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Pride Product Approval Form

Submitted to Product Approval Committee

Name Parker Bain

Date (s) submitted 10/17/16

Research Topic / Area of Study Business (Marketing/advertising)

Connection to research paper Paper focused on Marketing- included different types of

marketing and advertising and how different companies/people
use each type.

Goal of product / what problem or My goal is to effectively start a DECA chapter at Pine Lake. I
need solved or addressed will communicate what the club is, the benefits of joining the
club and reach a membership level of 30 people for the first
year. Also to promote DECA with model advertisements on
different mediums (ie. billboard, video, social media, and the
school sign).

Estimated time to complete Four months to get the club started.

People who will assist (if applicable) Mentor Mrs. Lindsay Ellis. Mrs. Ellis local team will also help
with the communication and marketing items that will be

Estimated cost / investment >$50

- Posters
- Billboard materials
- Advertisements via video, podcast, etc.

What will judges see at They will see the timeline for the initiation of this club. In
presentation? (evidence of work addition, they will see all marketing materials, including posters,
and development) flyers and announcements. I will also show meeting agendas and
minutes. They will also see a marketing plan my mentor and I
have made for DECA. As well as model advertisements on the
school billboard at the top of the loop. The judges will also see a
market plan for DECA.

Personal stretch (area of growth) My personal area of growth is gaining the knowledge needed to
create successful ads (television, billboard, and social media).
Also creating a market plan to organize the events, meetings,
and competitions in the upcoming year.

Product Description: My product is made up items used in the establishment of the DECA chapter as
well as marketing materials to generate interest in the club. It will include a market plan with different
mediums for advertising the club (outdoor, social media and TV).

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