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Ask out : ask someone to go on a date (mengajak) Example: Peter asked Sinta out to dinner

Bring about/on : cause (menyebabkan/menimbulkan) Example: The crisis brings about many social
Bring up : rear children (membesarkan/mengasuh) Example: Mrs. Rina brought up her brothers child

Call back : return a telephone call (menelpon kembali) Example: He wants you to call him back.
Call of : cancel (membatalkan) Example: The manager called off the meeting last night
Call on* : ask/invite to speak (mempersilahkan u/ berbicara) Example: I call on the headmaster now
to deliver his speech
Check in : register at a hotel (mendaftarkan diri masuk hotel) Example: I will check in at Surya Hotel.
Check out* : leave a hotel (meninggalkan Hotel) Example: I checked out of a hotel last night.
Cheer up : make (someone) feel happier (menghibur) Example: Please, cheer me up!
Come across* : meet by chance (menemukan) Example: we come across some new information.
Cross out : draw a line through (mencoret) Example: Cross out the second sentence!
Cut out : stop an annoying activity (menghentikan)

Do over : do again (mengulangi) Example: You have to do it over again.

Drop by, drop in* : visit informally (mampir) Drop in to my house!
Drop of : leave something/someone at a place (menurunkan) I will drop you of at the corner
Drop out* : stop going to school (keluar dari sekolah sebelum lulus)

Figure out : find the answer by reasoning (memamhami, memecahkan masalah)

Fill out : write the completion of a questionnaire or official form (mengisi)
Find out : discover information (mengetahui, mendapatkan keterangan)

Get along (with)* : exist satisfactorily/to have friendly relationship (bergaul dengan baik dengan )
Get back (from) : return from a place (kembali)
Get in, get into* : enter a car (masuk, naik)
Get of* : leave an airplane, a bus, a car, a train, a bicycle (turun)
Get on* : enter an airplane, a bus, a car, a train, a bicycle (naik)
Get over* : recover from illness (sembuh dari ) Example: I get over a cold
Get through* : finish (selesai) Example: When you get through, please help me!
Get up* : arise from bed, a chair (bangun, berdiri) Example: Get up! Its already 7 oclock
Give back : return an item to someone (mengembalikan)
Give up : stop trying (berhenti, menghentikan) Dont give up practicing English)
Go over* : review or check carefully (memeriksa, meneliti)
Grow up* (in) : become adult (menjadi dewasa)

Hand in : submit an assignment (menyerahkan tugas)

Keep up* : stay at the same position or level (terus, meneruskan) Example: Keep up studying English!
Kick out : force to leave (mengeluarkan)

Look after* : take care of (memelihara, menjaga, mengurus)

Look for* : (mencari) Example: I am looking for my friend.
Look into* : investigate (memeriksa masalah)
Look over : review or check carefully (memeriksa)
Look up : look for information in a reference book (mencari informasi)

Pass away* : die (meninggal)

Pick out : select (memilih)
Pick up : go to get someone (mengambil, menjemput)
Put of : postpone (menunda)
Put on : put clothes on ones body (memakai, mengenakan baju)
Put out : extinguish a cigarette or cigar (memadamkan)

Run into, across* : meet by chance (bertemu)

Run out of* : finish a supply (kehabisan)

Show up* : appear, come (dating, kentara/kelihatan) Example: His brilliance showed up on the exam
Shut of : stop a machine (mematikan)

Take after* : resemble (menyerupai)

Take of : remove clothing; leave on a trip (Membuka baju, berangkat)
Take out : (mengeluarkan, mengambil, membawa berpesiar)
Take over : take control (mengambil alih)
Think over : consider carefully (mempertimbangkan, memikirkan)
Turn down : decrease volume or intensity (mengecilkan)
Turn in : submit as assignment (memasukkan, menyerahkan)
Turn of : stop a machine, light, faucet (mematikan)
Turn on : begin a machine, light, faucet (menyalakan)
Turn out : extinguish a light (memadamkan, mematikan)
Turn up : increase volume or intensity (mengeraskan)

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