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Common Core State How I Currently Teach It Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)

Standard ideas
(Working with students on a one-on-one basis) (Working with students on a one-on-one basis)
7.RP.3 I ask if they understand what a proportion is Student can view following website that gives an overview of
Use proportional and what a ratio is. proportions and shows examples
relationships to solve IF the student does not know what a
multistep ratio and proportion or ratio is I explain to them
percent problems. verbally the difference and if they still Have student explore the relationship of ratio and proportions
dont understand I draw pictures to give a through practice with IXL:
IF they do understand I pick a problem a-proportion
from their assignment and show them the
step by step process. After I have the
student refer to my work to help them Student can view this website to get a quick overview of their
solve a similar problem. lesson and practice what they have reviewed:
7.NS.3 I ask student if they understand what a rational Student can view following website
number is and if they know how to work with that gives
Solve real-world and rational numbers. an overview of rational numbers and shows examples.
mathematical IF they do understand what a rational
problems involving number is I pick a problem from their For more practice student can use
the four operations assignment and show them the step by step
with rational numbers. process of how to solve that problem. website with my support when needed.
After I have the student refer to my work to
help them solve a similar problem.
IF the student does not know what a
rational number is I look up a definition
online and have them read it out loud and
we look up examples.
High School I tell student which outputs from the given Use this lesson provided by desmos to create a decaying
Functions problem to divide to find the constant percent function
F-LE.1.c rate. Afterwards I have them try it on their own then have student plot points at each unit interval and
Recognize situations on the next problem. calculate constant percent rate.
in which a quantity
grows or decays by a
constant percent rate
per unit interval
relative to another.

High School I usually input the function into desmos on my A simpler interactive overview is from
Functions computer and show them where the y-intercept
F-IF.7.e is and explain to them the end-behaviors of the and-equation.php that student can view with my immediate
Graph exponential and function discussing what domain and range support when needed.
logarithmic functions, are.
showing intercepts Use desmos for students to plot
and end behavior, and points using the table function to show their ability to graph
trigonometric exponential functions specially the intercepts and describe the
functions, showing end behavior.
period, midline, and
amplitude. (Focus on

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