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Jade Marvin

American Musical Theatre Academy

Rep Acting - Mark

Character Profile


Amber Rose Margaret Victoria Marvin


16, just turned, 20/8, tries to act older than she is, but actually it highlights just how nave and
immature she is.


Student at college, studying Law, I.T and Sociology. Currently wants to become a lawyer, but it
changes everyday, when asked the question her favourite response is 'a mexican drug Lord'. I think
that the idea of the future and growing up scares her so she jokes about it so avoid the subject and
avoid how close she is to choosing her initial career path.


5'8. Uncomfortable with being so tall, especially with friends as they are all around 5'1 5'4.
Almost tries to make herself smaller by not quite standing straight at all times, a slight arch in the
back to just lower herself an inch or so.

Outward Appearance.

Sassy, bubbly confidence around people of similar ages. Almost a 'mean girl' type of attitude.
Reserved, respectful, cautious (of how she acts) and polite around authoritive figures such as
teachers/police and even to an extend customer service staff. It's as if she's trying to impress people
of her own age so she puts on this front to make herself more of a character, more of someone
people want to be friends with.

Positive Attributes.

Negative Attributes.

Significant Turning Point.

Starting college and realising she has to get a job. Getting her first pay check and becoming
independent from her parents. The freedom of earning her own money and starting her life as a

What makes them stir?

Personally not getting her own way, and that she can't just become whatever she wants without
putting in work.
Jade Marvin
American Musical Theatre Academy
Rep Acting - Mark

Worldy that the world is not at peace.

What is their greatest love?

Body Hates.

Body Loves.

OCD Tendancies.

1 Word Description.

What is the real you?/Fears.

Hobbies and Loves.

Who is it all for?


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