Read Your Evaluations and Answer The Following Questions (Please Return To Ellie)

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French Instructor Evaluations

Name: Elizabeth Blowers

Semester/Year: Fall 2016
Courses taught this semester: FRE 201

Read your evaluations and answer the following questions (please return to

1. What are the patterns of positive feedback?

A big pattern of positive feedback I noticed was an encouraging classroom
climate. It has always been important to me to foster a positive classroom
environment and Im glad my students not only noticed, but appreciated it.
Along the same lines, a few noted that it was engaging and they felt like it
was okay to make mistakes, which I was glad to hear.

2. What are the patterns of negative feedback?

A few students wrote that they would like more daily speaking activities to
assess their progress orally. I can tell that when the grammar got heavy and
more written practice was needed, oral practice is what was sacrificed in its
place. I am trying to be very conscious of this in the class I am teaching now
and assuring that there are more opportunities to speak on a daily basis. I
am hoping to also find ways to assess them orally outside of the Examen
Orale, as I know many students want that type of feedback to see how their
speaking is developing.

3. Are there any surprising comments, positive or negative, that you would
like to address?
One student wrote that sometimes when I said, any questions? they would
have one but werent sure how to form it/what they didnt understand. I am
going to try to be more specific when I check for confusion/comprehension to
mitigate these situations.
On a positive note, one student wrote [she] obviously really cared about us
which meant the world to me. By the end of the semester we had grown
rather close as a class, and it felt great to know that they could tell I truly
cared about them and their success.
4. Based on the feedback in your evaluations, what will you do differently
this semester (use back if needed)?
- More daily speaking activities that incorporate new grammar.
- Try to find ways to assess them on their speaking more (outside of Examen
- Ask more specific questions when checking for comprehension.

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