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Raichle urban



January 31st 2017

The Effects of Alcohol on society

Since the beginning of civilization alcoholic beverages have had their spot on tables

across all time periods and countries. In the beginning colonial America, alcohol was considered

a gift from God. (APAS) Many people considered it a part of everyday life. Despite their

popularity, alcohol is a root source for many of the social issues we face today. Attempts, the

prohibition of the 1930s, have been made but have been all but successful in sobering the

world. Alcohol is a root cause for many issues like Abuse, and a catalyst for violent crimes and

collisions with motorized vehicles. Alcohol is also a common cause for depression, all of which

degrade the quality of the human experience. As our civilization progresses it is important for us

to find a way to successfully regulate its usage; by doing so we cut down on its negative side


With a growing number of alcohol related injuries it has become common knowledge that

alcohol influences our thinking in a negative way. People intoxicated with alcohol become less

aware and make poor decisions that affect their lives forever. As many have inferred alcohol is

the most potent when used in excess. A survey showed that those who alternated between

heavy drinking and sobriety were more prone to experiencing injuries (gerhard). Alcohol usage

is a common actor in many incidents. 50% of drownings had alcohol involved, and 50% of

drownings also had intoxicating levels (100mg/dL) of alcohol involved (gerhard) This data

clearly shows how alcohol catalyzes a dangerous situation and makes it worse. It is quite

evident that alcohol plays a negative factor. To add to the overwhelming evidence, 57% of all

deaths by stabbing, cutting or piercing had alcohol involved, while a 43% of stabbing cutting or

piercing deaths were inflicted while the victim or attacker was above intoxicating levels of

alcohol (gerhard). On top of that, it is known that in homicides, 47% of the cases had alcohol

involved while 31.5% of all cases of homicide had intoxicating levels of alcohol in use (gerhard).

Alcohol is a root cause for many human errors.

The use of alcohol while driving seems like an obvious no brainer. But DUIs are still an issue


Every single injury and death caused by drunk driving is totally preventable. The proportion of

alcohol-impaired drinking and driving crashes has dropped greatly over time. But there are still

far too many such crashes. So in spite of great progress, alcohol-impaired drinking and driving

remains a serious problem. (APAS).

While the use of alcohol in moderation is safe, the use of it while driving increases the chance of

a crash. Most people that have a drink have relatively small BACs, in return their chances of

getting in a crash a smaller. Only a few drivers have BACs higher than 0.15. Yet a much, much

higher proportion have fatal crashes. The average BAC among fatally injured drinking drivers is

about twice the legal limit. (APAS) This shows how an excessive amount of alcohol can cause

serious injury and death. Due to the high fatality rate of alcohol related crashes the government

has put into place many restrictions and laws to help prevent any more crashes. These

regulations include, but are not limited to: the revocation of driving privileges, long sentences in

prison and vehicle impoundment. (APAS) As stated above incident involving alcohol can be

completely avoided as long as those who choose to drink do so responsively. Drinking

responsively is the best way the alcohol related accidents can be reduced.

Along with the many other negative affects alcohol has, family and relationships suffer the most.

Spouses and children tend to take the brunt of the alcoholic violence. Both spouses and

children can be victims of alcoholrelated violence, and children can also suffer medical and

social problems that may persist into adulthood. (gerhard) The effects of alcoholism can start

before life begins. A mother who drinks consistently before and during pregnancy has increased

chance of birthing a child with disabilities and a greater chance of becoming an alcoholic

themselves. FAS, fetal alcohol syndrome, is one of the effects that dinking during pregnancy

can cause. Its symptoms include abnormal facial features, wide set eyes and thin upper lip,

hyperactivity and below average weight and height. Three to 10 out of every 10,000 babies born

in the United States have been estimated to have fetal alcohol syndrome, but some sources

estimate up to 30 or more FAS cases per 10,000. (gerhard). This again is an avoidable

condition if those who drink chose to do so responsively. Alcohol also cause those related to the

addict to suffer in a more physical and emotional way. Alcohol causes child and spousal abuse.

Abuse is not acceptable in todays society but is still a problem. The rates of family abuse in

relation to alcohol can be explained by the fact that two people living together have a higher

chance of getting into a n argument. Throw alcohol into the mix and you have a potential

candidate for a case of domestic abuse. Of course alcohol is not the sole cause for abuse.

Alcohol is simply, to say, a catalyst that reduces rational thinking which can and usually does

lead to violence. The same can be said for alcohol induced child abuse. Again, controlling the

amount of alcohol consumed is the best way to reduce domestic violence between spouse and

child. Drinking responsibly is the best way to curb these social issues.

Alcohol however does have benefits to those who choose to drink in a healthy moderation.

Its been said that a glass a red wine a day can decrease your risk of heart disease. There is

something to be said about this as it also reduces the amount of bad cholesterol in the body

while increasing the good cholesterol. It also is believed to reduce blood clots. A Harvard study

found the risk of death from all causes to be 21% to 28% lower among men who drank

moderately, compared to abstainers. While the rates for women showed that moderate drinkers

had the lowest rate of death compared to those who over drank and those who chose to

abstain. (APAS). The next question to ask would be, what is drinking in moderation? a safe

estimate can be two servings for men and one for women (note the difference between the two

is because of the slower absorption rate women tend to have with alcohol) (NCADD) these

bases however tend to vary. However research shows that the result can vary reguarding

alchols health benefits.. One study showed that Alcohol specifically targets women health. The

ethanol alcohols prevent the absorption of folate, which is a chemical that prevents breast

cancer. The results can be seen in the death count which shows that every year 20,000 people

die from alcohol related cancer. Of those that died 60 percent were women with breast cancer.

It is a safe assumption the alcohol has it benefits and drawbacks. Keeping in mind that

everyone reacts differently sometimes in a negative manner

Aside from the more severe effects, alcohol is known to decrease someones ability to rationally

think out something. Problem solving skills are reduced (gerhard) and depth judgment can be

impaired. These effects might be short term but they can leave a lasting impression on those ou

interact with. Wine and other alcoholic beverages may have a few well deserved health benefits,

however they all are a product of drinking responsibly. Even then, drinking is also showed to

cause cancer. So in all reality it is a gamble for your life. Everyone reacts in a different manner

to different amounts of alcohol. Drinking may have its benefits, but they very well could come at

a cost that may, at times, out way the benefits.


The facts are there and research shows that alcohol is not good for our health, physically or

emotionally. Effective regulation is the next step to curbing this problem. This however is easier

said than done. The alcohol prohibition act in the 1930 flat out banned the consumption, sale

and production of alcohol; this however did nothing to stop it from being used. The prohibition

actually countered itself by increasing the rates of crime because people were now more

desperately searching for alcohol. Some have attempted to help by decreasing the amount of

adds on television,(this had no effect) while others pursued a more political way by threatening

jail to those who sold alcohol to minors, or drank alcohol as minors themselves. (APAS) These

all made little to no difference in the crime rates. Another way the system has failed is by making

the drinking epidemic look more real than it actually is. Todays youth want to conform and when

they hear that more people are drinking excessively they want to join in. this is major contributor

to over drinking. A quick experiment showed how much everyone actually drank (everyone

drank less than the actual statistics showed) this created a 35% drop in heavy drinking. It

had a 31% decline in alcohol-related injuries to self. And it had a 54% reduction in alcohol-

related injuries to others. (APAS)

Alcoholism is an issue that can be directly solved by those who choose to drink. Alcohol is a

root cause for many issues like Abuse, and a catalyst for violent crimes and collisions with

motorized vehicles. Alcohol is also a common cause for depression, all of which degrade the

quality of the human experience. As we try to progress our lives it is important for each and

every one of us to take responsibility for our actions. Being a responsible drinker can and will

save your relations with others and will make the world we live in more conducive to


NCADD. "Facts about Alcohol." NCADD. N.p., 25 July 2015. Web.. 23 Feb. 2017.

Hanson, Ph.D. Prof. David J. "Alcohol Abuse." Alcohol Problems & Solutions. N.p., 05 June

2014. Web. 23 Feb. 2017.

"Alcohol Rates 2000-2017." Tax Policy Center. N.p., 05 Jan. 2017. Web. 23 Feb. 2017.

Gmel, Gerhard, Ph.D, and Jurgen Rehm. "Harmful Alcohol Use." National Institutes of Health.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2017..

Occupy Theory. "List of Pros and Cons of Alcohol." Occupy Theory. N.p., 28 Oct. 2015. Web.

23 Feb. 2017.

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