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Feel Safe

February 14,20 17

The Secretary i Corporate Relationship Dept. The Manager

The Bombay Stock Exchange Limited. Listing Department,
P.J. Towers, National Stock Exchange of India Lttl.
Dalal Street, Fort, 'Exchange Plaza', C-I, Block G ,
Mumbai 400001. Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E),
Mumbai 40005 1.

Stock Code: 53 1404 Stock Code: ZlCOM

Rek ISIN INE 871B01014

Dear Sir I Madam,

Sub: Outcome of Board Meeting

Further to our letters dated February 7, 2017 and February 9, 2017, intimating you of the Board Meeting
to be held today and pursuant to Regulation 33 of SEBl (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we have to inform you that the Board of Directors a1 its said meeting
has inter-alia approved the following:

I. Unaudited Financial Results of the Company for the quarter and nine months ended December 3 1 ,
2016, both, on standalone and consolidated basis (enclosed herewith); and

2. Allotment of 2,10,24,3 12 Equity Shares of Rs.101- each, pursuant to the Strategic Debt Restructuring
(SDR) Scheme, on preferential basis, at a conversion price of Rs. 43.05 per Equity Share, to the
following Joint Lenders Forum (JLF) Lenders:

Sr. No. Name of Allottees No. of Equity Shares allotted

1. IDBl Bank Limited 87,73,1 1 1
2. Bank of Baroda 64,46,723
3. Union Bank of India 32,58,475
4. Central Bank of India 18,83,327
5. Allahabad Bank 6,62,676
Total 2,10,24,312

We also enclose herewith the Limited Review Reports on standalone and consolidated Unaudited
Financial Results issued by the Statutory Auditors of the Company.

The said Unaudited Financial Results and Limited Review Reports are prepared in accordance with the
provisions of Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,
2015 read with the SEBI Circular Nos. CIRICFDiCMD/15/2015 dated November 30. 2015 and
CIRICFDIFAC/62/2016 dated July 5,2016 respectively.

Zicom Electronic Security Systems Ltd.

501, Silver Metropolis, Western Express H i , Goregaon (E), Mumbai - 400 063.
Tel.: t 9 1 22 4290 4290 1 Fax.: +91 22 4290 4291 ( I Tdl Free: 1-800-270-4567
CIN : I32 109MH 1994PLC083391
Feel Safe

The said Unaudited Financial Results are also made available on the websites of the Company viz and of the Stock Exchanges viz. and

Kindly take the above on record and acknowledge receipt of the same.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
For Zicom Electronic Security Systems Limited

Kunjan ~ r i v e d i
Company Secretary

Encl: as above

Licom Electronic Security Systems Ltd.

Mumbal - 400 063.
501, Silver Metropolis, Western Express Highway, Goregaon (4,
Tel.: +91 22 4290 4290 1 Fax.: +91 22 4290 4291 1 Toll Free: 1-800-270-4567
CIN :I 3 2 109MH1994PLC08339I
Zicom Electronic Securitv Svstems Limited
Re&O h 501, Silver MctmpoliWestcm Express &gh&y, Gongs00 East, Mumbai 400063.
Tel: +91 22 4290 4290, Fax:+9122 4290 4291; Website: www.dcom.m; L32109MH1994PLC083391

(b) Changes in inventories of Finished Goods, 53.24 76.74 (774.00) m.80 (597.62) (1,195.39)
Work-in-Progress and Stock-in-Trade
(c) Employee BenefitsExpense 161.64 163.36 174.15 511.45 516.05 716.08
(d) Lkpreciation and Amortisation Expense 101.06 101.89 159.40 304.70 482.79 443.95 -
(e) o h &pen= 308.01 124.70 209.63 620.39 589.54 901.86
(Anv item meecdina 10?4 of lhe total
continuing operations to

Reserve excluding Revdualion Reserves as p e ~

Balm- Sheet of hevious Accounting Year
16 Earninp Per Sbrrc (EPS) (before
i Exhnordinrry and Exceptional Items)
(of Rv. 101- each) (not annualbed):
(a) Basic (2.28) (0.67) 1.43 (2.90) 5.51 0.85
(b) Diluted (238) (0.67) 1.36 (2.90) 5.24 0.81
. .~.. .-.



I .

Zicom Electronic Security Systems Limited

Reg. otea:501, Silver Metropolis, Western Express Highway, m a o n East,Mumbai 400063.
Tel: +91224290 4290; Fax: +9122 42904291;Webite: mvw.zioom.wm; CTN: L32109MHl994PLC083391

1. The above finsncial results of the Company for the quarter and nine months ended December 31,2016, have been reviewed by the
Audit Committee on February 14,2017 and approved by the Board at its meeting held on even date The Statutory Auditors have
conducted the limited review of theResults as per SEBl (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulation, 2015.

2. Subsequent to end of the quarter and receipt of Shareholders approval through Postal Ballot, results of which were declared on
February 8, 2017, the Company has increased its Authorised Share Capital from existing Rs. 2,500 lakhs divided into 250 lakhs
Equity Sham of Rs. 10 each to Rs. 5,000 lakhs divided into 500 lakhs Equity Sham of Rs. 10 each, by way of creation of 250
lakhs new Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each, aggregating to Rs. 2,500 lakhs.

3. Subsequent to end of the quarter and receipt of Shareholders approval through Postal Ballot, results of which were declared on
February 8, 2017, the Company, on February 14,2017, made allotment of 2,10,24,312 Equity Shares, of Rs. 10 each, pursuant to
the Strategic Debt Restructuring (SDR)Scheme, on preferential basis, at a conversion price of Rs. 43.05 per Equity Share to the
Joint Lenders Forum (JL.F) Lenders. As a result of which, there has been increase in Paid-up Capital by Rs. 2,102 lakhs and in
Securities Premium by Rs. 6,949 lakhs This compulsory conversion has resulted in the JLF Lenders holding 51% equity stake in
the Company.

4. The F i c e Cost includes effect of gain I loss in foreign exchange fluctuations.

5. The Company has a single reportable business segment of "Security and Safety".

6. Previous quarter 1nine months I year figures have been regrouped I rearranged wherever necessary.

For Zicom Electronic Security Systems Ltd.

Place: Mumbai
Date: February 14,2017
Zicom ~lectronicSecurity Systems Limited
Reg.Oflice: 501. Silver Mehopolis, Watem Express Highway, GMsgson East Mumbai 400063.
Tel: +912242904290, Fu: +91W 42904291; Website; CW: W2lO9MHl994PLCo83391
- 1 1

Zicom ~iectronicSecurity Systems Limited

Reg. 0% 501, S i l v a Mehopolis, Western E- high&, Goregaon Eas~Mwnbai 400063.
Tel: +91 22 4290 4290. Fu: +41 22 4290 4291: Webake CIN: W2109MHl994PLCO8339l
DECEMBER 31,2016
( Lakbs)
PartienIan Quarter Quarter Quarter Nine Months Nine Months Year
Ended Ended Ended Ended Ended Ended
I 1 31112tZO16 1 30/09/2016 1 3111212015 1 3lllZlMI6 I 31/12/2015 I 31/03IL016
I (Unaudited) I (Unaudited) I (Unaudited) I (Unaudited) I (Unaudited) (Audited)
19 1 Earnime Per Share (EPS), (before . I I I I I I
i ~xhro;dinary and ~ r c e ~ t i o nItems)
(of& 101- each) (not annudised):
(a) Basic (4.29) 1.11 2.7 (11.45) 15.81 (5.28)
@) Diluted (4.29) 1.11 2.63 (Ild5) 15.03 (102)
ii Earnings Per Share (EPS) (after Extraordtnary
and Exeentional Items)
( O K 10;- ercb) (not ;nnnslised):
I (a) Basic I (4.29) 1 1.11 1 2.77 I (11.45) 1 15.81 1 (5.28)
I @) Diluted (4.29) 1 1.11 1 2.63 1 (11.45) 1 15.03 1 (5.02)

i .1
1. The above financial results of the Company, on consolidated basis, for the quarter and nine months ended December 31,2016, have
been reviewed by the Audit Cornmitree on February 14, 2017 and approved by the Board at its meeting held on even date. The
Statutory Auditors have conducted the limited review of the Results as per SEE1 (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulation, 2015. However, the results of the overseas subsidiaries which have been consolidated with the results of the Company
have not been reviewed by the Statutory Auditors. - I
- 1 'C-
2. Subsequent to end of the quarter and receipt of Shareholders approval through postal Ballot, results of which were declared on
February 8,2017, the Company has increased its Authorised Share Capital h m existing Rs. 2,500 lakhs divided into 250 lakhs Equity
Shares of Rs. 10 each to Rs. 5,000 lakhs divided into 500 lakhs Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each, by way of creation of 250 lakhs new
Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each, aggregating to Rs.2,500 lakhs.

3. Subsequent to end of the quarter and receipt of Shareholders approval through Postal Ballot, nsults of which were declared on
February 8,2017, the Company, on February 14,2017, made allotment of 2,10,24,3 12 Equity Shares, of Rs. 10 each, pursuant to the
Strategic Debt Restructuring (SDR) Scheme, on preferential h i s , at a conversion price of Rs. 43.05 per Equity Share to the Joint
Lenders Forum (JLE) Lenders. As a result of which, there has been increase in Paid-up Capital by Rs. 2,102 lakhs and in Secwities
PRmium by Rs. 6,949 lakhs. This compulsory wnversion has resulted in the JLF Lenders holding 5 1% equity stake in the Company.

4. The Finance Cost includes effect of gain I loss in foreign exchange fluctuations.

5. The Company has a single reportable business segment of "Security and Safety".

6. The Consolidated Financial Results for the quarter and nine months consists unaudited financial results of !he Company and its
following subsidies:

-+aftr*ska &I.LC. W.U.A.E. (Consolidated) ---

@) Phoenix International WLL, Qatar

(c) Zicom SsaS Private Limited
(d) Unisafe Fire Protection Specialists India hivate Limited
(e) Unisafe Fire Protection Specialists Singapore Pte. Ltd., Singapore
(0 Zicom Secwity Projects Pte. Ltd., Singapore

Zicom ~le&ronieSecurity Systems Limited

Re#.Omce: 501, Silw Metropolis, Westcln Fspfes Highway, Gaegson F.dst, Mumbei 400063.
Tel: +91Z4290 4290,Wx:el22 4290 4291;Webite wmvzim.m; W L32109MHl994PLCO8339l

7. The standalone results will be available on the Company's website www.zimm.ccm and Stock Exchanges websites
www.bscindia.comand www.nseindiacom.
a Previous quarter I nine months I yew figures have been regrouped I rearrangedwherever necessary.

Standalone Details: ! $ ;

For Zieom ElectrogiSSecurity System Ud

Place: Mumbai
Date: Februcuy 14.20 17 Chairman - \'A\

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