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Article: Constitutional Law for a Changing America

Rights, Liberties, and Justiceby Lee Epstein and Thomas G. Walker

I. - Answer in a complete form the following questions.

1. - What do legal approaches to Supreme Court decision making, suggest in the way the
court arrives at its decisions?


2. - What forces shape judicial decisions according to the results of decades of research
by scholars?


3. - Name the three categories of approaches to Supreme Court decision making,

according to research by scholars.


4. - Do the attitudinal approaches emphasize the importance of the justices political



5. - What does the school of thought justices personal attitude maintain when a case
comes before the Court decision making?


6. - How do we know if a particular justice is liberal or conservative?


7. - Within the preference based category of the judicial role, how have scholars defined
this judicial role?


8. - How do analysts typically discuss judicial roles?


9. - According to an activist justice, which is the proper role of the Court?

10. - According to restraint-oriented justices, which is the proper role of the Court?


11. - How do the authors Epstein and Walker restate the strategic argument of judicial


12. - How does strategic behavior manifest itself?


13. - Name the three forces that are considered of influence in the decision making of the


14. Which is one of the fundamental differences between the Supreme Court and the
political branches?


15. Can justices once appointed, serve for life?


16. - Are justices once appointed, accountable to the public and required to undergo any
periodic reevaluation of their decisions?


17. Some scholars claim that justices are not affected by public opinion, name the three
reasons they offer.


18. The Court has always had a complex relationship with the president, what does this
relationship provide the president with?


19. Name some direct links the president has with the Court.


20. Under whose command does the executive branch operate?

21. Is the executive branch, a direct or less source of influence of the Court?


22. Can the Supreme Court, as a judicial body, implement or execute its own decisions?


23. Name another indirect source, of presidential influence of the Court.


24. Can the SGs office convince the justices to adopt the position advocated by the SG?


25. Name some examples of powers that Congress has over the Court that justices
cannot ignore.


26. Name a striking example of politicization of the Courts work.


27. How do interest groups try to influence Court decisions?


28. Besides trying to influence the Courts decisions, why else do they go to the
Supreme Court?


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