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February 14, 2017

The General Manager - Dept. Corporate Services,
Bombay Stock Exchange Limited,
25(h floor, P. J. Tower, Dalal Street ,
Mumbai - 400 001

Scrip Code: 513043

Sub.: Outcome of Board Meeting

Dem Sirs,
This is to inform you that the Board of Directors at its meeting held on Tuesday,
the 14th February , 2017, has inter-alia approved the Unaudited Financial Results
of the Company for the quarter ended 31st December, 2016.
Please find enclosed the Unaudited Financial Results of the Company and Limited
review report for the quarter ended 31&t December, 2016.
further, to inform you that :-
1) Shri Vinod Jalan, is designated as Chief Financial Officer (Key Managerial
Personnel) and Compliance Officer of the Company.
Brief Profile of Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Shri Vinod Jalan is having experience of more than 30 years in the field of
accounts finance and administration. The Company will benefit from his rich
knowledge , experience and expertise.

The Board Meeting commenced at 3 .15 p.m. and concluded at 4.00 p.m.

Yours faithfully,

Encl.: a/a
~egd. Qtf,ce: ~emi Hc;se r-1,- No.II Ccura !rtdustrial Esta.,.e. Goregaon (Eas-). Muinbai 400 063

Cil-J : l28920MH1970PLC014746
Unaudited Financial Results {Provisional) for the quarter ended 31st December 2016
I Rs. In t.akhs
I ccr "s~~>di11\ Cc.rre~~ ...: >ndir;
Pre:edon~ :,, r..\On1hS ended ~ Mcrvs ended
:Jr. 3 Months 3 Mor:ns in the p..,VICC 9 Months in :1e Pre..ioJ~ P"e.:ious
Pnrth::ulnm ended ended ended Year eer en::ted
No. )ear ~1

_31.12dfl16 :!O oo.x 1f\ :11 ,m111 ~1.12.2n1~ ~ 1.1, /(11!> '.\1 <1:l.~~tf\
(Un~uuitut.l) (U1.1uc ...Ui :una,dile:J) (Unauditedi (Urauc1t~d) tAucted.

1 Income frQm OIJOrati2ns

(a) N1Jt S:ilf!s:1n~r11'lf! trom Operations ('Jet of excise duty) 1.005.42 1,:)07.24 U75.07 4,108.01 7 58:>.82 I0.08t..48
_ (b) Other ~parating ncome 13.66 27.60 16.19 62.33 57.0!'.I ')? 77

Total Income from Operations (Net) 1,899.28 1,414 84 1,7!i1.!6 4,780.34 7 545.91 10,177 :;5
2 ~ -
(a) Cost of metena s consumed flfl!\.17 fl!i2.71 1,314.!J' 2,353.98 11 ~IS.211 5,9,13.tl9
(b) Purchase ol stock in tnu.l(: 425.63 ~.>'l.29 :)9.54 479.92 69.59 430.5:)

\(:) Clu111111:,; 111 iMBnl<:riP.s c:ffinici1ad ;io:xis, 552.51 (:)44.56) (1.t.()) 558.44 1 462.95 . 220.83
wru k-ir-p,.ogrB.% and stock- "ltra::Je

(d) Empoyee benefi:s expeeses 138.54 155 45 I 1IP8:> 4S8.!l6 f;7'l 14 7!ifl 1 I
<e) Oeprec;atlon and amcrtlsafcn expenses 118.26 116 63 :;~II:! :\!\?.flO :inH 1!: 4H:i.f / I
(f) Other expenses 345.42 424 :14 4:i0.!i4 1, 120.78 t.~1:i.oli '1,\:111.~i! I
- Total expenses 2,245.53 1,:i!lH 86 2,089.0:1 5,334.68 8.t.>89.0C 1:i.7oo.fi9
3 Profttl(Loss) from Opcr;itions before Other lncorne, (346.25) ~:,is iW777) (554.34) (04? !lO) (5!'1 !<4)
flnnncn cOJ1tA :ind Exceptlon11l llems { 1 :: 2} I I
4 Other ncome 1~.00 I~ DO 15.00 45.00 63.541 235.74 I
5 Proftt/(Loss) from ordinary activities before finnncc costs nNl
(::1:11.2(1) 60.96 (282./ :) (~09.34) (8/8 t.Jb) (2\)(i,(i0j
Exr:cptinMI ( 3 :t 4)
R Fi11nut..u t.u!~h; 55.51 57.47 1~~.7:J 216.41 l\l:J.fli M-i7.U1
7 Profitl(Lou) from ordinary activitlea after !Inane costs but
(386.76) ~.51 i42S.50i (725.7S) (1,372.34) (8~2.61)
before Exceptional Items ( 5 :t 6)
e Excei:;ti::mal items . . . -
g Profit I (Loss) from Ordinary Activities before Tax {7 t 8) (386.76; 3.51 {428.50) (725.75) (1.372 34) (892.6'1)
1C Tax Expensesl(Credlt) (208.21) :c.s1) {1$0.60) (320.21) \462 20) (283.32)
11 Not ProfiU(Loss) from Ordinary A~11vltlo:i after Tnx {9 t 10\ (178 ee: 41? 1?88 001 (405.54) (!.110 4) (6'.:0201
-- llP.m1< . . . .
13 Net Profit I (L.on) for the pariod ( 11i12) (178.5G) '1.12 (288.90) (40ij.b4) (ll10 1~) (!iC\l.W)
14 Paid-up Cquity Share Capital (ra:e Value Rs.101. per Siae> 1,090.24 'l,C9-0.24 990.21 1,098.24 998 2~ 998.2'1
15 Reserve!l excluding qevaluatlon Reserves as per balance sieet of
i:;revious accountil"g year
. - 3, 138.63
- I
ie E;irnlng& P~r ~hi!re [b!i!f21!! ang a11er ex1raordi11a~ i!c111s)
(of Rs.10i- each; (not annualised):
Basic (1.(:i3) c.oi 12.89) (;j.f.h~ (!.J '2) (ii.101
Ollute:l (1.63) 0.04 (2.69) (3.()9) (IJ "2) (tl.1U!
1. Figures of previous periods have been re9roupA:Jfre1manr,ed whe -ever necessarv.

;!. Tl1c Company operates in two segments na-r.ely ii) Man.Jfac\urin3 of S.S. Pipes & Tubes; and (iii Wind Power Generation. Sirce
revenue. resu't anc assets of Wind Power General on are below +e prescnced er teria and hence ll'le same is r.:'lt tre.'ltP.o e1r. rF<pr.13i)le

3. Figures ot :"ree months ended 31 st December 2016 have been scbjecteo :o "Limlted n.evle'N" l:;y the Statutory Auditors as per listing

<1. The above results 1ave been reviewed by the Au::llt Committee and subsecuently appoved by the Board of Drectors at l"leir rssoect vP.
meetings held on February 4, 2017.

By Order of the Board

For Remi Edelstahl Tubulars Limited,

Mumbai (Rishabh R. Saraf)
Februory 14, 2017
Managing Director

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