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Chapter 1 Tension, Compression and Shear 1-1, An air-filled rubber ball has a diameter of 6 in, IF he air pressure within it i increased until the ball’s diameter becomes 7 in., determine the eversge normal strain in the rubber. 1-2, The comers B and D of the square plate ate given the displacements indicated. Determine the shear stains at and B, 1.3. Two bars are used to support a load When unloaded, AB is 5 in. long, AC is 8 in. long, and the ring at A tas coordinates (0, 0), Ia load P acts on the ring at A, the normal strain in AB becomes Ey =0.02, and the normal strain in AC becomes &yc=0.035 Determine the ‘coordinate position of the ring due tothe Toad, 14, A square piece of material is deformed into the dashed position Determine the shear strain Yo aA, 1-5 A specimen is originally 1 ong, has a diameter of 0.5 in, and is subjected to a force of $00 Tb. When the force is increased from 500 Tb to 1800 Tb, the specimen elongates 0,009 in, Determine the modulus of elasticity for the material iit remains linear elastic, 1-6. A structural member in a nuclear reactor is made of a rirconium alloy. If an axial load of 4 kip is to be supported by the member, determine its required cross-sectional area. Use a factor of safety of 3 relative to yielding, What is the load on the member fit is 3 ft long and its elongation is 0.02 in? E,, =14%10%Ksi, 0, = 57.Sksi. The material hos elastic behavior. 1-7, The stress-strain diagram fora stecl alloy having an original diameter of 0.5 in. and 2 gauge Jength of 2 in. is given in the figure. If the specimen is loaded until it is stressed t0 90 si, determine the approximate amount of elastic recovery and the increase in the gauge length ater it is unloaded. 7 1-8. The stress stain diagram for a polyester resin is given in the figure. If the rigid beam is ‘supported by a strut AB and post CD made from this material, determine the largest load P that ‘can be applied tothe beam before it ruptures, The diameter ofthe struts 12 mm and the diameter ‘of the post is 40 ram. 1.9, The clastic portion of the stress-strain diagram for a steel alloy is shown in the igure. The ‘specimen from which it was obtained had an original diameter of 13 mm and a gauge length of SO ‘mm, When the applied load on the specimen is $0 KN, the diameter is 12.99265 mm, Determine Poisson's ratio forthe material 1-10, The rigid beam ress in the horizontal position on two 2014-76 aluminum cylinders having the unlosded lengths shown. Ifeach eylinder has 2 diameter of 30 mam, determine the placement x ‘of the applied $0-KN load so that the beam remains horizontal What is the new diameter of cylinder A after the load is applied? v= 0.35, 2a Chapter 2 Axially Loaded Members 2-1. Determine the resultant internal normal force acting on the cross section through point A in cach column. In (a), segment BC weighs 180(b/M) and segment CD weighs 250 (Ib), In (b), the column has a mass of 200 kg/m, 2-2. The shear stress-strain diagram fora steel alloy is shown in the figure. Ifa bolt aving @ ameter of 0.75 in, is made of this material and used in the double lap joint, determine the modulus of elasticity E and the force P required to cause the material o yield. Take ¥= 0.3, 2.3. The copper shafl is subjected to the axial Toads shown, Determine the displacement of end A with respect to end D. The diameters of cach segment are dye 2 in, and dey™ Lin. Take E., ~ 18(103)ksi 24. The A-36 stel rod is subjected to the loading shown. Ifthe cross-sectional area of the rod is ‘0mm, determine the displacement ofits end D. Neglect the size ofthe couplings at B, C, and D. 2-5. The assembly consists of three situnium (Ti-6A1-4V) rods and a rigid bar AC. ‘The ‘cross-sectional area of each rod is given in the figure. Ifa force of 6 kip is applied to the ring F, 4 determine the angle of tit of bar AC. 2-6, The assembly consists of two A-36 stool rods and a rigid bar BD, Each rod has a diameter of (0.75 in. If force of 10 kip is applied to the bar as shown, determine the vertical displacement of| the load, 2-7. The columm is constructed from high-strength concrete and six A-36 steel reinforcing rods. If itis subjected to an axial force of 30 kip, determine the average normal stress inthe concrete and in each rod. Each rod has a diameter of 0.75 in. 2-8. The post is constructed from concrete and six A-36 steel reinforcing rods, IFit i subjected to an axial force of 900 KN, determine the required diameter ofeach rod so that one-fifth of the load is carried by the stel and four-fifths by the concrete. Est = 200 GPa, Eo= 25 GPa, 2-9, If the gap between C and the rigid wall at D is intally 0,15 mm, determine the support reactions at A and D when the force P-200KN is applied. The assembly is made of A36 steel. see Chapter 3 Torsion 3-1. Determine the resultant internal torque acting on the cross sections through points B and C. Saat 3-2, ‘The solid shaft is fixed to the support at C and subjected to the torsional loadings shown, Determine the shear sess at points A and B and sketch the shear stress on volume elements located at these points 343, The solid shaft has a diameter of 0.75 in. IFit is subjected tothe torques shown, determine the ‘maximum shear stress developed in regions BC and DE of the shaft. The beatings at 4 and F allow free rotation ofthe shall 53-4. The solid steel shaft AC has a diameter of 25 mm and is supported by stapoth bearings at D and E. Its coupled to a motor at C, which delivers 3 KW of power to the shall while it is turning at SOrevis IF gears A and B remove 1 kW and 2 kW, respectively, determine the maximum shear ‘seess developed in the shaft within regions AB and BC. The shall is free to tur in its support bearings D and B. 3-5. The motor A develops a power of 300 W and tums its connected pulley at $0rew/min, Determine the required diameters of the stel shafts on the pulleys at A and B if the allowable Shear S088 8 Tya,4 "85 MPa, 3-6. The motor delivers 15 hp to the pulley at A while turing at a constant rate of 1800 rpm, Determine tothe nearest 1/8in, the smallest diameter of shaft BC if the allowable shear stress for Steel is. Tyya 12k8iThe bet doesnot slip on the pulley 3-7. The assembly is made of A-36 steel and consists ofa solid rod 20 mm in diammetr fixed tothe inside of a tube using a rigid disk at B, Determine the angle of twist at D, The tube has an outer ameter of 40 mm and wall thickness of Sram, 3-8. The shaft is made of A.36 steel. It has a diameter of | in, and is supported by bearings at A and D, which allow fre rotation. Determine the angle of twist of B with respect to D. Chapter 4 Shear Forces and Bending Moment Draw the shear-force and bending moment diagrams for the beams in the following figures. 41 42 43 44 4s 46 M,=2PL 4 48 49 410 4 “P Lat. poe AN 0 Chapter 5 Stresses in Beams 5-1. Determine the dimension a of a beam having a square crass section in terms of the radius r of | 1 beam with a circular cross section if both beams are subjected to the same internal moment ‘which results inthe same maximum bending stress. y | s 5-2, "The two solid steel rods are bolted together slong thei length and suppor the loading shown, ssume the support at A is @ pin and B is roller. Determine the required diameter ¢ of cach of| the rods ithe allowable bending stress is 0,y,,7 130 MPa, 5.3. Determine the largest uniform distributed load w that can be supported so thatthe bending ‘gress in the beam does not exceed. Fy. 5 MP2. Htsan ‘5-4 IF the beam is subjected to a shear of V=ISKN, determine the web's shear stress at A and B, Indicate the shear-stress components on a volume element located at these poins. Show that the ‘neutral axis is located at = 0.1747 m from the bottom and Iyq= 0.2182(10") mt 5-5. Ifthe applied shear force V=! kip, determine the maximum shear stress in the member. n ‘6. The brick wall exerts a uniform distributed load of 1.2kip/t on the beam If the allowable 2ksi., select the being sto i 6, = 225 ale alte sa so ies ie tg sec wih hss ph om Angel ha i iy spr he ime ee 2, yas 0s beab ‘5-7, Sclect the lightest-weight WI4 steel wido-flange beam having the shortest height from “Appendix B that will safely support the loading shown, where P=12kip. The allowable bending [$8085 18. Tapuq = 22KST and the allowable shear sites is. Typ, = 12Ksi. | | ee ‘58. The simply supported beam is mide of timber that has an allowable bending stress of sing =960 psi and an allowable shear stess of Fyy,. = 7Spsi. Determine its dimensions if it is to be rectangular and have a height to-width ratio of 1.25. ‘59. The pipe has an outer diameter of 15 mm, Determine the smallest inner diameter so that it will safely support the loading shown, The allowable bending stress is o,,,, = 167MPa and the 2 allowable shear sess is 7, = 97MPa 25Nim ee es Chapter 9 Deflections of Beams 9-1. Determine the equations of the elastic curve for the beam using the x; and xs coordinates, Specify the beams maximum deflection, £1 is constant. et eels PF | 9-2. Determine the maximum slope and maximum deflection of the simply supported beam wich is subjected to the couple moment Mo . Fis constant * — -—. 19-3, Determine the equations of the elastic curve for the shaft using the x1 and x» coordinates. ‘Speci the slope at A and the deflection atthe center ofthe shaft. BT is constant, 9-8, The beam is subjected to the load shown, Determine the equations of the slope and elastic ‘curve. Es constant. u Anwsers: Chapter 1 Tension, Compression and Shear § - os6tinsa Am 12, Soli Aplsng gonometr Fe m8) ot) am 2-1 (8) - aoe (52) - ons yh i iin (ade= 526-5 — 0603) = 0206 ad as (rola $20+ 20m) «aac a 13, Sato froma Nm Sl n= Lae ean $ + (01) ~ 105, ie Lac + hace = 8+ O09) = 12, a= VF SUP = 92260 + 528 = mai" = Shen 33317" = 691518 Y= $DAsia 33317! = 45160, rw @) = (69101 — 67268) = -0192%0 Am y= 4330) ~(4t80 — 43001) = ~02 180 Am 1-4. A square piece of material is deformed into the dashed position Determine the shear strain Yo aA, Soli as Soar Sri: Gaby = (#2) 2 Gar, = 52410) od Am Ae _ 91872586 _geo(9) ts As 16, soli pst a = : war= 4 4 Ata ean ain Sinaia Relationship: Aplin Hook's ow with 28 2 onmssian r= B= 40 055) = 1744 Noma! eee Aigsaetons = 2 Poa = 7M(03H0) = 2p an re Salto: From he rosin gram phe moda of asic oe tel ley EGA 8 pmo ast svn the pine clad orm in renee slong ne AB ‘oie hs adn Thos oso ti Rewer =P = EE Oia Ams as the pom sts p= 00S — 0 = ODT in “ruth ees in ae ents Sb ~epl-= 4082) ~ OnB4in Am 18 Solution: perc stu 48: ai So) — sa P= SEN conta) ron pear of post CD: Fea. Pa. fen OFF Solution: psu) 5 RO M6700 2 T6700 gs) mim = RAE (107) a tos — 1 = B ~05459(10) ma cn, SHY vee ERS a 10. Solution: C+ Mae As) 00) 0 Fy o 3 =) Co SMe FAI) EME By ‘ics the been i ld boil, 4 ~ By y seat (Den te ee a mnt ae ae 193 ~2y220) = a0) From E42), P= SN zm _ Tait) a me = OSC OMS) — OUND yo dy dg = 30 + SONG) = 300 am Chapter 2 Axially Loaded Members F.-19-3-3-18 seo Fy B8kip am (4130 BAS 45589-6680 y= MOAN am Solution: ‘he shea fore deepen the bape fe hl ae derma by onder the eum of he FD ston ai. SyR=& Vivo Vv « onc = 60) am 23, Solution “he costes sega A, BCaal CD Aan ~ Ane HO) = wi? and cy = F10) = 025e Tos, Pls Pantian , Paclae ,Peolen Aas Acca eae unis) 200075) 10) ‘225=jisay]* = [isa] = 074207 ‘Tee ove eaten th end A moves ny fm D. a, soles: Tie comatose fal the agmuc ate A (Som) (GLB) ~ S000 toa 32th (Patan Peta + Pst) — sma IMM awn «204035 ees = “Te potv sen ints cd D nes amy rom he fi spt 2s. Solution: ternal Force the Ros: CM Fea) 1)= 0 ep 210Ki9 BSR. 6-200~ Fag =D Fae =p zona Thaaranoy ~ O57 Parkin 406412) 20 aw TsyTaioy~ et a MR 26. Solution Here Fey ~ 10k Referng tothe FBD shown nF, G+2Ma= 0 Pep) 1(125) = 0 Fey = 6259 G+2Ma Ce 1025) — Pag) 0 Fan ~ 27529 ‘Teco seton aen fhe mas A= £ (a7) = 14S? Sine pins Fastay 3980002) ce ase [20017] —Fevkes 628012) AEs (0252904007) =oonmasia. | = oon si From the gomety Sowa Fg 4¢=ns »S an%6-am ~omin. Furtae __wayer O02 gaepsin 1 AE. Waa.) hs (+1) 66 = Ae fre mst + ames = 00309 | ro 24. Solin: Equation of ui. TER 6+ Pog 0-0 uy Compania Bene Psouiny Pe) FOG FI waN0IHH Pe = 0080 Pon el Savin Eas [Hand yk Pe= 1388Kip 21604 Average Nomat Sires 72S aus an ony a1 fo usa Am 5) 079) 28. Seltion “The oti ah sa oi down) ‘Te nema eines Pax = S009 = 04 Sins he sel as andthe comet aim bn te ormton mt Pe ‘towne Ts baat Pond Hester we __ he pase = age WA] Be AMA] 9506 = om0mS 29, Solution: quan of Hqulieans Refeog tothe freehody dara ofthe sseniy sown in. BEF, = th 20KI0) Fy Fy o a Fy = 2065088 = 20N an Sustaig seat Ea, y= 19ERMG8N ~ 10EN A Chapter 3 Torsion Be Soiaion EM,= 0 Tq~380-Sm0~0 Te= Sot Ame 322 Solutio “Titra ergs despa at Creston pas rough pot Band A ae ‘owning eam b ropetney Te potter finer of the sha 6.4 ~ (O07) ~ 9000-9) a. oe rein Ppa = C = 47ST, Tae _ Miryno75, a seaityre-conmn am 7 amar ew Tee gay osu Satie Tce _ 340210379 = = aro = sons : (ahaa = “T~~ Sar . i “ = vane Te DOES, ss (Cathe = 7 “F003 = ee san am 35, Solin: Internal Torque: Fo sbats Aan B 20 (2) LO sepg ‘aia ev) ae P= 30W = 300N-m/s 2 Fort a te ~ 00168 = 160 am 36, Solution: ‘Thc angular veo of shat ean be determined sing the uly aia pl a iene sad ss =, a - aD sue F 2 4-070 Tin am 31 Salto: hepa mm ri sd ad te Jy = 015 S090") an 0) = SY Ts aun Se OP Solin ‘Tpolar morc oinerinthe sat J Fras% = onssei ta Chapter 4 Shear Forces and Bending Moment 41 Soiton @ x $ 42 Salton on2sql2 ° “ 44 Soliton 45 Salton 42 46 Sottion ts 410 Sottion 4 a wn 41 Sttioa e ” Chapter 5 Stresses in Beams st solos: Seton Proper Te memes of inertia ofthe squeal com etons ‘out the neta ate are é 1 L tale) te~her 5 ‘Maxum Bending Ses Fr the suse ros sction.¢ ~ a2 Me _ Mian) oat ena, ana For the cola roe ection. ¢ = (ome ea Tae equte that (erma)s = (eo om ° a= ueme am 522 Salton Seton Property: fay 4e@)]-$¢ Awe Beg Sts Te main nots Ma, 00K ieee Sener ae tae = rae = Meee n= Cate = mien) sao( io) = OH i) = = 01160m = 16am Ans 53, Solin Toemoment fines ofthe cromection F coms(ois) ~ a.anrs10 Hers = 075 Tha, Ma 25ers) S(10) 54, Solon: canisyn2syons) + (o4ssyaunsya2s) + (0299,02}008) ‘TDS + (OIDSHES) + 2H OSHS + A128, QUIS? + Frans) + oasomarre - 059° £42yous) + a2(onsy029s ~ 01777 = natsH@0 ht O=F4e 00-5: (310 — 901s ~ 017,029.03) = 072191107) (1177 — ns y0.2540) = 0.5310) Oy ss83ya719110>) _ Te @2IR1200 HQ) un YE 1500HOSENIO?) sap, Te AIO 0S) Lora am F 58, Solution: 5 (250008) 210 Te) SORE ae 1 Leow) + sucess 059 #2(A)ove «2012 80) = esi A= 2091665198834) = 3.61? Solution Leading Stes From the momen! Snear. Mau = 4458p. Assim ‘ening onto the desgn an appig he Beare om, Ses to _ assay 2 = 2130? “Two coi of wid ane sction having the weigh 2 ane made They Me WID'» Sand Wis = 22 However, WI2 S22 the tote, Set WK (5, = 26nd = 1231ingt, = 2400) Star vest ein fore Wie Ag stn Ron ew dng Yon = 6 Vos ‘a2 = 206d < rae = DOK Hens, Use WID x22 am st. Solution: Frere moment apa May ~ 10841 Sete WH [5-27 d= IN andy, 02] fro te te us ~ Skip. Provide he shestes cack “RB = 3A < Faye = 12ASL(OKD Ca = 5 01912) ae b= 142ia, eck eae sy __1AS\00) ma, [aagoaag, MMe tied: Stsrcontls ne = 15 1SAASA00) A 230) a b= 18sie 59, Solin Bening Siro: From tbs monet ag, Mg = 24375. 7. Assume ‘nang onl the i. Aphing the Nera frm oe eee 1) Toa GF ‘eet. i ‘See Stee Prove a shat sre check sing te set foveal wth * (oans* — ono 1o81(10) a a 2822 ery] son =m Fm i Van = 2008. Wotan 7 sooo) Toon vans 00137) = 1SHMPH < rye — 97 MPa (OK) Chapter 9 Deflections of Beams 9. Sottion: Slope and Blase Carve tS Me a For Min) = Ba 0 c Py = Oats, = 0. From B.C: = 0 = Oatay ~ L Fam Ea PL y= at) = (From ‘i 8 uit anton di-2)- 28-2 pont ted ce fe ombeiic, 12 TeSipe Senos te ane oa E. a) The aie Cre Sabie he alae fC, Cs Cand Co Ee 2 an [6 2! BET +2) Ams 2 Mo tly OE A 2) IR am epilel- nea errs = o a Boundary Conon: y= Oats = 0 Rom Ee PL p-0404G © G0 nt ~ 1. Fre Ea BL Me fe ote 29 93, Solon: Slope and Hane Carve eft) ms ty aft Lise Bin= Eat Gn 9G a For) =P e182 -Pan +6, 0 tine Baranees “ ny Coins = Oat = a From Ee +0046 cy ay ® Duerosymmery. 22 — vats ~ 2 From a.) » ceria 6 my at ~ OFrwm E44, ~ 0 Comin noe nf pom Anjos nt $2 poate re 7 Pe ene eateis ——=-£E are) The Sop Ether Fo] cae wa, Subtitle Cit respectively. Awe Am. o 2 Ata = thy = The Eq 2) ae 10) = @-#0)-4m-G emo Anat = by = Omen 9.0) ee Bia Sia u sro M ie) Mie)venve 6 ME ‘Subsite ne vale o nt Eg), Bo aus 68-2) ae) Me Oe Ge len” ET ~ OT he Sstanse te to nd 0 2, a) Atco ete = Eh ae an os. Satin: = 02m (ig Sop on Ete Curse: ert -omme- 24

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