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Copyright 2004
by Spirax Sarco, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a
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Recognizing the on-going need for education as it relates to the
fundamentals of steam including the most efficient use of its heat
content, Spirax Sarco has developed the Steam Utilization Course.
This handbook represents over 80 years of steam experience in the
proper selection, sizing and application of steam traps, pressure
and temperature controls, and condensate recovery systems
in major industrial plants throughout the world.

The Steam Utilization Course can be used in conjunction with

Design of Fluid SystemsHook Ups for a complete and
concise knowledge of the use of steam for heat.

Spirax Sarco, Inc.

1150 Northpoint Blvd.
Blythewood, SC 26016
(803) 714-2000
Fax: (803) 714-2222

Spirax Sarco

Spirax Sarco is the recognized industry standard for

knowledge and products and for over 85 years has
been committed to servicing the steam users world-
wide. The existing and potential applications for steam,
water and air are virtually unlimited. Beginning with
steam generation, through distribution and utilization
and ultimately returning condensate to the boiler,
Spirax Sarco has the solutions to optimize steam sys-
tem performance and increase productivity to save
valuable time and money.
In todays economy, corporations are looking for reli-
able products and services to expedite processes and
alleviate workers of problems which may arise with
their steam systems. As support to industries around
the globe, Spirax Sarco offers decades of experience,
knowledge, and expert advice to steam users world-
wide on the proper control and conditioning of steam
Spirax Sarco draws upon its worldwide resources of
over 3500 people to bring complete and thorough ser-
vice to steam users. This service is built into our
products as a performance guarantee. From initial con-
sultation to effective solutions, our goal is to
manufacture safe, reliable products that improve pro-
ductivity. With a quick, responsive team of sales
engineers and a dedicated network of local authorized
distributors Spirax Sarco provides quality service and
support with fast, efficient delivery.
Reliable steam system components are at the heart of
Spirax Sarcos commitment. Controls and regulators
for ideal temperature, pressure and flow control; steam
traps for efficient drainage of condensate for maximum
heat transfer; flowmeters for precise measurement of
liquids; liquid drain traps for automatic and continuous
drain trap operation to boost system efficiency; rotary
filters for increased productivity through proper filtering
of fluids; condensate recovery pumps for effective con-
densate management to save water and sewage costs;
stainless steel specialty products for maintaining qual-
ity and purity of steam; and a full range of pipeline
auxiliaries, all work together to produce a productive
steam system. Spirax Sarcos new line of engineered
equipment reduces installation costs with prefabricated
assemblies and fabricated modules for system integri-
ty and turnkey advantages.
From large oil refineries and chemical plants to local
laundries, from horticulture to shipping, for hospitals,
universities, offices and hotels, in business and gov-
ernment, wherever steam, hot water and compressed
air is generated and handled effectively and efficiently,
Spirax Sarco is there with knowledge and experience.
For assistance with the installation or operation of any
Spirax Sarco product or application, call toll free:



Steam Saturation Table 8

Steam Velocity 12
Air and Non-Condensable Gases 13




Plant Efficiency 18
Energy Efficiency 18
Process Control 18
Costing and Custody Transfer 18


Direct Acting Valves 19
Pilot Operated Valves 20
Selection and Application 21
Manual Controls 22
Self-Acting Controls 22
Pilot Operated Controls 23
Pneumatic Controls 24
Proportional Control Bands 24


Air Venting 27
Thermal Efficiency 27
Reliability 27


Mechanical Steam Traps 28
Thermostatically or Temperature Controlled Traps 30
Thermodynamic Steam Traps 32
Variations on Steam Traps 33
Visual Testing 37
Ultrasonic Trap Testing 37
Temperature Testing 37
Conductivity Testing 38
Steam Trap Fault Finding 39
Steam Trap Discharge Characteristics 41
Waterlogging 41
Lifting of Condensate 42
Application Requirements 42
Steam Trap Selection Chart 43
Steam Trap Sizing 44

Attaching Tracer Lines 46

Electrically Driven Pumps 57
Non Electric Pressure Powered Pumps 58


Basic Steam Engineering Principals

Introduction Temperature pound of water at a temperature

This Spirax Sarco Steam A degree of hot or cold mesured of 32F, which is the coldest tem-
Utilization Course is intended to on a definite scale. For all perature water can exist at
cover the basic fundamentals and practical purposes a measure- atmospheric pressure before
efficient usage of steam as a cost ment from a known starting point changing from liquid to a solid.
effective conveyor of energy (Fig. to a known ending point. Lets put this water into a pan
2) to space heating or process on top of our stove and turn on
heating equipment. The use of the burner. Heat energy from the
steam for power generation is a burner will be transferred through
specialized subject, already well Saturation the pan into the water, causing
documented, and is outside the The point where a substance can the waters temperature to rise.
scope of this course. hold no more energy without
We can actually monitor the
changing phase (physical state).
This course has been heat energy transfer (Fig.1) by
designed and written for those Enthalpy watching the thermometer level
engaged in the design, operation, The term given for the total rise - one BTU of heat energy will
maintenance and or general care energy, measured in BTUs, due raise one pound of water by one
of a steam system. A moderate to both pressure and temperature degree Fahrenheit. As each
knowledge of physics is of a fluid or vapor, at any given degree of temperature rise is reg-
assumed. The first part of this time or condition. istered on the thermometer, we
course attempts to define the Gauge Pressure (PSIG) can read that as the addition of 1
basic terminology and principles Pressure shown on a standard BTU. Eventually, the water tem-
involved in steam generation and gauge and indicated the presure perature will rise to its boiling
system engineering. above atmospheric pressure. point (saturation temperature) at
atmospheric pressure, which is
What Is Steam Absolute Pressure (PSIA)
212F at sea level. Any addition-
Like many other substances, The pressure from and above
al heat energy that we add at this
water can exist in the form of perfect vacuum
point will cause the water to begin
either a solid, liquid, or gas. We Sensible Heat (hf) changing state (phase) from a liq-
will focus largely on liquid and The heat energy that raises the uid to a gas (steam).
gas phases and the changes that water temperature from 32F. The At atmospheric pressure and
occur during the transition maximum amount of sensible at sea level we have added 180
between these two phases. heat the water can absorb is BTUs, changing the water tem-
Steam is the vaporized state of determined by the pressure of the perature from 32F to 212F
water which contains heat energy liquid. (Fig 1 & 2) (212-32=180). This enthalpy is
intended for transfer into a variety Latent Heat (hfg) known as Sensible Heat (BTU
of processes from air heating to The enthalpy of evaporation. The per pound). If we continue to add
vaporizing liquids in the refining heat input which produces a heat energy to the water via the
process. change of water from liquid to burner, we will notice that the
Perhaps the first thing that we gas. thermometer will not change, but
should do is define some of the the water will begin to evaporate
basic terminology that will be Total Heat
into steam. The heat energy that
used in this course. Is the sum of sensible heat and
is being added which causes the
latent heat (ht=hf+hhfg). (Fig 1)
waters change of phase from liq-
Definitions The Formation of Steam uid to gas is known as Latent
BTU Heat. This latent heat content is
Steam is created from the
The basic unit of measure- boiling of water. As heat energy the sole purpose of generating
ment for all types of heat energy (BTUs) is added to water, the steam. Latent heat (BTU per
is the British Thermal Unit or temperature rises accordingly. pound) has a very high heat con-
BTU. Specifically, it is the amount When water reaches its satura- tent that transfers to colder
of heat energy necessary to raise tion point, it begins to change products/processes very rapidly
one pound of water one degree from a liquid to a gas. Lets inves- without losing any temperature.
Fahrenheit. tigate how this happens by As steam gives up its latent heat,
placing a thermometer in one it condenses and the water is the

Basic Steam Engineering Principals

same temperature of the steam. non-compressible liquid (water) is The need for optimum
The sum of the two heat contents, now a compressible gas. The efficiency increases with every
sensible and latent, are known as higher the pressure, the higher rise in fuel costs. Steam and con-
the Total Heat. the temperature. The lower the densate systems must be
A very interesting thing hap- latent heat content of the steam, carefully designed and main-
pens when we go through this the smaller the volume the steam tained to ensure that
exercise and that is the change in occupies (Fig. 3). This allows the unnecessary energy waste is
volume that the gas (steam) plant to generate steam at high kept at a minimum. For this rea-
occupies versus the volume that pressures and distribute that son, this course will deal with the
the water occupied. One pound steam in smaller piping to the practical aspects of energy con-
of water at atmospheric pressure point of usage in the plant. This servation in steam systems, as
occupies only .016 cubic feet, but higher pressure in the boiler pro- we go through the system.
when we convert this water into vides for more driving force to
steam at the same pressure, the make the steam flow.
steam occupies 26.8 cubic feet
for the same one pound. Figure 1
The steam that we have just Steam Saturation Curve Graph at a Specific Boiler Pressure
created on our stove at home will
provide humidification to the sur-
rounding air space along with
some temperature rise. Steam is
also meant to be a flexible energy
carrier to other types of process-
es. In order to make steam flow
from the generation point to
another point at which it will be Latent Heat
utilized, there has to be a differ- Sensible
ence in pressure. Heat

Therefore, our pan type

steam generator will not create
any significant force to move the
steam. A boiler, for all practical
purposes, is a pan with a lid. Total Heat
There are many types of boilers
that are subjects of other cours-
es. We will simply refer to them Figure 2
as boilers in this course. If we 25 Steam Vs. Electricity
contain the steam within a boiler,
pressure will begin to rise with the
change of volume from liquid to
gas. As this pressure rises, the
boiling point of the water inside Cost ($) per 15
also rises. If the pressure of satu- BTU s of
rated steam is known, the Energy
temperature is also known. We
will consider this relationship later
when we look again at the satu- 5
rated steam tables.
Another thing that happens 0

when steam is created in a boiler

(No. 2 Fuel Oil)

(No. 2 Fuel Oil)




(No. 6 Fuel Oil)
(0.5% Sulfur)


is that the gas (steam) is com-

pressed into a smaller volume (ft3
per pound). This is because the

Basic Steam Engineering Principals

Figure 3: Steam Saturation Table

Absolute Sensible Latent Total Spec. Volume
Gauge Press. Temperature
Pressure (hf) (hfg) (hg) Steam (Vg)
in Hg. Vac. Degrees F
psia BTU/LB BTU/lb BTU/lb ft3/lb
27.96 1 101.7 69.5 1032.9 1102.4 333.0
25.91 2 126.1 93.9 1019.7 1113.6 173.5
23.81 3 141.5 109.3 1011.3 1120.6 118.6
21.83 4 153.0 120.8 1004.9 1125.7 90.52
19.79 5 162.3 130.1 999.7 1129.8 73.42
17.75 6 170.1 137.8 995.4 1133.2 61.89
15.7 7 176.9 144.6 991.5 1136.1 53.57
13.66 8 182.9 150.7 987.9 1138.6 47.26
11.62 9 188.3 156.2 984.7 1140.9 42.32
9.58 10 193.2 161.1 981.9 1143.0 38.37
7.54 11 197.8 165.7 979.2 1144.9 35.09
5.49 12 202.0 169.9 976.7 1146.6 32.35
3.45 13 205.9 173.9 974.3 1148.2 30.01
1.41 14 209.6 177.6 972.2 1149.8 28.0
Gauge Pressure
0 14.7 212.0 180.2 970.6 1150.8 26.8
1 15.7 215.4 183.6 968.4 1152.0 25.2
2 16.7 218.5 186.8 966.4 1153.2 23.8
3 17.7 221.5 189.8 964.5 1154.3 22.5
4 18.7 224.5 192.7 962.6 1155.3 21.4
5 19.7 227.4 195.5 960.8 1156.3 20.4
6 20.7 230.0 198.1 959.2 1157.3 19.4
7 21.7 232.4 200.6 957.6 1158.2 18.6
8 22.7 234.8 203.1 956.0 1159.1 17.9
9 23.7 237.1 205.5 954.5 1160.0 17.2
10 24.7 239.4 207.9 952.9 1160.8 16.5
11 25.7 241.6 210.1 951.5 1161.6 15.9
12 26.7 243.7 212.3 950.1 1162.3 15.3
13 27.7 245.8 214.4 948.6 1163.0 14.8
14 28.7 247.9 216.4 947.3 1163.7 14.3
15 29.7 249.8 218.4 946.0 1164.4 13.9
16 30.7 251.7 220.3 944.8 1165.1 13.4
17 31.7 253.6 222.2 943.5 1165.7 13
18 32.7 255.4 224.0 942.4 1166.4 12.7
19 33.7 257.2 225.8 941.2 1167.0 12.3
20 34.7 258.8 227.5 940.1 1167.6 12
22 36.7 262.3 230.9 937.8 1168.7 11.4
24 38.7 265.3 234.2 935.8 1170.0 10.8
26 40.7 268.3 237.3 933.5 1170.8 10.3
28 42.7 271.4 240.2 931.6 1171.8 9.87
30 44.7 274.0 243.0 929.7 1172.7 9.46
32 46.7 276.7 245.9 927.6 1173.5 9.08
34 48.7 279.4 248.5 925.8 1174.3 8.73
36 50.7 281.9 251.1 924.0 1175.1 8.40
38 52.7 284.4 253.7 922.1 1175.8 8.11
40 54.7 286.7 256.1 920.4 1176.5 7.83
42 56.7 289.0 258.5 918.6 1177.1 7.57
44 58.7 291.3 260.8 917.0 1177.8 7.33
46 60.7 293.5 263.0 915.4 1178.4 7.10
48 62.7 205.6 265.2 913.8 1179.0 6.89
50 64.7 297.7 267.4 912.2 1179.6 6.68
52 66.7 299.7 269.4 901.7 1180.1 6.50
54 68.7 301.7 271.5 909.2 1180.7 6.32
56 70.7 303.6 273.5 907.8 1181.3 6.16
58 72.7 305.5 275.3 906.5 1181.8 6.00
60 74.7 307.4 277.1 905.3 1182.4 5.84
62 76.7 309.2 279.0 904.0 1183.0 5.70
64 78.7 310.9 280.9 902.6 1183.5 5.56
66 80.7 312.7 282.8 901.2 1184.0 5.43
68 82.7 314.3 284.5 900.0 1184.5 5.31

Basic Steam Engineering Principals

Figure 3 (Cont.): Steam Saturation Table

Gauge Absolute Sensible Latent Total Specific
Pressure Pressure (hf) (hfg) (hg) Volume
Degrees F
psig psia BTU/LB BTU/lb BTU/lb Steam (Vg) ft3/lb
70 84.7 316.0 286.2 898.8 1185.0 5.19
72 86.7 317.7 288.0 897.5 1185.5 5.08
74 88.7 319.3 289.4 896.5 1185.9 4.97
76 90.7 320.9 291.2 895.1 1185.9 4.87
78 92.7 322.4 292.9 893.9 1186.8 4.77
80 94.7 323.9 294.5 892.7 1187.2 4.67
82 96.7 325.5 296.1 891.5 1187.6 4.58
84 98.7 326.9 297.6 890.3 1187.9 4.49
86 100.7 328.4 299.1 889.2 1188.3 4.41
88 102.7 329.9 300.6 888.1 1188.7 4.33
90 104.7 331.2 302.1 887.0 1189.1 4.25
92 106.7 332.6 303.5 885.8 1189.3 4.17
94 108.7 333.9 304.9 884.8 1189.7 4.10
96 110.7 335.3 306.3 883.7 1190.0 4.03
98 112.7 336.6 307.7 882.6 1190.3 3.96
100 114.7 337.9 309.0 881.6 1190.6 3.90
102 116.7 339.2 310.3 880.6 1190.9 3.83
104 118.7 340.5 311.6 879.6 1191.2 3.77
106 120.7 341.7 313.0 878.5 1191.5 3.71
108 122.7 343.0 314.3 877.5 1191.8 3.65
110 124.7 344.2 315.5 876.5 1192.0 3.60
112 126.7 345.4 316.8 875.5 1192.3 3.54
114 128.7 346.5 318.0 874.5 1192.5 3.49
116 130.7 347.7 319.3 873.5 1192.8 3.44
118 132.7 348.9 320.5 872.5 1193.0 3.39
120 134.7 350.1 321.8 871.5 1193.3 3.34
125 139.7 352.8 324.7 869.3 1194.0 3.23
130 144.7 355.6 327.6 866.9 1194.5 3.12
135 149.7 358.3 330.6 864.5 1195.1 3.02
140 154.7 360.9 333.2 862.5 1195.7 2.93
145 159.7 363.5 335.9 860.3 1196.2 2.84
150 164.7 365.9 338.6 858.0 1196.6 2.76
155 169.7 368.3 341.1 856.0 1197.1 2.68
160 174.7 370.7 343.6 853.9 1197.5 2.61
165 179.7 372.9 346.1 851.8 1197.9 2.54
170 184.7 375.2 348.5 849.8 1198.3 2.48
175 189.7 377.5 350.9 847.9 1198.8 2.41
180 194.7 379.6 353.2 845.9 1199.1 2.35
185 199.7 381.6 355.4 844.1 1195.5 2.30
190 204.7 383.7 357.6 842.2 1199.8 2.24
195 209.7 385.7 359.9 840.2 1200.1 2.18
200 214.7 387.7 362.0 838.4 1200.4 2.14
210 224.7 391.7 366.2 834.8 1201.0 2.04
220 234.7 395.5 370.3 831.2 1201.5 1.96
230 244.7 399.1 374.2 827.8 1202.0 1.88
240 254.7 402.7 378.0 824.5 1202.5 1.81
250 264.7 406.1 381.7 821.2 1202.9 1.74
260 274.7 409.3 385.3 817.9 1203.2 1.68
270 284.7 412.5 388.8 814.8 1203.6 1.62
280 294.7 415.8 392.3 811.6 1203.9 1.57
290 304.7 418.8 395.7 808.5 1204.2 1.52
300 314.7 421.7 398.9 805.5 1204.4 1.47
310 324.7 424.7 402.1 802.6 1204.7 1.43
320 334.7 427.5 405.2 799.7 1204.9 1.39
330 344.7 430.3 408.3 796.7 1205.0 1.35
340 354.7 433.0 411.3 793.8 1205.1 1.31
350 364.7 435.7 414.3 791.0 1205.3 1.27
360 374.7 438.3 417.2 788.2 1205.4 1.24
370 384.7 440.8 420.0 785.4 1205.4 1.21
380 394.7 443.3 422.8 782.7 1205.5 1.18
390 404.7 445.7 425.6 779.9 1205.5 1.15
400 414.7 448.1 428.2 777.4 1205.6 1.12
420 434.7 452.8 433.4 772.2 1205.6 1.07
440 454.7 457.3 438.5 767.1 1205.6 1.02

Steam Generation

Figure 3 (Cont.): Steam Saturation Table

Gauge Absolute Temperature Sensible Latent Total (hg) Specific
Pressure Pressure Degrees F (hf) (hfg) BTU/lb Volume
psig psia BTU/LB BTU/lb ft3/lb Steam (Vg)
460 474.7 461.7 443.4 762.1 1205.5 .98
480 494.7 465.9 448.3 757.1 1205.4 .94
500 514.7 470.0 453.0 752.3 1205.3 .902
520 534.7 474.0 457.6 747.5 1205.1 .868
540 554.7 477.8 462.0 742.8 1204.8 .835
560 574.7 481.6 466.4 738.1 1205.5 .805
580 594.7 485.2 470.7 733.5 1204.2 .776
600 614.7 488.8 474.8 729.1 1203.9 .750
620 634.7 492.3 479.0 724.5 1203.5 .726
640 654.7 495.7 483.0 720.1 1203.1 .703
660 674.7 499.0 486.9 715.8 1202.7 .681
680 694.7 502.2 490.7 711.5 1202.2 .660
700 714.7 505.4 494.4 707.4 1201.8 .641
720 734.7 508.5 498.2 703.1 1201.3 .623
740 754.7 51.5 501.9 698.9 1200.8 .605
760 774.7 514.5 505.5 694.7 1200.2 .588
780 794.7 517.5 509.0 690.7 0099.7 .572
800 814.7 520.3 512.5 686.6 1199.1 .557

Boilers & Boiler Efficiency The sizing of a boiler for a about one to two minutes to
Boilers and the associated fir- particular application is not a sim- place the boiler back on line.
ing equipment should be designed ple task. Steam usages vary And, if theres a sudden load
and sized for maximum efficiency. based upon the percentage of demand, the start-up sequence
Boiler manufacturers have boiler load that is used for heating cannot be accelerated. Keeping
improved their equipment designs versus process and then combin- the boiler on line assures the
to provide this maximum efficien- ing those loads. These quickest response to load
cy, when the equipment is new, potentially wide load variations changes. Frequent cycling also
sized correctly for the load condi- are generally overcome by accelerates wear of boiler com-
tions, and the firing equipment is installing not just one large boiler ponents. Maintenance increases
properly tuned. There are many but possibly two smaller units or a and, more importantly, the
different efficiencies that are large and a small boiler to accom- chance of component failure
claimed when discussing boilers modate the load variations. increases.
but the only true measure of a Boiler manufacturers usually will Once the boiler or boilers
boilers efficiency is the Fuel-to- recommend that the turndown have been sized for their steam
Steam Efficiency. Fuel-To-Steam ratio from maximum load to low output, BTUs or lb./hr, then the
efficiency is calculated using load not exceed 4:1. Turndown operating pressures have to be
either of two methods, as pre- ratios exceeding 4:1 will increase determined. Boiler operating
scribed by the ASME Power Test the firing cycles and decrease pressures are generally deter-
Code, PTC4.1. The first method efficiency. mined by the system needs as to
is input-output. This is the ratio of A boiler operating at low load product/process temperatures
BTUs output divided by BTUs conditions can cycle as frequent- needed and/or the pressure loss-
input, multiplied by 100. The sec- ly as 12 times per hour, or 288 es in transmission of the steam in
ond method is heat balance. This times a day. With each cycle, distribution throughout the facili-
method considers stack tempera- pre- and post-purge air flow ty. (Fig. 4)
ture and losses, excess air levels, removes heat from the boiler and
and radiation and convection sends it out the stack. This ener-
losses. Therefore, the heat bal- gy loss can be eliminated by
ance calculation for fuel-to-steam keeping the boiler on at low firing
efficiency is 100 minus the total rates. Every time the boiler
percent stack loss and minus the cycles off, it must go through a
percent radiation and convection specific start-up sequence for
losses. safety assurance. It requires

Steam Generation

Selection of Working Pres- Figure 4

sure Boiler Operating at Design Boiler Operating at Reduced
The steam distribution sys- Pressure Pressure from Design
tem is an important link between
the steam source and the steam
user. It must supply good quality
steam at the required rate and at
the right pressure. It must do this
with a minimum of heat loss, and
be economical in capital cost.
The pressure at which the
steam is to be distributed is deter-
mined by the point of usage in the
plant needing the highest pres-
sure. We must remember
however that as the steam pass-
es through the distribution
pipework, it will lose some of its
pressure due to resistance to Design Pressure Lower Pressure
flow, and the fact that some of it Smaller Specific Volume Greater Specific Volume
will condense due to loss of heat Greater Separation Area Decreased Separation Area
from the piping. Therefore, Lower Quality of Steam
Dry Steam
allowance should be made for
this pressure loss when deciding Proper Steam Velocities Increased Steam Velocities
upon the initial distribution pres- (4 to 6,000 fpm)
sure. water level in the boiler and the tion, the portion of completely dry
Summarizing, we need to increased steam bubble size steam present in the steam being
consider when selecting our because of the lower operating considered. The steam becomes
working pressure: pressures internally. It is always wet if water droplets in suspen-
Pressure required at point of recommended to operate the sion are present in the steam
usage boiler at or as close to the maxi- space, carrying no latent heat
mum operating pressure that the content.
Pressure drop along pipe due
vessel was designed for. The For example (Fig. 3), the
to resistance of flow (friction)
boilers operating pressure (Fig. 4) latent heat energy of 100 PSIG
Pipe heat losses has a definite impact on the steam is 881 BTUs (assuming
It is a recommended practice potential of priming and carry- 99.5% dryness) but, if this steam
to select a boiler operating pres- over which can cause serious is only 95% dry, then the heat
sure greater than what is actually problems not only for the system content of this steam is only .95 X
required. but for the boiler also. 881 = 834 BTUs per pound. The
This is an acceptable practice Many of the boiler manufac- small droplets of water in wet
as long as it is understood that turers today design their steam have weight but occupy
selecting a boiler with a much equipment to provide 99.5% dry negligible space. The volume of
greater operating pressure than saturated steam to be generated wet steam is less than that of dry
is required, then operating it at and admitted into the distribution saturated steam. Therefore,
the lower pressure will cause a system. This means that less steam separators are used at
loss in efficiency of the boiler. than 1/2 of 1% of the volume exit- boiler off takes to insure dry qual-
This efficiency loss comes from ing the boiler will be water, not ity steam.
the increased radiation and con- steam. In practice, steam often
vection losses. Another area of carries tiny droplets of water with
efficiency loss comes from the it and cannot be described as dry
lower quality (dryness) of the saturated steam. Steam quality
steam produced due to increased is described by its dryness frac-

Steam Generation

Steam Velocity Figure 5: Steam Velocity Chart

The velocity of the steam flow
out of the boiler, at designed Pipe Size
(Schedule 40 pipe)
operating pressure, is established Reasonable
Steam Velocities 20000
by the outlet nozzle of the boiler in Pipes 1-1
3/4 12000
itself. Target velocities of 6,000 Process Steam 2 " 10000
8000 to 12000 ft/min 2-1 "
fpm or less have become com-

Velocity ft/min
/2" 8000
monplace as design criteria. F G 6000
Heating Systems 4" 5000
4000 to 6000 ft/min
These lower velocities provide for 5" C D 4000
reduced pressure losses, more 3000
efficient condensate drainage, 10 2000
reduced waterhammer potential 1 "
14 2"
16 "
and piping erosion. "

It is important that the steam

velocity, piping and nozzle sizing, 50000
be considered when selecting the 40000 Multiply chart velocity
30000 by factor below to get
boiler operating pressure velocity in schedule
80 pipe
required. 20000 Pipe Size Factor
1/2" 1.30
Noise is not the only reason 1-1
/2" 3/4" & 1" 1.23
velocities in a steam system 10000 1-1/4" & 1-1/2" 1.17
8000 2" to 16" 1.12
should be kept as low as practi-

25 0
Capacity lb/h


20 0
15 25
cal. Steam is generated and 5000
1 00
1 5
distributed throughout the system


and because of temperature dif-


ferences in the surroundings and

the insulation losses, the steam

gives up its heat and condenses. 1000
Although it may not travel as fast 600

25 00
as the steam, the condensate

2 0

15 25
1 00
(water) is still going to erode the 1 5

bottom of the pipe. This erosion


is accelerated with the velocity of 200


the steam, therefore the lower the Steam Velocity Chart

steam velocity, the less erosion 100

will take place. Steam Pressure psig

(Saturated Steam)
The chart (Fig. 5) will be very
helpful in sizing steam carrying
pipes for proper velocities. can be insulated. A single foot of single foot of pipe. The net effect
3" pipe with 100 PSI steam in it is the consumption of more fuel to
EXAMPLE: produce this lost energy. (Fig. 6)
exposed to an ambient tempera-
Steam flow is 1,000 lb/hr. ture of 60F will radiate 778
Find pipe size for 100 psig and 25 BTUs per hour of operation. The
psig. latent heat energy content of 100
The steam system piping and PSI steam is 880 BTUs per
associated equipment, containing pound.
this high heat energy source Nearly a pound of steam per
(steam), will constantly be a hour per foot of pipe is con-
source of radiation losses. A sim- densed just in distributing this
ple but often overlooked energy valuable energy supply to the
savings is to insulate all the pip- point of usage. Flanges, valves,
ing, steam and condensate, and strainers and equipment will
all heat exchange equipment that waste much more energy than a

Selection of Working Pressures

Figure 6: Pipeline Heat Loss Table - BTUs/Hr/Ft

Process Pipeline Diameter and Insulation Thickness
4 5" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14"
Thickness 2" 4" 2" 4" 2" 4" 2" 4" 2" 4" 2" 4" 2" 4"
80 66 41 77 47 89 53 109 63 132 75 153 8 166 92
Temperature Difference Deg F

150 123 77 14 87 166 99 205 120 247 140 286 161 311 173

200 164 10 19 117 221 131 274 159 329 187 382 214 415 231
250 205 12 240 146 276 164 342 199 412 235 477 268 519 288
300 246 153 288 175 331 198 411 238 495 281 573 321 622 346
350 288 178 336 205 386 230 478 278 576 328 668 375 726 404

Air and Non-Condensable the main line. The last kettle, example would be 100 PSIG sat-
Gases In The Steam System therefore, would be fed with a urated steam has a temperature
We know that when steam mixture of steam and non-con- of 338F, if in this steam there
comes into contact with a cooler densable gases. existed a 10% by volume mixture
surface, it gives up its latent heat Air cannot hold the tempera- of air the equivalent temperature
and condenses. As condensation ture or latent heat of steam. It of this mixture would be 331F, or
takes place, the condensate will, therefore, cause a reduction the steam temperature of 90
begins to form a film of water in temperature first of all. Air, it PSIG not 100 PSIG.
(Fig. 7). It is a fact that water has should be remembered, is an Another major problem with
a surprisingly high resistance to insulator. (Fig. 7) It is generally air in the steam system is that it
heat transfer. A film of water only accepted that a thin layer of air will be absorbed into the conden-
1/100 inch thick offers the same only 0.04 inches thick can offer sate. This reduces the pH of the
resistance to heat transfer as a the same resistance to the flow of condensate and creates a sub-
1/2 inch thick layer of iron or a 5 heat as a layer of water 1 inch stance known as carbonic acid.
inch thick layer of copper. The air thick, a layer of iron 4.3 feet thick The acidity of the condensate will
and other non-condensable or a layer of copper 43 feet thick. then attack the piping, heat
gases in the steam cause a vari- Even a small amount of air in a exchange equipment or any other
ety of problems to steam steam system will cause fairly part of the steam system that it
systems. Foremost is the reduc- drastic temperature losses, an comes into contact with.
tion of area to deliver the steam.
Air is a simple bi-product of Figure 7
steam generation. It is in all The Practical Effect of Air & Water Films
steam systems and should be
dealt with accordingly. Where the
air will collect in the system is the Metal
problem. Surface
Air and other non-condens-
able gases are released when 210F
steam is generated and passes
down the distribution with the
steam. It will collect in areas of
high steam consumption such as
heat exchangers, but will also col-
lect at high points and at the end
of the steam piping. If a steam
line feeds a series of heat
exchangers, such as cooking ket- Steam Air Condensate Water Water
tles, the air collects at the end of at 15 Film Film Film Being
psi Heated

Steam System Basics

The use of Thermostatic Air Figure 8

Vents will help remove the accu- Air Venting and Steam Trap
mulating air and rid the system of at End of Main
the adverse effects. Air Vents are
nothing more than thermostatical-
ly-actuated steam traps Balanced
positioned in the system where Steam Main Pressure
the air will collect. Proper design Air Vent
procedures require air vents to be
located at high points, at the end
of the steam main piping, (Fig. 8) Drip Leg
and on all heat exchange equip-
Steam Trap Set
with Trap Tester

Steam System Basics Figure 9

From the outset, an under- A Typical Steam Circuit
standing of the basic steam
circuit, steam and condensate
loop (Fig. 9) is required. The Space
steam flow in a circuit is due to Heating
condensation of steam which System
causes a pressure drop. This Vessels
induces the flow of steam through Pans
the piping.
The steam generated in the
boiler must be conveyed through
pipework to the point where its Vats
heat energy is required. Initially
there will be one or more main Steam
pipes or steam mains which Make-up Water Condensate
carry the steam from the boiler in
the direction of the steam using Feed Tank
equipment. Smaller branch pipes
can then carry the steam to the
individual pieces of equipment.
When the boiler crown valve
is opened admitting the steam
into the distribution piping net- Boiler Feed Pump
work, there immediately begins a
process of heat loss. These loss- ried along with the steam flow When the valves serving the
es of energy are in the heating up along the steam main. This con- individual pieces of equipment
of the piping network to the steam densate must be drained from call for steam, the flow into the
temperature and natural losses to this piping or severe damage will heat exchange equipment begins
the ambient air conditions. The result. again causing condensation and
resulting condensate falls to the the resultant pressure drop which
bottom of the piping and is car- induces even more flow.

Steam System Basics

Steam Piping Design Consid- piping. This transfer of heat ener- distribution main piping network,
erations gy creates condensate, (Fig. 11 condensate drip stations need
Since we have already estab- and 12) or if the piping is already to be installed to remove this con-
lished that steams principle job is at the same temperature as the densate from the system. These
to give up its latent heat energy steam, there are still loses to the pockets should be designed with
and re-condense to water, by ambient air conditions, even as much care as possible. This
doing so, we can assume that it when insulated. This liquid con- allows the condensate a low point
will do so anywhere and every- densate would continue to build in which to drop out of the steam
where (Fig. 10) because all heat up to the point of blocking all of flow and be removed by steam
flow is from hot to cold. When the the steam piping if it is not prop- traps.
steam is admitted into the distrib- erly removed, and create
ution piping network, the steam waterhammer in the steam sys-
immediately begins to heat the tem. Periodically in a steam

Figure 10
Terms Steam Line Reducer

Steam Header

Steam Branch Line

Steam Separator Steam Strainer

Steam Drip Stations (Pockets) Steam Distribution (to Higher Levels)

Steam System Basics

Figure 11: Warm-Up Load in Pounds of Steam per 100 Ft. of Steam Main
Ambient Temperature 70F. Based on Sch. 40 pipe to 250 psi
Sch. 80 above 250 except Sch. 120 5" and larger above 800 psi
Steam Main Size 0F
Pressure Correction
psi 2" 2-1/2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" 20" 24" Factor *
0 6.2 9.7 12.8 18.2 24.6 31.9 48 68 90 107 140 176 207 308 1.50
5 6.9 11.0 14.4 20.4 27.7 35.9 48 77 101 120 157 198 233 324 1.44
10 7.5 11.8 15.5 22.0 29.9 38.8 58 83 109 130 169 213 251 350 1.41
20 8.4 13.4 17.5 24.9 33.8 44 66 93 124 146 191 241 284 396 1.37
40 9.9 15.8 20.6 90.3 39.7 52 78 110 145 172 225 284 334 465 1.32
60 11.0 17.5 22.9 32.6 44 57 86 122 162 192 250 316 372 518 1.29
80 12.0 19.0 24.9 35.3 48 62 93 132 175 208 271 342 403 561 1.27
100 12.8 20.3 26.6 37.8 51 67 100 142 188 222 290 366 431 600 1.26
125 13.7 21.7 28.4 40 55 71 107 152 200 238 310 391 461 642 1.25
150 14.5 23.0 30 43 58 75 113 160 212 251 328 414 487 679 1.24
175 15.3 24.2 31.7 45 61 79 119 169 224 265 347 437 514 716 1.23
200 16.0 25.3 33.1 47 64 83 125 177 234 277 362 456 537 748 1.22
250 17.2 27.3 35.8 51 69 89 134 191 252 299 390 492 579 807 1.21
300 25.0 38.3 51 75 104 143 217 322 443 531 682 854 1045 1182 1.20
400 27.8 43 57 83 116 159 241 358 493 590 759 971 1163 1650 1.18
500 30.2 46 62 91 126 173 262 389 535 642 825 1033 1263 1793 1.17
600 32.7 50 67 98 136 187 284 421 579 694 893 1118 1367 1939 1.16
800 38.0 58 77 113 203 274 455 670 943 1132 1445 1835 2227 3227 1.156
1000 45 64 86 126 227 305 508 748 1052 1263 1612 2047 2485 3601 1.147
1200 52 72 96 140 253 340 566 833 1172 1407 1796 2280 2767 4010 1.140
1400 62 79 106 155 280 376 626 922 1297 1558 1988 2524 3064 4440 1.135
1600 71 87 117 171 309 415 692 1018 1432 1720 2194 2786 3382 4901 1.130
1750 78 94 126 184 333 448 746 1098 1544 1855 2367 3006 3648 5285 1.128
1800 80 97 129 189 341 459 764 1125 1584 1902 2427 3082 3741 5420 1.127
* For outdoor temperature of 0F, multiply load value in table for each main size by correction factor shown

Figure 12: Running Load in Pounds per Hour per 100 Ft. of Insulated Steam Main
Ambient Temperature 70F. Insulation 80% efficient.
Load due to radiation and convection for saturated steam.
Steam Main Size 0F
Pressure Correction
psi 2" 2-1/2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" 20" 24" Factor *
10 6 7 9 11 13 16 20 24 29 32 36 39 44 53 1.58
30 8 9 11 14 17 20 26 32 38 42 48 51 57 68 1.50
60 10 12 14 18 24 27 33 41 49 54 62 67 74 89 1.45
100 12 15 18 22 28 33 41 51 61 67 77 83 93 111 1.41
125 13 16 20 24 30 36 45 56 66 73 84 90 101 121 1.39
175 16 19 23 26 33 38 53 66 78 86 98 107 119 142 1.38
250 18 22 27 34 42 50 62 77 92 101 116 126 140 168 1.36
300 20 25 30 37 46 54 68 85 101 111 126 138 154 184 1.35
400 23 28 34 43 53 63 80 99 118 130 148 162 180 216 1.33
500 27 33 39 49 61 73 91 114 135 148 170 185 206 246 1.32
600 30 37 44 55 68 82 103 128 152 167 191 208 232 277 1.31
800 36 44 53 69 85 101 131 164 194 214 244 274 305 365 1.30
1000 43 52 63 82 101 120 156 195 231 254 290 326 363 435 1.27
1200 51 62 75 97 119 142 185 230 274 301 343 386 430 515 1.26
1400 60 73 89 114 141 168 219 273 324 356 407 457 509 610 1.25
1600 69 85 103 132 163 195 253 315 375 412 470 528 588 704 1.22
1750 76 93 113 145 179 213 278 346 411 452 516 580 645 773 1.22
1800 79 96 117 150 185 221 288 358 425 467 534 600 667 800 1.21

* For outdoor temperature of 0F, multiply load value in table for each main size by correction factor shown.

Steam and Condensate Metering

The proper design of these shut down and start-up of the Performance of different types of
drip stations is fairly simple. The steam main. Remember, the meters when used on steam will
most common rules to follow are: intent of the distribution line is to vary and the measurement may
1. Drip Stations on steam deliver steam at as high a quality not always be accurate. Most
mains must be located at all as possible to the heat process meters depend on a measurement
low points in the system, ele- equipment. The equipment of volume. Since volume depends
vation changes, directional downstream will suffer severe on pressure, measurements need
changes, expansion loops damage if we dont do this step to be taken at a constant pressure
and at all dead ends. correctly. to the meter or else specific cor-
2. In the horizontal run of the rections have to be applied.
Steam and Condensate Readings taken under fluctuating
steam main piping drip sta-
tions must be located at
Metering pressure conditions are inaccurate
regular intervals of 100 to Difficulties in energy manage- unless the meter can automatically
200 feet. ment of steam arise from the fact compensate.
3. The drip station itself is a that it is often a totally unmeasured Steam metering should be
section of piping connected service. Metering (Fig. 13) starting done downstream of a good quali-
to the bottom of the main in the boiler house, is essential if ty reducing valve which maintains
piping. The diameter of the savings are to be validated. a constant pressure. Readings
drip station pipe should be Although fuel consumption is fairly should be interpreted using the
the same size as the steam easy to monitor, measurement of meter factor and the meter calibra-
main piping up to 6" piping. steam is a bit more difficult. A tion should be checked from time
For steam main piping larger steam meter must compensate for to time.
than 6" the drip station pip- quality as well as pressure, specif-
ing shall be 1/2 the nominal ic volume and temperature.
pipe size but no less than 6". Figure 13
4. The vertical drop of the drip
station shall be 1-1/2 times A Typical Steam Metering Station
the diameter of the steam Pipeline Reducers
main but not less than 18 Strainer Steam
5. Horizontal run of the steam
piping must fall 1/2" in 10
feet towards drip stations. Steam
Separator 6 Pipe 3 Pipe
The reasoning behind these Separator Diameters Diameters
&Trap Set
rules is simple. First, the diame-
ter of the hole in the bottom of the
steam main should be such that it
Although steam metering is most often carried out in the boiler
can allow the water ample area to
house, it is also important in order to determine:
fall into. Gravity is our only force
to allow this to happen. If the 1. Custody transfer. To measure steam usage and thus determine
diameter of the drip station was steam cost:
too small, the velocity of the a) Centrally at the boiler house
water would simply allow it to b) At all major steam using areas
pass either on the side or over
2. Equipment efficiency. Identifying major steam users, when loaded
the top of the hole. The length of
to capacity or idle; also peak load times, plant deterioration and
the drip station allows the water
cleaning requirements.
to fall far enough out of the steam
flow as to not be pulled back out 3. Process control. Meters indicate that the correct steam requirement
and forced on down the piping, and quantity is supplied to a process, when bypass lines are
and to provide the steam trap opened; and when valves and steam traps need attention.
with some hydraulic head pres- 4. Energy efficiency. Compare the efficiency of one process area with
sure for drainage of condensate another; monitor the results of plant improvements and steam sav-
during the low pressure times of ing programs.

Steam and Condensate Metering

Why Measure Steam? enable checks to be kept on indi- Costing and Custody Transfer
Steam is still the most widely vidual plant performance. Costs Steam meters can measure
used heat carrying medium in the can be analyzed for each part of steam usage and thus steam
world. It is used in the processes the process and pay-back' cost.
that make many of the foodstuffs records can be established fol-
(a) Centrally
we eat, the clothes we wear, com- lowing the implementation of
energy saving measures. (b) At major steam using
ponents of the cars we ride in and
the furniture we use. It is used in The steam meter is the first
hospitals for sterilization of instru- basic tool in good steam house- Steam can be costed as a
ments and surgical packs, in the keeping - it provides the 'raw material' at various stages of
refining process for crude oil knowledge of steam usage and the production process thus
based products, in chemical pro- cost which is vital to an efficiently allowing the true cost of individual
duction, and in the laundry that operated plant or building. The product lines to be calculated.
cleans our clothes. main reasons for using a steam The Control and Regulation of
Despite this, it is commonly meter are, therefore:-
regarded as an almost free ser-
Plant Efficiency The proper control and regu-
vice - easily available. Very few lation of steam either in regards
A steam meter will indicate
attempt to monitor its usage and to steam pressure for equipment
process efficiency. For example,
costs, as they would for other raw or for the flow of this valuable
whether idle machinery is
materials in the process. heat energy source to heat trans-
switched off; whether plant is
"But a steam meter won't loaded to capacity and whether fer equipment is mandatory for
save energy''. This statement is working practices are satisfacto- todays industrial and HVAC
sometimes used as a reason for ry. It will also show the steam users for efficient usage of
not installing steam meters. It deterioration of plant overtime, this energy source. The control of
cannot be argued against if allowing optimal plant cleaning or heat flow to product temperatures
steam meters are evaluated in even replacement, to be calculat- in process equipment is manda-
the same way as other pieces of ed. Further, it can establish peak tory, otherwise production
energy saving equipment or steam usage times or identify wastage becomes intolerable,
schemes. sections or items of plant which which means lost profits.
A statement such as the one are major steam users. This may The control of steam pres-
quoted earlier does little to ease lead to a change in production sures and the regulation of steam
the frustration of the Energy methods to even out steam usage flow to heat exchangers is
Manager or Factory Manager try- and ease the peak load problems accomplished by several different
ing to establish where steam is on boiler plant. types of valves. This section is
being used, how much is being intended to describe the different
used and whether it is being used Energy Efficiency types of valves used for these
wisely and effectively. Steam meters can be used to operations and the differences
All too often, when the need monitor the results of energy sav- that will help the user in deciding
for a steam meter is accepted, ing schemes and to compare the which type of valve is necessary
only central monitoring i.e. in the efficiency of one piece of plant for his specific application. This
Boiler House or a major Plant with another. section will not go into complete
Room is carried out. Monitoring at descriptions of these valves but
Process Control
branch mains or at each plant just an overview of their opera-
Steam meters can indicate
room, a section of the process or tional characteristics and the
that the correct quantity of steam
major pieces of steam using benefits of that operation.
is being supplied to a process
equipment, are not considered.
and that it is at the correct tem-
While central monitoring will perature and pressure.
establish overall steam flow fig-
ures (and thus, costs),
departmental' monitoring will
give data which is much more
useful. Such steam meters will

Control and Regulation of Steam

Pressure Reducing Valves Direct Acting Control Valves underside of the diaphragm tends
Most steam boilers are The direct acting valve is the to close the valve as does the
designed to work at relatively simplest design of reducing valve inlet pressure acting on the
high pressures, generally above (Fig. 14a). Reduced pressure underside of the main valve itself.
the steam pressure required in from downstream of the valve The control spring must be capa-
equipment, and should not be acts on the underside of the ble of overcoming the effects of
operated at lower pressures. diaphragm A, opposing the both the reduced and inlet pres-
Operation at lowered pressures pressure applied by the control sures when the downstream
causes reduced efficiencies and spring B. This determines the pressure is set. Any variation in
increased potential for boiler car- opening of the main valve C and the inlet pressure will alter the
ryover. For this reason, the the flow through the reducing force it produces on the main
highest efficiency is maintained valve. valve and so affect the down-
by generating and distributing the stream pressure. This type of
In order for the valve to move
highest steam pressures that the valve has two main drawbacks in
from open to the closed position,
boiler is capable of producing. To that it allows greater fluctuation of
there must be a build up of pres-
produce lower pressure steam at the downstream pressure, under
sure under the diaphragm A.
the point of use, a building pres- unstable load demands, and
This overcomes the pressure
sure reducing valve should be these valves have relatively low
exerted by the control spring B.
used. This system design allows capacity for their size. It is never-
This action results in an inevitable
for much smaller distribution pip- theless perfectly adequate for a
variation of the downstream pres-
ing, reducing costs and reducing whole range of simple applica-
sure. It will be the highest when
heat losses from these pipes. tions where accurate control is
the valve is closed, or nearly
Also every piece of steam using not essential and where the
closed, and will droop as the
equipment has a maximum safe steam flow is fairly small and
load demand increases. The out-
working pressure which cannot reasonably constant.
let pressure acting on the
be exceeded in operation.
Another energy efficiency reason Figure 14a
for reducing steam pressures is
Direct Acting Pressure Reducing Valve
the latent heat content is greater
in lower pressure steam. More
heat content per pound means
less pounds of steam to do the
work. These are not the only rea-
sons for reducing steam
pressure. Since the temperature
of saturated steam is determined
by its pressure, control of pres-
sure is a simple but effective
method of accurate temperature
control. This fact is used in appli- A
cations such as sterilizers and
control of surface temperatures
on contact dryers. Reducing
steam pressure will also cut down
on the losses of flash steam from Inlet Outlet
vented condensate return
Most pressure reducing
valves currently available can be C
divided into three groups and
their operation is as follows:

Control and Regulation of Steam

Pilot Operated Valves Figure 14b

Where accurate control of Pilot Operated Reducing Valve
pressure or large capacity is
required, a pilot operated reduc-
ing valve (Fig. 14b) should be
Reduced pressure acts on
the underside of the pilot
diaphragm C, either through the
pressure control pipe F, so bal-
ancing the load produced on the
top of the pilot diaphragm by the C
pressure of the adjustment spring
B. A F
When the downstream
reduced pressure falls, F the
spring force overcomes the pres-
sure acting below the pilot H
diaphragm and opens the pilot
valve E, admitting steam through
the pressure control piping D to D G
the underside of the main
diaphragm K. In turn, this opens
the main valve H against its Inlet
return spring G and allows more
steam to pass until the down-
stream pressure returns to the K
preset value.
Any further rise in reduced
pressure will act on the pilot
diaphragm to close the pilot valve.
Pressure from below the main
diaphragm will then be relieved
into the valve outlet back through
the control pressure piping D
and the orifice J as the return
spring moves the main valve The reduced pressure is set small. Although any rise in
towards its seat, throttling the by the screw A which alters the upstream pressure will apply an
flow. compression of the adjustment increased closing force on the
The pilot valve will settle spring B. main valve, this is offset by the
down to an opening which is just The pilot operated design force of the upstream pressure
sufficient to balance the flow offers a number of advantages acting on the main diaphragm.
through the orifice J and main- over the direct acting valve. Only The result is a valve which gives
tain the necessary pressure under a very small amount of steam has close control of downstream
the diaphragm to keep the main to flow through the pilot valve to pressure regardless of variations
valve in the required position for pressurize the main diaphragm on the upstream sides (Fig. 16).
the prevailing upstream and chamber and fully open the main
downstream pressure and load valve. Thus, only very small Pneumatically Operated
conditions. Any variation in pres- changes in downstream pressure Valves
sure or load will be sensed are necessary to produce large Pneumatically operated con-
immediately by the pilot changes in flow. The droop of trol valves with actuators and
diaphragm, which will act to adjust pilot operated valves is, therefore, positioners (Fig. 15) being piloted
the position of the main valve.
Control and Regulation of Steam

by controllers will provide pres- Selection & Application the type of control valve selected.
sure reduction with even more The first essential is to select A valve that is too large in
accurate control. Controllers the best type of valve for a given capacity capabilities will have to
sense downstream pressure fluc- application and this follows work with minimum opening
tuations interpolate the signals logically from the descriptions between the valve head and seat
and regulate an air supply signal already given. Small loads where on less than maximum loads
to a pneumatic positioner which accurate control is not vital which can and does cause wire-
in turn supplies air to a should be met by using the sim- drawing, valve cutting, and
diaphragm opening a valve. ple direct acting valves. In all erosion. In addition, any small
Springs are utilized as an oppos- other cases, the pilot operated movement of the oversized head
ing force causing the valves to valves will be the best choice, will produce a relatively large
close upon loss of or a reduction particularly if there are periods of change in the flow through the
of air pressure applied on the no demand when the valve orifice in an effort to
diaphragm. Industry sophistica- downstream pressure must not accommodate load changes,
tion and control needs are be allowed to rise. almost always allowing more or
demanding closer and more less flow through the valve than
Oversizing, a common
accurate control of steam pres- was actually needed causing
industry practice, should be
sures, making Pneumatic control larger pressure fluctuations
avoided at all costs regardless of
valves much more popular today. downstream.

Figure 15 Safety Relief Valve

Pneumatic Pressure Reducing Valve



Air Supply

Figure 16 Safety Relief Valve

Pressure Reducing Station Installation

High Pressure
Decrease Piping Size

Strainer Low Pressure
(On Side) Increase Piping Size

Control and Regulation of Steam

A smaller, correctly sized valve failure. This safety relief Manual Control Valves
reducing valve will be less prone valve must be sized to handle the Manual valves can be applied
to wear and will give more accu- maximum steam flow of the to a piece of equipment to control
rate control. Where it is reducing valve at the desired set the energy supplied to the
necessary to make bigger reduc- relief pressure. ASME standards process as simply as they are
tions in pressure or to cope with state that those set relief pres- used to regulate the flow of other
wide fluctuations in loads, it is sures are to be 5 PSI above the fluids. The major drawback of
recommended to use two or more equipment maximum operating manual valves to control temper-
valves in series or parallel to pressure for equipment operating atures is that these valves will
improve controllability and life up to 70 PSI, and not to exceed undoubtedly need frequent
expectancy of the valves. 10% greater than maximum oper- adjustments and monitoring to
Although reliability and accu- ating pressures for equipment maintain just the correct tempera-
racy depend on correct selection operating above 70 PSI but below tures under constantly changing
and sizing, they also depend on 1000 PSI. load conditions, which is the case
correct installation. of most pieces of process equip-
Temperature Control Valves
Since the majority of reduc- ment.
Most types of steam equip-
ing valve problems are caused by ment need to utilize some form of Self Acting Control Valves
the presence of wet steam and/or temperature control system. In Self-Acting Control Valves
dirt, a steam separator and process equipment, product qual- (Fig. 17) are operated by a sen-
strainer with a fine mesh screen ity is often dependent upon sor system that senses the
(100 mesh) are fitted before the accurate temperature control, product temperatures, causing a
valve. The strainer is installed while heating systems need to be heat sensitive fluid to expand or
with the Y portion of its body just thermostatically controlled in contract based on the product
below horizontal in a horizontal order to maintain optimum com- temperature transferring heat
steam line to prevent the body fort conditions. From an energy energy to the sensors fluid. This
from filling up with condensate saving point of view, controlling expansion and contraction of the
during periods of shut down and the steam energy supply to a heat sensitive fluid is transmitted
to ensure that the full area of the process piece of equipment to up through a capillary tubing
screen is effective in preventing maintain the desired product tem- arrangement and the respective
dirt from passing through. As a perature, whether air or any expansion and contraction of the
part of a Preventative product, is mandatory. If process fluid applies or relieves pressure
Maintenance Program all strain- systems are not controlled to the to a valve head, causing the
ers should be installed with desired temperatures then the valve head to move. This move-
blowdown valves for regular dirt system will run wild either not ment allows the control valve to
removal. All upstream and down- providing the required heat ener- throttle the steam flow to the
stream piping and fittings should gy or over heating the product to equipment. These control sys-
be sized to handle the maximum unacceptable levels. A very tems are calibrated by the
steam flows at a reasonable important item to remember in the amount of heat sensitive fluid to
velocity of not more than 6,000 use of temperature control valves control within a given tempera-
feet per minute. Eccentric pipe on systems is that in order to reg- ture range and can be set to any
reducers, with the flat side on the ulate the heat energy transferred temperature between the upper
bottom, should be used to pre- to the process the control valve and lower limits by means of an
vent any build up of condensate effectively regulates not only the adjustment knob.
in the piping during shutdown. flow rate of energy in pounds per
If the downstream equipment hour, but, also accomplishes tem-
is not capable of withstanding the perature control by regulating the
full upstream steam pressure, saturated steam pressure/tem-
then a safety relief valve must be perature levels admitted to the
fitted either on the downstream process heat exchange equip-
piping or the specific piece of ment. Temperature control can be
equipment to be protected from accomplished by several meth-
over pressurization in case of a ods and valves:

Control and Regulation of Steam

Figure 17 main throttling valve closed and

Self Acting Temperature Control Valve Housing the pilot valve held open by
spring force. Entering steam
passes through the pilot valve
Adjustment Knob
into the diaphragm chamber and
Valve Plug
Movement out through the control orifice.
Control pressure increases in the
diaphragm chamber, which
Actuator to Valve opens the main valve. As the
Sensor Connection
product being heated approaches
the pre-selected desired temper-
Movement ature, the heat sensitive fluid in
caused by
Add 1C to Adding Temp the sensor bulb expands through
Sensor to Sensor the capillary tubing into the bel-
lows and throttles the pilot valve.
The control pressure maintained
Overload Bellows in the diaphragm chamber posi-
Thrust Pin
tions the main valve to deliver the
Capillary required steam flow. When heat
is not required, the main valve
closes tight to provide dead end
Figure 18 shut off. The temperature setting
Pilot Operated Temperature Control Valve can be changed by turning the
calibrated adjustment dial on the
Temperature pilot. This type of temperature
Adjustment control is known as modulating
Temperature control, since the steam supply
Pilot is gradually increased or
decreased in response to any
variation in the temperature of the
medium being heated.
Inlet Remember that this means that
the steam pressure in the heating
equipment can and will vary from
Main Valve
Control Pressure relatively high pressure/tempera-
ture when the valve is wide open
to practically nothing, or even
Main Diaphragm potentially in vacuum conditions.
NOTE: A vacuum can form as the
residual steam in the coil or heat
Pilot Operated Control Valves ates the main throttling device, exchanger equipment condenses
Pilot Operated Temperature the sensing system is much because the closed valve pre-
Control Valves (Fig. 18) operate smaller in physical size. These vents any further steam from
on a similar design except systems tend to control the entering. The most common
instead of operating the control required temperatures much occurrence is coils and/or heat
valve head movement directly, closer to the desired levels and if exchanger equipment running in
these units only control a small and when a load change require- vacuum, doing more work than
pilot device which in turn oper- ment occurs, the pilot operated what they were designed for,
ates the main valve for throttling valves are able to respond to greater product flows through the
of the steam flow. Since on this these changes much more equipment causing the steam to
device the heat sensitive fluid rapidly. be condensed faster than it can
only operates a very small valve The normal position before be admitted.
mechanism, which in turn oper- starting up the system is with the

Control and Regulation of Steam

Pneumatic Control Valve Proportional Control Bands On certain applications such

Pneumatic Control Valves Since self-acting controls as hot water storage systems,
(Fig. 19) are also pilot operated require a change in sensor tem- periods of heavy steam demand
valves in that they receive their perature to effect a response in alternate with periods of no
control signals from an external the amount of valve opening, they demand. In such cases, it is pos-
sensing system, converting this provide a set temperature value sible to use the on/off type of
temperature signal into either a that is offset in proportion to the temperature regulator. Here the
compressed air signal to actuate load change. The charts on the control thermostat closes off the
(throttle) the valve or from a tem- following page (Figs. 20a and steam valve completely when the
perature signal to an electrical 20b) show that the proportional control temperature is reached
signal (4-20 MA) which then reg- band of the control describes the and consequently the steam
ulates a compressed air signal to amount that the temperature set- pressure in the primary side
the valve actuator. Sensitivity ting droops at full load. Both set rapidly drops to zero. As soon as
and response time to changes of point accuracy and system stabil- hot water is drawn off, cold make-
load condition are enhanced with ity result when the regulator valve up water enters and is sensed by
this type of valve system. is sized for the range of offset rec- the control system thermostat
Another benefit of using this ommended. Main valves and which opens the steam valve
arrangement of control system is pilots are matched so that typical- fully, giving a rapid build up of
the ability to observe the valves ly on a 6F sensor bulb change steam pressure in the primary
opening position externally by results in full opening of the high side. This type of control system
either an indicator on the valve capacity main valve. Pneumatic would only be recommended for
stem or by the compressed air control valve systems proportion- applications when the hot water is
signal applied to the actuator. al bands are affected by the being drawn off at intervals for
sensitivity of the sensor and the cleaning usage then there would
The deciding factors for the
control signals received from the be a recovery time allowed before
selection of the proper control
compressed air supply or electri- the next draw off of the system.
valve system for a specific appli-
cation is certainly the degree of cal signal. Calibration of these This section is essentially a
accuracy required on the prod- valves also will dictate their sensi- brief introduction to the subject of
ucts temperature and the tivity and certainly the use of a temperature control, rather than a
response time to load changes if controller unit will enhance the comprehensive coverage of the
there are any. proportional band characteristics. many types of control currently

Figure 19 Controller
Pneumatic Pilot Operated Temperature Control

Air Regulator


Separator Positioner

Control and Regulation of Steam


Figure 20a
0% Load Proportional Band Selected Proportional Band
(offset = 0)

Control Set
Proportional Band
or Offset at Full

100% Load
for Specific


0% Load

Application F P-Band Figure 20b

Acceptable P-bands
Hot Water Service Storage Calorifier 7 - 14F
Central Heating Non Storage Calorifiers 4 - 7F
Space Heating (Coils, Convectors, Radiators, etc.) 2 - 5F
Bulk Storage 4 - 18F
Plating Tanks 4 - 11F

available for use on steam heat inverted bucket trap, may upset charge temperature of the con-
exchange equipment. the accurate temperature control densate.
When a modulating control is of certain units because of the If waterhammer is likely to
used, the steam trap should be sudden change in pressure in the occur, the float and thermostatic
capable of giving continuous con- steam space which occurs when trap is liable to become damaged,
densate discharge over the full they open. This effect is most for this reason and for the
range of pressures. If maximum likely to be noticeable in equip- longevity of the heat exchange
output is required from the unit, ment where the steam space has equipment waterhammer situa-
the trap used must be able to dis- a high output in relation to its tions should be corrected at all
charge condensate and air freely volume. costs. In most cases waterham-
and must not be of a type which is The most suitable type of trap mer in heat exchange equipment
prone to steam locking. A ther- for temperature controlled appli- is caused by water logging of the
mostatic trap is not suitable cations is the continuous equipment. Note: Condensate
because it has a fixed discharge discharge float and thermostatic must be allowed to drain freely by
temperature that may cause con- trap. This trap will discharge con- gravity at all times. If condensate
densate to be held back just densate immediately as it is has to be lifted up into a return
when the control valve is wide formed without upsetting pres- system, then this lifting has to be
open and the equipment is calling sure conditions in the steam done by a pumping device.
for maximum heat transfer. space. It will not steam lock, with
Traps which give a heavy proper installation, and will not air
blast discharge, such as a large lock or attempt to control the dis-

Steam Traps and the Removal of Condensate

Condensate Removal CALCULATION: Again, at first glance this seems

Condensate should be prop- 3300 lbs./hour to be only a small user of steam
erly disposed of from each of the x 8760 hrs/ year and not worth collecting and
three possible types of plant loca- 28,908,000 lbs/year returning. It has much of the
tions which are Drip, Tracer and or 3,412,897 gal./year same characteristics as the drip
Process. Condensate has been Another factor to calculate is station condensate in that it is
neglected in the past, but has a the monetary value of the con- hot, has been chemically treated
distinct monetary value which densate. Condensate contains and is good quality water. Again,
must be recaptured. It is becom- heat, chemicals and water. It is if a plant had 100 tracer lines of
ing far too valuable to merely usually as much as one third of this type, the usage would calcu-
discard to the ground or a drain. the cost of generating steam. If late as follows:
Let us look at some of the impor- our example were to assume a CALCULATION:
tant and valuable aspects of steam generation cost of $3.00 25 lbs./hour X 100 lines
condensate. for each 1,000 lbs., our example = 2500 lbs/hour
First of all, condensate is of lost condensate and energy 2500 lbs./hour X 8760 hrs./year
purified water. It is distilled water. calculates as follows: = 21,900,000 lbs./year
It may have some chemical treat- CALCULATION: It is easy to see that this is
ment left in it which in itself is 28,908,000 lbs/year also a substantial amount. Our
valuable. Most of all though, it is = 28,980
1,000 calculations assume that this type
hot water. It is fairly obvious that 28,980 x $1.00 = $ 28,980/year of tracing will be on year round.
it is less expensive to regenerate Not all tracing is on continuously,
hot condensate back into steam Another small user in a
steam system, where condensate however. Some tracing is used
than it would be to heat cold primarily for winterizing. This
make up water into steam. Every is being created and discharged,
is that of the tracer lines. Tracers type of tracing is for freeze pro-
BTU is valuable and that which tection of liquid lines,
remains in the condensate is no are those lines that follow the flow
of process liquids to prevent them instrumentation, etc. Every sec-
exception. tion of the country usually turns
from freezing or solidifying.
In the past, the focus of con- Tracer lines, however, are not on this type of tracing at various
densate removal was generally in usually meant to be a type of heat times, so calculations similar to
main steam process areas only. exchanger. They merely follow the above could be used and a
Condensate from light load loca- the path of the process fluids to modification to the amount of
tions, such as Drip and Tracer, keep them hot and less viscous. hours per year should be made.
have not been widely returned. One of the extreme costs which Process applications con-
The loads at a drip station are low are hidden in everyday plant pro- sume the vast majority of steam.
for each location, but when the duction is the cost of pumping Heat exchange equipment is
number of locations are counted, liquids from one point to another. used to transfer heat from steam
it is shown the amount of return- Heavy, viscous liquids are obvi- to product, whether it is fluid or
able condensate is very high. For ously more difficult to pump so air. They are designed to con-
example, if we review the expect- amperage at the electrical pumps sume all heat necessary to
ed condensate load from the rises. As amperage rises, electri- perform any particular task.
Steam Distribution Condensate cal use rises and so does the Ideally, condensate removal from
Tables (Fig. 12), a six inch steam amount of money spent on pump- any source should flow down-
main at 100 psig will generate ing liquids. ward. In many cases this is not
about 33 lbs. per hour per 100 ft. practical. It is unique to heat
of insulated pipe. This initially If the tracer lines do their job,
they allow heat to transfer into the exchangers that flow of steam
does not seem like much, but if and product varies and some-
there are 100 drip locations, it product liquids as heat is lost
through the insulation. If the effi- times it is significant.
calculates to approx. 3300 lbs.
ciency of insulation is relatively As well as the removal of
per hour of condensate. Multiply
good, the steam usage would be condensate for the monetary rea-
this number by 8760 hours in a
reasonably low. It would not be sons mentioned previously,
year and you will see a substantial
unusual for this type of tracing to related to the return of hot con-
amount of usage.
generate only about 25 lbs/hour. densate to the boiler feedtank,

Steam Traps and the Removal of Condensate

there are other reasons equally On the other hand, if cool Dirt is another factor. A trap
as important to why steam traps condensate is then returned to a selected to meet all the obvious
should be utilized, these are: feed tank which requires preheat- criteria may be less reliable in a
ing, the efficient trap has done system where water treatment
Air Venting little for the overall efficiency of compound carried over from the
At start up the trap must be the steam system. boiler, or pipe dirt, is allowed to
capable of discharging air. Unless interfere with trap operation.
Care must also be taken in
air is displaced, steam cannot
evaluating any application involv- The prime requirement how-
enter the steam space and warm-
ing a cooling leg. Draining ever is the adequate removal of
ing up becomes a lengthy
through a bimetallic steam trap air and condensate. This requires
business. Standing losses
may look attractive in terms of a clear understanding of how
increase and plant efficiency falls.
lower temperature discharge and traps operate.
Separate air vents may be
reduced loss of flash steam. On NOTE: WATERHAMMER CON-
required on larger or more awk-
the other hand, if heat is being DITIONS IN A STEAM SYSTEM
ward steam spaces, but in most
lost to atmosphere through an DAMAGE MORE THAN JUST
cases air in a system is dis-
unlagged cooling leg, then the net STEAM TRAPS AND IS A VERY
charged through the steam traps.
gain in thermal efficiency is prob- SERIOUS CONDITION WHICH
Here thermostatic traps have a
ably negligible. SHOULD BE RESOLVED.
clear advantage over other types
since they are fully open at start Without a cooling leg con-
densate will be held back within Steam Traps
the plant and the main reserva- First, a definition of a steam
Float traps with inbuilt ther- trap may be in order to fully
tion must be whether the plant
mostatic air vents are especially understand the function of this
itself will accept this waterlog-
useful, while many thermody- piece of equipment. A steam trap
ging. It is permissible with
namic traps are quite capable of is an automatic valve designed to
non-critical tracer lines or over-
handling moderate amounts of stop the flow of steam so that
sized coils, but as already
air. The small bleed hole in the heat energy can be transferred,
indicated, it can be disastrous in
inverted bucket trap or the orifice and the condensate and air can
the case of heat exchangers.
plate generally leads to poor air be discharged as required. If we
venting capacity. Reliability break this definition down into
It has been said that good sections, it is first of all an auto-
Thermal Efficiency
steam trapping, means the matic valve.
Once the requirements of air
avoidance of trouble. This infers that there is some
and condensate removal have
Undoubtedly, reliability is a major form of automatic motion that
been considered we can turn our
consideration. Reliability means must take place. It is designed to
attention to thermal efficiency.
the ability to perform under the stop the flow of steam so that
This is often simplified into a con-
prevailing conditions with the min- heat energy can be transferred.
sideration of how much heat is
imum of attention. This portion of the description is
profitably used in a given weight
of steam. Given thought, the prevailing such that it would imply the trans-
conditions can usually be predict- mission of energy whether by
On this basis the thermostat-
ed. flowing down a distribution pipe
ic trap may appear to be the best
Corrosion due to the condition or giving up energy to a product
choice. These traps hold back
of the condensate or of the sur- in a heat exchanger. The defini-
condensate until it has cooled to
rounding atmosphere may be tion also continues to say
something below saturation tem-
known, and can be countered by discharge condensate and air as
perature. Provided that the heat is
using particular materials of con- required. This portion of the defi-
given up in the plant itself, to the
struction. nition implies that some types
space being heated or to the
may handle differing amounts of
process, then there is a real sav- Waterhammer, often due to a lift
either condensate or air, or even
ing in steam consumption. after the trap, may be overlooked
a combination of the two.
Indeed, there is every induce- at the design stage and can
ment to discharge condensate at mean unnecessary damage to In the beginning, steam traps
the lowest possible temperature. otherwise reliable steam traps. were manually operated valves.

Steam Traps and the Removal of Condensate

The major problem with this type foods etc.). These differing appli- attached to a valve head and
of condensate drainage system is cations will be discussed later. pivot point. When condensate
the variation to changing conden- Our purpose now is to explore the enters the trap, the float rises with
sate flows. Condensate, you will operating characteristics of traps the liquid level and mechanically
recall, is steam that has given up and where they fall within each pulls the valve off the seat to
its enthalpy and reformed into category. allow condensate to be dis-
water. The amount of condensate charged. A thermostatically
being created varies in many dif- Mechanical Steam Traps operated air vent is still present
ferent ways. A fixed position of a There are two basic designs but located inside the body on
block valve or fixed hole in a of steam traps in this category. most modern day designs of F&T
drilled plug cock valve cannot They are the Float and traps.
adjust automatically to the vary- Thermostatic and the Inverted Some manufacturers locate
ing conditions of condensate Bucket designs. The float and the air vent externally, but the
load. thermostatic design evolved pri- purpose is the same. This part of
This method of condensate marily from a free floating ball the trap is strictly there for
removal would warrant an opera- design. automating the air venting proce-
tor be present much of the time to The first float type trap con- dure. It is also noteworthy to note
correct the setting of the valve. If sisted of a free floating ball in an here that this type of trap has one
condensate was allowed to back expanded area of pipe. It was a basic application point, and that is
up, less heat transfer would take top in, bottom out type of system for process purposes. This is due
place, causing production to fall that required water to fill the to the fact that this trap type
off. If, on the other hand, the expanded area and float the ball immediately removes air and
condensing load was less, the upwards, exposing the outlet pip- non-condensables as they enter
operator would have to close the ing and outlet orifice. As long as the trap and discharges conden-
valve to the point that steam was condensate was flowing to the sate in the same manner, at
not continuously being released. trap, condensate would flow from saturation temperatures. There
Because of the changing nature the trap at the same rate. The may be some limited uses other
of condensing loads, this would floats were weighted slightly to than process for this type of trap,
be a full-time job. require water to always be pre- but primarily it is used in this type
True steam trap operation will sent in the trap and thereby stop of application.
fall under one of the following steam from leaking into the con- The main advantages to this
three categories: densate return line or to type of trap is its superior air
1. Mechanical or Density atmosphere. It was soon noted, removal capabilities either on
however, that air would accumu- start up or during the process
2. Thermostatic or Temperature
late in the expanded area of pipe procedure. It also has a continu-
and form a bubble which kept ous discharge characteristic that
3. Thermodynamic or Velocity condensate from flowing down- follows exactly the forming of con-
These categories of traps ward. A piece of pipe was added densate. In other words, what
have distinctive operating charac- to the inlet piping to the trap and comes in goes out at the same
teristics and work most efficiently a manual valve attached to be rate. This type of steam trap
when used for their designed pur- periodically blown down to keep adjusts automatically to either
pose. It would stand to reason water flowing to the trap and air heavy or light loads of condens-
that steam traps evolved with removed. When the thermostatic ing and is not adversely affected
industry and demand. There are bellows steam trap was invented, by changes in pressure.
really only three applications for it soon took the place of the man- Condensate removal is also done
steam traps: drip stations (locat- ual valve and automated the at steam temperature, so heat
ed on steam delivery lines), procedure. exchange takes place at constant
tracing (steam lines designed to temperatures, insuring maximum
maintain a product temperature Float And Thermostatic Trap efficiency use of the energy sup-
or keep a liquid system from Modern Float and Thermo- ply.
freezing) and process (steam static traps (Fig. 21) still have a
used specifically for heating prod- ball type float, but it is now
ucts such as air, process fluids, attached to a lever. The lever is

Steam Traps and the Removal of Condensate

A disadvantage is general to Thermostatic

Air Vent
all mechanical type of traps and
that is the power of the float is
constant, so as steam pressure
goes up, the size of the permissi-
ble discharge orifice goes down.
In practice, mechanical traps
must have different sizes of
valves and seats for different
pressure ranges. This is to
ensure that the float and lever
combination has the ability to
generate enough energy to lift the
valve head off of the seat at the
design operating pressures. If it
cannot, the trap mechanism is
overcome by the steam pressure
and the trap fails closed.

Inverted Bucket Traps

The second mechanically Figure 21
operated steam trap is the Float and Thermostatic Steam Trap
Inverted Bucket type of trap (Fig.
22). In this trap, the operating
force is provided by steam enter-
ing and being contained within an
Figure 22
inverted bucket causing it to float
in condensate that surrounds the Inverted Bucket Trap
bucket itself. The bucket is
attached to a lever and pivot point
similar to that in the F & T. The
valve head and seat, however,
are located at the top of the trap.
It requires water being present
within the body in order for the
bucket to have something in
which to float. This is called the
When steam is first turned
on, air is allowed to flow to the
trap. This air is captured within
the bucket and flows out through
a hole in the top of the bucket
known as the vent hole. Air
passes upward through the hole,
through the prime, and collects at
the top of the trap. Since the sys-
tem is building pressure, the air is
at its most compressed state.
This puts a downward force on
the prime and pushes it back up
into the bucket. As this bucket
fills with water, it loses buoyancy

Steam Traps and the Removal of Condensate

and sinks in the surrounding liq- This type of trap is most pressure of the capsule, which is
uid. In doing so, it pulls the valve appropriately suited for stable, greater than that within the trap
head off of the valve seat and steady load and pressure condi- body so forcing the valve down
allows the collected air to dis- tions such as one would find on a onto its seat, and preventing the
charge. Flow from under the steam distribution system. trap from blowing steam. As the
bucket starts again. This allows steam condenses back to con-
either more air or steam to begin
Thermostatically or Tempera- densate, and the temperature
to enter the trap body. If it is more ture Controlled Traps drops accordingly, the alcohol
air, the sequence is repeated. The balanced pressure or mixture recondenses so relieving
bellows type of steam trap was the internal pressure of the cap-
If it is steam, however, the
first manufactured with a bellows sule and thus lifting the valve
sequence is different. Steam
of copper design. This bellows back off its seat, allowing conden-
passes through the bucket vent
(Fig. 23) had a liquid fill which, in sate to flow through the trap.
hole to the top of the trap and is
the beginning, was distilled water.
condensed by heat losses from The mixture of distilled water
Modern thermostatic type traps
the trap body, in particular the cap and alcohol in the bellows is the
still have a liquid fill but it is made
or top. This loss is necessary to key to the operating temperatures
up of a distilled water and alcohol
keep steam and condensate of the balanced pressure trap.
mixture and they are contained
coming to the trap. As conden- Most manufacturers provide ther-
within an enclosed capsule rather
sate enters under the bucket, it mostatic traps to operate within
than a bellows. Alcohol was
fills the space and again the 20 to 40 degrees of saturated
added to the fill to lower its boiling
bucket loses buoyancy and sinks. steam temperatures. An impor-
Discharge flow is first downward tant point to remember is that all
from under the bucket, and then The capsules work by exploit- thermostatically operated steam
upward to the discharge orifice. ing the difference in the boiling traps will cause condensate to
point between the alcohol mixture back up in the system. The
The biggest advantage to this
and the surrounding condensate. amount of backup in the system
type of trap is its ability to with-
As the temperature of the con- is dependent upon the tempera-
stand high pressures. It has a
densate gets closer to steam ture that the trap is designed to
reasonable degree of tolerance to
temperature, the mixture con- operate at, along with the con-
waterhammer damage but suffers
tained within the capsule gets densate loads coming to the trap.
from freeze damage. In the case
closer to its boiling point at a set
of freezing, however, most of the The advantage to this type of
temperature below that of steam
damage is done to the body of trap is its ability to freely and
(before steam reaches the trap),
the trap rather than to the mecha-
the mixture evaporates. This
nism or float.
results in an increase in internal
The disadvantage to this
trap type is its limited ability to
discharge air and other non-con-
densable gases. This is due to
the small vent hole and low differ-
ential pressure driving the air
through it. It is suspect at times to
rapid pressure changes in the
system due to the requirement of
a prime being maintained inter-
nally for proper operation. The
prime water seal is at saturated
steam pressure/temperatures
and if the steam pressure drops
rapidly due to load changes of
equipment, the prime has a ten-
Figure 23
dency to boil off (flash). Without Stainless Steel Bellows for Thermostatic Trap
the required prime, this type of
trap fails open.

Steam Traps and the Removal of Condensate

immediately discharge air and

non-condensables as soon as
they enter the traps body, as in
the F & T. These traps have the
ability to operate up to 600 PSIG
and provide constant and consis-
tent levels of subcooling of the
condensate in relation to the sat-
urated steam pressure/tempera-
ture curve. The most modern
designs have overcome the earli-
er models sensitivities of Valve Open
waterhammer and superheat Figure 24
damage by encapsulating the fill- Bimetallic Trap
ing in a much more robust
The disadvantages of ther-
mostatically operated traps is that
there is always a backup of con- characteristic of this differing sate cannot coexist. Another
densate in the system, which expansion rate is that the element application in which these are
could reduce heat transfer in has to bend or arch. This bending used is for non-critical tracing
some applications. These traps motion can then be used to open (freeze protection) where energy
also will require a time period to or close a valve accordingly. efficiency is maximized.
adjust to load changes in the sys-
This type of trap has a very A disadvantage to this type of
tem. Balanced pressure steam
deep subcooling range. This trap is the lag time required when
traps are used very commonly in
range may be as much as 100F condensate loads change to
air venting, distribution, main drip
below the saturation tempera- open the trap. Response to
drainage and in tracing applica-
tures, thus causing excessive changes are very slow. Another
back up of condensate into the disadvantage to this type of trap
Bimetallic Thermostatic Traps system. Extreme caution must be is that they are highly susceptible
Bimetallic type traps have taken when applying a bimetal to dirt being caught between the
shown a lot of variation since thermostatic trap to equipment so valve head and seat. Also, dirt
their original design. The modern as not to cause equipment dam- attaches to the bimetal strips or
types of bimetal traps all are com- age from this backup of disks and acts as and insulator,
mon in that the valve is located condensate. changing the discharge charac-
on the outlet side of the trap and The advantages to this type teristics.
the bimetal strips, or disks, are of trap are its ability to withstand
located inside the body. This waterhammer and handle fairly
means that the action of the trap large condensate loads for its
is to pull the valve head into the small physical size. They do dis-
valve seat opposing the steam charge air and non-condensable
pressure of the system, trying to gases well, but because of their
drive the valve head off of the low temperature sensitivity (sub-
valve seat. cooling), they may fully close
The bimetal strips or disks (Fig. before all of these gases are
24) are made of two dissimilar removed. The trap drains freely
metals, usually of 304 and 316 upon drop in temperature or sys-
stainless steel. Because they are tem shutdown, so freeze damage
dissimilar metals, one expands should not be a factor. Its prima-
more than the other at a given ry use is for drip stations on
temperature. It is said to have dif- superheated steam mains, where
ferent coefficients of expansion. A superheated steam and conden-

Steam Traps and the Removal of Condensate

Liquid Expansion Thermostat- inexpensive temperature control trap. Condensate force is direct-
ic is needed. A primary application ed to the center and under the
This type of trap is a variation for this type of trap is on hot water disk chamber and is exposed to
to the standard thermostatic or oil storage tanks where the the outlet ring of orifices. It rec-
steam trap. The variation comes temperature of the stored liquids ognizes a lower downstream
in the fill which is used and the needs to be kept below steam pressure within the chamber and
location of that fill. There is a bel- temperature of 0 PSIG (212F). flashing of the condensate
lows but it is surrounded by a light The main advantage to this occurs.
mineral oil (Fig. 25). Another vari- type of steam trap is its ability to Flashing is natures way of
ation on this type of trap is an adjust a discharge temperature to cooling condensate back to the
adjustment nut which allows match that desired in the storage saturation temperature at which it
adjustment of the stroke on the tank. This effectively reduces can exist as liquid at the lower
valve. The operational character- steam consumption on applica- pressure. The excess heat ener-
istics remain much the same as tions where controlled gy in the condensate that cannot
for the bellows type trap. waterlogging can be tolerated. exist as liquid at the lower pres-
On start-up, the bellows is This trap can and is used also for sure and temperature generates
relaxed and the valve is wide freeze protection of float and steam at the lower pressure and
open. Air is allowed to pass freely thermostatic steam traps. expands. This expansion causes
through and out of the trap. As The major disadvantages to an increase in the velocity of flow
condensate begins to flow to the this trap are the amount of con- between the bottom of the disk
trap, it surrounds the bellows and densate back-up plus its inability and the seating surfaces, which
flows out as well. As the conden- to respond rapidly to condensate in turn causes a negative pres-
sate temperature rises, it load changes and its sensitivity to sure to be sensed on the bottom
transfers its heat energy into the dirt. of the disk beginning to pull it
mineral oil filling which causes down onto the seating surfaces.
the mineral oil to begin changing Thermodynamic Steam Traps Some of the flash steam that is
its volume (expanding). The This type of steam trap uses being created flows around the
changing volume of the mineral velocity to open and close a sides of the disk to the top sur-
oil exerts a force on the end of the valve. The valve in this type of face of the disk. This flash steam
bellows and forces a plunger trap is a free floating disk which is trapped between the top of the
valve toward the seat. This trap sits on two seating surface areas. disk and the cap of the trap and
type has a substantial subcooling One area is an inlet orifice and pressure develops in this space,
range. This range is variable and the other are multiple outlet ori- pushing the disk down onto the
adjustable with the mineral oil fices located in an adjacent ring. seating surfaces.
which makes up this type of trap. It is a fairly simple trap to under-
When the pressure in the cap
It will back up condensate and stand. On start-up, the disk is
chamber is great enough to over-
regulate its flow by its tempera- forced upward and off the seating
come the inlet pressure of the
ture. Since the discharge surface rings by the flow of air
condensate on the bottom of the
temperature of this type of trap is and condensate. Condensate
disk, the trap snaps closed. The
adjustable, it is best used where and air are discharged from the

Figure 25
Liquid Expansion Thermostatic Trap

Steam Traps and the Removal of Condensate

The three catagories of
steam traps discussed above are
the most commonly used and
widely known trap types. There
are obviously variations to almost
all of the traps described in this
section. Some of those variations
can be seen in the following
descriptions and operating char-

Variations on Steam Traps

If we begin reviewing some of
the variations of steam traps in
Figure 26 the mechanical grouping, we note
Thermodynamic Steam Trap first the float type trap (Fig. 27).
This type of design operates
more like a liquid drain type trap
trap will remain closed until the audible clicking sound (rapid
that has no real balance line. You
pressure in the cap chamber has cycling).
will see a small petcock valve
dropped to below the inlet pres- The disadvantages to this located on top of the trap. This
sure. Then the cycle will repeat trap are that it does not operate valve would be left open slightly
itself. The cap chamber pressure well at extremely low pressures to allow air and other non-con-
drops due to natural heat losses (below 3.5 PSIG) or extremely densables to be discharged. It
from the cap to the ambient con- high percentages of back pres- probably worked fairly well for its
ditions, condensing this steam. sure (around 80%). They are day, but in todays world of expen-
This type of trap operates on a also limited in their air handling sive steam, would not be
cyclical pattern, either open or capability. acceptable. Even a small steam
closed. Because the trap is
This type trap is ideally suited bypass or leak may cost hun-
closed by flash steam created
for steam main distribution dreds of dollars per year.
from hot condensate, there is a
drainage and tracing applica-
small amount of subcooling of the
condensate and back up of con-
densate in the system. The
subcooling ranges between 2 to
10F below saturated steam
Air Vent
pressure and temperature rela-
The advantages of this type
of trap are they are not damaged
by waterhammer or freezing and
will work consistently throughout
their pressure range (up to 1750
PSIG). They can be utilized on
superheated steam systems with-
out any problems, and they are
easily tested, installed and main-
tained. This is the only type of
steam trap that will give an indi-
cation of wear before final failure
occurs. The cycling rate increas-
es with wear and gives a distinct Figure 27
Float Trap

Steam Traps and the Removal of Condensate

Another variation to the Float

and Thermostatic trap is a free
floating ball (Fig. 28) with the
addition of a bimetal disk located
at the top of the trap for air vent-
ing purposes. The outlet orifice is
located on the lower section of
the trap. The idea behind this
type of trap valve and seat is
basically the same as the ancient
design of the original float type
trap. The one big difference is
that the seat is extended slightly
outward from its position inside
the trap body. This extension Figure 28
would cause dents to be created Free Float Trap
on the ball float that would not
allow it to properly seat off when
it was required. Another special
note of attention should be paid
to the operating (closing and
opening) temperature of the
bimetal disk for air venting pur-
poses. The disk is a bimetal
design that may close premature-
ly and not allow for proper air
venting to take place. It may not
open again until the subcooling
range allows it to do so and air
bind the trap. A special screwed
stem is installed on the trap top to
allow an operator to force the
bimetal disk off the seat and
again allow some steam to pass
to prevent air binding of the trap.
The upright bucket trap (Fig.
29) uses siphon and float opera-
Figure 29
tion. As you can see by the
design, the upright bucket allows Open Top Bucket Trap
condensate to flow over the float
and fill from the top. This weighs
down the bucket to the point that
it sinks in the surrounding fluid. In the Thermostatic category material and also allow them to
As it sinks, the valve is pulled out of traps we see the most activity use welds on the edges of disks
of the seat and line pressure in attempts to redesign some of for more strength (Fig. 30). The
forces the condensate inside the the elements themselves. In the disks have a hole in the center to
bucket to flow. It is fairly obvious beginning, you may remember allow a hollow space to be creat-
that this type of design would that a balanced pressure bellows ed when they are welded
have a lot of difficulty in ridding type of trap was originally made together. This creates a bellows
itself of air. Air binding was a of copper. Bellows still exist today for fill just like the extruded cop-
main source of problem for this but are now made of stainless per bellows. It is said that these
trap. steel. This allows the manufac- bellows are filled under vacuum,
turers to use a more robust but in reality they are just com-

Steam Traps and the Removal of Condensate

Figure 30
Balanced Pressure Capsule Figure 31
for Thermostatic Trap Simple Bimetallic Trap

pressed when filled and sealed. tracted it popped again to the more resistant to damage by
The problem with having a original position and opened the either superheat or water ham-
liquid fill on the inside of a bellows valve to allow discharge. This mer.
still exists. That problem being popping action meant that it There have been many
the fill over expanding and ruptur- would insure the trapping of some design changes over the evolu-
ing the bellows when a small condensate around the capsule tion of the bimetal type of steam
amount of superheat may be at all times and prevent over trap. They started off by the strip
allowed to reach the trap inter- expansion. Superheat has no of metal expanding and pushing
nals. There have been two condensate, as you know, and the valve into the seat. The obvi-
attempts to try to correct for this. also has a tendency of vaporizing ous problem with that was
As mentioned earlier, thermostat- any condensate in a system once aligning the valve head to the
ic type traps usually (but not it is up to full temperature. This seat. Then it evolved to pull the
always) reach a point where the still created over expansion, but valve into the seat (Fig. 31). In
inside pressure balances to the the trap now had a more distinct either case though, a single strip
outside pressure of the bellows. on and off type of operation when of very heavy metal could only
This causes them to basically used on saturated steam lines. create a linear tracking of the
average the pressure tempera- The problem with this type of steam curve. Close inspection of
ture and constantly dribble. One trap was the design and location this shows that the deepest sub-
attempt to solve the over expan- of the liquid fill that causes the cooling range occurred at about
sion problem and dribble trap to operate. Later design of the highest point in the steam
discharge was to create a single the capsule put the liquid fill on curve. This meant that there was
wafer type of capsule where the the outside of the moving part of a lot of condensate backed up
center portion containing the the wafer. The result of the fill into the lines. A point to remem-
valve was forced in during the fill- vaporizing and forcing the valve ber is that these traps can be
ing procedure of manufacturing. to the seat in part then doubles adjusted by adjustment nuts on
This created a bowing type of the thickness of the wafer at its the stem. This controls the valve
appearance and caused the cap- weakest point. It is also apparent stem stroke and discharge tem-
sule to operate more like the that the fill then be encased in a perature.
bottom of an oil can. As the fill thicker shell to prevent water The next step in evolution
vaporized it popped the portion hammer damage to the element. was to stack strips that were of
of the capsule outward and As you can see, the operation of different thickness to both add
forced the valve head on to the this type of design improvement power to draw on the valve stem
seat. As the fill cooled and con- for the thermostatic trap is much and also operate at differing lev-

Steam Traps and the Removal of Condensate

els of the steam curve. This

change, as can be seen in the
curve, creates the effect of bend-
ing the straight line discharge of
single metal strips. It follows the
steam curve closer than just a
single heavy metal strip. This
made the trap more acceptable
for use on some saturated steam
lines but still kept a problem that
exists with the design. This prob-
lem is how to draw a straight
valve stem up through an outlet
orifice with a arched draw.
Typically, these two designs bind
the valve stem within the orifice
itself and can cause it to hang up
and continuously leak.
As this trap was developed, it
needed to maintain: A) closing
force, B) operation to steam
curve, and C) valve steam posi- Figure 32
tion through trap orifice. As you Impulse Trap
can see by this newer design, the
differing lengths of bimetal strips design. The piston design (Fig. traps are designed to flow the
would follow the steam curve 32) as you can see, incorporates condensate and steam over the
adding force as the temperature a constant bleed hole through the control chamber and create a
and pressure rises. Also, the hole piston stem and seating disk. barrier to ambient conditions. In
through the center allowed the This relieves the pressure above order for the trap to work if sur-
manufacturer to create a straight and allows the disk to open to dis- rounded by steam or hot
pull on the valve stem to draw the charge. This hole is very small condensate, a groove is cut into
valve directly through the center and easily plugged rendering it the disk that crosses the seating
of the orifice. The second exam- ineffective. Other design differ- surface to bleed the steam from
ple of this type of new design ences in TD traps is location and the top of the disk when closed.
stacked disks of bimetals oppos- sizes of outlet orifices. Some In this case, the trap uses steam
ing each other on the stem which types use two different sized ori- as the gas to force closure of the
results in the same type of action fices located on opposite sides of trap and not flash to do the work.
as the newer cross design. It the trap and in line with the pip- With all of the types of traps
should be mentioned that the job ing. This causes the disk to and variations to each, how does
of the steam trap is to remove operate in a tilting fashion rather one effectively choose a trap for
condensate which these designs than straight up and down as with application to their specific plant
will do, but should do so with the three symmetrically spaced use? The following chart, Steam
regard to subcooling temperature and same sized orifices. The tilt- Trap Selection Guide (Fig. 34),
of operation. All designs offer the ing action causes the disk to spin may help in the selection
adjustability of the stem stroke, during the closing sequence and process. You must first determine
but time is required to set them cause wear on the outside edge the factors required from your
properly. With all of the down siz- of the seating surface and disk own plant size and age. You must
ing of plants today, this probably itself. Wear on this type of trap determine the needs for conden-
does not occur that often. should be kept as even as possi- sate and air removal.
Thermodynamic traps are ble to prolong the life expectancy.
either of the flat disk design dis- Another variation to disk traps is
cussed earlier or of the piston the inlet flow directions. Some

Steam Traps and the Removal of Condensate

Steam Trap Testing Methods appropriate amount of flash When testing other traps, like
There is virtually no point in steam and water mixture. Float & Thermostatic and
spending the time and money in Visual testing of steam traps Thermostatic types which provide
creating a highly efficient steam works best on two types of trap continuous modulating discharge,
system and then failing to main- operation due to the traps inher- the tester again has to open the
tain it at this same level. ent discharge characteristics. strainer blowdown valve and
However, all too often leaking Those two traps are the Inverted divert condensate away from the
joints and valve stems are Bucket (Density) and trap inlet so that the trap sees
accepted as a normal operating Thermodynamic (Kinetic Energy). only steam. Again, if it is a prop-
condition of both steam and con- These two traps operate in a erly operating trap, it will shut off
densate systems. cyclical manner being fully open, completely. The ultrasonic testing
discharging, or fully closed. The device must be calibrated to elim-
Even a 1/8" diameter hole
open/closed operation is the key inate external piping noises or
can discharge as much as 65
to correct visual testing and what other steam traps discharge.
lb/hr of steam at 150 PSIG which
the tester should be looking for to When testing traps that are in
represents a waste of approxi-
indicate a properly operating close proximity, all traps except
mately 30 tons of coal, 4,800
steam trap. the one being tested must be iso-
gallons of fuel oil or 7,500 therms
lated to remove any false signals
of natural gas in a year (8400 If there is installed in the pip-
from the other traps.
hours). ing ahead of the steam trap a wye
(Y) strainer with a blowdown The ultrasonic testing method
Elimination of the visible
valve, opening the blowdown can provide very positive answers
leaks already mentioned is obvi-
valve and diverting all of the con- to a traps operating condition as
ously reasonably straight forward.
densate away from the steam long as the operator doing the
It is the invisible steam leaks
trap allows only steam into the test has been trained, has devel-
through faulty steam traps that
trap. oped some experience with the
present a far more taxing prob-
testing instrument and is able to
lem. We know that the basic Any steam trap type should
identify the type of trap operation
function of a steam trap is to dis- close positively when it senses
by visual inspection.
charge condensate and only steam. This additional step,
non-condensable gases in our diverting the condensate away Temperature Testing
systems and prevent live steam from the traps inlet, allows the Temperature testing of traps
from escaping. Steam trap testing tester to test any type of trap involves measuring the tempera-
has brought about four different operation and receive 100% pos- ture at, or close to, the inlet and
methods of testing. Lets look at itive answers to the traps outlet of the steam trap.
all four methods and see what condition. Pyrometers, temperature sensi-
each will tell us about the condi- tive crayons, paint, band-aids and
tion of the steam trap. Ultrasonic Trap Testing
thermocouples all have their
Ultrasonic trap testing began
Visual Testing advocates. Unfortunately, these
with a screwdriver and has pro-
methods are of limited use since
The first point that has to be gressed to electronic sensing
the temperatures of condensate
understood when visually testing devices which amplify vibrations
and flash steam on the down-
a steam trap is that it will be a of flow. Flow of water and steam
stream side of a correctly working
very rare occasion where the only set up vibrations which are what
steam trap are controlled by the
matter coming out of a steam trap we are looking for with ultrasonic
pressure in the condensate
will be water!! Almost always, testing. This form of testing
return system. A very large per-
there will be varying mixtures of works very well on traps that have
centage of steam traps in the
flash steam and water and in cyclical discharge characteristics,
USA are thought to discharge
some cases the visual discharge like the kinetic energy
into 0 PSIG, atmospheric gravi-
will be all flash steam. So the first Thermodynamic and the density
ty returns, which means that the
thing to remember is that we do operated Inverted Bucket. The
maximum temperature that could
not want to look for water only, open/closed operation provides a
be expected is 212F, regardless
nor do we want to attempt to very positive answer to the traps
of the traps operating condition.
decide if we are seeing the operation.

Steam Traps and the Removal of Condensate

It does not necessarily mean that find failed open traps is by far the either side of the weir becomes
a trap has failed when an elevat- least accurate of all the testing disturbed and the steam pressure
ed temperature above 212F is methods available to users. on the inlet side of the chamber
recorded downstream of a steam displaces the condensate below
trap. More likely it means that the Conductivity Testing the sensor. The sensor is no
condensate return line is under a A more recent development longer surrounded by the conduc-
positive pressure, which means in trap testing uses the electrical tive condensate and the electrical
that the pressure/temperature conductivity of condensate. This circuit is broken, providing a failed
relationship of steam must exist. involves the installation of a signal on the indicator.
chamber (Fig. 33) containing an
Thus if we were to record a A major advantage to this
inverted weir upstream of the
temperature of 227F on the out- method is the very positive signal
steam trap shown as follows.
let side of a trap, this tells the which can be interpreted without
tester that the return system is at With the trap working normal- resorting to experience or per-
5 PSIG saturated steam condi- ly, condensate flows under this sonal judgment. It is possible to
tions, even though it was thought weir and out through the trap. wire a number of sensor cham-
to be a 0 PSIG return system. There is a small hole at the top of bers to one remote testing point
There could be a failed open the weir that equalizes the pres- for ease of quickly testing larger
steam trap in the system that is sure on each side. A sensor is numbers of traps. The latest
causing this pressure or it could inserted in the chamber on the designs of conductivity testing
be purely the fact that the con- upstream side which detects the equipment have added a temper-
densate return line was sized for presence of condensate by com- ature sensor in the same
water only and is not able to pleting an electrical circuit with chamber that will provide the abil-
accommodate the flash steam the condensate. A portable indi- ity to determine a failed closed
volume without becoming pres- cator is plugged into the sensor trap.
surized. Temperature testing will and the indicator provides the
identify a failed closed steam ability to read a completed circuit
trap due to very low temperatures on the sensor. If the trap
at the inlet of the steam trap. becomes defective and begins
Temperature testing of traps to blowing steam, equilibrium on

Steam Trap
Hole Chamber
Live Steam



Green Light: Red Light:

Trap Working Correctly Trap Passing Live Steam

Red & Green Lights

Type 30 Indicator

Figure 33
Conductivity Trap Testing System

Steam Traps and the Removal of Condensate

By-Passes Around Steam months, although strainer Balanced Pressure

Traps screens may need more frequent Thermostatic Trap
The habitual use of by-pass cleaning, especially in the case of Symptom-Trap blows steam
valves around steam traps can newly installed systems. In con- Isolate the trap and allow it to
result in significant waste and clusion, it may be useful to list cool before inspecting for dirt. If
loss of steam energy. Although a some of the causes of problems the seat is wire-drawn, replace all
by-pass can be a very useful commonly experienced with the the internals including the ther-
emergency device, it should various patterns of steam traps mostatic element. The original
never be regarded as a normal which are available. has probably been strained by
means of discharging conden- the continuous steam blow. If the
sate or air. Some trapping points Steam Trap Fault Finding
valve and seat seem to be in
still incorporate by-passes due to Thermodynamic Disc Trap good order, then check the ele-
the misguided belief that they are Symptom-Trap Blows Steam ment. To check the element
essential to cope with start-up The trap will probably give a remove the complete element
conditions. The operator may series of abrupt discharges and holder assembly from the
also be tempted to leave the by- (machine gunning). Check for trap. Place the complete assem-
passes cracked open during dirt, including the strainer, and bly in a pan of boiling water below
normal running. A valve used in wipe the disc and seat. If no the water level in the pan with the
this way will rapidly become wire- improvement, it is probable that discharge end pointing up. Leave
drawn and incapable of giving a the seating face and disc have the assembly submerged in the
tight shut-off. Once this has become worn. The extent of this boiling water for 5 minutes then
occurred, greater steam losses wear is evident by the normal carefully lift the assembly out of
are inevitable. Steam traps are crosshatching of machining. This the water, as the element is
fully automatic devices which can be dealt with by: removed from the water there
should be properly sized so that should be a water accumulation
1. Re-lapping the seating face
by-passes are unnecessary. in the discharge of the element.
and disc in accordance with
the manufacturers instruc- Set the element assembly on a
Preventive Maintenance Pro- table, still with the discharge end
grams tions.
up and observe the water in the
In order to ensure that pres- 2. Installing a new disc if the
discharge side of the element. If
sure reducing valves, tempera- trap seat is in good condition.
the element is working correctly,
ture controls, steam traps, etc. 3. If both seating face and disc the water will remain in the dis-
give long life and trouble-free ser- are not repairable, then the charge until the element cools
vice, it is essential to carry out a complete trap must be then the water will drain out onto
program of planned preventive replaced. the table. If the element has
maintenance. In general, this will failed, the water will leak out of
mean regular cleaning of strainer If historical records show that
thermodynamic traps on one par- the immediately.
screens and replacement of any
ticular application suffer Symptom-Trap will not pass
internals which are beginning to
repeatedly from rapid wear, sus- condensate
show signs of wear. It is always
pect either an oversized trap, The element may be over-
advisable to hold a stock of
undersized associated pipe work extended due to excessive
spares recommended by the rele-
or excessive back pressure. internal pressure making it
vant manufacturer and a number
of standby valves and traps which Symptom-Trap will not pass impossible for the valve to lift off
are on hand for use in an emer- condensate its seat. An over-expanded ele-
gency. ment could be caused by super
While the traps discharge
orifices may be plugged shut with heat, or perhaps by someone
Most steam system mainte-
dirt, this symptom is most likely opening the trap while the ele-
nance will have to be carried out
due to air binding, particularly if it ment was still very hot, so that the
during an annual shutdown, but it
occurs regularly during start up. liquid fill boiled as the pressure in
is usually easier to spread the
Look at the air venting require- the body was released.
work evenly over the course of an
entire year. Most items will only ments of the steam using
need attention once every twelve equipment in general.

Steam Traps and the Removal of Condensate

Liquid Expansion blockage of the valve orifice or tuations or the trap being installed
Thermostatic Trap built in strainer. in such a way that the water seal
Symptom-Trap blows steam Float & Thermostatic Trap can drain out by gravity. Try fitting
Check for dirt or wear on the Symptom-Trap blows steam a check valve before the trap to
valve and seat. If wear has prevent this loss.
Check the trap for dirt fouling If steam blow persists, check
occurred, change the complete either the main valve and seat or
set of internals. It must be for dirt or wear on the valve head
the thermostatic air vent valve and seat or failed mechanism.
remembered that this type of trap and seat. If a steam lock release
is adjustable in the temperature Replace the complete valve
is installed in the trap, check to mechanism and linkage as a
of discharge, check to see if inad- insure that it is not open causing
vertently the traps adjustment complete set.
a leak. Make sure that the float Check the bucket to deter-
has been turned out too far for it and valve mechanism has not
to close. Try adjusting the trap to mine if it is distorted from
been knocked out of line either by waterhammer.
a cooler setting. If it does not rough handling or waterhammer,
appear to react to temperature, a preventing the valve from seating. Symptom-Trap will not pass
complete new set of internals Check that the float ball has not condensate
should be fitted. been damaged by waterhammer Check that the maximum
Symptom-Trap will not pass and developed a leak which operating pressure of the mecha-
condensate would not allow the float ball to nism has not been exceeded
Check that the traps adjust- float or bind in its operation. The causing the trap to lock shut.
ment has not been turned in too air vent assembly should be test- While checking the internals,
far to a setting thats too cold. ed in the same manner as the insure that the air vent hole in the
Balanced Pressure Thermostatic bucket is not obstructed, as this
Bimetallic Thermostatic Trap could cause the trap to fail
trap element. When replacing the
Symptom-Trap blows steam closed. Air venting could also be
main float mechanism and valve
Check as usual for dirt and assembly, these should be a cause of a failed closed trap,
wear on the valve and seat. A replaced as a complete set. especially in systems that start up
bimetallic trap has only limited and shut down frequently. Look
Symptom-Trap will not pass
power to close by virtue of its at the air venting arrangements of
method of operation and the the steam using equipment in
valve may be held off its seat by Check that the maximum general.
an accumulation of quite soft operating pressure rating of the
deposits. This type of trap is usu- trap mechanism has not been Conclusion
exceeded. If this has happened, It is important to know the
ally supplied pre-set to a specific
the mechanism will not have the type of trap discharge (Fig. 34)
amount of subcooling. Check to
power to open the valve against which should be expected when
see that the locking device on the
the higher steam pressure. A making maintenance checks or
manual adjustment is still secure.
leaking or damaged float is trap testing. The table on the fol-
If this seems suspect, see if the
almost certainly the result of lowing page sets out the usual
trap will respond to adjustment. If
waterhammer damage and the discharge characteristics of the
cleaning has no effect, a com-
problem should be corrected. most commonly used traps.
plete new set of internals should
be installed. Inverted Bucket Trap
Symptom-Trap will not pass Symptom-Trap blows steam
condensate Check for loss of the water
Bimetallic traps have the seal prime. Isolate the trap, wait
valve on the downstream side of for condensate to accumulate
the valve orifice which means that and start up the trap again. If this
they tend to fail in the open posi- cures the trouble, try to discover
tion. Failure to pass cold the cause of the loss of the water
condensate indicates either gross seal prime. This could be due to
mis-adjustment or complete superheat, sudden pressure fluc-

Steam Traps and the Removal of Condensate

Figure 34
Steam Trap Discharge Characteristics


Thermodynamic Disc Blast action. Cyclical Open/Closed
Balanced Pressure Thermostatic Blast action. Cyclical Open/Closed on Light loads
Continuous Modulating on Heavier loads
Bimetallic Thermostatic Continuous dribble discharge
Liquid Expansion Thermostatic Continuous dribble discharge
Float and Thermostatic Continuous discharge-varies with loads
Inverted Bucket Blast action. Cyclical Open/Closed on Light loads
Modulating on Heavier loads no definite closure

Steam Trap Selection 6. Will the trap be in an exposed As an example, let us consid-
It can be claimed that the position? er the difference in trapping
majority of steam trap types will 7. Is the steam supply super requirements of a steam radiator
work on any application (provid- heated? and a unit heater. While the
ed that the operating conditions steam space of the radiator is
8. Is air likely to be present in
fall within the pressure range and great compared with its heating
any quantity?
condensate discharge capacity of surface, the steam capacity of the
9. Is steam locking a possibili- unit heater is small compared
the trap) (Fig. 35). However, we
ty? with its heat output. The radiator
do not just want steam traps to
work moderately well. We must 10. Is the installation made up can make good use of the sensi-
aim to achieve maximum output of several steam heated ble heat in the condensate before
and efficiency from all steam units? it is discharged, but the unit
using equipment. This means heater cannot. For this reason,
selecting the best trap to suit the radiator should be fitted with a
With most steam heated
each particular application (Fig. thermostatic trap that will hold
equipment it is desirable, and
36). back condensate until its temper-
very frequently essential, to dis-
ature has dropped a
The following list contains a charge condensate as soon as it
predetermined number of
number of important questions forms in the steam space.
degrees below that of the steam.
which should be considered Although sensible heat in the
when choosing a steam trap for a condensate is usable heat, a On the other hand, the unit
particular application: much greater rate of heat transfer heater must be fitted with a trap
will be obtained if only the steam that will discharge condensate
1. Will condensate be dis-
is in contact with the heat transfer immediately as it forms. The
charged immediately as it
surface. slightest waterlogging in this case
would reduce heat output and
2. Is there condensate back Steam traps of the mechani-
cause the heater to blow cool air.
pressure or a return line high- cal type should always be chosen
Condensate held back in the unit
er than the steam heated for applications which require
heater will also promote corrosion
equipment? rapid condensate removal.
and unnecessarily reduce the life
3. Are there waterhammer con- Thermostatic type traps cannot
of the heater tubes.
ditions in the steam supply release condensate until it has
cooled a set number of degrees The extent to which waterlog-
line? ging of a steam space can be
below steam temperature, result-
4. Is there vibration or exces- ing in waterlogging the steam tolerated is clearly a significant
sive movement in the space. There are, however, a factor in steam trap selection.
equipment? number of occasions when such The wrong choice of trap is at the
5. Does the condensate contain waterlogging may be perfectly root of many instances of poor
corrosive substances? acceptable and even desirable. plant performance.

Steam Traps and the Removal of Condensate

Lifting Of Condensate ticularly concerned with the prob- The condensate will also prevent
The rate at which a steam lems which may arise from lifting any air from escaping through the
trap can discharge condensate condensate by the steam pres- steam trap which makes the
depends on the size of the valve sure at the trap inlet. problem even worse.
orifice and the differential pres- For every 1 psi of steam pres- If the equipment is tempera-
sure, the difference in pressure sure at the trap, condensate can ture controlled, the very action of
between the inlet and the outlet of be lifted to a height of approxi- the control may reduce the steam
the trap. mately 2.3 feet. In order to lift pressure below the point at which
If a steam trap discharges to condensate, the trap must have it can successfully lift condensate
atmosphere, the differential pres- positive steam pressure at all to an overhead return line. Once
sure across the trap will be the times. There are disadvantages again the steam space will water-
same as the upstream steam to lifting condensate in this man- log until the control valve opens,
pressure. The same will be true if ner. In the first place, the resulting in poor temperature
the trap discharges into a return necessary steam pressure may control and the possibility of
line at a lower level which allows not always be available at the trap waterhammer as the steam rush-
the condensate to gravitate back inlet. If, for example, the normal es into the waterlogged steam
to the boiler feed tank. operating pressure is 25 psi, it is space. Additionally, if the steam
Unfortunately, such an arrange- theoretically possible to lift the space is a coil, considerable ero-
ment is often ruled out because condensate 57.5 feet. However, sion and corrosion may take
either the boiler feed tank is high- on a cold start up, the steam place.
er than the traps or the return pressure may for a time drop to, It must be remembered that
main has to run at high level to or even below, zero. Until this certain types of steam traps are
clear obstructions. In these pressure builds up, condensate limited as to the amount of back
cases, the condensate must be cannot be removed from the pressure against which they will
lifted either directly by steam equipment and will collect in the satisfactorily operate.
pressure in the apparatus or by a steam space. This will result in a
pump. In this section we are par- greatly extended heat up period.

Figure 35
Requirements for Steam Trap/Applications



Balanced Pressure Continuous (Dribble) 20 - 40 deg. F Subcool Excellent
Bi-metallic Continuous (Dribble) 50 - 100 deg. F Subcool Excellent
(but may close
too quickly due to
Inverted Bucket Intermittent Saturated Steam Temperature Limited
Float and Thermostatic Continuous Saturated Steam Temperature Excellent
Disk (TD) Intermittent 2 to 10 deg. F Subcool Limited
Drip Continuous or Intermittent Little Little
Tracer/Critical Continuous or Intermittent Little Little
Tracer/Non-Critical Continuous Some None
Process Continuous None Much

Steam Traps and the Removal of Condensate

Figure 36: Steam Trap Selection Guide

As the USAs leading provider of steam system solutions, Spirax Sarco recognizes that no two steam trapping
systems are identical. Because of the wide array of steam trap applications with inherently different characteristics,
choosing the correct steam trap for optimum performance is difficult. Waterhammer, superheat, corrosive conden-
sate, or other damaging operating characteristics dramatically affect performance of a steam trap. With over 80 years
of experience in steam technology, Spirax Sarco is committed to helping its customers design, operate and maintain
an efficient steam system. You have our word on it!

1st Choice 2nd Choice

Float & Thermo- Balanced Liquid Inverted Float & Thermo- Balanced Liquid Inverted
Application Thermostatic Dynamic Pressure Bimetallic Expansion Bucket Thermostatic Dynamic Pressure Bimetallic Expansion Bucket

Steam Mains to 30 psig

30-400 psig
to 600 psig
to 900 psig
to 2000 psig
with Superheat
Steam Tracers Critical
Heating Equipment
Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers *
Heating Coils *
Unit Heaters *
Plate & Frame Heat Exchangers *
General Process Equipment
to 30 psig *
to 200 psig *
to 465 psig *
to 600 psig
to 900 psig
to 2000 psig
Hospital Equipment
Fuel Oil Heating
Bulk Storage Tanks
Line Heaters
Tanks & Vats
Bulk Storage Tanks
Process Vats
Rotating Cylinders
Freeze Protection
* With the addition of thermostatic air vent device

Steam Traps and the Removal of Condensate

Steam Trap Sizing 3. The temperature of the con- trap section reveals that the vast
The benefits of selecting the densate. majority of the traps described
best type of steam trap for a We must now examine these have the valve on the pressure
given application (Fig. 35 & 36) factors in more detail. side (the inlet side) of the valve
will be wasted if the trap is not seat. The only notable exception
1. Differential Pressure
correctly sized. It is bad practice to this arrangement occurs in the
The maximum amount of bimetallic type of traps where the
to choose a 3/4" trap simply
condensate the trap will dis- valve is on the outlet side of the
because it has to go on a 3/4"
charge will increase as the valve seat. In the case of traps
drain line. In order to size a
differential pressure (the differ- with the valve on the pressure
steam trap, we obviously need to
ence in pressure between the side of the valve seat, the valve,
know the quantity of condensate
inlet and outlet of the trap) when closed, will be held on its
to be handled in a given time.
increases. In other words, the seat by the steam pressure.
The makers of most standard
capacity of a trap discharging to According to the type of trap in
kinds of steam equipment usually
atmosphere with steam at 75 psi question, the thermostatic ele-
supply reliable figures on the con-
will be greater than that of the ment, ball float or bucket must
densation rates of their
same trap with steam at 30 psi. have enough force to pull the
equipment. If such information is
The capacity does not, however, valve away from its seat against
not available, it has to be
increase in proportion to the pres- this pressure.
acquired either by calculation or
practical measurement of the In any given trap, the force is
condensate produced. A test pro- It is not wise to assume that a fixed amount. Force Required
cedure which will give reasonably the pressure at which steam is = pressure x area.
accurate results is set out at the supplied to a piece of equipment
The maximum pressure at
end of this section. will be the pressure on the inlet to
which the valve of the trap can
its steam trap. Pressure losses
Reference has already been open is the pressure at which this
often mean that the steam pres-
made to start-up loads and run- operating force is just greater
sure at the trap will be
ning loads in this course. We than the valve seat area multi-
considerably less than the steam
know that steam will condense plied by the pressure in the trap
supply pressure.
most rapidly on start up when the body.
system is cold. It is for this rea- If a steam trap is discharging
In the case of traps with the
son that it is common practice to condensate to atmosphere, the
valve at the outlet side of the
size traps using a safety factor. outlet pressure will be atmos-
valve seat, the situation is differ-
The trap selected should be able pheric and, therefore, the
ent. In this type, the steam
to handle twice the normal run- differential pressure will be the
pressure tends to open the valve,
ning load, or as much as 3 times same as the gauge pressure at
so the maximum pressure at
the running load following an the trap inlet. However, if the trap
which the trap can close is when
automatic temperature control. discharges into a main which is
the operating force is just greater
An undersized trap will cause under pressure, the differential
than the steam pressure multi-
waterlogging of the steam space pressure will be reduced by an
plied by the valve seat area.
when it can be least afforded. amount which can be determined
by subtracting the outlet pressure 3. The Temperature Of The
Steam Pressure and Trap from the trap inlet pressure. The Condensate.
Capacity quantity of condensate which the The capacity of a trap should
We know that for a steam trap is capable of passing in a never be based on the amount of
trap to operate, there must be a given time will be reduced cold water the trap will pass at
higher pressure at its inlet than accordingly. any given differential pressure.
there is at its outlet. The actual 2. Size of Discharge Orifice Condensate in a steam trap is
amount of condensate which the usually at a temperature above
The size of the discharge ori-
trap can discharge is governed by atmospheric boiling point. When
fice not only helps to determine
the following three factors: the condensate is passing
the capacity of the trap but also
1. The differential pressure through the valve seat of the trap,
often fixes the maximum pres-
its pressure is quickly reduced
2. The size of the trap discharge sure at which the trap will
orifice. and a certain amount of flash
operate. Reference to the steam

Steam Tracing

steam is generated. This flash product at the specific tempera- thick if not heated and kept heat-
steam tends to choke the dis- ture it already has. It is, therefore, ed throughout their processing.
charge orifice, reducing its a heat maintainer, and not a heat An example usually used is thick
effective area. As the conden- exchanger. Because of this, the as molasses.
sate temperature rises, the consumption of the steam is usu- There are many different
amount of flash steam generated ally very low. In fact, it is one of ways of attaching tracing and
will increase and the discharge the smallest steam consumers in there are many different types or
capacity of the trap will decrease. a given plant. The fact is howev- methods of using the tracing con-
The extent of which condensate er, that in some plants (such as cept. The following discusses
temperature affects the traps dis- Hydrocarbon Processing facili- these.
charge capacity is relative to its ties), they account for as much as
Typically, tracing is copper
temperature below saturation 70% of the steam using locations.
tubing attached to a pipe filled
temperature -- lower tempera- The fact that they consume very
with some type of liquid (Fig. 37).
tures, lower flashing rates. little steam is then overshadowed
by the sheer numbers of lines. The method of attaching also
varies from plant to plant and
Freeze Protection (Non-Criti- spec to spec. The lines them-
cal) selves can be banded or
In areas of the country where strapped, (when temperature dif-
Steam Tracing freezing conditions prevail during ferences between the steam and
There are two typical applica- winter months, many different product fluid are low and steel
tions of tracing. They are types of systems require protec- pipe is used), attached using
typically referred to as either tion from freeze-up. Obviously, Heat Conducting Paste (Fig. 38)
process fluid (critical) or freeze these lines are water lines or per- and Channels and straight wiring
protection (non-critical) tracing. haps metering equipment that them in place. The placement of
There are different requirements use water in sensor tubes to the tracer tubing is more impor-
for each as far as heat is con- detect flow of gases, etc. Tracing tant in most cases than the
cerned, so we will separate their lines keep the water from freezing method used for attachment. In
requirements prior to discussing which will in turn possibly rupture whichever method of attaching is
how to attach tracing to the appli- piping, tubing or equipment. selected, it is most important to
cation. Sometimes, liquids that will not avoid crimping the tubing.
Tracing is as its name necessarily freeze become very
implies, a pipe or tube following
either process fluid lines or lines
where it is desirable to prevent
freezing during the winter Figure 37
months. Steam tracing is the dis- Tracer Line Attachments
tribution of steam through small 18" Max.
bore tubing or pipes which basi-
cally transfer heat to a larger pipe Process Fluid
to keep fluids from becoming vis- Tracer Tubing
cous, solidifying or freezing. Stainless Wire (Wrapped)

Process (Critical) Tracing Process Fluid

Typically, process fluids are Tracer Tubing
already at as high a temperature
as desired. They have passed
through heat exchange equip-
ment and absorbed as much heat
as necessary to keep the viscosi-
Process Fluid
ty to a level that they flow
smoothly through the piping.
Tracing is installed running along Steam Tracer
the fluid lines mainly to keep the

Steam Tracing

Figure 38 Figure 39
Tracer Using Heat Transfer Paste Welded Steam Tracer Pipe


Process Fluid

Heat Transfer Paste Insulation

Tracer Tube
Process Fluid

Heat Transfer Paste

Tracer Tube

Another popular method of job of the tracer then is to allow of the insulation with information
tracing is the use of jacketed pipe transfer of the heat of the steam such as traced and maybe even
(Fig. 40). This method of tracing is into the flowing fluids as it is lost the number of tracer lines
used particularly when there is to the atmosphere. attached along with the pressures
need to keep a fluid (such as The tracer line then should being used. This may help in
Sulfur) from solidifying in the also be installed running in a future maintenance of the system
pipes. We will look at each of the straight line as far toward the bot- itself. It may also help in using
methods mentioned above and tom of the piping as is possible the numbers of tracers as they
discuss some dos and donts. (Fig. 42). The tracer is housed are needed.
inside the insulation wrapping on There may be times when the
Attaching Tracers
the pipe, and we gain much ben- number of tracer lines being used
The easiest method of trac-
efit from attaching it in this can be reduced. For example, a
ing is by attaching copper tubing
manner. Heat, which you may process pipe during the winter
to the pipe. It is used mostly
recall, rises naturally and sur- months may require multiple trac-
because of the abundance of
rounds the piping allowing for as er lines to insure that the fluids
copper tubing and the cost which
much natural conduction of BTUs remain at the proper temperature.
is relatively low. The tubing is
as possible. This heat barrier However, during the summer
attached in the lower quadrant of
also reduces the heat losses from months, the numbers of tracer
the pipe being traced (Fig. 41).
the process fluids. lines may be reduced because of
Another important consideration
On some occasions, the less heat loss through the insula-
in tracing is to oppose the two
amount of heat available and tion. Some plants list the steam
flows, fluids in the process piping
temperature of the steam is such manifold header number where
and steam in the tracer tubes.
that spacers are used to prevent the on/off valves may be found to
This may not always be prac-
burning the liquids on the inside help with reducing the amount of
ticed, however, but there are
of the process lines. This could steam being consumed unneces-
some solid reasons why one
cause coking (burning) of the sarily.
would want to consider this.
Think about what the tracer job is lines and also restrict flow of the
- maintain heat already absorbed process. When spacers are
by the process fluid. As it trans- used, it is important that the insu-
fers from point A to point B in lation be sized to allow for the
the plant, heat will naturally be extra space required. It may also
lost through the insulation. The be advisable to label the outside

Steam Tracing

Figure 40 Jacketed Pipe

Single Section of Jacketed Pipe Jacketed pipe (Fig. 43 on the
following page) may be an alter-
Steam In Steam Out native method of tracing used
when the process fluids require a
high temperature to stay flowing
with the least amount of resis-
tance. These liquid lines are
Flow In usually fluids that set up at very
high temperatures such as sulfur.
They are very specialized tracer
lines as the steam jacket com-
pletely encircles the process fluid
line. This pipe within a pipe
requires special attention and will
require specialized traps to
Condensate Out
ensure the proper drainage.
Jacketed pipe obviously transfers
a lot of heat in comparison to
Figure 41 steam tracer lines made of cop-
Pipe Support per or stainless steel. This type
Multiple tracer lines attached to lower half
of process fluid lines. Insulation not shown of tracer line usually is used when
the temperature of the process
fluid is about the same tempera-
ture as the steam being used.
The lines are usually flange fitted
Process Pipe and the passing of steam from
one line to the next requires
steam flow to ensure the passage
Tracers of steam on down the lines. The
Pipe chart (Fig. 44 on the following
Support page) will help in sizing the steam
connection line size for the size of
jacketed pipe being used. Each
Figure 42 jacketed line has a connection at
Horizontal Tracing the bottom on the downstream
line that is used to drain each
section individually. This is impor-
tant because this particular type
of specialized tracer is truly act-
ing like a heat exchanger. The
steam consumption of this type of
tracing may be much higher than
the smaller tubing type tracers
Tracing lines that must pass over flanges should pass in the used in plants.
horizontal. If it is required to place a connection fitting along
side of flanges, they should also be placed horizontally.

Steam Tracing

Figure 43
Jacketed Tracing System

Steam Air Vent

25P Valve

Process Pipe


TD 42
NOTE: Each section of jacketed pipe
should be trapped. Steam jumper lines
should continue over the top of the flanges.

Condensate to grade

Figure 44 be required. If the steam is

always on, then it is always used
Steam Connection Line Sizing for Jacketed Pipe
even in small quantities. This is
wasteful and should be avoided.
As this course has mentioned, it
Product Line Jacket Diameter Steam Connection is important to conserve this pre-
2-1/2" 4" 1/2" cious and costly commodity
3" 6" 3/4" called steam. Even though trac-
4" 6" 3/4" ing systems individually use small
amounts of steam, remember the
6" 8" 3/4"
sheer numbers of lines that may
8" 10" 1" be involved.
10" 12" 1"
Condensate Manifolds
Condensate manifolds (Fig.
Steam Manifolds tions for manifolding steam lines 45b) are also very useful in any
Steam manifolds are most is the ability to control automatic typical plant that uses tracing.
helpful in running the steam to valves on and off. If the tracing The condensate manifold itself
the system. Manifolds are easily on a particular manifold is used locates traps and tracers in a
maintained and located as for freeze protection, ambient small given area. The conden-
opposed to individually valving sensors on control valves will sate from the tracer lines is
areas of a plant. A centralized automatically turn the steam on usually very high quality conden-
location for manifolds (Fig. 45a) when needed. This ensures that sate and should be collected and
ensure operators of turning on the steam is turned on and off returned to the boiler. There is
and off the correct valves for trac- properly. The important word normally no cross contamination
ing. Manifolds should be fitted here is off. It is not unusual to of product fluids to tracer lines.
with a tag that identifies what see steam lines turned on during Condensate manifolds also make
lines are traced and how many a particular time of year. The it very easy to find and monitor
lines are going to that particular conditions may change at any the tracing traps being used.
process line. Other considera- given time and the steam may not Each trap station on a manifold

Steam Tracing

should be tagged with a number
Steam Out that identifies the trap, size,
pressure, etc. so that a mainte-
nance program can help
determine the correctness of
either the traps being selected
or size of trap being used.
These manifolds can be either
Vertical Manifold

Horizontal Manifold horizontally or vertically

designed depending on the
Steam Out

space available and the specifi-

Steam cation of any given plant.
The following charts (Fig.
Figure 45a 46) and illustrations (Fig. 47)
Steam Manifolds may be helpful in sizing, select-
ing and specifying tracers and
Steam their types.
Figure 45b
Condensate Manifolds

Figure 46


Type A Type B Type C
General Frost Where solidification Where solidification
protection or may occur at temps may occur at temps
where solidification between between
may occur at 75-150F 150-300F
temps below 75F
Product Line Size Number of 1/2" Tracers Number of 1/2" Tracers Number of 1/2" Tracers
1" 1 1 1
1-1/2" 1 1 2
2" 1 1 2
3" 1 1 3
4" 1 2 3
6" 2 2 3
8" 2 2 3
10-12" 2 3 6
14-16" 2 3 8
18-20" 2 3 10


Header Size Number of 1/2" Tracers

1" Up to 5
1-1/2" 6 to 10
2" 11 to 25

Condensate Management

Figure 47
Switch Back Tracing Line
End View

Condensate In some
pipe is cases, using
always switch back
sloped in a tracing adds
downward more surface
direction. contact area.

Steam Trap
Tracing Valves

Steam In Figure 48
Approximate amount of flash
steam in Condensate
Steam In Flash

Separate Steam Traps for

each section of tracer

Condensate Management
figure of 10-15% by mass is typi-
When steam condenses,
cal (Fig. 48).
Figure 49
energy is transferred to the cooler Approximate amount of energy in
material to be heated. This About half of the energy men- Condensate
accounts for only around 75% of tioned above (i.e. 12.5% of the Flash
total energy supplied) could be Steam
the energy supplied in the boiler 50%
to produce the steam. The lost through flash steam (Fig. 49).
remainder, about 25%, is still held Flash Steam Recovery is,
by the condensed water. therefore, an essential part of
As well as having heat con- achieving an energy efficient sys-
tent, the condensate is distilled tem.
water: ideal for use as boiler feed This section will bring togeth- Water
water. An efficient installation will er Condensate Recovery, 50%
collect every drop of condensate Condensate Removal and Flash
it economically can, and either Steam Recovery under the head-
return it to the deaerator or boiler ing of Condensate Management.
feed tank, or use it in the process. The objective is to examine the should be remembered that con-
technical aspects for the benefit densate lines are, in fact,
Condensate is discharged
of the expert and then to use this bi-phase systems that require
through steam traps from a high-
as a basis to provide simple proper planning. Review the
er to a lower pressure. As a result
guide lines for the occasional Condensate Line Sizing Chart for
of this drop in pressure, some of
user. assistance in this area (Fig. 50).
the condensate will then re-evap-
orate, and is referred to as flash Condensate line sizing plays You will note that it is recom-
steam. The proportion that will an important role in successfully mended to increase the line size
flash off differs according to the controlling and collecting conden- on the discharge of all steam
level of pressure reduction sate. Sizing condensate lines traps. This is intended to allow
between the steam and conden- requires much planning to control for the flashing that will be
sate sides of the system, but a velocities of liquids and gases. It expected when steam traps dis-

Condensate Management

charge condensate into lower densate recovery systems. surplus heat is utilized by the
pressure systems. A chart is pro- condensate as latent heat caus-
vided to assist in quickly Flash Steam Recovery ing some of it to re-evaporate into
estimating the amount of flash When hot condensate under steam.
that can be produced. The volu- pressure is released to a lower
The quantity of flash steam
metric change of condensate pressure, its temperature must
available from each pound of con-
flashing into steam may cause very quickly drop to the boiling
densate can be calculated using
substantial increasing velocities point for the lower pressure as
this formula:
that may damage existing con- shown in the steam tables. The

Figure 50: Condensate Line Sizing Chart

Velocity Velocity
(ft/sec) Pipe Size (schedule 40) (ft/min) Recommended
100 6000
C Condensate Return
Line Sizing
66 4000

E 3000
Vent Pipe Sizing

33 2000
30 28" 26 24 20 18 16 14 12 10 8" 6" 5" 4" 3" 2-1
/2" 2" 1-1 1-1
/2" /4" 1" 3/4 1/2
" " " " " " " " " " "

17 1000

10 D 600 Flash Tank

Diameter Sizing

Multiply chart velocity
by factor below
10 0

30,000 to get velocity

60 0

in schedule 80 pipe
4 0
3 0

20,000 Pipe Size Factor


1/2" 1.30

3/4" & 1"



1-1/4" & 1-1/2" 1.15

10,000 2" & 3" 1.12
4" to 24" 1.1
8000 26" to 30" 1.0
Flash Steam Flowrate (lb/h)

10 0

60 0
4 0
3 0





10 0
60 0

4 0
3 0




20 P
c re
fla ond ssu
sh en re
ta sa in
nk te
(p lin
si e
g) or

Condensate Management

Percentage Quantity of Flash ence between the pressures Before discussing the ways of
Steam upstream and downstream of the recovering flash steam and why
= Sensible Heat at trap and the corresponding tem- we want to recover it, there are
the Higher Pressure peratures of those pressures in two important practical points
- Sensible Heat at saturated steam. The higher the which should be noted:
the Lower Pressure initial pressure and the lower the First, one pound of steam
Latent Heat of flash recovery pressure, the has a specific volume of 26.8
the Lower Pressure greater the quantity of flash cubic feet at atmospheric pres-
steam produced. sure. It also contains 970 BTUs
To simplify this procedure we
can use the chart (Fig. 51) to read It must be noted here that the of latent heat energy. This means
off the percentage of flash steam chart is based upon saturated that if a trap discharges 100
produced by this pressure drop. steam pressure/temperature con- pounds per hour of condensate
An example would be if we had ditions at the trap inlet, and that from 100 PSIG to atmosphere,
100 PSIG saturated steam/con- the condensate is discharged as the weight of flash steam
densate being discharged from a rapidly as it appears at the trap. released will be 13.3 pounds per
steam trap to an atmospheric, Steam traps that subcool the con- hour, having a specific volume of
gravity flow condensate return densate, such as balanced 356.4 cubic feet. It will also have
system (0 PSIG), the flash per- pressure thermostatic and 12,901 BTUs of latent heat ener-
centage of the condensate would bimetallic traps, hold condensate gy. This will appear to be a very
be 13.3% of the volume dis- back in the system allowing it to large quantity of steam and may
charged. give up sensible heat energy and well lead to the erroneous conclu-
causing it to cool below the satu- sion that the trap is passing live
Conversely, if we had 15
rated steam temperature for that steam (failed open).
PSIG saturated steam discharg-
pressure. Under those circum- Another factor to be consid-
ing to the same (0 PSIG)
stances, we must calculate from ered is that we have just released
atmospheric gravity flow return
the formula above the percentage 13.3 pounds of water to the
system, the percentage of flash
of flash steam produced, but the atmosphere that should have
steam would be only 4% by vol-
amount of subcooling (the con- gone back to the boiler house for
ume. These examples clearly
densate temperature) must be recycling as boiler feed water.
show that the amount of flash
known before calculating. Since we just wasted it, we now
released depends upon the differ-
have to supply 13.3 pounds of
fresh city water that has been
Figure 51: Percent Flash softened, chemically treated and
Pressure Atmosphere Flash Tank Pressure (psig)
preheated to the feedwater sys-
(psig) 0 2 5 10 15 20 30 40 60 80 100 tems temperature before putting
5 1.7 1.0 0 this new water back into the boil-
10 2.9 2.2 1.4 0 er.
15 4.0 3.2 2.4 1.1 0
Secondly, the actual forma-
20 4.9 4.2 3.4 2.1 1.1 0
tion of flash steam takes place
30 6.5 5.8 5.0 3.8 2.6 1.7 0
40 7.8 7.1 6.4 5.1 4.0 3.1 1.3 0
within and downstream of the
60 10.0 9.3 8.6 7.3 6.3 5.4 3.6 2.2 0 steam trap orifice where pressure
80 11.7 11.1 10.3 9.0 8.1 7.1 5.5 4.0 1.9 0 drop occurs. From this point
100 13.3 12.6 11.8 10.6 9.7 8.8 7.0 5.7 3.5 1.7 0 onward, the condensate return
125 14.8 14.2 13.4 12.2 11.3 10.3 8.6 7.4 5.2 3.4 1.8 system must be capable of carry-
160 16.8 16.2 15.4 14.1 13.2 12.4 10.6 9.5 7.4 5.6 4.0 ing this flash steam, as well as
200 18.6 18.0 17.3 16.1 15.2 14.3 12.8 11.5 9.3 7.5 5.9 condensate. Unfortunately, dur-
250 20.6 20.0 19.3 18.1 17.2 16.3 14.7 13.6 11.2 9.8 8.2 ing the past 80 years, condensate
300 22.7 21.8 21.1 19.9 19.0 18.2 16.7 15.4 13.4 11.8 10.1 return lines have been sized
350 24.0 23.3 22.6 21.6 20.5 19.8 18.3 17.2 15.1 13.5 11.9
using water volume only and did
400 25.3 24.7 24.0 22.9 22.0 21.1 19.7 18.5 16.5 15.0 13.4
not include the flash steam vol-
Percent flash for various initial steam pressures and flash tank pressures. ume that is present.

Condensate Management

The specific volume of water Figure 52 Flash Steam Outlet

at 0 PSIG is .016 cubic feet per Operation of a flash
pound, compared to 26.8 cubic steam vessel
feet per pound for flash steam at
the same pressure. Sizing of Pressure
condensate return lines from trap Gauge
discharges based totally on water
is a gross error and causes lines
to be drastically undersized for
the flash steam. This causes
condensate lines to become Condensate and
Flash Steam Inlet
pressurized, not atmospheric,
which in turn causes a backpres-
sure to be applied to the traps
discharge which can cause
equipment failure and flooding.
This undersizing explains
why the majority of 0 PSI atmos-
pheric condensate return
systems in the United States do Condensate Outlet
not operate at 0 PSIG. To take
this thought one step further for
those people who perform tem-
The size of the vessel has to must be able to function sat-
perature tests on steam traps to
be designed to allow for a isfactorily while accepting the
determine if the trap has failed,
reduced velocity so that the sep- new back pressure applied to
the instant we cause a positive
aration of the flash steam and them by the flash recovery
pressure to develop in the con-
condensate can be accomplished system.
densate return system by flash
adequately, so as not to have In particular, care is needed
steam, the condensate return line
carry-over of condensate out into when attempting flash steam
now must follow the
the flash steam recovery system. recovery from condensate, which
pressure/temperature relation-
This target velocity is ten feet per is leaving temperature controlled
ship of saturated steam. So, trap
second per ASHRAE standards equipment. At less than full
testing by temperature identifies
to ensure proper separation. The loads, the steam space pressure
only that we have a return system
condensate drops to the bottom will be lowered by the action of
at a certain temperature above
of the flash tank where it is the temperature control valve. If
212F (0 PSIG) and we can then
removed by a float and thermo- the steam space pressure
determine by that temperature
static steam trap. approaches or even falls below
the system pressure at which it is
operating. Elevated condensate A number of basic require- the flash steam vessel pressure,
return temperatures do not nec- ments and considerations have to condensate drainage from this
essarily mean a trap has failed. be met before flash steam recov- equipment becomes impractical
ery is a viable and economical by a steam trap alone, and the
If the flash steam is to be recov-
proposition: equipment becomes stalled and
ered and utilized, it obviously has
1. It is first essential to have a water logging will most definitely
to be separated from the conden-
sufficient supply of conden- occur. We will look at this prob-
sate. This is best achieved by
sate, from loads at sufficiently lem in much further detail in our
passing the mixture of flash
higher pressures, to ensure next section Condensate
steam and condensate through
that enough flash steam will Recovery.
what is known as a flash tank or
flash vessel (Fig. 52). A typical be released to make recov- 2. The second requirement is a
arrangement is shown. ery economically effective. suitable use for low pressure
The steam traps, and the flash steam. Ideally, low
equipment from which they pressure load(s) requires at
are draining condensate, all times a supply of steam

Condensate Management

which either equals or When all else fails, in many water converter or a large air
exceeds the available flash facilities there is always a need handling coil bank, but we can-
steam supply. The deficit can for hot water, especially in the not forget that flash steam
then be made up through a boiler house. This can be sup- recovery systems by design will
pressure reducing valve set. plied via a heat exchanger and apply a backpressure to the
If the supply of flash steam the use of flash steam. equipment that is being drained
exceeds the demand for it, 3. It is also preferable to select or to the flash steam source.
the surplus may have to be an application for the flash Another very common area from
vented to waste through a steam which is reasonably which flash steam is recovered is
backpressure relief valve. close in proximity to the high boiler blowdown. Dissolved solids
Thus it is possible to utilize pressure condensate source. that create the need for boiler
the flash steam from process Piping for low pressure steam blowdown drop out and will pro-
condensate on a space heating is inevitably of larger diame- duce usable flash steam and
installation, but the savings will ter. This makes it somewhat condensate.
only be achieved during the heat- costly to install. Furthermore, Boiler blowdown flash steam
ing season. When heating is not the heat loss from large recovery (Fig. 53) is a very effi-
required, the recovery system diameter pipes reduces the cient method for recovery. It not
becomes ineffective. benefits obtained from flash only is a continuous supply of
Wherever possible, the better steam recovery and in the valuable heat energy to be uti-
arrangement is to use flash worst cases could outweigh lized, but it is in close proximity to
steam from process condensate them. an area of definite need as in the
to supply process loads, and that Flash steam recovery is sim- boiler feed or deaerator system
from heating condensate to sup- plest when being recovered from that demands a constant source
ply heating loads. Supply and a single piece of equipment that of low pressure heat energy for
demand are then more likely to condenses a large amount of preheating the boiler make up
remain in step. steam, such as a large steam to water supply. This simple instal-
lation is shown below.

Pilot Operated Back

Pressure Valve

Safety Valve

Cold Water
Figure 53
Boiler Blowdown Heat
Recovery System
Hot Water

Flash Vessel Steam Trap Set


Steam Trap Set

Condensate Management

Control Valve


Pressure Flash Steam



Steam Trap

Figure 54
Control of Flash
Steam Pressure


Another area that works very start up of the system. Condensate Recovery Sys-
well in the utilization of flash Another method of flash
steam recovery is large multi- steam recovery is through a vent The importance of effective
section air heating coils (Fig. 54). condenser on a receiver (Fig. 55 condensate removal from steam
Many times flash steam can be on following page). Flash steam spaces has been stressed
supplied to a coil added to the is allowed to flow up through the throughout this course. If maxi-
system to maximize use of the condenser (heat exchanger), that mum steam system efficiency is
flash steam supplied by the pri- has a supply of fluid flowing to be achieved, the best type of
mary coils in the system. An through it, to capture the heat steam trap must be fitted in the
example is shown in the following energy contained in the flash most suitable position for the
sketch. This example clearly ful- steam. This type of system is an application in question. Having
fills the basic requirements of atmospheric pressure system, considered how to best utilize any
having a flash steam recovery which allows condensate from flash steam which may be avail-
system which is in step with the flash steam to flow by gravity able, we must now decide what to
demand. back into the original condensate do with the condensate which
Only when air coils are called receiver. This provides the user remains.
upon to supply heat does the with recovery of heat energy and There are a number of rea-
flash steam recovery system the complete recovery of all con- sons why condensate should not
become available, and it can then densate from that system, and be allowed to discharge to drain.
be condensed in the first air coil enables the user to accomplish The most important consideration
which is essentially a pre-heater. this without presenting all of the is the valuable heat which it con-
This simple arrangement ensures equipment in that system with tains even after flash steam has
that higher pressure traps are not any backpressure. been recovered. It is possible to
subjected to any backpressure on use condensate as hot process

Condensate Management

Heat Exchanger

Steam or Gas Inlet

Cold Water Supply

Return System

Figure 55
Flash Steam Condensor or Heater

water but the best arrangement is costs. One justifiable reason for areas of a plant to determine con-
to return it to the boiler house, not returning condensate is the densate quality and providing a
where it can be re-used as boiler risk of contamination. Perforated means to re-route the conden-
feed water without further treat- coils in process vessels and heat sate if contaminated.
ment, saving preheating fuel, raw exchangers do exist and the Vented open return sys-
water and the chemicals needed cross contamination of conden- tems have been utilized for 80
for boiler feed treatment. These sate and process fluids is always plus years where the conden-
savings will be even greater in a danger. If there is any possibil- sate is allowed to flow by
cases where effluent charges ity that the condensate is gravity to a central collection
have to be paid for the discharge contaminated, it must not be receiver and then the use of
of valuable hot condensate down returned to the boiler. These electrically driven pumps
the drain. problems have been lessened by return it to the boiler house
Condensate recovery sav- the application of sensing sys- when these receivers are full.
ings can add up to 25 to 30% of tems monitoring the quality of
the plants steam generating condensate in different holding

Condensate Management

Electrically Driven Pumps Figure 56

Electrical driven pumps (Fig. Electric Pump Operation
56) have been used to collect and
return this condensate. When uti-
lized on radiation heating
applications, condensate usually
returns at relatively low tempera-
tures, 160-180F, which does not
provide any great difficulty for the
electric pumps. When conden-
sate temperatures approach
200F or above, the electrically
driven pumps begin to experi-
ence a phenomenon known as
cavitation. Cavitation is the
flashing of higher temperature
condensate as it enters the eye of
the impeller, where the pressure
drops to below atmospheric pres-
sure. The pump becomes vapor Isolation valves have only two pressure gauge.
(steam) bound. These pumps positions in this industry, either If cavitation problems still
must have a flooded impeller fully open or fully closed. This is exist due to elevated tempera-
chamber in order to maintain a not the required throttling valve tures, the only recourse is to cool
constant flow of water to cleanse that the manufacturer recom- the condensate down to a
and cool the mechanical seals mended in his installation pumpable temperature. This
of the pump. manual. Since these isolation sounds like a simple cure, but if
If the mechanical seals are valves are usually fully open dur- we look at the oxygen solubility
allowed to run dry for any amount ing service, the pump will search chart (Fig. 57 on the following
of time, the maximum operating up and down its performance page), we see that as condensate
temperature of the seal is curve until it finds the operating cools down, the ability of that
reached in a very short time. This point, which just overcomes the water to contain oxygen goes up.
causes permanent mechanical true system backpressure. The more oxygen contained in
seal damage, which in turn caus- When this is allowed to happen, condensate when it reaches the
es leakage of condensate to the the pump will not have the same boiler house, the more chemicals
floor or even worse, up into the operating characteristics as was that have to be added to remove
electrical motor. designed. This will change the that oxygen.
Many years ago, electric NPSH required of the pump,
Sodium Sulfite is the chemi-
pump manufacturers supplied which determines the maximum
cal added to condensate to
their pumps with restrictions in pumpable temperature of the
remove this dissolved, contained
the pump discharges in order to condensate that can be handled
oxygen and it takes 8 PPM of
provide the customer with the without cavitation. Hence, the
Sodium Sulfite to remove 1 PPM
precise discharge pressure and continuous replacement of
of oxygen. So cooling down the
flow conditions that he requested. mechanical seals of these
condensate is certainly an
Those same manufacturers have pumps. These pumps need to be
answer to pumping problems, but
since stopped installing throttling throttled to the designed operat-
it causes the usage of more
orifices in these pumps and have ing conditions, which means a
chemicals, increased heat energy
only informed the users via the throttling valve must be installed
to preheat this condensate back
installation and maintenance downstream of the pump with a
up and certainly will cause
manuals, which never get deliv- pressure gauge between the
decreased life of the condensate
ered to the job site. The installing pump discharge and the throttling
return piping system due to the
contractor installs, in the dis- valve, and the valve should be
increased corrosion attack.
charge of the pump unit, an closed until the designed operat-
isolation valve and a check valve. ing pressure is achieved on the

Condensate Management

Figure 57 Non Electric Pressure Pow-

Solubility of Oxygen in Condensate ered Pumps
Non Electric Pressure
Powered Pumps have become
the state of art method of con-
10 densate pumping in industry
Oxygen Content PPM

today. This type of pump does not

8 require any electrical connec-
tions, has no high speed rotating
6 impellers, no temperature sensi-
tive mechanical seals or large
oversized receivers for storage of
condensate (Fig. 58). The non-
electric pressure powered pump
can operate on steam, com-
30 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 pressed air or any inert gas with
pressures up to 300 PSIG.
Condensate Temperature Deg. F
In open atmospheric sys-
tems (Fig. 59), there are several
benefits to using this pumping
system. Receivers are not as
Figure 58 large, condensate does not have
PPF/PPC Features to cool down before pumping, the
pump can be installed directly
below heat exchange equipment
and will handle the condensate at
212F without any cavitation or
Changeover mechanical problems. There is
Mechanism Ductile Iron or still a need for a small receiver to
Fabricated allow steam traps that are dis-
ASME Steel
Body charging into it to sense a
common pressure of 0 PSIG so
as not to apply any backpressure
to any of the steam traps. The
Float and
Mechanism condensate is then pumped back
to the boiler house for re-use.
Industry requirements for
more efficient usage of steam
Check Valve
Check Valve energy is demanding that con-
densate not only be returned at
the highest possible tempera-
tures, but that there are less and
less atmospheric vents allowing
Inlet Port Outlet Port flash steam to be lost. To accom-
modate this need for efficient
usage and the need for increas-
ing equipment life expectancy of
all heat exchange equipment, the
closed system (Fig. 60) of
removal and recovery of conden-
sate is becoming the design
criteria. In closed systems

Condensate Management
Vent to Atmosphere
Figure 59
OPEN Atmospheric Pump Exhaust

Condensate to Pump Operating Steam

or Gas Supply


Filling Head Steam Trap

When Steam
Supply is
Used Height (H)

Inlet Strainer Powered

condensate is removed, recov- Temperature

ered at saturation temperatures Figure 60 Control
and returned directly back to the Closed System
deaerator in the boiler house.
The return of saturated tem- Steam Supply
perature condensate in this
manner allows the boiler house to Heat
reduce the steam demand to the Exchanger
deaerator to re-heat the conden-
sate, reduces the need for more
chemicals to be added to the con- Air Vent
densate, and ensures that the
heat exchange equipment is kept
dry at all times which eliminates
corrosion attack and potential coil Condensate
Return Line
freezing. In the majority of appli-
cations, these closed systems
are dedicated systems to a single
piece of equipment. Type


Condensate Management

All temperature controlled When the pump is pumping condensate lines have historically
equipment, as discussed earlier, condensate, the condensate been sized for water volume only
has fluctuating steam pressures being produced in the equipment and not for the volume of flash
inside the equipment based upon is allowed to fall by gravity into the steam produced from traps dis-
equipment load demands. reservoir pipe, again ensuring charging to a lower pressure. If
Historically, we have depended that the equipment is kept dry. there is no other possible area to
upon steam pressure to lift con- Upon completion of the pumping discharge a steam trap into
densate out of a piece of cycle, the pressure inside the except a condensate return line,
equipment via the steam trap into pump body is equalized back to the installation shown above
the condensate return system. the reservoir piping and the col- should be followed. This breaks
Because of the operation of the lected condensate in the away from the tradition of dis-
temperature control valves, there reservoir pipe falls by gravity into charging steam traps into
would be times that there would the pump body, starting the cycle condensate return lines at 90 to
be sufficient steam pressure at all over again. the condensate return line by lit-
the trap inlet to overcome the Because this system of con- erally injecting the steam trap
condensate return line pressure densate removal and recovery is discharge into the condensate
or the required lift. designed to be a closed system, return line so that the actual out-
At other times during opera- there is no need for vacuum let of the trap discharge is below
tion, there would not be enough breakers as we have used in the the normal water level in the
steam pressure supplied to the past. In fact, the equipment is return line and discharging in the
equipment to lift condensate. At encouraged to work into a vacu- direction of condensate flow.
those times we would begin to um condition if it is required by This prevents sections of
flood the heat exchange equip- the temperature control system. flash steam being trapped by
ment, causing either product Even in vacuum conditions, con- walls of water on both sides
temperature fluctuations or even densate is allowed to fall by which, when steam condenses,
worse, freezing of the air coils, gravity into the pump because the causes a vacuum and violently
because we were unable to effec- pump is equalized in pressure to pulls the two walls of water
tively remove the condensate. the outlet of the equipment together. These shock waves are
Installing a pumping device through the exhaust of the pump. transmitted down the return pip-
between the equipment and the ing causing hammering noises
trap (Fig. 61) allows for conden- Waterhammer In Condensate and pipe movement.
sate to be recovered and Return Lines
In closed systems, conden-
removed from the steam equip- Waterhammer in condensate sate return piping must be sized
ment at all times during return lines is an indication of two for two phase flow at low veloci-
operation, whenever the steam possible problems. In open sys- ties or the same situation will
pressure is sensed in the equip- tems, atmospheric returns, the occur.
ment. causes of waterhammer are air
When the steam pressure is pockets and/or steam traps dis-
greater than the condensate charging into a flooded section of
return pressure or lift, steam piping. Air pockets in the line are
pressure alone lifts the conden- easily remedied by adding an air
sate out through the steam trap. venting device for water systems,
However, when steam pressure a float actuated device that will
in the equipment is equal to or remain open until it is full of water
lower than that of the condensate and air eliminated. These
return system or lift, condensate devices are mounted on the high
completely fills the pump body, points of the return line and vent
steam pressure is supplied to the to atmosphere. Steam traps dis-
pump and the condensate is charging into a water line should
pumped out through the steam be avoided at all costs.
trap into the condensate return As we mentioned earlier in
system. the flash steam recovery section,

Condensate Management

Figure 61 Temperature
Closed System Control Valve Condensate Return

Air Vent

Reservoir Piping

Float &


Figure 62
Discharging Into Condensate Return Line Sparge Puipe to made of
Stainless Steel

Sparge Pipe

Enlarge Condensate return, if necessary, to accommodate Sparge Pipe

Steam Utilization Course Review

1. Steam is created by _____________________ _________________________.

2. A typical target velocity for steam is ___________________________________.
3. Why is steam velocity important?
1. _________________________________________________________ _____
2. ______________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________
4. Four common rules in designing steam main drip stations are:
1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________
5. A normal byproduct of steam generation is the release of __________________.
6. How much condensate is created in a steam main of 8 diameter at 125 psig for
every 100 feet?____________________________________________________
7. What 3 categories do steam traps fall under?
1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________
8. List the types of steam traps for each category.
1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________
6. ______________________________________________________________
9. List the 4 methods used for testing steam traps.
1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________
10. When lifting condensate, how much pressure is exerted for every 2.3 feet of lift?

Steam Utilization Course Review

11. Properly sized steam traps are sized to ____________________________ and not to
________________________________ ___________________________________.
12. How many tracer lines are recommended for an 8 product pipe to keep
temperatures at or above 150*F?
13. Into what two groups can pressure reducing valves be divided?
1. ___________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________
14. What 3 factors attribute to proper reliability and accuracy of control valves?
1. ___________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________
15. The term used when condensate is discharged to a lower pressure and partially
vaporizes is __________________________________________________________.
16. Calculate the percent of flash steam created when 100 psig condensate is
discharged to atmosphere (Sh L.P. - SH H.P.) ) Lh L.P.)

17. List 3 important reasons to recover condensate.

1. ___________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________
18. List 3 considerations that must be met before flash steam recovery is viable and
1. ___________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________
19. Condensate lines should be sized for handling what two factors?
1. ___________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________
20. Shock waves created in condensate return lines are known as

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