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Books & eBooks

Material Type In-Text Example Reference List Example
Book: Single Author "It is self-identification..." (Fuller, 2011, pp. 34-35). Fuller, C. F.(2011).Sociology,genderandeducational
OR aspirations: Girls and their ambitions.Albany, NY:
Fuller (2011, pp. 34-35) suggests that self identification... Continuum International.

Add page numbers for direct quotes. For location use the U.S. state abbreviation. This is also
acceptable for Australian states and territories. For all
other countries, spell out the name in full.

Book: 2 Authors and Edition According to Weinberg and Gould (2011) ... Weinberg, R. S., & Gould, D. (2011).Foundations of sport and
OR exercise psychology(6th ed.). Champaign, IL: Human
... this is evident (Weinberg & Gould, 2011). Kinetics.

Cite both authors each time the reference occurs. Theedition number is included after the title of the work
(not necessary for firsteditions).

Book: 3, 4or 5Authors ...infestival organisation (Allen, O'Toole, & Donnell, Allen, J. E., O'Toole, W., & Donnell, J.-B.(2011).Festival and
2011). special event management(5th ed.). Milton, QLD: John
OR Wiley & Sons.
Allen, O'Toole, and Donnell (2011) have found ...
Provide the names of all authors in the reference list.

Cite all of the authors the first time the reference If an author's first name is hyphenated, retain the hyphen
occurs. In subsequent citations include only the and include a full stop after each initial as in Jean-
surname of the first authorfollowed by et al. and the Baptiste Donnell above.
year, e.g.

...events are a celebration (Allen et al., 2011).

Allen et al. (2011)havestated ...

Book:6 or moreAuthors Mussen et al. (1995) have found ... Mussen, P., Rozenweig, M. R., Aronson, E., Elkind, D.,
OR Feshbach, S. T., & Geiwitz, P. J. (1995).Psychology: An
...for all learning (Mussen et al., 1995). introduction(7th ed.). Albany, NY: Thompson Delmar
Cite only the surname of the first author followed by et
al. and the year, for the first and subsequent citations. Provide the names of all authors in the reference list up
to and including seven authors.

Book:8 or moreAuthors Leggatet al. (2009) have found ... Leggat, I. K., Hutchings, D., Poliness, S., Nemeth, T., West,

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OR A., Ngo, A., . . . Mascilongo, J. (2009).How to maximise

...play a crucial role (Leggat et al., 2009). the use of libraries in educational institutions.St Albans,
VIC: Victoria University Press.
Cite only the surname of the first author followed by et
al. and the year, for the first and subsequent citations. Include the first six authors' names, followed by three
dots, then add the last author's name.

Book: No Author As defined in theStyle Manual for Authors, Editors and Style manual for authors, editors and printers.(2002). (6th
Printers(2002) reference lists should be double spaced. ed.). Canberra, ACT: AGPS.

... should be double spaced (Style Manual for Authors, If no author or editor, the title is used as the first element
Editors and Printers, 2002). of the reference.

Book: Editor(s) ... for future learning (Ashwin, 2006). Ashwin, P. (Ed.). (2006).Changing higher education: The
OR development of learning and teaching.London, England:
As described in Ashwin (2006) ... Routledge.

... health care is described (Lemone et al., 2011). With more than one editor use multiple author format as
OR above and use (Eds.).
Lemone et al. (2011) describe health care...
Lemone, P., Burke, K. M., Dwyer, T., Levett-Jones, T.,
Moxham, L., Reid-Searl, K., ... Raymond, D. (Eds.).
(2011).Medical-surgical nursing: Critical thinking in client
care. (1st Australian ed.). Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson

Book: with Author and Editor "A large income is the best recipe for happiness I ever Austen, J. (1814/2005).Mansfield Park(J. Wiltshire, Ed.).
heard of" (Austen, 1814/2005, p. 195) Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.

Include the original publication date in the citation.

Chapter or part of a Book to "Boud (2006, p. 23) states that self-directed learning... Boud, D. (2006). Aren't we all learner-centred now?: The
which a number of authors bittersweet flavour of success. In P. Ashwin
have contributed OR (Ed.),Changing higher education: the development of
"Self-directed learning is..." (Boud, 2006, p. 23). learning and teaching(pp. 1932). London, England:
In the in-text reference name the author of the chapter.

Book: with volume numbers ... as this complex theory is dealt with in detail by Russell Russell, B. (2003).The autobiography of Bertrand
(2003, vol. 2, p. 23; vol. 3, pp. 17-36). Russell(Vols. 1-3). London, England: Allen & Unwin.

If more than one volume is given, separate with a


Book: Translator & Author (Marklund, 2011) Marklund,L. (2011). Exposed (N. Smith, Trans.). Montreal,
Canada: Random House.

Book: Organisation as Author (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2011) Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2011).2011 Census
dictionary(No. 2901.0). Canberra, ACT: Author.
(Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2008)
Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2008).Childhood education
(Department of Health and Family Services [DHFS], 2007) and care(No. 4402.0). Canberra, ACT: Author. Retrieved
from http://www.abs.gov.au
If you want to cite from the report more than once, in
the first citation provide the full name of the Add the ABS Report's Catalogue Number after the title.
organisation, as above. In subsequent citations use 'Author' is used in place of the publisher name if they are
the abbreviated organisational title. e.g. the same body.
(DHFS, 2007) Department of Health and Family Services. (2007).Youth
suicide in Australia: The National Youth Suicide
Prevention Strategy.Canberra, ACT: AGPS.

Provide the full name of the organisation in the reference


E-book - No DOI assigned (Rosen, 2011) Rosen, L . (2011).The culture of Islam: Changing aspects of
contemporary Muslim life.Chicago, IL: University of
OR Chicago Press. Retrieved from http://www.eblib.com
Rosen (2011) regards...
If a DOI is not available, provide the home page URL of
the book publisher. No retrieval date is required.

E-book -with DOI assigned ... in all communities (Hill, 2001). Hill, C. E. (Ed.). (2001).The helping skills: The empirical
foundation.Washington, DC: American Psychological
OR Association. doi:10.1037/10412-000

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Hill (2001) regards ...

If a DOI is available include it at the end of the citation.
The database name, URL or date of retrieval are not

Book: Anonymous author (Anonymous, 2000) Anonymous. (2000).Maximum Security(3rd ed.). Indianapolis,
IN: Prentice Hall.
When a work's author is designated as Anonymous
inlcude the word 'Anonymous' followed by a comma In your reference list, include such titles in your
and year. alphabetical listing as if 'Anonymous' were a true name.

Book on a Kindle ... in all outcomes (Gladwell, 2008). Gladwell, M. (2008).Outliers: The story of success[Kindle DX
OR version]. Retrieved from Amazon.com
Gladwell (2008) remarks ...
Include the type of e-book version you read e.g. Kindle
For direct quotations of online material without DX version. In lieu of publisher information, include the
pagination, name the major sections, chapter, section, books DOI or where you downloaded the e-book from if
and paragraph number e.g. there is no DOI.

One of the authors main points is that people dont rise

from nothing (Gladwell, 2008, Chapter 1, Section 2, para.

Book: Multiple works same "Marketing requires matching your customers needs" McDonald, M. D., & Payne, A. (1996).Marketing planning for
author (McDonald & Payne, 1996, p. 13, 2006, pp. 16-17). services.Oxford, England: Butterworth-Heinemann.
McDonald and Payne (1996, p. 13, 2006, pp. 16-17) state McDonald, M. D., & Payne, A. (2006).Marketing plans for
"Marketing requires matching your customers needs". servicebusinesses: A complete guide(2nd ed.). Oxford,
England:Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann.

Book: Multipleworks in the (Haddon, 1999; Larsen & Harris, 1991) ... Haddon, P. F. (1999).Mastering personal and
same citation OR interpersonal skills.London, England: Thorogood.
Haddon (1999) and Larsen and Harris (1991)
demonstrated that ... Larsen, R. W., & Harris, T. (1991).New horizons in
personal theory and practice.San Francisco, CA:

Book: (Aristotle, trans. 1911, p. 34-35) Youdo notneed to include an entry in the reference list.
Classical or Religioustext OR
(Aristotle, 1934 version, p. 178)

1 Cor. 13:1 (Revised Standard Version)

(Qur'an 5:3-4)

Where the parts of classic or religious texts are

numbered the same across all editions, use these
numbers rather than page numbers.

Secondary sources: When you "...optimistic, independent yet good at collaboration" El-Shamy, S. (2004).How to design and deliver training for
are referring to the ideas or (Tapscott as cited in El-Shamy, 2004, p. 25). the new and emerging generations.San Francisco, CA:
words of an author who has OR Wiley.
been cited in another author's Tapscott (as cited in El-Shamy, 2004) argues ...
work. Provide the full reference for the book that you
actually read.

Journal Articles
Material Type In-Text Example Reference List Example
Journal Article: Single Author "... contributes to overall physical health" (Brill, 2011, pp. Brill, J. B. (2011). Heal your heart with food: Eight foods that
39-40). prevent a second heart attack. Better Nutrition,73(2), 38-
OR 42
Brill (2011, pp. 39-40) suggests "Physical activity ...".
Includepage numbers for direct quotes.

Journal Article:2 authors ... manyyears (Allen & Black, 1995) but others disagree. Allen, M. C., & Black, R. (1995). The future ofhigher
OR Australia. Journal of Higher Education, 15(2), 16-25.
Allen and Black (1995) have found ...

Cite both authors each time the reference occurs.

Journal Article: 3, 4, or 5 ... decreasing with increasing class size (Allen, Zuboff, &
authors Black, 2011). Allen, M. C., Zuboff, T., & Black, R. (2011). Educational praxis

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OR in Australia: the state of play.Distance Education,16(1),

Allen, Zuboff, and Black (2011) have found ... 26-34.

Provide the names of all authors in the reference list.

Cite all of the authors the first time the reference
occurs. In subsequent citations include only the
surname of the first authorfollowed by et al. and the
year, e.g.
...events are a celebration (Allen et al., 2011).
Allen et al. (2011)have found...

Journal Article: 6 or more ... aided by design (Allen et al., 1993) that has
authors complemented instruction. Allen, M. C., Grant, B. A., Zuboff, T., Roper, R. W., Ng, V.,
Leonard, P.,& Black, R. (1993). Instructional designers in
OR Australia:A brief history.Online Education,14(3), 15-17.
Allenet al.(1993) have found...
Provide the names of all authors in the reference list.
Cite only the surname of the first author followed by et
al. and the year for the first and subsequent citations.

Journal Article:8 or more Sticeet al. (2008) have found ...

authors Stice, E., Marti, C., Spoor-Thompson, S. R., Presnell, K.,
OR Shaw, T. G., Trinh, V. O., . . . Roper, M. A. (2008). The
...in which university libraries play a crucial role (Stice et effect on educational achievement of university library
al., 2008). design.Journal of Psychology and Education,25(2), 29-
Cite only the surname of the first author followed by et
al. and the year, for the first and subsequent citations. Include the first six authors'names, followed by three
dots, then add the last author's name.

Online Journal Article: DOI ...found in the recruitmentprocess for companies

assigned (Klimoski &Palmer, 1993). Klimoski, R., & Palmer, S. (1993). The ADA and the hiring
OR process in organizations.Consulting Psychology Journal:
Klimoskiand Palmer (1993) have found ... Practice and Research, 45(2), 10-36. doi:10.1037/1061-

If a DOI is available include it at the end of the citation.

The database name, URLand date of retrieval are not

Online Journal Article: No DOI ... formany (Sillick & Schutte, 2006). Sillick, T. J., & Schutte, N. S. (2006). Emotional intelligence
assigned OR and self-esteem mediate between perceived early
As Sillick and Schutte (2006) say ... parental love and adult happiness.E-Journal of Applied
Psychology, 2(2), 3848. Retrieved from

If a DOI is not available, provide the home page URL of

the journal publisher. Theretrieval date is not required.

Journalarticle:No Author ... as was the case for most students("The Pain of Being The pain of being a caffeine freak. (2001, October 6).New
a Caffeine Freak," 2001). Scientist, 172(2311), 27.
OR For magazines, newsletters, and newspapers, give the
... as in the "The Pain of Being a Caffeine Freak"(2001) year and the exactdate of the publication (month or
which reveals ... month and day), separated by a comma.
When a work has no identitfied author, cite in-text the
first few words of the reference entry (usually the title)
and the year. Use double quotation marks if you are
referring to the title of an article, chapter or web page.

Just italicize the title if you are referring to the title of

a periodical, book, brochure or a report, see Book: No

Online Journal article:No ... in all outcomes (Williams, 2008).

page numbers OR Williams, J. (2008). The victims of crime. Sociology Review,
Williams(2008) remarks ... 17(4), Retrieved from
For direct quotations of online material without Review.aspx
pagination, name the sections and paragraph number

One of the authors main points is that people dont rise

from nothing (Williams, 2008, Section 2, para. 5).

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When you are referring to the "...optimistic, indepenent yet good at collaboration" El-Shamy, S. (2004). How to write a Psychology
ideas or words of an author (Tapscott as cited in El-Shamy, 2004, p. 45). report.Journal of Research in the Social Sciences,17(4),
who has been cited in another OR 44-52.
work. Tapscott's diary(as cited in El-Shamy, 2004) states ...
Provide the full reference for thejournal
Provide names of both authors. articlethat you actually read.

Material Type In-Text Example Reference List Example
Newspaper: Print (Gordon, 2011) Gordon, M. (2011, August 20). The boat that changed it
OR all.The Age,pp. 18, 22.
As Gordon (2011) says ...
If an article appears on discontinuous pages, give all
Add page numbers for direct quotes. page numbers, and separate the numbers with a comma.

Newspaper: from a Website (Norton, 2011) Norton, A. (2011, October 11). Why teaching must be rated.
The Age.Retrieved fromhttp://www.theage.com.au

Newspaper: from a database (Smith, 2011) Smith, B. (2011, June 24). Brain study confirms stress of life
in the city. The Age, p.14. Retrieved from Factiva.

Newspaper article: without ("Child psychologist,"2010) ... Child psychologist inspired by dreams of Freud. (2010, August
author OR 16).The West Australian, p. 2.
As discussed in "Child psychologist"(2010) ...
Use the first word of the title to place this reference in
Usea shortened title (or full title if it is short) enclosed the alphabetical sequence of your reference list.
in double quotation marks.

Newspaper article: from a (Wilson, 2009) Wilson, J. (2009, September 26). In defence of the
separately paginated section superficial.The Age:A2, p. 23.

Note: 'A2' before the page number indicates a separately

paginated section of the newspaper.

Press or Media Release (CSIRO, 2007) CSIRO. (2007, March 20).Cyclone science shows rainforest
impacts and recovery[Press release]. Retrieved from
(Prime Minister of Australia, 2010)
Prime Minister of Australia. (2010, July 7).Gillard Government
to boost resources to international border patrols[Press
release].Canberra, Australia: AGPS.

In-Text & Reference List Examples (2)

Internet / Websites
In-Text Example Reference List Example
WebDocument (Allen, 2004) Allen, D. (2004).Dealing with your meeting notes .Retrieved from

Where the web document is part of a larger whole, do not italicise the title. Capitalise
only the first word of the title.

Web (Gold, n.d.) Gold, M. (n.d.).What is holisitic medicine?Retrieved from

Document: No http://www.holisticmed.com/whatis.html

Web ("Tips on Taking Multi-Choice Tests," Tips on taking multi-choice tests.(2011). Retrieved from
Document: No 2011) http://www.socialpsychology.org/testtips.htm

Web Department of Health and Family Services. (2007).Youth suicide in Australia: The National
Document: (Department of Health and Family Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy.Retrieved from
Government Services [DHFS], 2007) http://www.health.gov.au/internet/mentalhealth/publishing.nsf/Content/national-suicide-
Department as prevention-strategy-1
If you want to cite from the report more
than once; in the first citation provide
the full name of the organisation, as

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above. In subsequent citations use the Titles of reports are in italics. Capitalise the first word of the title and subtitle and any
abbreviated organisational title e.g. proper nouns.

(DHFS, 2007)

Web (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2008) Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2008).Childhood education and care(No. 4402.0). Canberra,
Document: ACT. Retrieved from http://www.abs.gov.au
Add the ABS Report's Catalogue Number after the title.

Web (The Australian Psychological Society, The Australian Psychological Society. (2008).Understanding and managing anxiety. Retrieved
Document: 2008) from http://www.psychology.org.au/publications/tip_sheets/anxiety
as Author

Website Kidspsych is a wonderful interactive website When referring to a website in general, but not specific information on a web page or
for young children (http://www.kidspsych.org). web document, it is sufficient to give the address of the site in the text. No reference list
entry is required.

Blog Post (Myers, 2007) Myers, P. Z. (2007, January 22). The unfortunate prerequisites and consequences of
partitioning your mind [Web log post]. Retrieved from

A blog comment where the author uses an alias would be referenced as follows:
(MiddleKid, 2007)
MiddleKid. (2007, January 22). Re: The unfortunate prerequisites and consequences of
partitioning your mind [Web log comment]. Retrieved from

Video Blog Hall, A. (2007, December 20). How to study at Oxford University [Video file]. Retrieved from
Post (Hall, 2007) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxAU88LxLis

Podcast: Web Moss, S. (Presenter), & Selig, S. (Presenter).(2010).Conversations with ALMA: Healthy eating
(Moss & Selig, 2010) and maintaining motivation[Audio podcast]. Fairlight, NSW: Australian Lifestyle Medicine
Association. Retrieved from http://www.lifestylemedicine.com.au/health-

Podcast: Radio (Rheinberger & Hogan, 2011) Rheinberger, J. (Script Writer), & Hogan, A. (Director).(2011, October 25). Episode
show 26[Podcast radio programme]. In C. Thompson (Producer),Nerdzilla. Hobart, TAS: ABC
LocalRadio. Retrieved from http://www.abc.net.au/local/audio/2011/10/24/3346730.htm

For an episode from a radio series, use the same format as for a chapter in a book, but
list the script writer and director in the author position and the producer in the editor

Podcast: TV Brown, W. (Script Writer), & Brodie, K. (Director). (2007, June 4). From Lake Baikal to the
show (Brown & Brodie, 2007) halfway mark, Yekaterinburg [Podcast television programme]. In P. George
(Producer),Peking to Paris. Sydney, NSW: ABC Television. Retrieved from

For an episode from a television series, use the same format as for a chapter in a book,
but list the script writer and director in the author position and the producer in the editor

Computer Schoonjans, F. (2008). MedCalc Statistical Software (Version [Computer

Software (Schoonjans, 2008) software].Palo Alto, CA: 3d2f.Com. Retrieved from http://3d2f.com/programs/13-638-

Reference list entries are not necessary for standard off-the-shelf software. Provide
entries for specialised software. Add the version number after the name of the software.

Lecture Notes
In-Text Example Reference List Example
Lecture Notes: (Bruck, 2009)
Online (VU Bruck, D. (2009).APP1016: Foundations of Psychological Research, week 6 notes[PowerPoint
Collaborate) slides]. Retrieved from http://library.vu.edu.au/search/r?SEARCH=app1016

Lecture notes obtained from any Learning Management System such as VU Collaborate
are referenced as above adding the URL of the website.

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Lecture Notes: (Sonn, 2011) Sonn, C. (2011).APM5003: Exploring methodology for psychological research[Class handout].
Print School of Social Sciences and Psychology,Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia.


In-Text Example Reference List Example

Thesis: (Suwetwattanakul,2005) Suwetwattanakul, C. (2010).Developing a knowledge sharing model for the implementation of
Unpublished the learning organization in Thailand(Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Victoria
University, Melbourne, Australia.
(Maddigan, 2010) Maddigan, P. (2010).Women and career advancement: a case study in the Australian Federal
Police(Unpublished master's thesis). Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia.

Don't repeat the city of location if it is part of the University's name.

Thesis: (Binder, 2009) Binder, G.(2009).Corporate governance in Arab countries: Development of corporate
Published governance in Arab and MENA countries.Vienna, Austria: University of Vienna.

Thesis: (Barua, 2010) Barua, S. (2010).Drought assessment and forecasting using a nonlinear aggregated drought
Institutional index(Doctoral dissertation, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia). Retrieved from
Repository http://vuir.vu.edu.au/1598

Include the university and location for a non-U.S. online thesis.

Thesis: (McGahuey, 2009) McGahuey, C. A. (2009).Psychology as a valid science: An attitudinal survey(Doctoral

Commercial dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses databases. (UMI No.
database 305152264 )

Thesis: from (Bruckman, 1997) Bruckman, A. (1997).MOOSE Crossing: Construction, community, and learning in a networked
the web virtual world for kids(Doctoral dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology).
Retrieved from http://www-static.cc.gatech.edu/~asb/thesis

Location of the university is not included for a U.S. thesis.

In-Text Example Reference List Example
Acts & Bills ... according to s. 15.4 of theAnti- Anti-Discrimination Act 1991(Qld) s. 15.4 (Austl.).
Discrimination Act 1991(Qld) ...

TheInteractive Gambling Bill 2001 (Cth)
Interactive Gambling Bill 2001 (Cth) (Austl.).
prohibits ...
Reference should cite the print source unless an electronic source is designated as the
official version.

Acts & Bills: ... according to s. 15.4 of theAnti- Anti-Discrimination Act 1991(Qld) s. 15.4 (Austl.). Retrieved from
Online Discrimination Act 1991(Qld) http://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/Acts_SLs/Acts_SL_A.htm

...The Interactive Gambling Bill 2001 (Cth) Interactive Gambling Bill 2001 (Cth) (Austl.). Retrieved from Lexis Nexis.
prohibits ...

Cases According toCarey v. Price(2005) ... Carey v. Price2005 132 ALR 255 (Austl.).

... in a land rights case(Mabo v.

Queensland,1988). Mabo v.Queensland1988 166 CLR 186 (Austl.).

Conference Proceedings
In-Text Example Reference List Example
Kift, S., & Nelson, K. (2005). Beyond curriculum reform: Embedding the transition experience. In
A. Brew & C. Asmar (Eds.),HERDSA 2005 Conference: Higher Education in a Changing
Conference (Kift& Nelson, 2005) World: Research and Development in Higher Education(pp. 225-235). Sydney, NSW:
Proceeding OR Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia. Retrieved from
Paper: Online As Kift and Nelson (2005) claim ... http://conference.herdsa.org.au/2005/pdf/refereed/paper_294.pdf

Capitalise the names of conferences, symposia and meetings.

Prayag, I. L., & Ramjee, R. (2009). The impact of Newcastle disease control on smallholder
poultry production in Mauritius. In R. G. Alsers, P. B. Spadbrow, & M. P. Young

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Conference (Eds.),Village chickens, poverty alleviation and the sustainable control of Newcastle
Proceeding (Prayag & Ramjee, 2009) disease: Proceedings of an international conference held in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 5-7
Paper: Print October 2005(pp. 132-134). Canberra, ACT: Australian Centre for International Agricultural

If there are more than two editors a comma is placed before the ampersand.

In-Text & Reference List Examples (3)

Personal Communications and Archival Materials

Material Type In-Text Example Reference List Example
Email An email(J. W. Ayers, Youdo notneed to include an entry in the reference list.
personal communication,
September 2, 2011) confirming
that resultsare accurate ...

Interview During an Youdo notneed to include an entry in the reference list.

October 11, 2011, Professor Thisexample isaboutreferencing information from an interview that you have conducted.If
Peter Dawkins stated that you usepublished interviews conducted by other people cite them as a 'Sound Recording' or
OR a 'Video Recording'. See the 'Multi-Media Materials'page in this guide for examples. See the
The Vice Chancellor's 'Archival Materials' section below for examples of citing interviews held in an Archive or
statement was confirmed Respository.
during an interview (P.
Dawkins, personal
communication, October 11,

Letter In a letter dated October 17, Youdo notneed to include an entry in the reference list.
2011, Ben Cork stated that ...
Ben Cork expressed sincere
regret in his letter (personal
communication, October 17,
2011) ...

Telephone call During a phone interview Youdo notneed to include an entry in the reference list.
conducted on October 11,
2011, Professor Sally Richards
stated that ...
The Vice Chancellor's
statement was confirmed
during a phone interview (S.
Richards, personal
communication, October 11,

Letter from a (Frank, 1935) Frank, L. K. (1935, February 4). [Letter to Robert M. Ogden]. Rockefeller Archive Centre (GEB
government or OR series 1.3, Box 371, Folder 3877), Tarrytown, NY.
institutional Archive AsFrank (1935) says ...
or Repostitory

Letter from an (Zacharius, 1953) Zacharius, G. P. (1953,August 15). [Letter to William Rickel (W. Rickel, Trans.)]. Copy in possession
accessible private of Hendrika Vande Kemp.

Collection of letters (Allport, G. W., 1930-1967, Allport, G. W. (1930-1967). Correspondence. Gordon W. Allport Papers (HUG 4118.10). Harvard
from an Archive or Allport to E. G. Wilstein, March University Archives, Cambridge, MA.
Repository 20, 1939)

(Allport, G. W., 1930-1967, E.

G. Wilstein to Allport,
December 26, 1937)

Unpublished papers, (Berliner, 1959) ... Berliner, A. (1959).Notes for a lecture on reminiscences of Wundt and Leipzig. Anna Berliner
notes or lectures OR Memoirs (Box M50). Archives of the History of American Psychology, University of Akron, Akron,
from an Archive, As discussed in Berliner (1959) OH.
Repository or ...
personal collection

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Archival source for (Allport, 1937) [Allport, A.?]. [ca. 1937].Marion Taylor today - by the biographer. Unpublished manuscript, Marion
which the auhor or Taylor Papers. Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe College, Cambridge, MA.
date is known but
not stated on the Use square brackets [ ] to indicate information that does not appear on the document. Use a
document question markif there isuncertainty regarding names or dates, and use circa abbreviated to
ca. to indicate estimated dates.

Archival Materials (Subcommittee on Mental Subcommittee on Mental Hygiene Personnel in School Programs. (1949,November 5-6).Meeting of
with a corporate Hygiene Personnel in School Subcommittee on Mental Hygiene Personnel in School Programs.David Shakow Papers
author Programs, 1949) (M1360). Archives of the History of American Psychology, University of Akron, Akron, OH.

Interview recorded (Smith, 1989) Smith, M. B. (1989, August 12). Interview by C. A. Kiesler [Tape recording]. President's Oral History
and available in an Project, American Psychological Association. APA Archives, Washington, DC.
Archive or

Transcription of a (Sparkman, 1973) Sparkman, C. F. (1973).An oral history with Dr. Colley F. Sparkman/Interviewer: Orley B. Caudill.
recorded interview, Mississippi Oral History Program (Vol. 289), University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg.
where the recording
is not accessible Do not includethe U.S. state name in the location if it is part of the university name.

Newspaper article in ("Psychoanalysis institute,"

an Archive, 1948) Psychoanalysis institute to open in the new year. (1948, September 18). [Clipping from an
Repository or unidentified Dayton, OH newspaper]. Copy in possession of the author.
personal collection
Use the first word of the title to place this reference in the alphabetical sequence of your
Use a shortened title (or full reference list.
title if it is short) enclosed in
double quotation marks.

Historical Sci-Art Publishers. (1935).Sci-Art Publications[Brochure]. Cambridge, MA: Author. C. J. Roback

publication such as (Sci-Art Publishers, 1935) Papers (HUGFP 104.50, Box 2, Folder "Miscellaneous Psychology Materials"). Harvard
a brochure University Archives, Cambridge, MA.


Photographs heldin (Kroeber, 1911) Kroeber, A. L. (1911, September).Ishi, full face[Photograph]. Ethnographic Photographs of California
an Archive, Indian and Sonora Indian Subjects by Alfred L. Kroeber, 1901-1930 (4690, Container "Yahi,"
Repository or Catalogue 15-5402). Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology, Berkeley, CA.
personal collection

Multi-Media Materials
Material Type In-Text Example Reference List Example
Video Recording (Russell, 1995)
Russell, G. (Writer, Co-Producer& Narrator), & Wiseman, P. (Co-Producer). (1995).Tackling bullies: An
Australian perspective[Video recording]. Melbourne, VIC: Video Classroom.

Online or Streaming (Zubrycki, 1991) Zubrycki, T. (Producer & Director), & Chi, J. (Writer).(1991).Bran nue dae: A musical
Video journey[Video]. Retrieved from http://www.kanopystreaming.com

DVD (Moore, 2003) Moore, M. (Writer& Director). (2003).Bowling for Columbine. [DVD]. Melbourne, VIC: Umbrella Entertaiment.

Radio Show (Browning, 2006) Browning, D. (Presenter). (2006, June 9). Black soccer heroes. In J.-P. Ortolan (Producer),Message
Stick[Radio programme]. Guest speaker Dr. John Maynard. Sydney, NSW: ABC Radio.

TV Show from a (Masters, 2006) Masters, C. (Presenter& Writer), & Johnson, P. (Director). (2006, March 27). Big fish, little fish [Television
series series episode]. In T. G. Alford (ExecutiveProducer),Four Corners. Sydney, NSW: ABC Television.

Sound Recording Bolton, G. C. (Speaker). (1975).Towards an Australian environmental history[Cassette recording]. Perth, WA:
(Bolton, 1975) Media Services, Murdoch University.

(St. Laurance Chamber Choir, St. Laurance Chamber Choir (Performers), & McEwan, N. (Director). (2005).Commemoration, ritual and
2005) performance: the Iberian connection: medieval and renaissance music from the St Laurence Chamber
Choir[CD]. Sydney, NSW: Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Sydney.

Music Track from an (Yunupingu, 2011) Yunupingu, G. G.(Performer). (2011). Gopuru.OnRrakala[CD]. Winnellie, NT: Skinnyfish.

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All APA Examples - APA REFERENCING: A Brief Guide - LibGuides at Victoria University

Microform (French, 1986) French, L. A. (1986).Cognitive consequences of education: transfer of training in the elderly(Doctoral
dissertation,University of Illinois) [Microform]. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International.

Image: for example

a painting or (Duveneck, 1872) Duveneck, F. (Artist). (1872).Whistling boy[Painting]. Cincinnati, OH: Cincinnati Art Museum.
(Duveneck, 1872) Duveneck, F. (Artist). (1872).Whistling boy[Image of painting]. Cincinnati, OH: Cincinnati Art Museum.
Retrieved from http://www.artstor.org
(Caire, 1880)
Caire, N. J. (Photographer). (1880). Western entrance to Melbourne International Exhibition [Glass slide].
(Accession no. H3860). Melbourne, VIC: State Library of Victoria.

Map (Lewis County Geographic Lewis County Geographic Information Services (Cartogrpaher). (2002). Population density, 2000 U.S.
Inormation Services, 2002) Census [Demographic map]. Retrieved from

Company Information
Material Type In-Text Example Reference List Example
Company (Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation. (2001).Annual report 2001.Tokyo, Japan: Author.
Annual Report: Print Corporation, 2001)
If a report has an identifying number, include it in brackets, asfollows:

Productivity Commission. (2002).Review of automotive assistance(Inquiry Report No. 25).

Canberra, ACT: Author.

Company (BHP Billiton, 2011) BHP Billiton. (2011).BHP Billiton Exploration and Development Report for the year ended 30 June
Annual Report: 2011.Retrieved from http://www.bhpbilliton.com/home/investors/reports/Pages/default.aspx

Financial Data (Datastream, 2011) Datastream. (2011).S&PASX200 daily index data 2009-2010.Retrieved from Datastream.

Patents and Standards

Material Type In-Text Example Reference List Example
Wynne, B. M. (2003).U.S. Patent No.6,606,963. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark
(U.S. Patent No. 6,606,963, Office.
The title of the patent is not included.

Patent: Retrieved (European Patent No. EP 2178546 (A1), 2010)

(Prayag & Ramjee, 2009)
from a Database

Standard: Retrieved Standards Australia. (2008).Personal flotation devices - General requirements (AS 4758.1-2008).
(Standards Australia, 2008) Retrieved from Australian Standards Online.
from a Database

Standards Australia. (1994).Information processing - text and office systems - office document
Standard: Print (Standards Australia, 1994) architecture (ODA) and interchange format: part 10: formal specifications(AS 3951.10:1994).
Homebush, NSW: Author.

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