Bibliography: Sets and Systems, Vol.61, No.2, 137-142, 1994

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List of Frequently Used Symbols

, , random, fuzzy, hybrid, or uncertain variables

, , random, fuzzy, hybrid, or uncertain vectors
, membership functions
, probability, or credibility density functions
, probability, or credibility distributions
Pr probability measure
Cr credibility measure
Ch chance measure
M uncertain measure
E expected value
V variance
H entropy
(, L, M) uncertainty space
(, A, Pr) probability space
(, P, Cr) credibility space
(, P, Cr) (, A, Pr) chance space
empty set
 set of real numbers
n set of n-dimensional real vectors
maximum operator
minimum operator
ai a a1 a2 and ai a
ai a a1 a2 and ai a
Ai A A1 A2 and A = A1 A2
Ai A A1 A2 and A = A1 A2

algebra, 1 credibility distribution, 97

Borel algebra, 6 credibility extension theorem, 86
Borel set, 6 credibility inversion theorem, 93
Cantor function, 12 credibility measure, 81
Cantor set, 7 credibility semicontinuity law, 85
central limit theorem, 69 credibility space, 88
chance asymptotic theorem, 173 credibility subadditivity theorem, 83
chance composition theorem, 169 critical value of
chance density function, 174 fuzzy variable, 128
chance distribution, 173 hybrid variable, 184
chance measure, 166 random variable, 47
chance semicontinuity law, 172 uncertain variable, 220
chance space, 157 distance between
chance subadditivity theorem, 170 fuzzy variables, 138
characteristic function of hybrid variables, 187
fuzzy variable, 146 random variables, 53
hybrid variable, 195 uncertain variables, 223
random variable, 60 entropy of
uncertain variable, 227 fuzzy variable, 132
Chebyshev inequality for hybrid variable, 186
fuzzy variable, 140 random variable, 49
hybrid variable, 189 uncertain variable, 222
random variable, 54 equipossible fuzzy variable, 96
uncertain variable, 224 Euler-Lagrange equation, 51
conditional chance, 199 event, 19, 81, 158, 205
conditional credibility, 151 expected value of
conditional membership function, 153 fuzzy variable, 108
conditional probability, 76 hybrid variable, 175
conditional uncertainty, 229 random variable, 34
convergence almost surely, 56, 142 uncertain variable, 213
convergence in chance, 191 exponential distribution, 30
convergence in credibility, 142 exponential membership function, 126
convergence in distribution, 56, 143 extension principle of Zadeh, 105
convergence in mean, 56, 143 Fubini theorem, 16
convergence in probability, 56 fuzzy element, 235
countable additivity axiom, 19 fuzzy process, 235
countable subadditivity axiom, 206 fuzzy random variable, 157
credibility asymptotic theorem, 85 fuzzy sequence, 142
credibility density function, 100 fuzzy set, 235
254 Index

fuzzy variable, 91 measurable function, 10

absolutely continuous, 100 membership function, 93
continuous, 92 Minkowski inequality for
discrete, 92 fuzzy variable, 141
simple, 92 hybrid variable, 190
singular, 100 random variable, 55
fuzzy vector, 92 uncertain variable, 225
Holders inequality for moment of
fuzzy variable, 141 fuzzy variable, 125
hybrid variable, 189 hybrid variable, 180
random variable, 54 random variable, 45
uncertain variable, 224 uncertain variable, 218
hybrid element, 235 Monte Carlo simulation, 73
hybrid process, 235 monotone convergence theorem, 13
hybrid sequence, 191 monotone class theorem, 3
hybrid set, 235 monotonicity axiom, 81, 206
hybrid variable, 159 nonnegativity axiom, 19
hybrid vector, 163 normal distribution, 30
identically distributed normal membership function, 124
fuzzy variables, 107 normality axiom, 19, 81, 206
hybrid variables, 183 optimistic value, see critical value
random variables, 33 pessimistic value, see critical value
uncertain variable, 220 power set, 1
independence of probability continuity theorem, 21
fuzzy variables, 102 probability density function, 29
hybrid variables, 182 probability distribution, 26
random variables, 31 probability extension theorem, 20
uncertain variable, 219 probability measure, 21
Jensens inequality for probability space, 21
fuzzy variable, 142 product credibility axiom, 89
hybrid variable, 190 product credibility space, 91
random variable, 55 product credibility theorem, 89
uncertain variable, 225 product probability space, 21
law of large numbers, 68 product probability theorem, 21
Lebesgue dominated convergence the- random element, 235
orem, 15 random fuzzy variable, 157
Lebesgue integral, 13 random process, 235
Lebesgue measure, 7 random sequence, 56
Lebesgue-Stieltjes integral, 17 random set, 235
Lebesgue-Stieltjes measure, 17 random variable, 22
Markov inequality for absolutely continuous, 28
fuzzy variable, 140 continuous, 23
hybrid variable, 189 discrete, 23
random variable, 54 simple, 23
uncertain variable, 224 singular, 28
maximality axiom, 82 random vector, 23
maximum entropy principle, 51, 135 self-duality axiom, 81, 206
maximum uncertainty principle, 151 -algebra, 1
Index 255

simple function, 10 uncertain process, 236

simulation uncertain sequence, 226
fuzzy, 148 uncertain set, 236
hybrid, 196 uncertain variable, 210
stochastic, 73 uncertain vector, 210
singular function, 12 uncertainty asymptotic theorem, 209
step function, 10 uncertainty density function, 212
sucient and necessary condition for uncertainty distribution, 212
chance distribution, 174 uncertainty space, 209
credibility distribution, 98 uniform distribution, 30
membership function, 94 variance of
probability distribution, 27 fuzzy variable, 123
trapezoidal fuzzy variable, 96 hybrid variable, 179
triangular fuzzy variable, 96 random variable, 43
uncertain element, 235 uncertain variable, 216
uncertain measure, 206

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