Standalone & Consolidated Financial Results For December 31, 2016 (Result)

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irorNo 4s,Ganpat Bhavan M, G. RGd, Goreqaon (w4l), Mlnbai_ 400062 ' Tel.:2374 3995/2374 9001
Emair lnircdEnsl mied@hormir.oom ' web.: Nw.unihrcaLans i,!a!.!4?p!9y!.!991S991!9!

Phiroze lejebhoy Tow6,

Dalat Sbeet,

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Esli Conplimce of Re8datiirn 33 of the Listine Asemait.

A! equird @ds eglratioln 13 oI the Lirtin8 AEremenL we d odcin8

hmwith ttF Comotidated d\.{uudited FMcial RulE along with Limited
Reviry leport for the qffiter ended 6 on 31* De.embd, 2016.

Bhavs M. G. R@d, Go,gaon (wesrl, Mumb.'
Plot No d5, Ganpar - 400 052 . ael:28fu a995l2a7A 9oo1
Fd2i .m v.rslaGr mibn : L223oOMHr995TLCO91032



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