcinile stabilite de tratate.
trii demnitii umane, libertii, democraiei, O alt noutate pe care o introduce noua
egalitii, statului de drept, precum i pe form de prezentare a Cartei n cadrul
respectarea drepturilor omului, inclusiv a Tratatului de la Lisabona este situaia Re-
drepturilor persoanelor care aparin mino- gatului Unit i a Poloniei5. Articolul 6 pre-
ritilor. Aceste valori sunt comune statelor vede aplicarea i interpretarea cartei de
membre ntr-o societate caracterizat prin ctre instanele Poloniei i ale Regatului
pluralism, nediscriminare, toleran, justiie, Unit n strict conformitate cu explicaiile
solidaritate i egalitate ntre femei i br- menionate la articolul respectiv. naltele
bai. n plus, pe lng faptul c garanteaz Pri Contractante, lund not de intenia
punerea n aplicare a Cartei Europene a Poloniei i a Regatului Unit de a clarifica
Drepturilor Fundamentale, care devine obli- anumite aspecte ale aplicrii cartei i do-
gatorie din punct de vedere juridic (art. 6 rind s clarifice aplicarea cartei n ceea ce
alin. 1), deschide i calea pentru Uniunea privete actele cu putere de lege i aciunile
European de a adera la Convenia Euro- administrative ale Poloniei i ale Regatului
pean pentru aprarea drepturilor omului i Unit i capacitatea acesteia de a fi invocat
a libertilor fundamentale (art. 6 alin. 2). n faa unei instane n Polonia i n Regatul
Chiar dac nu figureaz n textul tra- Unit, au ncheiat Protocolul privind apli-
tatelor, Carta Drepturilor Fundamentale este carea Cartei Drepturilor Fundamentale a
inclus printr-o referire expres n formu- Uniunii Europene n Polonia i n Regatul
larea dat articolului 6 n Tratatul de la Unit, n care au convenit: Carta nu extinde
Lisabona: Uniunea recunoate drepturile, capacitatea Curii de Justiie a Uniunii Euro-
libertile i principiile prevzute n Carta pene i a niciunei alte instane a Poloniei
drepturilor fundamentale a Uniunii Europene sau a Regatului Unit, de a considera c
din 7 decembrie 2000, astfel cum a fost actele cu putere de lege i actele Admi-
adaptat la 12 decembrie 2007, la Strasbourg, nistrative, practicile sau aciunile adminis-
care are aceeai valoare juridic cu cea a trative ale Poloniei sau ale Regatului Unit

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Cezar Avram, Roxana Radu

sunt incompatibile cu drepturile, libertile la Lisabona oferindu-le o form juridic n

i principiile fundamentale pe care aceasta cadrul Uniunii.
le reafirm. n special i pentru eliminarea Printre cele mai importante drepturi se
oricrei ndoieli, nicio dispoziie din titlul numr drepturile sociale i economice.
IV al cartei nu creeaz pentru Polonia sau Tratatul de la Lisabona nu constituie doar
pentru Regatul Unit drepturi care s poat un pas nainte pe calea ntririi proteciei
fi invocate n faa unei instane dect n acestor drepturi prin garaniile obligatorii,
msura n care Polonia sau Regatul Unit a din punct de vedere juridic, prevzute de
prevzut astfel de drepturi n legislaia sa legislaia comunitar, ci introduce i alte
naional. De asemenea, atunci cnd o drepturi suplimentare, care nu apreau n
dispoziie a cartei face trimitere la legisla- Convenia european a drepturilor omului,
iile i practicile naionale, aceasta se aplic precum protecia datelor cu caracter per-
Poloniei sau Regatului Unit numai n m- sonal, bioetica i dreptul la o bun Admi-
sura n care drepturile i principiile pe care nistrare. Un principiu cu relevan direct
le conine sunt recunoscute de legislaiile pentru domeniul socio-economic este prin-
sau practicile din Polonia ori din Regatul cipiul solidaritii, care st la baza unor
Unit. De asemenea, acest protocol nu drepturi economice i sociale cum ar fi:
aduce atingere punerii n aplicare a cartei dreptul la informare i consultare a salaria-
n celelalte state membre i nici nu aduce ilor, dreptul de a negocia contracte/acorduri
atingere celorlalte obligaii care revin Poloniei colective i de a iniia aciuni colective (in-
i Regatului Unit n temeiul Tratatului clusiv dreptul la grev), dreptul de a avea
privind Uniunea European, al Tratatului acces la servicii de plasare a forei de
privind funcionarea Uniunii Europene i munc i de protecie mpotriva concedie-
al dreptului Uniunii n general. rilor nejustificate, dreptul la securitate i la
Dac Tratatul de la Lisabona, ca i Tra- asisten social etc.
tatul de la Nisa, continu s proclame ade- Dreptul care ocup primul loc n
rarea UE la Convenia European pentru ierarhia drepturilor fundamentale statuate
aprarea drepturilor omului i a libertilor de Cart este demnitatea uman pentru c
fundamentale (art. 6 alin. 2), regulile de din respectarea acestui drept, stipulat n art.
adoptare a deciziilor privind punerea n 1, rezult i celelalte drepturi i liberti
aplicare efectiv a acestei adeziuni sunt fundamentale. Carta nu aduce ns n nici
modificate: Consiliul hotrte cu unan- un fel atingere dreptului statelor membre
mitate (i nu cu majoritate calificat), iar de a legifera n domeniul moralitii pu-
decizia trebuie aprobat de statele membre blice, al dreptului familiei, precum i n
n conformitate cu regulile lor constitu- domeniul proteciei demnitii umane i al
ionale6. respectrii integritii fizice i morale a
Alctuit din ase capitole Demnitatea, fiinei umane7.
Libertile, Egalitatea, Solidaritatea, Drep- Conform art. 15 din Cart, orice
turile cetenilor, Justiia Carta conine persoan are dreptul la munc, iar dreptul
54 de articole care definesc valorile funda- de a exercita o ocupaie aleas sau accep-
mentale ale Uniunii, precum i drepturile tat n mod liber este garantat. Dreptul la
civile, politice, economice i sociale ale munc exprim ntr-o corelaie juridic
cetenilor europeni. Aceste drepturi se necesar, exigenele libertii ceteanului
inspir n mare parte din alte instrumente cu economia de pia i cu caracterul so-
internaionale, n principal din Convenia cial al statului8. Spre deosebire de Codul
european a drepturilor omului, Tratatul de muncii din Romnia, care face referire la
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Drepturile socio-economice ale cetenilor europeni

noiunea de libertate a muncii, Carta se Carta recunoate, n art. 31 alin. 2, dreptul

refer la dreptul la munc. Considerm c la o limitare a duratei maxime de munc i
formula adoptat de legiuitorul romn este la perioade de odihn zilnic i sptm-
preferabil ntruct ideea de drept presupune nal, precum i la o perioad anual de
existena unei obligaii corelative, n timp concediu pltit.
ce noiunea de libertate nu presupune cu Organizarea timpului de munc este
necesitate existena unei atare obligaii. Core- reglementat de Directiva Consiliului 93/104/
laia dintre dreptul la munc i libertatea CEE care stabilete norme minimale de
muncii const n aceea c dreptul la munc securitate i sntate n domeniul orga-
reprezint posibilitatea exercitrii n concret nizrii timpului de munc. Durata medie
a libertii muncii, prin obinerea unui loc de lucru pentru fiecare perioad de 7 zile
de munc. Exerciiul libertii muncii nu se nu va depi 48 de ore, avnd n vedere i
impune ca o obligaie a ceteanului, ci presu- orele suplimentare. Statele membre UE pot
pune doar exprimarea opiunii juridice de a impune respectarea regulii de 48 de ore pe
munci9. sptmn n cadrul unei perioade de refe-
Orice cetean al Uniunii are libertatea rin care poate atinge 4 luni. n rile
de a-i cuta un loc de munc, de a lucra, Uniunii Europene, durata normal a tim-
de a se stabili sau de a presta servicii n pului de munc este n medie de 40 de ore
orice stat membru. n ceea ce privete con- pe sptmn i puin mai lung n rile
diiile de munc, orice lucrtor are dreptul aflate n procesul de aderare. Exist discre-
la condiii care s respecte sntatea, secu- pane enorme ntre lucrtorii cu norm n-
ritatea i demnitatea sa. De asemenea, treag din statele membre UE, pornindu-se
orice resortisant al unei ri tere, autorizat de la Frana cu 35 de ore/sptmn i
s lucreze pe teritoriul unui stat membru, pn la 43,5 ore/sptmn n Regatul
are dreptul la condiii de munc echiva- Unit al Marii Britanii i al Irlandei de Nord
lente acelora de care beneficiaz cetenii (unde nu exist o reglementare de prin-
UE. Autoritile comunitare au depus efor- cipiu n acest domeniu).
turi susinute pentru a armoniza, n snul De asemenea, de Directiva nr. 93/
statelor membre, condiiile de angajare i 104/CEE se refer la unele aspecte ale
de munc. Aceste condiii sunt de o mare muncii de noapte. Timpul de lucru normal
diversitate deoarece ele depind nu numai pentru lucrtorii de noapte trebuie s nu
de sistemul juridic n care se nscriu, ci i depeasc n medie 8 ore dintr-o perioad
de nivelul de dezvoltare economic i so- de 24 de ore. De asemenea, lucrtorii de
cial al fiecrei ri. Intensificarea concu- noapte a cror munc implic riscuri deo-
renei antreneaz ns n mod inevitabil sebite sau tensiuni psihice ori mentale im-
uniformizarea costurilor muncii i, prin portante nu vor lucra mai mult de 8 ore n
consecin, i a condiiilor de munc. Inter- cursul unei perioade de 24 de ore, cnd
venia comunitar vizeaz stimularea progre- acetia execut o munc de noapte. Avnd
sului social i impulsionarea legislaiilor n vedere riscurile deosebite i tensiunile
naionale de a se alinia la standarde ct mai psihice ori mentale inerente muncii pe tim-
nalte. Cu toate acestea, trebuie s existe pul nopii, statele membre trebuie s ia
totui o parte ireductibil de specificitate msurile necesare pentru a asigura un sis-
naional, condiiile de angajare i de munc tem de evaluare gratuit a sntii, pre-
fiind produsul echilibrelor i tradiiilor pro- cum i un nivel adecvat de protecie i de
prii fiecrei ri10. n vederea proteciei sn- sntate a muncii. Totodat, trebuie luate
tii, securitii i demnitii lucrtorilor, msurile necesare astfel nct angajatorul

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Cezar Avram, Roxana Radu

care recurge n mod frecvent la lucrtori de cel puin 11 ore consecutive. n cazul n
noapte s informeze n aceast privin care timpul de munc zilnic este mai mare
autoritile competente, la cererea acestora. de 6 ore, orice lucrtor trebuie s bene-
n plus, angajatorul care urmrete s ficieze de o pauz a crei durat i carac-
organizeze munca n conformitate cu un teristici vor fi stabilite prin contractul colectiv
anumit ritm, trebuie s in cont de prin- de munc sau prin acorduri ncheiate ntre
cipiul general de adaptare a muncii la om, partenerii sociali, ori, n lipsa acestora, prin
n special pentru a atenua munca monoton legislaia naional. Potrivit art. 7 alin. 1 al
i munca cu o caden predeterminat n Directivei 93/104/CE, statele membre trebuie
funcie de tipul de activitate i de exigen- s ia msurile necesare de o asemenea
ele n materie de securitate i de sntate, manier nct orice lucrtor s beneficieze
mai ales n ceea ce privete pauzele pe du- de concediu anual pltit de cel puin 4
rata timpului de munc. Directiva 89/ sptmni, conform condiiilor de obinere
391/CEE privind introducerea de msuri i de atribuire prevzute prin legislaii i/
de ncurajare a mbuntirilor n domeniul sau practici naionale. Perioada minim de
securitii i sntii lucrtorilor n munc concediu anual pltit nu poate fi nlocuit
atribuie angajatorilor responsabilitatea pre- printr-o indemnizaie financiar dect n
venirii bolilor profesionale, printre care i cazul ncetrii contractului individual de
cele cauzate de hruirea moral. munc.
Directiva nr. 93/104/CEE nu aduce Conform art. 9 din Carta drepturilor
atingere, conform art. 15, prerogativei statelor sociale fundamentale, orice munc trebuie
membre de a aplica sau introduce dispoziii s fie remunerat n mod echitabil (just).
legislative, normative sau administrative De aceea se impune ca, fie prin lege, fie
mai favorabile lucrtorilor sau de a favo- prin negociere colectiv la nivel naional,
riza sau permite aplicarea unor convenii regional, interprofesional, sectorial sau la
colective sau acorduri ncheiate ntre parte- nivel de ntreprindere, s se instituie un
nerii sociali mai favorabile proteciei secu- salariu decent, s se instituie reguli care s
ritii i sntii lucrtorilor. Art. 17 al permit asigurarea, pentru muncitorii su-
Directivei permite o serie de derogri, dar pui altui regim de munc dect cel al con-
cu luarea unor msuri compensatorii adecvate. tractului pe durat determinat, un salariu
Prevederile acestei directive se aplic tuturor de referin echitabil, iar salariile s nu
sectoarelor de activitate, cu excepia trans- fac obiectul nici unei reineri, urmriri sau
porturilor aeriene, feroviare, rutiere, maritime, cesiuni dect n conformitate cu dispo-
fluviale, lacustre, pescuitului maritim, altor ziiile naionale, fr a-l priva niciodat pe
activiti maritime, precum i activitii salariat de mijloacele necesare pentru asi-
medicilor n formare. gurarea ntreinerii sale i a familiei sale. n
n ceea ce privete dreptul la odihn, programul su de aciune, Comisia a
Directiva 93/104/CEE prevede c orice estimat c UE nu are atribuia de a fixa un
lucrtor trebuie s beneficieze, n cursul salariu de referin decent, ci de a propune
unei perioade de 7 zile, de o perioad mi- i de a emite, dup consultarea statelor
nim de repaus nentrerupt de 24 ore. Prin membre, un aviz referitor la acest subiect.
urmare, sptmna de lucru este de 6 zile, De asemenea, s-a statuat c salariaii trebuie
iar repausul sptmnal de 24 de ore. s fie protejai mpotriva riscului insolvabi-
Aceeai directiv prevede c, n cadrul litii angajatorului. Textul comunitar care
unei perioade de 24 de ore, salariatul tre- reglementeaz protecia salariailor n cazul
buie s beneficieze de un repaus zilnic de insolvabilitii angajatorului este Directiva
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Drepturile socio-economice ale cetenilor europeni

Consiliului nr. 80/987/CEE din 20 octom- constituie ns un mijloc de aprare a inte-

brie 1980 care se aplic tuturor lucrtorilor reselor profesionale care aparine indivi-
salariai ai cror angajatori fac obiectul, zilor, nu sindicatelor. Aceasta este o conse-
conform dreptului naional, n ceea ce pri- cin a principiului egalitii care impune
vete patrimoniul lor, unei proceduri care un echilibru, o necesar conciliere ntre
vizeaz despgubirea colectiv a credi- dreptul la munc i dreptul la grev14.
torilor lor11. Solidaritatea presupune, de asemenea,
Art. 12 din Cart recunoate dreptul la dreptul de acces la prestaiile de securitate
ntrunire panic i asociere la toate nive- social i la serviciile sociale care se acord
lurile, n special n domeniile politic, sin- n caz de maternitate, boal, accident de
dical i civic. Principala form asociativ munc, dependen de alte persoane sau
bazat pe criteriul profesional o constituie btrnee, precum i n caz de pierdere a
sindicatele. Sindicatele se constituie n locului de munc, n conformitate cu nor-
scopul aprrii drepturilor i promovrii mele prevzute de dreptul Uniunii i de le-
intereselor profesionale, economice, sociale, gislaiile i practicile naionale. Securitatea
culturale i sportive ale membrilor acestora social este definit ca fiind protecia pe
(salariai, funcionari publici sau persoane care societatea o acord membrilor si
care presteaz o activitate n baza unui ra- printr-un ansamblu de dispoziii publice
port juridic de munc). Unul dintre prin- contra mizeriei economice i sociale care i
cipiile fundamentale care guverneaz dreptul amenin n caz de pierdere sau reducere
muncii este principiul negocierii, negociere important a ctigurilor datorit bolii, ma-
care poate fi individual sau colectiv. Dreptul ternitii, accidentului de munc, oma-
la negociere este recunoscut, n art. 28 al jului, invaliditii, btrneii sau decesului,
Cartei, att lucrtorilor, ct i angajatorilor, precum i acordarea de ngrijiri medicale
n conformitate cu dreptul Uniunii i cu i de alocaii familiilor cu copii15. Astfel,
legislaiile i practicile naionale. orice persoan care are reedina i se
Pe lng dreptul de a negocia i de a deplaseaz n mod legal pe teritoriul UE
ncheia convenii (contracte) colective, art. are dreptul la prestaii de securitate social
28 prevede i dreptul de recurge la aciuni i la avantaje sociale. De asemenea, orice
colective, inclusiv la grev. De-a lungul lucrtor are dreptul la protecie mpotriva
timpului, n funcie de ar i de circum- oricrei concedieri nejustificate n confor-
stane, greva a mbrcat diferite forme: li- mitate cu dreptul Uniunii i cu legislaiile
bertate (n sensul c ncetarea prestrii i practicile naionale.
muncii, n condiiile legii, nu atrage nici o Dreptul lucrtorilor la informare i la
sanciune disciplinar sau penal), drept consultare n cadrul ntreprinderii este un
(i, n consecin, absena oricrei culpe pe alt drept care deriv din principiul solida-
care angajatorul ar putea-o invoca pentru a ritii. Astfel, lucrtorilor sau reprezentan-
pune capt contractului de munc sau ilor acestora li se garanteaz, la nivelurile
pentru a aplica alt sanciune), mijloc de corespunztoare, informarea i consultarea
aciune sindical recunoscut i lucrtorilor n timp util, n cazurile i condiiile prev-
individuali12. Uneori dreptul la grev nu zute de dreptul Uniunii i de legislaiile i
este un drept fundamental distinct. El intr practicile naionale. Prin Directiva 94/45/
n compunerea libertii sindicale, care CE s-au pus bazele unei Comitet european
nglobeaz libertatea de a forma sindicate, de ntreprindere i a unei proceduri n
libertatea n interiorul sindicatului i liber- ntreprinderile i grupurile de ntreprindere
tatea aciunii sindicale13. Dreptul la grev de dimensiune comunitar n vederea

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Cezar Avram, Roxana Radu

informrii i consultrii lucrtorilor. Con- atenuarea consecinelor prin recurgerea la

form Seciunii I, art. 2 al Directivei, msuri sociale care au ca obiectiv redistri-
ntreprinderea de dimensiune comunitar buirea sau reconversia lucrtorilor disponi-
este o ntreprindere cu cel puin 1000 de bilizai16. n acest sens, n conformitate cu
salariai n statul membru sau are cel puin legislaiile i/sau practicile naionale, statele
150 de salariai pentru fiecare stat, dac membre pot s prevad posibilitatea consul-
ntreprinderea exist n cel puin dou state trii unor experi. Textul Directivei nu ex-
membre. Instituirea unui comitet de ntre- clude dreptul statelor membre de a elabora
prindere european sau a unei proceduri de dispoziii legislative sau administrative
informare i consultare a salariailor este mai favorabile lucrtorilor sau de a per-
menionat de Seciunea II, art. 4, direcia mite aplicarea dispoziiilor contractuale mai
central fiind responsabil de crearea con- favorabile lucrtorilor.
diiilor i mijloacelor necasare n vederea Un aspect inovativ al Tratatului de la
instituirii comitetului european sau a unei Lisabona const n introducerea, n art. 32
proceduri de informare i consultare. n alin. 3, a dreptului la concilierea vieii de
art. 5 se menioneaz etapele constituirii familie i a vieii profesionale n baza c-
comitetului european de ntreprindere din ruia orice persoan are dreptul de a fi
propria iniiativ sau prin iniierea unor protejat mpotriva oricrei concedieri din
negocieri sau consultri cu cel puin 100 motive de maternitate, precum i dreptul la
de salariai, sau cu reprezentanii acestora, un concediu de maternitate pltit i la un
n cazul n care respectiva ntreprindere concediu parental acordat n urma naterii
este prezent pe teritoriul a cel puin dou sau adopiei unui copil.
state membre. De asemenea, Tratatul reafirm msuri
Un domeniu prioritar al UE n ceea ce importante viznd eliminarea discriminrii,
privete protecia drepturilor salariailor l prin msuri de prevenire i combatere a
constituie cel al concedierilor colective, rasismului i a xenofobiei. n definirea i
reglementat de Directiva 98/59/CEE din punerea n aplicare a politicilor i aciu-
20 iulie 1998 privind armonizarea legisla- nilor sale, Uniunea, ca i instituiile sale,
iilor statelor membre referitoare la conce- trebuie s respecte drepturile nscrise n Carta
dierile colective. Potrivit acestei directive, drepturilor fundamentale, fiind interzis
prin concedieri colective se neleg con- orice discriminare pe motive de sex, ras
cedierile efectuate de un patron pentru sau origine etnic, religie sau convingeri,
unul sau mai multe motive ce nu sunt handicap, vrst sau orientare sexual (art. 5
legate de persoana lucrtorilor. Fiecare stat b). Art. 21 din Carta drepturilor fundamen-
membru are dreptul de a stabili numrul tale interzice discriminarea de orice fel,
sau procentajul concedierilor care, n ra- bazat i pe alte motive dect cele prev-
port cu perioadele definite, constituie con- zute de art. 5b din Tratatul de la Lisabona,
cediere colectiv. n cazul n care un patron respectiv: culoare, origine social, caracte-
preconizeaz efectuarea unor concedieri ristici genetice, limb, opinii politice sau
colective, acesta are dou obligaii principale: de orice alt natur, apartenena la o mino-
informarea i consultarea reprezentanilor ritate naional, avere sau natere. De ase-
lucrtorilor; efectuarea concedierilor potrivit menea, n domeniul de aplicare a tratatelor
procedurii prescrise de Directiv. Procedura i fr a aduce atingere dispoziiilor spe-
de informare i consultare cu reprezentanii ciale ale acestora, se interzice orice discri-
lucrtorilor are ca scop evitarea sau redu- minare pe motiv de cetenie. Curtea de
cerea concedierilor colective, precum i Justiie va garanta aplicarea corect a Cartei.
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Drepturile socio-economice ale cetenilor europeni

Punerea Cartei pe picior de egalitate, ca Declaraia Republicii Polone cu privire la
valoare juridic, cu tratatele constitutive Carta drepturilor fundamentale a Uniunii
ale Uniunii Europene nu modific atribu- Europene (Declaraia nr. 62).
iile Uniunii, dar are o semnificaie covri- M. Constantinescu, I. Deleanu, A. Iorgovan, I.
Muraru, F. Vasilescu, I. Vida, Constituia
toare deoarece ofer drepturi consolidate,
Romniei comentat i adnotat, R. A.
mai mult libertate i egalitate cetenilor, Monitorul Oficial, Bucureti, 1992, p. 95.
inclusiv persoanelor care aparin minoritilor. 9
Raluca Dimitriu, Noul Cod al Muncii. Privire
asupra principiilor fundamentale, n Raporturi
Note de munc nr. 3/2003, p. 50.
1 10
Ali M. El-Agraa, The European Union. N. Catala, R. Bonnet, Droit social europen,
History, Institutions, Economics and Policies, ditions Litec, Paris, 1991, p. 141.
Prentice Hall Europe, 1998, p. 396. Jean Boulouis, Roger-Michel Chevallier
Ex-art. 8 a-e din Tratatul CE, n prezent art. Grands arrts de la Cour de justice des
17-22. communauts europennes, tome 2, Dalloz,
Cetenii celor 27 ri ale Uniunii sunt nu Paris, 1997, p. 501.
numai actori ai construciei europene, ci re- J. M. Servais, Droits en synergie sur le
prezint scopul final, chiar dac nu-i dau travail. lments de droits international et
ntotdeauna seama de impactul pe care l au compar du travail, Bruylant, Bruxelles, 1997,
deciziile luate de ctre instanele de la Bruxelles p. 53.
asupra vieii lor profesionale i personale. M. Duverger, lments de droit public, PUF,
Comitetul Adonnino (Comitetul de reflecie, Paris, 1983, p. 200, citat n I. Dogaru, D.C.
dup numele celui care l-a prezidat) alctuit de Dnior, Drepturile omului i libertile publice,
Consiliul de la Fontainebleau (iunie 1984) a pus Editura Zamolxe, Chiinu, 1998, p. 220.
la punct un program de lucru privitor la libera Simina Elena Tnsescu, Principiul egalitii
circulaie a persoanelor. Felipe Gonzales n dreptul romnesc, Editura All Beck, 1999, p.
(primul-ministru spaniol) a avansat n 1990 305-306.
instaurarea unei cetenii europene. A se vedea Bureau International du Travail, La scurit
Ferreol Gilles, La Personne Citoyenne, sociale, Genve, 1995, p. 4.
IPRESCO / IHEDN / CRDP, Poitou Charentes, Art. 2.2 din Directiva 98/59/CEE din 20 iulie
Poitiers, 1998. 1998 privind armonizarea legislaiilor statelor
A se vedea Declaraia Republicii Cehe cu membre referitoare la concedierile colective.
privire la Carta drepturilor fundamentale a
Uniunii Europene (Declaraia nr. 53).
Conform Declaraiei nr. 62, Polonia declar
c, avnd n vedere tradiia micrii sociale
Solidaritatea i contribuia sa semnificativ la
lupta pentru drepturi sociale i de munc,
respect pe deplin drepturile sociale i de
munc stabilite prin dreptul Uniunii i, n
special, pe cele reafirmate n titlul IV din Carta
drepturilor fundamentale a Uniunii Europene
(Declaraia Republicii Polone cu privire la
Protocolul privind aplicarea Cartei drepturilor
fundamentale a Uniunii Europene n Polonia i
n Regatul Unit).
M. Hubert Haenel, Raport d'information fait
au nom de la dlgation pour l'Union
europenne sur le Trait de Lisbonne,,
p. 8.

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009

EU competences in the field of public

administration of Member States and
Candidate Countries

Ctlina Maria GEORGESCU

Abstract: The article discusses the reasons that determined the European
Commission to evaluate administrative capacities of its Member States and
to take them into account as criteria for EU membership. The main
conclusion that can be drawn is that the EU has little direct competences in
the field of public administration of its Member States and Candidate
Countries, though it appears that high administrative capacities are among
the priorities of EU accession requirements. As regards Member States, the
article discusses the appearance of principles of good administration in
several EU documents.
Keywords: acquis communautaire, administrative capacities, European
Union, principles of good administration, public administration, Member

Introduction the Union2. In an effort to diminish the

intricacies in their administrations caused

he present article is aimed at providing by excessive European legislation, Member
an answer for the following question: States and the European Commission have
What were the reasons that determined jointly come to the solution of an Action
the European Commission to evaluate the Program whose results should be visible
public administrations of Member States by 20123.
and Candidate Countries? Curious as it The provisions issued by the European
may seem, with some few exceptions when Councils of Copenhagen (June 1993) and
Member States were demanded the use of Madrid (December 1995) stand at the
certain administrative structures in various foundation of the Commissions Avis of July
sectors1, the Union has not legislated in the 1997, regarding each application for EU
field of public administration, but has allowed membership, each avis being accompanied
public administration to be managed by by recommendations containing rather general
the national authorities, according to the guidelines. The political criteria set up in
subsidiarity principle and in such a manner Copenhagen spoke of the possession by
so as to reach the purposes established by EU applicants of stable institutions guaranteeing

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
EU competences in the field of public administration of Member States and Candidate countries

democracy, the rule of law, human rights public administration as they consider
and respect for and protection of minorities, appropriate. Furthermore, the idea is that
while the Madrid decision invited Central the Commission does not have the right to
and Eastern European Countries to prepare impose any firm demands regarding the
for the adjustment of their administrative manner in which the national public admi-
structures. nistration is organized, but encourages
national authorities to operate into their
Administrative capacities as administrations according to the subsidiarity
prerequisites for EU membership principle; however, with differences from
The provisions set out in Copenhagen country to country, which represent genuine
and Madrid were not the only ones stating characteristics of each administration, the
the importance of administrative reform as state has to meet what it is styled as
an indicator of willingness to become full performance requirements or obligation
member of the EU. In its Avis of July 1997, of results7.
the Commission claimed that administrative The Copenhagen Summit in June
capacity is a condition for EU member- 1993 witnessed the building of the criteria
ship4 since, once admitted, new Member and conditions of EU membership for
States have only a short period of time in Central and Eastern European Countries:
which to transpose the huge body of
Membership requires that the can-
European law the acquis communautaire
didate country has achieved stability
within their national legislation, a demand
of institutions guaranteeing democracy,
viewed by some as a rather new condition,
the rule of law, human rights and respect
that was not on the Commissions agenda
for and protection of minorities, the
regarding the countries which had acceded
existence of a functioning market eco-
in the first waves of enlargement5.
nomy as well as the capacity to cope
Actually, what interested the Commission
with competitive pressure and market
was the Member States ability to tran-
forces within the Union. Membership
spose EU policies and legislation at home.
presupposes the candidate's ability to
This task could only be accomplished
take on the obligations of membership
through an efficient public administration.
including adherence to the aims of po-
The EU has no European administrative
litical, economic and monetary union8.
law, nor does it have a public adminis-
tration of its own, but depends on national The accession negotiation procedure
public administrations that function under contains issues related to public administration.
the subsidiarity principle6. And since the The procedure comprises three phases:
EU depends on each of its Member States Accession Partnerships, for which the general
administration to put its decisions into framework is prescribed at Community level;
practice, just as each of its Member States national programs for the implementation
depends on the other to implement every of the body of EU law that applicants are
piece of Community legislation, it thus obliged to meet; and finally, Institution
becomes very clear why the Commission Building Plans that settle the measures that
has emphasized the relation between EU need to be adopted in relation to public
membership and performing national public administration9.
administrations. As regards Candidate Countries, their
As a result, Member States are not obligation of meeting special requirements
restricted in their rights to organize their for public administrations was laid down

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Ctlina Maria Georgescu

as early as in May 1995, by the Cannes PHARE Program and the program esta-
White paper on preparation of the asso- blished through the Commissions White
ciated countries of Central and Eastern Europe Paper for integration into the EU internal
for integration into the internal market of market. This latter element was designed
the Union, which stated that the Commission to outstretch the phase of implementing
will evaluate not only the paper work the legislation referring to the common
accomplished in what the implementation market, being pointed at boosting admi-
of Community legislation is concerned, but nistrative capacities demanded precisely in
also the resourcefulness for putting Community order to facilitate the transposition of
law into practice in the respective countries10. Community legislation. The Commissions
The following excerpt provides for the Agenda 2000 would unite these four units
Conditions necessary to implement and under a new form of pre-accession strategy12.
enforce legislation: In another document, the European
Commission Opinions Concerning the Accession
3.25. The main challenge for the
of the Central and Eastern European
associated countries in taking over
Countries to the European Union, on the
internal market legislation lies not in
efforts made by former Candidate Countries,
the approximation of their legal texts,
at present Member States, on the road to
but in adapting their administrative
accession, the Commission did not impose
machinery and their societies to the
a model, but rather general guidelines for
conditions necessary to make the le-
solving public administration issues, while
gislation work. This is a complex pro-
its responses to Member States have always
cess requiring the creation or adap-
been centered on continuing the reform
tation of the necessary institutions and
process13. Public administration, political
structures, involving fundamental changes
and economic issues and the capacity to
in the responsibilities of both the national
take over the demands of EU membership
administrative and judicial systems
have remained a constant preoccupation
and the emerging private sector.
for the Commission as regards Candidate
3.26 The presence of the necessary Countries. Jacques Fournier (1998) found
enforcing authorities is crucial to pro- that the Commission has dedicated an
vide certainty of other Members of the entire chapter to the issue of public
Community that legislation is properly administration capacities, an issue which
implemented. The proper operation of has also been dealt with in other areas:
these administrative, judicial or private
sector structures in turn depends on in the section on political criteria,
training and education facilities for the which describes the functioning of
personnel concerned. institutions and of the executive in
particular and discusses the judicial
The requirements stipulated in the system, local government and the civil
Cannes White Paper add to the institu- service;
tional demands of the membership criteria
established by the European Council in in the section on the obligations of
Copenhagen11. The pre-accession strategy membership, financial questions and
comprises four units: the Europe agreements, control mechanisms are discussed14.
the structured relations/structural dialogue Moreover, Jacques Fournier considered
with the institutions of the Union, the that the following statements could best

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
EU competences in the field of public administration of Member States and Candidate countries

describe the Commissions belief as III-427, European laws shall establish

regards the civil service: provisions to that end.
the Commission urges countries to In 1977, the Council of Europe noted
pass an act dealing specifically with in its Resolution 77(31) on the protection
the civil service; of the individual in relation to the acts of
it is implicitly but unmistakably in administrative authorities that since the
evolution of the modern state had resulted
favour of a career civil service;
in a rise of public administrative practices,
it emphasises the need to ensure that individuals have come more often across
the public administration is independent difficulties in administrative procedures.
of the political authorities; Also, the Council argued that The pro-
tection of the citizen with regard to proce-
it stresses the importance of training,
dural aspects of administrative matters
especially in the fields covered by
affecting him is part of the protection of
Community legislation;
the individual's fundamental rights and
it implicitly favours bringing public freedoms, which is one of the principal
sector pay into line with that in the tasks conferred on the Council of Europe
private sector15. by its Statute18. Consequently, the Councils
Committee of Ministers thought to enlarge
Principles of good administration in the organizations sphere of preoccupations
a Council of Europe Resolution by approaching the analysis on the protection
What is being now operational as the of people as regards their contacts with
right to good administration has started its administrative structures at national level.
existence with it being introduced into a Thus, in its Resolution 77(31), the Council
Council of Europe resolution, appearing in of Europe recommends the governments
the case law of the European Court of of member states () to be guided in their
Justice, the Charter of Fundamental Rights law and administrative practice by the
of the European Union and in the principles annexed to this resolution19 and
Ombudsmans Code of Good Administrative provides the following five principles: the
Behavior16. Later, the right to good admi- right to be heard, access to information,
nistration has found its way to the new assistance and representation, statement of
Constitutional Treaty in Article III-398, reasons and indication of remedies. For
the envisaged ideal public administration many, the importance of the Resolution
being referred to as open, efficient and resides in the fact that it laid the foundation
independent administration17. Moreover, of institutionalizing the notion of good
Article III-398 reads as follows: administration and provided the first five
principles that have gradually become the
1. In carrying out their missions, the
most referred to when it comes to the right
institutions, bodies, offices and agencies
to good administration20.
of the Union shall have the support of
Furthermore, in its recommendations
an open, efficient and independent
and resolutions the Council of Europe was
European administration.
concerned not to hamper or set bounds to
2. In compliance with the Staff Regu- its members in their approach of selecting
lations and the Conditions of Employ- the most appropriate measures to reach
ment adopted on the basis of Article their administration-related targets, so it

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Ctlina Maria Georgescu

advised member states to be guided by confidentiality and of professional

the principles contained in its resolutions and business secrecy;
and recommendations21. c) The obligation of the administration to
Yet, the Council of Europe has not give reasons for its decisions.
limited itself to the five principles reminded 3. Every person has the right to have
above, but actually resumed its effort of the Union make good any damage
introducing principles of good administration. caused by its institutions or by its
In this sense, its Committee of Ministers servants in the performance of their
has even delegated the Project group on duties, in accordance with the general
administrative law (CJ-DA) to gather all principles common to the laws of the
principles related to good administration Member States.
contained in the Councils Recommendations
and Resolutions and draft a model code of 4. Every person may write to the
good administration22. In a working paper, institutions of the Union in one of the
the Project group catalogues 36 principles languages of the Constitution and must
of good administration from the Member have an answer in the same language.
States of the Council of Europe collected Moreover, the right of access to do-
from diverse recommendations in which they cuments is provided in Article 42:
were also connected to good administrative
practices23. Any citizen of the Union, and any
TP natural or legal person residing or having
Principles of good administration in its registered office in a Member State,
the Charter of Fundamental Rights has a right of access to European
of the European Union Parliament, Council and Commission
The Charter of Fundamental Rights of documents.
the European Union, signed in Nice on 7 Some authors believe that since Article
December 2000, contains a couple of prin- 41 is actually a creation of the European
ciples of good administration such as the case law that has provided the principles
right to good administration and the right related to good administration, the right to
of access to documents. Article 41 provides good administration is in fact a sum of
for the right to good administration: rights whose number is likely to increase,
1. Every person has the right to have due to the evolution of the same case law
his or her affairs handled impartially, that has laid its foundations24.
fairly and within a reasonable time by
the institutions, bodies, offices and European Code of Good
agencies of the Union. Administrative Behavior
Another document containing principles
2. This right includes: of good administration is the European
a) The right of every person to be heard, Ombudsmans Code of Good Administrative
before any individual measure which Behavior, a document materializing the
would affect him or her adversely is Ombudsmans efforts of providing some
taken; regulation on good administration25. At
b) The right of every person to have Community level, the European Ombudsman
access to his or her file, while res- is the institution designed by the Treaty of
pecting the legitimate interests of Maastricht to tackle with the complaints
relating to maladministration issues in the
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
EU competences in the field of public administration of Member States and Candidate countries

actions of EU institutions and bodies. On Treaty could ratify the uncertain legal status
September 6th, 2001, the European Parliament of the good administration principle28.
adopted a resolution containing a slightly-
changed Code of Good Administrative Conclusions
Behavior destined to regulate the relations It is time we returned to the question
between the EU institutions and bodies our study began with: what were the reasons
and the public. that determined the European Commission
Moreover, the resolution invited the to evaluate the public administrations of its
European Commission to suggest a regu- Member States and Candidate Countries?
lation containing the Code of Good The answer lies in the huge body of legi-
Administrative Behavior, using Article 308 slation that has to be harmonized throughout
of the Treaty establishing the European the Union and which requires a performing
Community as a legal instrument. Although and efficient public administration, as regards
one hoped that by issuing a piece of legi- both the system and the human resources
slation containing the Code it would in- that operate in it29.
crease the legal power of the good Since the EU has no administration of
administration principle, the implications its own, but relies on its Member States
for Member States of using Article 308 administrations to implement its decisions,
overweighed the expected results. In most the last decade has witnessed an interesting
cases, building upon Article 308 of the EC and positive phenomenon, the building of
Treaty also styled the flexibility clause, a so-called European administrative space30,
as it permits Community powers to match putting together in a rather complementary
the objectives of the Treaty, should it not manner the administrative practices of Member
stipulated the means of action in that States, a space in which public servants of
direction is a subject of concern for some Member States actually meet to share
Member States as they believe it to be a information and experiences in addressing
means of increasing the competences of the issues they come across. Boosting
the Union in the detriment of their own26. communication and gathering comparable
The most important principles of good data and information and examples of
administration were thought to be lawfulness good practice in other Member States are
(Article 4), non-discrimination (Article 5) also utile concerns. A EU-wide adminis-
and proportionality (Article 6)27. trative space acting under the subsidiarity
The issues that have occurred in the principle that can effectively and efficiently
ratification process of the new Constitutional transpose every piece of legislation origi-
Treaty (with its Article III-398 regarding nating from the Union and whose efforts
the administration of the EU) do not add help boosting economic growth are the
power to the principle of good administration, main lines to describe the prerequisites of
but on the contrary; moreover, one must this administrative space31. It thus rests with
have in view the fact that the two other both Member States and present and future
documents in which the principle was pre- Candidate Countries to develop their admi-
viously legislated, the Charter of Funda- nistrative capacities so as to meet the EU
mental Rights of the European Union and requirements in the matter.
the Ombudsmans Code of Good Admi- The issue of the Cannes White Paper
nistrative Behavior, had no legal instru- has brought into the limelight the need for
ments to force to conformity; many hoped perseverance into administrative reform
that the ratification of the Constitutional for countries applying for membership.

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Ctlina Maria Georgescu

The main conclusion that can be drawn Ibidem, p. 13.
is that the EU has little direct competences Ibidem, p. 13.
European Council in Copenhagen, 21-22 June
in the field of public administration of its 1993, Conclusions of the Presidency, p. 14.
Member States and Candidate Countries, 9
Preparing public administrations for the European
though it appears that high administrative administrative space, p. 14.
capacities are among the priorities of EU Jacques Ziller, EU Integration and Civil Service
Reform, in Preparing public administrations for the
accession requirements. However, European European administrative space, p. 138.
membership does not depend solely on 11
Les Metcalfe, Meeting the Challenges of
administrative reform, although an efficient Accession, in Preparing public administrations for
and performing administration is needed to the European administrative space, p. 43.
ensure the smooth transition to the status Ibidem, p. 46.
Preparing public administrations for the European
of Member State. In the future it would be administrative space, pp. 13-14.
highly interesting to find precisely how 14
Jacques Fournier, Administrative Reform in the
many of the principles of good administration Commission Opinions Concerning the Accession of the
can be discovered into effective national Central and Eastern European Countries to the
European Union, in Preparing public administrations
legislation of the EU Member States32. for the European administrative space, p. 111.
In a nutshell, although the Commission 15
Ibidem, p. 113.
has stressed that good administration is a 16
Agency for Public Management, Principles of
condition for membership as it shows the Good Administration in the Member States of the
states capacity to implement EU decisions European Union, Stockholm, 2005, p. 7.
Ibidem, p. 10.
and ensures the easiness of the integration 18
Resolution 77(31) on the protection of the
process, a condition that gained importance individual in relation to the acts of administrative
since the accession of Central and Eastern authorities, adopted by the Committee of Ministers
European Countries, this condition is of a on 28 September 1977 at the 275th meeting of the
Ministers' Deputies
far less importance than economic perfor- 19
mance, democracy and the capacity to 20
Agency for Public Management, op. cit., p. 11.
implement the aquis33. 21
Ibidem, p. 16.
Ibidem, p. 12.
Notes Working Party of the Project Group on
Jacques Fournier, Administrative Reform in the Administrative Law (CJ-DA), Principles of good
Commission Opinions Concerning the Accession of the administration in Council of Europe member states,
Central and Eastern European Countries to the Strasbourg, 2004.
European Union, in Preparing public administrations Agency for Public Management, op. cit., p. 14.
for the European administrative space, SIGMA Papers, Ibidem, p. 14.
No. 23, 1998, p. 111. Ibidem, p. 15.
Jacques Fournier, Governance and European Ibidem, p. 17.
Integration Reliable Public Administration, in Ibidem, p. 15.
Preparing public administrations for the European Jacques Ziller, op. cit., p. 137.
administrative space, pp. 120-121. Jacques Fournier, Governance and European
Christoph Demmke, Thomas Henkl, Timo Moilanen Integration Reliable Public Administration, p. 121.
(European Institute of Public Administration), What are Ibidem, p. 121.
Public Services Good at? Success of Public Services in Agency for Public Management, op. cit., p. 16.
the Field of Human Resource Management, a Study Tony Verheijen, The European Union and Public
Commissioned by the Slovenian EU Presidency Report Administration Development in Central and Eastern
to the 50th Meeting of the Directors-General of Public Europe, in Randall Baker (ed.), Transitions from
Services of the Member States of the European Union, authoritarianism: the role of the bureaucracy,
2008, p. 5. Greenwood Publishing Group, 2002, p. 250.
Preparing public administrations for the European
administrative space, p. 10.
Ibidem, p. 13.
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009

Management of public institutions changes in the

European Union integration

Mihai Alexandru COSTESCU, Olga COSTESCU

Abstract: As a result of EU integration, many changes are neaded in

public institutions in Roumania, both from the organisational and
personnel view. In this paper, we decided to talk about organisational
change, as well as the most important ways to identify need-for-
change and the risk forecasting. At the same time, we are trying to
underline the important role of a realistic approach of human
resources in an institution and the need for a right estimation of time
and the vision of completing organizational change.
Keywords: public sector, leadership, management, organizational change,

he public sector influences in many its presence in the economic life is
ways Economic life. There is no eco- permanent and even meets an extension
nomy in which the public sector can through regulations aimed at the market in
not be found, more or less, directly or general and at the companies and private
indirectly, among the factors influencing and property in particular.
guiding the economic and business activity. Therefore, not only the public enterprises
Public sector, defined according to the have a public character, but also expenses,
form of ownership, is characterized by two finances, assets, choices of individuals, utilities,
elements: size and intensity. regulations, interests, opinions, relationships,
The size of the public sector varies debts, budget, etc. Understanding these issues
from country to country, depending on the provides a deeper knowledge about the
ideology of political leadership at the public sector.
government and expresses areas where
intervention manifests itself. Culture, power crisis and the power
The intensity of the public sector is of the public sector
different not only from one economy to Generally speaking, the public sector
another, but also from one area to another, is related to government and state inter-
and expresses the magnitude of the actions vention in the economy. There are many
taken in one field of the economy. aspects of our life that have a public
Although today the public sector faces character and therefore are correlated with
a smaller size of its economical acceptance, the public sector: public education, public

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Mihai Alexandru Costescu, Olga Costescu

goods, public expenditure, public finance, of the organization, and not at the
public choice, public opinion, public relations, superior ones, such as for managerial
public interest, public services etc. positions.
Many other economic activities reflect Both processes presented above are
the relationship that exists between the based on several strategic directions to be
public and private sectors, such as pro- best implemented in public organizations:
viding quality to food-related products, - Implementation of computerized control
manufactured by private companies, under systems and operating with telecommu-
the control of public inspectors. nications can provide a manager the
Justifying a change in the strategic ability to effectively coordinate 30 people.
approach of public companies should be This would reduce the need for a large
carried out essentially based on a new number of hierarchical levels and would
vision of them. The process must aim a allow cutting unjustified maintenance
long period of time and rely on invol- costs and allocating resources to certain
vement in new and important areas, which areas of sustainable development.
are to support each other through tech- - Rigorous planning through the following:
nology. For example, the issue of public examination of documentary routines;
transport, so often brought to attention today, measures to be taken gradually, but only
whose problem solving can be found in once; examination of bureaucratic
optimal and reliable partnerships between system a system which is required at
the public and private sectors. certain levels and reduce its size in
Correlating the above presented theory the fields that do not require this.
with the practice needed to be achieved in - Reorganizing should address areas that
the future, regarding the public sector in have related activities, such as customer
Romania, I can identify two main areas of management, disputes resolution manage-
strategic factors influencing first, the govern- ment, order management, controls, etc.
ment organizations, and second, changes The specific objectives of in the public
in the public sector: domain reorganization:
1. Size-reduction normally, in the Romanian - Developing skills and competences of
public sector, where the management officials from local government in project
system is multi-layered, it is considered management and access to EU funds
that a manager can only control a certain or other international funds, necessary
number of people which is his field to finance investments and local infra-
of control often between 5, 7 or 10 structure;
people. Therefore, several hierarchical - Improving knowledge about European
levels of management were necessary affairs in the local government;
for a person of higher rank to control - Developing skills in training selected
several hundred people with lower ranks local European affairs experts, in order
in the hierarchy of the organization. to create a core group of local trainers,
2. Reorganization of the business process able to take over the task of future
this method refers to the use of trainings in this area.
computer technologies for radical sim-
plification of how the organization Target groups
manages its administrative tasks. In Change management, developed and
my opinion, this process should be sustained by European policies and instruments,
completed at lower hierarchical levels
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Management of public institutions changes in the European Union integration

is dealing with the needs of two distinct Information presented above as an

categories of people: example and proposed for discussion in
- Officials in public administration in conjunction with the latest directives brings
Romania; to attention the training needs of an entire
- Local trainers, who will participate as sector of public activity in Romania. This
key experts in implementing the strategy. is a vast and diverse group in terms of
Organizational change is based on shape, size, function, capability, vision and
several basic principles, which reflect the experience.
best internationally recognized practices in Hierarchy and public sector segmentation
human resources development, and the now identify through an intended strategy
main idea is that no training is ever an end of training and change which that should
in itself. In fact, the objective of a training coordinate with any strategy in human
program is to facilitate learning, in order to resources at the level of national govern-
enhance the competences and performances ment. The ideal plan for training at local
of completing tasks. Formation (theory) and level should be adjusted to the training
activity at work (practice) go hand in hand. plan at the central level.
For this reason, organizational change Lately, it is often brought to attention
must be accompanied by an effective the concept of increasing economic per-
training model, which involves passing formance and best invested resources, re-
beyond the training sessions to the actual garding the development of human
development at work. resources with a sustainable character and
Thus, transferring and using gained identified by flexibility and the concept of
knowledge in the concrete work would "open-mind society. Each element of this
underline the effectiveness of training. concept is a strategy for the development
Change efficiency, targeted and implemented and improvement of human capital through
change through various programs at the organizational change and a strategy for
level of either European funded projects or training.
strategic-level structures of the various We have considered as a priority the
institutions, public or private, depending influence determined by a strategy for accession
on the impact that it has that is the extent to EU structures, given the fact that,
to which increases the power of employees currently, public authorities are promoters
to their place work. of sustainable development and are
There are three elements of particular organized as management authorities for
importance, which are presented as a result the process of implementation of Euro-
of interaction between: pean standards and directives at different
- The person who holds the post; levels in an economy. This way, the
- Job requirements; impact on the human resources strategies
- Working environment / institutional and training comes to front, giving us the
environment. possibility to try to show how, generally
Change management aims to identify speaking, the future strategy for the public
any training needs required by the reference institutions in Romania may look like.
terms, but this is achieved through a process We need to recognize that, given the
which gives a lot of attention to relevant absence of a larger infrastructure, the most
issues and problems related to the work of practical response is an approach as simple
future students. and self-standing as possible, and the aim
is not only to identify specific training

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Mihai Alexandru Costescu, Olga Costescu

needs but also to include a broader perspec- Motivating staff, as a result of the
tive on human resources development, by desire to develop and increase public orga-
examining the problems of the working nizational structures, comes as a must in
environment that could have an impact on addressing strategic change. In fact, the
the success of knowledge transfer at work. civil servant carries, by definition, the res-
It was also possible to shape an image ponsibility of reinforcing the public orga-
of the environment that integrates staff nization.
activities dealing with high responsibility However, training itself is not a panacea.
operations, the routine one, the simple It must first determine an improvement in
flows, for example, and how clearly work performance for later results. This
defined these tasks are and what is the way, it is also necessary, for the success of
level of support exists in completing their the program, the development of modern
tasks. These issues have a great influence management skills to create a working
on the organization and the place where environment to support and facilitate
the individual exercises his activity. learning
For example, numerous studies have But this is still not enough. Other factors,
shown that the lack of a clear definition of less obvious, can influence the general aut-
tasks is a major factor of influence, which come. For example, the availability of funding
leads to poor performance at work. Simi- for training activities and assistance in the
larly, lack of positive support from manage- workplace is often an important condition
ment leads to lower levels of performance. for operation under current rules.
Training has a vital role; however, training In the above presented context,
by itself is a solution to all problems. organizations do not change just to be
Size, poor resources and lack of changed, but because they are part of a
personnel structure make it very difficult wider development program and they
to build knowledge and skills in a planned should respond to new changes in the
way, in the public administration. In addition, environment, to restrictions, requirements
lack of knowledge about available pro- and opportunities in this area.
grams and opportunities for the local More than that, companies and orga-
economical and social development can nizations generate changes in the external
become an obstacle for both the internal environment, by creating and selling new
and external progress. products and technologies, that later
Another identified gap concerns the become dominant and widely used. Thus,
lack of cooperation between various con- they change the technological environment,
cerned institutions and organizations (stake- both national and international. In this
holders). Participation and partnership are context, organizational change becomes
essential for a sustainable development the guiding lines that determine the nature
and developing strategic projects. These and direction of the organization and
skills are needed throughout the sector of represents a vision of the future image of
local public administration. the organization. Operational planning
Research methods mentioned lately provides a structure of the daily decisions,
have brought to attention the optimal way taken at lower levels of the organization.
to achieve a balanced coverage, not only Identifying the organizations mission
for the whole local government, but also is an essential part in the process of
for the regional element as all are strategic planning; strategy effectiveness
important players in the general process. relies on the attachment on the strengths
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Management of public institutions changes in the European Union integration

that come from the organizations identity. Project Cycle Management (PCM) re-
An effective mission statement is feasible, present the basis for strengthening such
informative, and reflects the values of the capacity.
organization. Many organizations are unpre- Change programs often fail to deter-
pared when facing future changes. In an mine in advance how to measure success
economic, competitive, constantly changing or failure. The ideal plan should be carefully
environment, the key to success is defined monitored to assess the real impact of
not only by the quality of operational taken actions on those involved. Evaluation
planning, but by the clarity of strategic can refer to reviewing productive perfor-
thinking. For a company, it is essential to mances for a period of time, tracking work
understand the type of business they carry absences, or a new survey on organiza-
out and the place they want to have at tional attitudes and climate. All these can
some point the future (strategic planning), lead to the conclusion that the problem still
but also the way they can achieve these exists because the initial diagnosis and
goals, which represents the responsibility planning were erroneous or that new
of operational planning and decision making. factors, which require a different approach,
The change is intended to describe the have emerged.
image that an organization wants to have The manager may be interested in
in the future and is focused on what the changing a persons performance or the
organization wants to do, and not on how average level of performance achieved by
the organization wants to act. a group of people. If the target represents a
If we consider the process of organi- single person, the general effort involved
zational change in an organization, in a to make a change may be different than
realistic and time-based way, I consider the one needed for a collective change. In
that there is a need to bring to front the an attempt to change the behavior of cer-
process of Romanias accession to the tain people, it is necessary to know certain
European Union structures, due to the things about the individual, and the change
focus on Human Resources Development, must be adapted according to his needs,
in the general view of strategic develop- values or interests. But, if the target is the
ment consolidation. performance of a group (the results of
Thus, the European Council, the highest daily activities, presence and absence to
for the European Union has recognized work, income etc.), the strategy should be
and expressed support for the accession of oriented towards collective changes in the
Romania to the EU until 2007 and granted designated group.
significant financial support through the A large number of people and organi-
instruments of accession, stating that Romania zations face the issue of collective changes
had an urgent need to strengthen its own versus individual changes. For example,
capacity to absorb and effectively use traffic safety officials are concerned with
these funds. Human resource development the rate of accidents and deaths during
was and still is a fundamental element in holidays (a collective aspect) and, at the
achieving this goal. same time, all these people are concerned
The strategy has a framework to with the safety of their own children (an
identify the capacity of local government individual aspect).
to benefit, in the best way possible, from All strategies involving changes, either
the funds offered by the EU. Knowledge at an individual or collective level, have
and skills regarding European Affairs and special people-adapted characteristics. When

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Mihai Alexandru Costescu, Olga Costescu

a change is needed, this happens because

the general performance is falling down.
Still, an organization is an abstract entity - Bibliography
the organizations do not change their beha- 1. Vivienne Flanagan, Strategia de formare
vior, although a change in the organiza- pentru Administratia Publica Locala din
tional structure or processes may have an Romania, Proiect Phare, 2006.
impact on organizational behavior. In fact, 2. A. Profiriu, M. Profiriu, Descentralization
process in Romania, Revista Transilvnean
it is all about a group of people who share
de Stiine Administrative, Nr.16E 2006.
conscious or unconscious, the same common 3. Prof. univ. dr. Viorel Cornescu, Conf.
guidelines and decide to change their univ. dr. Paul Marinescu, Lector univ. dr.
behavior. Thus, making a change is always Doru Curteanu, Lector univ. dr. Sorin
oriented towards influencing human behavior. Toma, Management de la teorie la
In a change period, the human resource practica, Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti,
the most important and uncertain resource 2004.
should have access to continuous training. 4. Paul Marinescu, Managementul Schimbarii,
Thus, the organization's ability to change Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti, 2003.
must be evaluated fairly, in all its aspects. 5. L. Mullins, Management and Organizational
Behaviour, Ed. a IV-a, Pitman Publishing,
The evaluation need to identify individual
Londra, 1996.
or collective resistances to change, before 6. L. Richard, Strategia corporativ, Ed.
actually implementing change. The change ARC, 2002.
process requires a massive commitment of
resources. The organization should identify
all sources for resistance, if the change
process is to be successful.

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009

The Bush Doctrine: The Foreign Policy of

Republican Empire

Mackubin Thomas OWENS*

Abstract: The dominant narrative concerning the Bush Doctrine maintains

that it is a dangerous innovation, an anomaly that violates the principles of
sound policy as articulated by the Founders. According to the conventional
wisdom, the Bush Doctrine represents the exploitation of the 9/11 terrorist
attacks, by a small group of ideologues the neoconservatives to gain
control of national policy and lead the United States into the war in Iraq, a
war that should never have been fought. But far from a being a
neoconservative innovation, the Bush Doctrine is, in fact, well within the
mainstream of U.S. foreign policy and very much in keeping with the vision
of Americas founding generation and the practice of the statesmen in the
Early Republic. The Bush Doctrine is only the latest manifestation of the
fact that U.S. national interest has always been concerned with more than
simple security.
Keywords: doctrine, principle, tradition, power, realism, neo-conservative,
republican, foreign affairs.

ur true situation appears to me to be this Conquest or superiority among other powers is
a new extensive Country containing not or ought not ever to be the object of
within itself the materials for forming a republican systems. If they are sufficiently
Government capable of extending to its citizens active and energetic to rescue us from contempt
all the blessings of civil and religious liberty & preserve our domestic happiness and
capable of making them happy at home. This is security, it is all we can expect from them it is
the great end of Republican establishments. We more than almost any other Government
mistake the object of our government, if we ensures to it citizens.
hope or wish that it is to make us respectable Charles Pinckney, speech to the Federal Convention,
June 25, 1787
* Mackubin Owens is Associate Dean of It had been said that respectability in the eyes
Academics for Electives and Directed Research/ of foreign nations was not the object at which
Professor of National Security Studies at the we aimed; that the proper object of republican
Naval War College, Newport, RI and Editor of Government was domestic tranquility &
Orbis. This article is reprinted with authors happiness. This was an ideal distinction. No
permission from Orbis, Winter 2009 (published
Government could give us tranquility &
by Elsevier Limite don behalf of Foreign Policy
Research Institute), pp. 23-40.
happiness at home, which did not possess

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Mackabin Thomas Owens

sufficient stability and strength to make us elaborated in three more speeches over the
respectable abroad. next nine months.
Alexander Hamilton, speech to the Federal Convention,
June 29, 1787
The dominant narrative concerning
George W. Bushs foreign policy especially
If any one therefore wishes to establish an his doctrine of preemptive war and his
entirely new republic, he will have to consider emphasis on the spread of democracy is
whether he wishes to have her expand in power that it represents a radical break with the
and dominion like Rome, orwhether he intends American past. According to this narrative,
to confine her within narrow limits. U.S. foreign policy was originally based
Niccolo Machiavelli, Discourses, I. 6.
on the principle of non intervention; the
Besides, to recede is no longer possible, if American Founders are often invoked in
indeed any of you in the alarm of the moment support of the claim that the default position
has become enamored of the honesty of such of U.S. foreign policy is isolationism. Who
an unambitious part. For what you hold is, to has not heard the argument that
speak somewhat plainly, a tyranny. To take it Washingtons Farewell Address counsels
perhaps was wrong, but to let it go is unsafe. virtuous isolationism, that in the words
Pericles, Funeral Oration
of John Quincy Adams, while America is
the well wisher to the freedom and
When he was elected to the American
independence of all, she is the champion
presidency in 2000, George W. Bush gave
and vindicator only of her own, going
every indication that he, like his father
not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy,
before him, was a conventional realist in
and that the Monroe Doctrine represents a
foreign affairs, committed to a grand strategy
ratification of this isolationist principle?
of selective engagement and critical of the
But, the narrative continues, while iso-
open ended nature of the Clinton doc-
lationism and non intervention prevailed
trine and its indiscriminate use of military
during the eighteenth and nineteenth
force in instances not involving vital centuries, circumstances required the United
national interests. In his speeches, Bush
States to abandon this posture at the
stressed foreign policy retrenchment and
beginning of the twentieth century. Yet
military transformation in preparation
even then, America did so only reluctantly
for the emergence of a future large peer
in response to threats to U.S. national
competitor in the vein of the Soviet Union
interests. Thus, with the exception of the
during the Cold War. Neither Bush nor his
failed effort by Woodrow Wilson to base
advisers, most notably national security
U.S. foreign policy on idealistic principles
adviser Condoleezza Rice and Secretary of
and George W. Bushs quixotic effort to
State Colin Powell, spoke of spreading
impose democracy on the Middle East, the
democracy throughout the world.
United States has normally adhered to the
Then came 9/11. To the surprise of
principles of foreign policy realism, a
almost everyone, the president abandoned
theory based on the idea that the driving
his realism and embraced an approach to
force in international politics is national
foreign affairs that seemed to be nothing
security, which can be ensured only by
short of revolutionary. The Bush Doctrine
possessing sufficient power relative to other
was first enunciated in a speech he de-
livered on September 20, 2001, only nine
According to the conventional narrative,
days after the attacks, and then refined and
neoconservatives are dangerously moralistic
and idealistic when it comes to world affairs.
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The Bush Doctrine: The Foreign Policy of Republican Empire

They believe in Americas exceptional The Bush Doctrine

role as a promoter of the principles of The most concise statement of the
liberty and democracy, they are committed Bush Doctrine can be observed in George
to the preservation of American primacy, Bushs Second Inaugural Address: it is
they are suspicious of international insti- the policy of the United States to seek and
tutions, and they favor the unilateral use of support the growth of democratic movements
power, especially military power, in order and institutions in every nation and cul-
to defend and advance democracy. ture, with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny
But the conventional wisdom is wrong. in our world.2 While this statement captures
While all are entitled to their opinions con- the essence of the Bush Doctrine, it is
cerning the wisdom or folly of the Bush useful to examine the principles upon
Doctrine, they are not entitled to make up which it is based.3 The first of these is the
their own facts regarding its place in the rejection of moral equivalency in inter-
American foreign policy tradition. And the national affairs. The Bush Doctrine un-
fact is that all of the elements of the Bush apologetically asserts the need for and
Doctrine have been observable in American the possibility of moral judgment in
foreign policy since the inception of the international affairs. As a species of what
Republic. Robert Kaufman has called Moral Democratic
As Walter Russell Mead observes, the Realism, the Bush Doctrine holds that
idea of Americas virtuous isolationism liberal democratic regimes are superior to
is an historical myth. Far from a being a tyrannies.4
neoconservative innovation, the Bush Doctrine The second principle of the Bush
is in fact well within the mainstream of Doctrine is the repudiation of the social
U.S. foreign policy and very much in work theory of terrorism: the belief that
keeping with the vision of Americas founding economic factors poverty and hunger
generation, as well as the practice of the are the root causes of the phenomenon.
Early Republics statesmen. The Bush The Bush Doctrine is founded on the
Doctrine is only the latest manifestation of contention that the terrorism that spawned
the fact that U.S. national interest has 9/11 and its precursors, both against the
always been concerned with more than United States and Israel, is a murderous
simple security it has always had both a ideology aimed at the destruction of Western
commercial and an ideological component.1 liberalism. Accordingly, this ideology is as
When it comes to the Bush Doctrine, dangerous as fascism/nazism and communism.
the main issue as is the case with foreign According to the Bush Doctrine, the fountain-
policy in general is prudence, which head of 9/11 and similar aggression is the
Aristotle described as deliberating well culture of tyranny in the Middle East,
about those things that can be other than which spawns fanatical, aggressive, secular,
they are (means). According to Aristotle, and religious despotisms. The remedy for
prudence is the virtue most characteristic this is democratic regime change.
of the statesman. In foreign affairs, prudence The final principle of the Bush
requires the statesman to adapt universal Doctrine is the recognition that after 9/11
principles to particular circumstances in the traditional approaches to threats
order to arrive at the means that are best deterrence, containment, and ex post facto
given existing circumstances. In fact, the responses are inadequate when dealing
Founders and the statesmen of the Early with terrorists and rogue regimes seeking
Republic were not isolationist but prudent. to acquire weapons of mass destruction.

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Thus, under the Bush Doctrine, the United the United States can be fully secure only
States reserves the right to undertake in a world where everyone else is also
preventive war. While international law secure. The existence of liberal institutions
and norms have always acknowledged the is not sufficient. Donald Kagan observes
right of a state to launch a preemptive that history seems to indicate
strike against another when an attack by that good will, unilateral
the latter is imminent, it has rejected any disarmament, the avoidance
right of preventive war. President Bush of alliances, teaching and
argued that in an age of globalization, preaching the evils of war by those states who seek to
preserve peace are to no avail.
catastrophic terrorism, and weapons of
mass destruction, this distinction had become What seems to work best . . . is the possession by
meaningless. If an attack is imminent, it is those states who wish to preserve peace of the
preponderant power and of the will to accept the
now too late to preempt it. burdens of an responsibilities required to achieve that
As a policy or grand strategic approach power.

to international relations, the Bush Doctrine

is a species of primacy, based on the Such a liberal world order is possible
intersection of hegemonic stability theory only if the United States is willing and able
and the theory of the democratic peace. to maintain it. In the words of Samuel
Hegemonic stability theory holds that a Huntington,
liberal world order does not arise the maintenance of U.S. primacy matters for the
spontaneously as the result of some global world as well as for the United States
invisible hand.5 Instead, such a system A world without U.S. primacy will be a world
with more violence and disorder and less democracy
requires, in the words of Ethan Barnaby and economic growth than a world where the United
Kapstein, a hegemonic power, a state States continues to have more influence than any
willing and able to provide the world with other country in shaping global affairs. The sustained
the collective goods of economic stability international primacy of the United States is central
to the welfare and security of Americans and to the
and international security.6 The United States, future of freedom, democracy, open economies, and
as Great Britain before it, took up the role international order in the world.

of hegemon not out of altruism but because

it is in its national interest to do so. According to the theory of hegemonic
Primacy can be caricatured as a go stability, the alternative to U.S. power is a
it alone approach in which the United more disorderly, less peaceful world. The
States intimidates both friends and allies, precedent for the United States is the
wields power unilaterally, and ignores decay of Pax Britannica, which, many
international institutions. But while some believe, created the necessary, if not
may mock the term, the Bush Doctrine, in sufficient conditions for the two world
fact, represents benevolent primacy, an wars of the twentieth century. As British
approach in keeping with the liberal hegemony declined, smaller states that
political traditions of the United States but previously had incentives to cooperate
which recognizes the world as a dangerous with Britain defected to other powers,
place in which a just peace is maintained causing the international system to
only by the strong. fragment. The outcome was depression
This form of primacy is based on the and war. The decline of American power
assumption that U.S. power is good not could lead to a similar outcome.9
only for the United States itself but also for The democratic peace is based on
the rest of the world. The argument is that the idea, popular among liberal interna-
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The Bush Doctrine: The Foreign Policy of Republican Empire

tionalists, that liberal democracies do not Crossroads, neo-conservatives, unlike

fight one another.10 The concept originated realists, believe that the internal character
with Immanuel Kant, who argued in Perpetual of regimes matters and that foreign policy
Peace that the spread of constitutional must reflect the deepest values of liberal
republics was a necessary, if not sufficient, democratic societies. And unlike liberal
cause of peace among states. While Bush internationalists who seem to believe that
has invoked the idea on numerous occasions, international law and institutions alone are
he is not alone. In his 1994 State of the sufficient to achieve peace, neo-conser-
Union address, President Bill Clinton said: vatives contend that there are certain
Ultimately, the best strategy to ensure our problems that can be addressed only
security and to build a durable peace is to through the prudent exercise of American
support the advance of democracy else- power.13
where. Democracies dont attack each other.11 But the suggestion that the Bush
In 2005, Congress passed legislation intro- Doctrine is an innovation attributable to
duced by Senators John McCain and Joe neo-conservatism alone is simply a
Lieberman, the Advance Democracy Act, historical. After all, Andrew Bacevichs
which states: Wars between or among description of the neo conservative
democratic countries are exceedingly rare, enterprise as fus[ing] American power to
while wars between and among nondemo- American principles, ensuring the survival
cratic countries are commonplace, with nearly of those principles and subsequently their
170,000,000 people having lost their lives propagation to the benefit of all human-
because of the policies of totalitarian kind applies to American statecraft since
governments.12 the beginning of the Republic.14
Far from representing a neo-conser- The principles of the American founding
vative innovation in American foreign have always been at least as important a
policy, the Bush Doctrine is in the tradition determinant of U.S. foreign policy as
of the Founders and statesmen of the Early interests in the narrow realist sense. An
Republic, as well as Franklin Roosevelt, implication of this argument is that there is
Harry Truman, and Ronald Reagan. The linear progression from the Declaration of
Bush Doctrine represents a continuation of Independence to President Bushs attempt
a policy that fuses American security and to mid wife the creation of an Iraqi
the American Mission. The ultimate goal democracy.
of ending tyranny in our world has been a As Walter Russell Mead has shown in
cornerstone of American foreign policy A Special Providence, U.S. foreign policy
since the earliest days of the Republic. cannot be understood in terms of the two
dominant schools of international relations
The Early Republic and the Genesis theory, realism on the one hand and
of the American Mission liberalism or liberal internationalism on
As suggested earlier, critics of the the other. In essence, the debate between
Bush Doctrine dismiss it as the work of a academic realists and liberal internationalists
cabal of neo-conservatives who co- is little more than a sterile dispute between
opted U.S. foreign policy in the wake of Machiavelli and Kant that only serves to
9/11. So-called neo-conservatives have illustrate the poverty of academic interna-
indeed frequently supported the Bush tional relations theory.
Doctrine because, as Francis Fukuyama Realism stresses the importance of power
observes in his recent book, America at the and military security in international affairs

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and is most concerned about maintaining commercial republic and sought to unleash
stability and a peaceful balance of power. among his countrymen modern freedom.
For the realist, the states most vital Jefferson was an advocate of Sparta,
interest and its only meaningful goal, no Hamilton an advocate of Athens.15
matter its form of government or what it Despite their differences, both Jefferson
says for public consumption is to maintain and Hamilton agreed nonetheless that the
enough power to ensure its security. Realists new Republic was destined for greatness.
ban economics, morality, and democracy Remarkably, both Jefferson and Hamilton
from high politics. In contrast, liberal envisioned an American polity that com-
internationalists contend that the goals of bined the principles of republic and empire,
actors within the international political despite the dominant view of the eighteenth
system transcend power and security to century that viewed the two as incompatible.
include peace and prosperity. Thus Hamilton sought a republican empire16
For realists, liberals are too abstract while Jefferson envisioned a vast empire
and place too much emphasis on the good of liberty spreading west, north, and south
side of human nature. For liberals, realists across the continent.17 For both Jefferson
are too pessimistic and cynical. In addition, and Hamilton, an American empire would
their theory is too parsimonious; it fails to be an innovation, not based on conquest,
explain enough in the world. as had empires of old, but instead consti-
The fact is that American principles tute a new order for the ages.
have been at least as important in shaping For the founding generation, the
U.S. foreign policy as the raw pursuit of principles underlying the American Empire
power beloved by realists. Americas were universal in application. As Robert
westward expansion and rise to global Kagan has argued, in an age ofmonarchy
power have been inextricably linked to the and despotism, such universal principles
idea that liberal democracy is the best form by their very nature made America a
of government, not only for the United dangerous nation because by liberating
States, but also for the world at large. human potential, they would capture the
American realism has always been shaped imagination and the following of all
by economic and moral considerations. humanity.18 Realists in the tradition of
For Americans, geopolitics, economic Hans Morgenthau have criticized the
and commercial interests, and political crusading spirit in foreign relations, but
principle have always been inseparable. American foreign policy has often been
Accordingly, Americans have seen the motivated by the belief that the United
spread of liberalism as very much a U.S. States stood in opposition to tyrannical
interest. This desire to expand the American power and despotism.
way has transcended partisan differences. American foreign policy has often
For instance, both Jefferson and been criticized for being moralistic. But
Hamilton agreed that the United States it is important to note that before the
was to be a republic, but they differed American founding, all regimes were based
concerning the sort of republic that it on the principle of interest or advantage
would be. Jefferson and those who shared alone the interest of the stronger. That
his views sought an agrarian republic and principle was articulated by the Greek
hoped to instill in Americans agrarian historian Thucydides in his description of
civic virtue. Hamilton, on the other hand the conversation between the Athenians
believed the Untied States should be a and the rebellious Melians: Questions of
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The Bush Doctrine: The Foreign Policy of Republican Empire

justice arise only between equals. As for perfectly attained, constantly approximated, and thereby
the rest, the strong do what they will. The constantly spreading and deepening its influence, and
augmenting the happiness and value of life to all
weak suffer what they must.19 Inequality, people of all colors everywhere.
whether between master and slave or
between aristocrat and commoner were Such rhetoric informed both American
simply part of the accepted order of things. domestic and foreign policy. And it was
The United States was founded on not limited to the nineteenth century. As
different principles justice and equality. Kagan has observed, the twentieth century,
No longer would it be the foundation of of course, rang with the rhetoric of great-
political government that some men were ness, moralism, and mission.23
born with saddles on their backs to be For instance, the Republican Partys
ridden by others born booted and spurred. campaign platform of 1900 made Lincolns
In other words, no one had the right to rule argument explicit with regard to the recently
over another without the latters consent.20 concluded war with Spain. According to
While the United States has not this document, the Spanish American
always lived up to its own principles, it has War had been fought for high purpose.
nonetheless created the standard of justice It was a war for liberty and human rights
in both domestic and international affairs. that had given ten millions of the human
For instance, the stated desire of the race a new birth of freedom and the
United States to free Cuba from a despotic American people a new and noble
Spain, which helped to bring about the responsibility to confer the blessings of
Spanish-American War, can be traced liberty and civilization upon all the rescued
Abraham Lincolns speech on the Dred peoples.24
Scott Decision of 1857, a speech that It is important to recognize that Woodrow
illustrates the logic of liberty. I think the Wilson did not invent the rhetoric of a
authors of [the Declaration of Indepen- foreign policy shaped by moral purpose.
dence] intended to include all men, but Accepting the Republican vice-presi-
they did not intend to declare men equal in dential nomination in 1900, Theodore
all respects. They did not mean to say that Roosevelt asked, Is America a weakling
all were equal in color, size, intellect, to shrink from the world work of the great
moral developments, or social capacity. world powers? He replied to his own
They defined with tolerable distinctness, in rhetorical question by proclaiming: The
what respects they did consider all men young giant of the West stands on a
created equal equal in certain inalienable continent and clasps the crest of an ocean
rights, among which are life, liberty, and in either hand. Our nation, glorious in
the pursuit of happiness.21 youth and strength, looks in the future with
eager eyes and rejoices as a strong man to
Lincoln also argued that the Founders: run a race.25
did not mean to assert the obvious untruth, that all Statesmen of both parties saw the
men were then actually enjoying that equality, nor Civil War as Americas first great moral
yet, that they were about to confer it immediately
upon them. In fact they had no power to confer such
crusade and World War I as its second. It
a boon. They meant simply to declare the right, so was not Wilson but Roosevelt who
that the enforcement of it might follow as fast as declared: As our fathers fought with
circumstances should permit. They meant to set up a slavery and crushed it, in order that it not
standard maxim for a free society, which should be seize and crush them, so we are called on
familiar to all, and revered by all; constantly looked
to, constantly labored for, and even though never to fight new forces. It was not Wilson but

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Henry Cabot Lodge who called World when the new nation was surrounded by
War I the last great struggle of demo- hostile powers. To paraphrase Thomas Hobbes,
cracy and freedom against autocracy and without security, American principles were
militarism. These same statesmen of both but words. Without a successful Revolution
parties justified U.S. military interventions and the consolidation of American power
in the affairs of Latin American and on the North American continent, the
Caribbean peoples, as a means of spreading principles of the American Founding would
liberal principles abroad.26 have been stillborn.
This is not to suggest that expanding As early as 1778, George Washington
liberal democracy was the only motive for foresaw the strategic problem that the
U.S. actions during the nineteenth and young Republic would face in the years
twentieth centuries. It was most certainly following the Revolution. As he explained
not. But far from reflecting the conventional to Henry Laurens, he opposed a combined
narrative of virtuous isolationism the French American offensive against Canada
idea that the United States was an because he was concerned that the price of
exemplar of liberty and nothing more the cooperation with the French in this case
statesman of these periods embraced the would be the reestablishment of French
mission of spreading liberal principles for power in Canada, leading to a situation in
the betterment of not only Americans but which the United States would sub-
also of the peoples of the world. sequently be hemmed in by a combination
of Europeans and Indians.
American Security in the Early France acknowledged for some time past the most
Republic and the American powerful monarchy in Europe by land, able now to
Mission dispute the empire of the sea with Great Britain, and
As important as the American mission if joined with Spain, I may say certainly superior,
possessed of New Orleans, on our Right, Canada on
may have been in the formulation and our left and seconded by the numerous tribes of
practice of U.S. foreign policy during the Indians on our Rear from one extremity to the other,
Early Republic, promulgating American a people, so generally friendly to her and whom she
principles depended on the security of the knows so well how to conciliate; would, it is much to
American regime. The United States could be apprehended have it in her power to give law to
these states.
not be an exemplar of liberty unless it could
survive in a hostile world. U.S. foreign policy As John Lewis Gaddis has argued, the
must always be seen as a prudent balance American response to threats to its security
between principle and power. Actions in differed from the approach of most nations
support of American principles undertaken to seek safety by retreating to a defensive
when the United States was weak looked posture although this is arguably what
different than those undertaken when the the United States had done during the
United States was strong. Jefferson and Madison administrations.
As Hamilton wrote in Federalist, the The result was a British invasion and the
United States established a constitution for burning of the capital in 1814.
governance based on reflection and choice, The attack on the American homeland
rather than on accident and force. But to in 1814 demonstrated that liberty was
create such a constitution, it was necessary vulnerable to attack if the United States
for the Americans to survive, first during relied on a defensive posture. Thereafter,
the Revolution and then during the Americans generally responded to threats
dangerous period of the Early Republic and particularly to surprise attacks by
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The Bush Doctrine: The Foreign Policy of Republican Empire

taking the offensive, by becoming more John Quincy Adams was equally
conspicuous, by confronting, neutralizing, adamant in rejecting the possibility that the
and if possible overwhelming the sources United States could coexist with any other
of danger rather than fleeing from them.28 great power in North America. As he
Having established a beachhead for liberty wrote in 1811, the choice was between an
in a world run by tyrants,29 the security of endless multitude of little insignificant
liberty required that the beachhead be ex- clans and tribes at eternal war with one
panded. This approach led Americans to another for a rock, or a fish pond, the sport
adopt an expansionist grand strategy based and fable of European oppressors or a
on three principles: hegemony, unilateralism, nation, coextensive with the North American
and preemption. Gaddis attributes this grand continent, destined by God and nature to
strategy to John Quincy Adams, whom Gaddis be the most populous and most powerful
characterizes as the most influential American people ever combined under one social
grand strategist of the nineteenth century.30 compact.32
Hegemony was based on the idea that Unilateralism, which accepted the need
the Republics safety precluded any sharing for international cooperation in the form of
of power on the North American continent. treaties but rejected alliances as an un-
North America constituted the United States necessary limit on American action, has
sphere of influence. The United States often been confused with isolationism.
would not accept a balance of power in the The French alliance of 1778 demonstrated
Western Hemisphere but sought to ensure to most Americans the dangers of agreeing
a predominance of power. to commitments to act in concert with
Both the Founders and the statesmen other great powers against future contin-
of the Early Republic recognized that the gencies which no one could foresee.33
real danger to American security and The tendency to confuse unilateralism
independence was the inability of a weak and isolationism has contributed to long-
United States to prevent European quarrels standing misperceptions of Washingtons
from being transplanted to the American Farewell Address. For instance, after the
continents. The farsighted among them passage that everyone misuses to prove
understood that the antidote to such a that the real policy of the United States
possibility was a strong and viable Union. should be isolationist it must be
The alternative, approved by some who unwise in us to implicate ourselves in
opposed the Constitution, was a series of the ordinary vicissitudes of [Europes]
smaller confederacies. But as John Jay politics, or the ordinary combinations and
observed in his contributions to The Federalist, collisions of her friendships and enmities
the consequences of a weak and divided Washington continues:
America, split into three or four inde- If we remain one People, under an efficient
pendent and probably discordant republics government, the period is not far off, when we may
or confederacies, one inclining to Britain, defy material injury from external annoyance; when
another to France, and a third to Spain, and we may take such an attitude as will cause the
neutrality we may at any time resolve upon to be
perhaps played off against each other by
scrupulously respected; when belligerent nations,
the three would constitute a prey to under the impossibility of making acquisition upon
discord, jealousy, and mutual injuries, us, will not lightly hazard giving us provocation;
inviting strife because these polities would when we may choose peace or war, as our interest
be formidable only to each other.31 guided by justice shall Counsel.

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Far from a universal admonition against adverse outcome in the future. U.S. actions
intervention, the Farewell Address represents in Florida after the War of 1812 constitute
a prudential combination of interest and the clearest example of preemption during
principle, to be pursued unilaterally by the the Early Republic.
United States. Karl Walling has argued that the De-
The Monroe Doctrine represents an claration of Independence represents an
extension of the unilateralist principle. When even earlier example of preemption. After
it became clear in the early 1820s that the all, when the Declaration was issued, only
newly independent Latin American republics Massachusetts and New York had been
might not be able to defend their sovereignty subject to direct attack by the British and
against Spain, possibly assisted by the were, therefore, justified in making an
reactionary monarchies of France, Austria, unambiguous claim to be fighting in self
and Russia, Great Britain suggested a joint defense. Walling observes that
Anglo-American statement opposing future the delegates [to the Continental] Congress were
European colonization in the western hemi- essentially ambassadors from the separate colonies
sphere. While President James Monroe, sent to deliberate on common policy and strategy to
along with former presidents Jefferson and oppose the British efforts to centralize power in
Parliament during the decade after the Seven Years
Madison, liked the proposal, Adams, Monroes War. In other words, Americans declared their
secretary of state sought to transform it independence more as a coalition of independent
into a unilateral statement, in order to states than a single nation, with all the problems
avow our principles explicitly rather than incident to coalition war for the rest of the conflict
to come in as a cock boat in the wake of with Great Britain and the subsequent peace, until
1787, when they shifted from a coalition toward
the British man-of-war.35 something new, with its exact nature to be worked
As Gaddis observes, Adams realized out over time.
that the United States lacked the means to
enforce the policy, but he shrewdly One of the many rhetorical purposes
calculated that Great Britain, with its navy, of the Declaration, argues Walling, was to
did have such means, and that its own demonstrate to the people of colonies not
interests in this instance would complement under attack that they soon would be and
those of the United States even in the that they all had no choice but to fight the
absence of a formal commitment. The British before it was too late to do so, that
Monroe Doctrine permitted the United is, before it used its military power to
States to avoid the dangers illustrated by subdue the colonies one by one. By
the French alliance of 1778 the obli- warning of British tyranny to come, the
gation to align American long term Declaration called for the colonies to
interests with those of another state, or to preemptively unite before Great Britain
provide assistance when those interests could divide and conquer them.37
were threatened. Unilateralism characterized The Early Republic faced many
American foreign policy right up until threats, including a continuing European
World War II. As Gaddis notes, the Bush presence in North America Great Britain
Doctrine does not a represent new approach in Canada and Spain in Florida and Texas
to foreign affairs but a return to an older and what we would today call non-state
one.36 actors: marauding Indians and pirates,
Preemption arguably has been a part of an ready to raid lightly defended areas on the
American grand strategy since the Revo- frontier. These threats were exacerbated by
lution, justifying early steps to prevent an the weakness of what Adams called

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The Bush Doctrine: The Foreign Policy of Republican Empire

derelict provinces (today we would call in Haiti and Nicaragua in the early
them failed states), which provided an twentieth century because it feared that
excuse for further European intervention European powers would use the dereliction
in the Americas, and sanctuary for hostile argument as an excuse to intervene in the
non state actors. In 1818, Florida provided Caribbean. Such American fears were
an occasion to address such threats. validated in the 1860s when France took
After Creeks, Seminoles, and escaped advantage of the American Civil War to
slaves launched a series of attacks on establish Maximilian I as emperor of Mexico.
Americans from sanctuaries in Spanish The principles of American statecraft
Florida, General Andrew Jackson, acting linking principle to power that shaped
on the basis of questionable authority, U.S. foreign policy with respect to the
invaded Florida, not only attacking and American continent are logically expandable
burning Seminole villages but also to the global arena. The logic of security is
capturing a Spanish fort at St. Marks. He expandable as well.
also executed two British citizens whom For instance, while critics of the Bush
he accused of aiding the marauders.38 Doctrine argue that its emphasis on
Most of Monroes cabinet, especially expanding liberal democracy, mocking this
Secretary of War John Calhoun, wanted enterprise as muscular Wilsonianism, the
Jacksons head, but Adams came to expansion of like regimes can be found in
Jacksons defense. He contended that the Thucydides, who noted that an important
United States should not apologize for goal of both Athens and Sparta was to
Jacksons preemptive expedition but insist establish and support regimes similar to
that Spain either garrison Florida with their own, democracies in the case of
enough forces to prevent marauders from Athens and oligarchies for Sparta.
entering the United States or cede to the Indeed, the Bush Doctrine endorses
United States a province which is in fact this very Thucydidean perspective on a
a derelict, open to the occupancy of every global basis. As the president declared
enemy, civilized or savage, of the United during a June 2004 speech at the Air Force
States, and serving no other earthly purpose Academy:
than as a post of annoyance to them. As Some who call themselves realists question
Adams had written earlier, it was his whether the spread of democracy in the Middle East
opinion that the marauding parties should be of any concern of ours. But the realists in
ought to be broken up immediately.39 this case have lost contact with a fundamental reality.
American has always been less secure when freedom
As Gaddis observes, Adams believed is in retreat and more secure when freedom is on the
that the United States could no more march.

entrust [its] security to the cooperation of

enfeebled neighboring states than to the The Bush Doctrine is based on the re-
restraint of agents controlled, as a result, cognition that, as Thucydides understood,
by no state.40 the security of a state is enhanced when it
This reasoning informed U.S. foreign is surrounded by others that share its
policy in Latin America and the Caribbean principles and interests.
through the nineteenth and early twentieth
centuries. One of the reasons the United American Foreign Policy and the
States was keen to annex Texas was the American Character
fear of British designs on the American The persistence of the American
Southwest. The United States intervened mission the tendency toward expansion,

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the belief that the globe can be trans- Insofar as they are the heirs of Hans
formed on the basis of the universal Morgenthau, realists also reject the crusading
principles articulated by the Declaration of spirit, eschewing ideology and defining
Independence, and what critics call the the states interests as narrowly as possible,
messianic impulse is no aberration but making it less likely that they will come into
represents the mainstream of American conflict with the interests of other states.44
opinion regarding foreign policy. Of course, But these other foreign policy approaches,
as many scholars have noted, it is not the as well as others, have never been able to
only foreign policy tradition. Another is supplant the idea of an American mission,
what Walter Russell Mead has called the despite the recurrent fervent hopes of
Jeffersonian or Old Republican school.42 critics, and despite frequent disappointments
This school was adumbrated by Charles and setbacks. Critics who hope that the
Pinckney, who, as an advocate of the Iraq War will lead the United States to
dominance of domestic over foreign affairs, abandon the expansive, moralistic, hubristic
can be properly described as isolationist. American approach to foreign policy will
Old Republicans such as John be as disappointed as Pinckney, John
Randolph of Roanoke and John Taylor of Randolph of Roanoke, John Taylor of
Caroline were deeply suspicious of centra- Caroline, the America Firsters of the
lized power and its corrupting effects on mid twentieth century, and assorted
the people who wield it. They opposed the pacifists and socialists before them.
War of 1812, calling itmerely war for The reason for this is the combination
honour, a metaphysical war that could of the intuitive American commitment to
not be justified by American interest and universal principles articulated in the nations
which, by requiring a strong federal founding documents, and an abiding belief
government to wage it, would end in the by the American public at large in the
destruction of the last experiment in free legitimacy of liberal democracy, on the
government. The Old Republican argument one hand, and their desire for power and
is today embraced by many on the right of wealth, one the other. This drive led
the political spectrum, especially so-called Gouverneur Morris to describe his fellow-
libertarians and traditionalist conservatives countrymen as the first-born children of
but concerns about the impact of war on the commercial age.
growth of centralized governmental power As Robert Kagan observes:
can also be observed on the political left as The expansive, moralistic, militaristic tradition in
well.43 American foreign policy is the hearty offspring of
There is also the aforementioned realist this marriage between Americans driving ambitions
school, which criticizes the tradition that and their overpowering sense of righteousness. These
tendencies have been checked at times by overseas
includes the Bush Doctrine. Realists stress debacles, or by foreign powers too big and strong to
the importance of power and military be coerced into acceptance of the American truth. At
security in international affairs and are those times, the counter traditions have been able to
most concerned about maintaining stability assert themselves and take temporary control of
and a peaceful balance of power. For the American policy, as in the 1930s or in the 1970s. But
these victories have been fleeting. The story of
realist, the states most vital interest and Americas first century is not one of virtuous restraint
its only meaningful goal, no matter its but of an increasingly powerful nation systematically
form of government is to maintain sufficient eliminating all competitors on the North American
relative power to ensure its security. continent. The story of its second century is not one

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
The Bush Doctrine: The Foreign Policy of Republican Empire

of caution and a recognition of limits but of a steady the World (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2001),
and determined rise to global dominance.45 pp. 3-29.
American foreign policy has always George Bush, Second Inaugural Address,
January, 20, 2005.
reflected this American character. The 3
See Norman Podhoretz, World War IV: The
description of the Athenians by the Long Struggle Against Islofascism (New York:
Corinthians in Thucydides Peloponnesian Doubleday, 2007. Cf. Michael Abramowitz, Many
War is applicable to Americans as well: Versions of Bush Doctrine: Palins Confusion in
active, innovative, daring, quick, Interview Understandable, Experts Say,
enterprising, acquisitive, and opportunistic. Washington Post, September 13, 2008; p. A01.
Like the Athenians, Americans were born Robert G. Kaufman, In Defense of the Bush
into the world to take no rest themselves Doctrine (Lexington: University Press of
and to give none to others.46 Kentucky, 2007), pp. 87-99.
The most astute critics of the Bush Robert Gilpin, The Political Economy of
International Relations (Princeton: Princeton
Doctrine recognize that attributing foreign
University Press, 1987), pp. 72 80 and 85
policy decisions to the manipulation by 92 and Gilpin, Global Political Economy:
nefarious individuals or groups or to de- Understanding the International Economic
ception, as has been charged in the case of Order (Princeton: Princeton University Press,
both Vietnam and Iraq, is seriously at odds 2001), pp. 93 100.
with the historical record. As they see it, Ethan Barnaby Kapstein, The Political
the real problem is the American character Economy of National Security: A Global
itself. As Andrew Bacevich writes in The Perspective
Limits of Power, The impulses that have (New York: McGraw Hill, 1992), p. 3.
landed us in a war of no exits and no dead- Donald Kagan, On the Origins of War and
the Preservation of Peace (New York:
lines come from within. Foreign policy has,
Doubleday, 1995), p. 570.
for decades, provided an outward manifes- 8
Samuel Huntington, Why International Primacy
tation of American domestic ambitions, Matters, International Security, Spring, 1993,
urges, and fears. For Bacevich, the Bush pp. 82-93.
Doctrine represents continuity, not innovation, Robert Gilpin, War & Change in World Politics
reflecting the accumulated detritus of (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981);
freedom, the by products of our frantic Joseph Greico, Cooperation Among Nations
pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness.47 (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1990); and
While Bacevichs jeremiad is unlikely Charles Kindleberger, The World in Depression:
to change the American character, it does 1929-1939 (Berkeley: University of California
Press, 1973).
provide a useful cautionary note. As the case 10
See Michael W. Doyle, Kant, Liberal
of Athens illustrates, states and nations can Legacies, and Foreign Affairs, Philosophy and
overreach, to their detriment. The Bush Public Affairs, Vol. 12, No. 3, Summer, 1983,
Doctrine is well within the mainstream of pp. 205235 and Kant, Liberal Legacies, and
American foreign policy and as such, is Foreign Affairs, Part 2, Philosophy and Public
likely to outlive the administration that Affairs, Autumn, 1983, pp. 323353, as well as
gives it its name, but as with any approach Doyle, Ways of War and Peace (New York:
in international affairs, it must be guided W.W. Norton, 1997). For a critique, see
by prudential considerations. Christopher Layne, Kant or Cant: The Myth of
the Democratic Peace, International Security,
Autumn, 1994, pp. 549.
Notes 11
Bill Clinton, State of the Union speech, Jan.
Walter Russell Mead, Special Providence:
25, 1994,
American Foreign Policy and How It Changed

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Mackabin Thomas Owens

109th Congress, 1st Session, S. 516, Advance Writings (New York: Library of America,
Democracy Act. 1984), p. 1517.
13 21
Francis Fukuyama, America at the Crossroads: Lincoln, The Dred Scott Decision, Speech
Democracy, Power, and the Neoconservative at Springfield, June 26, 1857, Roy Basler, ed.,
Legacy (New Haven: Yale University Press, Abraham Lincoln: His Speeches and Writings
2006), p. 48. (New York: Da Capo, 1946), p. 360.
14 22
Andrew Bacevich, The New American Ibid., p. 361.
Militarism: How Americans Are Seduced by Robert Kagan, Neocon Nation:
War (New York: Oxford University Press, Neoconservatism c. 1776, World Affairs
2005), p. 71. Journal, Spring 2008, http://www.worldaffairs
Cf. Leo Strauss, The City and Man (Chicago: /2008%20 %20Spring/full
The University of Chicago Press, 1978). neocon.html.
16 24
See Federalist Number 1, in which Publius Republican Party Platform of 1900, June 19,
(Hamilton) addresses the issue concerning the 1900.
fate of an empire in many respects the most index.php?pid=29630.
interesting in the world. It has been frequently Louis Auchincloss, ed., Theodore Roosevelt:
remarked that it seems to have been reserved to Letters and Speeches (New York: Library of
the people of this country, by their conduct and America, 2004).
example, to decide the important question, Cited in Kagan, Neocon Nation.
whether societies of men are really capable or To Henry Laurens, November 14, 1778, in
not of establishing good government from Jared Sparks, ed., Washingtons Writings, Vol.
reflection and choice, or whether they are VI (New York: Harper and Brothers Publishers,
forever destined to depend for their political 1847), p. 108.
constitutions on accident and force. Cf. Karl John Lewis Gaddis, Surprise, Security, and
Friedrich Walling, Republican Empire: Alexander the American Experience (Cambridge: Harvard
Hamilton On War and Free Government University Press, 2004, p. 13.
(Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1999) Gaddis, Ending Tyranny: The Past and
and Patrick Garrity, Foreign Policy and The Future of an Idea, The American Interest, Vol.
Federalist, in Charles Kesler, ed., Saving the 4, No. 1, September/October 2008. http://www.
Revolution: The Federalist Papers and the American
Founding (New York: Free Press, 1987). 59&MId=21.
17 30
Thomas Jefferson to George Rogers Clark, Gaddis, Surprise, Security, and the American
December 25, 1780, in Julian P. Boyd, ed., Experience, p. 15.
Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 4 Federalist Nos. 4 and 5.
(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1951) pp. To Abigail Adams, June 30, 1811,
237-238. Cf. Robert W. Tucker and David C. Worthington Chauncey Ford, ed., Writings of
Hendrickson, Empire of Liberty: The Statecraft of John Quincy Adams (New York: Macmillan,
Thomas Jefferson (New York: Oxford University 1914), Vol IV, p. 128.
Press, 1990). Gaddis, Surprise, Security and the American
Robert Kagan, Dangerous Nation: Americas Experience, p. 24.
Place in the World From Its Earliest Days to the Farewell Address, September 19, 1796, in
Dawn of the Twentieth Century (New York: William B. Allen, ed., George Washington: a
Knopf, 2006). Collection (Indianapolis: Liberty Classics,
Robert B. Strassler, The Landmark Thucydides: 1988), pp. 524-525.
A Comprehensive Guide to the Peloponnesian Quoted in Samuel Flagg Bemis, John Quincy
War (New York: Free Press, 1996), Book 5, Adams and the Foundations of American Foreign
section 89, p. 352. Policy (New York: Knopf, 1949), p. 385.
20 36
Jefferson to Roger C. Weightman, June 24, Gaddis, Surprise, Security, and the American
1826, in Merrill D. Peterson, ed., Jefferson, Experience, pp. 24-26.

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
The Bush Doctrine: The Foreign Policy of Republican Empire

37 44
Walling, e-mail to the author. Walling argues Examples of realist thought, both classical and
that the logic of preemption found in the neo, include Kenneth M. Waltz, Theory of
Declaration originates in John Lockes Second International Politics (Reading MA: Addison
Treatise on Government. Wesley, 1979); Stephen M. Walt, Taming
Daniel Walker Howe, What Hath God American Power: The Global Response to US
Wrought: The Transformation of America, Primacy (New York: Norton, 2005); John J.
1815-1848 (New York: Oxford University Mearsheimer, The Tragedy of Great Power
Press, 2007), pp. 111-116. Politics (New York: Norton, 2001); Hans J.
Adams to Don Luis d Onis, July 23, 1818, Morgenthau, Politics Among Nations: The Struggle
in Ford, Writings of John Quincy Adams, Vol. for Power and Peace, 6th edition, Revised by
VI, pp. 386 394; and Adams to the President, Kenneth Thompson (New York: Knopf, 1985);
July 8, 1818, Ibid., p. 304. George F. Kennan, Realities of American Foreign
Gaddis, Surprise, Security, and the American Policy (Princeton: Princeton University Press,
Experience, p. 18. 1956); and Henry A. Kissinger, Diplomacy (New
George Bush, Graduation Speech at the US Air York: Simon and Schuster, 1994).
Force Academy, June 2, 2004, http://www.white Kagan, Neocon Nation.
46 Strassler, The Landmark Thucydides, Book
Meade, Special Providence, pp. 174 217. 1, Sec. 5, p. 40.
43 47
On the Old Republicans, see Norman K. Andrew J. Bacevich, The Limits of Power:
Risjord, The Old Republicans: Southern The End of American Exceptionalism (New
Conservatism in the Age of Jefferson (New York: Metropolitan Books, 2008), p. 5.
York: Columbia University Press, 1965).

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009

Learning from the Obama Campaign:

reply to W. Frederick Zimmerman
(A historical and political lesson plan)

Anca Parmena OLIMID

Abstract: The present article discusses the context of the presidential

campaign in the United States in 2008. in particular, the analysis
examines the implications of the campaign of candidate of the
Democratic Party, Barack Obama, starting from the experiment of W.
Frederick Zimmerman in his paper Should Barack Obama Be
President?. The authors analysis looks at three essential aspects: the
identity of the future president; the particular aspects of his speech on the
occasion of the Democratic Convention of 2004 and the organization of
the campaign.
Keywords: presidential campaign, community, political behavior, public
opinion, participation.

arack Obama is among the youngest continues that each short chapter heading,
U.S. presidents. A growing body of like the one above, is a simple statement of
scholarly literature examines the political fact about Barack Obama, carefully phrased
context of Obamas election. Much of this to be (mostly) politically neutral: e.g. <His
research examine the implications of Obamas name is Barack> or < He is the Senator
presidential campaign for public opinion and from Illinois>1.
political life. In particular, an experiment The pro-arguments that Obama should
by W. Frederick Zimmerman showes that be President are written by Ned Roots, an
Obamas exposure to public opinion enhanced optimistic Democratic blogger. Overall, in
voters confidence in their ability to under- response to Zimmermans book, the present
stand political change. In his book Should article also takes seriously the perspectives
Barack Obama Be President? (Nimble Books and objections raised by Trog L. ODyte (an
LLC edition, 2006), Zimmerman makes a intensely Republican blogger to pro arguments
simple but very important analysis of all raised by Ned Roots). Zimmermans analysis
arguments pro and con on the subject of raises a fundamental question: Should
Senator Obamas sustainability for the office Obama Be President?, providing innovative
of President of United States. The author materials on special topics like:
claims that this is a <living> book, offering 1. Barack Obama is African-American. In
new information and new perspectives. He particular, Zimmerman reviews John
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Learning from the Obama Campaign: reply to W. Frederick Zimmerman

McWhorthers essay in New York Sun Obamas ascension to the Presidency that
identifying the key issues of this topic: captured public attention over time and
The key factor that galvanizes people second, we analyze Obamas presidential
around the idea of Obama for president campaign by reviewing the past challenges
is, quite simply, that he is blackTake across different new perspectives6.
away Mr. Obamas race and hes some So far it has been suggested that there
relatively anonymous rookie2; are distinctive features of the Barack
2. Barack Obama is Irish-American (Thats Obama campaign. Minimally, a number of
Mister OBama To You!). Times London authors have recognized the importance of
identified that United States has a methods of increasing voter participation
long tradition of presidential hopefuls in American low and moderate income
drawing on their Irish connection to communities in 2004 election.
win votes3; Equally, there is no clear answer Was
3. Barack Obama gave the keynote speech there a particular presidential model cam-
at the 2004 Democratic Convention4; paign?. In his article Case Study: Chicago-
4. Barack Obama had a well organized The Barack Obama Campaign, published
and publicized clash with John McCain. in Social Policy, Toni Foulkes argues that
At the same time, Eilleen Appelbaum Obama started building the base of his
offers a tough, but more important, a special campaign years before (the race for U.S.
theory on Obamas unexpected appeal across Senate in 2004). He also argues that there
traditional American political model: The were two central dimensions of the leader-
election of Barack Obama on November ship training sessions: the involvement of
4th to serve as the next president of the active volunteers around the 2004 March
USA was a triumph of hope over history primary elections; the evolution of Obamas
for America This is widely recognized campaign from a nonpartisan electoral work
as a transformation moment in the history to an increasing voter participation.
of the USA and perhaps, the world. The In 2004, Foulkes also notes that in
neo-liberal model which views greed as the March primary was not particularly
good and wealth as reward for virtue, important for the presidential race, as
which belives that markets possess infinite Kerry was just in the process of clinching
wisdom and regulation and unions can the Dem presidential campaign nomination.
only detract, and which discredits every But it was critical in the U.S. Senate race.
objection to rising inequality and upward On March 16th, State Senator Barack Obama
redistribution of income as an unwarranted won the right to represent the Democratic
assault on the class that creates prosperity5. Party in the U.S. Senate campaign Sen.
With all these in mind, the present Obama went on a keynote the Democratic
article proposes the following hypothesis Convention in July and was catapulted to
about the relationship between the ex- the national stage7. Next, it might be argued
posure to public opinion and political par- that still underdeveloped, the African-American
ticipation in presidential elections: ex- communities are becoming increasingly
posure to Internet and technology is important. Nevertheless, as Foulkes observed,
positively related to political participation. distinctively in Chicago, such commu-
Our analysis takes into account the nities exerted a positive impact on voters
potential influence of self-identification knowledge about Obamas campaign. For
factors in campaign in two ways: first, we instance, ACORN is active on the south
review all major challenges involved in and west sides of Chicago, in the south

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Anca Parmena Olimid

suburbs and the east side of Springfield, primary campaign. Commenting on March
the state capital. Moreover, ACORN makes primary campaign, Foulkes notes that
provision for the African-American commu- ACORN was involved in there distinctive
nities, with a growing Latino presence in activities (first, block captains were identified
Chicagos Little Village and the suburb8. and provided with lists of registered and
As noted before, in the case of unregistered voters and voter registration
African-American communities, open and materials; second, block captains went to
responsive are synonyms. Foulkes argues work to turn out vote; third, in some pre-
that the voting patterns in these commu- cincts in the 15th ward, it was possible to
nities paint a somewhat optimistic picture hire canvassers to work on voter turnout9
of increasing participation in 2004 March (see Figure 1).

Figure 1. Voter Turnout, Chicago Primaries 2003-200410

Registered 04

Registered 03

Number of

Change in
Ballots 04

Ballots 03




15TH 24956 7832 31% 27602 6572 24% 19% 31,8%
24TH 30259 11137 37% 34763 9376 27% 19% 36,5%
1334909 51248238% 38% 1436286 483993 34% 6% 13,9%

Other research has examined the im- political action that includes but is not
plications of watching Obamas political limited to electoral politics, social and
life and career for public opinion. On the political movements, interest group activi-
basis of this finding, Dupuis and Boeckelman ties, and the role of voting blogs in
reveal a new challenge for exploring such American elections12. Finally, Dupuis and
complexities: Barack Obama is both icon Boeckelman expose the role of Internet in
and enigma, which may explain his instant 2008 elections and the influence on poli-
appeal in American culture11. Overall, the tical interest. Moreover, the authors argue
authors also capture the early political that the use of Internet and high techno-
career of President Obama culminating in logy revolutionized the universally model
his meteoric political race for the U.S. of political campaign. Obamas presidential
Senate. Dupuis and Boeckelman analyze campaign mobilized Internet resources in
the evolution of his distinctive rhetorical ways never imagined. Additionally, it used
style and the patterns of the political evo- technology to its fullest reflecting the realities
lution developed between 1996 and 2004 of the real America. Dupuis and Boeckelman
and the presidential campaign between test their arguments by focusing on public
2007 and 2008. The authors take a deli- opinion polls/surveys conducted by the
berate tack toward a broader definition of The Pew Internet and American Life Project13.

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Learning from the Obama Campaign: reply to W. Frederick Zimmerman

Is Dupuis and Boeckelmans argument to dispute in respect of the Democratic

persuasive? The Pew Research and Ame- nominee for president of Barack Obama
rican Life Project report that with the 2008 and the historical significance for the black
elections, 46% of Americans used the community of the election of Jane Byrne -
Internet, text messaging, e-mail, cell-phones Chicagos first female mayor. In fact,
to obtain information about the 2008 contrary to Obamas assertion that a view
presidential campaign; also 35% preferred that sees white racism as endemic is a
to watch online political videos, 10% say profoundly distorted view of the country,
thay have used social networking sites Harlow argues that social science has
such as Facebook or Myspace, and 39% of conclusively established that racism is, in
online Americans have used the Internet to fact, endemic; it is an existing structural
access unfiltered campaign materials14. phenomenon, not simply an individual
Finally, amongst the multiple comments, level occurrence of the past. Racism
one useful article to read is from the Campaign consists of the beliefs and institutional
Strategy Newsletter 46 November 200815. arrangements that reinforce the superiority
On the other hand, the first comment is to and the inferiority of one racial group
draw attention to the limits that the Cam- relative to another19.
paign Strategy Newsletter set on its depen- Regarding the matters of social equality
dence to networking (see Duane Raymond and full citizenship, Harlows article contains
article on FairSay16). At this point, the a synthesizing reference to history, culture
author argues that it is worth taking consi- and tradition: the possibility of Mr.
dering how Obama Campaigns networking Obama as the first black president presents
was able to raise $650milion USD17. a feel good scenario that people want to
Furthermore, Duanes article leads us to a embrace; however the symbolic representation
simple but important conclusion. And as of racial equality/national healing that he
many had pointed all along, this Obama provides is simply that symbolic, not real20.
Campaigns networking developed a In other words, Harlows article examines
seven steps campaign strategy: the sources of Obamas 2008 Democratic
1. Interest on collecting email and/or nominee for president. In addition, it sizes
personal contact; across space and time the experience of the
2. Data stored in databases in order to easy American Dream fulfilled by describing the
targeting; temporal dynamics in his political evolution.
3. A complex campaign networking from Harlow then discusses that changing
donating to organizing; entrenched social and economic inequality
4. The total support of volunteers and staff; does nothing to remove the structure of
5. Focusing on recruiting supporters and inequality that exists in United States.
mobilizing them on election day; Harlow reports that certain features of
6. Initiative to ask for small donations constitutional design had a significant
from new and existing donors; effect on the existing structural pheno-
7. Use of internet as a system that menon of systemic racism.
harvests video, accompanying media and As Harlow observes, these represen-
sets of temporal and social contextual tations represent a feel good scenario
information18. that people, the world over will embrace in
Roxannna Harlow, former Associate order to reestablish the illusion of racial
Professor of Sociology at McDaniel diversity. One example that partially illustrates
College in Westminster, Maryland is hard this logic is the Obamas nomination, a

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Anca Parmena Olimid

real proof of the fulfillment of the promise Keith Boeckelman argue that Obamas
of freedom and justice for all American campaign included larger themes like citizen-
citizens. Nevertheless, Harlows normative ship and political engagement, advocating
conclusions regarding racism within the that American citizens have a civic res-
context of the American political philoso- ponsibility to go beyond the vote and gain
phical theory are significant because they a deeper and complex understanding of the
contribute to eliminate the disparities in political debate26.
the long history of discrimination in the Ceaser, Busch and Pitney report that
criminal justice system21. there are two main questions flowing from
Consequently, more different opinions the results of the 2008 elections. The first
are rediscovered and codified by political regards why the election of Barack Obama
agents and analysts of the present. From in 2008 spell the end to nearly thirty years
this perspective of temporality, the American generally referred to as the Reagan era?
dialogue about race has to move in a And the second question regards the
way that real and significant22. Analyzing effects of these elections for the beginning
the temporal aspect of Obamas primary of a long-term electoral realignment in
campaign, Carmen R. Lugo-Lugo and favor of the Democratic Party27. Without
Mary K. Bloodsworth-Lugo report three judging the performance of the future
different phenomena related to time, history, president, the authors discover six keys to
culture that need to be distinguished: the success of Barack Obama:
1. The Democratic nominee of Barack 1. Barack Obama combined the two
Obama served as canvas over which major themes in 2008 election which
constructions of terrorism, post- were change and post-partisanship.
September 11th anxieties and fears of The 2008 presidential campaign elaborated
renewed terrorist (and anti-American) major issues as the economy, the national
threats23; security, health reform proposals, but
2. The disturbing pattern in which the also it was notable for the absence of
image of Barack Obama was used to an appeal to the programmatic level28.
maintain a climate of fear of the browned The authors observed that neither
anti and un-American body24. Obama or McCain adopted an ideo-
In regard to the relationship between logical label akin to Clintons New
political behavior and the individual expe- Democratic Agenda or to Bushs com-
rience, Wanda V. Parham-Payne makes a passionate conservatorism29;
case for interpreting the 2008 elections 2. Barack Obama was an individual can-
according to the individual experiences or didate by comparison with recent
conditions of black women. Overall, the candidates for the presidency Bob
author argues that while focus group parti- Dole, Al Gore, John Kerry or George
cipants acknowledged in general the W. Bush who proved by the end of
historical importance of Clintons candidacy, the campaign an extraordinary and
participants contended that the gains and remarkable flexibility. Looking back
successes of the Obama campaign are of the authors argue that Obama first
even greater, historical importance25. impressed a national audience in 2004
Numerous studies show the relation- Democratic convention. Yet Obamas
ship between self-identification to the speech prefigured the message for unity
community and the political participation. shifting his position on issues as the
As mentioned before, Martin Dupuis and
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Learning from the Obama Campaign: reply to W. Frederick Zimmerman

position on guns, the revion of the Foreign are the highest for a candidate and a
Intelligence Surveillance Act etc.; party since the Pew Center first asked
3. The innovation in campaign organization. the voters to grade the candidates
As mentioned before, Obamas staff and their parties in 1988;
recruited only quality staff creating a - Overall, two-thirds of voters say
tactical network across regions. Obamas they were of fairly satisfied with the
agenda included more readily issues choice of candidates in 2008 (95%
available to be organized such as college of Obamas voters say they are
youth, highly educated professional, satisfied with their choices and
and issues activities who opposed the nearly 69% of his Obamas report
Iraq War30. very satisfied)31;
A Pew Center Research Center for the - Furthermore, 76% of voters who
People & the Press released in gave a mark to Barack Obama said
November 2008 reported that voters he earned an A or B the way he
award very high marks to Obamas organized himself the presidential
campaign and the Democratic Party campaign32 (see Figure 2. Campaign
organization: Ratings - Among voters who gave
- The survey reports that the marks an answer33).
awarded to the Democrat candidate

Figure 2. Rating the Parties-Among voters who gave an answer

(% Who Rated Each an A or B)






0 50 100 150 200 250

Barack Obama Democratic Party John McCain Republican Party

4. The question of identity as the central identified as the Democrat candidate

theme of his personal development. who also happened to be black34.
Many authors argued that Barack Talbot adds that his oratory renowned
Obama chose the African-American and his presidential campaign ware
identity. This element of the key in the filled with inspirational talks to tens of
presidential equation: at the outset of thousands of supporters35.
the 2008 campaign, many analysts 5. Obamas speech about race. Many
raised questions about Obamas real commentators considered Obamas
support for the black community; speech as the starting point for the
moreover, Obama had to deal with great dialogue about race in United
comments regarding the need to be States. The racial aspect was the posi-

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Anca Parmena Olimid

tive argument in Obamas campaign network and four principal national

in two important dimensions. First, it newspapers (Time, Newsweek and the
was the crucial support inside the New York Times and Washington Post).
Democratic Party in difficult primary Furthermore, a study released by the
moments such as South and North Pew Research Centers Project for
Carolina. Second, it provided the Excellence in Journalism in October
sentiment of moral authority. Also the 2008 looked at the medias 2008
sense of commitment to religious plu- coverage and found that McCain
ralism inspired the idea of the pro- received a more negative than positive
gressive instinct in the present injustice36. media coverage between the GOP
Talbot argues that in a Pew Research convention and the final debate. The
Center Poll conducted in March 2008, study also reported that media favored
80% found Obama inspiring and 78% the Democratic candidate over the
found him honest, patriotic and down- Republican (See Most voters Sat
to-earth37. News Media Wants Obama To Win.
6. In conclusion, Barack Obama enjoyed Joe the Plumber a Top Campaign
the support of the three television Story, released October 22, 2008).

Table 1. Most voters Sat News Media Wants Obama To Win. Joe the Plumber a Top
Campaign Story, released October 22, 200838 .Question 1: Who Does Media Favor in
the 2008 Election? (Based on Registered Voters)

Who does most 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008

reporters want to
see win?
Obama/Democrat 52 59 47 50 70
McCain/Republican 17 17 23 22 9
Neither 5 3* 6 6 8
Dont know 26 21 24 22 13

Notes Challenge of Obamas Blackness in Journal of

W. Frederick Zimmerman, Should Barack Black Studies, Vol. 38, September 2007, pp.
Obama be president? Dreams from my father, the 64-74.
audacity of hope, Obama in '08?, Ann Arbor, W. Frederick Zimmerman, op. cit., p. 22.
Nimble Books LLC, 2007, 2006, pp. iii-xiv. See Babak Elahi, Grant Cos, An Immigrants
John McWhorter, The color of His Skin in Dream and the Audacity of Hope: The 2004
New York Sun, September 21, 2006 available Convention Addresses of Barack Obama and
on the New York Sun website, http://www. Arnold Schwarzenegger in American Behavioral Scientist, Vol. 49, November 2005, pp. 454-
See also Ron Walters, Barack Obama and the 465; Deborah F. Atwater, Senator Barack
Politics of Blackness in Journal of Black Obama: Rhetoric of Hope and the American
Studies, Vol. 38, September 2007, pp. 7-29; Dream in Journal of Black Studies, Vol. 38,
Radhika Parameswaran, Facing Barack Hussein November 2007, pp. 121-129.
Obama: Race, Globalization, and the Transnational Eilleen Appelbaum, The Obama Moment in
America in Journal of Communication Inquiry, Intereconomics, Vol. 43, No. 6, November
Vol. 33, July 2009, pp. 195-205; Charlton D. 2008, pp. 314-315.
Mcllwain, Perceptions of Leadership and the
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Learning from the Obama Campaign: reply to W. Frederick Zimmerman

See also, Randolph Burnside, Kami Marchionini, Preserving 2008 US Presidential
Whitehurst, From the Statehouse to the White Election Videos (
House?: Barack Obamas Bid to Become the Shah-IWAW2007.pdf). The authors are interested
Next President in Journal of Black Studies, in analyzing the correlation between the user
Vol. 38, September 2007, pp. 75-89. behavior on such sites and the actual social
Tony Foulkes, Case Study: Chicago - The trends and patterns. The emerging framework
Barack Obama Campaign in Social Policy, of the study focuses on 2008 US Presidential
Winter 2003, Vol. 34, No. 2, Spring 2004, Vol. Election and YouTube as the video source.
34, No. 3, pp. 49-52. Roxanna Harlow, Barack Obama and the
Ibidem, p. 50. See also Bart Schultz, Obamas (In)Significance of His Presidential Campaign
Political Philosophy: Pragmatism, Politics, and in Journal of African American Studies, Vol.
the University of Chicago in Philosophy of the 13, No. 2/2009, pp. 164-175.
Social Sciences, Vol. 39, June 2009, pp. 127-173. Ibidem, p. 164.
9 21
Ibidem. Ibidem, p. 168.
10 22
The figure is an adaptation after the figure For more details see Lawrence D. Bobo,
Voter Turnout, Chicago Primaries 2003-2004. Camille Z. Charles, Race in American Mind:
For more see, Tony Foulkes, op. cit., p. 51. From the Moynihan Report to the Obama
Martin Dupuis, Keith Boeckelman, Barack Candidacy in The ANNALS of the American
Obama, the new face of American politics, Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol.
(Series Foreword), Westport, Conn., Praeger, 621, January 2009, pp. 243-259.
2008, pp. ix-xii. For more references see Carmen R. Lugo-Lugo,
Ibidem; Jerry Harris, Carl Davidson, Obama: Mary K. Bloodsworth-Lugo, Black as Brown:
the new contours of power in Race & Class, The 2008 Obama Primary Campaign and the
Vol. 50, April 2009, pp. 1-19. U.S. Browning of Terror in Journal of African
Ibidem, p.70. American Studies, Vol. 13/2009, pp. 110-120.
14 24
Lee Rainie, Aaron Smith, The Internet and Ibidem, p. 111.
the 2008 election. Read full report on Pew Wanda V. Parham-Payne, Through the Lens
Internet & American Life Project website of Black Women: The Significance of Obamas Campaign in Journal of African American
Internet-and-the-2008-Election.aspx. Studies, Vol. 13/2009, p. 137.
15 26
See full version on line Campaign Strategy Martin Dupuis, Keith Boeckelman, op. cit.,
Newsletter. Learning From The Obama p. 34.
Campaign James W. Ceaser, Andrew Busch, John J. Pitney, Epic journey: the 2008 elections and
ampaignstrategy_newsletter_46.pdf. the American politics, Lanham, Rowman &
For more details about the subject, see Duane Littlefield Publishers, 2009, pp. 7-14.
Raymond, Obamas Win and the Power of Ibidem, p. 15.
Networking on Ibidem.
win-and-the-power-of-networking. Ibidem, p. 22.
17 31
In 2004, Obama strategically conserved all his More about the subject, The Pew Center
resources for the media challenge in the last few Research Center for the People & the Press,
weeks of the campaign being able to garner the High Marks for the Campaign, a High Bar for
publics attention in the beginning of 2004. Also Obama, Section 1: Report Card on the
in January 2003, when Obama first announced his Campaign, November 13, 2008. Full report
campaign, he had already raised close to available on The Pew Center website
$290.000 (For more details concerning the funds
raised in Obamas campaign see Martin Dupuis Moreover, Obamas ratings are compared to
Keith Boeckelman, op. cit., pp. 37-55). those of past Democratic candidates and
For more about online digital video hosting McCains ratings are compared to those of past
and sharing sources in 2008 US Presidential Republican candidates.
Election Videos in Chirag Shah, Gary Ibidem.

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Anca Parmena Olimid

34 38
Ibidem, p. 26. See more about the subject The Pew
John Talbott, Obamanomics How Bottom- Research Center for the People & the Press,
Up Economic Prosperity Will Replace Trickle- Most Voters Say News Media Wants Obama to
Down Economics, New York, Seven Stories Win. Joe the Plumber a Top Campaign
Press, 1st edition, 2008, p. 17. Story, October 22, 2008. Full report available
James W. Ceaser, Andrew Busch, John J. on
Pitney, op. cit., p. 27. wants-obama. *Includes 1% who responded
John Talbott, op. cit., p. 17. Perot.

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009

Chinas Power and Will:

The PRCs Military Strength and Grand Strategy

June Teufel DREYER*

Abstract: Chinas international behavior exhibits elements of both

threat and peaceful intentions. Greatly increased defense budgets, the
acquisition for more advance weapons systems, and certain
pronouncements of the leadership argue for the threat scenario.
Beijings efforts to enhance the PRCs soft power, its more active
participation in international problem-solving activities, and certain
pronouncements of other leaders can be taken as evidence for more
peaceful intentions. Even assuming that the leaderships motives are
not benign, a combination of domestic weaknesses and foreign
resistance could thwart them. The future is not predictable.
Keywords: economic development, decollectivization, capabilities,
trade, foreign affairs.

hina does not seek hegemony or Since some of the PRCs actions indi-
predominance in world affairs. It advocates cate movement in one direction and others,
a new international political and economic sometimes simultaneously, in another direction,
order, one that can be achieved through in- it becomes difficult to distinguish trend
cremental reforms and the democratization of
from countertrend. Consequently, it is easy
international relations.1 Chinas actions, most
notably its military buildup, have caused observers for an analyst to find evidence that fits his
to question he validity of such statements.2 or her previously held opinion. Is China
peacefully rising, as the author of the first
* June Teufel Dreyer is Professor of quote argues, or is China a threat, which is
Political Science at the University of Miami implicit in the second?
(Florida). She is the author of Chinas Political
System: Modernization and Tradition, 6th Military Spending and Social Costs
edition (Longman, 2008), as well as numerous Certainly, evidence exists for the threat
articles on the Chinese military and foreign scenario. Beginning in 1989, Chinese mili-
policy.This article is reprinted with authors tary budgets have risen by double-digit
permission from Orbis, Fall 2007 (published amounts every year except 2003. In that
by Elsevier Limite don behalf of Foreign Policy year, the increase was only 9.6 percent.
Research Institute), pp. 647-660. Moreover, significant military-related ex-
penditures do not appear in the announced
defense budget at all. These invisible costs

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
June Teufel Dreyer

include weapons procured from abroad; and could not find comparable accommo-
subsidies to the defense industry; funding dations.
for paramilitaries including the Peoples Rapid economic development meant
Armed Police and the militia; some defense- increased pressure on the already-
related construction projects; and certain beleaguered environment. More factories
administrative costs such as payments to produced more pollution, and concerns
demobilized personnel. It is difficult to with short-term profits typically out-
calculate how large these items are. And weighed concerns about long-term conse-
analysts disagree over purchasing power quences such as deteriorating air quality,
parity conversion.3 Most estimates cluster drinkable water, and the expansion of deserts.
around defense expenditures that are two The health care system, which ranged
to three times the reported total. These from barely adequate in urban coastal areas
increases, moreover, occurred at the Cold to almost non-existent in rural locales,
Wars end, a time when, defense budgets further deteriorated with agricultures de-
in most other countries were decreasing collectivization. And where the one-child
dramatically. Since no foreign power showed family planning policy succeeded, the po-
interest in invading the PRC, the country pulation began to age. Demographers consider
faced no external threat that would justify a population aged if those over 60 years of
these costs. The most recently announced age exceed 10 percent of the population;
defense budget, up 17.8 percent to 350 for China, the percentage is 11.3 percent.4
billion yuan or about 45 billion over 2006 Older citizens create greater demands on
figures, puts the PRCs military expen- the medical system, as do the growing
ditures second only to the United States, environmentally related health problems.
although far behind it. Beijings leadership has acknowledged
Money spent on defense means that that these problems exist. Yet while the
fewer funds are available for Chinas many Chinese government has stated frankly that it
internal problems. The countrys agricultural lacks sufficient funds to adequately address
areas face serious problems, including a these health concerns, it has continued to
growing gap between urban and rural authorize larger military budgets.
incomes; peasant anger at taxes and other The government has justified growing
proliferating fees; misappropriation of their defense expenditures by arguing that it is
land by developers and local officials; and only compensating for the countrys rising
a shortage of rural credit. In urban areas, inflation. However, the increments in defense
the economic restructuring that occurred spending have occurred even when the eco-
when the PRC abandoned the planned nomy has experienced deflation, and have
economy, in favor of a market-based system, usually exceeded inflation rates. During the
ended the previous regime of virtually decade ending in 2006, defense spending
guaranteed employment. While breaking increased by double digits annually an
the iron rice bowl helped make the average of 13.7 percent after accounting
economy more efficient, tens of millions for inflation. The cumulative effect of the
of workers were displaced into tight job decade was to virtually quadruple real
markets. The newly unemployed often defense expenditures.5
found that their pensions had disappeared
as well. Often they were evicted from their Military Capabilities
homes by ambitious development efforts, The mere expenditure of funds does
not guarantee a more powerful military.
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Chinas Power and Will...

However, a consensus exists that the While it has been fashionable to con-
Peoples Liberation Army (PLA, the term clude such analyses by pointing out that,
includes naval, air force, marine, and missile for all its increased capabilities, the PLA is
forces as well as ground troops) has in- no match for the United States military,
creased its capabilities dramatically in this is to argue the question in the wrong
many areas. Pay raises and improved way. The Chinese government has no
living conditions for officers and men have intention of challenging the United States
enhanced the attraction of military service. in a global confrontation. One analyst, whose
Training exercises have become more study focused on the navy but could be
sophisticated. But nowhere have the generalized into a broader scenario, points
expenditures been more visible than in the out that on any given day, American forces
PLAs equipment budget. Between 1997 in the western Pacific may be surprisingly
and 2006, annual spending on equipment weak, depending on maintenance status
increased from 3.1 billion to 12.3 billion and commitments in the Indian Ocean and
i.e., quadrupling in real terms, just as the Persian Gulf. Windows of opportunity
defense budget did. During this period, the would be available for Beijing to benefit
Chinese military acquired new surface from its new naval power.8
combatants and submarines; modern fighter Other events that underscore the
jets; air-to-air refueling aircraft; satellites; progress of military modernization include
unmanned aerial vehicles; and a variety of the PLAs unveiling of its newest fighter
ballistic, cruise, and tactical missile systems. jet, the multirole J-10, and its successful
According to the 2006 U.S. Department test, in January 2007, of a ground-based
of Defense annual report on the PRCs medium-range ballistic missile to destroy a
military power, Chinas acquisitions suggest weather satellite orbiting more than 500
that it is generating capabilities that are miles in space. The J-10, introduced with
applicable to various regional contingencies great fanfare the same month, was des-
including Taiwan, other territorial disputes cribed as a role reversal in the global arms
with several countries that include U.S. industry, with analysts expressing surprise
allies, and access to natural resources.6 at Chinas speed in moving from an arms-
Foreign naval analysts describe the PRC importing country to one with real promise
as an emerging maritime power, pointing as a producer of cutting-edge military
out that emphasis on photogenic plat- technology.
forms, like new submarines, may have By contrast, there was no initial
distracted attention from more mundane announcement of the anti-satellite test. News
but potentially lethal progress in areas such was leaked to the magazine Aviation
as mine warfare. They assess that, relying Week and Space Technology, presumably
heavily on sea mines, the Peoples Liberation by sources within the U.S. Department of
Army Navy (PLAN) is already fully Defense. Beijings confirmation came
capable of blockading not only Taiwan but only after American officials hinted that
many other crucial sea lines of commu- the PLA might have carried out the test
nication in the western Pacific area. without the knowledge of high-ranking
Assisted by other emerging capabilities, government officials.
these advances in mine warfare amount to At the same time, the PLAs National
a deadly serious challenge to American Defense University was hosting a ten-day
power in East Asia.7 conference on informationized military
training.9 Since the Gulf War of 1991, its

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
June Teufel Dreyer

journals have discussed the need to be able percent per annum for most of the last 25
to fight a technologically superior enemy years are cumulatively spectacular.
that possesses aircraft carriers. Most ob- These have wrought great changes, many
servers consider the United States the only of them positive. Shanghais futuristic
plausible foe fitting the general strategic skyline is regularly featured in collages
rubric of fighting and winning local wars advertising the Asian century, and those
under conditions of informationalization.10 who witnessed Shenzhen transformation
The U.S. Department of Defense Report from vistas of water buffalo and lotus
describes the PLA as targeting surface ponds to seemingly limitless rows of
ships and submarines at longer ranges, and gleaming high-rises continue to marvel at
notes that some Chinese analysts have stated the speed with which this process was
that, if they can seize Taiwan, the navy accomplished.
could move its maritime defensive perimeter Energy Concerns. Problems have occurred
further outward and influence regional sea as well, however. Since economic growth
lines of communication.11 This possibility is believed to blunt growing social dis-
caused concerns among the several PRC contents, the Beijing government must
neighbors who have territorial disputes with continue to provide high growth rates or
China. Japan has been most vocal among face, what it delicately refers to as, social
them, with the policy chief of Prime instability. Securing the resources necessary
Minister Abe Shinzos governing coalition, to enable factories to keep turning out
Nakagawa Shoichi, publicly stating that goods at a high speed has impelled China
[Japan] might also become just another Chinese onto world markets for energy and raw
province within twenty years or so. If Taiwan is materials, as well as to seek buyers for its
placed under [Chinas] complete influence, Japan products. While sellers of primary pro-
could be next. Thats how much China is seeking ducts typically are delighted to have new
customers, and former colonies or quasi-
In February 2007, testifying before the colonies are glad to have an alternative to
Senate Armed Services Committee, Director the mother country, concerns remain that
of National Intelligence Michael McConnell the country may just be exchanging one
stated that Chinas aim inmodernizing its imperialist overlord for another.
militarywas to achieve paritywiththe United Regarding energy, especially after sharp
States. Headded that as this modernization rises in oil prices in 2005, worries surfaced
increased, so would Chinas threat to about the rapid rise in the PRCs imports.
America.13 In 1985, the PRC was self-sufficient in
energy and a net exporter of crude oil. In
Economic Growth 1993, with demand growing and domestic
The PRCs economic growth arouses production virtually flat, it became a net
at least as much apprehension as its en- importer. By 2003, China had surpassed
hanced military capabilities. There are Japan in becoming the worlds second
concerns that, either through military or largest petroleum consumer, amid predictions
economic domination or some combination that in future decades its imports would
of the two, China intends to become the exceed those of the United States. Chinas
global hegemon of the 21st century. purchases were not solely responsible for
Although the PRCs economic growth has the spike in oil prices. There were dis-
lagged behind the countrys defense budget, ruptions in supply due to instability in
economic advances hovering around ten producer states and rising demand in other
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Chinas Power and Will...

large countries, including India, Brazil, The European Unions trade deficit
and the United States. with the PRC was 106 billion in 2005.15
But it was Chinas purchases which How to act on these complaints is un-
captured the most attention, since other clear. For example, a bill that has lan-
countries worried that both the PRCs size guished in the U.S. Senate for several
and purchasing power might deprive them years would impose a tariff of 27.5 percent
of what they considered their fair share. on all Chinese goods entering the United
This was a particular concern for India, States. This tariff would represent the mid-
with its own huge population and impressive point of a currency that is variously
recent growth trajectory. Critics pointed to estimated to be undervalued between 15
Chinese companies penchant for purchasing and 40 percent. One of the reasons this bill
equity oil oil that the firms had a pro- has not proven successful is that American
prietary right to as a result of equity owner- economists fear that it might be worsen the
ship in development projects rather than problem. Consumers like the low prices of
purchasing it on the international market. Chinese goods, and would object to
In an exceptionally blunt speech in paying more if the PRCs currency were
September 2005, then-U.S. Deputy Secretary revalued upward. Additionally, China has
of State Robert Zoellick accused Beijing invested much of its foreign exchange
of exhibiting signs of mercantilism in holdings in U.S. Treasury bills, which in
seeking to lock up energy supplies. He essence subsidizes low mortgage rates for
advised its government to take concrete American homeowners. Should Beijing
steps in addressing what he called a choose to divest these, the result would be
cauldron of anxiety in the United States, a depressed housing market and further
and elsewhere about Chinese intentions. weakening of the dollar.
The path to energy security, said Zoellick,
was not through arousing anxieties.14 The Asian Colossus of the North
Trade Frictions. Zoellick was responding, Nowhere is the issue of Chinas rise
in part, to concerns about the PRCs trade more sensitive than among its near
surpluses with the rest of the world, which neighbors. With India a salient exception,
increased an astounding 74 percent in most are dwarfed by Chinas size. Much
2006, to 177.5 billion. Americas largest as the United States is regarded by Latin
trade imbalance is with China, and reaches America, China is the colossus of the
new highs over 212.7 billion in 2006 North to Southeast Asia. While respecting
each year. Some complain that Beijing just their larger neighbor and desiring the be-
is not playing fair. Charges include that it nefits of trading with it, Southeast Asian
keeps the countrys currency at artificially states are aware at the same time that their
low rates, and that it condones gross economies may be swallowed up by the
violations of intellectual property rights PRCs. There is also a legacy of un-
costing developed countries billions of easiness due to past relationships with China
dollars each year. A study published by the under the tribute system of the imperial
European Commission complained that past. Barbarian, (i.e. non-Chinese) rulers
...securing reciprocal free and fair market in access in performed the ritual ketou (kowtow) of
China is crucial. Here, a range of obstacles to market three kneelings and five prostrations of
access and skewed conditions of competition need obeisance to the emperor, confirming ones
urgent attention. vassal status. In return, ones position as

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
June Teufel Dreyer

ruler of ones people was confirmed, and University economist Jeffrey Sachs, whose
costly gifts were given. statement that African governance is poor
Some Asians see parallels with the because Africa is poor, is quoted widely,
current practices. In 2004, when the PRC described Chinas role in the continent as
excoriated Singaporean leader Lee Hsien extraordinarily positive and important...
Loong for visiting Taiwan before taking [Beijing] has a pragmatic approach. It
over as prime minister, there were angry gives fewer lectures and more practical
albeit brief outbursts from its citizens help. The overwhelming feeling from Afri-
that their country could not be bullied can leaders is gratitude toward Chinese
into kowtow politics. A few years later, support.18 Beijing often describes its
addressing Beijings attitudes in general, a policies as aid without strings attached.
Singapore commentator said The truth, however, is more nuanced.
Contemporary Southeast Asian states did not fight Many African leaders, as distinguished
long and hard for their independence only to be from African nations, have good reason to
dominated by an external power again. They are be grateful to Beijing. Among those with
vigilant in guarding their political sovereignty . . . for most reason to be thankful for Beijings
ASEAN [The Association of Southeast Asian
Nations], the main factor shaping its attitude will be
generosity is Zimbabwes president Robert
Beijing itself, that is, whether China sends clear Mugabe. Local news media have reported
signals that it desires win-win ties based on mutual that China provided him with money to
respect and benefit. ASEAN does not want an build a mansion, even equipping it with a
expansionist, hegemonic China. multimillion dollar security radar system.
North and South Koreans, typically at Mugabe has also purchased a dozen Chinese
loggerheads over almost everything, reacted airplanes, with no obvious pressing need.
in angry harmony in 2004 after no less With Zimbabwes economy having con-
than five papers published by the PRCs tracted by a third since the 1990s, massive
Northeast Asia Project asserted that the inflation, and an unemployment rate esti-
ancient kingdom of Koguryo was a mi- mated at 70 percent, the presidents do-
nority kingdom of northeast China and mestic critics denounced expenditures on
Han Chinese in origin. In Japan, critics of such extravagances.
what they considered the excessively Many less highly-placed Africans are
accommodationist attitudes of the China angry and disappointed. Workers cheered
School in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs when Chinese companies first invested in
referred to its practices as dogeza gaiko, or Zambias struggling copper mines, but
kowtow foreign policy.17 quickly began to complain both about pay
that was substantially lower than other
Into Africa foreign-owned mines, as well as unsafe
China has invested billions of dollars working conditions. In 2005, 49 miners died
in African oil production, mining, trans- in an explosion at the Chinese-owned
portation, electricity production and trans- Chambishi mine in northeast Zambia. The
mission, telecommunications, and other accident was blamed on lax safety stan-
infrastructure. In 2004 alone, Chinas dards. In the following year, the police
direct investment in Africa represented 900 shot five mine workers while quelling a
million, or six percent, of the continents riot over working conditions. Comparable
total of 15 billion. In the decade ending in complaints came from the Chinese-owned
2005, its trade with Africa had jumped Collum iron mine in southern Zambia. The
from 4 billion to 40 billion. Columbia Mulungushi Textile Mill shut down, victim
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Chinas Power and Will...

of competition from Chinese goods. Loangas plants and animals survive. The
Chinese-made textiles and shoes are said countrys environment ministry denied
to be less sturdy than their locally-made ever approving Sinopecs environmental
competitors, but sell for far less. impact statement.
Chinese immigration into Zambia, as Human rights groups have charged
into several other African states, also China with showering aid on corrupt
caused frictions. Natives charge that Chinese regimes, and perpetuating their powerful
laborers and small business owners are taking leaders. Nowhere has there been more
jobs from Zambians. There is disagree- concern over this than in Sudan, where
ment over the size of this immigrant slavery and genocide are endemic. China
community: President Levy Mwanawasa backs the reprehensible Sudanese regime,
told parliament that there are 2,300; local whose militias use Chinese-made helicopter
economists estimate that they number at gunships based at airstrips maintained by
least thirty thousand. Chinese influence Chinese oil companies to murder the
became a major issue in Zambias October countrys black citizens. Professor Sachss
2006 presidential election. After challenger analysis notwithstanding, rather than help
Michael Sata accused his opponent of Africa emerge from poverty, the PRCs
allowing the country to become a dumping policies actually help strengthen and per-
ground for Chinese migrants, crowds petuate the kleptocracies governments of
attacked and looted Chinese shops in thieves that have contributed so heavily
Lusaka. Although Mwanawasa easily won to African poverty.
election, Sata ran well ahead in areas that Save that there are no concerns about
had been affected by Chinese influence. Chinas support of genocidal dictators,
When President Hu Jintao visited the most of the praise and criticism of the
country the following February, a planned PRCs relationships with Latin and Caribbean
visit to the countrys Copperbelt Province countries are remarkably similar to those
was cancelled to avoid protests. involving Africa. In the late 1990s, the
Issues in other African states were PRC in one case, involving Haiti, threatened
variations on common themes. In South to cast a UN Security Council veto, and in
Africa, after the expiry of a global textile a second case, with regard to Guatemala,
agreement allowed less expensive Chinese did veto but later withdrew its vote, to
goods to flood in, thousands of textile obtain Latin American states compliance
workers lost their jobs. The Chinese products with its views on Taiwan. In the former
even included machine-made copies of case, which involved extending a peace-
traditional African patterns. Jerseys and keeping mission to Haiti, a rare coalition
caps bearing the logo of the Springboks, of Latin/Caribbean states including the
pride and joy of South African sports fans, PRCs staunch ally Cuba argued that this
were also made in China. President Thabo issue must be decided on the basis of what
Mbeki warned of recolonialization. In Haiti, as a sovereign state, needed rather
Gabon, the Chinese oil company Sinopec than on external factors.
was charged with illegal exploration after Nonetheless, undoubtedly Latin America
it was discovered to be prospecting for oil and the Caribbean have commodities for
in the Loango nature reserve. The company which there is a market in the PRC. Over
was accused of dynamiting and polluting the past five years, the PRC has signed
the park, tearing up the forest to create various energy, natural resource, economic,
roads, and destroying the habitat in which and tourism agreements intended to secure

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
June Teufel Dreyer

access to needed materials, as well as to accession to the World Trade Organi-

bolster its regional presence. Latin and zation. Its governments fears were quickly
Caribbean producers of these commodities borne out. The maquiladoras, factories
were delighted to cooperate with Beijing, that imported both components and raw
which was not only an eager buyer for materials duty-free from the United States
their products but pledged to upgrade and then reexported the finished products
regional infrastructures, while providing a to America, were forced out of business by
counterweight against Washington as well. lower Chinese wages that produced lower-
Producers of primary products such as priced goods, even after transportation costs
soybeans and wool were especially pleased. had been included. Factories relocated to
Two-way trade has grown by an astounding the PRC. Even such iconic products as the
average of 25.4 percent annually over the national flag and statues of the countrys
past five years, to 50.5 billion, with the patron saint, the Virgin of Guadaloupe,
greatest increases in the most recent years. virtually all were being imported from the
Latin and Caribbean states typically enjoyed PRC.
favorable trade balances. Factories have closed in Central America
Concerns remain, however, that the for similar reasons. Brazil also has lost
stronger PRC-Latin/Caribbean relations might several hundred thousand lower-end jobs
be pushing the region on to a regressive to China. Manufacturers of higher-end
path. Many Latin American countries have products are concerned as well. After the
made strenuous, and costly, efforts over Brazilian government agreed to recognize
the past half century to diversify away China as a market economy, the influential
from what they regard as excessive reliance Industrial Federation of Sao Paolo criti-
on commodity production. This produc- cized the action as a political decision that
tion is subject to unpredictable sharp swings could leave the countrys economy in a
in supply and demand, resulting in price vulnerable position and bring prejudicial
volatility that complicates economic planning. consequences to various sectors.
It also leaves little room for advances in As if in confirmation, Brazils trade
labor productivity, more unbalanced social surplus with China decreased by 51 percent
structures, and greater disparities in income in the months following its grant of market
distribution. economy status (MES) to the PRC. Other
China has been buying the regions adverse consequences could follow. Under
raw materials and sending back manufac- World Trade Organization rules, it be-
tured products that it can turn out more comes more difficult to impose penalties
cheaply than regional producers. This pattern on MES countries for dumping goods.
is eerily reminiscent of the dpendencia Brazilian businesses worry not only about
theorists analyses of the 1970s: that imperialist the PRCs inroads into the domestic
powers were forcing less developed nations market, but also about their countrys
into specializing in commodity production. ability to continue exporting products like
Hence, these nations would never be able shoes and automobiles that Brazil has had
to generate the self-sustaining capital needed previous success with.
to achieve economic take-off, remaining Argentina, which also granted MES to
permanently poor and dependent on the China during Hu Jintaos November 2004
imperialist powers. visit, saw its imports from the PRC
Mexico, fearing Chinese competition, increase by 70 percent while its exports
was the last country to agree to the PRCs expanded only 20 percent. In retaliation, in
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Chinas Power and Will...

August 2005, President Nstor Kirchners internationally benign image, such as the
government enacted licensing requirements panda.20 Spokespersons also describe the
on Chinese shoes and toys. PRCs development as being helpful to
In many cases, Latin American critics those countries that cooperate with it.
have charged, investment funds that were China has sought to establish its image
promised do not materialize. Where they as a responsible world citizen in other
have, charges have been leveled that the ways, as well. Beijing agreed to host the
infrastructure construction serves the PRCs six-party talks on North Korean nuclear pro-
needs, not those of the recipient country. liferation which, after protracted negotia-
Complaints abound that the Chinese bring tions, reached a tentative settlement in
in their own labor rather than hire local February 2007. Reversing its long-standing
people, and that the infrastructure projects objections to United Nations peacekeeping
pay no attention to the destruction they activities as constituting interference in the
wreak on the environment. In 2006, affairs of sovereign states, the PRC
Chinas exports to Central and South currently has more than 1,600 personnel
America exceeded its imports for the first stationed in ten countries, making it the
time. The imbalance in the PRCs favor is 13th largest contributor to UN peace-
expected to grow in 2007. keeping forces.
In November 2006, Beijing hosted a
Assuaging Fears lavish and well-publicized summit meeting
China is aware of the concerns raised with 48 African nations. Leaders pledged
by its rapidly increasing international profile, to form a new strategic partnership, and
and has made efforts to assuage them. Hu Jintao vowed to address the PRCs
After it discovered that the term peaceful large trade imbalance with the continent.
rise was not having the desired effect, Beijing Millions of dollars in debt would be
replaced it with peaceful development. forgiven, and aid would be increased. Hus
Chinese premier Wen Jiabao, speaking to February 2007 trip to eight African states
a gathering of Southeast Asian states, des- sought to address criticisms that China
cribed his country as a friendly elephant.19 offered sweeteners in order to seal trade
Efforts have been made to use soft power agreements which subsequently proved to
to dispel the image of an emerging military have been detrimental to the other signers
and economic juggernaut. Confucius Insti- best interests. The Chinese president averred
tutes now exist in a number of countries. that his country had always been, and would
These institutes provide introductions to continue to be, respectful of the sove-
traditional Chinese culture, including a reignty of other countries: it believes in
version of the great sages teachings that mutual benefits to all parties concerned.
presents his native land positively. In this The PRC has also promised to try to
endeavor, Confuciuss advocacy of a datong, persuade the Sudanese government to
or great harmony, is set forth as Chinas work with the international community to
hope for the international community. The improve the human right situation in areas
institutes also assist the host countrys like Darfur. Some voices among the com-
educational institutions to offer courses in plaining countries acknowledge partial
the Chinese language. There have even responsibility for their own plight: they do
been discussions in the Chinese media not work as hard as the Chinese. Algerians
about replacing the dragon as the symbol who resent Chinese taking jobs, none-
of the country with an animal with a more theless, admit that Chinese workers will be

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
June Teufel Dreyer

a part of their labor market unless and until order, it will do so. Those who are sus-
their country improves its own labor skills. picious of Beijings intentions point to the
And a Chinese employer, who says that he advice paramount Leader Deng Xiaping
employs fifteen Zambians for every Chinese, gave to PRC foreign and security policy-
says he prefers the latter because makers in the early 1990s. Known as the
...Chinese people can stand hard work. This is a 24 character strategy, it admonishes Chinese
cultural difference. Chinese people work until they to observe calmly; secure our position;
finish and then rest. Here they are like the British; cope with affairs calmly; hide our capabi-
they work according to a plan. They have tea breaks lities and bide our time; be good at main-
and a lot of days off. For our construction company,
that means it costs a lot more.21
taining a low profile; never claim leader-
ship. The phrase, make some contributions
Chinese companies have also rejected was added later.22 A few years after, in a
charges that they are exploiters, pointing 1999 speech that was interpreted as trying
out that they take risks in investing in to restrain the countrys militants from a
markets in Southeast Asia, Africa, and more aggressive international posture, Pre-
Latin America where other countries com- sident Jiang Zemin made a statement with
panies would be reluctant to go. This vo- a similar meaning, arguing that although it
latility includes political turbulence, po- may be
tential terrorist attacks, and changeable
perfectly obvious that the wolf [unspecified, but
investment environments. To some extent, almost certainly meaning the United States and its
they have been forced to deal with less liberal democratic allies] is going to attack man, we
savory regimes to obtain oil supplies. still need to deal with the wolf. That is, we must
When a Chinese company attempted to dance with the wolf. This is the reality we must face
and the diplomatic strategy we must adopt.23
purchase American-owned UNOCAL in
2005, it was a U.S. uproar which forced a A military strategist, who has closely
cancellation of the negotiations. examined the historical, i.e. pre-1949 record,
Chinas supporters point out that, observes that Chinese strategic thought is
however much the PLAs abilities have characterized by a long tradition of denial
increased, it is no match for the United and deception. Finding resonances of this
States, and will not be for the foreseeable tradition in contemporary military doctrine
future. Moreover, it is natural for a country and outright assertions by Chinese offi-
to want to provide for its defense. More cials, he concedes that these may simply
than half of the countrys oil comes through be a concatenation of possibilities with no
the Straits of Malacca: if these should be assignable probability.24 However, for the
interdicted in time of war, Chinas eco- U.S. policymaker who must deal with the
nomic lifeline would be threatened. The near term, concatenations of possibilities
PLA Navy must prepare against such a with no assignable probability are of scant
contingency, as well as to protect the PRCs help.
other growing commercial interests.
Skeptics believe these soothing words Conclusion
disguise more militant future intentions. We cannot be sure whether to take
The PRC leaderships grand strategy, they Beijings words about its peaceful intentions
believe, is to build its economy and mi- at face value, or whether to interpret its
litary while denying any but peaceful in- actions as indicative of a coordinated mili-
tentions. When China becomes strong tary and economic strategy for world
enough to dominate the established world domination. Without certainty about the
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Chinas Power and Will...

actual nature of Chinese strategy, one Statistics of China), p. 18.

should hope for the best but plan for the /english
worst. For example, there are areas such as Richard A. Bitzinger, Is What You See
energy research and environmental im- Really What You Get? A Different Take on
Chinas Defence Budget, RSIS Commentaries,
provement where the PRC and the United
S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies,
States have been cooperating for the National Technical University of Singapore,
benefit of both.25 February 27, 2007, p. 1.
Although there is a natural tendency 6
Office of the Secretary of Defense, Annual
to give credence to protestations of peace, report to Congress: Military Power of the
such credence does not mean that these Peoples Republic of China 2006, p. 1.
views are either well formulated or widely
held among the factions that comprise the Andrew Erickson, Lyle Goldstein, and
PRCs dominant authorities.26 As noted by William Murray, Chinese Mine Warfare: The
Moeletsi Mbeki, deputy chairman of the PLA Navys Assassins Mace, China
Maritime Studies Institute, U.S. Naval War
South African Institute of International
College, draft
Affairs, China is simultaneously a tanta- manuscript, April 2006, p. 1.
lizing opportunity and a terrifying threat.27 8
Bernard D. Cole, Chinas Growing Maritime
In securing the resources it needs to Power: Implications for the United States, ed.,
continue a grand strategy of rapid military Mark Mohr, The Chinese Peoples Liberation
and economic development, the PRC must Army: Should the United States Be Worried?
perform a delicate balancing act between (Washington, D.C.: December 2006, Woodrow
playing its revolutionary role versus its Wilson International Center for Scholars, Asia
capitalist role that is, acting as the ally of Program Special Report), p. 12.
those who want a counterweight to pressures Joseph E. Lin, In A Fortnight, China Brief
(Washington, D.C.: January 24, 2007, The
from more powerful external states versus
Jamestown Foundation), p. 1.
acting as a traditional commercial stake- 10
Annual report to Congress: Military Power
holder much like those very same powerful of the Peoples Republic of China 2006, p. 13.
external states. 11
Annual report to Congress: Military Power
of the Peoples Republic of China 2006, p. 25.
MP Fears Japan May Become Mainland
1 Province, Reuters, February 28, 2007.
Bijian Zheng, Chinas Peaceful Rise to 13
Quoted in Intelligence Chief Warns of Rising
Great-Power Status, Foreign Affairs, September/
China Threat, Agence France Presse (Washington),
October 2005, p. 24.
2 March 1, 2007. Admiral McConnells prepared
Anthony H. Cordesman and Martin Kleiber,
statement is at http://armedservices. senate - gov/
Chinese Military Modernization and Force
statement/ 2007/February/ McConnell%2002-27-
Development: Main Report. (Washington, D.C.:
September 7, 2006, Center for Strategic and 14
Quoted by Glenn Kessler, U.S. Says China
International Studies), p. 1.
3 Must Address Its Intentions: How Its Power is
Calculating Chinas Defence Expenditures,
Used Is of Concern, Washington Post,
The Military Balance 2006 (London: 2006,
September 22, 2005, A 16.
International Institute for Strategic Studies), pp. 15
Commission of the European Communities,
4 Commission Working Document, Closer
Statistical Communique of the Peoples
Partners, Growing Responsibilities. A Policy
Republic of China On the 2006 National
Paper on EU-China Trade and Investment.
Economic and Social Development, (Beijing:
Brussels, October 24, 2006, p. 8. http://ec.
February 28, 2007, National Bureau of

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
June Teufel Dreyer

16 21
Kah Beng Teo, ASEAN Does Not Want an Lui Pin, cited in McCreal, February 7, 2007.
Expansionist, Hegemonic China, Straits The statement can be seen in its entirety in a
Times, February 27, 2007. number of venues, most recently Annual
The China School is considered to have lost Report 2006, p. 9.
power in recent years due to widespread Ching-shengYu, Jiang Zemin Repeatedly
dissatisfaction with these policies. See, e.g. (no Expounds Chinas Domestic and Foreign
author), Hate-China Sentiment Spreading at Policies in Three Internal Speechs Giving a
Foreign Ministry, Kyodo (Tokyo), June 9, Quick Response and Winning the Support of
2005; Hiroyasu Akutsu, Tokyo and Taipei try the Public, Ching Pao, July 1, 1999, pp. 24
to Tango, Far Eastern Economic Review (Hong 26, trans. in Foreign Broadcast Information
Kong), January/February 2007, pp. 31-35. Service/China, July 9, 1999.
18 24
Quoted in Benjamin Robertson, Into Ralph D. Sawyer, Chinese Strategic Power:
Africa, South China Morning Post (Hong Myths, Intent, and Projections, Journal of Military
Kong), September 20, 2006. and Strategic Studies (Winter 2006/07), p. 62.
19 25
Jason Leow, Wen Spells Out Chinas See June Teufel Dreyer, Sino-American
Friendly Elephant Role, Straits Times, March Energy Cooperation, Journal of Contemporary
15, 2004. China, Spring 2007, forthcoming.
20 26
See, e.g. Benjamin Robertson, Dragon Debate Sawyer, p. 61.
Reflects Beijings Growing Sense of Image, South Paul Mooney, Chinas Wooing of a Coy
China Morning Post, January 4, 2007. Africa, South China Morning Post, January 5, 2006.

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009

Taiwans Presidential and Legislative Elections

Shelley RIGGER*

Abstract: Taiwans newly-elected president, Ma Ying-jeou, is determined

to relax the tension that has gripped the Taiwan Strait for more than a
decade. His positions during the election campaign were calculated to
reassure both the Beijing government and the Taiwanese people. On the
one hand, he made it clear that he would remove barriers to improved
relations and reach out to the Chinese leadership. At the same time, he was
equally clear in his commitment to protecting Taiwans interests. Mas
positions strike a balance between preserving Taiwans de facto political
independence and moving toward a more constructive relationship with the
mainland. This approach enjoys widespread popular support in Taiwan.
Still, the devil is in the details, and implementing Mas ideas will require
cooperation from Beijing, and from other political actors within Taiwan
Keywords: independence, unification, election, popular preference,
foreign relations.

Legislative Yuan.2 In March, the party snatched

aiwans 2008 elections delivered an
unequivocal result: The Kuomin- the ultimate prize, Taiwans presidency, when
g(M)p,fy political power than at any KMT nominee Ma Ying-jeou polled 58.5
time since fully-democratic national elections percent of the vote, winning majorities in
were instituted in the early 1990s.1 18 of the islands 23 municipalities. KMT-
In January, KMT candidates captured backed executives also run seventeen muni-
53.5percent of the vote and 81 out of 113 cipalities, to the Democratic Progressive
seats in Taiwans national parliament, the Partys (DPPs) six.
The recent victories confer on the KMT
* Shelley Rigger is associate professor of
political science at Davidson College, North leadership both a popular mandate and the
Carolina. This article is based on a paper she institutional backing to implement a broad
presented to the Conference on Elections, range of policy initiatives. Although the
Political Transition and Foreign Policy in East election results undoubtedly reect colossal
Asia at the Foreign Policy Research Institute in
April, 2008 and it is reprinted with authors
public dissatisfaction with two-term incumbent
permission from Orbis, Fall 2008 (published by president Chen Shui-bian, they also re-
Elsevier Limite don behalf of Foreign Policy present a signicant afrmative vote for
Research Institute), pp. 647-660. the KMT. The KMTs opponents in both

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Shelley Rigger

races, mainly candidates of Chens Democratic Mas determination to deepen economic

Progressive Party (DPP), were at pains to engagement with the mainland was best
distance themselves from Chen. There was illustrated by the high-prole plank in his
no shortage of criticism for then President platform that calls for a cross-Strait common
Chen and his policies among his party brethren, market. The common market idea-origi-
and many DPP candidates (including the nally associated with Mas running mate,
partys presidential nominee, Frank Hsieh) Vincent Siew attracted intense criticism
espoused positions closer to Mas than from the DPP camp. According to Hsiehs
Chens. Nonetheless, large majorities preferred campaign, Mas policy would create a
KMT candidates in both elections. one China market that would ood Taiwan
The KMTs commanding position for with low-wage, socially-inferior Taiwans
the next four years raises many questions, Elections mainland Chinese workers and
three of which are addressed here: dubious Chinese capital. In the last week
What policy changes will the new ad- of the campaign, the Hsieh camp ran a
ministration likely enact regarding re- newspaper ad showing three men urinating
lations with the United States and in public; the text read With a One China
mainland China? market, our public parks will turn into public
How well does President-elect Ma Ying- toilets. In addition to the common market
jeous approach to cross Strait relations proposal, Ma also promised to open direct
and U.S.-Taiwan relations mesh with transport links between Taiwan and China
the Taiwan publics preferences? and lift investment restrictions that have
How likely is Ma to succeed in imple- driven many Taiwan companies to withdraw
menting his policies? What challenges from the Taiwan stock exchange.
will he face from the United States, On political engagement, Mas central
Beijing and his own, potentially fractious, campaign theme was his determination to
party reopen dialogue with Beijing based on the
Ma Ying-jeous approach to cross- 1992 consensus,3 an idea even more
Strait relations and US-Taiwan relations: controversial than the cross-Strait common
KMT nominee Ma Ying-jeou held his market. President Chen has attacked the
campaign themes-including his position on concept many times, and his would-be
cross-Strait relations-remarkably steady successor did the same throughout the
throughout the long presidential campaign. campaign. The DPP rejects the 1992 consensus
His mainland policy centered on a promise both on procedural grounds, claiming that
to improve economic and political re- it is a fraud that never actually happened,
lations with the PRC while preserving Taiwans and on substantive grounds, arguing that
fundamental interests-most importantly, its any formulation that binds Taiwan to a one
de facto independence as the Republic of China framework is harmful to Taiwans
China. Given the sensitivity of the issue interests. Given the high number of DPP
and the (perceived) competitiveness of the attacks against the 1992 consensus in the
race, the temptation to temporize must have 16 years since it was (allegedly) concluded,
been substantial, but Ma never retreated for Ma to insist upon this point was risky;
from his core positions. In insisting on it would have been safer for his
these positions, Ma sent costly signals presidential campaign to set the consensus
signals that could have jeopardized the aside and focus on other issues or to
election to both the Taiwan electorate obfuscate the matter.
and the PRC government. One might imagine that such calcu-
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Taiwans Presidential and Legislative Elections

lations were unnecessary, given Mas options Taiwan might adopt not an
strong lead in the polls, but in fact, KMT inevitable solution. As long as decisions
leaders were never fully condent he would about Taiwans future result from a demo-
win. Their experiences in 2000 and 2004, cratic process, he avers, he can accept any
when the KMT saw huge leads evaporate outcome. To reinforce this emphasis on
just weeks (or hours) before the voting- democracy as the basis of policy, Ma says
combined with the high number of voters there is no chance Taiwan would unify
calling themselves undecided in pre- with a non-democratic Peoples Republic
election polling-convinced KMT strategists of China. To qualify as democratic, he has
to take nothing for granted. In the last days said, the PRC government must meet
before the election, Mas campaign staffers stringent criteria including reversing its
drove themselves to distraction imagining verdicts against the Tiananmen Square
DPP dirty tricks to steal the election - protesters of 1989.
which is how they believe Chen won in Mas campaign message regarding
2004. On March 21, the New York Times unication centered on two themes. First,
reported The suppression of Tibet protests he atly stated that unication would not
by Chinese security forces, as well as be a topic for dialogue during his term of
missteps by the Nationalist Party, which ofce. This unequivocal statement, reiterated
Beijing favors, have nearly erased what regularly throughout the campaign, put
had seemed like an insuperable lead for Beijing on notice that moving too quickly
Ma Ying-jeou, the Harvard-educated lawyer to press Taiwan on unication would back-
who has been the front-runner in the race.4 re. It also reassured Taiwanese voters that
The fact that Ma refused to retreat from electing Ma would not result in precipitous
the 1992 consensus, even in this perilous changes to Taiwans status. Mas second
political environment, underscores his campaign theme was his three nos
determination to establish its legitimacy as formula: no unication, no independence,
the basis for dialogue with Beijing. no armed conict. This statement offers
The DPP pointed to Mas commitment reassurance to the PRC and to the Taiwan
to the 1992 consensus as one of many signs electorate, as it addresses the deepest fears
that the KMT candidate was more committed of each side.
to unication than to protecting Taiwans Just in case Beijing might have missed
interests. Hsiehs campaign rallies rang the point, Ma added a stinging coda at the
with accusations that Ma and the KMT end of the campaign. On March 18, with
were preparing to sell out Taiwan to the violence raging in Tibet, Ma issued a
PRC. To make their case, however, DPP statement that touched on every one of
speakers needed to ignore or dismiss the Beijings sore spots. The statement began,
many public statements in which Ma The Republic of China is a sovereign
warned Beijing to keep its expectations independent democratic state. The future
low regarding unication. These messages of Taiwan should be decided by Taiwans
constituted a second costly signal-one that 23-million people, and no intervention by
could delay or derail the progress on cross- the PRC is to be tolerated. After calling
Strait relations Ma needs to prove his PRC Premier Wen Jiabaos assertion that
mettle as president. mainland Chinese people should have a
Ma has never denied that the KMTs role in determining Taiwans status not
long-term preference is for unication, but only rude, irrational, arrogant, and absurd,
he regards unication as one of several but also self-righteous, the statement des-

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Shelley Rigger

cribed the crackdown in Tibet as a savage strait state of hostilities, reach a peace accord,
and stupid act. Ma reiterated his support and build a framework for the peaceful
for Taiwans reentry into the United and steady development of cross-strait ties,
Nations and urged Beijing to open a including the establishment of a military
dialogue with the Dalai Lama. Finally, as mutual trust mechanism, to avoid cross-
if to make sure that no sacred cow would strait military conict. The leaders also
escape the blade, Ma concluded, If the agreed to promote discussion on issues of
PRC continues its crackdown on the participation in international activities, which
Tibetan people, and if the situation in Tibet concern the Taiwan public, after cross-
continues to deteriorate, I will not, if strait consultations are resumed, including
elected President of the Republic of China, priority discussion on participation in the
rule out the possibility to stop sending our World Health Organizations activities.
delegation to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Mas campaign emphasized this last point
games.5 in its promise to work with the PRC to
If Mas campaign message to Taiwans achieve a modus vivendi on Taiwans
voters was that they should expect him to international space.7
move aggressively toward tighter cross- To call for dialogue while excluding
Strait economic relations and to seek better the issue about which ones negotiating
political relations under the 1992 con- partner ostensibly is most eager to talk, as
sensus framework, the message to Beijing Ma has done, would seem to guarantee
was equally blunt: dont expect me to failure, but the Lien-Hu agreement pro-
deliver Taiwan on a silver platter if I win. vides fodder foryears of negotiations without
By making both messages plain and ever raising the issue of unication. (The
unequivocal, Ma earned the credibility he closest the agreement comes to mentioning
needs to move toward a dialogue while unication is a call for a virtuous circle of
taking unication off the agenda. cooperation so as to bring about brilliant
That said, it is fair to ask what the and splendid prospects for the Chinese
content of this vaunted dialogue will be. Here nation.) Using interim steps the eco-
again, Mas campaign made his intentions nomic agreements and peace accord to
clear. Mas agenda for dialogue is rooted facilitate dialogue while postponing the
in an agreement KMT chair Lien Chan day of reckoning on unication is an
and CCP General Secretary (and PRC important part of the Ma Ying-jeou/KMT
president) Hu Jintao reached in Aprilie approach to cross-Strait relations-one that
2005. The two leaders joint statement reads, appears likely to meet Beijing leaderships
in part, It is the common proposition of expectations (which has signed onto this
the two parties to uphold the Consensus strategy already) and the Taiwanese peoples.
of 92, oppose Taiwan independence,6 Mas plan for cross-Strait dialogue also
pursue peace and stability in the Taiwan meshes well with Beijings current grand
Strait, promote the development of cross- strategy, which emphasizes avoiding conict
strait ties, and safeguard the interests of and preventing Taiwan from moving
compatriots on both sides of the strait. farther toward de jure independence, while
The statement also called for enhanced allowing the forces of economic inte-
economic cooperation including all- gration and political amity to pull Taiwan
round, direct and two-way three links more deeply into the PRCs orbit. The
and expressed the two sides shared desire current PRC leadership appears to place
to promote a formal ending to the cross- greater importance on neutralizing Taiwan
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Taiwans Presidential and Legislative Elections

as a threat to Chinese sovereignty than on Taiwanese and Chinese. If we gauge

coercing Taiwan into early unication.8 support for changing Taiwans status by
that metric, the trend is very different.
Mas Cross-Strait Policy and According to surveys conducted by the
Popular Preferences Election Studies Center at National Chengchi
The easiest way to argue that Mas University, the percentage calling them-
cross-Strait policies enjoy popular support selves Taiwanese has more than doubled since
is to consider the landslide victories he and 1992, from about 17 percent to over 43
his party have won this year. The elec- percent. The percentage claiming a Chinese
torate gave 58.45 percent of its votes to identity has plunged from 26 percent to
Ma after a campaign in which his positions under 5 percent.10 Many observers look at
on cross-Strait relations were challenged these gures with alarm. But the political
daily in the strongest terms his opponents scientist Yun-han Chu draws a different
could muster. Still, there were many reasons conclusion, noting for the silent majority,
for Mas success, including poor perfor- the two identities were not mutually ex-
mance by the DPP incumbent, a strong clusive [and] the younger generation
desire for political change, widespread ...turned out to be the least susceptible to
reluctance to embark on another four years the incubation of an exclusive Taiwanese
of gridlock (given the KMTs legislative identity.11
majority), powerful KMT organizations in It seems logical that the rise in
many districts, Mas own personal charisma Taiwanese identity would make islanders
and popular hopes for an economic turn- more resistant to integration and engage-
around. In short, we need more evidence ment with the mainland, but this is in fact
than Mas performance in the election to often not the case. As the percentage
be condent that Taiwan voters truly claiming a Taiwanese identity has risen,
welcome his cross-Strait policies. support for de jure independence has
In recent years, foreign observers have remained at, while support for cross-
worried that public opinion in Taiwan was Strait engagement has risen sharply. Since
moving in a dangerous direction. In 1998, 1992, the percentage of Taiwanese who
Ted Galen Carpenter noted an inexorable say the pace of cross-Strait exchanges is
trend toward independence that would lead too slow has increased from 19 percent to
inevitably to military conict. This claim 35 percent (with another 41 percent saying
was the basis for his 2006 book, Americas the pace is just right in 2008).12 In the
Coming War With China: A Collision Course same period, support for tougher regu-
over Taiwan.9 Although the percentage of lations on cross-Strait exchanges fell from
Taiwanese telling pollsters they support 57 to 44 percent, while support for loosening
immediate independence has increased the rules more than doubled, from 20 percent
little over the past decade, and large to 42 percent.13 Meanwhile, direct trans-
majorities prefer to maintain the status portation links have the support of about
quo, it is difcult to determine how much three-quarters of Taiwanese.14 As Yu-shan
of a role Chinas threats play in keeping Wu wrote of public opinion in the 1990s,
support for de jure independence low. the rapid nativization of ethnic conscious-
Some observers argue that a better ness is only partially reected in positions
measure of their true preferences is the on national identity and the independence/
percentage who identify themselves as unication question, and its inuence on
Taiwanese, rather than Chinese or both concrete policy positions [related to cross-

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Shelley Rigger

strait economic relations] is even more peaceful reconciliation has turned more
limitedPut simply, the trend toward promising, a negotiated peace between the
Taiwanization in basic ethnic consciousness two sides is still far off Democratization
has not evolved into a political demand for has reinforced the Taiwanese quest to
Taiwan independence.15 retain charge of the islands own future,
One of the most interesting and useful making the threshold for constructing a
ways of studying these issues is a method winning coalition for reunication extremely
developed by Yun-han Chu that measures high.18 If this is the case, it is not sur-
conditional preferences. In these surveys, prising that Taiwanese voters would endorse
respondents are asked whether they would a policy aimed at promoting engagement
agree with these statements: and dialogue while deferring a conver-
If the social, economic and political sation about unication to the distant future.
conditions in the mainland become
comparable to Taiwan, the two sides Implementing the Ma Ying-jeou
should become unied. Platform for Cross-Strait Relations
If Taiwan can maintain peace with Now that Taiwans electorate has
mainland China after declaring in- spoken, implementing Mas platform will
dependence, Taiwan should become a require cooperation from three other im-
new nation (state). portant constituencies: Beijing, Washington
Respondents who agree with both and the KMT. Mas campaign laid out a
statements Chu denes as open minded new approach for the KMT, one that
rationalists. Those who disagree with both emphasizes Taiwans (or the ROCs)
are strong believers in the status quo. democratic nature. The old KMT-under
Those who agree with one but disagree the leadership of Chiang Kai-shek and
with the other are committed believers Chiang Ching-kuo was a Chinese nationalist
in either unication or independence. In party (its full name, Zhongguo Guomin
the 2006 survey, 29.8 percent qualied as Dang, means Chinese Nationalist Party).
principled believers in independence (which is This identity fueled suspicions that it
to say, they would prefer independence if would be willing to sacrice Taiwan to the
it came at no cost, and they would not unicationist imperative in Chinese natio-
support unication even if the two sides nalism. It also reinforced the sense of the
were very similar) and 15.1 percent were KMT as an alien political force imposed
principled believers in unication. What is upon Taiwan, which inspired the DPP to
most interesting, however, is the largest embrace a competing ethno-nationalist
group 33.3 percent who were open- vision of Taiwans future, that of an
minded rationalists, willing to accept either independent Taiwanese state.
outcome under favorable conditions.16 The new KMT, populated by former
Chus conclusions which are supported president Lee Teng-huis ethnically-transcendent
by a several other studies suggest that New Taiwanese, downplays ethno-
the mainland China policy Ma Ying-jeou nationalism in favor of democracy. Ma
and his party are promoting aligns well Ying-jeous statements on cross-Strait
with popular preferences on the island.17 relations project a civic nationalist blue-
As Chu puts it, my analysis does not print, one in which Taiwans (or the
support the view that cross-strait relations ROCs) national identity is dened by its
are on the verge of a major departure from democratic political system, not the eth-
the status quo. While the prospect of nicity Chinese or Taiwanese of its
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Taiwans Presidential and Legislative Elections

citizens. By declining to play the ethno- charter ights and increase the number of
nationalist game, Ma is able to set aside Chinese tourists in Taiwan. Many more
the long-standing anxiety about whether issues remain to be resolved, but as long as
he is capable of being an authentic re- the dialogue continues, the economic issues,
presentative and leader for the Taiwanese at least, will be addressed.
people. His positions on cross-Straits Achieving progress on political issues-
issues establish him as a politician who including reducing tensions, implementing
puts Taiwan rst, one who treats Taiwan military condence building measures,
as an end in itself, and not as a means to a normalizing relations and signing a peace
Chinese nationalist end. accord will be a bigger challenge. Here
The rst practical test of Mas new again, though, the two sides already have
approach will be whether he is able to agreed in principle to pursue these goals.
jumpstart cross-Strait economic liberalization. Perhaps more importantly, Beijing currently
The economic components of his plan denes its core interests in the Strait as
should be the easiest to implement, not stabilizing relations with and neutralizing
least because Beijing already gave them its Taiwan as a potential ashpoint for con-
blessing in the 2005 KMT-CCP agreement. ict by minimizing the chances it would
During the campaign, Ma promised quick make a lunge for de jure independence.
action on direct links, investment liberali- Because easing cross-Strait relations is
zation and bringing PRC tourists to Taiwan. consistent with Beijings overall strategic
The most difcult of these is the rst, since goals, the chances for positive steps are
the others can be accomplished almost good.
entirely by unilateral action. But the 2005 Still, Beijing and Taipei have missed
agreement sets direct sea and air links as a opportunities to improve their relationship
goal, along with increased trade and before, and there is no shortage of
investment, as well as opening mainland potential roadblocks ahead. To begin with,
markets to Taiwanese agricultural products. it is crucial that both sides keep their
Negotiating a common market agreement claims modest on behalf of the 1992
is a longer term step, but again, the CCP Consensus. Ma has spoken of the pact as
agreed to do this in the 2005 KMT-CCP mutual non-denial not mutual recog-
pact. nition. For Beijing to commence dialogue
During Mas rst month as president, under this formula implies a retreat from
he made signicant progress toward these its past insistence on the far-stricter One
practical goals enough to alarm some China principle. Nonetheless, hopes are
Democratic Progressive Party supporters. rising that the 1992 Consensus, loosely
Between the election and inauguration, interpreted, will be enough. According to
Vice President Vincent Siew met with news reports, Hu Jintao told President
Chinese President Hu Jintao in Boao, China. George W. Bush on March 26 that the
As soon as Ma and Siew took ofce, 1992 Consensus means both sides re-
dialogue between the two sides quasi- cognize there is only one China, but agree
ofcial representative groups resumed, to differ on its denition.19 Beijing has
proving that the ill-dened 1992 consensus long insisted the consensus was not an
is, in fact, sufcient grounds for talks. By agreement to disagree, so this shift in
mid-June, less than a month after the interpretation is noteworthy, and encouraging.
inauguration, the two sides had signed If optimism tempered with caution is
agreements to permit weekend cross strait in order when assessing the chances of

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Shelley Rigger

progress in Beijing-Taipei relations, the reected in President Bushs statement on

order of the day in U.S.Taiwan relations election night seems positively admirable.
may well be optimism unrestrained. Rela- On June 19, Secretary of State Condoleezza
tions between Washington and Taipei Rice touched on the issue in an interview
deteriorated badly during the Chen presi- with the Wall Street Journal. Rice denied
dency, especially in his second term. that U.S.-Taiwan relations had been bad
Richard Bush, who headed the American under Chen Shuibian, but she acknowledged
Institute in Taiwan under presidents Clinton that the Bush Administration had been
and George W. Bush, began a December concerned that some of the things that
2007 speech in Taiwan by saying, Today Chen Shui-bian tended to do were just
I wish to speak about why U.S.-Taiwan outright provocative. Rice seemed intent
relations have sunk to such a low point, on balancing the ledger. She noted that
then later asked, Why did the [George while the United States was happy to see
W.] Bush Administration start as the most cross-strait relations improving under Ma,
Taiwanfriendly administration since the it was important for Beijing to remember
termination of diplomatic relations (or that its own provocative behavior would
since World War II) and end up as pro- meet opposition from the United States.
bably the most hostile?20 While the mainstream view in the
In the speech, Bush offers a nuanced United States holds that the nations interests
answer, citing the inevitable tension in any are served by stability and diminished
security partnership, especially one between tension in the Taiwan Strait, not everyone
democratic states. Bush provides a com- will welcome improved Taipei-Beijing
prehensive explanation, but most analysts relations with equal fervor. There is a
focus on the visible manifestations of the faction within the U.S. foreign policy
tension between Taiwan and the United community, known variously as the Blue
States: poor communication, policy surprises Team or the Neo-Conservatives, who
(such as Chens one country on each believe Taiwans separation from China
side statement, or George Bushs open benets the United States. In their view,
criticism of Chens government at a White too much amity between Taipei and
House meeting with Chinese premier Wen Beijing would strengthen the PRC, which
Jiabao), Taiwans failure to complete arms would no longer be required to focus its
purchases and the myriad initiatives the military preparations on preventing Taiwan
Chen administration undertook, known in independence, thereby posing an increased
Washington as salami slicing tactics threat to the United States. Most recently,
(including everything from renaming the this view surfaced in a post-election report
Chiang Kai-shek International Airport to by the Congressional Research Service
promoting a new constitution and orches- (CRS). Observers in Taiwan including
trating referenda on sensitive issues). many who have argued this logic for some
After more than four years of growing time noticed the report. The pro-DPP
tension, U.S. ofcials were hard pressed to English-language Taipei Times editorialized,
stie cries of relief when Ma won the Taiwan may perhaps be growing too
presidency by a decisive margin. Add to close to China, which, as the CRS report
that the KMTs near three-fourths majority stated, could threaten U.S. interests in the
in the legislature and the voters forceful region and have a negative impact on
rebuke of controversial referenda. Under weapons sales to Taiwan. All of a sudden,
these circumstances, the diplomatic restraint peace no longer seemed to be such a good
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Taiwans Presidential and Legislative Elections

thing.21 Washington have deteriorated over the

The third constituency Ma must persuade, past eight years. There is blame on all sides
before his cross-Strait agenda can be fully Beijings inexibility and Washingtons
implemented, is his own party. Here again, distraction certainly played a role. Still, a
cautious optimism is warranted. On the major contributing factor was Chen Shui-
one hand, with the KMT in control of bians determination to spend much of his
nearly three-fourths of the legislature, Ma presidency especially his second term
should have an easy time passing legi- strengthening Taiwans resistance to closer
slation to execute his policies. On the other engagement with the PRC. Many of his
hand, the KMTs large majority makes the undertakings in this direction were per-
historically-fractious party, which only this ceived in Washington as gratuitous and in
year repaired schisms of more than a Beijing as provocative. Whether a new
decade, harder to discipline than ever. DPP president would have continued those
Mas ability to lead the KMT when it was policies is beside the point now that the
out of power was a matter of debate; now election is over.
that the party is back in control, reining in Ma Ying-jeous election augurs well
its worst impulses will require a rmer for improvement in relations both across the
hand than he has demonstrated in the past. Strait and across the Pacic. His approach
Still, KMT legislators are not an ideo- to cross-Strait relations offers a balanced
logical bunch; it may be possible to secure mix of engagement and restraint, dialogue
their cooperation on cross-Strait policy by and self-protection. His policy platform is
providing side-payments of more imme- consistent with the preferences of a sub-
diate and material benet to them and their stantial majority of Taiwans people, and
districts. he enjoys their condence as well. To win
As the reopened cross-Strait dialogue over the forty percent who did not vote for
began to bear fruit in the rst month after him, Mamust prove his sincerity in putting
Mas inauguration, the KMT legislative Taiwans interests rst. If he diligently
leadership raised the issue of legislative pursues the policy agenda he laid out
involvement in the negotiating process. during the election campaign, then that
Speaker Wang Jin-pyng raised the possi- should not be an impossible task.
bility that the legislature might pass a bill
guaranteeing the body representation in Notes
negotiations. While Wangs proposal met When Taiwans national legislature, the
with a stern reaction from the executive Legislative Yuan, was rst subjected to
branch, the Premier Liu Chao-shiuan afrmed comprehensive reelection in 1992, KMT-nomi-
that cross-Strait agreements would be sub- nated candidates won 63 percent of the seats
mitted for legislative ratication. It is with 53 percent of the votes. In the rst direct
presidential election, held in 1996, KMT nominee
important for the two branches to work out
Lee Teng-hui captured 54 percent of the vote.
a balance of executive autonomy and le- 2
KMT-nominated candidates captured 53.5
gislative oversight; the fact that they do not percent of the votes in the voting for district and
automatically agree is probably a healthy Aboriginal representatives. The KMT party list
sign. Nonetheless, these debates are fodder for won 51.2 percent of the votes allocating 34 seats
claims that the KMT is internally divided. on the basis of proportional representation. The
other major party, the Democratic Progressive
Conclusion Party (DPP), won 38.2 percent of the district and
Taiwans relations with Beijing and Aboriginal votes, resulting in 13 district seats,

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Shelley Rigger

and 36 percent of the party list vote, for a total of Powers Emerging Choice, China Quarterly,
14 seats. Candidates not afliated with either Dec. 2001, pp. 835-864.
major party won ve district/Aboriginal seats, Ted Galen Carpenter, Let Taiwan Defend
and no proportional seats. Itself. Cato Policy Analysis, August 24, 1998.
The 1992 Consensus refers to talks between Available at
Taipei and Beijing in 1992, when the two sides 313.html (accessed April 7, 2008).
agreed to set aside the problem of national Changes in the Chinese/Taiwanese Identity
sovereignty in order to discuss practical issues. of Taiwanese as Tracked in Surveys by the
In essence, they agreed that trying to nd a Election Studies Center, NCCU (1992-2007).
mutually-acceptable denition of each sides From the series Important Political Attitude
sovereignty would make a dialogue on the Trend Distribution. Available at http://esc.
practical matters impossible, so they would (accessed
agree that both sides believed in one China, April 7, 2008).
and leave the discussion there. The KMT Yun-han Chu, Taiwans Politics of Identity:
describes the 1992 consensus as one China, Navigating Between China and the United
different interpretations, with the Taiwan side States, Power and Security in Northeast Asia:
interpreting one China to mean the Republic Shifting Strategies. Byung-Kook Kim and
of China. In short, the KMT holds that the two Anthony Jones, Eds. (Boulder: Lynne Rienner
sides reached an agreement to disagree. The Publishers, 2007) p. 241.
DPP has consistently held that there was no The Pace of Cross-Strait Exchanges,
consensus reached in 1992; it also rejects the Mainland Affairs Council. Available at http://
idea that Taiwan is part of China under any
interpretation (accessed April 7, 2008).
4 13
Keith Bradsher, China Tensions Could Sway How should our government handle
Vote in Taiwan, New York Times, March 21, Taiwanese investment on Mainland China?
2008. Mainland Affairs Council. Available at
Ma Ying-jeou Statement, March 18, 2008.
Accessed at: (April (accessed April 7, 2008).
5,2008). Should we open up direct transportation
The Chinese Communist Party and the KMT links with Mainland China? Mainland Affairs
differentiate between Taiwan independence,which is Council. Available at
unacceptable to both, and the independence of english/index1-e.htm (accessed April 7, 2008).
the Republic of China. The KMT has always Wu Yu-shan, Liangan guanxi zhong de
insisted that the ROC exists as an independent, Zhongguo yishi yu Taiwan yishi. Zhongguo
sovereign state. In theory, ROC independence Shiwu 4, April 2001, pp. 71-89.
is unacceptable to the CCP, but it has not Chu, op. cit. p. 245.
challenged the KMT on this point in many See Wu, op. cit.; Andy G. Chang and T.Y.
years. Wang, Taiwanese or Chinese? Independence
7 or Unication? An Analysis of Generational
The English translation of the KMT-CCP
agreement from which these passages are Differences in Taiwan. Journal of Asian and
excerpted is available at: African Studies, February-April 2005, pp. 29- (accessed 49; Shelley Rigger, Taiwans Rising Rationalism:
April 5, 2008). A complete Chinese text is Generations, Politics and Taiwanese Nationalism,
available at: East-West Center Policy Studies #26 (2006);
04-29/19065787389s.shtml (accessed April 7, Gunter Schubert, Taiwans Political Parties
2008). and National Identity: The Rise of an
For an account of Chinas emerging grand Overarching Consensus. Asian Survey 44,
strategy, see Avery Goldstein, The Diplomatic July-August 2004, pp. 534-554.
Face of Chinas Grand Strategy: A Rising Chu, op. cit. p. 250.

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Taiwans Presidential and Legislative Elections

Katherin Hille, Hopes Rise for Taiwan-China /speeches/2007/1203_taiwan_bush.aspx
Dialogue, Financial Times, April 2, 2008. (accessed April 7, 2008).
20 21
Richard Bush, U.S.-Taiwan Relations: Washington Sends Mixed Signals, Taipei
Whats the Problem? Brookings Institution Times, April 8, 2008.
web site, available at

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009

The National State and Global Politics

Petru Sorin DRGUIN

Abstract: The withdrawal of the nation-state produces the risk of anarchy.

The institutions of the nation-states are weakened by the erosion of
sovereignty which means difficulty in imposing the rule of law on the internal
level with impact on the international order. The influence of the whole on its
components is not possible because the whole is not yet sufficiently welded;
there is no procedural criterion to validate the global decisions and therefore
there is the risk for the components to influence components. Deglobalization
would mean the globalization of anarchy which functions in the best case
according to the rule of escape goat, the culprit and which has the
historical role of a negative solidarity.
Keywords: globalization, nation state, international community, so-
vereignty, economy.

lobalization, characteristic of the by the state and the national dimension of
time we live in represents an over- the human existence.
whelming challenge for the state- Regarding the state function, the main
nation that emerged in Europe and that dispute of the previous century was held
paralleled the signing of Westphalia Treaty. between the supporters of the total state on
This one culminated with the Treaty of the one side and the supporters of the
Trianon that is a political work piece of a minimal state on the other. After the Second
renewed world designed by both the states World War totalitarianism maintained in
of Europe and The United States and its left formula which originated from
leading to the peace based on the just socialism and communism and which
collaboration of states represented for the paradoxically relied on Marxs works for
first time by nations and not by the few whom the state represented an instrument
imperial and imperialist elitist groups that used by the exploiting class to submit the
had been ruling empires up to that point.1 exploited class.
The Treaty of Trianon brought Europe The common goal of all the socialist
back to the pattern according to which movements was nationalization so that all
peace is a collective work of nations and the economic activity should be directed
national elite assembled under the label of according to a detailed program towards a
national state. certain ideal characterized by social justice.2
We attempt to approach this issue by The common possession of the production
debating on the topic of the function played means guaranteed the existence of a perfect
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
The National State and Global Politics

society in which members produced for number of successful privatizations!) and

their necessities and not for profit. pass the functions that had been adopted
The excess made about the rationali- improperly to the market or civil society.
zation of social life and centralism drama- The narrowing of the statehood was
tically weighted on the rights and liberties also connected to the globalization of the
of individuals and, consequently, it gave economy which had been increasingly ero-
birth to abuses hard to delimit in the grandeur ded the autonomy of the sovereign states-
that accompanied the proclamation of the nations by increasing the mobility of in-
new mans project. Hayek identifies three formation, capital and labor. The world iden-
main factors that contributed to the down- tified more and more with an inter-
fall of this utopia: connected global order, with a system in
- the growing recognition of the fact that which the focus moved from the actors
the socialist organization of production (states) to interdependencies.
wouldnt be more efficient, but less In the new economy, capital works in
efficient than the private one; real time, moving quickly through the global
- the more resolute recognition of the fact financial networks. In these networks, it is
that instead of leading to what was con- invested in all types of economic activity,
ceived to be better social justice, it would and most of what comes in the form of
signify a new hierarchy, more arbitrary profit is channeled back into the network
and more difficult to elude than any other; of financial flows. Profit margins are
- awareness of the fact that it would lead much higher on the financial markets than
to a new despotism, instead of the pro- in most direct investments and, therefore,
mised freedom3. all cash flows converge in the end in the
The bankruptcy of the centralized eco- global financial networks in search of
nomies marked also the end of the escha- higher gains.4 Globalization of the economy
tological ideologies, which considered the is closely linked to informatics and tech-
state as the active principle of personal nological development that allowed the
happiness. virtualization of the financial products. But
Because the world was bipolar (East there is also a departure from the real
and West), the exit from the totalitarian economy, investors' attention moving to-
rule was made through the entry into the wards the value of shares. In the new
minimal state, considered as a last option, economy, the most important objective of
and even perfect by some people. We could the game is not maximizing profits but
say that man left himself prey to a new maximizing the value of shares.5 Thus the
mirage: a society able to operate by itself, premises of a speculative spiral with many
with a self adjusting economy through the interconnections are created which becomes
common game of demand and supply. The a mystery as long as it works.
state? Minimal, with a decorative role, Politics, in the sense that Blackwell
convinced of the good faith of all indi- Encyclopedia defines it a process by
viduals. To paraphrase J. J. Rousseau we which a group of people whose views and
could say that post communism embraced interests are initially divergent, reach de-
the belief that man is good by nature, but cisions and collective options, which impose
he is perverted by the state. Therefore, to the group, symbolizing a common policy6
there was a tendency to reduce the size of globalizes bringing out a number of
state sectors (in our country governments agencies, organizations, quasi-supranational
performances were quantified in the institutions, such as the European Union.

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Petru Sorin Drguin

Nevertheless, the exponential growth of contributions to the UN. Under the cir-
the political scene begins to create great cumstances of the financial and economic
difficulties in decision-making. crisis that we cross there could take place
This starts to be visible first in terms the upheaval of values with no guarantee
of security issues. The expansion of the that they will not affect the impartiality
nation-state, initially on behalf of human and independence of judges. However, it
rights, then the effect of economic globa- is difficult to argue the existence of a homo
lization, marked the beginning of new universalis outside from any historical and
challenges. One of them is expressed in national conditioning who could ensure a
the newspaper Adevarul on 10 July 2001 fair trial. And after all, we can ask our-
by the journalist Romulus Cplescu in the selves: What would a fair trial in this court
title itself of the article that he wrote as it mean? What should be the values and
follows: Could be there justice without procedures in relation to which court
borders? Considering that the tendency would function?
of foreign courts to excoriate the former Far from being rhetorical, these questions
heads of states or individuals who have can get answers, but the situation remains
held important positions in other countries, equally problematic because responses are
under charges of violations of human not fully convergent.
rights is closely related to the phenomenon As Francis Fukuyama shows, Americans
of economic globalization, the journalist and Europeans have different opinions
wonders about the viability of a concept about the source of legitimacy at the inter-
such as global justice. Globalization of national level; Americans consider that
justice is considered to be questioned by this is rooted in the will of the democratic
the serious impediments in the way of a majority in the constitutional nation-states,
court with extensive powers. A difficulty and Europeans tend to believe that it relies
is, for example, represented by the oppo- on the principles of justice which are
sition of America which fears that its citi- higher than the laws and the wills of the
zens might be tried by such court. The nation-states taken separately.7 The foun-
American, one malicious participant commented dations of these views are found in their
to a roundtable organized by the BBC, national histories, and from this point of
enjoy the comfortable position of world view, things are understandable, because
policeman or judge, but not that of defen- as it is expressed by Professor Neagu
dant. Meanwhile, the former secretary of Djuvara at a conference held at University
state Henry Kissinger has argued his oppo- Al.I.Cuza of Iasi, Americans are some
sition to justice without borders in that it Europeans who have evolved differently.
would seriously hamper the activities of European vision could be substantiated
foreign policy. by bringing into question the phrase ma-
On the other hand, countries like joritys tyranny; this majority could take
China and India want the national judi- correct procedural decisions that might not
ciary to preserve its prerogatives in cases respect the universal liberal values. De-
of overlooking human rights, not being too mocratic majorities may decide to do
willing to accept the reduction of sovereignty. awful things to other countries and they
To these reactions there is also added may violate human rights and decency
the dilemma of funding such a world standards on which their democratic order
court, when there is a conspicuous lack of is based.
enthusiasm from many countries to pay
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
The National State and Global Politics

Fukuyama illustrates the dispute between Milosevic, any concerted approach failed
the two perspectives on the worldwide to restore order and justice in the region.
legitimization through Lincoln-Douglas So we can speak of two phenomena:
debates. Douglas claimed that he didnt - on the one hand, the downfall of the
care if people voted for or against slavery, nation-state;
as long as the decision reflected the - on the other hand, the no-naissance of
decision of the people, while for Lincoln the international community.
slavery itself violated the higher principle It is suggested the existence of a
of equality among people on which the vacuum that can be correlated to an event
American system relied. The legitimacy of similar with the one that took place on
the actions of a democracy and after all, September 11th. What filled this vacuum
globalization is the issue of global demo- was in fact a motley collection of multi-
cracy whose players and beneficiaries are national corporations, NGOs, international
the states is not based on procedural fairness, organizations, mafia, terrorist groups and
but on previous rules and rights that come so on, which may have some power or
from moral level higher than the legal order . certain legitimacy, but rarely one and
These arguments, theoretically sound, another in the same time.9
can be criticized on the grounds of prac- The difficulty of decision-making stems
tical impossibility. The very idea that le- therefore from a crisis of legitimacy, in the
gitimacy is derived from the top down, meaning given by S.M. Lipset - the ability
from an international immaterial level and of a system to contain and maintain the
not allocated from the bottom up by the belief that the existing institutions are the
democratic and legitimate public in the most appropriate. The global system does
nation-state virtually calls for abuses from not currently contain such institutions that
the elite which become free to interpret the can enjoy any credibility because none of
will of the international community accor- them practically assume any responsibility.
ding to their preferences.8 Meanwhile, the invisible hand thesis
Impracticability is also amplified by which should manage effectively the glo-
the fact that when the laws and the existing balized economy proves devoid of realism,
international organizations could correctly being increasingly challenged.
reflect the will of the international commu- Globalization has resulted in perfect
nity, law enforcement remains the competence market timing. But after the enthusiasm in
of the nation-states. front of what seemed an economy of
The international community is in- Swiss clock, this timing revealed another
consistent despite structuring the project, side, it proved to be a synchronization in
insofar as the capacity to implement de- crisis which led many analysts to accept
pends entirely upon the action of the that we are facing a minor recession,
individual nation-states. History has shown possibly cyclical, predictable and therefore
so far that all the international organiza- controllable.
tions which have to deal with serious pro- The new lesson which mankind lives
blems regarding security issues face problems is only an old lesson history is not the
of collective action which paralyze them. earth of happiness, the way the philosopher
It is enlightening in this respect Milosevic's K. Popper puts it, and therefore we should
Serbia, in which case, although the Euro- avoid building the paradise. The movement
pean Union as a whole confirmed the con- made by recoil from the total state towards
flicting and undemocratic regime of the minimal state was mistaken for an

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Petru Sorin Drguin

arrival. A Chinese proverb says when to manage economy in response to the

you set eyes on a target there remains only current crisis. Thus, according to Hotnews10,
one way to find direction, which could he warned against excessive reliance on
mean that the nobility of a target can be the intervention of the state and protec-
dimmed by a Pirus victory. One might say tionism when navigating on the perfect
that the species solidarity urges us to storm of a truly global economic crisis
define us as citizens of the world, but on (...), launching such a warning about
behalf of such a too ideal solidarity some Washington and London, whose economic
of its intermediate levels could be eluded. incentive packages could lead those states
In reality without family solidarity, local, on the road Moscow walked once upon a
national or regional solidarity there can be time and which would do too little for the
no global solidarity. It is true that these global economy.
conditions are not sufficient since a solidarity On the other hand the national side of
against could develop, but they are necessary states should be managed carefully, so that
conditions. the chosen measures should not exacerbate
In history there is no destination, only extremist currents, because history demonstrated
staging sometimes, because history is a that the nationalist discourse was frequently
challenge. This finding is just an urge to an equally short and bloody path towards
vigilance, to building a policy based on power.
what is and not on what should be. The inclusive logic becomes desirable
These could be reasons for rethinking and it should be consistent with the new
the state's role in the context of globali- realities. Globalized economy is not possible
zation. It is necessary and its main mission without weakening the national state, but
is the structuring of the degrees of soli- this must be able to replace it with global
darity among individuals. We believe that governance.
this can be achieved if we try to learn from We share the view of the logician
the last two lessons: that of the totalitarian Rudolf Carnap that the big issues of our
state and that of the minimal state. time, of the age of industrialization,
Currently many political actors still namely the organization of economy and
oscillate between a disjunctive-exclusive of the world can not be resolved through a
logic characterized by or and an in- free play of faculties, but they require
clusive logic characterized by and-and. rational planning. To the organization of
According to the exclusive-disjunctive the economy, this means socialism in one
logic since the option for the minimal state form or another. To the world structure,
has brought us to a financial and economic this means a gradual development towards
crisis, we should resign from it and adopt a world government.11 It is essential
that of a heavily involved state regardless assuming them procedurally and not as
of the risks it would signify. Such absolute purposes. History does not allow
guidance would make us repeat mistakes predictions, history is made, even when it
until we are able to learn from them. repeats, which means that new items can
It seems relevant in this case the fact appear anytime (and it is sufficient to think
that Russia's prime minister, Vladimir of September 11, 2001) which could not
Putin himself, during the economic forum be taken into account, but which can not
in Davos, recommended caution against be ignored. The real purpose is to improve
the strong intervention of the state and and enrich the lives of individuals and the
expressed his reserves about the tendency education in their family, education between
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
The National State and Global Politics

friends, at work and in the national and markets in order to avoid deglobalization
global society. Such an enrichment of life with adverse consequences for all the
means that all individuals are given the economies. The British Prime Minister also
opportunity to develop their potential skills warned that without an effective system of
and to participate in cultural events and international financial regulation, there is
experiences. If when considering problems the danger to deglobalize the global
we have always this end in mind, R. economy. This danger that Gordon Brown
Carnap thinks, we shall become aware of expects and which we would be happy to
the danger of gradual increase in the state notice only in theory comes mainly from
power. Meanwhile, this extension of the the reality of an unfinished and imperfect
state power is necessary because the na- world. The withdrawal of the nation-state
tional states have to consist of larger units produces the risk of anarchy. The insti-
and because they have to take up many tutions of the nation-states are weakened
economic functions. One of the most acute by the erosion of sovereignty which means
problems probably the most important difficulty in imposing the rule of law on
and difficult problem second after the the internal level with impact on the
urgency to avoid a world war - is therefore international order.
the task of finding solutions for societys The influence of the whole on its
organization which could provide a common components is not possible because the
denominator for personal and cultural whole is not yet sufficiently welded; there
freedom of individuals on the one hand, is no procedural criterion to validate the
and the actual organization of the state, on global decisions and therefore there is the
the other.12 Although the above ideas risk for the components to influence com-
were written by Rudolf Carnap well before ponents. Deglobalization would mean the
the end of the Cold War, their mentioning globalization of anarchy which functions
is justified by the new realities of the in the best case according to the rule of
globalized economy. We must create a escape goat, the culprit and which has
framework for international governance, the historical role of a negative solidarity.
which we dont have for the moment. We We conclude by claiming that, far from
must take into account the shortages on the being outdated, the nation-state is an indis-
global level. For a decade we have said pensable element in the new economic
that the current framework is inadequate, order in its capacity as guarantor of respect
the British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown13, for human dignity. It does not oppose either
declared and he also added that the finan- to the individual or globalization, but it
cial markets would be first of its agenda at tries to make all these give identity to the
the G20 summit in London in April. If individual. Globalization does not mean
what happens to a bank in one country can anonymity, but to paraphrase Wittgenstein,
have devastating effects on the banks on family similarities, we are not identical,
another continent just in a couple of mi- but not radically different, too. Opposition
nutes, only a true international response is excluded. And this logic must also be
from the part of policies and governance conducted in what concerns states as actors
can be effective, Brown believes, and this of global politics. It is equally necessary
does not necessarily mean a return to the and difficult to find a guarantor of it so that
protectionism of 30s. It must be stopped, the old dilemma of Juvenalis: Who is
for example, the tendency of banks to pre- watching the guards? be solved. Could a
vent foreign lending in favour of internal world government succeed to free itself

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Petru Sorin Drguin

from the historical conditioning in order to Ibidem, p. 200.
rise at the height of such a mission? It is apud Anton Carpinschi, Cristian Bocancea, tiina
difficult to formulate a response, but the politicului, Iai, Ed. Universitii Al.I. Cuza, 1998,
nation-state could be a prerequisite. p. 54.
Francis Fukuyama, Construcia statelor. Guvernarea
i ordinea mondial n secolul XXI, Ed. Antet,
Notes 2004, p. 121.
Ilie Bdescu, Statul naional n contextul 8
Ibidem, p. 122.
globalizrii, n Globalizare i identitate 9
Ibidem, p. 127.
naional:simpozion: Bucureti, 18 mai 2006, 10, 29.01.2009, 21:42
Bucureti, Ed. Ministerului Administraiei i 11
apud Jan Riis Flor, Rudolf Carnap. Filosofia
Internelor, 2006, p. 11. ca sintax logic, n Anton Hugli, Poul Lubcke,
Friedrich A. Hayek, Constituia libertii, Iai, Filosofia n secolul XX, vol. II, Ed. ALL
Institutul European, 1998, p.268. EDUCATIONAL, 2003, p. 179
Ibidem, p.269. 12
Ibidem, p. 180.
Fritjof Capra, Conexiuni ascunse:integrarea 13, 27. 01. 2009, 23:17.
dimensiunilor biologice, cognitive i sociale ntr-
o tiin a durabilitii, Bucureti, Ed. Tehnic,
2004, p. 198.

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009

Uniformizarea legislaiei la nivel european.

Studiu comparativ privind eroarea ca viciu de consimmnt n
reglementrile Statelor Membre

Irina Olivia POPESCU

Abstract: This study aims to address a comparative analysis of the error

as a vitiating factor in the continental law system and the system based on
judicial precedent - the common law, from the perspective of the historical
evolution of this concept. Error, in the continental system of law is a
vitiating factor which consists of the misrepresentation of facts at the
conclusion of the legal civil act. At the frontier of error as a vitiating
factor and fraud in the common-law system, is interposed the
misrepresentation doctrine, a doctrine with direct application in tort but
which has also incidence in what concerns the legal documents.
Misrepresentation in this system of law defines a false statement, precisely
addressed to a person by another, to determine this other person to enter a
contract. This approach emphasizes the demarcations and interferences in
terms of concept, structure, and the classification of error from the point of
view of the two legal systems.
Key words: EU regulation, legal act, consent, vitiating factor,

1. Consideraii preliminare. Caracterul putere de lege ntre prile contractante2, n

formalist al dreptului roman i inefica- timp ce concepia roman este sintetizat
citatea radical a actelor juridice. de adagiul ex nudo pactio inter cives
Romanos actio non oritur.
n dreptul roman, contractul reprezint o Contractul, pentru a fi valabil ncheiat

convenie sancionat de dreptul civil

care d natere la obligaii, spre deosebire
de convenia care stingea sau modifica un
trebuia s ndeplineasc dou categorii de
condiii i anume condiii de formare i
condiii de validitate. n categoria condiiilor
drept. Ca atare, convenia este genul iar de formare a contractului intr capacitatea,
contractul este specia1. Aa cum se poate o prestaie susceptibil de a face obiectul
observa, exist o diferen fundamental unei convenii i consimmntul3.
ntre concepia roman asupra contractelor Consimmntul, element esenial al
i concepia contemporan, n care se con- oricrui contract, reprezenta manifestarea
sider c o convenie legal ncheiat are de voin a unei persoane n sensul pe care

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Irina Olivia Popescu

cealalt parte l dorea. Spre deosebire de rezult n mod concret voina stipu-
dreptul modern, consimmntul prilor lantului5;
nu era suficient pentru ca un contract s fie - promisiunile acceptate de ncheiere a
format, ci acesta trebuia s mbrace for- unei anumite convenii reprezint con-
mele prevzute de lege. Ulterior, o dat cu venii valabile, pacta de ineundo contractu
apariia contractelor consensuale, consim- vel de contrahendo6.
mntul prilor devine suficient pentru ca Dreptul roman cunoate anumite cauze
un contract s fie valabil format cu conse- n care acordul de voin nu exist dect n
cina ca i celelalte elemente ale acestuia, aparen7 i care duceau astfel la inexis-
respectiv capacitatea i obiectul s fie, de tena consimmntului8 i pe cale de con-
asemenea, ndeplinite. Totodat, acordul de secin acestea determinau inexistena con-
voin al celor dou pri trebuia s nde- tractului, acestea fiind:
plineasc trei condiii4 i anume: Unul dintre contractani este nebun9;
dualitate, numai ntlnirea a dou voine Manifestarea voinei per jocum
constituind un consimmnt valabil, (neseriozitatea). Neseriozitatea determina
o voin unic rmnnd ineficace n inexistena consimmntului deoarece
dreptul roman, o simpl policitaiune; acesta era dat n glum, neavnd astfel
concordana, ntlnirea celor dou voine ca scop intenia prilor de a se obliga;
ale prilor la un moment dat, chiar Existena unei erori asupra identitii
dac acestea nu luau natere simultan; contractului (error in corpore);
seriozitatea, consimmntul era valabil Existena unei erori asupra naturii
numai dac era exprimat n mod contractului (errror in negotio);
serios, ci nu dac era dat n glum. Existena unei erori asupra persoanei
Concepia dualist a eficacitii depline cu care urmeaz a se contracta (error
sau respectiv a ineficacitii totale se reg- in personam);
sete pregnant n materia consimmn- Existena unei erori asupra cuantumului,
tului, n care jurisconsulii romani disting atunci cnd acesta reprezint un element
ntre existena consimmntului sau esenial al contractului (error in quantitate).
absena acestuia, fr a acorda importan Spre exemplu, ntr-un contract de vnzare-
viciilor de consimmnt. Acest raiona- cumprare, vnztorul crede c este
ment are drept consecin evitarea situ- vorba de o sum mai mare, n timp ce
aiilor intermediare existente ntre validi- cumprtorul crede c este vorba de o
tatea deplin i ineficacitatea total. n sum mai mic10;
ceea ce privete consimmntul, ca ele- Violena fizic exercitat asupra unei
ment esenial al unei convenii, romanii au persoane pentru a o determina pe
stabilit cteva principii care reglementeaz acesta s ncheie o convenie;
regimul juridic al acestuia: Existena unei simulaii.
- consimmntul poate fi exprimat n Vechii romani considerau c eroarea,
mod verbal, dac este ns exprimat n dolul, violena i simulaia pot exclude sau
scris acesta nu va folosi dect ca mijloc vicia consimmntul.
de prob a conveniei; Eroarea reprezenta falsa nelegere a
- consimmntul nu trebuie s mbrace realitii. Eroarea esenial, error essentialis
o form solemn i nici nu trebuie s care exclude consimmntul prilor,
fie expres, putnd fi i tacit, dac este o cauz de inexisten a conveniei.
const n efectuarea unor acte din care mpotriva unei astfel de convenii nu putea
fi exercitat o aciune n nulitate, deoarece
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Uniformizarea legislaiei la nivel european

nu poate fi anulat ceva care nu exist, ca obin, anterior utilizrii petiiei n ereditate,
atare o querela nullitatis nu are sens deoarece anularea testamentului n justiie14.
din punct de vedere juridic prile nu au Justificarea apariiei acestui grad inter-
realizat nimic i ca atare fiecare dintre ele mediar de ineficacitate, ntre validitatea
i poate conserva toate drepturile avute total i ineficacitatea radical (inexistena),
anterior. Instana n faa creia era invocat i anume anulabilitatea, a determinat apa-
o astfel de convenie nu fcea dect s riia a trei curente diferite. Primul a ncer-
constate inexistena ei11. cat explicarea anulabilitii pornind de la
n epoca roman, eroarea esenial era distincia realizat de vechii romani ntre
mprit n error in negotio eroare asupra substantia i effectus; cel de-al doilea
naturii actului juridic, error in persona curent a ncercat s justifice anulabilitatea
eroarea asupra identitii persoanei, error pornind de la teoria aparenei. Ultima cate-
in corpore eroarea asupra identitii lucrului gorie a fundamentat gradul intermediar al
i error in substantia eroarea asupra anulabilitii pe baza interesului protejat15.
calitilor eseniale ale lucrului, toate acestea
determinnd inexistena contractului. 3. Eroarea viciu de consimmnt
n sistemul legiuitorului romn con-
2. Ineficacitatea actului juridic n temporan
viziunea interpreilor dreptului roman 3.1. Noiune. n doctrina i jurisprudena
din Evul Mediu. de specialitate se arat c eroarea
Confuzia care a nconjurat materia reprezint viciul de consimmnt care
nulitii nu ia sfrit n epoca medieval. const n reprezentarea greit a realitii
ntr-adevr att n rile care se aflau sub cu prilejul ncheierii actului juridic civil16.
influena dreptului roman, ct i n acele n conformitate cu art. 954 C.civ.: ,,(1)
unde aceasta era german, principiile nu Eroarea nu produce nulitate dect cnd
erau mai bine fixate, i cum putea oare s cade asupra substanei obiectului conveniei.
fie altfel n acele timpuri sumbre i ne- (2) Eroarea nu produce nulitate cnd cade
linitite, cnd tiina se ntuneca din an n asupra persoanei cu care s-a contractat,
an?12. afar numai cnd consideraia persoanei
Interpreii dreptului roman din Evul este cauza principal, pentru care s-a fcut
Mediu au explicat instituiile vechi exceptio convenia.
i restitutio in integrum ca fiind adev- Astfel, n primul alineat este reglemen-
ratele corespondente ale conceptului de tat eroarea asupra calitilor substaniale
anulabilitate13. Astfel, suntem n prezena ale obiectului actului (error in substantiam),
unei atenurii a teoriei bipartite, ns numai iar n al doilea alineat se reglementeaz eroa-
n plan teoretic, cu puternice implicaii rea asupra identitii ori calitilor persoanei
asupra procedurii: este inutil s anulm un cocontractante (error in personam).
act nul, inexistent, pentru c acesta trebuie 3.2. Structur i condiii. n alc-
ignorat fr nici o alt formalitate. n ceea tuirea erorii viciu de consimmnt intr un
ce privete ns actul anulabil acesta tre- singur element (de natur psihologic) ce
buie anulat n justiie i numai ulterior const n falsa reprezentare a realitii, de
poate fi ignorat. Spre exemplu, n ipoteza unde apare i dificultatea dovedirii sale. Cu
unui testament nul, motenitorul ab intestat toate aceste, trebuie avut n vedere faptul
poate uza n mod direct de petiia n ere- c eroarea este un fapt juridic stricto sensu,
ditate, n ipoteza n care testamentul este deci poate fi dovedit cu orice mijloc de
doar anulabil, motenitorul trebuie s prob.

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Irina Olivia Popescu

Pentru ca falsa reprezentare a realitii unei norme juridice civile la ncheierea

la ncheierea unui act juridic s constituie unui act juridic.
viciu de consimmnt, trebuie ntrunite n doctrin, nu exist un punct de ve-
cumulativ dou condiii: dere unitare n ceea ce privete eroarea de
a) elementul asupra cruia cade falsa re- drept. Ca atare, s-a exprimat o opinie, r-
prezentare s fi fost determinant, hot- mas izolat potrivit creia eroarea de drept
rtor, pentru ncheierea actului juridic, este inadmisibil ca viciu de consim-
n sensul c dac ar fi fost cunoscut mnt17 avnd n vedere obligaia cunoa-
realitatea actul juridic nu ar mai fi fost terii legii, aa nct nimeni nu poate in-
ncheiat. Cel care invoc eroarea voca necunoaterea legii nemo censetur
trebuie s probeze c tocmai elementul ignorare legem.
asupra cruia s-a nelat el este cel care Opinia majoritar este ns n sensul
l-a determinat s ncheie actul juridic, admisibilitii erorii de drept18, avnd n
avnd o influen hotrtoare asupra vedere c:
consimmntului su. Aprecierea im- a) legiuitorul romn prevede n art. 953
portanei elementului fals se face avnd C.civ. nevalabilitatea consimmn-
n vedere un criteriu subiectiv, adic in tului ,,cnd este dat prin eroare, fr a
concreto, n funcie de circumstanele distinge ntre eroarea de drept i eroarea
n care s-a contractat i persoana celui de fapt, iar ubi lex non distinguit, nec
n cauz (vrst, profesie, nivel de nos distinguere debemus;
pregtire etc.). n mod excepional, s- b) conform art. 1206 alin. (2) C.civ., mr-
ar putea recurge i la un criteriu abstract turisirea judiciar poate fi revocat
i anume comportamentul oricrei numai pentru eroare de fapt, de unde
persoane ntr-o situaie asemntoare. rezult, per a contrario, c mrturi-
b) n cazul actelor juridice bilaterale cu sirea nu poate fi revocat pentru eroare
titlu oneros, este necesar ca partea con- de drept, de unde reiese c n celelalte
tractant s fi tiut ori s fi trebuit s cazuri eroarea de drept este admis;
tie c elementul asupra cruia cade c) dac se produce, efectele erorii sunt
falsa reprezentare este hotrtor pentru aceleai, indiferent dac ne aflm n
ncheierea actului juridic civil n prezena unei erori de fapt sau a unei
cauz. Aceast condiie este impus de erori de drept, iar ubi eadem est ratio,
nevoia certitudinii operaiunilor juridice ibi eadem solutio esse debet19.
care intervin n circuitul civil. 3.3.2. n funcie de gravitatea ei, eroarea
poate fi de trei feluri: eroarea obstacol, care
3.3. Clasificare. atrage nulitatea absolut a actului; eroarea-
3.3.1. n funcie de criteriu naturii rea- viciu de consimmnt, care atrage nulitatea
litii fals reprezentate, eroarea se clasific relativ a actului; eroarea indiferent, care
n eroare de fapt i eroare de drept. nu afecteaz valabilitatea actului.
Eroarea de fapt const n falsa re- Eroarea obstacol (eroarea
prezentare a unei stri sau situaii faptice distructiv de voin) reprezint forma cea
legate de ncheierea actului juridic. Ea mai grav a erorii i presupune c falsa
poate afecta obiectul actului juridic, va- reprezentare cade asupra:
loarea acestuia sau persoana cu care se a) naturii actului juridic ce se ncheie
contracteaz. (error in negotium), cnd o parte crede
Eroarea de drept const n falsa re- c ncheie un anumit act juridic, iar
prezentare a existenei sau coninutului cealalt parte crede c ncheie un alt
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Uniformizarea legislaiei la nivel european

act juridic, ceea ce determin inexis- direct n dreptul obligaiilor dar care are
tena consimmntului; inciden i n sfera actelor juridice.
b) identitii obiectului (error in corpore), Reprezentarea greit definete o afir-
adic una dintre pri crede c trateaz maie fals, precis21, adresat de ctre o
cu privire la un anumit bun, iar cealalt persoan alteia, pentru a o determina, ma-
are n vedere un alt bun. terial, s intre ntr-un contract. Eroarea-viciu de consimmnt n jurispruden s-a stabilit c simplele
(eroare grav) presupune c falsa reprezen- opinii exprimate cu privire la starea anu-
tare cade fie asupra calitilor substaniale mitor lucruri nu pot fi considerate ca nde-
ale obiectului actului juridic (error in plinind condiiile de mai sus22. Se admite
substantia), fie asupra persoanei cocon- ns ca excepie situaia n care cel care
tractante sau beneficiare a actului juridic face afirmaie are cunotine superioare
(error in personam). celui cruia i se adreseaz n legtur cu
Atunci cnd vorbim despre substana faptul expus23.
obiectului, jurisprudena de specialitate a n ceea ce privete eroarea de drept
stabilit c aceasta este constituit din acele admis aa cum am artat mai sus n sis-
caliti ale sale care au fost determinante temul de drept continental, trebuie men-
pentru parte ntr-o asemenea msur nct, ionat faptul c, n sistemul common-law,
dac ar fi cunoscut lipsa acestora, actul nu afirmaiile despre existena sau coninutul
ar mai fi fost ncheiat20. unei legi pot fi folosite ca baz a aciunii
Eroarea asupra persoanei atrage anu- pentru misrepresentation doar n situaia n
larea conveniei, numai n cazul actelor n- care aceste afirmaii sunt realizate de un
cheiate n considerarea unei anumite per- avocat ctre clientul su24.
soane (intuitu personae) identitatea sau nsu- De asemenea, de cele mai multe ori,
irile eseniale ale persoanei pot atrage aceast afirmaia eronat este comunicat direct
sanciune [art. 954 alin. (2) C.civ.]. n acest ctre cocontractant, cu toate acestea sunt
sens, art. 1712 C.civ. declar anulabil ndeplinite condiiile acestei aciuni i n
tranzacia cnd exist eroare asupra per- cazul n care afirmaia este realizat ctre
soanei cu care s-a ncheiat. un ter cu intenia de a ajunge la cocon- Eroarea indiferent reprezint tractant25.
falsa reprezentare a unor mprejurri mai n jurispruden s-a stabilit c o
puin importante la ncheierea actului juri- persoan nu poate folosi aceast aciune n
dic, asupra unor elemente accesorii, care cazul n care nu a crezut n veridicitatea
nu in de substana obiectului actului, cum afirmaiei respective26.
ar fi eroarea asupra numelui persoanei sau 4.2. Clasificare. n funcie de remediile
asupra persoanei, cnd nu s-a contractat intuitu juridice pe care le poate obine victima,
personae, eroarea de calcul sau eroarea de reprezentarea greit a realitii poate fi:
tehnoredactare. O astfel de eroare poate frauduloas, n situaia n care se cel
atrage cel mult o diminuare valoric a prestaiei. care a fcut afirmaia tia c aceasta
este fals, sau nu a crezut c aceasta
4. Misrepresentation n sistemul de este adevrat27. Aceasta ofer posibi-
drept common-law. litatea victimei de a opta ntre desfiin-
4.1. Noiune. La limita dintre eroarea- area contractului sau solicitarea de
viciu de consimmnt i dol se interpune despgubiri;
doctrina misrepresentation n sistemul de neglijent, care ofer posibilitatea vic-
drept common-law, o doctrin cu aplicaie timei de a solicita despgubiri28;

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Irina Olivia Popescu

indiferent, n cazul n care afirmaia Ibidem, p. 301-302.
fcut nu are influen decisiv asupra G. Boroi, Drept civil. Partea general.
Persoanele, Ed. Hamangiu, Bucureti, 2008, p. 215;
contractului ncheiat29. Instanele sunt E. Chelaru, Drept civil. Partea general, Ed. All
reticente n a acorda despgubiri n Beck, Bucureti, 2003, p. 117-120; V.V. Popa,
cazul unei astfel de reprezentri greite. Drept civil. Partea general. Persoanele, Ed. All
Beck, 2005, p. 100-108; A se vedea i Trib.
Note Suprem, col. civ, decizia nr. 231 din 25 februarie
. Cuq, Les institutions juridiques des romains. 1958, C.D. 1958, p. 175; Trib. Jud. Braov, decizia
L'ancien droit, tome I, Librairie Plon, Paris, 1904, civil nr. 370/1974, R.R.D. nr. 12/1975, p. 46.
p. 350-351. Tr. Ionacu, Curs de drept civil. Teoria general
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cruia Conveniile legal fcute au putere de lege D. Chiric, Eroarea, viciu de consimmnt n
ntre prile contractante. Ele se pot revoca prin materie contractual, Dreptul nr. 7/2005, p. 21-22;
consimmntul mutual sau din cauze autorizate de I. Deleanu, Cunoaterea legii i eroarea de drept,
lege. Dreptul nr. 7/2004, p. 49-61.
3 19
P. Van Wetter, Les obligations en droit romain, J. Kocsis, Unele aspecte teoretice i practice
Tomul II, Imp. C. Annoot-Braeckman, Paris, 1884, privind eroarea de drept, Dreptul nr. 8/1992, p.
p. 47. 39-42; Trib. Jud. Bihor, decizia civil nr. 449/1981,
C. Stoicescu, Curs elementar de drept roman, Ed. R.R.D. nr. 8/1982, p. 38 i urm.; Trib. Jud.
a II-a, Institutul de Arte Grafice Bucovina, Cara-Severin, decizia civil nr. 474/1985, R.R.D.
Bucureti, 1927, p. 279-280. 12/1985, p. 55 i urm.
5 20
n epoca roman, i tcerea putea avea efecte C.S.J, decizia civil nr. 160/1993, Dreptul nr.
juridice qui tacet, cum loqui potuit et debuit, 7/1994, p. 84.
consentire videtur. A se vedea Cazul McInery v Banca Lloyds
P. Van Wetter, op. cit., p. 103-112. [1974] 1 Lloyds Rep 246.
7 22
. Cuq, op. cit., p. 351-352. A se vedea Cazurile Dimmock v Hallett [1866] i
E. Molcu, Drept privat roman, Ed. Universul Bisset v Wilkinson [1927] AC 177
Juridic, Bucureti, 2004, p. 182. A se vedea cazul Esso Petroleum v Mardon
Furiosus nullum negotium agere potest, quia non [1976] QB 801.
intelligit quid agit (Un nebun nu poate face nici un A se vedea cazul Benson v Consiliul Local
act juridic, pentru c nu nelege ce face) sau Lincoln [1999].
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D. Alexandresco, Explicaiunea teoretic i v RH Brown i Asociaii [1972] 2 Lloyds Rep 360.
practic a dreptului civil romn, Tomul IV, A se vedea cazurile Eurocopy v Teesdale [1992]
Atelierele Grafice Socec & Co, Bucureti, 1913, p. BCLC 1067, Attwood v Small [1838] 6 Cl & F
74. 232.
10 27
T. Smbrian, Drept roman. Principii, instituii i A se vedea cazul Dery v Peek [1889] 14 App
texte celebre, Casa de Editur i Pres ansa, Ges 337.
Bucureti, 1994, p. 112-113. A se vedea cazul Howard Marine v Dredging Co
P. Van Wetter, op. cit., p. 112-113. Ltd v Ogden & Sons Ltd [1978] QB 574.
12 29
N. Em. Antonescu, Nevaliditatea actelor juridice A se vedea cazul Oscar Chess Ltd v Williams
n dreptul civil, n materia nulitilor, Institutul de [1957] 1 WLR 370.
Arte Grafice Romnia Nou, Bucureti, 1927, p.
S. Gaudet, Inexistence, nullit et annulabilit du
contrat: essai de synthse, McGill Law Journal,
Montral, 1995, p. 300 n
Ibidem, p. 300-301.

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009

Doctrina suveranitii juridice

ntre sincronie i diacronie


Abstract: In the international law, as regards the importance criteria, the

sovereign state is the first subject of law. However, one must add the fact
that for the European states the sovereignty theory is built upon the
rights/obligations binominal. In the present article we discuss the series of
limitations to the states territorial sovereignty, determined by the principles
and norms of the UN Charter and the obligations assumed by member states.
Keywords: international law, sovereignty, international institutions, authority.

onstituiile statelor europene au iuni ale suveranitii naionale. Jean Jacques
reprezentat cel mai propice cadru Rousseau spunea, n Contractul Social, c
pentru definirea i afirmarea suvera- suveranitatea este inalienabil i indivizibil',
nitii ca norm de drept intern, iar Carta dar recunotea apoi c politicienii, ne-
ONU i tratatele internaionale i europene putnd mpri suveranitatea n principiul
au conferit noi valene acestei norme n ei, o mpart n obiectul ei, o mpart n for
dreptul internaional, respectiv european. i voin, n putere legislativ i n putere
Astfel, constituiile europene stabilesc c executiv, n drepturi de impozite, de jus-
suveranitatea (unele adugnd i sintagma tiie i de rzboi, n administraie interioar
naional), sau puterea, aparine poporului. i n puterea de a trata cu strinul; uneori
Regsim aceste afirmaii n constituiile confund toate aceste pri, alteori le separ.
Spaniei, Franei sau Suediei. n accep- n dreptul internaional, statul suveran
iunea altor constituii, suveranitatea apar- este primul subiect de drept n ordinea
ine naiunii, aa cum apare formulat n importanei. Statul are competene legale
textele romnesc i belgian. Instituiile sunt exprimate n sens material i formal. Cele
chemate apoi s reprezinte poporul, ap- materiale sunt n primul rnd de ordine
rndu-i aceast suveranitate pe care tot ele interioar i in de suveranitatea intern, i
au construit-o, legiferat-o i afirmat-o. Pentru anume capacitatea de a-i organiza puterea
a servi ct mai bine interesele poporului, sa politic, sistemul su economic i
ntr-un sistem democratic puterea trebuie social. Competenele n sens formal se
s-i mpart atribuiile n consacrata triad refer la jurisdicia statului i la capacitatea
a Executivului, Legislativului i puterii sa de a aciona n vederea garantrii res-
Judectoreti. n doctrina Revoluiei Franceze pectrii regulilor juridice edictate de el.
toate aceste puteri erau considerate frac- Apoi, statele au o competena personal

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Radu Riza

care se manifest n aciunea lor fa de Abordarea din dreptul internaional a

proprii ceteni, n vederea reglementrii cutat i o identificare a suveranitii cu in-
statutului ceteniei, proteciei lor n stri- dependena. O spe a Curii Permanente
ntate i acordarea corelativ a drepturilor de Arbitraj consfinea chiar aceast simi-
i a obligaiilor. Totui, cea mai accentuat litudine: Suveranitatea n relaiile dintre
dintre competene a fost cea teritorial, state nseamn independen. Independena
acea putere general, deplin i exclusiv n legtur cu un teritoriu este dreptul de a
asupra gestionrii teritoriului unui stat. Pentru exercita asupra acestuia funciile statului,
controlul teritoriilor s-au dus rzboaie, s-au cu excluderea (drepturilor) oricrui stat.
fcut aliane, s-au promovat tratate de pace, Pornind de la independen ca precondiie
s-au creat instituii internaionale. Pn la a suveranitii, aceasta din urm, odat
inovaia Uniunii Europene, competena recunoscut, devenea garant al celei dinti.
teritorial prea a fi cel mai drag atribut al Recunoaterea calitii de stat independent
suveranitii statelor europene, exercitat i suveran avea loc numai la ntrunirea cu-
att pe continent ct i n multe coluri ale mulativ a trei condiii constitutive: enti-
lumii. Autonomia n abordarea acestor tatea s aib teritoriu, populaie i guvern.
competene confer statelor dreptul de a Trebuie remarcat i aici preeminena poli-
decide singure asupra folosirii lor. Ca ticului, care declana procedurile juridice
atare, nu se exclude posibilitatea ca statele de recunoatere a unui nou stat, instru-
s delege unele competene sau materia- mentul fiind deseori folosit discreionar de
lizarea lor, din proprie iniiativ i voin, monarhii sau de guvernele unor ri europene.
potrivit angajamentelor asumate prin tratate. Un alt pilon a suveranitii juridice l
Este i calea pe care au ales-o statele Uni- constituie egalitatea n drepturi a statelor n
unii Europene cnd au hotrt c unele relaiile internaionale, introdus de Vattel
atribute pot fi servite mai bine prin efortul prin Le droit de gens, publicat prima dat
comun, realizat sub tutela instituiilor euro- n 1758. Respectarea egalitii suverane s-
pene. Ne vom referi mai trziu la acestea, a dovedit a fi cea mai eficace modalitate
explicnd i raiunile care au dus la de- de protejare a suveranitii statale n sis-
mersurile amintite. temul internaional.
Trebuie reinut, ns, c pentru statele Dreptul internaional cunoate noi
europene, teoria suveranitii se bazeaz dezvoltri n secolul al XX-lea, cu prec-
pe binomul drepturi/obligaii. n virtutea dere dup cel de-Al Doilea Rzboi Mondial.
coninutului teoretic acceptat de europeni Este perioada n care apar organizaiile
i de comunitatea internaional, statele au internaionale ca noi subiecte de drept, iar
dreptul la o personalitate internaional, multitudinea tratatelor internaionale impune
dreptul de a li se respecta integritatea aceast nou form de colaborare, care
teritorial i dreptul la autoaprare, dreptul inventeaz o serie de norme stricte ce tre-
de a-i stabili singure regimul social po- buiau respectate de ctre statele care ade-
litic, dreptul de a-i folosi resursele, de a-i rau la respectivele organizaii sau tratate.
stabili sistemul economico-social i le- Membrii ONU, ai NATO sau ai UE erau
gislaia, dreptul de a-i conduce n mod i sunt legai convenional printr-un singur
liber relaiile cu alte state, dar i obligaiile instrument juridic sau prin mai multe. Prin
corelative de a respecta personalitatea inter- intermediul acestor nelegeri internaionale,
naional a celorlalte state i suveranitatea prin care statele ajungeau la concluzii
acestora i de a-i ndeplini cu bun- comune pe calea dialogului i a negocierii,
credin obligaiile internaionale. s-a ajuns la norme juridice cu caracter
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Doctrina suveranitii juridice ntre sincronie i diacronie

general i au aprut noi ramuri ale drep- dac zonele respective includ teritorii
tului internaional. De exemplu, n aceast aflate sub suveranitatea unor state.
perioad apare dreptul internaional al *
cilor de comunicaii, care s-a concretizat Probabil cea mai important contri-
prin elaborarea regimurilor pentru marile buie adus teoriei suveranitii n relaiile
fluvii internaionale (Rin, Elba, Dunre, internaionale i dreptul internaional pu-
Congo) i statutele canalelor interoceanice blic, n secolul al XX-lea, a fost tocmai
(Panama i Suez). Apoi securitatea colec- atestarea documentar c suveranitatea sta-
tiv este un concept definit n creuzetul telor nu poate fi absolut, iar guvernelor nu
NATO. Dreptul Comunitar e creaia ex- trebuie s li se permit abuzuri svrite la
clusiv a UE. Stabilirea unui regim inter- adpostului scutului suveranitii. n dreptul
naional pentru folosirea mrii, concretizat internaional au fost introduse anumite li-
n anii 1980 i 1990, a ntrit noua abor- mitri ale suveranitii teritoriale a statelor,
dare a modului n care statele nelegeau s determinate de principiile i normele Cartei
relaioneze n apele internaionale. Zona ONU i de obligaiile asumate de statele-membre:
Economic Exclusiv a prelungit controlul - statul trebuie s garanteze strinilor aflai
pe care un stat l deine asupra mrii sale pe teritoriul su drepturile prevzute
de la 12 mile la 200 de mile de la rmul de normele cutumiare i convenionale
pe care flutur steagul su. Noutatea acestui ale dreptului internaional public;
regim era c introducea o schimbare n - statul are obligaia s nu admit s-
modalitatea n care statele nelegeau vrirea, pe teritoriul su, a unor acte care
teritorialitatea ca element al suveranitii. pun n pericol securitatea altui stat;
n Zona Economic Exclusiv statele au - statul are obligaia de a respecta imu-
dreptul de exploatare i de folosire a nitile statelor strine - n sensul c
resurselor, dar nu au controlul asupra navi- actele unui stat nu pot fi supuse juris-
gaiei, aa cum l exercit n marea terito- diciei interne a unui alt stat i
rial. S reamintim aici i c, n domeniul imunitile de execuie de care bene-
comerului, recunoaterea nevoii de libera- ficiaz bunurile de proprietate ale altui
lizare i de facilitare a schimburilor la nivel stat aflate pe teritoriul su. Mai mult
internaional a dus la nfiinarea GATT. chiar, statele nu pot invoca imunitatea
Introducerea tratatelor care produceau lor de jurisdicie n cazul tranzaciilor
efect i pentru teri a reprezentat un alt comerciale, contractelor de munc
punct important pe calea colaborrii inter- ncheiate ntre un stat i o persoan
naionale, dar n acelai timp a modelrii fizic, n cazul aciunilor de reparaii
unei conduite internaionale care trebuie res- pecuniare sau daune. Tribunalele unui
pectat de toate statele comunitii interna- stat nu pot lua msuri de constrngere
ionale. Regimul internaional al Antarcticii mpotriva bunurilor unui stat strin.
din 1959, cu privire la denuclearizarea n strns legtur cu acest aspect,
acestei regiuni, tratatele de pace sau comu- dreptul internaional public a marcat i
nicaii sunt cteva dintre exemplele gri- demitizarea teritorialitii prin admiterea n
toare n acest sens. La fel, tratatele care practica internaional i n doctrin a
constituie dreptul internaional spaial sau excepiilor condominium-ului, servituilor
aerian, cele privitoare la strmtori sau la internaionale i cesiunii de teritorii.
canale maritime internaionale, bazate toate Ilustrat de exemplul Andorrei, condomi-
pe denuclearizare i demilitarizare, chiar niumul presupune exercitarea autoritii politico-
jurisdicionale de ctre dou state, n mod

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Radu Riza

egal, asupra unui teritoriu ter determinat. un control eficient nuntrul granielor
Servituile internaionale au consacrat sale, suveranitatea extern care include
restrngerea independenei unui stat pe al practicile de recunoatere reciproc ntre
crui teritoriu un alt stat exercit o entitile teritoriale care au o independen
competen de reglementare legislativ sau juridic formal, i suveranitatea inter-
administrativ. Cesiunea de teritoriu repre- dependenei nelegnd prin aceasta abi-
zint o operaiune juridic convenional litatea autoritilor publice de a reglementa
pe baza creia un stat renuna la suve- circulaia informaiei, ideilor, bunurilor,
ranitate sa asupra unui teritoriu n favoarea populaiei, polurii sau capitalului dincolo
altui stat care i ntinde el suveranitatea de graniele sale. Nu toate statele se bucur
asupra acelui teritoriu. de aceast structur complex a suverani-
Nu n ultimul rnd, statelor li s-a atras tii. n unele state structura amintit poate
atenia, printr-o serie de acte internaionale fi doar bi- sau tripartit. De exemplu,
(Carta ONU, Actul final de la Helsinki, Taiwanul poate fi considerat un stat su-
Declaraia drepturilor omului etc.), c veran din punct de vedere westfalic, dar nu
drepturile omului nu pot fi i nu trebuie va trece examenul unei suveraniti externe.
nclcate sub masca suveranitii naionale. La fel n cazul Andorrei, care continu s
Toate aceste exemple vorbesc despre fie sub suzeranitatea comun a Franei i a
conferirea reciproc a unor drepturi de Spaniei, nu avem o latur extern a suvera-
folosire a cilor de comunicaii sau ape nitii, cele dou state amintite controlnd
internaionale, de limitarea ad pactam a securitatea micului stat i avnd dreptul s
suveranitii naionale pentru binele omenirii, numeasc doi din cei patru membri ai
ntrind convingerea c o colaborare pa- Tribunalului su Constituional.
nic va fi profitabil pentru toi. Krasner face apoi o important dis-
Cele mai importante imperative ale tincie ntre autoritate i control, elemente
dezvoltrii sistemului internaional n ulti- care se regsesc n cele patru laturi ale
mele decenii au fost, pe de o parte, pre- suveranitii, explicnd i relaia dintre ele.
siunea popoarelor pentru pstrarea pcii i Autoritatea implic un drept reciproc recu-
evitarea catastrofelor de tipul pentru care noscut actorilor n relaiile dintre ei (stat i
statul i arog cu succes dreptul de a societate; stat i alt stat; stat i sistem inter-
avea, n graniele unui anumit teritoriu, ... naional) care le permite s se angajeze n
monopolul asupra constrngerii fizice legitime. diferite activiti. Dac respectivul actor d
Una dintre cele mai complete inter- dovad de o autoritate eficient, fora sau
pretri contemporane ale suveranitii a adus- constrngerea nu vor fi niciodat exercitate.
o Stephen Krasner, profesor la Stanford
University, care propunea o sistematizare a Bibliografie selectiv
1. Burdeau Georges, Trait de science politique,
definiiilor anterioare ntr-o structur cva- Tome I, Paris, 1966.
dripartit, vorbind despre suveranitatea 2. Hannum Hurst, Autonomie, suveranitate i
westfalian care n accepiunea lui se autodeterminare, Paideia, Buc., 1990.
refer la organizarea politic bazat pe 3. Lapierre Jean-William, Viaa fr stat?, Iai,
excluderea actorilor externi din procesul Institutul European, 1997.
de exercitare a autoritii asupra propriului 4. Moca Gh., Suveranitatea de stat. Teorii
burgheze. Studiu critic, EP, 1973.
teritoriu al unui stat, suveranitatea intern 5. Simion Mihail, Doctrine politice contempo-
referindu-se la organizarea formal a rane, Ed. Sitech, 2004.
autoritii politice n cadrul statului i 6. Voiculescu Marin, Tratat de politologie, Ed.
abilitarea autoritilor publice de a exercita Universitaria, Buc., 2002.
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009

Legislaie i jurispruden european

Analiz comparativ privind perchetiia ca msur procesual penal
consacrat n Constituie i practica Curii Europene a Drepturilor
Omului i a Curii Europene de Justiie

Alexandru ERBAN, Silviu Gabriel BARBU

Abstract: The present article accomplishes an analysis of search from

the constitutional perspective, highlighting the manner in which the
provisions of the fundamental law find their projection in the Criminal
Procedure Code. Also, there are listed the juridical norms stated by
the Constitution and other organic or ordinary laws which create a
regime which differs from the general established framework. The
search is conditioned in these cases by obtaining some warrants from
certain public authorities or is subjected to their control. Last, but non
the least, search is analyzed in a comparative manner, in the view of
the constitutions of other states and relevant practices of the
European Court of Human Rights and of the European Court of
Keywords: search, European Court of Human Rights, European
Court of Justice, fundamental law, criminal procedure.

ercheziia este o msur procesual liberti fundamentale cum ar fi libertatea
reglementat n Codul de Procedur individual sau inviolabilitatea domiciliului.
Penal n titlul III - Probele i mi- Art.23 alin.2 din Constituie prevede
jloacele de prob, capitolul II - Mijloa- astfel c percheziionarea, reinerea sau ares-
cele de prob, seciunea VIII Ridicarea tarea unei persoane sunt permise numai n
de obiecte i nscrisuri. Efectuarea per- cazurile i cu procedura prevzute de lege.
cheziiei de la art.100 pn la art.111. De asemenea, cu referire la inviolabilitatea
Dac procedura penal reglementeaz pn domiciliului, art.27 alin.3 din acelai act
la detaliu cazurile, condiiile i organele normativ arat c percheziia se dispune
competente s autorizeze i s pun n de judector i se efectueaz n condiiile i
aplicare aceast msur, Constituia n n formele prevzute de lege , iar art.27
schimb traseaz liniile directoare pe care alin. 4 dispune c percheziiile n timpul
percheziia trebuie s le respecte, avnd n nopii sunt interzise, n afar de cazul
vedere c o asemenea activitate presupune infraciunii flagrante.
o intruziune a autoritilor n viaa unei Corespunztor acestei clasificri consti-
persoane i o restrngere a unor drepturi i tuionale, Codul de procedur penal, n

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Alexandru Serban, Silviu Gabriel Bratu

art.100 alin.2, mparte percheziia n ori de cte ori exist indicii temeinice c efec-
corporal i domiciliar, cele dou mo- tuarea unei percheziii este necesar pentru
daliti constnd n cercetarea efectuat descoperirea i strngerea probelor.
asupra mbrcminii unei persoane sau n n doctrin s-a artat c prin efec-
locuina acesteia, n scopul de a gsi i tuarea percheziiei se caut, n anumite
ridica obiecte sau nscrisuri cunoscute de locuri, obiectele i nscrisurile ce pot servi
organul judiciar, cnd se tgduiete exis- ca mijloace de prob n procesul penal i,
tena sau deinerea lor, precum i n ve- n caz de descoperire se ridic de la per-
derea descoperirii altor mijloace de pro-b soana sau instituia la care se gsesc.
necesare soluionrii cauzei penale1. De Percheziia poate fi efectuat ca urmare a
asemenea, un alt tip de percheziie , dar refuzului de a se preda obiectele i nscri-
care potrivit redactrii textului de lege pare surile solicitate, dar poate avea loc i distinct
asimilat percheziiei corporale este men- de ridicarea de obiecte i nscrisuri3.
ionat la art.100 alin.5 din Codul de proce- Percheziia poate contribui la rezolva-
dur penal care stipuleaz c percheziia rea cauzelor penale prin obiectele i nscri-
corporal sau asupra vehiculelor poate fi surile pe care le poate da la iveal i care
dispus, dup caz, de organul de cercetare pot avea relevan n elucidarea unor aspecte
penal, de procuror sau de judector. n ale cauzei penale4. Foarte important de re-
doctrin s-a artat, opinie la care ne raliem inut este faptul c percheziia domiciliar
i noi, c textul constituional al art.23 se poate fi dispus numai de judector i
refer doar la percheziia corporal, ntru- numai dup nceperea urmririi penale,
ct acesta face trimitere la percheziia per- aspect rezultat din coroborarea alineatelor
soanei, ce se poate efectua numai n cazurile 3 i 6 ale art.100 din Codul de procedur
i cu procedura prevzute de lege2. penal. Din interpretarea per a contrario a
Deoarece percheziia implic restrngerea textelor menionate anterior mai reiese c
unor drepturi i liberti fundamentale n- percheziia corporal sau asupra vehicu-
scrise n Constituia Romniei cum ar fi lelor poate fi dispus i de alte persoane,
libertatea individual, inviolabilitatea vieii in- cum ar fi procurorul sau organul de cerce-
time, familiale i private, inviolabilitatea tare penal, i chiar nainte de nceperea
domiciliului, inviolabilitatea corespondenei urmririi penale.
sau inviolabilitatea proprietii, reglemen- De asemenea, mai semnalm regimul
tarea ei n ceea ce privete efectuarea i diferit al percheziiei n funcie de faza
organele abilitate s o execute este amplu procesului penal n care este dispus.
prevzut n Constituie, Codul de proce- Astfel, dac aceasta a fost dispus n cursul
dur penal i alte dispoziii legale. ntru- urmririi penale se efectueaz de procuror
ct textele constituionale care fac referire sau de organul de cercetare penal, nsoit,
la percheziie au fost evideniate anterior, dup caz, de lucrtori operativi. n schimb,
n continuare vom analiza prevederile din dac percheziia a fost dispus n cursul
procedura penal care reglementeaz cele judecii, instana are ea nsi posibilitatea
mai importante aspecte ale percheziiei. s procedeze la efectuarea percheziiei cu
Astfel, potrivit art.100 alin.1 din Codul de ocazia unei cercetari locale. n celelalte
Procedur Penal, efectuarea unei percheziii cazuri, dispoziia instanei de judecat de a
se poate dispune cnd persoana creia i s-a se efectua o percheziie se comunic
cerut s predea vreun obiect sau vreun nscris procurorului n vederea efecturii acesteia.
dintre cele artate n art. 98 tgduiete (art.102 din Codul de procedur penal).
existena sau deinerea acestora, precum i
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Legislaie i jurispruden european

Un alt aspect important de care trebuie referitoare la efectuarea percheziiei trebuie

s se in cont la efectuarea percheziiei interpretate i aplicate n corelaie cu pre-
este timpul n care aceast activitate vederile art. 27 alin. 3 i 4 din Constituie
procesual poate fi desfurat. Astfel, privitoare la autoritatea competent i la
procedura penal dispune c percheziia timpul de desfurare7. Din interpretarea
domiciliar se poate face ntre orele 6,00 per a contrario a acestor din urm dis-
20,00, iar n celelalte ore numai n caz de poziii constituionale rezult c perche-
infraciune flagrant sau cnd percheziia ziiile corporale pot fi efectuate oriunde n
urmeaz s se efectueze ntr-un local public. locurile publice ori pe cile publice de
Percheziia nceput ntre orele 6,00-20,00 circulaie i oricnd, ziua i noaptea. n
poate continua i n timpul nopii (art.103 ). cazul n care persoana care trebuie perche-
Dup cum se poate observa, Codul de ziionat corporal se afl la domiciliul sau
procedur penal reglementeaz expres reedina sa, sunt aplicabile prioritar regu-
timpul n care se poate efectua percheziia lile art. 27 alin. 3 i 4 din Constituie, iar
numai n cazul celei domiciliare, astfel apoi, pentru realizarea percheziiei asupra
nct regula aplicabil percheziiei corporale persoanei trebuie respectate prevederile
sau asupra vehiculelor nu poate fi aflat art.23 din Constituie8.
dect prin deducie. Argumentul per a Dac procedura penal consacr nor-
contrario ne indic astfel faptul c percheziia mele generale care disciplineaz efec-
corporal sau asupra vehiculelor poate fi tuarea percheziiei la orice persoan fizic
efectuat oricnd ziua sau noaptea, indi- sau juridic, trebuie s menionm c att
ferent la ce or a nceput i indiferent dac legea fundamental ct i alte legi organice
este vorba de o infraciune flagrant sau sau ordinare introduc anumite condiii sau
nu. precauii suplimentare n cazul unor per-
Actul procedural al percheziiei trebuie soane care ocup nalte funcii de demni-
delimitat de alte procedee prevzute de le- tate public sau diplomatice. Referitor la
gislaia n vigoare i care reprezint acti- acest aspect n doctrin s-au artat urm-
viti extrapenale: controale i razii ale toarele: n Constituie i legi sunt nscrise
poliiei efectuate n temeiul Legii nr. 218/ cazuri n care nici judectorul, pentru
2002 privind organizarea i funcionarea percheziiile domiciliare, nici procurorul i
Poliiei Romne, controale vamale efectuate organul de cercetare penal, pentru perche-
potrivit Regulamentului de aplicare a Co- ziiile corporale, nu pot dispune efectuarea
dului vamal al Romniei aprobat prin Hot- lor fr o ncuviinare din partea unei anu-
rrea Guvernului Romniei nr. 626/ 1997, mite autoriti publice, precum i cazuri n
controlul efectuat de grniceri asupra ba- care dispoziia de efectuare a percheziiei,
gajelor, n conformitate cu Legea nr. 56/ 1992 fie domiciliare, fie corporale, este supus
privind frontiera de stat a Romniei .a.5 unui control din partea unei asemenea
Prin ea nsi percheziia privete direct autoriti.9
libertatea individual i mai ales sigurana Astfel, Preedintele Romniei, n te-
persoanei, de aceea se poate efectua numai meiul art. 84 alin.2 din Constituie, se
n cazurile i n condiiile prevzute de lege. bucur de imunitate i deci acesta nu poate
Trebuie s adugm c revine procedurii fi supus percheziiei, nici domiciliare i
penale stabilirea regulilor necesare, pn nici corporale. De asemenea, potrivit art.8
la detaliu, privind ncuviinarea, timpul, din Codul penal legea penal nu se aplic
procedura de efectuare a percheziiilor6. infraciunilor svrite de ctre reprezen-
Dispoziiile art.23 alin.2 din Constituie tanii diplomatici ai statelor strine sau de

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Alexandru Serban, Silviu Gabriel Bratu

alte persoane care, n conformitate cu emis de judector. n practica judiciar,

conveniile internaionale, nu sunt supuse modalitatea de nfptuire a percheziiei la
jurisdiciei penale a statului romn. Ca cabinete avocaiale a atras inclusiv inter-
atare, nici persoanele menionate nu pot fi venia Curii Europene a Drepturilor Omului
supuse percheziiei, ele fiind protejate m- care a pronunat mai multe decizii de spe.
potriva legii penale romne n baza sta- Astfel, n cazul Niemietz contra Germaniei
tutului diplomatic sau n baza obligaiilor (1992), Curtea European a Drepturilor
asumate de statul romn prin convenii Omului a analizat efectuarea percheziiei
internaionale. O alt categorie de persoa- prin prisma art.8 din Convenia European
ne crora nu li se aplic regulile generale a Drepturilor Omului, artnd c interpre-
ale percheziiei o reprezint deputaii i tarea cuvintelor via privat i domiciliu
senatorii. n privina acestora art.72 din ca incluznd anumite localuri sau activi-
Constituie prevede c nu pot fi perchezi- ti, profesionale sau comerciale, ar rs-
ionai fr ncuviinarea Camerei din care punde obiectului i elului esenial al art.8 :
fac parte, cu excepia infraciunilor fla- acela de a asigura individul mpotriva ames-
grante, cnd pot fi percheziionai, cu obli- tecurilor arbitrare ale puterilor publice.
gaia ministrului justiiei de a informa Cnd mandatul de percheziie este redactat
nentrziat pe preedintele Camerei Depu- n termeni largi, ordonnd cercetarea i
tailor sau al Senatului. De asemenea, jude- sechestrul de documente fr nici o limi-
ctorii, procurorii i magistraii asisteni tare, la cabinetul unui avocat, percheziia
pot fi percheziionai numai cu ncuviin- nefind nsoit de garanii speciale de
area seciei corespunztoare a Consiliului procedur, cum ar fi prezena unui obser-
Superior al Magistraturii, iar n caz de vator independent, atunci acea percheziie
infraciuni flagrante percheziia poate fi a nclcat secretul profesional i a fost
efectuat, urmnd s fie informat nentrziat violat art. 8 al Conveniei10.
secia respectiv (art.931 din Legea nr. O decizie similar a pronunat Curtea
303/2004 ). Tot o excepie de la regulile European a Drepturilor Omului i n
generale ale percheziiei o reprezint i cauza Kopp contra Elveiei11 instana de la
instituia Avocatului Poporului. Astfel, po- Strasbourg statund c sediile profesio-
trivit art.28 din Legea nr.35/1997, aa cum nale, cum ar fi cabinetele de avocat (n
a fost modificat prin Legea nr.233/2004, spea de fa cabinetul de avocai Kopp i
Avocatul Poporului nu poate fi perche- asociaii), fac parte din domiciliul persoanei,
ziionat fr ncuviinarea prealabil a pre- fiind cuprinse implicit n noiunea de via
edinilor celor dou Camere ale Parla- privat. De asemenea, n doctrin s-a mai
mentului, iar adjuncii Avocatului Poporului artat c i Curtea European de Justiie s-
fr ntiinarea acestuia. n sfrit, o ultim a aliniat la jurisprudena CEDO din cauzele
categorie profesional care beneficiaz de Societe Colas Est .a. contra Franei i
prevederi derogatorii de la regulile ge- Niemietz contra Germaniei extinznd
nerale ale percheziiei consacrate n Codul protecia conferit de dreptul la respectarea
de procedur penal este aceea a avocailor domiciliului i asupra sediilor societilor
i consilierilor juridici. n conformitate cu comerciale n cauzele avnd ca obiect efec-
art.33 alin.1 din Legea nr.51/1995 i art.23 tuarea unei percheziii la sediile acestor
din Legea nr.514/2003, percheziionarea societi cu ocazia investigaiilor efectuate
persoanelor menionate, a domiciliului, n materia dreptului concurenei de Comisia
cabinetului sau locului de munc se poate U.E. Aceast dezvoltare a jurisprudenei
face numai de procuror n baza mandatului C.E.J. a avut ca scop asigurarea i n drep-
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Legislaie i jurispruden european

tul comunitar a unei protecii efective cuprinse n constituiile din ri cu tradiie

mpotriva interveniilor arbitrare sau dis- democratic ale lumii ct i exigenelor
proporionate ale autoritilor publice n decurgnd din practica CEDO.
sfera activitilor private ale persoanelor
fizice sau juridice.12 Note
C. Bulai, Ridicarea de obiecte i nscrisuri. Efectuarea
Avnd n vedere importana valorilor percheziiilor, n Explicaii teoretice ale Codului de
protejate mpotriva unei intruziuni arbitrare, Procedur Penal, vol. I, de Vintil Dongoroz i
subiective sau disproporionate a puterilor colaboratorii, Bucureti,1975, p. 237-242.
publice libertatea persoanei, inviolabilitatea Gh. Iancu, Drepturile,libertile i ndatoririle
domiciliului sau a proprietii n multe fundamentale n Romnia, Ed. All Beck, Bucureti,
2003, p.124.
state ale lumii percheziia este reglemen- 3
Grigore Gr. Theodoru, Tratat de Drept procesual penal,
tat, la nivel de principiu, prin norme Editura Hamangiu, 2007, p. 387.
juridice cuprinse n legile fundamentale ale Ion Neagu, Drept procesual penal. Tratat, Editura
respectivelor state. Global Lex, Bucureti, 2002. p. 370.
Alexandru uculeanu, Ocrotirea drepturilor i
n Constituia Japoniei13 termenul de libertilor constituionale n cazul percheziiei
percheziie apare utilizat n art. 35 ali- corporale, Dreptul, nr. 1/ 1999, p. 43;
neatele 1 i 2 . Alin.1arat c Dreptul oricrei 6
Ioan Muraru, Simina Tnsescu, Drept
persoane de a nu fi supus percheziiei constituional i instituii politice, ediia a II-a,
domiciliare... dac nu exist un ordin emis revzut i completat, Editura Lumina Lex,
Bucureti, 2001, p. 204;
pe baza unui temei legal..., iar alineatul 2 7
Art.27 alin. 2 i 3 din Constituie prevede : (2) De la
prevede c Orice percheziie sau sechestru prevederile alineatului (1) se poate deroga prin lege de la
se aduce la ndeplinire n baza unui ordin urmtoarele situaii : a) executarea unui mandat de
scris emis de un organ judiciar. n Consti- arestare sau a unei hotrri judectoreti; b) nlturarea
unei primejdii privind viaa, integritatea fizic sau
tuia Germaniei14 termenul de percheziie bunurile unei persoane; c) prarea securitii naionale
este folosit de art.13; n Constituia italian sau ordinii publice; d) prevenirea rspndirii unei
noiunea de percheziie a persoanei este epidemii. (3) Percheziia se dispune de judector i se
menionat n art. 13 alineatul 2 care arat : efectueaz n condiiile i n forme prevzute de lege.
nu este admis nici o form de detenie, A se vedea Gh. Iancu, op.cit., p.124-125.
A se vedea Grigore Gr. Teodoru, op. cit. , p. 389.
de control sau percheziie a persoanei...; 10
V. Berger, op.cit., p. 425-426.
Constituia Statelor Unite ale Americii15 n 11
A se vedea CEDO, hotrrea din 25 martie 1998,
Amendamentul IV (text marginal Pro- n cauza Kopp contra Elveiei, parag. 50, 62 75.
tecia mpotriva percheziiilor i confis- M. Udroiu, O. Predescu, Protecia european a
drepturilor omului i procesul penal romn, Ed. C.
crilor nemotivate) arat c: Dreptul per- H. Beck, Bucureti 2008, p. 203.
soanei de a se simi n siguran n ceea ce 13
Constituiile Statelor Lumii. Constituia Japoniei,
privete persoana, domiciliul, documentele Prezentare istoric, traducere Eleodor Foceneanu, Ed.
i bunurile sale, mpotriva percheziiilor i ALL Educational SA, Bucureti, 1997.
confiscrilor nemotivate nu poate fi Legea fundamental pentru Republica Federal
German, Traducere, prezentare istoric Eleodor
nclcat.... Foceneanu, Ed. All Educational S.A, Bucureti,
ara noastr nu face nici ea excepie 1998.
de la regula menionat, percheziia fiind Constituia Statelor Unite ale Americii, Simina
reglementat, aa cum artam i la nce- Tnsescu, Nicolae Pavel, Ioan Muraru, Mihai
Constantinescu Traducere, Ed. All Beck, Bucureti,
putul prezentei analize, n articolele 23 i 2002.
27 din Constituie, astfel nct putem con-
cluziona c legislaia romneasc, nce-
pnd cu legea fundamental, se confor-
meaz sub acest aspect att normelor

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009

Libera circulaie n Uniunea European

Viziunea reformatoare a Anteproiectului de Cod European al
Contractelor n materia nulitii actului juridic

Irina Olivia POPESCU

Abstract: This article aims to disclose the relationship between the free
movements of goods, services, capital and persons and contract law,
especially the remedies offered to non-performance of a contract. They are
directly connected, since contract law provides the legal framework of the
free movements. Nevertheless, the relevance of contract law for the internal
market is reflected in the number of ECJ rulings. Primary, internal
regulations concerning contract law may be divergent to the free
movements. Lastly, the contract following the agreement of the parties may
be divergent to a rule of national public law, which is a barrier to trade
and must be eliminated. This will affect the rights and obligations of the
parties to the contract. Moreover, the importance of Contract Law for the
internal market is highlighted by the Principles of European Contract, the
product of work carried out by the Commission on European Contract law,
composed of a body of lawyers from all the Member States of the European
Union. As it is shown in the preamble of PECL, the principles are a
response to a need of the Community-wide infrastructure of contract law in
order to consolidate the rapidly expanding volume of Community law
regulating specific types of contract.
Keywords: free movement, right, obligation, contract, nullity, legal acts.

Consideraii prealabile Cod European al Contractelor reprezint

un rspuns la necesitatea resimit la nivel

ibera circulaie a bunurilor, servi- european de a consolida rapid reglemen-
ciilor, capitalului i persoanelor este tarea tranzaciilor n cretere rapid privind
direct legat de materia Dreptului diverse tipuri de contracte.
Contractelor. La nivel comunitar, relaia Necesitatea de a reglementa aceste
dintre cele dou este marcat prin ncer- tranzacii izvorte din faptul c reglemen-
carea de a trasa reguli diriguitoare privind trile naionale pot intra de foarte multe ori
reglementarea relaiilor contractuale ce se n discordan cu reglementrile comuni-
pot stabili ntre pri contractante aflate n tare, lucru care poate afecta grav piaa
diferite State Membre. Anteproiectul de intern, prin blocarea acesteia.
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Libera circulaie n Uniunea European

Ineficacitatea contractelor n pe care legea nu o prevede expres, dar care

dreptul naional. rezult nendoielnic din modul n care este
n doctrina naional, nendeplinirea reglementat o anumit condiie de vala-
condiiilor de validitate a unui act juridic bilitate a actului juridic civil.
civil este sancionat cu nulitatea. Anteproiectul de Cod European al
Nulitatea reprezint sanciunea de drept Contractelor urmeaz linia clasic a m-
civil care lipsete actul juridic civil de pririi nulitii n nulitate absolut i res-
efectele contrarii normelor juridice edictate pectiv nulitate relativ, cu singura diferen
pentru ncheierea sa valabil1. c terminologia utilizat este aceea de nulitate,
La nivelul doctrine de specialitate s-au pentru cazurile de nulitate absolut i
conturat urmtoarele funcii ale acestui aceea de anulabilitate pentru cazurile de
grad de ineficacitate a actului juridic civil: nulitate relativ.
1. funcia preventiv, care const n ame- Articolul 140 din Anteproiect este
ninarea cu nlturarea efectelor ac- intitulat simplu Nulitate, ceea ce ne-ar
tului juridic, n cazul n care acesta se putea duce cu gndul, ntr-o prim faz, la
ncheie cu nesocotirea dispoziiilor ideea c aici sunt plasate problemele legate
normative ce reglementeaz condiiile de nulitate n general, deci att nulitatea
sale de validitate. absolut, ct i nulitatea relativ. La o pri-
2. funcia sancionatorie funcioneaz atunci vire mai atent ns, din niruirea cauzelor
cnd funcia preventiv nu i-a dove- care atrag nulitatea i din ntreaga struc-
dit eficiena i const n ndeprtarea turare a capitolului reiese c, atunci cnd
efectelor ce contravin normelor juri- vorbesc despre nulitate, autorii Ante-
dice edictate pentru ncheierea vala- proiectului se gndesc exclusiv la nulitate
bil a actului juridic civil. absolut2.
n funcie de felul (natura) interesului Avnd n vedere faptul c nu exist o
ocrotit prin dispoziia legal nclcat la reglementare amnunit a nulitii n
ncheierea actului juridic, nulitate este: ab- Codul civil, a revenit doctrinei de specia-
solut, care sancioneaz nerespectarea, la litate sarcina de a contura cauzele de
ncheierea actului juridic, a unei norme de nulitate absolut, printre acestea numrndu-
drept care ocrotesc un interes general, public se: a) nerespectarea unei incapaciti spe-
i relativ, care sancioneaz nerespec- ciale de folosin a persoanei fizice, insti-
tarea, la ncheierea actului juridic, a unei tuite pentru ocrotirea unui interes general;
norme de drept ce ocrotete un interes b) lipsa capacitii de folosin a persoanei
particular, individual. juridice; c) nerespectarea principiului spe-
Nulitatea se mai clasific n funcie de cialitii capacitii de folosin a persoanei
ntinderea efectelor sale, ca fiind: total juridice; d) lipsa total de consimmnt;
acea nulitate care desfiineaz actul juridic e) nevalabilitatea obiectului actului juridic
n ntregime i parial acea nulitate care civil; f) nevalabilitatea cauzei actului ju-
desfiineaz numai o parte din efectele ridic3; g) nerespectarea formei cerut ad
actului juridic, care rmne n fiin i i validitatem; sau h) nerespectarea dreptului
produce celelalte efecte, deoarece nu con- de preempiune al statului (n cazurile
travin legii. stabilite de lege);
n funcie de modul de consacrare n acelai mod, s-au conturat cauzele
legislativ, nulitatea este: expres acea de nulitate relativ, ca fiind: a) nesocotirea
nulitate ce este prevzut, ca atare, ntr-o regulilor privind capacitatea de exerciiu:
dispoziie legal i virtual acea nulitate 1. actul juridic a fost ncheiat de persoana

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Irina Olivia Popescu

lipsit de capacitate de exerciiu; 2.actul succesorii universali7, cu titlu universal,

juridic de administrare s-a ncheiat fr precum i cei cu titlu particular ori
ncuviinarea ocrotitorului legal i este creditorii chirografari ai persoanei ocrotite
lezionar pentru minorul ntre 14-18 ani; 3. (avnzii-cauz), cu condiia ca aciunea n
actul juridic de dispoziie s-a ncheiat fr anulare s nu aib caracter strict personal;
ncuviinarea prealabil a ocrotitorului le- procurorul n condiiile art. 45 C.proc.civ..
gal sau a autoritii tutelare; 4.actul juridic Totodat, nulitatea relativ trebuie invocat
s-a ncheiat pentru persoana juridic n nluntrul termenului de prescripie extin-
lipsa ori cu depirea puterilor conferite; b) ctiv8 i poate fi acoperit prin confirmare
nerespectarea unor incapaciti speciale expres sau tacit de cel ndreptit s o
de folosin, instituite pentru ocrotirea unor invoce.
interese individuale interdicia vnzrii Privit n oglind Anteproiectul de
ntre soi; c) lipsa discernmntului4 n Cod European al Contractelor i legislaia
momentul ncheierii actului juridic; d) vi- romneasc n materia prescripiei nulitii
ciile de consimmnt; e) nerespectarea vom observa c deosebirile sunt notabile,
dreptului de preempiune (n situaiile pornind de la faptul c n Anteproiect ter-
prevzute de lege). menul de prescripie a aciunii n nulitate
n ceea ce privete regulile crora le este de 10 ani. Acest termen pare la prima
este supus nulitatea absolut actului ju- vedere scurt, mai ales dac ne gndim c
ridic civil trebuie menionat c: 1. nulitatea n opinia multor autori din literatura i
absolut poate fi invocat de orice per- practica judiciar romn nulitatea absolut
soan interesat, chiar i de partea care nu mai e considerat imprescriptibil9.
este vinovat de producerea cauzei nu- Principii care guverneaz efectele nu-
litii5; 2. este imprescriptibil putnd fi litii n Codul civil romn sunt: a)
invocat oricnd, fie pe cale de aciune, fie principiul retroactivitii efectelor nulitii
pe cale de excepie i 3. n principiu, nu actului juridic regula de drept potrivit
poate fi acoperit prin confirmare. creia efectele nulitii se produc din chiar
Problema posibilitii de confirmare a momentul ncheierii actului juridic civil,
nulitii absolute apare ca o noutate n adic nulitatea produce efecte i pentru
Anteproiectul de Cod European al Con- trecut (ex tunc), nu numai pentru viitor (ex
tractelor. Aceast afirmaie i are izvorul nunc) n sensul c efectele nulitii se pro-
n faptul c articolul legat de confirmare duc din momentul ncheierii actului ju-
apare la problemele legate de nulitatea ridic; b) principiul restabilirii situaiei ante-
absolut. rioare ncheierii actului juridic (restitutio in
Anteproiectul este ns clar n ceea ce integrum), - acea regul de drept potrivit
privete imposibilitatea confirmrii nulitii creia tot ceea ce s-a executat n baza unui
absolute n cazul actelor juridice care act juridic anulat trebuie restituit, astfel
ncalc ordinea public i bunele moravuri. nct prile raportului juridic s ajung
Aa cum se arat n alin. 2 al art. 143, n n situaia n care acel act juridic nu s-ar fi
afar de contractele nule pentru motivele ncheiat; c) principiul anulrii actelor juri-
expuse, celelalte contracte nule pot fi con- dice subsecvente regula de drept potrivit
firmate6. creia anularea (desfiinarea) actului iniial
Referitor la regimul juridic al nulitii (primar) atrage i anularea actului sub-
relative, trebuie subliniat c persoanele secvent (urmtor), datorit legturii lor
ndreptite s invoce nulitatea relativ juridice.
sunt persoana ocrotit de dispoziia legal,
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Libera circulaie n Uniunea European

Diferitele grade de ineficacitate a inexistena presupune un act care are

actului juridic civil n reglemen- doar o existen material i care nu
tarea naional i viitoarea reglemen- are nici o existen juridic n timp ce
tare la nivel comunitar: inexistena nulitatea presupune un act juridic im-
i nulitatea. perfect ncheiat care conduce la in-
n doctrina naional s-a artat c validarea lui;
inexistena reprezint sanciunea civil care n timp ce inexistena intervine pentru
declar ineficacitatea unui act juridic civil nesocotirea unor condiii fundamentale
care a fost ncheiat cu nesocotirea con- eseniale pentru ncheierea unui act,
diiilor eseniale prevzute de lege pentru nulitatea intervine pentru nesocotirea
existena sa10. n materie s-a artat c unor condiii de validitate la nche-
inexistena juridic este ineficacitatea ini- ierea actului;
ial, spontan, radical i ireparabil a actul inexistent este lipsit de orice fel
unui act lipsit de vreunul din elementele de efecte juridice, n timp ce actul
sale eseniale, organice ori specifice, sta- lovit de nulitate va produce efecte
bilite de litera sau spiritul dreptului po- pn cnd va fi declarat nulitatea de
zitiv11 pentru naterea sa12. ctre instana de judecat;
Aa cum am artat deja, nulitatea actul inexistent nu poate fi confirmat,
absolut este sanciunea de drept civil ce n timp ce actul anulabil poate fi
se aplic actelor juridice ntocmite cu ne- confirmat; n cazuri limitativ pre-
respectarea unor dispoziii legale impera- vzute de lege chiar i actul nul poate
tive care ocrotesc interese de ordin gene- fi confirmat;
ral, pentru a le lipsi de acele efecte care actul inexistent nu poate fi ratificat sau
sunt contrare legii. Nulitatea relativ este executat voluntar n timp ce actul nul
sanciunea de drept civil ce se aplic actelor este susceptibil uneori de refacere sau
juridice ntocmite cu nerespectarea unor remediere.
dispoziii legale imperative care ocrotesc Doctrina contemporan din ara noastr,
interese de ordin individual ori personal spre deosebire de sistemele de drept din
pentru a le lipsi de efectele contrare legii. Uniunea European, se pare c i-a con-
De-a lungul timpului, au existat con- centrat toate eforturile pentru a nega teoria
troverse n considerarea inexistenei ca fiind actelor inexistente. Nu de puine ori s-a
o instituie distinct de cea a nulitilor sau afirmat c aceast teorie este att ilogic14,
ca fiind o categorie a nulitilor alturi de ct i inutil15. Mai mult dect att, teoria
nulitatea absolut i nulitatea relativ. Ca actelor inexistente, a fost de multe ori
atare, o nelegere superioar a ideii de ignorat pur i simplu de doctrina contem-
inexisten juridic impune delimitarea poran16, afirmndu-se doar c n litera-
acesteia de celelalte cauze de ineficacitate, tura noastr de drept civil nu este agreat
n special de nulitatea absolut. distincia dintre actul nul i actul inexistent,
Distincia se impune imperios deoa- ntruct n realitate, actul zis inexistent este
rece confuziile sunt inadmisibile datorit lovit de nulitate absolut, avnd regimul
importantelor deosebiri de regim juridic. juridic n ntregime, al acestei nuliti.
Asemnarea dintre inexisten13 i n pofida argumentelor prezentate,
nulitate vizeaz faptul c ambele sunt cauze Anteproiectul de Cod European al Con-
de ineficacitate a actului juridic civil. tractelor consacr principiul inexistenei
Deosebirile dintre inexisten i actului juridic civil n art. 137-13817.
nulitate sunt urmtoarele:

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Irina Olivia Popescu

Astfel, inexistena este tratat n Titlul 229; I. Dogaru, Drept civil romn, Tratat. Vol. I,
XI, intitulat Alte anomalii i remedii ale Ed. Europa, Craiova, 1999, p. 206 i urm.
contractului, art. 137-138, alturi de nulitate, V. V. Popa, op. cit., p. 201-202.
caducitate, ineficacitate, inopozabilitate, Trib. Suprem, decizia nr. 1815/1989, Dreptul
nr. 7/1990, p. 66 (nulitatea absolut, pentru
simulaie i rezerv mintal.
cauz imoral, a contractului de ntreinere
Din plasarea inexistenei n categoria ncheiat n scopul meninerii strii de concu-
anomaliilor i a remediilor contractuale, i binaj); Trib. Suprem, decizia civil nr.
nu n seciunea dedicat problemelor ge- 1912/1955, C.D. 1955, 1, p. 57 (este lovit de
nerale sau modalitilor de stingere a nulitate absolut, ca avnd o cauz ilicit, con-
obligaiilor, reiese dorina autorilor Ante- venia prin care un brbat cstorit se oblig a
proiectului de Cod European al Con- despgubi pe concubina sa n situaia n care nu
tractelor de a aeza pe primul plan ideea divoreaz de soia sa).
de salvare a contractului prin eradicarea, A se vedea Decizia nr. 1988/1989 a seciei
eliminarea, purificarea acestuia de vicii i civile a Trib. Suprem, n Dreptul nr. 7/1990, p.
66, n care se face diferena clar ntre lipsa
vede numai ca o soluie final nimicirea
discernmntului i lipsa total de consim-
actului. De altfel aceast idee reiese i din mnt artndu-se faptul c: Consimmntul
obligaia ce incumb prilor de a purta este unul dintre elementele eseniale ale
negocieri prealabile pentru a rezolva oricrui act juridic i exprim voina persoanei
problemele pe plan extrajudiciar18. la ncheierea actului. Lipsa cu desvrire a
Mai mult dect att, prin reglemen- consimmntului face ca actul astfel ncheiat
tarea distinct a nulitii n art. 140-152, s fie sancionat cu nulitate absolut. Lipsa
autorii Anteproiectului au dorit s deli- discernmntului n exprimarea voinei relev
miteze inexistena de nulitate, a crei clasi- ns nu inexistena consimmntului ci un
ficare urmeaz oarecum linia clasic a simplu viciu al acestuia, deoarece n acest caz
consimmntul exist. Ne aflm deci n faa
nulitii absolute i relative, terminologia
unui viciu de consimmnt, care nu atrage
folosit fiind aceea de nulitate, pentru dect nulitatea relativ a actului, sanciunea
cazurile de nulitate absolut i anulabi- nulitii fiind edictat de data aceasta, n
litate, pentru cazurile de nulitate relativ. vederea protejrii persoanei interesate.
Reglementarea unitar a gradelor de A se vedea i Trib. Suprem, decizia civil nr.
ineficacitate a contractelor n Statele Membre 473 din 7 martie 1985, I. Mihu, Repertoriu de
ale Uniunii Europene, lucru ce reprezint practic judiciar n materie civil a
principalul obiectiv al Anteproiectului de Tribunalului Suprem i a altor instane
Cod European al Contractelor, reprezint judectoreti, vol. 4 (1980-1985), Ed. tiinific
aadar posibilitatea eficient de eliminare a i Enciclopedic, Bucureti, 1986, p. 12, nr. 2.
A se vedea pentru dezvoltri L. Mirea,
barierelor existente n ceea ce privete
Nulitatea contractului. Viziunea reformatoare
libera circulaie n piaa unic. a Anteproiectului de Cod European al
Contractelor privit comparativ cu legislaia
Note romn i francez, Analele Universitii
I. Dogaru, S. Cercel, Drept civil. Partea Oradea, Fascicula Drept, Ed. Universitii din
general, Ed. C. H. Beck, Bucureti, 2007, p. Oradea, 2001, p. 277-305.
172-205 i urm; Gh. Beleiu, Drept civil romn. 7
Trib. Suprem, decizia civil nr. 273 din 5
Introducere n dreptul civil. Subiectele dreptului februarie 1977, C.D. 1977, p. 86 (anularea unui
civil, Ed. Universul juridic, Bucureti, 2005, p. testament pe motivul lipsei de discernmnt a
219-243; G. Boroi, Drept civil. Partea general. dispuntorului poate fi solicitat de motenitorii
Persoanele, Ed. Hamangiu, Bucureti, 2008, p. si).
297-340; V. V. Popa, Drept civil. Partea
general. Persoanele, Ed. C.H. Beck, p. 181-
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Libera circulaie n Uniunea European

8 13
Termenul curge, potrivit art. 9 din Decretul nr. Pentru dezvoltri privind teoria actelor
167/1958, pentru motiv de violen, de la data inexistente, a se vedea I. Dogaru (coord.), Drept
cnd aceasta a ncetat, iar n caz de eroare, dol civil. Idei productoare de efecte juridice, Ed.
sau alte cauze de anulare, prescripia ncepe s All Beck, Bucureti, 2002, p. 380 i urm; N.
curg de la data cnd cel ndreptit, Em. Antonescu, Nevaliditatea actelor juridice
reprezentantul su legal sau persoana care n dreptul civil, n materia nulitilor, Institutul
trebuie potrivit legii s-i ncuviineze actele, a de Arte Grafice Romnia Nou, Bucureti,
cunoscut cauza anulrii, ns cel mai trziu de la 1927, p. 200 i urm.
mplinirea a 18 luni de la data ncheierii actului. V. V. Popa, op. cit., p. 201.
9 15
V. V. Popa, op. cit., p. 208. Ibidem; G. Boroi, op. cit., p. 228; P. M.
O. Ungureanu, Drept civil. Introducere, Ed. Cosmovici, Tratat de drept civil, vol. I, Ed.
All Beck, Bucureti, 2000, p.185. Academiei, Bucureti, 1989, p. 220; A. Pop,
Pentru dezvoltri a se vedea N. Popa, M. C. Gh. Beleiu, Dreptul civil. Teoria general a
Eremia, S. Cristea, Teoria general a dreptului, dreptului civil, Bucureti, 1980, p. 360.
Ed. All Beck, Bucureti, 2005, p. 73 i urm. Gh. Beleiu, op. cit., p. 227.
12 17
I. Dogaru, N. Popa, D. C. Dnior, S. Cercel, V. V. Popa, op. cit., p. 201.
Bazele dreptului civil, vol. I, Teoria general, Ibidem, p. 193.
Ed. C.H. Beck, Bucureti, 2008, p. 1070.

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009

Discours mdiatiques sur limmigration

(Etude compare de la presse bulgare et franaise)

Snejana POPOVA*

Abstract: This article presents the results of a comparative study of

media discourses on the immigration. The study reflects a concrete
event context (2006): Bulgaria awaits its entrance to the EU; a more
restrictive law on immigration is voted in France; in several countries
of Western Europe some restrictive measures towards immigration
are put to practice. The results of the linguistic study reveal two
different images of immigration within the two media studied. At the
same time, an in depth reading of the same results reveal a common
point the media of the two countries act according to the political
Keywords: media, immigration, semantic field, image, media
discourse, political discourse.

a reprsentation de limmigration 1. Objet et paramtres de ltude
dans les mdias reflte les processus
sociaux, les volonts politiques et les Priode dobservation: avril-juillet 2006.
comportements sociaux spcifiques pour Contexte vnementiel : La Bulgarie
chaque pays. Lobjectif de cette recherche1 attend encore son entre lUE. Les enqutes
est de relever les convergences et les sociologiques sur les comportements sociaux
divergences dans le traitement de ce pro- montrent une approbation gnrale de
blme par la presse bulgare et franaise. ladhsion (85%)2, dun ct, mais, de
Le texte ne contient que les pistes prin- lautre, la peur que les Bulgares ny seront
cipales de la recherche et quelques con- pas traits sur un pied dgalit.
clusions auxquelles elle a abouti. En France est vote la loi de N.
Sarkozy, annonce par lui-mme comme
* Snejana Popova est professeur la Facult une loi pour une immigration choisie et
de journalisme et de communication de pas subie .
masse, Universit de Sofia St. Kliment Les comportements sociaux dans les
Ohridski . pays ouest-europens rvlent plutt une
orientation vers des rgles plus svres
concernant limmigration.
Aux Etats Unis on prpare une
nouvelle loi tolrante sur limmigration,
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Discours mdiatiques sur limmigration

mais en mme temps, pour limiter limmi- dants, car la lecture parfois ne va pas plus
gration illgale, on btit un mur de 600 km loin que le titre.
la frontire avec le Mexique. Nous avons tudi seulement les titres
Journaux tudis : 24 tchasa/24 heures qui portaient explicitement ou implicitement3
lun des deux journaux bulgares aux plus sur le sujet Immigration .
gros tirages, dit par les experts tablode Le corpus bulgare compte 60 titres ( 24
hybride du fait quil mlange vrit, tchasa 14 ; Dnevnik 13 ; Sega
sensation, divertissement. Proprit du 15 ; Monitor 18) et le corpus franais
consortium WAZ depuis 1996 ; Dnevnik/ compte 57 ( Le Figaro 40, Libration
Journal considr par les experts 9, Le Monde 8)4.
comme un quotidien bulgare de qualit ; La notion dimmigration : Immigration
Sega/Aujourdhui qui prtend tre de va de paire avec migration . Les deux
qualit, neutre, mais qui ne se prive pas de lexmes prcisent le terme plus gnral de
certaines stratgies de la presse sensation migration , en lui ajoutant lide de
pour attirer plus de lecteurs ; Monitor/ frontire . Dans lopposition le sien -
niteur porte-parole des nationalistes ltranger , nous - eux , cest immi-
bulgares dans le pass (considrablement gration qui va dans le sens de ltranger
plus modr aprs lapparition dun et de eux . Si migration sous entend
journal du parti nationaliste Ataka en une diaspora (les ntres dehors), limmi-
2004-2005). Le Figaro le journal de gration sous entend une minorit.
la droite en France, li aux ides politiques Les sociologues soulignent dhabitude
de lUnion pour un mouvement populaire; que la notion de minorit est cre par la
Libration orient gauche et soutenant majorit. Du point de vue sociologique, la
par tradition les droits des minorits ; Le minorit est construite la base dune
Monde journal reconnu de qualit. accentuation politique de limportance de
Approche appliqu: Nous avons examin quelque trait dominant chez la minorit
les moyens linguistiques que les journaux dont les porteurs savrent ngativement
bulgares et franais ont utiliss pour crer marqus5.
les images de limmigration. Des tudes linguistiques aboutissent
Nous avons analys les termes dont une conclusion analogique. Dans son
les journaux se sont servis pour dsigner, analyse de lutilisation du lexme immi-
dun ct, limmigration/les immigrants et, gration vers 1984, Colette Guillaumin
de lautre, les actions produites ou subies souligne quelque chose de trs important :
par les immigrs. Nous avons cern les Immigration, dans le meilleur des cas est
champs smantiques prdominants qui im- un terme neutre [] il ne semble pas quil
posaient limage de limmigration dans puisse tre jamais positif 6.
lespace publique bulgare et franais. Le traitement du problme de limmi-
Ltude tait guide par le poids gration par les mdias est extrmement
(la frquence) des lexmes et des lexies important, car, comme nous le savons bien,
dans le corpus. les mdias peuvent ajouter des connota-
Description du corpus : Nous nous sommes tions positives ou ngatives aux mots en
limits aux titres. Les titres annoncent la fonction du contenu qui leur est associ en
nouvelle ou son analyse, reprsentent contexte. Les mdias peuvent utiliser aussi
souvent un condens du texte. On peut les des mots appartenant au discours xno-
considrer comme des messages indpen- phobe qui entrent dans le discours popu-
laire. Pierre Fiala analyse le terme

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Snejana Popova

Ueberfremdung 7, cr en Autriche et daujourdhui et celle de la deuxime

traduit en franais comme surpopulation moiti du 19 sicle o beaucoup bulgares
et emprise trangre . Colette Guillaumin partaient ltranger pour y gagner leur
rflchit sur la lexie immigration- vie et la vie de leur famille. A lpoque on
sauvage 8. Des lexies analogiques appelait ces Bulgares-l gourbetchii. Dans
continuent dapparatre Mathieu Valette limagerie populaire le gourbetchia est un
mentionne immigration incontrle , bon ouvrier, il souffre de nostalgie et
immigration croissante , immigration revient toujours la maison. Il se voit
invasion 9. Ces derniers lexmes sous- oblig de souffrir dans un milieu qui lui est
entendent le danger que cache la prsence hostile. Mme si gourbetchia ne sutilise
des immigrs. pas dans le corpus bulgare, les lexies
mentionnes fonctionnent en tant que ses
2. Immigration 2006 synonymes.
Lanalyse des deux corpus fait ressortir Dans les titres les ouvriers bulgares
une convergence vidente et une diver- sont prsents surtout comme frustrs et
gence importante entre la presse bulgare et rejets : Dublin arte nos ouvriers -
franaise : Dnevnik ; LEurope reste mfiante
La convergence : Les titres dans les envers les ouvriers de lEst - Dnevnik ;
deux presses reprsentent limmigration/les LIrlande ne veut pas des ouvriers de la
immi-grants en gnral comme subissant Bulgarie - Monitor.
les actions dautrui (31 titres dans le corpus Les sujets, ceux qui ne veulent pas
bulgare et 36 dans le corpus franais). nos compatriotes sont les Etats. Ltati-
La divergence est lie lutilisation du sation de laction dans le titre reprsente
lexme de base immigration . Tandis une pratique qui ne touche pas seulement
que le corpus des titres bulgares lutilise le thme tudi. Cependant ltatisation de
dans des cas isols, pour le corpus franais la restriction dans le thme immi-
cest le lexme dont la frquence est la gration confirme notamment cette peur
plus leve. Dans les journaux bulgares bulgare que nous avons dj mentionne :
prdominent des mots qui font partie de lEurope ne nous traitera pas sur un pied
son champs smantique des personnages dgalit.
collectifs (ouvriers bulgares, immigrants, Lutilisation dimmigrants/immigratoire
immigrants clandestins etc.). occupe la deuxime position dans le corpus
Arrtons-nous tout dabord sur les de titres bulgares (12 occurrences). Ces
lexmes qui dsignent les immigrants dans termes apparaissent en gnral dans des
les titres de la presse bulgare. titres de textes parlant dvnements hors
de la Bulgarie ( Une grve immigratoire
2.1. La presse bulgare a boulevers les Etats-Unis - Sega, Un
Les termes prfrs par la presse bul- flux dimmigrants vers lle Britannique -
gare sont ouvriers/bulgares/nos (17 occurrences). Dnevnik).
Ces lexmes apparaissent le plus souvent Lorsque les immigrants subissent des
dans les lexies ouvriers bulgares , nos actions, ce sont de nouveau les tats qui
ouvriers bulgares et roumains , les ntres ; introduisent des restrictions : Un examen
laccent est mis sur les raisons de limmi- dallemand pour obtenir une carte didentit
gration vers les pays plus dvelopps. en Allemagne - 24 tchasa ; La France
Les journaux bulgares font une asso- rduit le flux dimmigrants - Monitor) ;
ciation entre limmigration bulgare
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Discours mdiatiques sur limmigration

Les Etats-Unis refusent la dlivrance de ne sont pas satisfaits des rgles actuels -
visas -Dnevnik. Le Figaro).
Lorsque les immigrants produisent En mme temps, le vocable immi-
une action (position de sujet), le lexme gration reste quand mme le terme le
immigrants est souvent prcd de plus neutre dans les titres des journaux
chiffres. Il savre que ltat principal des franais. Dans la priode observe la
immigrants cest dtre nombreux presse franaise suit le dbat politique en
( 191 millions dmigrs vivent hors de France qui dcompose limmigration en
leur patrie - Sega ; Les immigrs deux types admissible et rejete. Pour en
lUE dpassent cinq fois les attentes - parler, la presse reprend les formules
Dnevnik). Par suite de laccumulation de proposes par N. Sarkozy immigration
chiffres, une certaine dramatisation du choisie et immigration subie .
sujet se fait parfois sentir. Si on se fie aux titres dans les trois
La lexie /immigrants illgaux (10 journaux franais de la priode analyse, la
occurrences) se rencontre surtout dans sa presse franaise a mis laccent sur lanalyse
variante lexicale clandestins soulignant de la loi en tant que telle projet/loi (11
exactement laction illgale clandestin occurrences)10, ainsi que sur l immigra-
et pas illgalement entr sur le terri- tion choisie (6 occurrences). La lexie
toire dun certain pays. Bien que les immigration subie ne parat quune
mdias probablement ne visent pas une fois, sous sa variante explicative immi-
telle suggestion, ils associent aux clan- gration familiale . Les journaux franais
destins les gens qui traversent la frontire vitent la lexie immigration subie dans
pour demander un statut de rfugi. les titres.
Comme limage des immigrants, ainsi Pourtant, de point de vue des lecteurs
que limage des immigrants illgaux dans le terme immigration choisie va de
la presse bulgare est au plus haut point paire avec immigration subie , car ces
gnralise et dpersonnalise. deux termes dans la priode tudie
Voyons maintenant quelle est limage sutilisent dans les textes et circulent dans
de limmigration quoffre la presse franaise. lespace mdiatique. Dans le corpus franais
limmigration choisie est un euphmisme
2.2. La presse franaise de la paire de termes.
La presse franaise prfre clairement Projet , loi , immigration choisie
le lexme immigration (21 occurrences). fonctionnent en tant qu units textuelles
Les mdias ont dj cultiv chez leur pu- non compltement lexicalises 11 et la
blic lide que les mots les plus souligns perception leurs y ajoute sans obstacle le
dans le flux mdiatique indiquent les pro- terme cach le terme immigration
blmes principaux des socits. Lintensit subie (incontrl, dans le pass dite
de lutilisation du mot immigration sauvage ).
trace sa perception en tant que pro- En tant quacte politique, la loi de N.
blme qui mrite de lattention et incite au Sarkozy est dfendue et attaque. Une part
dbat. Lutilisation frquente de la syntaxe des titres annoncent la position de lintro-
du titre Immigration: (10 occurrences) ducteur du projet (Sarkozy dfend sa vision
renforce une telle interprtation, par exemple, ferme et juste - Le Figaro, il muscle son
Immigration: La ncessit dagir - Le discours etc.). Il a ses partisans (qui
Figaro, Immigration: 60% des franais approuvent), ainsi que ses opposants (qui
sopposent etc.), un dbat se droule par

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Snejana Popova

exemple, le titre du Monde - Duel En France Sarkozy prend des pr-

distance sur limmigration . Dans ce sens cautions pour assurer une ducation
les titres fonctionnent comme un compte aux enfants des immigrs il rsout
rendu de la discussion souleve par le un problme ( Familles dlves sans
projet. La presse franaise parle dimmi- papiers: deux mois pour se faire rgu-
gration en utilisant surtout le discours lariser - Le Figaro).
politique. La personnalisation de la loi et, pour
La prdomination du discours politique cette raison, de la discussion est une autre
se raffermit travers les titres reprsentant particularit du corpus franais. Le nom de
des activits politiques internes et externes Sarkozy assiste directement 11 fois, les
de la France : positions pour et contre sont assu-
Durant ses visites dans de pays africains, mes par des personnes concrtes (Brigitte
Sarkozy explique , popularise le Girardin, Jean-Louis Debr, Philippe de
sens da la loi. Le premier ministre Saint-Germain, Thierry Mariani, Kofi Annan,
sengage cooprer , il ngocie Philippe de Villiers, Dominique Strauss-Kahn etc.).
( Sarkozy se dmne pour lever les
malentendus avec lAfrique - Le 3. Synthse et conclusions
Figaro). Cette couche de titres fait Reprsents en comparaison, les
penser que limmigration subie/familiale rsultats relevs donnent la rflexion un
est surtout dorigine africaine. point de dpart.

Presse bulgare Presse franaise

Tendance vers une prsentation de Tendance vers une problmatisation au
limmigration en personnages collectifs; niveau national ;
Ddoublement du discours : folklorisation Consolidation du discours politique en tant
du discours sur les ntres ; gnrali- que principal pour tous les dveloppements
sation des autres , discours de distance ; du sujet ;
Dramatisation de limmigration travers le Esthtisation du discours politique dans
jeu des chiffres et les restrictions exerces la direction du politiquement correct
par des Etats ; travers de formes diffrentes de substitution
Etatisation de la restriction lgard des et deuphmismes ;
immigrants. Personnalisation du dbat sur limmigration.

Le ddoublement du discours dans la reste la priphrie des grandes dcisions

presse bulgare se raffermit en tant que concernant limmigration.
style de traiter les minorits. Dans le cas de Pour la presse franaise limmigration
cette recherche ce style permet une est un problme dont les dimensions
reprsentation positive de limmigrant imposent des mesures politiques dans le
bulgare et une attribution des nuances dra- pays. Puisque lendurcissement du courant
matiques limmigration illgale, affronte de la politique est bien accept par la
de la part des Etats, y compris la Bulgarie. majorit en France (ce que les sondages
La pratique discursive prdominante tmoignent), la presse sefforce en gnral
de la presse bulgare convient parfaitement dinventer des formes lexicales admissibles
au mdia dun pays qui produit surtout des pour le reprsenter aux groupes concerns
immigrants dans des pays autres et qui et la socit.

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Discours mdiatiques sur limmigration

La pratique discursive prdominante Guillaumin, C., 1984., Immigrationsauvage,
de la presse franaise convient parfaite- Mots: Lautre, lEtranger (numro spcial),
ment au mdia dun pays qui abrite des Editions du CNRS, p.48.
immigrants et qui peut donner le ton des Fiala, P., 1984, Le consensus patriotique,
face cache de la xnophobie, Mots: Lautre,
grandes dcisions du problme.
lEtranger (numro spcial), Editions du
Les conclusions ci-dessus nous font CNRS, p.27.
penser avant tout de divergences impor- 8
Guillaumin, C.. op. cit., p. 43.
tantes entre les deux presses. Bien quils 9
Valette, M. 2004., Smantique interprtative
traitent du problme de limmigration de applique la dtection automatique de
deux points de vue diffrents, voire oppo- documents racistes et xnophobes sur Internet
ses, il existe un point commun entre les (en ligne), Disponible sur www.revue-
journaux franais et bulgares : labsence du Inedits/Valette/Valette_Princip.pdf
discours des droits de lhomme. Les mdias Dans la priode dobservation le projet est
tudis agissent en pleine adquation avec devenu loi.
Une analyse intressante sur ce sujet in:
les attentes politiques qui leur sont adresses.
Valette, M., op. cit.
Les presses des deux pays traitent du
problme en partant du point de vue des
attitudes majoritaires dans le pays, des pri-
orits nationales, des celles de lEtats. Alors,
on peut prsumer que dans le cadre de
cette tude, la presse bulgare et la presse
franaise se sont montres plus proches
des valeurs de ltat national, que de celles
de la socit europenne postmoderne.

La recherche est effectue dans le cadre du
projet Contrastes et comparaison inter-
langues: le discours journalistique en bulgare,
polonais, franais et anglais , programme
franco-bulgare de coopration scientifique
Rila , 2007-2009.
Eurobaromtre, octobre 2006.
Deux titres qui portent implicitement sur le
sujet comme exemples : Londres attend 15
000 ouvriers bulgares (le journal bulgare
Dnevnik ) ; Prs de des Franais
approuvent la loi de Sarkozy (le journal
franais Le Figaro ).
En ce qui concerne la position du Figaro ,
on peut supposer une activit considrable dun
journal droit sur un sujet dit droit , ainsi
que des styles diffrents du titre dans les
journaux diffrents.
Grekova, M., Minorit : construction sociale
et exprience vcue (Maltsinstvo : sotsialno
konstruirane i prezhivyavane), Sofia : Kritika i
humanisam, 2001.

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009

Techniques of rendering speech credible

in todays Romanian press
Case Study


Abstract: In this article we have examined how the stylistic

mechanisms of credibility and persuasion worked in the Romanian
press in the administration of a subject which not only generated huge
audiences, but also led to the construction of a label and a linguistic
mapping. Starting from the most popular theories regarding
credibility and persuasion, we have shown how the call to the
emotional side came first, at the expense of the rational fund, as a
characteristic gesture of the approach of a topic in the press in
Keywords: journalism, writing techniques, credibility, persuasion,
style, ambiguity, symbol, subjectivity, emotional background, staging,

1. Introduction Langer, Korzybski, Larson, etc. observed

and theorized that individuals operate with

n this article we will examine how the certain concepts by which they define and
stylistic formulas of credibility work understand their reality. Thus, an indivi-
and then the persuasion mechanisms for dual's thinking is built on the basis of
the configuration of a press fact, and inner perceptions. The term territory
implicitly, to attract an audience as large as overlaps, in the vision of the same re-
possible. To do this, along with consulting searchers, with reality itself. At the level of
the specialty literature, we looked at how language maps persuasive agents2 must act
the Craiova events during 2006-2008 were either to meet specific needs of persuaded
reflected in the written press in Romania1, patients or to change the perceptions of the
events that led to the creation of a language latter3. Persuasive speech is built by spe-
map for this locality. Secondly, we will see culating what semiotic researchers call
the pieces that were assembled to create a side-signal which represents reactions
label. caused emotionally from symbolic acts,
The concept of language map has including the use of language, as they
been developed as a difference from the would occur in reality4. In our study, we
concept of territory. Researchers such as

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Techniques of rendering speech credible in todays Romanian press

consider the symbolic acts produced with that for much of the public, television is
written language. the main source of information, even be-
From the perspective of the approach coming a family member. Gerbner
to the event, the written press in Romania called this type of public heavy viewers,
is classified by specialists as being part of the type of public which are building their
the French school. Unlike the English idea of the world, about the environment,
school, built by the principle of Facts are about their social circumstances through
sacred, French school supports greater the materials transmitted by television.
involvement of the journalist in the text, From our point of view, in the case of the
while retrieving and processing information. events studied, the function of interpreter
The subjective elements - comment, opinion, which was fulfilled by television, along
1st person reports, subjective evaluative with the aggressiveness of the cultivation
adjectives axiological and non axiological5 model made television write the agenda
- are not eliminated, but even cultivated. In not just of the public, but also of the written
the Romanian press, without a tradition of press7. One of the effects of this in-
nude story, classical press material - news, volvement of television has been an
story - takes many of the types of opinion, increasing audience8 of the written press.
commentary, i.e. genders biased by excellence. In this media mechanism, written press
This premise, which is the starting rather seems to have played the role of
point of our study, is accompanied by a interpreting and fixing the information,
second one, coming, this time, from the and less of transmission of it. Televised
universal characteristics of the press, and news journals supplied information such
we consider the functions and effects of as, newspaper reporters taking and deepening
mass media. The specialty literature records it in parallel with many programs like talk-
as general functions of the media: infor- shows that have accompanied the recon-
mation, interpretation, cultivation, education, figuration of this language map. Therefore,
setting public agenda, etc. Regarding the if with regard to the way in which
mass media effects, they are reduced to the televisions have treated this subject, we
way society is influenced by this type of recognize the mechanism of the magic
communicators. bullet9, written press follows the two
In the case we proposed, the model steps flow model. From this aspect results,
two steps flow operates, proposed and by insistence and generalization, a second
theorized by Elihu Katz6. In this case, the one: the pack journalism. When an event
material information does not move proposed by a press institution produces
directly between journalist (news reporter) audience, it attracts and maintains the
and receiver. It needs intermediaries - who publics attention, that event will be also
are leaders of opinion - and the degree treated by other press institutions. Clearly,
of involvement of the receptor is high. assaulted on more channels, for a longer
Between the written press reporter and the period of time, the public will be con-
public television news and talk shows vinced that the press event is a priority and
were interposed. Debates, comments, live a general interest event.
transmissions fully contributed to enhancing The press also used its function of
the meanings of events and highlighting interpretation. By this function, recognized
their interconnectivity. Television answered by researchers as the main way to inf-
the cultivation model, a model theorized luence public opinion, press gives meaning
by Georg Gerbner. The investigator noted to an event. The theory defines this function

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Xenia Negrea

in that at the issuer level, thus at the level credible. It all depends in the end on the
of press material for publication, several context. [...] In journalism, only incredible
interventions are produced: selection, out of control becomes deficient, resulting
hierarchy, the context and commenting the from a poor or inconsistent management
news. By selecting the information that of the details10. At the level of creating
must reach the public a value judgment is credible significance, the issuer must
also produced, which implies compliance comply with the principles of coherence,
with rules, representations, symbols, principles must comply with the premise from which
or of the intervention in order to correct it starts, must control the text at all three
them. Hierarchy, in turn, implies the layout levels: textual, sub-textual and supra-
of information selected according to their textual. Also, the veracity of jour-nalism
importance importance also determined entails a combination of figures of speech.
at the level of the issuer, of the issuing Thus, metaphorical distances are excluded,
institution. Contextualizing and commenting personifications, built on the identity, in
is the main channel of intervention on favor of those built on inter-dependence,
linguistic maps, as new information is on contiguity11. In the latter category fall
connected to what the public already knows. the metonymical structures. These structures
have the advantage that they question an
2. Rhetorical mechanisms revealed implied meaning, without climbing the
system of signification, i.e. relying on
2.1. Mechanisms of credibility semantics continuity. The main trop impli-
Returning to media techniques, we cation of this category is metonymy12. As
will try to highlight the mechanisms that we see in the examples selected by us, one
not only kept awake the publics interest of the methods intensely used to obtain
for a press fact, but also generated a new credibility is the insistent use of the
linguistic map and produced a label. cartridge lead. This involves starting the
In order to keep the publics attention, material with the strongest element of the
to convince him of the importance of the speech. We saw, on numerous occasions,
message, to generate an attitude, an beginnings such as Shots in the streets
opinion, a certain type of behavior, a press and high tension in Craiova13, Craiova
material, among other stylistic requirements, cops still havent succeeded14, A Dolj
must have credibility. counselor claims15, Craiova is boiling16,
Measured by pragmatic acceptability, A bloody reckoning17 etc.
credibility is built on the mechanisms of
coherence and cohesion, and implies an 2.2 The methods of persuasion applied
attitude of the receptor of acceptance or Once credibility gained, the next step
rejection. Credibility is one of the re- is convincing, persuading the public. They
quirements to which a press material must must be convinced that what they read is
respond to in order to maintain the not only real, but also general and important.
receptors attention and it involves the According to Aristotles theory, persuasion
acquisition and evolution of a determined may be based on source credibility (ethos),
plan, defined as such by the specialty on emotional appeal (pathos) or the logic
literature, described before all, by the argument (logos) or a combination of the
consistency in the semantic, grammatical, three. Aristotle believed that the strategy of
logical argumentative level. As Sorin Preda persuasion is more effective when based
observed: Taken by itself, any claim is on common grounds existing between the
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Techniques of rendering speech credible in todays Romanian press

persuasive agent and the persuaded patient, cations cited by us, these concepts adjacent
enabling the first to start with some to persuasion are met with very often. For
assumptions regarding the opinions and example, the title: Gypsy Battle in Craiova24
beliefs of the audience18. Kenneth Burke, on the one hand implies ethnic affiliation
continuing Aristotles theory, believes that of the protagonists of the incident and, on
persuasion is an effect of the artistic use of the other hand, implies the type of alter-
a resource of ambiguity. To Aristotles cation: unorganized, spontaneous, without
common grounds, the theorist added the legal support. The same newspaper uses
idea of creating a sense of identification. In the same technique in an inter-title as The
order to create this sense, the issuer must Interlopes shook hands25, by pointing on
use a language as close as possible to the the one hand, to a pacifist message, on the
linguistic register in which the receiver other hand, to a possible complicity.
addressed functions. Larson goes beyond
this definition, this requirement of the 2.2.1. Dramatizing the main means
mechanisms persuasion and shows that of rendering credible and persuading
persuasion is the joint creation of a state With the general guidelines of the
of identification between source and map established, reports on the scene are
receiver, as a result of using symbols19. In only to complement, emphasize and
our case, journalists felt that they must argument those set up at this time.
answer the publics need for a superlative. Argumentation, in this case, was done
Titles and keywords of materials are almost exclusively with dramatic evidence.
extracted from the catalog of the means of In this sense, the words were selected
achieving superlative, i.e. of achieving according to their dramatic potential,
sensational, of production and maintenance following the Burke model, which has
of strong emotions, language selections identified as the main narrative mechanism
being made solely by virtue of obtaining a the dramatic penta-valence. It is composed
thematic dimension, the creation and of five central elements: scene, act, agent,
proliferation of some families of terms20 to agency and purpose26. We have distinguished
support the feeling, mood, to contribute in that the scene was represented by the town
the shaping of an apocalyptic imaginary. of Craiova, the act: the systems inability
Such words are wars, fight, violent, to resist social violence, the agent: the
bloody, mafia, shoot-out, have shaken news story and the purpose: creating the
etc. The next step was the establishment of belief that there are serious deficiencies in
charismatic terms21, such as ferentarism, the security system of the locality in
mafia town, shady, brotherhood etc. question, with the possibility of them
From this moment on, the issuer journalist being generalized at national level.
takes the characteristics of the unifying Narrative materials are built on the same
persuasive agent22. Kenneth Burke also type of characters, from the same social
defines persuasion as an artistic use of category, on the same type of conflict.
resources of ambiguity. To this Larson What varies is the identity, at superficial
adds ambivalence, speaking two-way level, of participants and places where the
stylistic enthymeme, dubitative speech conflict occurs. Thus, the participants in
(Enescu, possible victim of the mafia the conflict are people with a criminal
members23), euphemism (the case of history, coming from the Rrom ethnic
quantitative assessments of the participants group, or have close links with it, and are
in various reported events). In the publi- organized into gangs or brotherhoods.

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The only exception, however, is the son of common symbols, in Larsons acceptance,
a judge involved, in similar incidents. But i.e. on allusions30 to the imaginary world
the number of participants is always low. of film, especially in those Hollywood
But his case served the argument that the productions which have as themes the
entire system is eiusdem farinae. The mafia and the Wild West. These are
conflicts were all held in public and involve common grounds.
the same logistics: guns, swords, axes, As will be seen in the analysis that
knives. The motivation is the same: solving follows, the success of the stories about
in an irrational way some of family or this will be a constant one. Although in the
individual conflicts. It is not attempted, first articles we selected the number of
however, from these data, to isolate a new views is of hundreds, in a short time,
world of street conflict, leaving the they will grow to several thousand. The
receiver to generalize alone. In their reports, readers interest will remain constant despite
journalists are trying to emphasize the the fact that publications do not supply
omnipresence of such incidents and to materials daily, and sometimes between
transform them into brands of an entire two materials there is a distance of several
locality. The frequency of such incidents months.
could not sustain argumentatively the
attention that the press gives to the matter. 2.3. Cotidianul
However, what individualizes and contributes The story from July 6 reported an
to building credibility is the progression of incident involving the son of a magistrate.
the number of articles written on this topic. The article was viewed 551 times (fig. 1).
For example, in Cotidianul27 from 6 July We identify here an adjacent theme, an
2006 until 28 August 2008 we can follow affluent of the general theme. By elliptical
an increase in the frequency of this theme transitivity, the main character is labeled as
Craiova. Thus, if in 2006 you can read Craiovas problem-child. On November
two articles (July 6, November 16, 16 2006 Cotidianul published an editorial
September 11), in 2007 only one article signed by Traian Ungureanu, entitled
(September 11), in 2008 the frequency Peak of the Ferentari underground. The
grows considerably. There are ten entries, article recorded 779 views. In turn, the
as follows: February 5 2008, February 12, editorialist tries to generalize and label this
April 29, April 30, May 8, culminating in type of event with the term ferentarism.
August, precisely two days of this month, Altercations on the streets are, according
August 26 and 28, the first having two to the journalist, a true underground reality
entries, the of the second, three. During and represent the way in which whole
this entire period, the rest of the articles on social stratum exists: Ferentarism has
this locality came, in their vast majority, been reported in other parts. In Craiova,
from the worlds of sports and, from time Galai, Trgu-Mure. Every time were
to time, about suspicious privatizations. talking about areas where the dirt hides
To the construction and illustration of things well thought-out. The world of
superlatives were added the expression of these neighborhoods is the expert director
the colloquial character, as a means of of a way of life where delinquency leads to
dramatizing the story. We find statements tacit cooperation with the authorities.
such as them among themselves28, has Justice has released them, and the police
put them in a meeting29, etc. Many of the closed their eyes to network chiefs and
stories about the matter are built with major incidents. Over time, these areas
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Techniques of rendering speech credible in todays Romanian press

have realized that they can count on entire country: Ferentari doesnt need
support that this way of living is, indeed, something like that because it set up its
admitted and that official legal life is a own order in which the state itself take
form of travesty. That society is weak and parts, in lieu of complicity and fake
that the carriers of this unexpected news guardian. Gigi Becali smelled the place
are the peace-holders in uniforms and the well. The nose of the underground announced
dignitaries from the rostrum. Tuesday, that he would spend, on the spot, four
when they were disturbed by the dis- hundred thousand euro. Becali knows that
connections, the Ferentarioii protested in the trampoline started to work: the circuit
defense of precisely this way of life. This Vadu Rosca- Ferentari will swamp the
serves as a premise to the editorialist. voting box. The final descent of Romanian
Ferentarismul is unavoidable proof of the public world can be stopped only by an
inefficiency of state structures, is the attack to the heads of the underground, to
barometer of corruption, the course of an its direct and indirect patrons.


On September 11 2007 the news semantic relation with the beginning:

Shots fired in the Craiova streets is Two of them were involved in the
published. It was viewed 665 times. The scandal from IML Craiova two weeks ago,
material shows a street altercation between during which there was also a shot fired.
two groups of young people and is based The article of February 5 2008, with
on the story of a witness. The lead of the 1339 views, entitled Son of Craiova
article and the ending are the ones that judge, involved in battles between the
draw the attention. Although from the clans of the underworld builds the case
conclusive lead the reader is informed that from the linkages between justice and the
In just two weeks, in Craiova there were world of street conflicts. It is built on a
two armed attacks in the article only one contradiction. On the one hand, the attack
is told. Only the ending has a logic- said Craiova police have not yet managed

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to trace the authors of the scandal on phasize the seriousness of events, however,
Sunday, and on the other hand, inside the the journalist is trying to do a pun, casting
material is quoted as source the IPJ Dolj a shade of irony of the whole thing with
spokesman, saying: the aggressors have the process of rememorizing were often
been identified and are being looked for. approached in the newspapers and the
The second part of the article is built heads of two of the police chiefs fell.
metonymically highlighting links between On 8 May 2008, with 3483 page views,
members of the judiciary community and in the same ironic tone, they continue
those involved in the altercation. tracking the actions of officials. The
On February 12 2008, with 743 page material seems to suggest the dominance
views, Cotidianul published an article established by various local groups of
tracking, essentially a speculation. An offenders. This is done by ridiculing
official proposes a scenario that the street authorities. Thus, on the one hand, the
actions were staged. The effect of this journalist reported that over 500 em-
material is the deepening and the repre- ployees of the institutions have been
sentation of Craiova as a space for the checking, and on the other hand he
underworld. Without any rational evidence, designs/labels in apocalyptic language the
the newspaper published in the form of a gang actions: acts of violence that have
piece of news the politicians opinion. scarred Craiova lately. In emphasizing
On 29 April 2008, with 631 page the same ideas, are the following para-
views, there is already a standard approach graphs of news. Thus, by evocation, the in-
formula to news from this area: Craiova ventory of incidents is: Only this year in
underworld gunshots ambulance. the county of Dolj there were 12 conflicts
Moreover, the frequency of reports is between members of the underworld,
visibly increased, and the tension is fueled. involving several dozen injured people, the
On 30 April 2008, with 1308 views, in victims of these fights were also the
the scene of events come in the authorities local police chiefs, Ion Constantin and
under the title: Craiova Police was awakened Georgel Enescu, obliged to resign. Over
in the 12th hour. In approximately 5700 40 families suspected of being the perpetrators
words, from another incident, a reporter of violent crimes or of violations of the
makes a retrospect of the events that led to rules on the weapons and ammunition
the configuration of this tag. The under- were searched.
world has vowed revenge, rival groups, On the other hand, the scale of the
scandal, gunshots, bats and swords. police action is described: For this action
These are the key terms that characterize we used BCCOA of Craiova, DPIR,
the dominating evil, as opposed to the weak Gendarme Mobile unit Craiova and IPJ
good, represented by the state authorities. Dolj. The shaking is proven by involving
The words that characterize this part are the highest authorities, in the same ironic
quantitative came dozens of policemen, key: In the same action, police Quaestors
gendarmes and masked policemen, Gheorghe Popa, head of the General
stopped traffic and the access routes for Inspectorate of Romanian Police, visited
the police were blocked, belts of police the home of Vasile Velcu Nzdrvan, the
and gendarmes, the II Crusade, Joint prefects advisor on issues of the Rrom
patrols by police, gendarmes and community ethnic group, to whom he said: I want
police. An order of dismissals is suggested. you to understand that I no longer tolerate
Although it seems that he wants to em- such events in Craiova. I want peace in
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Techniques of rendering speech credible in todays Romanian press

this town! I have other important pro- funeral of the person killed in the game of
blems, than to come into this town early in poker, all three included in the same supra-
the morning. In the neighborhood Faa theme Craiova dangerous city. The
Luncii of Craiova police set up special three materials are of different types: a
surveillance in the last weeks. story, a news-story and an editorial and it
The climax of the creation of this was viewed 6183 times, the second 4350
language map, for this newspaper, is and 2737, in the case of the editorial. The
reached in August. Now appear in two news projective is built around the
days, August 26 and 28, no less than five following key terms: street, block,
articles. luxury cars, over 2000 people, 600
On August 26, two accounts of the policemen and gendarmes. The story, in
same event, providing contradictory data, 6159 words, is entitled Flowers were
both materials trying to give the idea of thrown over Caiacs coffin and reported,
maximum tension. Thus, if one talks about building on the film imaginary, with
the tension from the first line of attack: allusions to the famous film Octopus,
Shots fired in the street shooting and high from the scene at Mihai Pirvus funeral.
tension in Craiova..., in an article called The announced number of participants
One of the heads of Craiova underworld amounts to over 1000 people, and
was shot dead after a game of poker, the regarding the forces of order, the journalist
other suggests the tension from the title: found out from a direct source that In
Craiova, a town under siege. Regarding this moment the entire shift is on the
the contradictory elements, they relate to street. In subtext the journalist builds the
the cause of death. Thus one of the articles atmosphere of a terrifying and grotesque
states that Shot several times in the head ceremony. Every paragraph brings new
and abdomen, but in contrast, the other, arguments highlighting the state of terror,
citing an official source says: The autopsy the threat that the participants intentionally
was performed and it determined that the provoke. Even in the attack, the reporters
victim was shot with one bullet in the intention is outlined. Thus, from the first
chest area; the bullet entered one side and word is underlined the deceaseds mem-
came out the other side. bership to the Brotherhood, and his
The difference between the materials position of leader within the group. It even
presented now and those in the past is the suggests the idea of a paramilitary group,
accumulation of data, the frequency of using terms from the specific army
such incidents, even if they themselves are vocabulary always supervised, lieutenant.
isolated. Because of this attempt to find The idea of the attack is developed inside
continuity in the conduct of events, to the article, by gradually building an image
expedite the qualification of the locality as of mafia-type organizations. Thus, came to
a city under siege the journalists attend the ceremony leaders from
arguments are syncopated. However, the everywhere in the country and abroad.
articles recorded 1957 page views, and Nick-names of some of the participants are
2001 views respectively. given, which work rather like code names.
In the August 28 edition we identify The second paragraph reinforces the idea
the highest number of reader and the most of playing an atmosphere of terror.
articles devoted to the topic in the same Presenting the mood of the participants,
edition of the publication. There are three sad, resigned, with their heads down, the
materials on the same sub-theme, the journalist immediately doubled these terms

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Xenia Negrea

with others to restore fully the specific of dark windows speeded very closely to the
the event: the death of a leader of a mafia journalists, in an attempt to intimidate
group with sunglasses and black shirts. them. While these events were predictable,
And in this paragraph the proximity to the the forces of order, who claimed that were
army and terrifying behavior is em- prepared to intervene in any situation,
phasized: They abruptly announced at the missed them entirely. Regarding the
microphone: Go to the cars. We are number of the forces of order involved, the
leaving. The starting of the group coincides reporter says there were on the street about
with the spread of the oxymoronic 120 policemen from the public order
atmosphere of mourning terror: blocking service and 80 gendarmes. The story ends
the street, had no right to photograph dubitatively, with a story from the hospital,
neither the curious people now the patients where the other person involved in the
from the hospital across the street, which original conflict, Catalin Mavrichie, was.
had climbed the fence to see the Caiac. This paragraph is based on confidential
Cameras down, said seriously one the sources and assumptions: it is suspected
guardians at Caiacs head, while he was that Mihai Pirvu had been shot by a third
being descended from the hearse. The person involved in the conflict (as an
novelty of that story is highlighting the element of novelty into the whole event),
hyper-receptiveness for this subject. The then it is suspected that the victim could
other citizens are involved, transformed have been saved if doctors had been
into a species of human-antenna through announced in advance and, ultimately, the
metonymy (person for the capture of guilt of the survivor was not yet determined.
information): Devices were quickly put The Editorial, signed by Costi
away and mobile phones were closed Rogozanu, re-contextualizes, with the
immediately. They stop working, leaving intent to irony, this conflict, comparing
the curious to contemplate the cortge from him from the attack to events not at all
the windows, as reported by the journalist. similar from abroad: tense situation
Now, in the film of the attendance, is also between Russia and Europe. In the second
inserted the relationship that the organizers paragraph of the editorial, the readers
have with the press. focus is moved on foreign affairs, on
Following numerous articles and tele- himself. In the opinion of the editorialist,
vised debates, it drew attention to the event what keeps the audience and the success of
and not for those involved. Therefore, this event, and its cultivation in the media
between those involved in the event and is the audience, is peoples interest for the
media, the relations are strained and tend events reported by journalists, an interest
to violence: The journalists present at so great that the editorialist compared it
Caiacs home were cursed, spit upon and with the fascination and enthusiasm that is
threatened by the close relatives of the stirred by an entertainment event, the
deceased. Cameramen were prevented guidelines used by the author being hip-
from filming, and reporters from two local hop music bands, Dr. Dre and 50 cent,
newspapers were chased down the street, successful bands of the moment and which
barely escaping the rage of the boys in address mainly teenagers. The common
black. We were cursed, we were sprayed point of two terms of comparison is, in the
with water, then they chased us. We barely opinion editorialist, the interested crowd.
managed to escape, said one of them. At The Editorialist builds his article on
Caiacs home, several limousines with judgments based on symptoms31, compared
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Techniques of rendering speech credible in todays Romanian press

judgments and analogy and on sophistic national level. At the end of the material,
logic32. He used also the diversion technique33. Costi Rogozanu qualifies his journalistic
Unlike reporters who sought to gain intervention as explanations and con-
credibility in the reports from the scene, cludes that this couple (the press and its
the editorialist based his reasons on what audience) are struggling with instinct.
he saw on television, coming among The Editorial we analyzed proves how the
those who perceived events exclusively press has managed this event. The press
mediated by the press. What the edito- event was built primarily on literary means:
rialist remembers are the fierce faces, analogies, allegories, speculations, going
which take by force, are specialized in further away exponentially from the nucleus
heists, corruption, metonymy which he of real information.
converts, with a character-adjuvant34, a
colleague in a symbol of the entire country: 2.4 Evenimentul zilei
Thats real Romania. The Editorialist Another newspaper that has
does not clearly explain, although it contributed significantly to shaping the
appears that it is his aim, the source for the linguistic map was Evenimentul zilei36
success of these materials. In the next (fig. 2), the daily newspaper with the largest
paragraph, his vocabulary is increasing circulation in Romania. This provided a
now by entering in the text a loud term35 wider space for the subject. Limiting to the
such as hypnosis. The word covers, time reference we will also follow this
according to editorialist, the attraction that time how the subject has been treated. In
people have to underworld. Thinking late 2007 and early 2008, materials
sophistication goes beyond, in the phrase relating to the Craiova street altercations
immediately following, when he notes: are usually short news. But in this case the
Some are dumb with wonder not elements of emotions, the bias are easy to
resentment kwhen they see how an observe. Thus, the material from October
entire city is operated as dictated by a 1 2007, entitled Battle of the Gypsy in
group of gentlemen with black blouses Craiova, beyond compliance to the struc-
tight to the belly. Again, the editorialist ture of classical news, the reporter added
forgets commented that what was mediated terms such as rivals or warriors to give
by a press attentive to the audience. more significance, more dramatics to the
Serious words used, hyperboles, only give story, something to avoid when drafting
more meaning to the picture constructed news. But public attention is attracted. If
by the press. Although it seems to answer the news of October has 127 hits, the one
the demands of lucidity, required by the on April 18 has 2497. An explosion in the
editorialist profession, when he approaches number of readers happens when the news
specific entertainment information through of August 8 is published, when the
the phrase fans-viewers, he goes on with number of reads is 5453, although the
the speculation with purely literary means language is much closer to objectivity, the
(building allegories), seeing in the behavior space is much higher: 2820 words
of the specific entertainment public, in compared to 1451 for the article in April.
fact, a symptom of a human primary need On August 27, Evenimentul zilei
of order. They, according to editorialist, made a synthetic material called The
found in the organized attitude and most dangerous cities in Romania. The
(apparently) dominating of the group, the article occupied the first place among the
need for predictability and order at most read materials from the log, res-

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Xenia Negrea

pectively, with 35805 reads. Craiova is, for their argument boils down to epithet
predictably, placed in the top ranking as qualifiers, on superlatives and simple
the most unsafe city in Romania, a town in sentences. In the view of the journalists,
which citizens security is precarious the south of the country presents maximum
because of the fights occurring between danger, and Craiova is gunmen heaven.
the underworld gangs. The article has The rating is not based on any scientific
10486 words, of which approximately research, and the argument is built on the
5757 are granted to Craiova. The remaining irony of one of the altercations, and on
signs go to towns such as: Constanta, listing street incidents known to the
Braila, Drobeta Turnu-Severin, Bora journalists concerned. In the case of the other
(Maramure). The style used by journalists localities, the arguments are summarizing.


The article on August 28 2008, Caiac family man, father of hard-working,

fingerprinted after death, ranks the I place rewarded students. We identify in this
of the articles read on the website portrayal an attempt of the issuer to
Evenimentul Zilei with 26724 reads. reverse the poles of good-bad, suggesting
The attack simulates a call for calm: The that the possible subliminal cause of this
number of massive forces of order out incident was not the low level of civi-
yesterday in the street have made the city lization of the victim and aggressor, but
of Craiova quiet. In fact, the material is a the impossibility of the system to contain
recapitulation of events. A portrait is done, such manifestations.
seemingly positive, of the victim, and The article The underworld parades
throwing in the deeply ambiguous the at Caiacs funeral of 29 August 2008,
image already created. He is presented as a also takes I place among the most read
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Techniques of rendering speech credible in todays Romanian press

newspaper materials made in the day, with war, and a hierarchy of para-social struc-
views of 24444. Designed as a story, the tures (neighborhood gangs, organized
material describes the funeral procession criminal groups) create the image of a
of the victim, Mihai Pirvu. The lead, and large bellicose fight.
the first paragraph marks a clear intention The article from September 1 2008,
of the author to dramatize. He uses simple Caiacs killer, arrested in hospital pajamas,
sentences. According to Weavers Grammar, had 7732 views. Although the angle of
this method of expression has the advan- approach and the title of the lead are
tage that it highlights a subject37: Luxury announcing a story in an ironic key, the
cars. Timid policemen. Designer clothes. end of the article overturns the reading,
Tattoos. Manelists. Expensive sunglasses. opening speculation of the most alarming.
Boxing people. Individuals with thick Once argued that the forces of order know
necks and full of muscles. The reporter in detail this para-social coagulation (19
will resume the nervous notation in the neighborhood gangs, which amount to
middle of the story, when he must approximately 200 members), the journalist
emphasize the importance, the leadership chooses to leave the last word to anonymous
of the victim in his social environment: sources, but from within the problematic
Some came from abroad. People he knew groups. The message from the end of the
from all over the country. In shaping the article is alarming, announcing not the
painting of the participants, he uses terms extinction of the phenomenon, but an
such as discreet presence, parade, have extension: It has gone too far. They are
paralyzed the traffic. Are listed, also the firing real guns. We will all get them and
public figures who were present or mani- walk around on the terrace with bullet-
fested their compassion. In the second part proof vests.
of material, the journalist added the On 3 February 2009, Evenimentul
premises of opposition, by bringing into zilei published an extensive material
question the officials of that part of the called Clean up the city mafia. It ranks
Establishment which should be directly second among the most read articles, with
involved in the battle to calm down the views of 28563. The articles message is
situation, but who are carrying out a slow aimed at demonstrating the incapacity of
inquiry: the Ministry of Interior, through state organizations to cope with the phe-
its then Minister Cristian David. The other nomenon. From the lead, the reader is
material from the same day, David held a informed that: The authorities have given
meeting with the chiefs of police, is a yesterday, a frail sign. In apparent opposition
simple story, but it has 4123 views. is described the other term, the gravity of
The article the following day, August the situation: the city of Craiova was the
30, 2008, Caiac makes victims after place where criminals had their way without
death occupies first place among the being disturbed. In this direction, the
newspapers conducted pole with 19425 argument that the altercations presented by
views. In this material, attention is cen- the press are not isolated incidents and that
tered on the system. The effect that is this behavior tends to involve the entire
stresses is the national importance this country, the material is built. In appro-
altercation has acquired. Extensive quotes ximately 10000 words are listed categories
from Minister David are supported even of facts that led to shaping a coherent
by interventions of the Prime Minister of picture: Fraud of scale, attempted murder,
Romania. Suggesting an atmosphere of bloody street battles. Then, in extenso, are

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Xenia Negrea

listed situation in which the system, justice ridiculed because from excessive zeal
seems complicit with this world. By during the raids, they stopped to check an
suggestion, allusion is being built the idea ambulance.
that Craiova mafia came up on top of
the Romanian political hierarchy, and that 2.5 Gardianul
also the judiciary, through two of its Another newspaper whose material
Craiova institutions, Dolj Court Prosecutor we have followed is the Guardian38 (fig.
and the Dolj Law Court are under the 3). Typological, this newspaper is
influence of the offenders. In support of approaching the structure of the serious-
the allegations, journalists do not bring popular press. Although its popularity lies
proof, but they use judgments based on in the numerous newspaper investigations
coincidences. They also published photos and debates it publishes, stylistic structures
of the inauguration of a company, which were derived from practice. Materials recall,
show together some of the important repeat, and reproduce. Each material re-
members of the criminal community and peats similar thread of events, repeating
some members of political and religious information from one material to another
life. It is a remembrance of events that or within the same material or even
would warrant, according to journalists, replicate the entire phrase literally. The
the label on Craiova as mafia town. way of addressing this issue however is a
The last article we selected for good illustration of the press. It doesnt a
illustrating the way in which this tag is very large circulation, or too many views,
constructed is of 16 February 2009 and it but we can see the same upward curve.
recorded 11764 views. Entitled Craiova The first material we have selected
armed for war, the article opens with a was published on 2 February 2008 and is a
hyperbolic image of the state of mind of story about a robbery at a currency ex-
the town: From Craiova to the farthest change office. The article recorded 178 views
common in the county, Dolj citizens seem and is prepared following the requirements
to be always ready for war, their arsenal of objectivity. The reporter does not sneak-
ranging from the banal kitchen knife worn in the text any sign of emotional invol-
at the to until the gun illegally detained. vement.
The exaggerations only have the effect of The article on March 4 2008, entitled
loss of credibility. There new examples of Five people involved in conflict in front
incidents with weapons, this time without of the Court of Appeal Craiova, sent to
victims, but only games that police inter- court is also a story told objective. The
preted as examples of criminal behavior. number of accesses increased to 225.
In the second part of the article, police are

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Techniques of rendering speech credible in todays Romanian press


On 22 March 2008, a new story in the Craiova smelled of gunpowder again.

same field brings 352 views. This time, the The material is much more dramatic. On
title is no longer neutral. The journalist the one hand, in the first paragraph, by
recourses to a title by decal: Robbery means of narrative and detail, the incident

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Xenia Negrea

is shown. Then the reader is recalled the same edition, on the same subject, but
similar events that occurred in this locality, with different geographic data: Matters
culminating with the remembrance of the settled and policeman beaten in Maramure
resignation of the Head Commissioner. (610 visits). The article follows the evo-
On 30 April 2008 the material on lution of events on April 30, the incident in
Craiova recorded 1290 hits. Built on the courtyard of the County Hospital. It
paraphrase, the title warns the receiver of uses reverse narration, from present to
the seriousness of what is being transmitted: past. Thus, at present, the aggressors are in
Wild South. Gunshots inside the County custody. When the remembrance starts, so
Hospital Craiova. The particular kind of does the rush for expression. Thus, the
news is the story. In 4681 words two simi- confrontation is now interpreted in the
lar incidents are described. What intrigues caption as: Emergency Hospital took by
is that the narration is kept in indeter- storm. But the remembrance goes further.
mination and ambiguity, the information The reader learns that there is a conflict
being disclosed in steps. The actors are between two families, conflict and violence
inserted by terms such as a man, a shown in other occasions. He thereby
doctor and only to end the reader can discovers that the medical institution has
reconstruct the movie of the events, when no relevance in the title and that is simply
they will reveal the identity of the a ploy to capture attention. Moreover, in
aggressors, as well as the motive for the the final paragraph with the inter-title Six
incident. The aggressor receives a grade of years of fights and 1600 warriors, the
identity from the outset: shady. By the journalists desire intervenes even more
fact that the issuer does not disclose the obviously to shape the interpretation so as
identity of the parties concerned from the to maintain the attention of the reader. In
beginning, trying to create tension by main- addition to the figure given for credibility,
taining a state of confusion, we identify a the journalist qualifies police actions,
sort of transparent intentio auctoris, an which, according to him, lack firmness.
acute need of the issuer to create and The last sequence of the material brings
follow a strategy of persuasion. In the end into discussion other earlier incidents in
are other similar incidents which took the locality, involving people who have
place in Craiova are recalled, and is nothing to do with the reported subject,
recalled that, after such altercations, the just justifying the journalists desire to
Head Commissioner resigned. create a linguistic map.
On 1 May 2008, Gardianul published Judging by the numbers of the accessing,
the article Craiova, wild west of Romania. we could say that attention of the readers
The bullies arrested appealed. We identify was attracted. On 9 May 2008, Gardianul
here a stylistic hesitation published because published a story involving yet another
publishers desire to impose a label by title from Craiova: Minister Cristian David
paraphrase. They identified events Craiova has ordered dozens of searches in Craiova.
with the artistic movies in the years 50- The article had 1392 hits. Although the
60, about the lifestyle of people in the desire for persuasion and the emotional
western American continent. In this case, involvement are not so obvious, the article
they found that the common grounds were focuses on the figures to illustrate the
the aggressiveness of the two lifestyles. magnitude of the action. Thus, the first
The article has 775 visits, unlike another signs of lead are over 2000 gendarmes
material from the same publication and in and policemen. This number is then
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Techniques of rendering speech credible in todays Romanian press

supported by others, inserted in the text: 6 and Buzau, even attacking police. Gypsy
oclock in the morning, 40 searches Halloween. Nightly scandals with beatings
more, 40 people, 90 guns, 10 lethal and masked men. It does not refer to
weapons, more than 50 arms. Craiova, but it had 1156 hits.
On May 20 2008, Gardianul published On 26 August 2008, Dolj Counselor
the article: Iustin Cove, son of Craiova Constantin Iancu, accused by Constantin
magistrate, fined after having cursed the Dlgoci that he ordered the destruction of
cops. The number of hits increased to 3145. Mercedes, is investigated by DIICOT. The
The subject is constituted by an incident in scandal of the arson of a Craiova businessmans
which there is the same son of a Craiova car increases gathered 1447 hits. The
Judge. He also produced several incidents article presents the case of a political
covered by the law and which have not official, allegedly involved in illegal
been resolved. The journalist resumes in incidents. In the economy of our research,
detail and objectively the story. The it works with the power of an argument to
element of subjectivity and exaggeration is shape the label city of the mafia.
in the end of the material, when he On 27 August 2008, the article Caiac,
introduced the inter-title Covei jr. makes from Craiova, was killed by his right hand
the law in Craiova. after a game of poker, Gardianul reach
The newspapers next attempted to a record number of hits, namely 12421.
improve the linguistic map it tries so shape The material describes in detail the movie
and therefore have control over the in- of the events. Since the phrase bloody
formation that reaches the reader, dates reckoning and shady in even the first
from May 21 2008, when it publishes the words of the material, the journalist gives
news: Some of the money from the BRD details of the most intimate nature, such as:
Craiova fraud was meant for Hamas. But In the house were at the same time,
the journalist lost credibility right from the Caiacs wife and children. They slept in
first word in the lead, placing the origin of another room. Noted for great attention to
the information it presents in the phrase details, even if they do not coincide with
sources. The article is based on speculation, those offered by other publications, was
conditionals are used abusively and there shot under the left axils, and the bullet
are indeterminations throughout the material. went right through the back, hitting the
As a result, the article had only 682 hits. vital organs. An inter-title invites the reader
The following three materials are to experience an almost cinematographic
maintained at several hundred hits as experience, promising they will see the
follows: "Young man shot following a fight movie, a phrase that covers a
dispute in a bar of Craiova, 27 May 2008, description of the weapons used and the
is visited only 380 times; Craiova alleged moves the two would do. The
underworld members detained by Dolj ending belongs to the ritual remembrance.
police after beating and robbing a man" of Thus we find out that the city has been
25 July 2008, is visited 598 times, A studded by police and masked men. From
Craiova citizen, detained for trafficking this enthusiasm of labeling, there are some
weapons for the underworld, of 16 inconsistencies and contradictions. For
August 2008 recorded 674 hits. example, the flow of remembrance over-
On 19 August 2008, the daily news- laps two localities, otherwise distinct: The
paper published the material Agitators latest scandal in Craiova took place in
have hassled spirits in Mogosoaia, Bucharest May this year when police fired to settle a

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Xenia Negrea

dispute with pitchforks and axes which and the aggression against them is re-
broke out between members of two produced several times, by repeating the
families from the village of Seaca de same group of words: Reporters were
Padure. After this article, the number of spit, cursed and threatened. On the other
accesses entered on a descending slope. hand, the forces of order are evaluated
The article in the next day, Mavrichie, quantitatively as follows: Hundreds of
killer of Caiac, was heard on a hospital policemen and gendarmes, and some
bed recorded 3722 hits and repeats much lines below, in the sequence next to the
of the information published so far on the article, the hundreds become two
case. Only two other articles recorded in hundred. In the same material is repeated
May over two thousand hits and they are the story of the shooting, the inability of
editorials published the same day, 29 the forces of order to cope with the si-
August 2008. One of them, Who wants to tuation is denounced, and an attempt by
blow up Craiova? was viewed 2622 times, the authorities not to solve the case is
and is written by Alecu Racoviceanu, a suggested. Gardianul covers Craiova until
member of the editorial college, the forum May 22 2009, when the article, Catalin
with the highest degree of responsibility in Mavrichie, accused of killing Caiac, was
the establishment of the newspaper. The sentenced to 25 years in prison, recorded
editorialist absolves the press of responsi- 617 visits.
bility, suggesting the idea that everything
is a diversion. Moreover, he is the one that 3. Conclusions
stresses the role of television in this over- In carrying out this study we started
fueling this case. This, when in the same from the main theories in the specialty
edition, three reporters signed a material literature that define credibility and per-
from the series of alarmist articles The suasion and we tried to check the way they
militia. While underlining the fact that operate at the level of the Romanian press.
the agitators are kids with hot heads, Its model is equivalent to the French
Racoviceanu takes over and strengthens model, which accepts a high degree of
the reporters stories, stories built on the subjectivity, of emotional involvement of
idea of solidarity and brotherhood and the journalist in selecting and processing
opens a series of speculations by asking information. However, as noted before by
rhetorically Who has the interest that there the important researchers of the phenomenon
be television images of new violence? By of Romanian journalism, in this space
this speculation, he opens a new stage in journalism has a greater freedom in the use
the perpetuation and reconfiguration of of means of expression and argumentative
this dj fait language map. techniques. After we have presented the
The other material article in this main ways to build credibility and per-
edition is called, for evocative purposes, suasion, we chose three of the most important
The Militia and it attracted 4537 visitors. daily newspapers, in terms of visibility and
On a fairly large area, approximately 12 popularity, and we watched how they have
000 words, reporters evoke the thread of managed a press issue: street conflicts in
events. The starting point is that, at the Craiova. The analysis led us to several
funeral, the journalists were attacked by the conclusions:
participants to the procession, and police 1. In managing this issue, the only rational
did not intervene. The term journalists is evidence that journalists brought were
articulated, suggesting by it a generalization their own observations on the scene,
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Techniques of rendering speech credible in todays Romanian press

eye witness reports and press releases Catherine Kerbrat-Orecchioni, Lnonciation.
of the officials; De la subjectivit dans le langage, Armand
2. The journalists speech uses exclusively Colin, Paris, 1999, quatrime dition, p. 94
dramatic evidence, emotional, and not Daniel Dayan, Elihu Katz, Media Events,
Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1992, in
the rational ones;
Mihai Coman, Introducere n sistemul mass-
3. When the subject was not placed in a media, Polirom Publishing House, Iai, 2007,
simple story, the journalists stylistic col. Media series Collegium, Third edition
arsenal of persuasion involved: meto- revised and advised
nymy, allusion, analogy, ambiguity, The agenda model that states the fact that
repetition, enumeration, dubitative speech; the press, by values, hierarchies, meanings that
4. The role of the press shifted the em- it promotes influences public thinking.
phasis on information, on the inter- Hierarchy implies that it puts on the priority list
pretation. This was revealed not only a certain event at the expense of another. This
at the level of the editorials, but also at time (and in many cases), the television made
the agenda not only of the public but also of
the level of stories and reports;
the media by giving value of news to a certain
5. Once the mechanism of pack jour- category of events
nalism set in motion with the help of 8
We use this term, used to assess receptor in
television, the main argumentative support radio and television, because, in his study, we
for building the linguistic map was the followed the metering of access and written
quantitative one: increased numbers of press on the Internet. As the graphs prepared by
journalists who have approached this the Romanian Audit Bureau of circulations
subject; the number of articles related (, all circulations of the daily
to this theme increased, from edition newspapers follow an upward curve of about
to edition or in the same editions; the ten years. On the other hand, however, the
number of accesses increased for the pages of
number of newspapers which gave
those newspapers on the internet.
space for more then one article on this 9
Formula was proposed by Melvin De Fleur.
issue increased; Under it, the media functions as a social
6. The more titles and leads were ex- behavior triggered by "programmed" through
pressive, the more grew the number of campaigns that organize and determine
viewers to the website, outlining the changes in behavior receptor. Cf Melvin De
portrait of the journalist as a unifying Fleur, Sandra Ball-Rokeach, Theories of Mass
persuasive agent. Communication, Longman, New York, 1982
Sorin Preda, Tehnici de redactare npresa
Notes scris, Polirom Publishing House, Iai, 2006,
In our analysis we found the online editions Col. Media series Collegium, pp 48-51
of newspapers cited Cf. Umberto Eco, Tratat de semiotic
We use in this article the terminology by general, Ed Enciclopedic Scientific Publishing,
Charles U. Larson, Persuasiunea. Receptare i Bucharest, 1982, Translated by Anca Giurescu
responsabilitate, Polirom Publishing House, and Cezar Radu, afterword and notes by Radu
Iai, 2003, Col. Collegium series Public Caesar, p. 354.
Relations and Advertising, translated by. Cf. See Catherine Kerbrat-Orecchioni La
Odette Arhip. He defines the persuasive agent connotation, Presse Universitaires de Lyon,
as the one practicing persuasion and the patient 1977 and LImplicite, Armand Colin Editeur,
is persuaded (cf. p. 16) Paris, 1986
See Larson, op. cit., p. 123 Cotidianul, 26 aug. 2008
idem Idem, 2 febr. 2008
Ibidem, 12 febr. 2008
Gardianul, 29 august 2008

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Xenia Negrea

Idem, 27 august 2008 text, in The Mechanics of Allusion, no. 5, p.
Larson, pp. 25-26 109.
19 31
Larson, op. cit., p. 26 Larson, p. 218
20 32
Larson, op. cit., p. 149 Idem, p. 37
21 33
Weaver defines charismatic terms as Ibidem, p. 36
words with a considerable expressiveness See Algirdas Julien Greimas, Despre sens.
whose referees are impossible to discover. Eseuri semiotice, Editura Univers, Bucharest,
Their meaning seems inexplicable unless we 1975, translated and prefaced Text Maria
accept assumptions of deriving the sense from Carpov.
an imperative of collective will that they mean Gianni Vattimo, Dialectica, difference,
something (in Larson, p. 152) weak thinking in Gianni Vattimo - Pier Aldo
Unifying persuasive agents address people Rovatti (coord.), Gndirea slab, Pontica
who already share their views. The unifying Publishing House, Constanta, 1998, Col.
agent is more idealistic they can be plethoric "Italian Library, Translated by Stefania Mincu
without risk that audience feel offended. He
can appeal to feelings, being less objective than Simple sentences usually express a
the one which faces an audience putting judgement or a completely singular aspect, they
everything into question. Unifying agent must have at least one subject or a noun and a
focuses on his there and when - past and word or a dynamic verb. These properties
future when things were great or when they emphasize the subject in relation to a verb and
will be ideal. Opinion is that everything will be object: see causes acting to achieve a result or
better in the future, by comparison, especially effect (in Larson, op. Cit., P. 139)
with this. Although a few aspects related to
unifying agent stimulate intellect, many others
call for emotional background. Words and
images provided by him are exactly what
listeners are convinced they would have said if
they were in the place of the speaker. Unifying
agent is thus a kind of sound panel of the
group, providing them with clues, but not the
details of the message. The public collaborates
to create a message, participate actively
encouraging or yelling in chorus or repeating
stereotyped phrases to emphasize words.
(Larson, op. cit., p. 152)
Cotidianul, 12 February 2008
Evenimentul zilei, 1 October 2007
Idem, 29 August 2008
Cf. Kenneth Burke, A Grammar of Motives,
Berkeley; Los Angeles; London; University of
California Presse, 1969
Evenimentul zilei, 3 February 2009
Idem, 29 august 2008
According to Ben-Porot, the process of a
reader's actualization of an allusion involves:
recognition of marker; identification of evoked
text; modification of the initial local
interpretation of passage; activation of evoked

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009

The Main Music Radio Formats

in Romania Today

Davian VLAD

Abstract: The music radio formats most frequently found on the

Romanian (and international) market nowadays are
Contemporary Hit Radio (CHR) and Adult Contemporary (A/C),
with all their variations. They both deal with the contemporary
music, one oriented more on the hits (CHR is also known as
Contemporary Hits, Current Hits or Top 40), the other one on
adult, serious music which sometimes cannot make it to the
charts because it is preferred mostly by a limited, more
musically educated audience. The conclusion is that the
Romanian radio market has its specific trends/developments,
although there are strong similarities to what can be found in
other European countries and, lesser, USA (where the rock-
oriented stations are highly popular).
Keywords: radio, music, format, audience, market.

The Process of Choosing the activities which do not allow us to stare at

Right Format a screen (monitor) e.g. while driving or
working can assure a safe future for

lthough the world-wide fast and Marconis wonder. Nevertheless, the
furious spreading of cinema and ongoing fast changes of habits and con-
especially television led to a cerns in the modern world forces the radio
continuous decrease of persons listening stations world-wide to adopt a more
(more or less on daily basis) to the radio versatile strategy, in order to seize larger
programmes, the end of radio as we know market shares and to gain more and more
it has not happened and there are strong P1 listeners (constant listeners) to the
hints that it will not take place in the near detriment of the competition. That is why,
future. The new means of distributing in the last decades, the radio stations have
radio products (Internet, satellite, cellular been trying to focus on a niche, so
phones), the permanent need of getting nowadays the majority of the radio stations
information rapidly and the human are specialized and they aim to at least

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Davian Vlad

preserve their current audience. This a certain image/ perception of the station
specialization is achieved by adopting the (the listener should recognize at once the
right format for a certain niche and it is a specific sound of the radio station). The
process of market research, proper designing process consists of three phases: design
and deployment, as well as an efficient (defining the tasks and the methodology of
management of feedback. Thus, you should the research); field work (data input and
find out which research tools and methods processing); interpretation (data analyzing
can you use for your radio station. This and implementation).
complex process of research, interpretation
and implementation of a format (as re-
presented in the figure below) must lead to

Figure no. 1; Source: Deutsche Welle & Steiner Media

The objective of this complex and why the radio stations attempt to come on
costly process is the identification of the the market with the most successful
right format for a radio station and of the strategies for news programmes and music.
niche which should be targeted. But it is not all about news and music: the
The most frequent answer to the radio formats bring with them different
question Why do you listen to the radio? is moods, and the listener will choose the
For news and music. That is the reason station in accordance to their desires (preferred

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
The Main Music Radio Formats in Romania Today

moods). Though the format generally consists stations of today, and it is located at the
of structure + content + presentation, we basis of a format (figure no.2).
can easily notice that music (as a mood
setter) is the one which makes the difference
between the (commercial mostly) radio






Research Marketing

Figure no. 2

The public (state) radios have a different population). As their meaning is to cater
status, due to their specific mission (they for all the interests and tastes, the public
are meant not only to inform and entertain, radios should be analyzed separately, though.
but also to educate), but they have to We can also notice easily that this
conceive a certain coherent music strategy specialization of the commercial radio
(format), too. Usually, the most used stations is not as strict today as it once was
music radio format by the European public (1960s 1970s, in the USA especially).
stations is Soft/Mix Adult Contemporary The formats intersected slightly or not
(Soft/Mix A/C), as the mission of a public even a bit in that period of time (figure
radio station cannot permit a strict specia- no.3), but the trend today is the certain
lization (this kind of stations broadcast formats to overlap each other and hybrid
also classical music, jazz, traditional music formats to take shape (as shown in the
and so on, because it must meet the ex- figure no.4). This tendency can be explained
pectations of a variety of groups of

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Davian Vlad

by the fact that the fine lines between music

genres themselves overlapped as well.

Figure no. 3; Source: Deutsche Welle & Steiner Media

70s, 80s Classic
Classic Hits
Easy Soft

Listening A/C A/C Rock A/C

NAC Oldies Urban
Rhythmic Hot A/C AOR
A/C A/C Adult CHR Modern A/C

CHR Top 40
Figure no. 4; Source: Deutsche Welle & Steiner Media

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
The Main Music Radio Formats in Romania Today

The Romanian Present Radio with more dance oriented or rhythmic

Market style).
The music radio formats most fre- Contemporary Hit Radio (CHR)
quently found on the Romanian (and is a music format focused on playing
international) market nowadays are Con- current and recurrent highly popular
temporary Hit Radio (CHR) and Adult songs as reflected in the music charts
Contemporary (A/C), with all their variations. (no matter the music genres). It is a
They both deal with the contemporary format targeting mainly teen and young
music, one oriented more on the hits (CHR audience (up to 34 years old). The
is also known as Contemporary Hits, subcategories of this music radio format
Current Hits or Top 40), the other one on (not all to be found on the Romanian
adult, serious music which sometimes radio market) are: CHR/dance, CHR/
cannot make it to the charts because it is rhythmic, Adult CHR (a hybrid of Con-
preferred mostly by a limited, more musi- temporary Hits Radio and the Hot AC
cally educated audience. format), CHR/pop (also known as
As its name suggests, the Adult Mainstream CHR) and CHR/rock. Con-
Contemporary (A/C) radio format is temporary Hit Radio is very popular in
intended for a more adult audience Romania, too, and the most important
(from 25 to 45 years old). A/C radio stations to use this format are Kiss FM,
stations play usually mainstream music Radio 21, Radio ZU and Pro FM. They
with varying degrees of rock influence, play mainly current hits (on heavy rotation),
excluding the cutting edge music, such recurrent hits (medium rotation) and,
as hard rock or hip hop. The sub- rarely, gold hits. The Nielsen airplay
categories of A/C (some of them not charts show that CHR radios manage to
present in Romania) are: Mainstream rotate intensively the brand-new songs
Adult Contemporary (mixes current hits (up to 10 times a day), songs which
and recurrents without the dance or may or may not become hits or be
Urban hits), Hot Adult Contemporary included by other radio stations in their
(play more currents and less re-currents play-lists. We must emphasize that there is
than Mainstream A/C), Soft A/C (mostly necessary at least 6 weeks of heavy
recurrent songs mixed with some soft rotation for a song to reach the hit
currents), Urban Adult Contemporary phase. After further 10-12 weeks, the
(urban dance music mixed with R&B, song should reach the end of its current
Rap and Contemporary Hits), Adult life cycle; it becomes then a recurrent
Alternative or Adult Album Rock, also song, entering a phase in which it will
known as Triple A(adult alternative be moderately rotated by the CHR radio
pop/rock), 80s A/C (mainstream 80s stations.
music and some compatible late 70s The most recent rating poll made by
and early 90s), Modern A/C (main- IMAS Marketing i Sondaje SA and
stream pop-rock and some alternative Mercury Research SRL between January
or modern rock songs, but not hard- 12 and April 12 2009 shows clearly that
edged), New Adult Contemporary (jazz A/C and CHR music formats are the most
and New Age jazz), Christian A/C popular in Romania nowadays. This is the
(adult contemporary music with an em- situation at the national level (urban and
phasis on religious themes) and Rhythmic rural):
Adult Contemporary (mainstream A/C

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
Davian Vlad

Daily Reach (000) Market Share (%)

TOTAL 10682.2 100

Radio 21 1200.9 6.8
Radio Antena Satelor 789.5 7.8
Radio Europa FM 1864.9 12.4
Radio InfoPro 343.8 2.4
Radio Kiss FM 1829.6 10.9
Radio Magic FM 201.5 1.1
Radio Naional FM 46.7 0.2
Radio Pro FM 862.3 5.2
Radio Romnia Actualiti 2447.7 17.2
Radio Romnia Cultural 83.1 0.5
Radio Romnia Regional 2055.3 14.6
RFI Romnia 46.5 0.1
Radio ZU 1119.3 6.3
Alt post 2139.4 14.4

We notice that A/C radios (public (AOR), such as City FM, and Adult
radios included) have 42.8 market share, Album Alternative (AAA) stations, such
CHR/ Top 40 radios have 29.2 market as Radio Guerilla, have no significant
share and 80/ Classic Hits stations (Europa market share in Romania. We must also
FM, Magic FM) have 13.5 (considering emphasize that Radio Oltenia Craiova
the frequent overlapping between genres, (part of Radio Romania Regional
the figures might skip from one cate- Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation
gory to the other, but this is, in our RDR), a public station which adopted
opinion, the most accurate image of the a Soft A/C music format, has a stunning
Romanian radio market today). We can 45.7 market share in its region (Oltenia),
also notice that Album Oriented Rock according to the same rating poll.This is
the situation at the urban level:
Daily Reach (000) Market Share (%)

TOTAL 6163.9 100

Radio 21 824 7.7
Radio Antena Satelor 212 3.6
Radio Europa FM 1296 15
Radio InfoPro 187.5 2.1
Radio Kiss FM 1293.3 12.6
Radio Magic FM 165.3 1.6
Radio Naional FM 34 0.4
Radio Pro FM 542.7 5.3
Radio Romnia Actualiti 1317.4 16.6
Radio Romnia Cultural 63.9 0.6
Radio Romnia Regional 621.1 7.4
RFI Romnia 38.8 0.2
Radio ZU 907.8 8.6
Alt post 1497.8 18.1

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
The Main Music Radio Formats in Romania Today

At this level, CHR/Top 40 radios have A/C and CHR/Top 40 (with all their sub-
an increased market share (34.2), the A/C categories). The rock-oriented radio stations
stations drop to a 30.9 market share, while are not very popular with the Romanian
80/ Classic Hits stations gain 16.6 market listeners. Thus, we can say that the Ro-
share. The rock oriented radio stations have manian radio market has its specific
no significant audience at the urban level, too. trends/developments, although there are
In conclusion, although the Oldies/ strong similarities to what can be found in
Classic Hits radios are present in Romania other European countries and, lesser, USA
and have a significant public here, the (where the rock-oriented stations are highly
most important music radio formats are popular).

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
New Books & Ideas

Vasile Boari - un vizionar european care stau la baza actualei dezvoltri social-
politice, Europa a fost i continu s fie n
Aurel Piurc centrul dezvoltrii universale, o lume
contradictorie i controversat.
Liceniat n filozofie n 1972 i doctor n cadrul acestor ample preocupri de
n aceiai tiin n 1978, decan al analiz a noii construcii europene, a
Facultii de tiine Politice i Admi- spiritualitii sale politice i morale, dar
nistrative din cadrul Universitii Babe mai ales a evidenierii identitii sale, se
Bolyai, n perioada 1995-2002 director nscrie i actualul volum al prof. Univ. Dr.
fondator al revistelor EAST i EUROPOLIS, Vasile Boari, Noua Europ n cutarea
director al Centrului de Analiz Politic al identitii. Ca orice nou entitate politic,
aceleiai universiti, prof. univ. Dr. Vasile Uniunea Europen trebuie s-i creeze i
Boari este un nume cunoscut i respectat s-i stabileasc propria sa identitate. Tema
de comunitatea tiinific i academic identitii U.E. nu este nou, dezbaterile de
romneasc, autor a numeroase volume, idei pe marginea acestei probleme au
studii i eseuri de filozofie politic i aprut nc din momentul punerii bazelor
moral sau de filzofia culturii i a moralei primei construcii europene. Identitatea
dintre care amintim Dialectica raportului este un concept de baz i referin n
contiin moral-contiin politic, O tiinele socio-umane, produsul contiinei
perspectiv filozofic (1987), Filozofia i colectivitii, cel ce individualizeaz, parti-
condiia moral a cetii (1991), Noua Europ cularizeaz o colectivitate, o entitate poli-
n cutarea identitii (Risoprint, 2009). tic de alta, i confer substana, origi-
Europa a constituit i constituie i as- nalitatea, i d un suflet al su. Dei volumul
tzi subiectul unor ample dezbateri i de fa elaborat de d-l Vasile Boari, Noua
meditaii politice, economice, culturale, mo- Europ n cutarea identitii, este constituit
rale, etice sau chiar teologice. Asupra pro- din trei eseuri, avnd iniial destinaii
blematicilor sale s-au aplecat oameni diferite, cum nsi autorul precizeaz, el
politici i de cultur, teologi, analiti ai este o lucrare unitar aceasta fiind dat de
teoriei i practicii politice, guvernani, tema comun abordat de-Europa i cu
strategi militari. n toate perioadele i precdere de Uniunea European.
epocile istorice, Europa s-a aflat n centrul n studiul su, Vasile Boari realizeaz
preocuprilor i dezbaterilor celor investii o analiz profund i detaliat a proble-
cu elaborarea i realizarea destinelor sale. maticii identitii, evideniind diversitatea
De tensiunile i framntrile sale, de abordrilor, pornind de la tradiionaliti
stabilitatea i echilibrul su, a depins starea care n definirea Europei pun accent pe
i evoluia umanitii. Dei a fost genera- factori primari; geografici, istorici, culturali,
toarea a celor dou mari conflagraii spiritali sau a constructivitilor care afirm
mondiale, aceiai Europ a fost i leagnul c identitatea Uniunii Europene este n
culturii i civilizaiei universale. De pe curs de realizare datorit, n principal,
meleagurile sale au pornit marile desco- factorilor politici, ei neexcluznd partici-
periri geografice, s-a nscut revoluia in- parea la acest proces i a altor factori
dustrial i noile tehnologii, tot de aici s-au precum ar fi cei economici, culturali, spi-
creat marile teorii i elaboratele doctrinare rituali i chiar religioi. In abordarea iden-
clasice i neoclasice (liberalismul, conser- titii Europei, prof.univ.dr. Vasile Boari
vatorismul, socialismul, neoliberalismul i are n vedere i impunerea unei definiii
neoconservatorismul sau democraia), teorii din perspectiva axiologic, fcnd apel la
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
New Books & Ideas

un set de valori n care regsim statul de Creator de coal politic universitar

drept, libertatea, democraia, responsabili- Vasile Boari este preocupat de a da Noii
tatea, tolerana, factori specifici noii Europe o identitate fundamentat pe Suflet,
construcii europene. aceasta fiind, de fapt, esena noii identiti
Interesat de o analiz pertinent i europene. Aceasta este o preocupare mai
detaliat, autorul pune n discuie stadiul veche, ea regsindu-se n nsi gndirea
realizrii identitii europene, mecanismele fondatorilor Uniunii Europene, Robert
i factorii care contribuie la realizarea sa. Schuman i Jacques Dolores, cel din urm
n acest sens, d-l Vasile Boari face o tre- fiind i creatorul sintagmei un suflet pentu
cere n revist a diferitelor preri i ati- Europa.
tudini pornind de la cele care consider c Extrem de valoros pentru un demers
dei Uniunea European este o realitate a teoretic este raportarea i definirea iden-
contemporaneitii, aceasta nu dispune de titii din perspectiva istoric, politic,
o identitate proprie, clar, evident adu- economic inclusiv spiritual-religioas. Ca
cnd ca argument lipsa unei Constituii un element de noutate i originalitate al
comune sau poziia celor care apreciaz c studiului analizat l constituie conferirea
Noua Europ, s-ar afla ntr-un proces de religiei, n spe, cretinismului a unui rol
creare a identitii, dar c acesta cere timp, determinant n configurarea i ieirea din
proces ce nu ar trebui s fie grbit, ci lsat criza identitii europene, ntruct aceasta
s se nfptuiasc n mod natural. poate garanta valori supreme, norme ne-
Nu lipsite de inportan sunt i opiniile condiionate, precum si cele mai profunde
celor care susin c Uniunea European ar i nalte idealuri. Religia poate ntri coe-
beneficia de propria sa identitate asigurat ziunea unei societi, poate stimula soli-
de factorii politici. n opoziie cu aceste daritatea oamenilor i loialitatea fa de
preri este ns autorul prezentului studiu comunitate. Religia poate oferi chiar ba-
care opineaz pentru ideea c, de fapt, ne- zele protestului i rezistena mpotriva
am afla n situaia unei crize a identitii condiiilor injuste1.
europene, aducnd ca argument criza Conferirea rolului determinant cresti-
moral i spiritual ce ar caracteriza noul nismului n edificarea noii identiti euro-
edificiu european. pene este argumentat prin rolul capital pe
Un alt palier deosebit de important al care acesta l-a jucat n furirea istoriei sale,
studiului l constituie relaia dintre iden- n forjarea spiritualitii i identitii
titate european i cetenia european sau btrnului continent. Acelai crestinism
identitatea naional i cea european. este singurul n msur ce poate oferi
Referindu-se la primul aspect, profesorul pacea i democraia, tolerana i dra-
Boari consider c cetenia european gostea, valori care nu pot lipsi n identi-
este o component esenial a noii iden- tatea Noii Europe2.
titi, cea care asigur ataamentul uman n realizarea identitii europene, dl.
fa de ea, o umanizeaz, i d substan, Boari are n vedere i ali factori ca cei
suflet. Relaia dintre identitate european economici care asigur fundamentul material
i cea naional este vzut de autor ca al noului edificiu politic i juridic i care
ceva nou. Astfel, identitatea european prin tratatele sale dau temeiul legal i ad-
transcede formele tradiionale naionale, ministativ fr de care Uniunea European
dei aceasta din urm este nc puternic nu ar fi o realitate politic, dar mai ales cel
prezentat att ca manifestare ct i ca spiritual din el detandu-se prin impor-
sinbolistic. tan cretinismul, fapt ce face ca astzi s

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
New Books & Ideas

se vorbeasc de o Europ post-crestin i unul cu importante variante praxio-

sau de cristofobie. logice, fapt ce sporete i mai mult valoarea
Valoarea lucrrii este sporit i de i importana sa tiintific i practic.
analiza rolului jucat de Tratatele Europene
care au avut o contribuie remarcabil la Vasile Boari, Noua Europ n cutarea
crearea Uniunii Europene i a noii sale identitii, Editura Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca, 2009,
identitii. Referindu-se la acest aspect, p.114.
autorul precizeaz: Nici o alt Construcie n- Ibidem, p.116.
a avut vreodat att de multe tratate i Ibidem, p186.
Ibidem, p.191.
reglementri, dar niciodat n istorie nu s- 5
Ibidem, p.192.
a pomenit ca un continent ntreg, primul n
ntregime cretin s renune cu atta Economia barbar i actuala criz
nonalan la propria-i identitate, cum a mondial
fost Europ3. Fiind o construcie politic,
gndit i nfptuit de elitele politice eu- Mihai Ovidiu Cercel
ropene, din perspectiva identitii, Uniunea
European este o construcie politic, ntr-o incitant lucrare, Lconomie
ntemeiat pe valorile democraiei. Pentru barbare1, se atrage atenia c omenirea se
dl. Boari, aceasta fapt nu este ns sufi- afl deja, n plan financiar i uman, la
cient, cu siguran spune el marea limita unei fracturi ce va nsemna o po-
btlie n viitor, va fi nu pentru identitatea sibila catastrof planetar, generat de o
politic, ci pentru identitatea spiritual, dezvoltare material disproporionat i, n
pentru Sufletul Europei4. paralel, de o degradare profund a fiinei
Ideea de baz, mesajul principal care umane, nsemnat de team, stres, lipsa
se desprinde din cele trei eseuri reunite, moralului i a speranei, violen, consum
precizate chiar de autor este aceea c de subproduse culturale, etc.
Noua Europ, Europa celor 27, repre- O societate, susine autorul acestei
zint o nou construcie identitar care cri, n loc s se preocupe de asigurarea
este ns departe de a fi cristalizat, nche- bunstrii individului, particip la compro-
gat, definitiv. Dimpotriv, Uniunea miterea acestuia prin multiple mijloace,
European se afl ntr-o faz de cutare a pierzndu-i raiunea de a fi, n timp ce
identitii sale5. ordinea politic i public dezvolt pro-
Volumul dl. prof.dr. Vasile Boari, Noua priul sistem evolutiv.
Europ n cutarea identitii, de o Economia barbar i globalizarea
deosebit valoare i consisten teoretic, acesteia agreseaz orice tip de organizare
cu problematici noi i rezolvri originale politic, ca i cetenii, n numele unei aa
ce vine s completeze sursele bibliografice zise prosperiti asiguratoare de confort
ale tiinelor politice i nu poate lipsi din personal i social, a libertii i a demnitii
studiul celor care sunt preocupai de cvasi-tutelare. Globalizarea de tip american
edificarea Noii Europe i de descifrarea noilor aplatizeaz, de regul, culturile i tradiiile
sale tendine i direcii de dezvoltare. naionale, propunnd forma, comportamente
Ea se nscrie totodat n eforturile i produse cu impact imediat n rndul
generale de cunoatere a noului edificiu populaiei, ignorndu-se accepiunea: destinul
politic i de impunere a identitii sale. Terrei reprezint destinul omului!
Aceasta face ca prezentul studiu s nu fie
numai un simplu demers teoretic-explicativ ci
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
New Books & Ideas

Sunt voci care susin c globalizarea zeaz multiple exemple: cazul Greciei
exportat din SUA se constituie, de mult Antice, a Romei, cnd, dup secole de
vreme, ntr-un proiect tendenios de de- prosperitate au intrat ntr-un declin pro-
molare a marilor valori europene, indiene, fund, al Chinei Imperiale, al Egiptului
sud-americane, ce nu se regsesc pe noul faraonilor.
continent ncrcat de o tineree ireductibil Creterea ampl i difereniat a eco-
i, drept consecin, nivelarea acestora, nomiei atrage dup sine i o realizare a
poate chiar dispariia lor n timp este cert. puterii ntre state, o altfel de orientare n
Fenomen ambiguu, globalizarea i politica mondial. Exist un principiu de
economia barbar se transform ntr-o baz al relaiilor internaionale care susine
limit a libertii omului, nstrinndu-l de c, pe msur ce puterea unui stat crete,
propriile valori, cunoscndu-se faptul c acesta, n mod implicit va cunoate o
singurele limite pe care o libertate le schimbare de sistem. John Harsany atrgea
ntlnete se regsesc n libertate, spunea atenia c, o posibil explicaie a acestor
Sartre. permutri politice i economice trebuie s
Interesele economice au determinat se fac n termenii echilibrului puterii
ntotdeauna evoluia politicii naionale i ntre diferitele grupuri sociale care fac
internaionale, constrngnd i influennd presiuni pentru aranjamentele cele mai
aciunea uman i comportamentul social. favorabile propriilor interese (incluznd
Variabilele economice sunt purttoare de posibilele interese altruiste)2. Aadar, o
efecte puternice asupra puterii i a societate cu un ridicat grad de prosperitate
echilibrului acesteia n relaiile internaio- economic, poate produce restructurri
nale ce modific, n unele situaii, bene- serioase, att n palierul politic naional, ct
ficiile i costurile schimbrilor sociale i i internaional, dar i ocuri grave n
politice. societatea mondial i n natura ei siste-
De fapt, orice schimbare n plan matic, ocuri care genereaz crize finan-
economic creeaz stimuli i obstacole ntr- ciare de proporii cum este cea prezent n
o societate care i modific regimul ori acest an, criz asemntoare unei maladii
apartenena la un sistem politic. Promi- contagioase de proporii. Specialitii sunt
siunea ctigurilor degaj energii uriae i de prere c actuala criz este una a
determinri consistente n expansiunea mondializrii, n sensul unei reele ample
pieelor, a implementrii de societi i or- de electricitate care se scurt-circuitizeaz
ganizaii nonguvernamentale, de sisteme pe diverse trasee, fie din cauz de
informatice i tehnologii avansate. n suprasolicitare, fie c sistemul nu permite
aceste condiii, la mentaliti i bunstare acces egal la consum. Andrew Haldane,
nou, noi constrngeri, cci orice schim- specialist n problema riscurilor la Banca
bare i dezvoltare restructureaz mrimea Angliei propune, prin comparaie, c
i distribuirea costurilor, precum i asu- distrugerea spaiilor i a speciilor ne duce
marea unor obligaii, uneori mpovrtoare. cu gndul la criza financiar i c
Creterea economic i a surplusului omenirea trebuie s reacioneze imediat n
economic, mondializarea tehnologiilor, acu- faa acestui fenomen.
mulrile uriae de capital creeaz ine- Alii consider c aceeai cauz a fost
galiti grave i schimbri politice semni- generat pe sol american, exportat n
ficative, ajungndu-se la un punct sensibil toat lumea, dar ea are i un caracter indi-
i periculos n evoluia societilor cu o gen, fiind i moral, ntr-o bun msur,
dezvoltare spectaculoas. Istoria ne furni-

Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009
New Books & Ideas

pentru c ntotdeauna interdependena se competitivitii, reformarea Euro n faa

poate constitui ntr-un factor de risc. bancnotei verzi sunt doar cteva remedii
Paul Krugman, laureat al Premiului prognosticate de specialiti pentru ieirea
Nobel pentru economie, n 2008 susine c din aceast criz mondial devastatoare.
economia depresiei s-a accentuat n ultima
perioad, iar limitarea resurselor i fluc- Philippe Saint Marc, Lconomonie barbare,
tuaiile dintre cerere i ofert au procreat Editions Frison-Roche, Paris, 1994.
Marea Depresie care relev o recapita- Robert Gilpin, Rzboi i schimbare n politica
lizare rapid a bncilor, ct i un anumit mondial, Ed. Scrisul Romnesc, Craiova,
control exercitat de stat, identificat ntr-o 2000, pag. 204
naionalizare temporar.
n noile circumstane, mondializarea
fericit, ca i prosperitatea viciului, sin-
tagma propus de Daniel Cohen, ce se
refer la consumul exagerat al unor popu-
laii, sunt cauzele care au dus la o stran-
gulare a interseciilor schimburilor econo-
mice, cci 85% din state se afl n rece-
siune evident.
S-a edificat o altfel de civilizaie, n
numele unui ideal, a pcii i a nelegerii,
ce s-a dovedit a fi nerealist pn la urm.
Banii obinui uor, sistemul asimetric al
remunerrii, imperfeciunile sistemului lo-
cativ, confortul individual i consumul
exagerat ce produce efecte precum un drog
sunt cauzele reale ce au generat un risc
excesiv n plan economic i financiar, n
majoritatea statelor prospere. Andrew
Clark i Claudia Senik evideniaz faptul
c, n Frana, bunstarea a produs o
bogie cert unora, care, n cele din urm,
s-a disipat foarte repede, n condiiile n
care, n ultimii ani, consumatorii francezi
sunt de dou trei ori mai bogai ca p-
rinii lor, dar, tot de-attea ori, mai ne-
fericii ca predecesorii lor.
Se poate afirma c ne aflm ntr-o
nou vrst a economiei depresiei, ce a
generat o criz de proporii n majoritatea
rilor lumii i nu exist nc un remediu
universal, un miracol, trebuind s fim
contieni c niciodat nu i se ofer o
mas gratuit. Reformarea radical a siste-
mului financiar, recapitalizarea, intervenia
statului, restructurarea deficitului, echilibrul
Revista de tiine Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques Nr. 21-22 2009

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