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Insomnia – an ayurvedic view

Unblanced body elements

By Dr.Karthikeyan
Coimbatore, TN India I NOV 11 2009

In Ayurveda, there are two main causes for insomnia, namely unbalanced body elements
(Vata) and interruption in the daily routine of an individual.

The signs of aggravated Vata include restlessness, anxiety and worry. mental stress, increased
body activity, fasting, staying up late all can create disturbance in the normal body system and
thus bringing a total imbalance in Vata. Emotions such as nervousness, anxiety, hypersensitivity,
excess thought and worries, may be precipitated by a history of constipation, irregular digestion
and eating habits, and systemic dryness.

Other then the 2 main causes insomnia can also be brought on by stress, excessive
thinking/worrying, drugs or stimulants, excess travel, overwork or an irregular schedule and lack
of a regular routine.

Simple remedies for insomnia

 Follow the nature’s pattern of sleep and wake fullness, means rising with sun and sleep in sun set
(typically at least 7-8hours of sound sleep).
 Regular exercises and yoga can also help. Yogic asanas such as paschimottasana, shirasana,
sarvangasana, uttanasana, have proven to be extremely helpful.
 Do not eat a heavy dinner, and avoid spicy food at night. Ayurveda recommends a light dinner
eaten at least three hours before bed.
 Avoid alcohol and caffeinated beverages.
 Cows milk is a nectar for sleep. A cup of warm milk with 1 table spoon of honey will induce sleep
 Soaking your legs in warm water for 5-10 min before sleep, and massaging the calves, soles,
palms, collar, neck, head with sesame oil is useful.
 Shiro abhyanga – prescribed medicated oil application for head before bath is helpful.
 Adding the following herbs like calamus, Bramhi, Amalaki (Indian goose berry), Aniseed, Celery,
Sarpaganda, Aswaganda, Valerin in your diet are useful in insomnia

In the early stages of the problem there’s no need of medication, cooling and calming the body is
the recommended line of treatment. At this stage some simple therapies can be followed like:

Abhyangam: (Oil massage).

Soft oil massage induces good sleep and blood circulation; the oil application should be
mainly to the head, face, earlobes and foot.

Shiro dhara: (oil dripping for forehead)

Dripping of Luke warm oil over the forehead is good not only for headache & stress but
also insomnia.

Thalapodichail: Covering the head with herbal paste

Tharpanam: A dam of herbal oil and juices is kept around the eyes with the help
of medicated paste.

Nasayam: (Nasal medication with milk and some medicated ghee)

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