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BrainFit is an enrichment center.

We dont offer tutorial services and we dont

teach content-based subjects such as Science, Math, or English. What we do is we
improve the basic skills of children such as focus, memory, vision, moves, and .
Basically, instead of teaching subjects that are being taught in school, we aim to
improve learning capabilities, boost performance, shape behaviors and increasing
intelligence through cognitive training programs.

BrainFit started in Singapore in 2001. It opened its doors in the Philippines in

2011. It is founded by a team of child developmental professionals passionate
about maximizing human potential by improving brain fitness. Brain fitness is
really another term for cognitive or learning skills like memory and attention. We
prefer the term brain fitness because it implies that we can improve it, much
like physical fitness. Indeed,

What is brain fitness?

Brain fitness refers to cognitive skills such as attention, memory and critical
thinking abilities essential for learning.

Why is brain fitness important?

Both human general intelligence (IQ) and emotional intelligence (EQ) involves a
network of interconnections linked to key cognitive areas. This means that when
we build brain fitness, we are strengthening the brain networks that make us
more intelligent!

Recent brain scan research has shown that the 5 Brain Pillars are closely
associated with the brain networks responsible for human intelligence (IQ).

5 Brain Pillars

Our 5 Brain Pillars deal with how we learn and determine our ability to acquire,
retain and make use of the knowledge we gather. Knowledge is what we learn
and represents academic content, study techniques and strategies etc. Hence,
strengthening these 5 Brain Pillars means sharpening our intelligence!

Our 5 Brain Pillars are:

1) Auditory Input System

2) Visual Input System

3) Sensory-Motor Output System

4) Attention Control System

5) Emotional Control System

At BrainFit Studio, these key cognitive skills are precisely the focus points in our
training programs.

We have these so called whole-brain training programs tailored to the specific

needs of a child. We categorized the children into: Baby, Junior, and Scholar:

BABY - BrainFit Baby aims to build critical brain fitness and

intelligence pathways in a young child. For infants and toddlers from 9
months to 3 years old.

JUNIOR - BrainFit Junior is a unique and holistic program that helps

to build a strong base for successful learning in the classroom. For
preschoolers from 3 to 6 years old. SCHOLAR - For students from 6 to 18
years old.

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